Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Valerius hopped up, wrapping his legs around the man's waist while his arms tightened just a bit. His lips collided with his, kissing him passionately and all too willing to have let his tongue pass if given the option. He pulled back a little though, looking up at the man so close to him and he blushed horribly with his request. He nodded nonetheless, leaning forward and placing a soft kiss to his lips, a hoars, soft "always" passed his lips moments before they collided with his once more in a tight embrace. Already, his hands began to tug at the back of Julien's shirt. He had missed him so much. He missed his warmth. His touch. His kiss. His embrace -- Everything about him.​
He couldn't help the smile that came to his lips at the answer, and Julien kissed Valerius hard. He felt his shirt being tugged at, and the dark haired man took it as a hint, walking towards the bedroom with his eyes closed and lips still attached to the other man. He was moving through his house on pure memory.

They made it to the bedroom with only Julien's shoulder grazing a wall, and Valerius was carefully placed on the bed as if he were a china doll that would break at any given moment. Julien laid himself atop of Val, lips never once leaving the other man's while his hands slid up his stomach, under his shirt.
Valerius let out a gentle little moan when his hand slid beneath his shirt. He definitely had missed the other's touch. He pulled him tighter, his hands beginning to trail down his sides and up to his shoulders once more. His eyes kept closed and he let his legs slide from his waist, laying out on top of the mattress. He lifted his torso off the mattress to help take the shirt off his form. He had already forgotten about the many nail marks in his sides and back from the nights when he could not sleep due to how frustrated he was. He typically had to injure himself at night since any other time, Raphael had swatted his hand away and well, sometimes forced him into mittens. It was horrible. Helpful and he loved that his roommate cared so much, but it was still annoying since the pain helped him , or so he thought.​
"Oh, Val..." Julien moved down to kiss over the red and angry wounds, wishing that he'd be able to kiss them away. "No more, sweetheart." The dark haired man's tongue gave a swipe over a particuarly red and long mark while Julien moved his way back up, claiming the horned male's mouth once more. "I never want to see you hurt, honey." He pulled Valerius closer to him, his arms creating a tight circle around the man's torso as they kissed once more and Julien's hands eventually slid down between them to work at Val's pants.
Valerius blushed when he heard the other, glancing down to the injuries and he slowly looked back to the man. He really had not meant to completely, it was just the only thing that calmed him these past weeks. He shivered when he felt the other man's tongue trailing along his flesh, groaning lightly as he did so. He pressed up and into him before he settled back down, arms tightly wrapped around his neck once more. His lips played along his, eventually moving his hands to help remove both their pants, finding them to be quite in teh way at the moment.​
Julien took care in preparing Valerius, being sure to cause an infinite amount of pleasure and limited amounts of pain. He sighed as he slid into the man. He'd missed being so close to the other; feeling like they were one entity rather than two beings. Yeah, Julien had it bad. His hips started their slow rhythm, burying his face into Valerius's neck. His lips kissed and sucked at the sensitive flesh, teeth nipping softly there as well.
Valerius pressed up and into him, letting out a gentle little groan as he did so. His eyes fluttered closed, his hips beginning to rock and press into his with a few little moans as he did so. His hands trailed along his sides and eventually wrapped back aroudn his neck, pulling him against his chest to keep him where he was. His eyes rolled to the back of his head and he began to rock and press his hips into his at a faster rate. He wanted to feel the pleasure Julien always managed to get him to feel. He missed those sensations. those feelings. everything he had wanted over the few weeks frmo this man were definitely going to be had soon.​
He played no games today, not asking Val to open up but rather giving him what his actions asked for. The dark haired man moved his hips in rhythm with the other man's, and soft moans fell from his lips as he made love to the other man, holding him close and peppering kisses over his neck and shoulder. "So close, Val" was whispered softly as his hips began to work at a more frantic pace. He leaned down and flicked his tongue over a nipple playfully before capturing the horned man's lips in another heated kiss.
Valerius moaned and writhed beneath the other, far too happy ot be back with him. His arms gripped him tighter and his nails wound up pressing into his back once more. He could not help it. Sure, if he was human, the nails would not be much of an issue, but his were. They were long and pointed and they definitely did damage. So, his nails wound up piercing the other's skin as he hit his peak, gasping and moaning out a panted "Julien" before he collapsed back onto the bed. His hips continued to buck and rock with the man's, their lips once more meshed together and he let out soft little moans every so often.​
Julien held on until Valerius let out a cry and his body clenched around him. He spilled himself into his lover, collapsing beside him after he'd emptied himself. The dark haired man's chest rose and fell rapidly as he tried to regain himself. "I missed you," he confessed, still a bit breathless. Leaning up, Julien peppered Valerius's cheek and shoulder with kisses as he hugged him close, leg draping over the other man's as he pulled the sheets up over them. "I'll call Ireland early in the morning-it'll be noon over there then." He paused for a moment before leaning up to prop himself up on an elbow. "They'll want me to go back." It was a statement with nothing hidden within it.
Valerius smiled warmly, nodding a little. He turned and curled up into his form. His eyes slipped closed and he let out a soft little sigh. "I figured ... I shall be here for you." He whispered, tilting his head back to look up at him. He smiled all the more. He definitely missed him, so much more. Sure, it was only a few weeks, but it felt like months to him. He hated being so mad at him. Luckily, everything seemed to be going well.

At least, for the moment. There was a loud bang and then in the doorway to the bedroom stood a briefly-annoyed Raphael. HIs features easily dropped and he groaned when he saw the two in bed. "A phone call would have saved me a trip." He mumbled, his arms crossing over his chest as he stared down at the blushing mossy haired male. He shook his head a bit then glanced to the door before back to the others, waving his hand in teh air. "I'm going back." He mumbled, turning on his heel and heading back to the school he went. Maybe he would bother his Uncle a little bit. He needed a few things from him anyhow.​
The dark haired man bolted up with the loud noise, instinctively pulling Valerius towards him. He could only shake his head when he saw it was Raphael and he relaxed as the redhead left the house. He pressed a kiss to Val's forehead before slipping from the bed to put the door back up. It was nearing dinner time, too, and he was hungry. Julien sat on the edge of the bed next to the other, reaching up to push a stray strand of hair from his face. "What would you like for dinner, sweetheart?"
Valerius watched hte other leave and he let out a nervous little laugh. "Raphael is very protective..." He whispered, shaking his head a little. He only knew him for a little over two months and already he felt like he needed to be his body guard. Not that he minded. He thought the idea was quite cute. He smiled lightly and then looked over at the man and nodded a bit. "Um ... Grilled cheese?" He sugested, stepping out of bed and pulling on Julien's shirt from before. He tugged it to the middle of his thighs and stood, relaxing a little bit as he did so. He smiled gently and looked over to Julien once more. "Um ... sorry." He whispered while his figners gently trailed over the marks in his back that he seemed to create once more in the man he loved.

Raphael made his way back to the school, winding his way around before he spotted his uncle in the private room he had. Slowly, he walked over to the man, taking in deep breaths and shuddering just a little more. He whimpered as he moved over to his uncle, nuzzling into his neck while his arms slid over the other's shoulders and he hugged him tightly. "Uncle Relic ... I need help." He whispered, leaning down and raking his fangs along the nape of his neck and he heard the other grumble and curse at the other.

Relic turned to look at the redhead, seeing the fangs and he arched a brow as he did so. He shook his head a bit, turning to look at him and he shrugged his shoulders a little. He patted the top of his head a bit before shrugging. "Sure. Just don't interrupt my sewing." He stated, ruffling his hair before going back to the work he had been doing.

He whimpered lightly and slowly moved around to straddle the other's hips, giving a playful little thrust into the other but stopping. His hands moved to his uncle's hips and he leant down to the other's neck, parting his lips and he sunk his teeth into the other's neck, moaning lightly with the crimson liquid that flowed into his mouth. His eyes slipped closed and he took in quite hte many breaths as he held tightly onto the other.​
Moving through the halls, Nikkos attempted to remember where Archer said that Relic's private sewing room was. The lower level... Ah! He saw a light on among a dark hallway and knew he was in the right place. The administrator didn't bother knocking, though what he saw when he walked in made him wish he had. Nikkos coughed rather loudly to attempt to get either man's attention, with a raised eyebrow.
Relic was working on the embroidery on one of his newest creations, enjoying the work quite a bit, and not even paying attention to the man that was on him. He then perked up when he heard the other coughing. He blinked a few times when he spotted Nikkos, smiling warmly. 'Hey!" He then glanced down to the man on his lap who was doing a good job of just ignoring everything. He rolled his eyes and attempted to push him off which only got him a groan and the other to cling even more to him. He sighed heavily. His hand lifted, resting on the top of the other's head and after a few moments, the redhead's mouth eased up on his neck. He lifted the man up and put him in the chair he was on with another whimper from the man.

He then turned to look at Nikkos, smiling all the more. "You're just the man I want to see!" He said excitedly, turning and heading to where there were a few outfits on hangers, not even thinking about the situation. He did not really think it looked all that bad. Sure, it was not the best way to be caught, but he just did not think about it.​
Nikkos saw things in a whole different light, and as he walked towards the back of the room with Relic, he spoke up. "Be very careful, Mr. DaoLin. Perhaps you do not notice how a situation looks, but if Mr. Reed were to have walked in, you would be back in Tomias's dorm, curled in a ball and miserable once again." It was a friendly warning-Nikkos didn't want to see either man hurt again.

The administrator changed the subject-there was no use dwelling on it. "I want something for Tomias. Something that he'll truly enjoy wearing and I was hoping you and I could sit down to design something?"
Relic perked up, blinking a few times before he glanced over to his nephew and let out a little laugh. "Suppose I did not think of that..." He whispered, walking over to the man and flicking his forehead which got the redhead to bolt upright and jump to his feet.

His amethyst eyes went wide and he stared at the ravenette in front of him before he blinked a few times. Slowly, his right hand lifted to trail his thumb along the crimson liquid that was there, his tongue poking out to lick away the blood, a little moan to his lips. "You taste so good..." He whispered, looking over the man and his eyes very briefly flashed crimson - at least until Relic shoved his palm against his forehead, causing him to stumble back a few steps. Raphael cleared his throat, looking over at Nikkos and arching a brow. "When'd he get here?"

Shaking his head, Relic ignored the man for now before turning back to Nikkos. He thought for a while and then grinned. "Oh? Planning on working me into your birthday gift?" He askd with a little wink before he laughed. He then happily bounced his way over to the man, his arm linking with the shorter man's while he began to lead him toward the fabrics that were there. "I do not mind. Not like I'm getting him anything for his four hundred something birthday." He pointed to the fabrics, asking which ones nikkos thought Tomias would like and the ones he liked the best. While, sure, Tomias' birthday was not for another few months, Nikkos really was more hte type to get things early, wasn't he?​
Nodding, Nikkos fibbed a little. He hadn't been thinking about Tomias's birthday with the outfit but it was a good idea, and it gave him a few months to torture his lover with the fact that he had a secret that he could keep from him. Yes, that would be fun.

The administrator walked over to the row of fabrics and studied them. He picked out a few blue ones, different shades and tones and patterns. "Any of those. Also..." The brunette paused, a little embarrassed to be asking what he was about to ask. Eventually, he figured that Relic would delight in making the outfit and he would be the last person to judge. "An outfit for me...but for him."
Relic took note of the fabrics, already thinking about what he would make for his brother, something that he and Nikkos both wouldl ike. Flattering but well, no skirts he supposed. He pouted a little before he heard the other's words. He perked up, looking down at him and he grinned. He was so cute! He laughed softly and bumped his hip playfully against the other's before he nodded. "Of course, Nikkos. I got you covered." He teased with a wink before he began to lead the other toward one of hte desks that were there. "Any ideas for what you want to see Tomias in?"

Raphael perked up, looking over his uncle and his head tilted to the side. "Hey ... Uncle Relic, isn't your birthday coming up soon?"

The man froze, turning to glare at the man and a soft growl passed his lips. "Shut it." He hissed, clearing his throat then turning back to the man beside him, smiling warmly. "So, any ideas? Tight pants ... Leather ... vests ... Something?"​
Tomias in leather pants? That was a no-brainer. "Leather, yes. Leather pants-form fitting. Not...plain. Embellishment on them. Maybe some intricate stitching if you don't mind?" Nikkos thought a little more, picturing his lover in various articles of clothing. "No vest... A shirt to show off his chest, though. Something a little tighter across the chest and looser around his middle..." Not that Nikkos didn't like every part of Tomias, he just liked some parts a little bit more due simply to personal preference. "The shirt should stop at the pants waist line, too." He didn't want to cover up more than was necessary. "Short sleeved... Or no sleeves..." Tomias's strong arms were a favorite thing of Nikkos's to look at and admire.
Relic listened to the man and already, he began to make a simple sketch up on the blank sheet of paper that was there. A nice pair of leather pants, the sides of the legs had one inch gaps all the way down where it variated from fabric to flesh to be able to see the man's legs obviously. Then a nice shirt - which would probably end up a deep blue - that was sleeveless. The top of it was v-neck cut to show off the chest and it hugged nicely to the little figure he doodled down, then the bottom would be just a hair or two looser around the bottom, and the way he sketched it, it would almost look like a corset was aroudn the bottom, but it would not literally be one. Just a little bit.

He added a few finishing touches, few designs on the pants that he would embroider and a bit of comments for himself. He then tapped the tip of his pencil against his lips, shrugging his shoulders. "It's not hte final product ... but something like that is what you'll get." He stated, smiling warmly and he turned to look at the man beside him, smiling a little more.​
Smiling, Nikkos nodded to the sketch. Yes, that was very close to what he had in mind. There were other touches that he would add, but that was in a piece of jewelry or some other accessory that he didn't want Relic to make. "Yes. I like that." He smiled and moved to study the fabrics a little more, wondering what sort of outfit he'd have the twin make for him. While he pondered, Nikkos teased.

"So your birthday, hmm? I suppose I'll have to remind Tomias."
Relic shrugged his shoulders as he took a fresh piece of paper, wanting to make a better and clearer sketch that he could fill in the colors he wanted. "Mm ... only if you want your Valentine's Day ruined." He added absently while he transfered his final design to hte other sheet of paper. His rump in the air as he leant over the tall table, trying to think about anything else the outfit would need before he put it on the page. Yep. He was a Valentine's Baby. Well, him and Rune were. They were not big on the whole' birthday' thing. They rarely had parties, even more rare did they accept gifts on their birthday, so they really did not find any purpose in it, other than to mark down another year. They could buy whatever they wanted when they wanted, and they really never had many friends to just celebrate with, so why bother?​
He laughed. "And why would celebrating your birthday ruin my Valentine's day?" Nikkos understood that the twins' birthday was on Valentines day, but he wasn't sure how that made it so that his own would be ruined. As he fingered a silky grey plaid fabric, and idea sprung to mind. "This," he pointed out to Relic. "Yes. Some...naughty school girl outfit. Short. Revealing." Perhaps he'd wear it and somehow surprise Tomias in his office, or his classroom. Now that could be interesting...
Relic sighed heavily, shaking his head a little as he straightened up, shoving the sketch into the large folder on the table. He then turned to look at Nikkos, his arms folding over his lower torso as he did so. "Because ... it's on Valentine's Day and I don't want to get in the way of lovers. I can guarantee Tomias has an extravigant plan for you on Valentine's and I am positive it will last the whole day. My birthday, our birthday, is not really worth it. Besides, I hate birthdays." He rolled his eyes a little and then looked over the fabric he held. He padded over to where he was, taking up the fabric then holding it up to the man and shaking his head. "Good idea, bad fabric. The gray would wash you right out." With that, he took the other's hand, walking through the fabrics before he spotted a nice blue once - mostly baby blue with dark blue, white, and a lighter blue plaid. "This would be nice however."​
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