Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Calder relaxed into the bed, listening to Rune's steady heart beat. His mind raced with the possibilities of what they could do in the quest to get him better. The blond smiled as he thought of what sacrifices his lover was willing to make, knowing that he could never ask him to make any of them, even if they were offered. He dozed into a light sleep, so light that he was still fairly aware of what was going on around him. He still heard Rune's heart and still felt the warmth of his boyfriend's body beneath him.

The blond laid like that for hours before slipping from the bed to go...do something. He wasn't sure what, but sitting around doing nothing was going to drive him insane sooner or later. Calder opted for a shower, taking a change of clothes and a towel and heading there.
Rune had not been the heaviest sleeper for quite a while now. Ever since Calder started waking up in sweats and screams, he had not been sleeping properly. When they were in the Caribbean, he had slept fairly well since Calder slept fairly well. He woke up when he felt Calder move from his embrace. His ice blue eyes followed the other while he wandered around the room. A gentle sigh passed his lips and he slid out of bed as well. Following the other toward the shower, he spotted the stall he was in and sighed just a bit more. Walking over, he rested against the frame of the opening, looking at the silhouette behind the curtain. "Calder ... What can I do to help?" He asked, turning his head to look at the curtain, waiting for some sort of answer.​
He was aware of the other following him, and was grateful for it. The blond didn't say anything to Rune, but allowed him to follow and stand outside the stall as he let the hot water pound over him, washing away the grime that wasn't really there at all. He never realized that being back at Atlantis could make him feel so dirty. When Rune spoke, he poked his head out of the curtain and kissed his boyfriend for some time before nuzzling along his cheek.

"Just what you're doing," he assured the other. There was nothing else that Rune could do other than be supportive. It helped more than the other probably could fathom.
Rune kissed him back, his eyes closed while he returned the embrace. He opened his eyes, looking back at the other, a pout to his lips as he listened. Eventually, he just nodded with a soft sigh. He pulled off his pajama pants, draping them over the bench before he slid into the shower with the other. His hands slid over his hips and he kissed his neck gently. His eyes slipped closed and he pulled the man tight to his chest. "Okay." He whispered, kissing him again and he pulled him a little tighter still. "I love you, Calder." He nuzzled into him a bit more, hating how helpless he felt.​
Soft chills ran up Calder's spine with the words. He'd heard them before, and he knew them to be true, but they still effected him. The blond buried his face into Rune's neck and he breathed in the other man's scent deeply while his arms came up to wrap around Rune's neck. "That's what helps me the most," he assured the other, pressing soft kisses over the new wet flesh that was under his lips. He knew that Rune wanted to do more than what he was doing, and Calder felt bad that there was nothing else that he could do. Still, knowing that his boyfriend still loved him was the most important thing for the blond.
Relic happily stole Tanner away from school. He wanted a date, and therefore, he demanded that his boyfriend take him out to somewhere. He did not care where. Club, Bar, Restaurant, Cafe -- the where did not matter, just when and mainly with whom. So, nuzzling into his lover's neck, he giggled happily, trying to think about just where he had wanted to go. In the meantime though, he was rambling on and on about how he adored his new room and then the outfits he already was planning, happily avoiding his birthday and just offering up Valentine's Day for them to run away somewhere. Yes, he was running away. Did he care? Nope. He just had hoped that no one spilled the beans to his lover about when his birthday was. He knew Rune would not, but thatl ittle brat of a nephew definitly would.​
Tanner had laughed as Relic "kidnapped" him for a date, happily getting dressed to take his boyfriend out for a night on the town. The blond drove into town aimlessly. He really didn't know where he wanted to take Relic, and the other man hadn't given him any suggestions, either. In the end, they wound up at a little homemade ice cream shop in the center of town. The blond bought two ice cream cones, handing one to Relic and beginning to stroll along the main road.

"Run away, huh?" he asked, wondering just what Relic was running away from. "Where would we run to?"
Relic thought for a while before he shrugged his shoulders. Turning to the man beside him, he smiled all the more. "Mm ... Somewhere nice. Like Ireland! Ooor Paris or Cicily! Oooh Italy is beautiful" He giggled softly, continuing to trail his tongue along the minty ice cream in front of him. He nuzzled into his lover, just happy to be out and about on the town. Tonight was going to be fun. Maybe they would evne go to a club. It would be fun to see the many jealous faces. Besides, he looked perfect for a club! He had on a nice black skirt and then a black top on his torso with white lace around the middle of it, beneath his 'breasts' of sorts. He had on a nice little gothic styled necklace, a white barrette in his hair to pull back some of his bangs, and of course, his commando boots. He loved it!

What he did not love, was the familiar voice calling over "Relic? Relic Lin?!" The ravenette visibly cringed, freezing in place and the hand that gripped Tanner's, held tighter. Slowly, he turned around, having to resist the urge to run and possibly vomit at the sight. In front of them stood a beautiful woman with long, flowing purple locks, the left side pulled back with a lovely butterfly clip and her outfit hugged her form gorgeously.

Relic smiled a little, though he seemed more green than anything else. "H... Hey Rikki ..." He whispered, trying to build up the courage to face her once more.

The girl beamed as she walked toward the couple. "Relic! It is you! Wow! It's been forever, huh?" SHe giggled happily, her emerald eyes sparkling as she looked over the man in a skirt, definitely checking him out and obviously liking what she saw. Her attention then turned to the man beside him, a brow arching in question. "Awe. Who's your friend? he's cute."​
Tanner couldn't read Relic's mind, but he read the tightened hand and the cringing just perfectly. The blond pulled his lover into his side tightly, arm moving around his waist so that his hand was now resting on Relic's slim hip. The woman in front of them was gorgeous, but she made Relic uncomfortable and that meant that she had to go away. And he didn't like how she was gawking at his lover, either.

"I'm Tanner," he answered before Relic could. "Relic's boyfriend. Is there something that I can help you with?"
She smirked, looking over the blonde and she chuckled darkly. "Oh? Replaced me so soon?" She questioned, looking over the blonde before her shoulders lifted into a nonchalant little shrug. "I would have thought that you would have upgraded after me." She stated, looking over the other once more and she snorted. She definitely did not like this at all.

Relic was happy for the support, yet still annoyed at the woman. "Rikki ... Please. Haven't you done enough?" He whispered, looking over at the girl with quite hte pathetic look to his eyes. He hated this. He hated that he felt so weak right now purely because of her. She always managed to do that to him. She was the worst. He loved her with all his heart at one time, and then she just smashed it to pieces because she was' bored'. Yes, that was the exact reason she broke up with him. "Last I knew, I bored you, so ... Let us be."

Her eyes narrowed at the ravenette before scoffing. "Don't think I don't know your deepest desires, Relic. I do. I know them and I know for a fact he is not fulfilling them." She leant toward him, her hands behind her back as her face was almost an inch from Relic's, who seemed to have shrunk just a bit since she arrived. "You have not a mark on you, dearest. I know you love when you're marked ... You show them off ... And he doesn't seem like he'd have the balls to even do you harm anyway." She chuckled and straightned up again. "And I was not bored of you. Just our relationship. You could have saved it you know." She smirked before walking past them with a little wag of her fingers. "Buh-bye."

Relic ... was fairly close to petrified by now. Every word she said was true. Even the blame. He could have saved them. He could have. He should have run after her and shown what a man he actually was. Instead, he let her et to him even more and that was the first snowbally to create his downfall. He shuddered, turning into the man beside him and wrapping his arms around his torso tightly. "I love you, Tanner.."​
Tanner couldn't help thinking that the woman in front of them had better be damned grateful that she was, in fact, a woman. The blond was just itching to hit her; to make her pay for making Relic feel the way he did. That wasn't acceptable in his book, much more so than attempting to put him down. He watched the exchange, not giving anything of himself away, even with the remarks of Relic not being marked. They both knew why that was, and that was all that mattered.

When Relic wrapped around him, Tanner tossed away the melted remains of his ice cream and wrapped Relic up tightly. Words of love and adoration and strength were whispered to the other man while soothing kisses were pressed over his cheek and neck and shoulder. He didn't ask what the confrontation was all about: everything he needed to know, he knew. Relic was distressed and he didn't need to be more so because of nosy questions.

"Do you need to go home?" He didn't want the date to end, but also wouldn't keep Relic out if he was no longer up to it. "We can curl up with a movie and escape reality for a little while?"
Relic had lost track of where his ice cream went. He may have dropped it when he saw her. He may have broken it a while back when he was trying to not hurl. He had no idea, but he was not messy and he only wanted Tanner right now. He nuzzled into his chest, hearing his words and a warm smile traced to his lips. He loved him so much. He nodded. "We will put a rain check on our date tonight." He whispered, kissing him lightly and he kept his arms aroudn his form as he began to walk back to the car to get back to school. He would be fine after just a little cuddling. That was all he needed right now.​
Tanner's fingers carded through Relic's hair before they began to walk back to the car. The blond was mad at the woman for ruining their night, but was glad that Relic seemed to be unscathed aside from being a little shaken. So long as his lover was alright, Tanner would be, too.

He was glad to get back to the school. While the grounds were open to visitors, it wasn't likely that anyone could walk in and find them, and the administration made it a policy to not give out the room number and or location of their students. It helped Tanner feel like he could control Relic's feeling better more. Once the door was shut, his boyfriend was scooped up and brought into the bed, Tanner holding the other man close to him with a tight hold.
Relic happily curled up into Tanner once they were on the bed. He pulled him tightly to his form and his arms wrapped aroudn his waist as he did so. His eyes fluttered closed while he nuzzled into him and thought for a while. He chewed upon his bottom lip for a while though, just thinking to himself. His head rested upon the other's chest and he stared at the wall beside them, at least until he could not stand it anymore. He tilted his head back to look up at him, a pathetic look to his features as he did so. "Tanner ... I ... I know you're against it ... but would you be against even just ... a little pain? I know I am asking a lot from you, but I ... thrive for being injured. It's something messed up and I realize that ..." He stopped, not wanting to go any farther in case he had already offended his love already.​
He shifted with the question. He'd known it would come-it was only a matter of time, really. But still, Tanner wasn't ready for it. He didn't think that he'd ever be ready for it. Looking down, he kissed Relic, letting their lips linger together for a few moments before pulling back and sighing, not really sure how to answer the question. He didn't want to say no-he never wanted to tell Relic no. But Tanner didn't know if he could say yes, either.

"I want to give you everything that you want, Relic. But that... I just can't make promises, other than I'll try." The blond knew that he'd never be like Rune and enjoy causing pain to anyone, least of all Relic. But biting couldn't be so horrible, right? He was trying to convince himself, really, and he closed his eyes and cuddled close to Relic.
Relic sighed heavily, listening to the man and he nodded a little bit. "I know. I do not expect you to be anywhere near Rune's cruelty ... But just biting or ... something." He groaned. He knew he was asking a lot and he hated himself for it. He just could not ignore his need for pain. It was part of him. He shook his head a little bit before he tilted his head back, choosing a topic changer for now. "Valentine's Day is coming up." He stated and smiled a little more. he would maybe have to ask him later on. Or he could drop it and try to get used to non-violent, no-pain sex, even more. He loved being with Tanner, but he had his quirks.​
He was glad for the change of subject, and Tanner relaxed considerably. He would try for Relic, but still the subject made him very uncomfortable. Valentines Day, however, was a bright subject for the blond and he nodded. "Just Valentines Day?" he asked, wondering if Relic would finally fess up. Perhaps the twins thought they were slick at Christmas, mentioning that their mother loved Valentine's day, and then that their father went to bed early the night before their birthday, but Tanner at least had picked up on the comments and put two and two together.
Relic listend to his words and pouted just a little. He knew. He groaned and nuzzled into his chest with a little whimper. "Yes. Just Valentine's Day." He stated and nuzzled into his abs a little bit. His arms wrapped around his torso and he gripped him tightly, not liking him knowing. He lifted his head and leant over to kiss his lips softly. "My birthday has been spoiled too many times to count." He whispered, kissing his lips once more. "If you think to do anything more than just cake, I will sleep in the other bed for a month." He stated and kissed him again. "I love you. But all I need is you, and not even the cake." He sighed softly and set his rump onto the bed, knowing that he was being a little brat, but he did not care.​
Tanner laughed a little as he sat up and put one leg on either side of Relic's hips, arms wrapping around his chest. "Listen here, you," he started playfully. "I'm going to get us two little cupcakes with a candle in yours, I'm going to buy you a wonderful present whether you like it or not, we're going to go to dinner for Valentine's Day and I'm going to make a toast to your birthday whether you like it or not, and then," the blond paused here to nip at his lover's ear lobe a little. "And then I'm going to take you back here-or wherever we happen to be sleeping that night-and have my wicked way with you all night long. And if you argue, I will take you to a restaurant that sings and make them sing to you."
Relic pouted as he listened to the other's plans. He supposed that that would not be too bad. Maybe not his favorite since he did not want to celebrate his birthday, and would much rather just ignore it, but he knew that that was not a possibility with Tanner - obviously. He smiled warmly, looking up at his love and then having his fingers trail through his golden locks, pulling him closer to his form. "Hm ... I'm not sure. You may just have to give me a preview of your 'wicked ways' so I can see if enduring all that will be worth it." He murmured, leaning up and kissing him passionately. His eyes slipped closed and really, right now, all he wanted was him. He did not care about the other things that went on, he just wanted to forget everything and have his lover with him.​
Grinning, Tanner wrapped his arms tightly around Relic's waist and laid back, pulling the other on top of him. His hands slid down, coming back up underneath his lover's skirt and squeezing his rear end possessively. The blond kissed Relic as his fingers moved to the man's opening, stroking the sensitive flesh through the fabric of the panties he was wearing. Tanner loved when Relic wore skirts. He ravaged him, both men reaching their crest more than once before they collapsed onto the bed several hours later.

"So what do you say?" he asked after catching his breath. "Will it be worth it?"
Relic fell to the side of Tanner, smiling warmly as he panted gently beside him. He nuzzled into the other's neck and smiled a little more. His hand rested upon the other's stomach, absently trailing along his abdomin while he thought for a while. "Mm ... It shall suffice." He teased, tilting his head back to look up at the man. He leant up and kissed his lips softly. His eyes fluttered closed once more and he sighed gently. He rested his chin onto the other's shoulder while he kept his eyes to the other. His ice blue hues traveled along his features before he slumped against his form a bit more. "Rikki ... The woman from before ... She was the reason for my scar." He whispered softly, eyes closed and he chewed his bottom lip a little bit and he then looked back up at the other.​
He laughed, holding Relic close to him and nuzzling into his hair affectionately. When the woman was brought up, though, Tanner growled a little. He didn't like the woman, and Relic's story confirmed that he had every right to not like her. The blond looked up at his lover, leaning up to peck very soft kisses over his cheeks and chin and forehead and nose and eyes, thoroughly loving the man. "What happened, Relic?" He knew the story from Christmas, but his boyfriend had been focused on hiding his scar, not telling the story and Tanner was curious. "You can tell me to drop it if you want, too."
Relic closed his eyes when he began to kiss him, smiling weakly. He remained silent for a while before his eyes opened to look at him and he sighed softly. His eyes fluttered closed and he nuzzled into his chest for a few moments. "Rikki ... Was the first one that I was ever allowed to date, where Rune was not too upset ... I loved her and I was sure she loved me too. We dated for a good three years then ... Valentine's Day, she comes up and tells me that I was boring and she could not stand to be around me anymore. She left. I broke down ... Rune couldn't help me and the only thing I saw to help bear with the internal pain was for massive amounts of external, if not death, and so ... I jumped." He wrapped himself tighter around the other, his arms holding him tightly to his form with his eyes slipped closed as he did so. "But ... if she did not leave me, I never would have met you."​
Tanner held on tightly, silently exuding strength for Relic to grab onto should he need it. The blond listened to the story, eyes closed because he was afraid that if he opened them, he wouldn't be able to stop the tears that wanted to flow out. He hated that Relic had been hurt so severely, and he wondered why it was that the woman was still alive. The blond would have thought that Rune would have killed anyone who'd hurt his twin so badly. Tanner knew that he sure as hell wanted to.

Slowly, his eyes opened and he nudged at Relic to look at him. "I promise you. I will never hurt you like that."
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