Rune looked down at the man and he smiled warmly. Scooping him up and then laying him on his shoulder, he wandered around the room for a few seconds, taking up two towels and then out the door he went. Through the corridors until he could smell chlorine. He smiled warmly and then walked into the area, trying the handle and then easily picking the lock. IF he got in trouble, meh, just another notch in the belt. He moved into the pool area, placing his love onto his feet with a kiss to his lips before he placed the towels onto the nearest chair and without a second's thought, he dove right into the pool. Sliding into the warm water then surfacing with a grin. Sure, he still had his pajama pants on, but it was part of the fun. His lover was awake, he would not sleep without him, so swimming in the warmth while it was freezing out side definitely was fun.