Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

He watched the other bustle around and wait his tables with ease and grace. Really, Bae was impressed with how the man moved off the dance floor just as much as he was with him on the dance floor. He eyed the salmon dish and smiled-it was one of his favorites, and he rarely indulged in it. "Looks wonderful." Looking up to the question of anything else, he thought for a moment before smirking. "You in my bed wouldn't go amiss." He had never been shy in asking for what he wanted.
Bartholomew thought for a while. Another go with him? He debated. He would not mind. He definitely was a good fuck, but should he sleep with him again? He shrugged his shoulders after a moment, lifting up his right wrist to lance over the time, tilting his head from side to side for a bit. He then looked back to the gorgeous man. "My shift ends at eleven ... Want to meet here or at your place again? I remember where it is." He stated and then patted his sides a little. He parted his lips to say something but he heard someone nearby calling on him. He groaned lightly, forcing a smile as he turned and made his way toward the whining table. He nodded a few times to the businessmen, taking their drinks and returning a few moments back with the orders.

After everyone was settled, he returned to the other, looking at him. "Dessert at your place?"​
"On me," he promised with a wink.

Dinner was delicious and he made a mental note to return here, telling himself it was strictly for the food and not the gorgeous body that had delivered it to him. Bae paid the check, leaving a nice tip and a note of "See you around eleven, lover" before slipping out of the restaurant to go home and tidy up. The previous night had been a little wild and he'd yet to clean up from it.

When eleven rolled around, Bae set out a bowl of strawberries and champagne and his favorite set of leather bonds before collapsing onto the sofa to wait.
The end of his shift could not come fast enoguh. The businessmen creeped him out. Some school girls who came in were squealing and ugh, he just wanted to get away. He could have sworn that working at a higher class and pay resturant would simmer down the teenagers and perverts and everything, but no. He just ignore that for now. And why? He had a lovely dessert that was waiting for him just up the road. A good ten minute walk, but the night air would make him feel better. It wuold cool him off a little before he would go get hot and heavy with that gorgeous man.

Making his way up the stairs to the room, he gave a warning knock before pushing open the door. He looked around and eventually spotted the man on the couch, smiling lightly. "Hey there, sexy." He purred, stepping in a bit more and closing the door with a little bump of his hip. He walked over to where he was, waisting no time in sliding on top of the other, straddling his hips as he did so. He leant down and kissed along the otehr's neck, a little growl forming at the base of his neck. "Want to help relieve my stress?"​
He smiled when the other entered his apartment, and purred when Bartholomew was perched in his lap, and kissing down his neck. Bae's hands came to rest at the other man's hips, his own mouth moving to attack the sweet flesh along his jaw and chin. Hands moved around to cup that great ass of his, squeezing and massaging it while pulling their bodies closer together. It was odd to know what the man felt like before anything had been done. Bae estimated that this was the first man to ever be back at his apartment for a second go in a good ten years.

Maneuvering them, Bae got a hold of the man's lips and kissed him with reckless abandon as the clothes started to fly off once more in response to the question posed.
Bartholomew was all too happy with his wordless response. He had grown quite frustrated toward the end of his shift, and having someone to relieve all that annoyance definitely would be a great help. Apparently the bartender seemed to not mind the idea at all. Which definitely was a good thing. His lips collided with his, returning the passion held behind them while his hips bucked up and against the other's. He could not wait long enough to rip off their clothes - send them flying all over his apartment. He just needed to relax. He definitely needed that and so what better way to ease the nerves than to have sex with a guy he knew was good?

Grinding against the man for a while, he eventually had them both naked, straddling the other's hips and he slid his form onto the other's prick, moaning at the sensations.​
The intensity was one of the things that made the sex so good the last time, and Bae definitely wasn't disappointed this time, either. He groaned loudly as he was slid over, hips thrusting up as his fingertips dug into the other man's hips. He used his raw strength to help lift the other on and off of his prick. "So good." Bae's hips rose to meet Bart's with quick, hard thrusts. He knew this was just the first round and he was already looking forward to the next ones.

He leaned forward and bit around Bart's nipple, flicking his tongue over the pebbled nub.
The night went on for quite a while. Somehow, the couch wound up toppled over, and eventually, after having sex on multiple surfaces and with a bit of chocolate covered strawberries - Bartholomew covered the ravenette in melted chocolate then trailed the berries over the chocolate and ate them that way. It was quite a lovely time. And well, by the end of it all, the crimson and raven haired man was exhausted. He had used all that pent up frustration from the past few days of work and he did not want to go anywhere at the moment. He flopped to the side of the man, his head buried into the pillow and he panted softly while he tried to get up the energy to leave. That did not seem an option at the moment.

Looking over at the other, his crimson eyes traveled along the other's form before hitting back to his eyes. "Say ... What's your name anyway? You know mine ..." He murmured absently, not really expecting an answer, but at least the question was out there. and, well, this way, if he talked a bit, he should be able to stay awake and soon get the energy to stumble out of here.​
Once again, Bae was far from disappointed. The man had out done himself again, and had physically and sexually exhausted him. The dark haired man laid on his bed, staring up at the ceiling and panting heavily. He wanted to get up and shower-he liked sex but didn't like the sticky after effects-but his muscles just wouldn't respond to what his brain was attempting to tell them to do.

His name? Well that was a new question to him. Most didn't care. Then again, he told himself, most were one offs. "Bae," he answered, still a little breathless. "Bailey. If you call me that you'll never find yourself in this apartment again, though." He hated his first name, and never went by it when it could be avoided.
Bartholomew smiled. Bailey? that was so cute! He chuckled lightly and nodded, nuzzling into the pillow once more. "I'll call you Lee." He stated, leaning over and nipping the other's shoulder gently. His eyes no longer could stay open. He could barely even keep himself awake right now. He grumbled and tried to stay up, but it just did not work right now. "Can I stay? Just tonight ... I don't think I can move." he murmured absently, figuring that it would be a first for the man to even have a person suggest staying, yet alone actually doing it. He just could not get the energy to move. Luckily for him, he did not work in the morning or anything.​
The nickname was...tolerable, he supposed. He still preferred 'Bae', but anything was better than Bailey. And the suggestion to stay was...new. Bae couldn't remember ever spending the night with anyone before, but it was obvious that the man wasn't able to go anywhere. "Yeah. Okay." He gave a big yawn and turned onto his side, falling asleep almost immediately. He knew he'd be sorry in the morning when he attempted to peel himself out of bed, but like the man beside him, he just couldn't muster any strength to do anything.

Morning came much too soon for him, and Bae crawled out of bed to go shower.
The words barely passed the other's lips before the long haired male was asleep. He did not even dream that night. It was just sleep. That was all. He actually managed to wake himself up before the man beside him, something he found quite lovely. He had planned to just slid out of bed and sneak off ... but there was too much that stuck to him as he did so. He was sure that the other would not mind if he just borrowed the shower for a quick wash up, right/ He knew that he was breaking the rules of one-night stands, but this was their second night ... rules were already broken. He just could not go back in the state that he was. There would be too many issues along the way. He would feel hideous and that just would not do. He could not do that. He needed to be clean and look teh best! not feel like there was a candy stuck to his ass.

So, he took a quick shower, washing off all the fluids from last night and even washing his hair a bit from his work since he had sweated quite a bit. He just stepped out of the shower, a towel around his hips, when Lee walked in. He looked him over and smiled warmly. "Good morning, Lee." He leant over and pecked a kiss to his lips. "I'll brush my hair then be out of yours." He said while walking toward the counter to begin to brush his hair. He made himself at home, sure, but it was only temporary, right?​
He was a little confused with the name, still groggy. It clicked soon enough, though, and the man nodded sleepily as he pecked Bart's cheek and climbed into the shower. He didn't mind that the other had made himself very comfortable-it was a temporary thing, and he could deal with it for ten more minutes until the other got dressed and left.

His shower was a little longer than normal. Bae was still dragging around, glad that it was his second day off. His apartment could use a good cleaning and he could use a long nap.
Bartholomew glanced to the shower, continuing to brush out his long locks for a while before he placed the brush down onto the counter. He pulled the curtain aside, planting a kiss to the other's lips with a soft, "One for the road" before he turned on his heel and exited the room, and soon enough the whole building. He pulled on his pants and draped his shirt over his shoulders, not caring to button up or anything of that sort. He just did not care. His uniform for work was sweaty and dirty and he was fairly sure he got chocolate on it last night.

Shaking his head, he made his way out of the apartment, getting quite the few looks from the early go-ers of the complex. Not for the room he came frmo, but since his chest was exposed.​

Rune glanced over at Calder, arching a brow as he did so. Toys? Apparently, the sunlight was good for the other. He smirked, nipping his bottom lip before he scooped him up and draped him over his shoulder. With that, he hopped up from the towel, letting it stay there. He did not care. He was just far too excited at the moment to deal any other way. He ran up the stairs to the little hut and bumped the door closed with a hip before he moved to the bedroom. Tossing him onto the bed, he pounced on top of him a second later, straddling his hips while his lips began to caress down the side of his neck, biting him harder than he had been before. Now, he definitely was excited for the vacation. He really had wanted to play rough, but he did not want to traumatize him or anything.​
Calder laughed as he was scooped up and carried upstairs. He was genuinely happy to be here with Rune; to not have to deal with what had gone on at school. The blond let himself be tossed about like a rag doll, and let out a low, long moan when he was bitten. He wanted to be marked; to be claimed; to be dominated. Calder leaned over, capturing Rune's lips and kissing him deeply. "Black bag. Under the bed." He nipped at his lover's bottom lip once before submitting fully, offering himself over to the other man's whims.
Rune arched a brow. He really was planning this, huh? He smirked deviously before leaning over, rump in the air just to tease the other, and he pulled out the bag, rummaging for a while before he found a few toys he definitely wanted to use. He made a little sequential pile, planning to go through everything and make the other completely forget about everything. He was quite excited to be able to be cruel once again. Sure, it showed just how sadistic he was, but he did not care. He was just too happy to care. Also because the other wanting this showed improvement, but mostly it was because he wanted to ravage him like no tomorrow and leave him panting and bloody and just begging for more.

And oh how much fun he had had! Rune went through every toy he could find that would amuse him for the moment and made sure to get the little blond begging for more and for him. He loved to use the toys as a foreplay and during the actual sex of course. He truly had a lot of fun. He had not even realized it was evening by the time he finally collapsed, panting, beside his love. His arms wrapped around his form and his lips traveled along his shoulder, kissing and delicaltely nipping. His fingertips gingerly trailed over one of the better wounds left on his torso, smirking behind the other's shoulder.​
The pain surged through Calder. Were it made by anyone else, the blond probably would have stopped them long ago. But because it was Rune-because it was Rune claiming him and his body-Calder craved it. He wanted to be claimed and to be owned and to be marked. He had never wanted it before meeting Rune, but now... It made him feel so alive again. The blond turned and cuddled into the other man's arms, sighing contently as he did so. So much for going shirtless on the beach!

Calder's arm draped over his lover's middle as he relaxed fully into the man. "And to think-I almost didn't bring them," he laughed. The blond hadn't been sure as they left whether or not he wanted to bring the bag. Mostly, he didn't know if he wanted Rune to use the toys that were in it. He'd argued with himself before saying 'fuck it' and grabbing it, figuring that if they rotted under the bed for the entire week then so be it. Calder was glad he'd grabbed it.

"I like feeling like myself again."
Rune smiled lightly, wrapping his arms around the other and he nuzzled into his neck a little bit. His eyes fluttered closed and he nodded a little to his words. "Mm ... Glad I can help." he chuckled and kissed his lips once more before his stomach growle.d He pouted, glancing down to his stomach before he turned to look at the man in front of him. "I'll ... order something." He murmured, not wanting to make the other make anything. That and he was not sure if there was even food to be made in the little hut. He had not asked or anything. There might be some bottles of water, but that was probably it. So, he reached over the man, taking a hold of the phone and he then settled back onto the bed, arm wrapped around the blond. "What do you want to eat? Tomorrow, I'll take you to a cute little diner to try some of the food here, but for tonight, it's take in."​
Food? Rune wanted him to form a coherant thought that didn't revolve around what they'd just done? He had to laugh at that. Still, the blond tried. "Something...light? A salad or soup and a sandwich or something." He wasn't really sure. Really, all Calder wanted to do was curl up next to Rune and sleep. He missed being able to sleep through the night. Calder pressed a kiss to his lover's chest, basking in the post orgasmic glow. He spent a few more minutes there before forcing himself up and out of the bed to go wash up. The blond didn't dress, content to be nude in the room with just his boyfriend around, and climbed back into bed, relaxing against the headboard, legs crossed at the ankle.

"Oh. And ice cream?" He wanted something sweet, he decided.
Rune smiled, kissing him once more. Calder was so cute. he loved the little glow that he always had afterward. He chuckled softly, kising him before he went off to the shower. He turned onto his stomach, ordering two ceasar salads and a roast beef sub that they could split, and already one step ahead of his lover, he asked for some chocolate ice cream as a dessert. He hung up the phone, just in time to watch his little blond slide back into bed. He smiled, scooting toward him to rest his head on the other's lap. "Twenty to thirty minutes.' he murmured, sinking against him and his arms moved to either side of his form, pulling him tightly to his form before he settled with nuzzling into the other's thigh a little bit. "Do you feel better?"​
Calder sighed as Rune curled up in his lap, the blond's fingers stroking through his lover's silky hair. He loved the feel of Rune's hair, even though he didn't indulge in stroking it very often. "Yes," he answered a bit softly. "I think we should have done this sooner." The blond felt that staying at Atlantis had hindered his healing because he was afraid of his own shadow there. Here, they were far away and no one knew him. Now his only worry was whether or not he would return to his sullen non-self once they returned back to school.
Rune smiled warmly. He felt better? That was good. That was the whole purpose of being here. He nuzzled into his hand, feeling much like a cat but just not caring. He smiled lightly and slid his arms up just a bit to wrap around his waist, pullling his form closer. "Good ... If you want, we can either get an apartment near school ... or just ask Nikkos to get a different room for us." He suggested, knowing that staying in the same room may not be the best. Yea, the attack had not happened there, but he went there afterward and everything of that sort. That and an apartment together may be nice. He actuallly was hoping for that, but he would not push the man one route or the other.​
Calder thought about the suggestions, weighing all three options: Staying where they were, staying within Atlantis but in a different room, or getting an apartment off campus. The blond found the last the most appealing, but was a little afraid to make a decision now. He had been happy where they were in Atlantis before this whole thing, and he would miss Relic and Tanner being down the hall from them. "That's...something I don't want to talk about on vacation," he decided with a little nod. He leaned down and kissed Rune. "We'll figure it out." Another kiss and a whispered 'love you' were snuck in before there was a knock to the door announcing the arrival of their dinner.

The blond got up, after carefully lifting his lover's head from his lap, and he threw a robe on to answer the door. The tray was carried in and set on the table while he moved to get a pair of pajama pants on.
Rune smiled warmly and nodded. Kissing the other back, he smiled a little more. His eyes slipped closed and he was about to fondle him a bit more, but the knocking interrupted that prospect. He sighed softly, looked after his lover while he went off to retrieve the food, a small pout to his features as he did so. He really had wanted to cuddle and tease him a little bit, but he would suffer for now. he was too hungry to do anything else. He slid out of bed, walking up behind Calder and wrapping his arms around his shoulders, kissing his cheek softly. "Whatever makes you happy, I will do it." he whispered into his ear, nuzzling into him gently before he reached past him to get a pair of pants for himself. Pulling them on, he walked to the table to check out the salads.​
Smiling, Calder leaned back, his head resting against Rune's chest. "You make me happy. A little nutty sometimes, but happy overall." The blond looked up at his lover, smiling and with a little glint in his eye. He liked teasing his lover.

When dinner was presented to him, though, thoughts of anything else flew out of his head. Calder was hungrier than he'd thought before and was glad for the sandwich ordered to go with the salads. The blond dug in. Caesar salad was one of his favorite salads, and this dressing was especially well made. Had he not been shoveling said salad into his mouth, Calder would have said so.

With dinner finished, Calder moved to strip the bed and put on the extra pair of sheets that he'd found in the linen closet. He, at least, was showered and clean and didn't feel like lying in a sticky and messy bed.
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