Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Tomias arched a brow. He took the box and slowly opened it up. He looked at the note, his lips instantly pulling into a grin. "Eee!!" He squealed, leaping toward Nikkos and pulling him against his cest with a firm kiss to his lips. "Get your cute butt dressed. OR go naked, personally, I prefer the nude." He stated, nipping his bottom lip before he began to bounce up and down, impatiently waiting for him to get dressed. He wanted to take his newest car out. That beauty had been calling to him for a long time now.

Gabriel let out a gentle laugh and nodded softly. "I'm glad you like her." he whispered, kissing him gently and he then wrapped his arms around the redhead's torso, hugging him tightly. He liked being like this. He really did not feel any need to rush things. Sure, his uncles had suggested taking the 'next step' but they were happy right now. Why possibly ruin a good thing for such useless urges such as lust? He was just happy to find someone that was so attune to him. He kissed hteo ther once more, nuzzling into his neck and he smiled hapily. "I cannot wait to taste your cooking."​
Tomias didn't disappoint him. Nikkos grinned, and tortured his lover. He moved slowly, getting dressed at his normal morning pace, which was just a hair faster than a snail might move. He anticipated a smack to his rear end anytime now, but it was too much fun to watch the other man bounce up and down like a little child on Christmas.

He was finally dressed twenty minutes later, and he moved up to Tomias, nibbling along his bottom lip. "Would you kill me if I told you that I hid the keys for you to find?" Nikkos smirked.

Humming, Sergei leaned back into Gabriel's embrace. To him, this was it. Not that he didn't have sexual urges, but he'd learned over the years to ignore them-there were usually more important things going on. And now that there wasn't, it was just second nature to not pay any attention to what his body might be craving. The Russian was enjoying himself fully with Gabriel, and he ignored what other students teased him about. At one point, Tanner had told him that everyone else was jealous because Gabriel was so beautiful. Sergei had shrugged-He only saw a person's aura. Physical beauty didn't play a factor to the man and he didn't understand how it could be to anyone else. Sergei still didn't quite get that not everyone saw another person's aura.

"Mine... Mine is not so good," he laughed. "I had to do the kasha four times before it did not burn."
Nikkos groaned, pacing around the room impatiently while the other changed so, so ... far too frickin' slow! He was about two minutes away from pouncing him and dragging him out naked when he finally had his lover back at his side. Back at his side and teasing him?! He growled, a bit annoyed at the moment. "If that is the case, I will just have the little devil who made this outfit hotrod the car." he mumbled, narrowing his eyes before those emerald eyes rolled. He scooped the other up and tossed him onto his shoulder. Without another thought, he was making his way out of the room and toward where the beauty of a car rested for him. "Or have sex with you on top of the car so that the whole school can see. Because, at the moment, my built up energy has to o somewhere, and if it's not into a car going 100 mph, then it will be into you."

Gabriel nuzzled his nose into the crook of the other's neck, shrugging nonchalantly. "I'm sure it tastes delicious." He said softly, glancing back down to te puppy and he smiled even more. She was so cute. Tania ... He would have to remember toget her a little license. That would make the pup perfect for his Sergei. "If your roommate does not want the puppy with you, then she can stay here ... and you can have access to her at anytime. You could even stay some nights.' He offered, not truly thinking anything about what others would think if Sergei stayed the night. Heck, he never even noticed people gawking over him. He was a bit more naive than a teacher should be, but he always thought and student to come up and ask for extra help only needed extra help, not that they thought he was attractive.​
Laughing, Nikkos playfully pounded on Tomias's back. "If you don't let me down, I can't tell you where the keys are." He wiggled his way down, shaking his head at his lover and refusing to admit that being taken on the car sounded sort of appealing. The brunette leaned up and nibbled on the other man's bottom lip for a moment before smirking and retrieving the keys from his own pocket. He pecked one last kiss to his lover and took off towards his car, knowing that Tomias would be close behind him.

Eyes were a little wide at the suggestion. "Stay?" The redhead couldn't grasp the concept, really. He'd never stayed with anyone other than his family, and his roommate at Atlantis. It didn't occur to him that because he and Gabriel were together that it was okay to sleep in the same room, let alone the same bed. He was more than naive when it came to relationships, and he could only hope that the other man wouldn't mind teaching him.
Tomias put him down with a bit of protest, but moved on - especially once he saw the keys. He squeaked, stealing them from his hand and planting a firm kiss to his lips before dragging him off toward the car with a happy little hum. He opened the door for him, kissing his lips passionately once more before he pulled back. "Mm .. I may have to take you on the car later. If your'e a good boy." He teased, bumping the door closed with a hip before he slid over the hood of the car to the driver's side. He hopped inside and instantly had the car revved and ready to go.

Gabriel nodded before he looked over at the man. Ah. He did not get it. He sighed softly and let his eyes slip closed for a few moments. "Yes." he began, straightening up and then looking to the redhead a bit more. "We are dating now and so, if you ever wanted, you could spend the night here." He said, not too sure if he was going a bit too fast or anything. He was positive that just sharing a bed did not mean anything. Look how long Tomias and Nikkos only shared a bed! Yes, that was his confirmation that it owuld be perfectly fine for Sergei to spend the night sometimes. He really did hate saying good-bye to him at the end of the day.​
Still laughing, Nikkos allowed himself to be dragged off and then nearly shoved into the car. He winced when Tomias slid over the hood, but calmed himself with repeating to himself that the other man knew what he was doing and wouldn't hurt the pretty red paint. The engine revved and Nikkos sighed a little contently. He loved the purr of the new engine, even if he wasn't the one behind the wheel. The administrator belted himself in and held on, knowing that it wouldn't take Tomias long to reach top speeds.

Looking up, Sergei still didn't understand, but he nodded his head anyway. He trusted that Gabriel would tell him what was right and what wasn't. Leaning up, the redhead pressed a soft kiss to the other man's lips, letting his linger against Gabriel's for a few minutes before settling back down again. "She will be okay for our dinner?"
Nikkos was right. It did not take the elder man long at all until he was swerving through the many other cars upon the road and the needle was easily rocking toward 130mph, and still going. Ah. This car was perfect. He soon enough was in town and he had to slow to a mere 50 since it was too risky to hit someone. He easily moved into a parking space, leant over to kiss his love's lips and then hopped on out. He walked to the door, opening it up and holding out his hand, grinning all the more. "Shall we?" He questioned, slipping the key into his pocket and far too impatiently waiting for the other to exit.

Gabriel looked down to the pup and nodded simply. "Yes. She shall be fine. I made sure there was nothing she could get into." He stated and then kissed the other's cheek softly before his chin slid to his shoulder and he looked over the little puppy, smiling all the more. "If you are worried, we could bring the meal back here." He offered, really just wanting to have Sergei content and happy. He did not want him to wind up worrying about little things like what Tania may or may not be doing up here all alone. She was alone for a good hour while he searched for Sergei and she did not get into anything. She had moved. Wandered aroudn the room but wound up back on the little cushion where he found her.​
It was a good thing that Nikkos trusted Tomias so completely. He had a feeling that anyone else would have been begging the man to slow down, even just a little bit. But the administrator loved it, and he sat comfortably, eyes closed and with a smile on his face. He was content to let Tomias take the reigns, even in the everyday task of driving. Well, for the most part, anyway.

He stepped out onto the curb and pecked a kiss to his lover's cheek as he nodded that he was indeed ready and followed him into the restaurant. The brunette held back, letting the other take care of the reservations and settled into the table that they were lead to happily.

Nodding, Sergei considered the options. It didn't matter too much where they ate. The kitchen was reserved for them, but Gabriel's room was nice and cozy, too. Looking up, the redhead smiled a little. "You are to pick. It is you I cook for."
Tomias smiled warmly and kissed Nikkos before he sat down on the other chair. He did not even look at his menu yet, not really caring to. He was happy right now. He did not even care that they were getting odd looks from the other couples. It was entertaining how, through all his years, there were still so many people not comfortable by 'same sex' couples. He did get pleasure in earlier years from full-on making out, fondling, touching, grinding, against the one he was with while they were beside a couple that gave them a strange look. WIth Nikkos? He felt no need. Sure, he felt hte urge to tackle him and claim him in front of everyone to see, but that was just his libido.

Gabriel thought for a while before he shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly. "We can use the kitchen. It would be a hastle to bring everything back here." He said softly, kissing his lips once more before his eyes slipped closed.​
Dinner was wonderful as soon as Nikkos learned how to ignore the stares and odd looks that they were getting. Despite the man's need for control of the world around him, the administrator didn't like to be in the spotlight. He would deal with it, though, so long as he was with Tomias. He almost had himself convinced that they were staring out of jealousy and the brunette felt that as soon as he could master that train of thought, then he would be okay with the staring and pointing and whispers.

"Where to?" he asked as they exited the restaurant. He knew that they were going somewhere else, even if Tomias hadn't planned it before hand. When the man had made dinner reservations, he didn't have free run of a beautiful car that he'd practically drooled over anytime he came within ten feet of it. He was sure that his lover had planned something either on the short ride here or throughout dinner.

Sergei left a little unwillingly to get dinner together for Gabriel. He was nervous to leave Tania, but Gabe had said she would be okay and so he trusted that. Dinner came out amazingly well by his standards. It wasn't to his mother's quality, but it was close enough that he enjoyed it. Sitting back, hands on his stomach, the redhead watched his boyfriend, trying to gauge his reaction to the food.

"It is different than probably what you are used to."
Tomias grinned, leading the other to the car and he opened the door up for him. He kissed him softly and shrugged. "It's a surprise." he whispered and then hopped on into the driver's side. It took him no time at all before he was soaring down the road at top speeds once more, far too happy to be able to be in such a beautiful car with an even lovelier passenger. He swerved through the slower cars, not even caring that he was pretty much flipped off every two cars. What did it matter to them if he got a ticket or not? It was Valentine's Day! He was supposed to have fun.

Eventually, the man came to a stop on top of a cliff. He hopped on out and took a hold of Nikkos' hand, dragging him out and walking over to the edge to plop down and look over the snow-topped mountains that were not too far off.

Gabriel sighed softly at the end of the meal. IT was delicious. Maybe not his first choice, but he enjoyed the food nonetheless. He smiled warmly and turned to look at the man across from him, smiling all the more. "It was delicious." He stated, standing up and then leaning over to plant a soft kiss to his boyfriend's lips. He then walked aroudn the table and held out his hand to the other. "Do you wish to go back to Tania now?" He questioned, knowing how worried the other had been about the little puppy they left.​
Surprise? Nikkos wasn't one for surprises but he would make an exception for Tomias. The brunette sat back and relaxed into the seat, reaching over and resting his hand on Tomias's thigh as they drove. It wasn't a sexual gesture, or suggestive. Really, it was that the administrator wanted contact with his lover, even if it was small and friendly.

He raised an eyebrow to where they were, but stepped out of the car and moved with the other man to the edge, sitting down in between Tomias's legs and leaning back into him. He had to admit that it was absolutely gorgeous and Nikkos sighed as he relaxed into the other man's torso. "Did you like your presents?"

Sergei beamed when Gabriel stated that he liked the meal. It made him happy to know that he'd made the other man happy. Nodding at the question, the Russian moved to clean up quickly. He knew that most students left the kitchen a mess for the staff to clean, but the redhead wasn't like that. He didn't like to have mess and clutter around him. And so he was a little disoriented when they walked into Gabriel's room and there were bits of chewed and torn paper everywhere.
Tomias nodded, nuzzling into the crook of the other's neck and smiling all the more. "mhm. I love them.' He said softly into his ear, kissing his neck lightly before he trailed his nose along the flesh with a soft little hum. "I even have dessert waiting for us.' he whispered with another little chuckle. He playfully thrust his hips into the other's rear suggestively before he turned his eyes back to the scenery. Ah. It really was beautiful up here.

Gabriel walked with him into the room and stopped. "Oh no." He whispered, walking into the room and he spotted the little pup chewing on a pillow. "Tania..." He said, walking over to her and swatting her nose with a firm "No" pasing his lips. She whimpered a little and he shook his head. "No. You know what you did was bad. To the cage." He said, lifting her up and then setting her into a small little cat carrier really, for her cage. He closed the door, ignoring her whimpers and he pouted. He turned back to Sergei, a sorrowful look to his features. "I'm sorry, Sergei. I had a nice dessert planned and everything." He admitted before he began to walk around to gather up all the stuffing and everything else.​
Nikkos purred at the suggestive thrust, turning his head to nip along Tomias's jaw a little bit. "I guess you don't want your other surprise, then," he murmured, still teasing. He was in a good mood today, and being with his lover like this only made it that much better. "I suppose I'll have to return it to Relic and disappoint him... Someone else must be close to my measurements..."

Sighing, Sergei moved in to help clean up. He hated that Gabriel had thopped Tania on the nose, but he knew from the little bit of television that he did watch that it was how you trained puppies. He felt bad that she was whimpering in her crate and wanted to go soothe her, but didn't. Instead, they cleaned up the stuffing and paper before he sat down for Gabriel's dessert. Tania's whimpering, though, broke his heart and after only a few minutes he was giving Gabriel his own set of puppy eyes to let her out.
Tomias arched a brow. More surprises? He liked that! But ... Why the suggestion of giving it back? A second later, he had the other pinned to the ground and a fierce bite to the neck, not enough to break skin, but fairly close. He then lifted his head and narrowed his eyes down at the man. "No! Relic will cry if you return anything he made ... And I will too." he murmured the last bit, nuzzling into the other's neck and already beginning to rock his hips teasingly against the man.

Gabriel headed to the refrigerator, pulling out the chocolate covered strawberries he made and he held them in one hand as he moved to the table to set them down. He was doing a good job of ignoring the whimpering. He was too used to being the tough teacher to give in. But, seeing Sergei looking so pathetic made him sigh heavily. Damn. He kissed his lips before walking past him to the crate. "You win." He said softly, opening up the door and then scooping up the puppy, holding her on his hip and stroking her head gently. "No more messes." He stated, kissing her head before he turned to Sergei. "Want to take her outside before we eat dessert?" He questioned, figuring she may have to tinkle.​
Nikkos whimpered at the bite, leaning into it as his back arched up. He loved the physical attentions from Tomias and he nearly missed the words that the man had spoke. "You only would if you saw what I was returning first," he commented, arching up once more to offer his flesh up to Tomias's whims. It didn't matter that it was freezing out, or that it was likely that they'd catch pnemonia if they were out here long enough. What mattered was that he wanted Tomias to take him.

Smiling, Sergei kissed Gabriel soundly before taking Tania and heading outside. The staff had a private courtyard with an exit to it close to Gabriel's room. He set the puppy out there and stood up, watching her sniff around and then look back up at him, clearly confused. "Ванная комната. Пойдите к ванной комнате." He couldn't help slipping into his native tongue and smiled when he thought about training the pup to understand Russian. The redhead waited until the puppy squatted down, and he repeated "bathroom" in Russian the entire time, hoping to put the word to the action for her, and then returned, slipping Tania under his shirt as they walked because she was shivering.

He laughed when she popped her head out of the collar of his shirt and licked his chin and he kissed the top of her head before setting her to the ground.
Tomias groaned lightly, his impatience getting the better of him. There would be plenty of time for this later, right? Beisdes, if the gift was not great, then he would drape him over the car and take him like the world was going to end. So, with a deep breath, he pulled back, smirking as he looked down at the other. "No lovin' til I get the present." He stated, hopping up and he pulled the man into his arms once more, leading the way back to the car. He practically shoved the other inside before he moved intot he driver's seat, going as fast as the car would let him. Yep, he was not one for waiting. He wanted to see just waht that other had gotten.

Gabriel arched a brow. Russian again? He turned to look at the other, listening to him talk to the dog before he realized that he was telling her 'bathroom' or something close to that in Russian. That would be interesting. Teach her the commands in Russian. It would be cool. He knew others who taught the dog sign language or even commands in German and everything of that sort. He liked it. He kissed Sergei's cheek before he wrapped an arm loosely aroudn the other's waist, leading the way back to his room to get the dessert.​
Nikkos let out a short cry when Tomias pulled away. He liked to tease, but hated being teased. At least his lover liked to go fast and that meant that they'd be at school much faster and it wouldn't be long before he could be taken. He was a little nervous about the outfit and how Tomias would react, but he didn't have Relic make it for nothing and so he would just dive right in, so to speak.

When they got home, Nikkos pushed his boyfriend to the sofa and told him to stay there before he disappeared into the bedroom, shutting the door and changing. The skirt was just right, it came just below his rear end in the back, and was just short enough in the front that it didn't reveal anything. He'd shaved his legs in the shower earlier and pulled on a pair of black knee-high, lace up, platform boots and then the shirt that Relic had made to go with it.

For once he was glad that the sofa stood in the middle of the room with the back to the bedroom. Nikkos made his way out a little shyly and wrapped his arms around Tomias's shoulders. "Ready to see?"
Tomias sat on the couch, twitching. He wanted to see what the other got him. His knee was bouncing like no tomorrow and he definitely was ready to scream. He was relieved with the arms around his shoulders. Good. He was back. He turned his head to look at his lover, pouting a little. "Yes! Chop chop!" He whimpered a little and waited for the man to be in front of him. Whatever it was better be good. He would not settle for anything less than that.

What he saw ... Definitely was approved. His jaw dropped and his emerald eyes hungrily took in the other's little attire. He lips turned up into a smirk and he reached forward and pulled the other to him, tugging him onto his lap a second later. He leant up and kissed his lips softly. "Naughty little school girl ,huh?" He whispered, beginning to trail his lips along the other's neck. His hand slid to his rump, giving it a firm grope before his fingers lifted the end of the blue plaid skirt, slipping his middle finger into the panties that he was pretty positive matched if his yougner brother had anything to say about it. "Mm ... I adore it." He whispered, his reaction to the outfit easily could be felt with the other in his lap and he did not care right now. He just wanted to take him even more than he had on the cliff.​
Taking a deep breath, Nikkos stepped out in front of Tomias and did a little twirl before he was pulled into the other man's lap. The brunette grinned and leaned in, nipping at the man's neck a little as he answered. "Mmm... only for you, though." He continued to kiss over Tomias's jaw and neck, nipping at his ear here and there. "Why? Are you going to punish me for being naughty, Mr. Arcule?" he teased, grinning as he said the words.
Tomias smirked at the man. Oh, this was going to be fun. He chuckled a little darker than normal. Leaning up, he pressed his lips hard against his, kissing him fiercly, yet still holding his passion and love for him behind the embrace of lips. "Mm... Yes." He whispered softly before nipping at the other's bottom lip as he pulled back. His eyes kept to his and he grinned. "In order to keep your grades up, Mr. Alexander ... You'll have to be my sex slave." He smirked, leaning up to kiss his lips softly. "Whatever I want, you have to do." He added, figuring that Nikkos would have faith that he would not do anything that would make him utterly uncomfortable. It was not like he planned to leave the room with this. Nope. He would not share the outfit with anyone at all.​
He growled at the words, thrusting his hips forward a little bit. Sex slave? Nikkos's heart skipped a beat and his cock twitched a little. Yes, he could definitely do that. But saying so would make the game end much too soon. "I don't know, Mr. Arcule..." Even as he spoke, the administrator's lips worked over his lover's neck. "Are you sure that's the only thing that I can do?" The words were purred into the other man's ear.
Tomias groaned gently when the other began to kiss along his neck. His eyes already fluttered closed and his hands gripped firmly to his tight rear that he held. His hands began to trail over his rump, trying to not rip off the clothes and just take him on the coffee table. He really was giving into his more animalistic side, but he could contain himself. He took in a deep breath and looked down at the man and the outfit he wore, moaning just a little. "Yes ... That is the only punishment I see fit. Unless, of course, you can think of something of equal punishment" He whispered, thrusting his hips up and into the other, adding a simple, "but I doubt it."​
Nikkos whimpered, resting his head against his lover's shoulder as he allowed Tomias to ravage him in any way he saw fit. At the words, though, Nikkos looked up, eyes wide and as innocent as he could possibly make them. The administrator shook his head. "No... No I can't think of anything Mr. Arcule..." Leaning forward, Nikkos captured Tomias's lips in a passionate kiss. "Does that mean I have to call you 'Master'?" He was a little cheeky in his question, but he would do it if his lover said yes.
Tomias purred softly. "That's right." He whispered, leaning up to kiss the other, until he heard the question. HE thought for a wihle, his lips trailing along the other's neck before he shrugged. "When you see fit." He bit into the side of his neck before he tossed him onto the couch, crawling on top of him a moment later. His lips trailing along the man's neck. "Mr. Arcule works fine for me, though." He added, tilting his eyes up to look at the other, his eyes easily spotted as being mischievous. Oh, this definitely was a great present.​
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