Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Julien looked at the man in front of him, eyes pleading and sad and remorseful. "I need to see him." What else could he say? He didn't know what the other knew, or how much Valerius wanted him to know. "You can stay in the room with us for all I care, but I need to see him." He was grateful when Nikkos showed up behind him, a strong hand on his shoulder.

"You need to let us in, Mr. Marsters."
Raphael glared at the two that were in front of him. He looked from them to the sobbing male then back again. "No." Was all he said before slamming the door in their faces, not even caring right now. He walked back over to Valerius, wrapping an arm around his shoulders and pulling him into his chest. He knew that the two could open the door if the really wanted to and easily just intrude, but he felt so much better rejecting them. It was his own form of protecting the man he held. Well, the closest thing he would get before burning that man alive.​
With a sigh, Nikkos opened the door without any effort. Julien was grateful and rushed forward, kneeling in front of both Raphael and Valerius, bending down to look at the horned male's tear-stained and reddened face. "Val please. Please just listen to me, and then if you tell me to go away I will." He lifted his hand to brush away a few tears, hoping beyond anything that the other man would listen to his words. Teivel could always stay with him to see that he was alright, even if that wasn't Julien's first choice.

Nikkos stepped forward and took Raphael gently by the arm. "Let them talk." He was gentle, yet strong in his instructions and grip. He knew that the young man wanted to protect his new friend, but there were somethings that needed to be done alone. The talk these two were going to have was one of them.
Raphael glared at the man, really tempted to kick him away, but before he could do anything, Nikkos was at his side. He cursed a few times and stood up when he was coaxed. He walked away, his arms tightly folded over his torso and he mumbled a few insults under his breath. He flopped onto his bed, legs crossed beneath him while he kept his eyes baring daggers at the back of this Julien's head. He would jump in the moment that Valerius looked like he needed help. He was not leaving this room anytime soon.

Valerius froze when the man was in frnot of him, leaning away from his touch and he even scooted away from the edge of the bed where he was. His knees were tightly pulled to his chest and his arms were wrapped around his legs, long black nails already pierced through his pants and flesh, not even caring anymore. "What ? What could you possibly say to make this situation better?" He hissed, his golden eyes still glaring despite the tears. He hated this man. He hated him so much right now! He just wanted him gone and to no longer even be near him, but he knew he had to give him a say. He could speak his peace then get out of his life forever. He would go back to being alone. That was beter than this constant heartache.​
"I can't make it better," he whispered, sighing. He hated to see the other man so hurt, and worse yet to know it was because of him. "I'm sorry. For what it's worth, I told you so that you wouldn't figure it out later, or hear it from someone else. I don't condone what I did or said in the past, but I did it and I said it and now all I can do is try to do better.

"Don't go backwards, Val. You may not want me to help you anymore, but find someone who can. Because I care about you, more than you could ever think possible of me, and because you deserve to feel happy again."

Julien stood to go, but stopped at the door and turned back. "The offer of my home still stands. And Teivel will be around Atlantis. Even if you don't want him here. He'll find me if you need me." Julien left, tears in his eyes that he hurt the man he cared the most about.
Valerius remained silent as the other spoke. So he had nothing to make it better. He just wanted to spew some nonesense about not reverting back and blah blah blah. What did he care anymore? He did not. He would just move on from him. It did not matter anymore. apparently whenever he found something good, it was taken away. His parents. Calder. Julien ... Nothing wasm eant to be with him. He was just bound to be alone, now wasn't he? He knew that even one day, Raphael would leave him too. He was a great friend and a nice roommate, but he had his own life to worry about. He would not stick around nad stay with him. No one would. He curled up into himself even more, falling to the side with a few soft sobs. Burying his face into the pillows, he tried to calm himself. He did. But he just could not get a grip. He was so horribly broken. He was even more hurt than before he met Julien.​
Julien went home and wallowed in his own self pity for a few days. Teivel reported back to him constantly, and while he was glad that there was someone there watching over the other male, he was saddened that each report was the same. He wanted to move to Atlantis to be closer to Val, but knew that it was selfish. Valerius deserved the space he needed to heal and think and (hopefully) get past what had been thrown at him. There was nothing else that he could do.

Nearly three weeks passed, and Julien was once again contemplating going up to the school to check on Val.
Valerius had been pretty miserable for the past three weeks. He and Raphael did littler than they had been. They went for coffee every once in a while, or went swimming, or skating until the lake was too weak to hold weight. They still did things, but Val really was not in the best condition to do much other than curl up into a ball. Eventually, he got a little bit better, but not by too much. at least not he laughed and actually offered leaving the dorm, rather than Raphael practically dragging him. He even let the redhead talk him into thinking about moving on. Going out to clubs or just to a restaurant with him... Anything to get him to a place to meet people. Thing being, he still had quite the many questions he needed to have answered. He did. And despite his roommate protesting, he left to go see Julien - alone.

He walked up to the house, knocking on the door and he instantly thought of fleeing. He could. He could just go run back and act like it was some sort of prank, but he did not want to. He needed to know...​
The knock to his door surprised him. No one ever visited him. Opening the door to Val nearly stopped his heart. "Val. I... Wh--. Come in." Julien stepped aside and offered his home once more to the horned male, closing the door after him and moving to make some tea. "I'm happy to see you." He couldn't help but tell the other, even if he had no right to be happy. As he waited for the water to boil, the dark haired man sat at the table, holding his hand out in invitation for the other to join him. "How are you feeling?"
Valerius watched the other, cautiously taking a step into the house and he slowly closed the door behind him, though making way for Teivel to enter before he did. He walked over to the table slowly, sitting down a little haphazardly. He definitely did not know what to do. He wrapped his arms around his lower torso, looking over at the man and turning his gaze away once more. "I have been ... okay." He whispered, chewing his bottom lip a little before slowly turning to look back at the man. "Why? Why would you turn on your own kind like you had ... If ... If you had not then they could still be alive! Why were you so ashamed of who you were?"​
Julien listened to the questions, and he wasn't surprised by them at all. He did, however, pause to think about his answers carefully.

"It had nothing to do with shame, Val. I know-I know that it seems like it to you, or to anyone else. But it wasn't. I was a loner in France. And when I went to Ireland, they took me under their wing. I was sick of being a loner-I couldn't cope with it anymore. So I hid who I am to have friends...even if they weren't really friends at all.

"Your parents... I never meant for them to be hurt. And if I could have stopped them I would have. You have to believe me-I didn't know what they were going to do until it was too late."
Valerius listened to the other, his eyes staying to the other and he eventually sighed heavily. "You ... were stupid." He whispered, closing his eyes and he turned his head to the side, wrapping his arms even tighter aroudn his form. He still felt a little sick to his stomach. The whole situation made him want to rot in a hole somewhere. He knew that was a bad thought to have, but it defnitely crossed his mind. He slowly turned to look back at the man, his eyes traveling frmo his head to his toes then back to his eyes. "They were stupid for thinking my family were monsters ... I do not know how you were back then, but I know what it is like to be alone and to not have friends ... Yet not once had I thought to be something I am not." he looked over at the man once more before he let the tears slip, and that was when he went back to looking at the wall. "But ... I ... cannot blame you for hanging out with the wrong people."​
"I was," he agreed, pouring tea for both of them. "Stupid and weak and naive." He knew his faults and he wasn't afraid to say them out loud. "And I'm sorry that I was. I live with that guilt every day. And whether you believe me or not, even before I met you I thought of your parents every day." He sipped his tea, waiting for more questions or for the other man to walk out. Julien prayed for the questions.
Valerius sighed heavily. His eyes slipped closed and he turned to the tea in front of him. He put a single sugar cube into the mug and then began to absently twirl his nail within the liquid, staring at the changing water while he thought for a while. He really did not have any questions. he really had no reason to stay, other than his utter love for the other- despite all that happened. He slowly turned his eyes to the other, looking into his eyes, ignoring the bit of anger he had within him. "What happened to your parents?" he asked, wondering just what had happened. he knew that they passed, that was why they met in teh first place, but he still wished to know the true story.​
His parents? Julien hadn't spoken about them in a long time. But he owed it to Val to do so. "A car accident. They were driving home from my grandmother's house and got caught in a blizzard on the back roads of Montana. They pulled over, intending to wait it out. But a trucker lost control on the bend and side swiped them. Dad died instantly. Mom was alive, or so they say, until the car slammed into the tree at the bottom of the gorge." He shuddered a little, remembering the days after the accident. "Teivel says they're around me constantly, but I don't have the powers to see or communicate with them."
Valerius listened to the other and he let out a gentle little sigh. He shrugged his shoulders and leant forward to rest upon his arms, remaining silent. His golden eyes fluttered closed and he just thought for a while. He was still annoyed with the other. He really ... really was. He could not get past his hatred for those that murdered his parents. He snorted and then turned his eyes to the man in front of him. "You know ... They - the police - still have not caught the rest of the men who killed my parents." He stated, which may partially be his hostility toward the man in front of him. He says he has no part, and from what he knew of him, it was not in his personality to harm another person. But, if he knew the names of those men then the police could find them and ... put his parents' deaths to justice. His parents, his little baby sister ... the child that was still forming in his mother. Everyone that was taken away from him.​
That statement didn't surprise Julien, and he nodded with a sip of his tea. "If you have someone you're in contact with, leave me their number and I will call them. Or else, I'll simply call the chief and speak to him." He knew it meant a trip back to Ireland, at the very least for interrogation. He told Teivel that, and the little Thallus told him he deserved it and that it was the least he could do. Julien agreed. "I'll do all that I can to help you, Valerius."
Valerius nodded a little, standing up and going to get a pen and paper. He jotted down teh number and the man that was doing the investigation way back when. Well, it was only a year and a while ago, but it certainly seemed like forever. He sighed softly, placing the paper in front of Julien and he brushed off the front of his form a little bit. "Thank you." he whispered, turning and beginnign to make his way toward the door. there was no reason to stay, right? None at all. He said his peace. He asked his questions, and now it was time to go ease Raphael from jumping off the ledge and searching for him.​
Julien sat the paper by the phone as a reminder to himself to call when it was a good time in Ireland. He was sad to watch Val move to leave, and he stood up, catching the horned male by the hand in a purely instinctual move. "Really. I'm sorry, Val." The dark haired man bent down and pressed a kiss to the other man's cheek, praying with all that he had that the mossy haired man wouldn't pull away from him as he had in the dorm room. "I'm here. Always."
Valerius instinctually wanted to lean away. Punch him. run... Something... but that was not what happened. Instead, he leant into teh other, beginning to beat his fists into the man's chest. "Why! Why did it have to be you?! Five billion people in this world and you have to be the one to have had an influence in my family's deaths ..." He hit him a few more times before collapsing against his chest with quite the many sobs passing by his lips. His clawed fingers wrapped around the shirt upon the man's torso, gripping the fabric tightly. "I ... I cannot stay ... mad." He whispered, feeling guilty since he cuold not. What kind of a son was he that he could not stay mad at a man who had a hand in what happened? He whimpered and pressed closer to him. "I should hate you ... But ... I-I do not ... I still love you ..."​
Julien let the other man beat at his chest, and then wrapped his arms tightly around Val's shoulders, hugging him tightly to his chest while his lips pressed to the man's head. "I wish it wasn't me, honey. I wish that I'd known so I could have stopped it. I wish so many things had gone differently." He stood with the other man, hugging him and stroking his fingers through his hair silently. There was nothing else he could say. "I love you, Valerius. It kills me to know that I had a hand in hurting you."
Valerius gripped the man's shirt even tighter now. His eyes slipped closed, trying to stop teh tears but having no luck whatsoever. He just clung to the other, gasping for air a few times to attempt and stop crying again. It really did not work. He held onto him and nuzzled into his chest, whimpering softly as he did so. "You ... had not known." he whispered, his arms eventually slid to the back of his form and he hugged him tightly to his chest, eyes closed while he buried his head into the other's chest, not minding being short right now. He was able to be so close to him because he was so much shorter than him. He just had to be sure he would not injure him with a horn.​
"No, I didn't know." He kissed the other man's forehead while his hands rubbed circles over his back. "I promise to take care of you Val. Always." He didn't know what else to say anymore. Julien held the other as they were for quite some time before lifting his face with a finger underneath his chin. The dark haired man brushed his lips over Valerius's lightly, asking for permission before doing anything that would make the other uncomfortable or upset.
Valerius nodded a little, calming down a bit with the man's scent filling him. He missed him. He missed him more than he could ever realize. He wanted to be held by him for so long, but he kept fighting it because he felt fuilty. Now? he did not care right now. He just needed to have the one he loved back, and so he was all too happy to press his lips against his. His eyes fluttered closed and his arms lifted up and wrapped around his neck, pulling him down as he lifted up to kiss him deeper. His arms kept up and around his neck, showing him that he did not want to let him go anytime soon.​
Straightening up, Julien lifted Val with a tight lock around his wast. His lips pressed to the other man's tightly, not willing to let go yet. He wanted to taste him, to feel him again. He'd missed this terribly, but had felt so guilty for thinking such selfish thoughts. Julien's tongue pressed forward to steal a little taste of Val's soft lips before he broke the kiss, their foreheads resting together as he caught his breath.

"Be mine, Val. Let me take care of you."
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