Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Relic smiled warmly, looking up at him and he nodded. "I know." He whispered, leaning up and kissing his lips gently. "You love me." He added before leaning down to nuzzle against his neck just a bit. "I am glad I found you." He hugged him tighter, kissing the side of his chest softly and he let his eyes slip closed once more, relaxing into the other for a short while. He was happy he had Tanner. If he had not found him, and if Rune had not found Calder, he knew they would still be doing what htey had been. Finding cute men in bars or clubs or even on the streets sometimes and taking them home for some fun. That was how they worked way back when. There were quite the interesting times. It was interesting how he thought nothing of threesomes anymore. Although ... He tilted his head back once more, looking up at the other with a curious gaze. "Have you ever thought of a threeway?" He questioned, not meaning that they would have one, just a general question.​
"More than anything," he confirmed with a soft kiss to his lover's head. Tanner was ready to relax for the night, quite content to have Relic a little happier and in his arms and sated from several rounds of sex. Relic, though, seemed to have other ideas and Tanner peeked one eye open to look down at the other man, studying him in order to study the question.

"I suppose before... Well I suppose that I did. After... I changed." He stopped, trying to think of how to explain it. "Sex for you and Rune was all about pleasure-it wasn't really about who it was with or for any other reason that to get pleasure. They... They took that from me and I just never pushed the limits to see if I could get it back." Tanner sighed a little and curled into his lover a little more. "Why do you ask?"
Relic listened silently to the other's answer. He supposed being attacked by multiple people would turn mostly anyone off of having more than the one person they cared for being in bed with the. Not in the case of Rune, it only made him more adiment about having plenty of partners. Thoough, it really was not too much of a threesome since Relic was always the 'third party' if you will. And considering that they were basically the same entity at times and then factor in the fact that Rune was always the one in control. While he may have let the strange ones they met penetrate him, it was never that they were in control. Nope, it was that Rune did not want anyone to risk giving Relic a disease or hurting him too much. They had a strange method to their madness.

He shrugged lightly and then nuzzled into the other's side a bit. "Mm ... just thinking. I do not wish for one. I have had my fill ... I was just curious if it was ever a fantasy of yours."​
Relic was kissed and held tightly while Tanner thought about the comment. As he thought, he realized that he didn't know Relic's fantasies, other than pain. The thought intrigued him, as he didn't know what he and Rune had experimented with before they'd come to Atlantis. "Tell me yours." It was a request, but the blond didn't think that he'd be denied. It was an innocent question, really, and he was more than willing to share some of his that hadn't been destroyed by the rape. He chuckled as he realized that they were taking Calder's question game to a brand new level.
Relic smirked with the other's question. Leaning up, he kissed the side of his neck gently while he thought for a little. "Mm ... I love a public scene. Not out in the middle of a mall ... maybe just more so in the shadows. I admit that I find the risk of being caught quite fun." He smirked, his ice blue eyes sparkling as he looked up at the other. Sure, he had done things like that with Rune before - being in public places and everything like that, but there were plenty of other things one could do. There was a lot to be said for a bit of exhibitionism.​
"Like where?" he prodded, lips coming to kiss at and suckle on the man's neck. Tanner even nipped at the sensitive flesh here and there. The blond bit down a bit harder than normal where Relic's neck met his shoulder, though it was no where near hard enough to break the skin. He still wasn't comfortable with hurting his lover, and thought that maybe teasing like this while they were just lying here might help ease him into it. "Tell me details." Another bite.
Relic moaned softly when the man bit him, his eyes closing and his breathing caught in his throat just a bit. Oh, he definitely missed that. He pulled himself together, trying to not look too pathetic and like he was definitely turning to moosh with the other biting him. He knew that Tanner did not like to hurt him, but he could not deny how badly he would love to just feel the other break his skin. Pushing the thoughts aside, he tilted his eyes up to the other, smirking as he did so. "Mm ... Movie theater ... dressing room... a dark corner somewhere. Restaurant. Bathroom ... Anything really." He shuddered at the thoughts, and the biting of course. But he definitely would adore a scene like that.​
Tanner laved over the reddened flesh with his tongue as he groaned softly at the suggestions. They were all very do-able, no pun intended. Plans started to form for their Valentine's day date and the blond grinned with his ideas. "I think you'll like your birthday this year," he whispered as he bit once more into Relic's flesh, still not breaking skin but it wasn't a soft nip either. Relic was pulled to lie on top of him while Tanner continued to attack his neck. "Pictures," he muttered in between kisses. "I'd love to have you all dolled up and take pictures while you masturbated for me." He didn't know where such a fantasy came from, but the thought of it definitely turned Tanner on.
Relic smiled when he was pulled on top of the other. He laid on top of him and listened to the other, smiling lightly. He knew that this year his birthday would be better. It was bound to be. But, then his fantasy perked him right up. Pictures? Of him dolled up and masturbatin? Oh, that was interesting! he smirked, tilting his head back to look up at him and he leant up to kiss his lips gently. "Mm ... Then pictures of us having sex? That's actually something I have never done before." he whispered, kissing him gently once more. Sure, they videotaped it one time but pictures were something completely different. They were more personal, he thought, and he definitely liked the idea.​
Tanner thought about the suggestion. "That wasn't part of it but I'm willing to give it a go..." He smirked at his lover, his new erection pressing into Relic's hip as he continued his attention on the other man's neck. The blond wondered how those pictures might be taken, but for the moment he didn't worry about it and Tanner plotted a trip to a camera and film store to purchase a nice digital camera that he could use one night to act out his fantasy.

"Tell me another. You must have more than one?" The blond bit down to entice another fantasy out of his lover.
Relic groaned softly while the other pressed into him. His eyes fluttered closed while he chewed upon his bottom lip absently. He moaned lightly, bucking his hips up and into the other's arousal, his own presing into Tanner's thighs. He smirked after a moment, kissing the man's lips gently before his lips traveled to his ear, nipping hte lobe lightly. "Mm ... I've always thought of the library. Not even for the getting caught, but purely since we would have to be quiet." He whispered, groaning lightly into his ear while he pressed his hips into his and his eyes kept closed for a while, chewing his bottom lip. "How about you covered in whipped cream?" He leant down and wrapped his lips around the side of his neck, continuing to press and grind his bare hips against his, panting softly with just the ideas that he thought.​
"But I like hearing you beg for more," Tanner pouted playfully, taking a hold of Relic's hips and holding them in place while his own pressed up, thigh rubbing against his lover's erection. The blond's fingers moved down to play at the other's opening, which was already slick with his own seed from their earlier sessions.

"Beg, Relic." Tanner's voice was deep and throaty and lustful, almost a whisper. He didn't care what the other begged for.
Relic whimpered softly, really badly just wanting to grind against the other. He knew he had the power to do so, but he did not want to. He liked the bit of torture that this was. He moaned into his ear, his eyes fluttered closed while he panted softly. "Please?" He whispered into his ear, whimpering lightly as his hands began to trail along Tanner's torso, just wanting to feel him all the more. He definitely was ready for another round with his love and he was not ashamed to ask, or beg, for it. He pressed his fingers against the other's torso, trying to not hurt him but he was frustrated at the moment. "Please Tanner ... Take me again..."​
Groaning, Tanner turned his head and captured his lover's lips in a passionate kiss as he maneuvered himself to properly take Relic. He slid in without a problem, and moaned as he did so.

This round didn't last long, though it was just as intense as the previous two. The blond collapsed back onto the bed, breathing hard as he once again slipped from his boyfriend's body and held him close to his side. "Love you." Tanner pressed a kiss to Relic's lips as he settled down, eyes closing. He was exhausted now and fully content to lie in bed like the were and sleep.
Relic panted heavily as he stared up at the ceiling for a while, just watching the silhouettes of the evening run across the while. He slowly turned to Tanner, a wary look to his features. He cuddled up to him, his hand resting at the center of his form while his forefingers absently trailed along his muscles. "Tanner ... I have another fantasy." He whispered, knowing that this one may or may not stay trapped within his mind, but he was one who liked to switch. Maybe not with Rune, but with his other partners he enjoyed changing sometimes. "I would love to be on top ... Fully." He looked up at the other, waiting for the probable horror to pass his face. If he looked too green then he would definitely drop it. He knew he has been asking a lot of him lately, but he just had to at least ask.​
Tanner stiffened considerably at the request. He'd known it was coming. Relic had told him early on that he liked to switch, and the blond knew that he'd been on top much too long to avoid this conversation for much longer. Still, that knowledge didn't make it easier for him to accept, or even think about. He was terrified. He trusted Relic, with everything he had, but at the same time Tanner didn't want flashbacks; he didn't want those memories to reappear over something so innocent and he didn't want Relic to possibly feel guilty over it.

In the end, the answer was really simple. The blond turned onto his side, arm flung over his lover's waist as his face buried in Relic's neck. "I can't."
Relic waited patiently for the other to answer, knowing that what was said was going to come. He would have let it drop, but he could not. He stared at the opposite wall, his arms around his lover while he showed him that he was there, but he would not drop it so soon. "Why? I know it's not because you think I'll hurt you ... So why not? I love you, you love me ... I do not see the major issue at just trying ..." Maybe he was being a little insensitive. He was gang-raped, but he would not let it go. Not until he heard a valid reason. Other than risk of flashbacks or fright or anything else. Was it not obvious that they were going to be together for a long time? So, he should be able to trust him enough to let him be on top.​
Tanner shook his head, not having words to describe what was going on inside of him. "It's not that easy, Relic. It's easy for you to say 'well you trust me and know I won't hurt you'-and all of that is true. It's just not a one-two-three thing... It scares me." The blond curled up into his lover a bit more, wishing that the other man would drop the subject, but knowing better all the same. He knew that Relic had valid points, and he knew that simply because it was Relic, he should be open to trying it. But there was something that was stopping him, and he couldn't get passed it.

"I can't," he repeated softly.
Relic sighed. He knew that it was not that easy for him. But, wouldn't that help in the healing process? Maybe that was just him who thought that. He and Rune were quite alike. They did things to insure that they would get past it. While neither were 100% healed, they were fairly close. He looked down at the man, his eyes travelin along his form for a while. "What about even if we just took it small steps?" He groaned lightly and he pressed his head into the top of the other's, chewing upon his bottom lip as he did so. "Want me to go find the guys and kill them? If that'll ease your mind ..."​
"I..." Tanner didn't know what to say. The thought of even baby steps that would lead to Relic topping him scared him. The blond pressed himself further into the mattress as if that would hide him from the conversation that his lover was insisting on having. He knew better, but that wasn't the point at the moment. He needed time to clear his head and to attempt to consider the proposition rationally. Right now, he wasn't able to do that.

Tanner took long, deep breaths of Relic's scent, letting it soothe him slowly. He wanted to say yes-he wanted to give Relic what he wanted, and he wanted to show the other man that he trusted him. But the words wouldn't come. He couldn't make them come in the context of the conversation. So the blond took a different route.

"I can't tell you that I'm okay with it. But if you start to take the baby steps, I promise I'll try to be."
Relic held onto him tightly, his eyes slipped closed as he did so. He heard the other and he slowly looked down at hte man, smiling warmly. Lifting his chin up, he pressed his lips to his in a gentle embrace. "It's a start." He whispered and kissed him once more. His forehead then moved to rest against his, holding him tightly. "I'll stop for now." He added and smiled a little more, tryin to be reassuring to the other but he nuzzled into his head a little. "Let's just sleep." He kissed him again, eyes fluttering closed and he nuzzled into the pillows beneath his head a bit​
Caden lounged on his bed, hands behind his head and legs crossed at the ankle. He didn't know where Raphael was, nor did he know where Tanner or Calder were. It didn't matter, though. The blond was enjoying the day on his own for the time being. He stretched out and ducked under his bed, pulling out a text book, a pencil and a highlighter. He might as well study. Caden hadn't done any studying since he'd gotten to Atlantis and he had a sinking feeling that he'd be far behind once school started again.
In the middle of the town, in the darkest of the alleys, quite the fight ensued. There was blood, thrashing, knives, fire -- everything that could have ever been in a fight, you name it, more than likely, it happened. Sadly, most of the injuries landed upon a poor little redhead who only wanted to escape the ganglife and start over properly. Obviously, the gang had other plans. A broken rib or two, sprained ankle, he was almost gutted like a trout, and he was pretty positive that his wrist was broken. It was horrible. The worst of it all was that he was passed out in the alleyway that the men left him to lay there and die. His amethyst eyes stared at the brick walls while he watched the little stray cats wander aroudn, mewing, and a few nudging into his cheek sympathetically.

Lucky for him, Tomias came to the rescue. No one had seen the boy for a few hours and well, the uncles were all worried. Finding the man, he instantly was at his side and scooping him up, into his arms. It did not take him long to get back to the school and instantly in the infermary to get the nurse to tend to his wounds. If she could not, then he would just beg one of hte twins to heal him up. Luckily, things seemed to be okay. He may be in there a while, unless Rune or Relic feel like healing him up faster, but that may not happen for a while.

The brunette nodded to the nurse, staying with him until he was set up and by then, he was pretty much unconscious from the pain he felt. He pecked a gentle kiss to his bruised and cut forehead before making his way toward Caden's room. They may not be a couple, but they definitely cared for each other, and well, may as well let him know at the least, right? Stopping in front of his dorm, he knocked upon the door, patietntly waiting for the other the answer so that he could inform him of what happened to Raphael.​
He'd just been falling into that zone when the knock came to his door. Caden groaned at the interruption, and set his book aside before getting up and answering the door. He was surprised to see Tomias there, and even more surprised to hear what had happened. Without even thinking, the blond shot past the professor and towards the infirmary, rushing past the resident nurse and to Raphael's bedside. Caden took the other man's hand while the other soothed over his cut forehead and sweat matted hair, eyes trailing over everything to assess injuries. He looked pretty bad off, and that worried the blond. He pulled up a chair to Raphael's bedside, despite protests from the nurse, and sat there, still in shock.
Raphael remained out cold for a while. He needed the sleep in order to recover easier and faster. Tomia had gone and informed everyone what happened and suggested waiting a while to go see him. In the meantime, the little crimson haired man slept. It was not too long before those amethyst eyes fluttered open to see the blond at his side. A warm smile pulled up his split lips, looking over the other and he definitely got a warm fuzzy feeling. "Hey good lookin'." He whispered softly, his voice a little scratchy from being hit in the throat so many times.​
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