Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

"Compared to you, Godzilla is sexy," Caden retorted. He was definitely happy to see that Raphael was awake-it was a good sign at least. The blond stood without a thought and pressed a kiss to Raphael's forehead, hand slipping into the redhead's easily. "Sleep." There was nothing that either of them could do, and at least while he was sleeping, Raphael wouldn't be in any pain. Of course, the nurse had him so drugged on pain killers that Caden was a little shocked that the man could form two words together. Perhaps it had to do with the...abnormalities of his blood and from being part vampire.

The nurse came to check on Raphael while he was still awake before calling down to Tomias to update him. As for Caden, he stayed at the other man's side.
Raphael whined when he heard him tell him to sleep, whimpering ever so softly. "But ... You're my angel! Angels don't... tell me to sleep.." He mumbled, his eyes slipping closed and he really could not fight back the pain killers either. He was fast asleep once more, his fingers laced with Caden's and he gripped his hand tightly while he slept. He even wound up pulling up his hand and nuzzling into it. His eyes closed and his angellic blood, little as it was, showed through when he slept. Much like anyone decended from Andrea, sleeping was the time when the angellic blood shown through the most.

After a good day of almost pure sleeping, the man woke up once more, much better than he had been and sure that he could use less meds than what they were giving him. His amethyst eyes glanced around, trying to see if he could see Caden anywhere. In all honesty, he could hve just dreamt up that the man was there.​
Tanner wrestled Caden away from the infirmary to sleep and shower and eat. He hadn't wanted to go, but knew that he needed to. And so the blond relented. He went back to his room and slept for a few hours, showered and went down to the kitchen to get something to eat. He didn't realize how hungry he'd been or the fact that he hadn't eaten in nearly two days. He nearly swallowed his food whole because he was so hungry. When he was feeling more like himself, Caden finally returned to the infirmary, smiling to see that Raphael was awake and seemingly feeling better.

"So. Anything interesting happen say...ooooh I don't know. About two days ago?" He smirked as he pulled up a chair to the man's bedside.
Raphael, with assistance from the nurse, was now sitting up in bed, batting the woman away to attempt and tend to his wounds. He just wanted to sit for a while. She could deal with the bandages later. He stuck his tongue out at her before his hands moved to rest in his lap. He soon perked up when he heard someone else coming. His eyes traveled to the man and his lips instantly pulled up into a smile. So he WAS here! He was not just going nuts or feverish or anything of the like. He laughed gently, at least until it hurt, with his comment. "I got an A in my potions course." he stated, knowing what the other meant and he shrugged a shoulder - the one that hurt the least. "Oh, and I had a good fifteen guys beat me up since I wanted to leave the gang.' He rolled his eyes at the thought, sighing heavily and turning to look back at the blond, a wary smile to his lips. "I'll tell you the story later. If you want to know."​
Caden shook his head at Raphael, smiling a little at his antics. He had to admit that even beaten and bloodied the man was cu-- No. No. He wasn't just thinking that. The blond shook the thoughts from his head before looking up at the other man. "How about when you get out of here you tell me the story...from the beginning." He'd had no idea that Raphael had been in a gang or possibly had a criminal history, though his actions in the bathroom could have been his first clue, really.

Shaking his head, Caden reached down for his back and pulled out the food he'd brought back from the kitchen with him: cheeseburger with all the fixings and a side of homemade fries. "Hungry?"
Raphael smiled warmly and nodded. "Sounds lovely." He stated, smiling a little more and then he literally beamed when he saw the food the other had. He gasped and reached toward the other. "Oooh! You are my angel! Do you have a Dr. Pepper too?" He asked, grinning and figuring the drink might be pushing it, but hey, who knew? He gladly took the food from the other, resting it on his lap with his stomach growling intensly. He took up the burger and whimpered lightly in delight. "Oh ... You have made my day." He kissed the burger before taking a huge bite out of the food, moaning in contentment. Yep, he was a happy little boy.​
"Maybe I should leave you two alone?" he teased, standing up to go. Caden leaned over and pressed another kiss to Raphael's head, an act that had become second nature in the past few days. "I'll be back later. I have some studying to do and Rune and Relic want to see you I'm sure." Not that he'd seen either of them to give them the opportunity to say that they wanted to see their nephew, but that was beside the point. "Chew the food, huh? You'll be sick if you don't." Caden left the infirmary, going back to his room to study now that he was more at ease knowing that Raphael was okay.
Raphael was in the infirmary for a good week. His uncles had come to visit him, and they pretty much helped heal his ankle and his ribs so that he could walk properly, the rest was up to his body. He was glad for the company and was even happier to be out of the place. He waved to the nurse with his good arm and then made his way through the halls, Relic as his side and he smiled a little more. He was so cute, all worried and whatnot about him. He was glad to be able to go to his bed though. He missed it. He gave Relic a kiss to the cheek and then headed inside, greeted by hte very-worried Valerius who was instantly babbling on about how sorry he was for not visiting and that he had not even known since he was over at Julien's the whole while. Yep. His roommate was adorable.​
Caden had visited here and there over the week. At least once a day, really. He couldn't help but worry that Raphael had gotten worse since the last time he'd been there, or that they'd found something new that made his condition worse. The blond told himself that he was being silly and that he only cared as a potential friend, but his gut and chest told him that he was wrong and that it really was something more. With a sigh, he gave it a few hours since the redhead was supposed to be released from the infirmary before heading down to his dorm room and knocking softly on the door. Perhaps he was being selfish-Raphael needed to rest, after all, but Caden couldn't help it. He felt like he needed to confirm that the other man truly was okay.
With the knock to hte door, Raphael calmed his roommate a little and he walked, opening the door with a warm smile to his lips. "Hey!" He said happily, smiling all the more as he took in teh blonde. "Long time no see!" He teased, laughing lightly before he turned to look at Valerius, sighing heavily. He shook his head a bit and turned back to Caden and smiled all the more. "Wanna go get coffee?" He questioned. While being back in the dorm would be nice, he had managed a little rest and well, leaving would be fine. He just really wanted to be with Caden, so anything would do.​
"Hmmm... I don't know... I mean, the last time you left the school, you came back a bloddy mess." The blond grinned and began to walk away, knowing somewhere that Raphael would follow. That knowledge made the blond smile a little, and butterflies form in his stomach. He didn't know if he liked that or not, only because of who they were forming for, but pushed it away to be dealt with later. "How're you feeling?" he asked as they exited the building and headed towards his truck. "I know the twins healed the worst of it but..."
Raphael smiled, blowing Valerius a playful kiss before he giggled and bounced after the blonde. His left hand lifted to rest upon his broken right arm, just holding the limb for a while before he turned to Caden. Awe, he was concerned about him! He smiled a little more. "Mm ... I am fine, thank you." He hopped on his feet a bit and then stopped as he turned to look at the area in front of him, tapping his fingers upon his bottom lip before he moved into truck beside the other. He buckled up and let out a soft sigh. His eyes slipped closed and he tapped his fingers upon his knee and he looked out of the window, waiting for htem to arrive at the cafe or something.​
The cafe wasn't busy at all and Caden went to order for them. While Raphael's ankle seemed to have been heeled, the blond couldn't help the concern that was there over the other hurting himself more than had already been done. And he didn't know how else to allow the new, odd feelings to manifest themselves. Over the past few weeks, they'd forged a nice friendship, but the blond had felt that that was all that it was: a friendship. Something new had popped up in him when Tomias had told him that the redhead had been hurt. And Caden was unable to escape those feelings even though he knew that Raphael was no longer in danger. It made him a little uneasy.

Setting the two mugs down onto the table, the blond sat down and sipped at his vanilla latte. "So are you going to tell me what happened?" He was genuinely curious to know.
Raphael smiled as he sat at a little table, happy. Caden was so concerned about him and he definitely liked that. He took the mug when the other came back, setting it in front of him and beginning to absently twirl the stir stick within the caramel latte he had ordered. He then heard his question and a heavy sigh passed his lips. He would definitely have to tell him. He lifted his head and looked over at him, smiling a little more. "Well, when I was twelve I figured that it was a good idea to join a gang and get along well. It was not too bad in the beginning. Later on I wound up doing worse things. Not murder or anything. Just break-ins, theft ... The minor crimes, ya know?" He shrugged his shoulders a little nonchalantly and then turned his attention back to staring at the mug. His eyes kept to the caramel liquid, smiling a bit more. "Then, before I came here, I told them I wanted out. I had not done anything in a while and just kinda lost the urge. But, I made it official. They obvoiusly did not like it, and well, here I am."​
"They must have really liked you to have come all the way from New Hampshire just to beat the snot out of you." Caden was trying to make light of the situation as best he could. He'd been scared senseless that day, and wasn't really ready to admit that to the redhead sitting across from him. The blond sipped his coffee, not sure of what to say at this point. What he wanted to say, he couldn't bring himself to say and it filled his mind so completely that he couldn't think of anything else to say. Finally, though, the silence got to him. The blond pulled his knees up to his chest, chin resting against them while his arms wrapped around his legs.

"It scared me." His voice was low and even though he was hoping that the words would be swallowed by the conversations going on around them, he also hoped that Raphael wouldn't ask him to repeat it.
Raphael let out a short little laugh before he shook his head. "Not New Hampshire. Maine." He stated simply. His grandparents and uncles lived in New Hampshire, but he, personally, lived in Maine with his family. He liked it there. He shrued his shoulders a little to the thoughts before turning his eyes back to the man. Why did he look so upset? He looked over the man and a warm smile came to his lips as he was just barely able to hear what he said. Leaning over the table, he moved to the man and placed a kiss to his cheek. "Thank you for worrying." He whispered before he settled back onto the chair and shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly. "Don't worry too much. I'm tougher than I look." He stated with a little wink, chuckling softly as he pulled the mug toward him, continuing to stir it a bit more until he pulled it to his lips and drank a little of the liquid.​
Maine? He didn't know that the other lived in Maine. It was a nice distraction from the flittering in his stomach from the warm lips pressed to his cheek. "Maine? Where?" He didn't know what Raphael knew about him, but the redhead would probably guess why he was asking. The blond sipped his latte, giving it a little shake to mix up the sweetness of the vanilla that had settled to the bottom of the mug.
Raphael looked at the other with the question before he shrugged. "Boondocks." He laughed softly and shook his head a bit. "Pretty much at the tip of it, almost. We actually live near a lighthouse." He figured that hte other had to have relatives there, not actually lived there. That would be too awesome if he did live near him. They had not lived there for too long. Originally, his family were in New Hampshire with his grandparents, but after his sister was born, his parents wanted to find somewhere farther from cities and less nuts with how his grandmother was. That and because his uncles had shown their true deviant nature and she was frightened of waking up to her little baby girl in bondage or something. Not that they messed with kids, but she was still worried.​
"Gaspe..." It was one of the only boondocks-y places that he knew of that was near the water. Most of the other towns were near the water, but not that close. Caden's head was spinning a bit. How could they have lived so close and not known each other? Especially at the northern tip of Maine? And since when were there gangs in Gaspe? He'd never heard of any. Then again, Caden and Tanner lived fairly sheltered lives so he supposed that it was possible...
Raphael arched a brow before he let out a laugh. "Yea! That's the town." He stated, smiling all the more. He soon noticed the change of expression in the other's face, his head tilting to the side in question. Was that a bad thing? He did not think that the other would look so strange as he had. He blinked a few times, taking a small sip of his latte before once again resettling it to the table.​
"There are no gangs in Gaspe... Are there?" He was confused by that the most, and would figure out just where Raphael and his family lived later. They must live close as there was really only the main road that was on the water enough for anyone to be by a light house. "Where in Gaspe?" Okay, so his curiosity had gotten the better of him. There were too many thoughts running around in his head to focus on just one.
Gangs? Oooh! He laughed softly, shaking his head a bit. "No. Not in Gaspe. They're in a town farther away. One of the members had gone to my school and so I met them that way." He stated, hoping that the other would be a bit more at ease with the knowledge. He thought for a moment and decided directions were best. "You know when you pass the little country store run by Mr and Mrs Jones? If you go a good ten minutes past that then go left at the fork in the road ... Another fifteen minutes and before you get to the lighthouse, there is a little colonial house, white with maroon shutters... That's our house." He turned his eyes back to the other, smilingl ightly as he did so.​
He laughed. What else could he do? He could picture every inch of his town perfectly, even the house. They'd looked at that house when they moved from inland Maine a few years ago, but had bought their little cottage instead. "Tanner hates that house. When Mom and Dad were looking at that one, he melted the pipes so that they wouldn't buy it because there was 'something wrong with the plumbing'." The blond wasn't sure why his brother preferred the cottage that they eventually settled into, or why he disliked the colonial house even, but he'd had fun that day, sneaking around with Tanner to hide the fact that he was up to no good with his powers.
Raphael let out a soft laugh with the knowledge, smiling even more. "It's all right. We replaced them and then I melted them again because I couldn't get the cookie I wanted." He laughed softly at the memories, sighing contently. He loved their house. There was something about it though. Well, that could be the ghost that was there, but that was well beside the point. He smiled and turned his eyes back to Caden. "So ... You were worried about me?" He teased, over the fact that they lived near each other apparently. He was pretty positive the reason that he had never even seen the Reed family was because he was at an all boys' school - hence where he met the gang. He was such a naughty boy, even before teaming up with them.​
The blond blushed at the tease. He couldn't help that he wasn't fully comfortable with his feelings yet; he couldn't help that he still didn't fully trust Raphael after the incident in the bathroom. And yet, for the past week, all he'd wanted to do was sit at the man's side while he was in the infirmary. Caden just couldn't get past that yet. And yet, the soft teasing made him flutter inside and smile a very small smile and nod a very shallow nod. "Yeah."
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