Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

He laughed, shaking his head a little as he did so. "A little.' He teased back, despite the obvious truth that lay beneath the surface of his words. He settled into the seat and shook his head to the question. "No. I have some work I need to finish and you tire a guy out, you know." He chuckled, turning to look at the man beside him, smiling all the more. His eyes sparkled just a little bit and he truly was content. While the waiter hitting on him may not be the highlight of the night, the rest of it was fun. He had a good time and well, he was glad to see that the blond no longer seemed to hate him, and that he actually seemed to trust him - if even a hair more htan before.​
Work on a Friday night was his favorite night. He could easily clear three hundred dollars in tips, and score at least five numbers...if not multiple partners. When all three of them came together in one night, Bae was a very happy camper. The dark-haired man bounced to the beat of the techno music that pulsed through the club as he filled drink orders for the impatient bastards the club called customers. He wiggled his leather-clad ass in the air as he bent over, finding early on that that trick gained him more tips, and he flexed his biceps, slight though they may be, as he handed off bottles of beer, shots, and fruity drinks for the little lightweights who'd just turned twenty one.
Tonight was going to be wonderful! Bartholomew could feel it in his bones. The air was crisp. The night itself was beautiful. And he looked drop dead gorgeous, if he said so himself. [Too lazy to think up outfit: Go with what he has in the picture]. A nice ripped shirt on his torso, crimson jacket over that, a collar aroudn his neck, and perfect dark red pants that formed to his form beautifully. Even his hair was let down and looked stunning in the silver moonlight. He was definitely going to get lucky tonight. How could he not? He was positively breathtaking - he had heard that from many a men he slept with through the years.

Taking in a deep breath, he easily slipped into the nightclub, instantly walking toward hte bar. His long locks cascaded over his strong shoulders as he rested his form against the bar in front of him. He smiled charmingly to the man behind the bar, his crimson eyes sparkling as he looked over the lovely little ass that was in the air in front of him. He smirked, holding back the chuckle that badly wished to pass. "Blue Hawaiian." He ordered simplistically, his eyes to the other while he waited for his cocktail to be served.​
Well hellooooo bedmate!

Bae smiled back and gave his rear end an extra wiggle to the music as he set to make the drink that was ordered. It was done perfectly, as always, and the black haired man slid it across the bar to the drop dead gorgeous thing across from him. "That'll be five, lover." He flashed his bright smile and gave a little wink. Flirting never hurt any bartender. Flirting with someone who looked like this man was why he came to work each night.

He grabbed a pen and jotted down his number, handing it off to the other man. "Off at three, hmm?" Another wink.
He gladly took the drink, pulling it to him and already, his lips wrapped around the straw in a very sensual manner. His crimson eyes lifted up to the other while he watched him writing something down. Oh? Was that a number for him? He grinned, taking out the money to pay for the drink then happily taking up the pen and jotting down his name and number on a napkin for the man. "I'll see you at three o'five.' He winked, taking the paper and then sliding it into his back pocket, so very content right now. Now, he defintiely could dance the night away, knowing there was more htan likely a man that he could spend the night with.​
The rest of the night flew by. Bae was handed four more numbers to add to his collection-a box he started to keep them in when he was fifteen-and had been to the restroom with two different guys. Neither encounter was wholly satisfying, though, and really he couldn't wait to see what this new accomplishment brought to the table later on. When two came around, the bar was emptied out for closing and Bae did his usual, impeccable clean up job before heading out of the club to walk home. He looked both ways down the street to see if Hot Stuff was waiting for him.
Bartholomew spent the rest of the night grinding against various partners throughout the night. He had a much easier trick of finding out whether or not hte one he was with was good. If they were a good dancer, he took their number. If they were horrible and sloppy, not only did he not take the number, but he only danced with them for a few minutes before moving on to a different man. He definitely had a great time and he was revved. He danced with plenty of people to keep him entertained until three, and he was happy for the man he would be seeing. That was why he had not left early with another man to entertain himself for a while.

So, at three o'five like he said, he was out of the building and waiting. His arms crossed over his revealed torso and his back rested against the wall as he watched the stars for a while. When the man exited the building, he turned to look at him, a playful grin to his lips as he walked over to where the other was. "Hey there, beautiful." he mused, walking over to him and all too happy to see what the other was capable of.​
Bae grinned brightly at the other's greeting and he moved over to him. "Hello, love." He bent his head down to peck a kiss to the gorgeous man's cheek, laced their fingers together and started off towards his apartment. He wasn't one to beat around the bush, and both knew why they'd agreed to meet at three in the morning. The dark haired man didn't live far from the club, and that made it easy when he found someone he was willing to take to his home. Only the most gorgeous of men got to see the place, otherwise he simply found another place to have his fun in.

Walking in, it was obviously a gay man's bachelor pad. A lot of style and effort had gone into the interior design. Bae lead the other directly to the bedroom where his fingers went to work. "What do you like, lover?"
He was all too glad to skip past awkward conversation and everything of that sort. Sure, he had met some fellows who wanted just a one-nighter, but sometimes, they wanted the talking and the blah blah blah! He did not want that. It was three in the morning and he had worked up quite the appetite. He gladly followed the other into his apartment, kicking off his pesky shoes as they walked toward the man's room. His arms instantly wrapped around the man's neck, pulling him toward him and already beginning to plant kisses to his lips, short little hungry ones that showed just how badly he wanted some relief. It may only have been a single night since his last encounter, but the last one he danced with riled him quite a bit, and if he had not had the prior engagement with the delicious bartender, that is where he would have been.

The man gave a soft little purr, shruging his shoulders while his fingers searched to take off the other's shirt. "Whatever you're up for, I'm game. Top or bottom, doesn't make a difference to me." He stated, nipping at the other's adam's apple before practically ripping the shirt off and tossing it to the side.​
Bae smirked at that statement and growled a little bit as clothes were tossed here and there, and hands slid over the newly exposed flesh. "Good." He bent his head and captured the man's lips in a passionate and hard kiss, leading him to the bed and then back onto it. He liked control, but he also liked to bottom, and he was glad that this partner got that. Most didn't.

He straddled the man's hips, leaning down and nipping at the man's nipples until they were red and hard. "Hope you don't mind my lack of foreplay," he muttered as he positioned the man's cock at his entrance and slid down onto it, groaning. "Watching you dance all night was fucking amazing."

Bae moved his hips expertly, using nothing to steady or balance him other than the muscles in his thighs as he slid over the stranger beneath him.
Bartholomew definitely was glad he waited for the bartender. If he had romped around with another, he may not be so desperate to just jump the man. He was too happy to berid both of their bodies of the clothes, letting them fall where they willed. He fell onto the bed, pulling the man with him and a soft little moan passed his lips when he felt his teeth upon his nipples, already hard from just the images going through his mind. He let out a soft little moan, his eyes slipping closed and he playfully ground his rear against the erection that was there, just teasing him a bit before hte true fun began.

Gasping, his back arched up and against the man, moaning softly as he did so. "Mm ... Foreplay's overrated." He whispered, pulling the other back to him to lift his form up, sliding the man into him even more. He slid down his member, his ankles wrapped around the back of his thighs and he easily began to grind against the man on top of him. At least, for a little while. It did not take long for the dual-colored hair male to flip them around. The ravenette was still penetrating him, but this way, he could control a little bit of what happened. His hips were instantly grinding against the man's, forcing the muscle deeper inside and his lips connected with his nipples, nipping and flicking his tongue along the flesh all the while he moaned out his utter pleasure.​
Strings of obscenities fell from Bae's lips as the other man fucked him expertly. And when he was flipped onto his back, the dark haired man pulled his knees to his chest, opening himself up completely to the other while changing the angle that the cock entered him. He was vocal during sex, and tonight even more so because of the obvious experience that his partner brought to the bedroom.

Reaching down, he wrapped his fist around his own cock, stroking in time with the thrusts from the other. "God damn you make me so fucking hard..." He swiped his thumb over the leaking head of his own cock and brought it up to his mouth to taste. It was one of his 'odder' kinks that some partners minded and some didn't. Bae didn't care if this partner minded so long as he kept doing what he was doing.
He groaned deeply with the other, pressing into him and eventually going full out and thrashing into hte other's hips. He adored the sound and the vibrations and well, everything that came with being more forceful. His eyes slipped closed for a while before he lifted his head a little, seeing the man bend to take his own member within his mouth. He arched a brow in question. That was a nifty trick. He smirked, leaning down and kissing the man's lips again, only to place his mouth around the member that was being far more deprived than he was. His hips continud pounding into the other and eevntually, his hand wrapped aroudn the hardened flesh and he let out a deep little moan. His lips lifted to the side of the other's neck, biting into the skin and growling just a little. He was not too sure how much more he could take. Normally, he could do so much more, but this man definitely was experienced - better than any other heh ad had.​
He cried out when he felt the man's mouth, hips lifting up to try and get more: more heat, more moisture, more tongue... Just MORE. Fingers tangled in the other's hair, pulling just slightly to guide those talented lips to where he wanted them. Bae almost hated when he had such a wonderful man to come home with, because it meant that the sex never lasted as long as he'd have liked. But perhaps he could manage to milk a few more rounds out of this one.

Bae shifted away for a second, only to flip onto his stomach and shove his ass in the air. "Fuck me."
The night, well morning, definitely went on for a while. Bartholomew could not get enough of the man, and it seemed he could not get enoguh of him in return. He adored it all though. They switched, they moved, they wound up on the ground and on top of dressers, and oh it was just a load of wonderful. The man could not count how many times he climaxed, or how much he just wanted to ram into the other and ravage him until the next night. Sadly, he figured he would not be able to go so long. Which was sad since he knew that they would probably not see each other ever again. Or at least not in this manner. He never really liked to have the same guy more than one night. It was not te best. He was not a commitment type of person. He fucked and left. That was how he worked.

Collapsing beside the man in bed, Bartholomew took in a few deep breaths as he nuzzled into the pillows with a content little groan. His eyes kept closed as he wrapped his arms around the pillow, groaning a little more. He turned his head to the side, looking at the other with a single crimson eye opened.​
He'd lost count of how many orgasms were had, or how many positions they'd been in, or how many rooms of the apartment they'd fucked in. Bae didn't care. He was fully sated at this point, simply just wanting to lie in bed and sleep for days and days. It was rare to find sex that good, and it was a night that he most certainly wouldn't forget anytime soon.

The dark haired man leaned up and pecked a little kiss to the still-unnamed-man's lips before pulling himself from the sticky and messed bed to head for the shower. "Anyone ever told you that you have an amazing prick?" he asked, grinning. "Thanks for the night, lover." He blew a kiss and disappeared into the bathroom, fully expecting the other to not be there when he got out, just as much as he never expected to sleep with him again. One nighters were his thing. He liked sex, and he liked sex with different people. It was a very simple thing.
Bartholomew followed the other's movements into the bathroom, listening to him and he chuckled softly. Oh, many times he heard that, but he would not let hte other know such a thing. He shrugged his shoulders and let his eye slip back closed. "Once or twice." He stated, smiling a little more before he slowly slipped out of bed. He gathered up his clothing, pulling on his pants and he stretched his arms above his head with a little groan. Ah. He definitely needed to sleep. Yawning, he pulled on the jacket and silently began to make his way out of the apartment. He needed to go home and shower and ... possibly skip classes tomor-- er, later today. There were only a good two hours until he had to go to class, so that was not goign to be an option.​
The next few weeks were normal. A few guys at the bar, one or two after work... Bae was content in his life and enjoyed himself to the fullest, even if he was a slut. Today, though, was a day off and he was being lazy. The dark haired man didn't want to cook, nor did he feel like going grocery shopping. Instead, he picked out the first restaurant he saw, got himself seated and picked up the menu to choose what he wanted to eat. "Bartholomew will be right with you." He nodded absently, barely hearing the hostess.
The man already moved on past the bartender. He did not stay attached long. He had gone home, showered, felt better. That was what mattered. He found a few more partners, yet could not help but to think how much better the other man had been the one time. He easily moved on though. There were too many gorgeous guys out there for him to play with. A few times, he had two, but that was well beside the point. He slept for a while and he eventually had to get back to work. He needed the money.

Donning his white shirt, black pants, and the apron tied tightly around his form. He did not even pay attention to the man at his newest table, too peeved at one of hte other customers. It was apparent that he was annoyed as he stood up to the tabel. He did not like men grabbing his butt when he did not want htem - especially older perverted ones who deserved to be ripped in half. He was a Vlademire! There was no way he would let some pervert cop a feel. Sure, he had to, but that was only to keep his job. So, he adjusted his ponytail, kindly told the man that if he touched him again, he would get his manager and then teh police to escort him out.

Walking up to the table, he said a simple "my name is Bartholomew, I will be your server tonight, may I get you something to drink to start off?" He questioned, his eyes slowly finding the man and he stopped instantly. HEY! He knew him! He was the one from a while ago. He remained passive and neutral as he looked at the other, wiating to see if he would show any note of knowing him. He did not want to bring up anything if it would be pointless.​
Looking up, Bae smiled. "I like 'lover' better and fully plan to stick with that," he informed the other. While his tone was somewhat playful, the man fully meant what he sad. Besides that, names meant complications. And he had no room for complications in his life right now. Right now, though, dinner was a complication. Bae couldn't make up his mind for the life of him and he squirmed a little in his seat as a way of thinking. "I don't know. Bring me whatever you think is the best thing on the menu." He flashed another smile and reached over to grope a little of the man's behind with a teasing wink. "Gonna call the cops on me too?"
Bartholomew smirked. He was glad that the other remembered him, not that he was really forgettable, but one never knew. Maybe he did not want to remember him? Or well, state that he had had a night with him. He shrugged, jotting down a few things on the pad before he arched a brow with his hand to his rump. He looked down at the other, chuckling softly. Call the cops? God no. He shook his head and smirked even more. "Mm ... The cute customers get to grope me all they want." He winked before turning on his heel and beginning to walk off. "I'll return with your drink shortly, sir." He stated, making his way toward the kitchen to put hte order in and then to the bar to et one of the mix drinks he ordered for the man.

He brought back a Bettlejuice for the other to drink. Placing the drink down onto the table, he straightened up a little, looking at the other and he arched a brow. "No leather tonight? I quite enjoyed that look more than this one." He stated, glancing to his other tables to be sure no one needed anything and he then turned his eyes back to the man, figuring he could chat it up a bit.​
"Aww and I thought it was only because I was a good fuck," he teased softly enough for only the other man to hear. Bae waited for the drink, smiling when the other stayed to chat as he sipped it. It was good, he had to admit, chuckling a little to the comment. "No. Leather only for work...and by special request, of course." He didn't really like leather pants at all, but if they brought in the tips, then Bae said: "Bring on the leather!" Life was about money and sex for the man. Leather brought in both.

"Ever going to come back and visit me? We've had a few asking for you."
He chuckled lightly and shook his head a little bit. He thought about that a bit. He definitely would love to see him in leather once more. Sure, maybe more in a bondage sense, but that was beside the point. He shrugged his shuolders a little, about to comment before he heard the mention of being asked for. Really? After one night, he already had followers at a club. That was nice. He really had only been there the one night and he definitely had a good time. He smiled lightly. "I'll come by again, if I get a cute bartender in leather." He winked and his fingers tapped against his sides absently, beginning to rock back and forth from heel to toe, double checking the tables before turning back to the other once more. "I may come by my next day off. It was fun to dance." He grinned, keeping out their little romp around.​
"I work Thursday through Monday," he informed the other with a grin. "I'll be sure to wear leather for you, too." Bae took another sip of his drink as he slid to the inside of the booth, stretching his long legs out over the seat and resting his back against the wall. "So what'd you order me for dinner?" He was curious to know what this place was good for, as he'd never been here before. "And whoever made the drink should come down and interview with me-it's good."
Bartholomew shrugged his shoulders a little bit to the other. "Mm ... You'll see." he stated with a little wink before he glanced over to the drink and laughed softly. "Thank you. I made Matt let me make it." He stated and then turned on his heel to leave to the kitchen. He took quite a few plates with him, heading to a party of businessmen. He laid out the food to each of the proper owner and then waited for mention of needing anything else before he nodded and then went back into the kitchen to get the rest of the food. He visited a few more tables and ignored a few more comments from the creepy old men. GOD he hated those. He definitely did. If they were cute, he would not mind, but gods those men gave him the willies.

Finally, he came out with a lovely salmon dish [shush I'm lazy] and he placed it in front of the lovely little man. He folded his arms over his lower torso and he then looked down at the other. "Need anything else, sir?"​
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