Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Caden's eyes slipped closed tightly as Raphael leaned up to kiss him once more. It took him a minute to regain composure, looking at the other and the slight blush to his cheeks; the blond truly studied the redhead, confirming what Tanner obviously already knew: He was falling for Raphael. Caden reached out the small distance that was between them and cupped the other man's cheek with his hand, pulling him in for another kiss, not letting it stop so soon this time.
Raphael happily let hte other pull him in for another kiss. His eyes fluttered closed and his arms slid around the other's torso, pulling him tighter and not wanting to let go any time soon. He continued to kiss him passionately for a while before pulling back to hopefully stop the room from spinned. He rested his hands on the other's hips, holding him where he was as a little laugh passed his lips. "Wow." He whispered, staring at the man's chest until his eyes lifted up to look at him, chewing his bottom lip a little bit.​
His entire world collapsed in on him as he kissed Raphael. Everything that he'd known to be true suddenly wasn't, and it was a bit overwhelming. Caden was breathless when the kiss stopped, and his eyes stayed closed for a little while after the redhead's lips left his. The whispered word just about summed it up for him, and the blond leaned forward to rest his forehead on the other man's. "I want to hate you." He chuckled a little. "I want to be as mad at you as I was that day that I tried to leave... I think I'm falling for you instead."
Raphael tilted his eyes up to look at him, smiling warmly as he did so. "I told you Cupid's a douche." He whispered, kissing his lips gently once more. "But, I'm happy ..." he giggled softly and kissed him lightly, his eye opening to see Valerius standing behind Caden. He laughed nervously, pulling back and he took a step back into the room, pulling Caden with him. "Sorry Val." He said softly, fidgetting with the front of the other's shirt as he did os. He felt bad for just blatantly kissing Caden in the doorway, but thatwas only because it was Valerius who had been waiting. He seemed so innocent! If heh ad not seen him limping home the one day and tortured him until he admitted to actually having sex [ and having had it before then ] then he never would believe him.

Valerius smiled. "It is fine, Raphael." He said gently and then walked into the room and over to his desk. He sat down and then glanced to the other man, smiling a bit more. "Hello Caden. It is lovely to see you again! How have you been?"​
Caden blushed when he realized that they had an audience, and stepped inside when he was tugged. "Hello, Valerius. I'm well, thanks." He turned back to Raphael, not wanting to be rude but needing to finish the conversation that they were in the middle of. "Slow. I need slow." After the bathroom, it was important that he say it, even though he had a gut feeling that the redhead wouldn't try something like that again. He gave another soft peck and waved goodbye to Val as he moved to leave the room. He didn't know what else to say or do and knew that Raphael would follow him if he wanted to.
Raphael smiled warmly, nodding a bit and he happily pressed his lips against his before glancing to Val. He waved to him and blew him a kiss before he bounded off after the other. He took a hold of his hand, lacing their fingers together and then resting his head against his shoulder. "So, slow." He confirmed, leaning up to kiss his cheek softly. "I can manage that." he stated and grinned all the more. "How abooout ... This Friday, we go out on a date. You, me, a nice dinner ... Sound okay?" He offered, tilting his head back to look up at him, smiling a little more. He definitely would not mind doing that. They already pretty much went on dates, but now, it would be official.​
He gave a little squeeze to the hand that slipped so nicely into his and nodded. "Yeah." It was cute that the other had asked him on a date, and it sounded like it was something that he might need in order to get over the hesitation that he was still feeling. "We can go back to that restaurant so I can oogle that hot waiter again," he teased with a little smirk, leading the other towards the grounds.
Raphael pouted before he bared his fangs playfully. "Don't make me bite you." he teased, not meaning it in the slightest. He giggled, leaning up to kiss his cheek before he rested back at his side, happy to wander the grounds with him really. "That sounds nice though. Then ice cream or ... a walk or something. Moonlit walk - we can be cliche." he chuckled and then stopped to pull the other toward him for a kiss on the lips. Yep. He was happy.​
He chuckled at the empty threat and even found himself wondering how he knew it was truly empty. He certainly didn't know Raphael well enough to know it, but all Caden could really do was trust his instincts. And they were telling him that it was an empty threat. "But he was gorgeous..." he whined playfully, stopping when he was kissed and the butterflies returned. He had to pause for a moment, eyes still closed, before composure reigned once again and he was able to walk. "Still not used to it." 'It' being everything: feeling the way he was, enjoying kissing Raphael, wanting to kiss the redhead... It was all still very foreign to him.

"You would like the moonlight, wouldn't you?" Caden, for his part, was a morning person. Up early, to bed early.
Raphael laughed softly, smiling a little more. He leant up and kissed his cheek before he continued to walk forward and he eventually stopped at a stone bench. He sat down and tugged the man toward him to sit beside him. "You can oogle at the hot waiter. It may just mean I'll have to kiss you in front of him." He stated, laughing a bit and he tugged him closer to place a kiss to his cheek. "And yes, I like the night. Always have." He stretched his arms above his head, groaning lightly with the feel of his back cracking just a bit.​
"Just to let you know, I'm generally in bed by ten." The blond leaned to the side and nudged their shoulders together. He leaned back against the back of the bench, bringing one knee up to his chest and resting his arm on top of it. "I've never... I don't know. Dated, I guess. I've never dated anyone before." Sure, he'd been on dates but never had he seen one person exclusively. "It's ironic that it's you." He turned his head so that he was looking at Raphael and leaned his cheek against his knee.
Raphael pushed back into the other, smiling warmly as he listened to the other. He turned to look at him and let out a gentle laugh. His eyes stayed to the other while he listened to him. He nodded a bit and leant over to the other to kiss his cheek once more. "Well, there is a first for everything." He stated and then rested his head against his shoulder, smiling all the more. "And I'll be sure to have you home by ten." He added absently, shrugging his shoulders absently and he let his eyes slip closed. "Yes. Irony does like to play." He chuckled softly.​
Maybe he was being immature, but Nikkos was sort of excited about Valentines day. Neither Youjin nor Gemini had celebrated it with him, and Tomias was willing to. The administrator was a little giddy through the week trying to find the perfect gift for his lover. He'd gotten him the mustang for Christmas, and while he figured that nothing could top that, he still had to try to find something. In the end, he wound up with two small-ish boxes: one was wrapped in brilliant red paper and the other in metallic silver. Both were hidden away for the moment as he stepped from the shower to dress-he had to see Relic before Tomias woke up.

Nikkos was down to the sewing room and back in record time, one box being added to the pile for Tomias and one garment bag being hung in the back of the closet for later.

Valentines day in America was very different for Sergei. He didn't celebrate it much when he was in Russia, and when he was in school here, he just didn't have time to. But the entire school was making a fuss over it and so he wanted to do something nice for Gabriel. He just...didn't know what that was yet. After speaking to his mother, though, the redhead got a few recipes that he loved and decided on a nice dinner. The Russian left his dorm early to claim the kitchen before everyone else-a four course meal took a lot of time to prepare!
TOmias wandered around the school for a while, trying to find where his love may have gone. He did not know. He was not too sure just where he had disappeared to. He had plans! He wanted to take him out to dinner and enjoy their time together and then come home and make love to him like there was no tomorrow. It was the benefit to being in love. He could tease him all through dinner and then make everything perfect once they were back here. That was his plan. Nothing big or anything. He just wanted to have fun with him. That was the important thing. No big, big plans, just a bit of chocolate and roses as a gift and then dinner.

He made his way back to the room, peeking his head inside and spotting Nikkos. He grinned, running after him and then tackling him to the ground with a firm kiss to his lips. "Happy Valentine's Day!" He chimed as he kissed him once more passionately, yet short. He pulled back, looking down at him and smiling all the more." Ready to go? well... The reservations are for six ..."

Gabriel was nervous. This was his first true Valentine's Day he was excited for. He had had them before, but never was he nervous and wanted to make the day as perfect as he could. He was not too sure what to get SErgei, but eventually, he found something that he hoped the other would like. HOpefully. He did not want to upset the other or anything. Oh, he was so, so, SO nervous.​
Smiling, Nikkos moved to the ground with Tomias effortlessly, long legs wrapping around the other man's waist to keep him in place for a few minutes. "At six, huh? Good. That gives me time to tease you." The brunette smiled and pecked a kiss to his lover once more before wiggling out from under Tomias and moving to the kitchen to make a cup of tea. Tomias wasn't the only one who could play little games like that, and Nikkos fully intended to have fun. "Let's see... Oh I can tell you that one of your family members was involved, but I can't say which one... Tea?"

Sergei slaved away at the dishes, wanting them to be perfect, just like his mother's always were. Rice kasha with cheese, Cheboureki, Apple Vareniki, and egg soup. They were only some of his favorite dishes, but maybe Gabriel would learn to like them, too. He set everything to bake or simmer and went off to find the other man, excited to tell him about the date.
Tomias pouted when he was no longer beneath him, sighing heavily and he then turned to look at the other, arching a brow with his teasing. He stood up from the ground and arched a brow as he walked over to the table to sit. "One of my relatives?" he questioned, already thinking about just who could have helped him. Rune would have suggested beating him with a bat, or offering up one of his ... interesting toys. SO, that was highly unlikely. Raphael well, he just did not even know. The kid was good for breaking the law, and that definitely was not his little Nikkos. Gabriel? No. He cannot keep a secret. He would have run to him bauling about being so sorry for keeping whatever it was from him, so that left: "Relic!" He stated with a soft little gasp, his eyes to the man and he beamed even more. "Ooo! Did you ask him for advice? He has quite the romantic thumb."

Gabriel had been wandering around the halls for a while, trying to calm himself of his nerves. IT really was not working well, to be honest. Eventually though, he spotted a familiar redhead and perked up. "Sergei!" he called over and then slowly walked over to the man. He smiled gently, leaning down to place a soft peck to his cheek before he straightened up once more. "I was looking all over for you." He said softly, his amethyst eyes sparkled as they looked over the man. Yep, he definitely was in love.​
Nikkos kept the same little grin on his face, even though he was disappointed that Tomias had figured it out. "I asked someone for help, yes." He supposed that it wasn't exactly advice that he'd asked for, but that wasn't the point. Two cups of tea were placed out and the administrator fixed his own, still not giving anything away. He enjoyed being able to surprise Tomias, even if the other man would know exactly what he'd been given and who had helped the moment he saw the box. "I can also tell you that it comes in parts." Of course, that was double speak: there were different parts to Tomias's outfit, as well as different parts to the present as a whole. "Any ideas?"

Smiling, Sergei leaned into the kiss and pecked one of his own to Gabriel's lips. "For what?" he asked, smile broadening. He liked that Gabriel had been looking for him-it made him feel special. "I have dinner. Cooking, I mean. I hope you don't... Em... Care?" His mind was running a mile a minute and while he could usually find the word "mind", it eluded him right now.
Tomias pouted. "You're mean." He stated before he reached forward, arms wrapping around the man's torso as he pulled him onto his lap with a light kiss to his neck afterward. He nipped the flesh gently before nuzzling his nose into the crook of his neck. "I'll wait to be surprised." He tilted his head to the side, a single eye looking at the man there and he smiled even more. He kept his arms around his form, hands absently trailing along his sides and top of his thighs. He glanced over to the time before turning his eyes back to hte man, smiling a little more.

Gabriel let out a gentle laugh. "No, I do not mind. Dinner sounds lovely." He stated and then leant down to place a light kiss to his lips once more. He straightened and wrapped his arms around his form, pulling him to his chest and hugging him happily. They really were going slow. He did not mind, though. He did not want to rush things. He wanted to be sure that there were no regrets and that whatever may happen, both would be thoroughly happy with. He straightened once more. "When is dinner going to be ready?" He asked out of curiosity, just wanting to know a time-range right now.​
Nikkos nuzzled into Tomias's neck, sighing contently as he was held. They stayed that way for a few minutes until Nikkos pulled back just enough to kiss the other, their lips lingering together for some time. "You make me happy." The words were just...there. He didn't have to consider saying them or think about it, they just came out as if they were absolutely supposed to. The administrator settled back into his lover's lap, resting his head on Tomias's shoulder. The reservations weren't for another three hours yet, which meant they had one to play with before having to get ready and he was perfectly content to stay as they were for that entire hour.

Smiling all the more, Sergei wrapped his arms around Gabriel and hugged him. He was happy and content for probably the first time in his life, and he didn't want to let that go. The redhead buried his nose into Gabriel's neck and breathed in deeply, loving the scent. "Dinner in... Em..." He paused to calculate the time, not moving from his comfy spot even an inch. "Em... Two hours?" That seemed to be enough time and he would go down and check on everything in an hour or so anyway.
Tomias smiled warmly, leaning up to kiss him softly before setting back onto the chair. "I'm glad." He whispered gently before once more pressing his lips to the administrator's. He definitely loved the man. There was no question about that. He loved him far more than anyone he had had in the past. That was speaking over centuries and yet, no one compared to him. He knew he was cliche, King of Cliche, really, but he just could not be happier right now. They had their ups, they had their downs, and well, Tomias was just waiting for the day when Nikkos would turn around and smash a frying pan into his temple for saying the wrong thing. He did not care though. He was happy. Kissing the other once more, he settled into the chair, looking up at him and smiling. "I love you." He whispered, leaning up to kiss his lips softly.

Gabriel waited for the other to calculate and he smiled at the answer. "Good." he said, taking his hand and lacing their fingers before he began to lead the way down the hall toward his room. He headed to his room and then stopped at the door. Slowly, he opened the door and peaked inside, glad to see what he had. He turned back to Sergei, gently pressing his hand to the other's eyes, opening his fingers a little to smile. "It's a surprise." He whispered and then took the other into the room, closing the gap between his fingers once more. He brought the other to the couch, being sure he was sitting and he wanred a gentle, "Keep your eyes closed" before he walked off to retrieve the little dachshund puppy that was curled up on a cushion. A little red bow around his neck, his ears furry, and his coat was black with brown eyebrows, paws, and a bit on his belly and the tip of his tail. He placed the pup into Sergei's lap and said, "Open."​
Nikkos whimpered softly, the words turning his knees and insides into jello all at once. He leaned further into Tomias, hugging him more tightly than before. "Love you." The words were whispered, the administrator not able to find his voice just then. He loved the effects that Tomias had on him.

They stayed like that for nearly the full hour before the brunette pulled himself away to get the first gift. Wrapped in bright blue paper with a red bow, Nikkos handed Tomias the outfit that Relic had made for him. "For tonight." He leaned over and pecked a kiss to his lover's cheek before standing behind him with his arms wrapped around the man, chin on his shoulder.

Sergei was a little confused, but trusted Gabe completely. So he followed without a word, keeping his head held high despite the odd stares and random pointing they received from his classmates. Gabriel had explained it to him; that as long as he wasn't in his class anymore, then their relationship would be okay. It made the Russian sad that he could no longer see Gabriel in class, but he liked him much too much to choose class over being able to be close to him.

He sat when prompted and kept his eyes shut like he was told to do. The warm weight in his lap confused him and when the redhead opened his eyes and saw the puppy, they lit up, his mouth turning into a small "O". It didn't click that the puppy was for him, even as he stroked the soft ears and cheek. "She is yours?"
Tomias smiled. That was really the first time he heard the administrator say he loved him. He was so happy. He kissed him lightly and nuzzled into him, happy to just be near him right now. He then perked up when he left and came back with a box. He took the item and opened it, arching a brow. Leather? Really? He stood up, resting the box on the table, kissing his lover's hand as he pulled his arms from his shoulders. He then lifted the pants, resting them against his hips, looking them over and smiling a bit more. He rested those onto the table then held the shirt up to his chest and looked over at Nikkos. "I take it, you ordered these from the little devil?"

Gabriel kneeled in front of the man, watching him with the puppy and he smiled. He laughed softly and shook his head. "No. She is yours, Sergei." He stated, leaning up and kissing his lips gently before settling back onto his knees in front of him. He stroked the pup's head a little before looking back to him. "Do you like her?"​
"Be nice to that little devil-he made something else that you'll get to see later." Nikkos reached up and kissed Tomias's cheek. "And if that doesn't tempt you to be nice, then I'll just have to withhold the present that you asked me for." The administrator stuck his tongue out at his lover as he moved off to shower. Tomias took too long and used up most of the hot water-Nikkos was going to have a hot shower tonight.

Looking up at Gabriel, Sergei was confused. "Mine?" He looked back down to the pup and continued to stroke her gently, careful not to wake or startle her. He studied her, thinking of a potential name as he looked up, eyes shining once again with a large smile on his face. "Yes!" He'd never had anything of his own to take care of, and the glow of animals had always drawn him in. Hers was soft and warm and lovely, just like her fur. Sergei leaned forward, careful not to squish the pup, and kissed the man in front of him. "Tania. Yes. Means... Em... Pixie queen."
Tomias smiled, changing into the outfit while Nikkos was away. The leather pants hugged his hips perfectly, the sides of the pants having flesh seen every inch between the leather. He pulled on the blue shirt and twirled aroudn in the mirror before he greeted his lover at the door. He grinned and spun around for him to see as well "You like?"

Gabriel beamed. He liked the puppy? Oh, he was so relieved! he really, truly was. He was not sure what else to get him. He wanted something hte other could care for and cuddle with and well, al ittle puppy seemed perfect. Tania? He smiled and leant up to kiss him. "It's lovely." He whispered, pushing himself up and rested beside him on the couch. He kissed his lips again before he rested his chin onto his shoulder, smiling a little more. "She reminded me of you. Calm and quiet and cute." He stated, turning to look at Sergei and he really was so happy right now.​
Nikkos grinned when he saw the outfit and he nodded, reaching up to kiss the other man deeply. It made him half wish that they weren't going out at all tonight. Then again, after getting his second present, Nikkos was fairly sure that Tomias would make sure that they went out. He wanted to see Tomias's face for this present most of all, really, and so the brunette, clad only in a towel slung low around his hips, dug out the red papered box and handed it to Tomias.

Inside was a simple handwritten note: "Good for one hour of driving one car belonging to Nikkos of your choice."

An hour would get them far with out Tomias drove, and he was fairly certain that his lover would pick the newest toy, but one could never be sure.

Smiling, Sergei shook his head. "Her glow is soft, like you." He could tell that she would be a playful pup, and a rather relaxed dog. She wouldn't be a protector or a fighter, but she would be loyal to both himself and Gabriel. The redhead leaned back into Gabriel, content to sit with Tania and his boyfriend until he had to check on dinner.
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