Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Both boys lit up with the kisses, grinning and bouncing in sync. They really were identical twins. If Rune eased up, like he was now, they really were pretty much unable to be told apart. That was why they annoyed their mother so much when they were younger. They would tease her and tortured her about not being able to truly tell them apart. It was fun.

Relic giggled happily and boucned toward Tanner, gripping his hand and he pulled his blond love off to the other bedroom, tugging him inside and already beginning to ramble on and on about where things could go in the room. A bed, a dresser, their clothes -- everything, he was planning and waiting for the other to tell him that he did not like it or anything like that. He turned to look at him, smiling all the more. "It'll be fun! Rune and Calder will be living with us and and and ... ooo I can make more things now too! I'll still use my room when we're at Atlantis because it's huge and I love it and you got it for me and oooh! Think of this as a birthday gift! Yes. Because you feel bad for not getting me anything and 'cause you won't let me spoil you, think of this as my gift." Yep, he was excited.

Rune smiled warmly and soon he turned to Calder. Leaning forward, he placed a osft kiss to his lips before settling back. "This way, you havem ore people who love you around you, right?" He suggested before he sighed softly. His hands moved to the other's hips and pulled him to his form. "You can have your own kiiiitchen too." He smirked, looking down at him and hoping thath e was not too peeved or anything. Upset and.. something. He did not know. "And, the walls should be fairly soundproof."​
Laughing, Tanner pulled Relic to him and kissed him soundly. It was the only effective way that he'd found to effectively curb the rambling. He put the other man against the wall, kissing down his neck until he could feel the man relax a little bit. Only then did he pull away just enough to look at him. He wasn't sure how to feel, really. Tanner was excited, but also worried. In the back of his mind, the incident with Rune, and more so the reasons behind it, nagged at him. He felt bad that they did, but couldn't help it. "I'm nervous," he confessed minutes later in a soft voice. "I'm nervous that the temptation to turn to Rune because he'll hurt you will be too great..."

His own kitchen? Calder could definitely deal with that, so long as Rune let him be the one to pay to stock it with everything he'd ever wanted to have in his kitchen. "Too bad," he feigned. "I was thinking of knocking the kitchen out and building a 'play' room..." Calder grinned a little and nuzzled along Rune's jaw bone. "I didn't not want them here just for the hell of it," he assured. "I just... My image of an apartment was...smaller."
Relic giggled lightly when he pressed him into the wall. His eyes fluttered closed and he looked down at the other. Listening to him, he smiled warmly. He leant over to kiss his lips softly and then set back once more. "Mm-mm." He said and then kissed him once more with a little shrug. "I'll just start biting myself if that becomes the issue." He admitted and shrugged once more. He could not risk losing him again. He could not. He needed him now, and well, he just had not fully realized that before. Besides, now Rune had Calder and well that was not a risk. He smiled lightly, trailing his forefinger along the other's chest absently. "Mm ... Maaaybe being near Rune and Calder will make you want to borrow a few toooys..." He suggested, despite knowing the other too well for that to even be an option. He hated that so much, but loved him too much to care.

Rune laughed lightly and shook his head a bit. "I'll get a different apartment for that." He teased, knowing hte other would not even let him think about 'wasting' more money. He kissed the other's lips again and shrugged absently. "I know. I'm selfish. I wanted Relic close ..." He admitted and sighed softly, his arms wrapped around his form and he hugged him tightly to his form. "I want the two that I love most of all to be within my reach."​
He shook his head, holding back the irrational tears that were threatening. "I hate even the idea of you hurting..." Tanner's only goals were to make Relic happy, and to make Relic feel good. He didn't understand where pain came into either of them and it scared him that it did. The blond's hand moved to cup the back of his lover's neck and he kissed him, trying to soothe himself. He knew in his heart that everything would work out the way it was supposed to, but Tanner couldn't help wanting to nudge it along a little bit.

Head resting on Rune's chest, Calder leaned up to nuzzle along the base of his lover's neck. "It's not a bad selfish?" he offered, thinking everything over. "I know that you love him, and I wouldn't ever try to keep you away from him... Can't help the jealousy sometimes-I'm used to being the only one." He'd never dated anyone who was this close to their sibling before, and he was an only child. Only children were always selfish when it came to attention, and Calder was no exception. He'd just learned how to handle it better than most.

"We'll talk to Nikkos when we get back to school. It shouldn't take long to get everything here..."
Relic kissed back, of course. His hands lifted to cup the man's chin on both sides, holding him there while he kissed him passionately, trying to calm him as well. He pulled back and pressed his forehead against his, his eyes slipping closed as he did so. "I know. It's not in your personality to want to hurt me.' He whispered gently, trying to be a bit reassuring. His eyes opened and he looked at the man, a weak smile forming to his lips as he did so. "I'm sorry." He slid his arms around his torso, burying his face into the crook of his neck. He just ... would not bring it up again. He would not tell him that he felt just a slight bit under satisfied sometimes because of the lack of pain. He could not explain to him how sometimes, he needed the pain. Why else would he have a nipple piercing? Or a naval one? He liked the pain.

Rune smiled warmly. "You're awesome." He said and then planted a gentle kiss to the other's lips before he listened to telling Nikkos. He nodded a few times, taking Calder's hand as he led him over to the bedroom that would be theirs. It definitely was a big one. Perfect enough for a big bed, a dresser, and the closet ... was massive. He smiled happily as he looked around before turning back to Calder. "We can start packing when we get back, then move things here little by little. We'll order a bed for ourselves and the other two ... Have that delivered here."​
He shook his head. Tanner didn't want Relic to apologize for liking what he liked. It was a complicated situation, or at least that's how he felt, and the blond just wanted to let it drop for the time being. He hugged Relic tightly, resting his cheek against the man's forehead. They stood that way for several minutes before Tanner pulled away with a kiss to his lover's lips. "Decorate," he nudged, wanting to see what the room would look like when Relic was done with it.

Following Rune, Calder began to get his own ideas for the kitchen. The bedroom, Rune could decorate. Hell, he didn't care what the rest of the apartment looked like so long as he got to stock and organize the kitchen. Slowly, he was beginning to truly get past the cost and that Rune and Relic were basically going to pay for it all, and was getting excited. "We'll go today?" he asked about mattress and bed shopping. To anyone else, the blond could pass off his enthusiasm as just wanting to get away from Atlantis. Rune would always know better, and so Calder didn't even try to hide what he was feeling.
Relic squealed happily when the man told him he could be the one to decorate. His eyes sparkled intensly as he looked up at the other, bouncing up and down on the balls of his feet. "Really?! YAY!" He planted a firm kiss to Tanner's lips and soon dragged him out of the room at a fast pace, walking past the two in the other room, but stopping quickly to turn to them. "We're going out! I get to decorate!" He chimed happily and bounced up and down a little more. He squeaked again and then once more was off to dragging his love toward the elevator to leave.

Rune grinned. Calder was getting excited? That was great. He chuckled softly as he walked toward the man, kissing his lips just as his brother walked by. He looked over at them and arched a brow. "Oi! Hold up!" He called over to them, hoping the spaz would calm down for two seconds. He then looked down at Calder, smiling all the more. "You can go shopping for the kitchen, and I'll go for the bedroom." He said, kissing the other once more as he wrapped his hand around the other's, beginning to follow after the other two. "We can shop together or separate, which do you prefer?"​
Tanner planted his feet firmly in the ground and held Relic back when he heard Rune call for them to wait up. He loved how enthusiastic his lover was, but there was no point in dashing off in two cars to go to the same place, right? The blond pulled the other man to him and kissed him, trying to distract him for only a minute until he heard Rune's question to Calder. "We'll all go together, he answered for his friend. "You can both decorate but Calder and I want at least some say..." He didn't mention the kitchen-he knew that was his friend's domain. No one but Calder would have a say in anything except perhaps the place settings...And that was only if Rune asked him to have a say.

Calder nodded with Tanner's thinking. "The outlet stores on the outskirts? There's a wonderful kitchen place there, and a bed and bath place... A mattress store is right past that, and a furniture store out in the boondocks... We might as well all go together." Leaning up, he kissed his boyfriend, pausing to nip at the twin's bottom lip for a second. "I love you."
Relic whimpered when he was stopped, but gladly melted into the kiss. His arms wrapped around Tanner and he nuzzled into the man's chest happily. A warm smile laced his lips and he kept his head against the man's chest, listening to the others converse. He nodded a little to what the boys were saying. "Okay ... Fiiine." He grumbled a few times but kissed Tanner nonetheless. "We'll take my car, yes? That way all four of us can sit in it." He said, hearing a whine coming from Rune. "I'm not cramping my ass in a car just because you want to drive it." He stated, sticking his tongue out and he headed back to the elevator, poking the button and then tugging the other inside once it arrived, holding the door for the other two of course.

Rune smiled and kissed Calder. "I know." He teased and then tugged him toward the elevator. "Come on ... before Relic forces us." He laughed lightly, stepping inside and waiting for the elevator to get down so they could head to the outlet.​
Calder curled up to Rune in the back seat on the way out to the stores, head on his lover's shoulder. He was comfortable now; content in their decision. He knew that it was the right thing for him to do at this point in time, and that he couldn't let money get in the way of what he truly needed. The blond was a little disappointed to get out of the car, but excited to shop for his kitchen. "Lets do the bedrooms first?" As much as he wanted to shop for the kitchen, it would be better to get the room out of the way so that he could give his opinion and then go shop for the kitchen instead of holding everyone else up for him in the end. The fact that he was looking forward to getting an extra large bed to share with Rune wasn't the point!
Rune smiled as he wrapped his arms around Calder, nuzzling into his neck a little while he walked to the store, already trying to think of howh e wanted to decorate everything. He was not sure, and he definitely wanted to know what Calder thought. He did. He wanted him to be content and happy and feel utterly at ease in their bedroom.​
Calder snuck in one last peck before falling back a little, lacing his fingers with Rune's. He didn't want to step over his lover's PDA line-the blond would always respect any limitations or boundaries that the other set. The four set off for the store, taking their time. It was a nice day and there wasn't any rush, so why not enjoy themselves?

The blond had to admit that he'd had an idea of what he wanted on the car ride over, but the minute he stepped into the store, he was a little overwhelmed. He stopped his thoughts to pick out what he really wanted: A large, four-poster bed, with plenty of storage space underneath for their toys and not a lot of decorative pillows... Yep, he was really only interested in the bed. As long as the color scheme wasn't something like neon yellow and orange, he'd be fine. He told Rune so and then hung back a little more, watching for what the other liked so that perhaps he could help a little more.
[ Eff it. Bartholomew time. XD ]

After finally getting a day off from work, Bartholomew gladly made his way toward the bar that that lovely, cute thing name Bae worked. Well, Lee for him. He really had hoped for more of a rise out of hte other for teasing him with his name, but at least he did not call him Bailey. He shook his head at the thought before moving into the club. His long locks fell over his shoulders, a pair of black jeans hugged his hips tightly, perfectly hugging his rump. A simple black fishnet, long sleeved shirt was on his torso, nad that was it. He walked over to the bar, his arms crossed and resting on top of the bar top. He leant most of his weight on his arms, his ruby eyes traveling over the man behind the bar and humming happily while he waited to be served.​
Scooting around to the beat of the music, Bae was happy as ever. Sure, he was a little sexually frustrated-anyone he slept with paled in comparison to Lover and he never, ever felt completely satisfied with anyone else. Those thoughts, though, had been ignored. They weren't a part of his lifestyle, and he didn't want them to be. He almost wanted to forget just how good the sex had been and the rules that had been broken and go on with his life. Bae couldn't help, though, the quiet bubbles of joy that he felt in the pit of his stomach when he saw Bart leaning against the bar.

The dark haired man smiled and moved over to him after serving someone else their drink, and he leaned over for a light little peck. "What'll it be, lover?"
Bartholomew smirked. He definitely loved to see that little rear moving around. He chuckled softly before kissing the other back, not even thinking anything of it. Somehow, things like that just became second nature to him when he was around Lee. He did not know why, but it was. He thought about what he wanted to drink and eventually shrugged, coming up with: "Surprise me." His ruby eyes sparkled even more as he looked over the other, keeping his eyes to the man while he waited patiently for the other to get his drink order done. Ah, he could not wait for the little bartender to get off work. He had had quite the stressful week and well ... The little boys he picked up never were good enough to ease and calm his nerves.​
Bae liked being told to surprise someone with their drink, and it sadly didn't happen often enough. And so his nearly black eyes sparkled onyx at the request before sashaying away to work his magic with the alcohol and fruit juices and sodas that he had at his disposal. What came out was a cherry Mai Thai. Bae slid it across the bar to the other man with a little wink. "Hanging around 'til closing, lover?" he asked before hustling off to fill a few more drink orders. The dark haired man returned a few minutes later for his answer.
Bartholomew looked over the drink, sipping it a little before he grinned. That was quite delicious. He smiled at the thought before looking back to the man when he finally returned. Staying until closing? He grinned. "Mm .... I'm not sure if it'll be worth it . . . "He began, trailing off into his thoughts, tapping a slender forefinger upon his chin, seeming to be contemplating. To stay, or not to stay? Sure, he knew the answer, but Bae did not know that. Well, he probably could presume that his whole reason for coming here was for the 'after party'.​
Laughing a little, Bae reached over the bar and licked quickly over the other man's lips. "Don't I always make it worth your while?" he asked, eyes sparkling once again. The thought of sex with Bart excited him, even if he told himself that this was the third time and went beyond breaking the rules. The dark haired man didn't care-he needed complete relaxation and the man standing across the bar from him was seemingly the only one who could give him that. Another customer came up and waved to get his attention.

"See you at five after three, lover." At this point, he wasn't giving the other the choice, even if he had an inkling that it was why he was here.
The lycan smirked when the man licked his lips, resisting the urge to bite that tongue, but knowin he could do far worse at a later date. He chuckled softly and nodded. "Of course." He said, finishing off the rest of his drink and pushing the emptied glass toward the man. Ah, time to go dance and be sure Bae could see him. and why? To utterly tease the bartender. He would have to find a cutie, and hopefully one with a little bit of pelvic movement ability. He rreally wanted to grind against someone and practically mate with them on the floor just to torture the man who could do nothing yet.​
Walking through the halls alone was surreal. They'd moved into their apartment, but they still had to attend classes, and he and Rune still had almost no classes together. It bothered Calder that Archer wouldn't make an exception considering what had happened, but there was nothing that the morphe could do other than stick close to Nikkos's office on his free periods, or sit in on Tomias's classes when the professor didn't mind. Today, he was bored of both. And so he roamed, playing with animal morphs as he went: a cat, a rabbit, a mouse, a hawk, back to a rabbit... He hopped along, gradually morphing the long ears away and getting smaller. A brown animal with two black stripes down its back and one white one.
Rune currently was ... skipping. He did not care or anything right now. He was bored of the class and arleady knew what he needed to, so he decided to wander. Yet, it brought him a great reward - he ran into a friend from back home. Instnatly, he was happily chatting away with the brunette. They had gone to school together and well, he was one of hte few people Rune did not hate. While he was not his best friend or anything, he never minded talking to him when Relic had ... other things/people to do. Bastard leaving him like he had.​
Calder skittered along the halls, looking at everything with a new perspective. But animal or human, he'd recognize Rune's voice anywhere. The little chipmunk version of the blond ran as fast as his tiny legs would move, but skidded to a stop when he saw that he was with someone else. His back arched, hair standing on end... It was an instinctual reaction-the man that his lover was talking to was not a good person. It didn't matter that Calder didn't know who he was, or had never met him or even seen him before. He didn't need to. The blond felt it in his bones that the man was bad.
Rune perked up, looking down at the little chipmunk and laughing softly. He reached over and scooped up the little rodent and rested him against his chest, smiling all the more. "Don't be jealous." He teased, figuring that was why the other was so hair-raised. He kissed the top of his head before turning back to the man. He pouted when the other gave him a weird look with, "I gotta head out." He nodded a bit, waving while the man left. He looked down at Calder in his arms, arching a brow as he did so.​
Shaking his little chipmunk head, the blond scampered down Rune's body and only morphed back to his full form when the other man had left. Only then did he return to his lover's embrace, head resting on his chest with his arms wrapped tightly around the man's waist. "I'm not jealous. He's a bad person." The blond was completely serious, and it didn't occur to him that the statement might sound petty or jealous or anything other than truthful and concerned.
Rune sighed heavily, wrapping an arm around the other's shoulders and he shook his head a little. "Scott? Nah. He just gives off that vibe." He stated with a little laugh, kissing the blonde's temple gently. He glanced to the nearest clock and shrugged. It seemed like a perfect time to head back to the apartment, didn't it? He chuckled and led the way to his car, not caring about the other few classes they had. He let his arm slide to wrap around the other's waist, pulling him against his chest and he nuzzled into the side of his neck, purring softly. "The furniture should have arrived today." He whispered lightly, already off the topic of his friend.​
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