Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Rune looked down at the man and he smiled warmly. Scooping him up and then laying him on his shoulder, he wandered around the room for a few seconds, taking up two towels and then out the door he went. Through the corridors until he could smell chlorine. He smiled warmly and then walked into the area, trying the handle and then easily picking the lock. IF he got in trouble, meh, just another notch in the belt. He moved into the pool area, placing his love onto his feet with a kiss to his lips before he placed the towels onto the nearest chair and without a second's thought, he dove right into the pool. Sliding into the warm water then surfacing with a grin. Sure, he still had his pajama pants on, but it was part of the fun. His lover was awake, he would not sleep without him, so swimming in the warmth while it was freezing out side definitely was fun.​
Thoroughly confused as to why he was being picked up and then where they were going, Calder struggled a little to get a better look. He only managed to set himself in an uncomfortable position on Rune's shoulder and was glad to be put down, though he did raise an eyebrow. Why were they at the--oh. He watched his lover dive into the water and shook his head at the fact that he left his pajama pants on. Well, he supposed that it was good that he chose to sleep in boxers, cold or not.

The blond slid into the water, standing where it was chest level on him. "So why swimming?"
Rune laughed as he padded his way over to the man, wrapping his arms around his form and leaning forward to give him a gentle kiss to the lips. "Meh. I saw it a little while ago. I like to swim. You can't sleep. Sooo ... We get to have our own little midnight pool party... Only it's two in the morning." He chuckled, kissing him once more and then taking a hold of his hands, beginning to swing them from side to side playfully. "Besides! The water's pretty warm ... so it's like a giant bath. I love tat!" He squealed and then pulled Calder to his chest once more, his hands sliding to rest on teh other's rump, giving it a good squeeze.​
Calder smiled for the first time in days, really. He wondered how Rune managed to have that effect on him. The blond had to admit that the water felt nice, and having the pool to themselves was a fun idea. He wrapped his arms around the other man, hands resting on his shoulder blades as he was held. Using his weightlessness in the water, Calder hopped up, wrapping his legs around Rune's waist and letting the other hold him there. "Help me feel normal again?" Calder wanted to play and laugh and tease like they had from the first night they'd met without Rune worrying about how he'd react to something said or something done.
Rune's arms slid under the other's rear, holding him firmly where he was and he smiled warmly. Nuzzling his nose into the crook of his neck, he sighed softly. "That's my plan." He whispered, kissing his lips softly and he smiled a little more. "If it'd help, we can take a vacation away from school. Only a week or so. It's not like we would miss much in way of courses ..." He truly was thinkin about where they could get away to. There were places near by. They could go to some hot springs, or a ski lodge -- something that would just get them away. That may be all he needed. Who knew though?​
Going away sounded nice. Calder nodded and leaned down (for the first time ever) to kiss Rune. He'd never thought about it, but maybe his lover was right. He was here, where it had happened. That couldn't be conducive to healing. And neither could celibacy with Rune, for that matter. He liked the other claiming him; taking him. Calder knew he was loved-how could he not know? But the act simply reinforced the words. Calder slipped off of his lover, standing once again. "Warn me." It was the only warning that Rune got before Calder ducked under the water, morphing a pair of gills to breathe. It felt weird at first, and so the blond tugged down the other man's pants, letting them float down while he licked his way from the root of Rune's prick to the tip.
Rune arched a brow. Warn him? About what? And the irony of telling him that statement then just poofing! He was about to question the other when a loud gasp pulled to his lips. His eyes went wide and he glanced down to the other, seeing his pants around his ankles, mostly with the water and all, and then feeling the other's lips aroudn his member. He moaned softly. His eyes fluttering closed while his hand rested at the top of the other's head, pushing through his floating locks. He resisted the urge to buck into the other, just keeping his hips at bay and breathing in deeply to be sure he well, would breathe. This defintiely was unexpected. Pleasant, but not expected.​
Calder smiled a little as he wrapped his lips around his lover completely, lengthening his throat once more to take Rune in entirely. It felt a little weird to have a mouthful of water at the same time, but the blond managed to ignore it and focus on pleasing the other. His hands held onto Rune's thighs to keep him anchored below the water as his lips wrapped around the base and sucked hard. He wanted to taste Rune; to know that he was still able to bring the other man pleasure even if he was dirty.

The blond worked his tongue over the cock in his mouth, the tip putting pressure along the dorsal vein while he used the back of his throat to massage and clench around the head.
Rune really was not able to last long. Sure, normally he was. Normally he would be the one torturing and teasing him and holding everything in until he exploded, but he was so deprived! And he loved the fact that his lover was able to do things like this to him. He held onto the other, firmer than normal, but not enough to drown him in his penis or anything. He gripped onto the other's hair, feeling him so very skilled with his mouth definitely sent chills thruogh his whole being. It took only a short amount of time before he groaned and released into the other's mouth. He panted heavily before the hand wrapped aroudn the other's hair lifted him up and out of the water, firmly connecting their lips together as he tasted his juices upon the other's lips. He did not care. Right now, he just wanted his lover. He wanted to comfort him. TO be there. To be with him, in him, whatever. He just needed his lips right now and that would tide him over for the time being.​
Rune finishing was warning enough and Calder quickly let the morphes drop just as he was pulled up from the water and into the forceful kiss. The blond wrapped his arms tightly around his lover, pressing into him just as passionately as he kissed him. His legs once more wrapped around the other's waist as the blond held on for dear life, wanting nothing more than to stay exactly where he was for a long, long time.

Minutes passed before he had to pull away to breathe, his forehead leaning against Rune's shoulder. "I love you. I love you so much."
Rune gripped the man tightly, his arms wrapping around his rump and holding him right where he was. His eyes fluttered closed and he continued to kiss him until the other decided he had to do something silly as breathing. He slowly pulled back and placed a small kiss to his lips nonetheless. His eyes fluttered closed and he gripped the man tightly. A small little nod came to him and he smiled lightly. Slowly, his eyes opened to look at the other and he sighed. "I know." He whispered, nuzzling into the other and smiling a little more. He kissed him softly once more before relaxing with a smile.​
Calder looked up, kissing Rune again. He really had missed this. The blond liked being held at night, but there was a different intensity after sex that he hadn't realized had been there before.

He took a few minutes to regain his composure and soak in the warmth and strength of his lover before loosening his grip and slipping down to stand once more. "Can we go back to bed?" The blond wasn't sure that he'd wake up for classes in the morning, but he would still try. Maybe if he got the four hours of sleep that he'd get if they fell asleep now, he'd be able to shuffle through at least his morning classes. Calder was thankful that Archer and Nikkos were so understanding with his missing classes here and there.

"We can find someplace to go tomorrow?" A vacation sounded even better now than it had in bed.
Rune smiled warmly, kissing his love gently before he nodded a little. Taking his drenched pants from below the water, he rung them out and then tossed them onto the cement beside the pool. His hand linked with Calder's holding him happily while he began to make the way toward the steps to exit the pool. He leant over and kissed him once more. He nuzzled into his neck a little and then walked over to his towel, wrapping it around his hips then wiping off his lover's torso a bit, plopping the towel over his head when he was done. "Anything you want. Anywhere you want to go. Just tell me, and we will be there." He pulled the towel down a bit, kissing his lips once more before he took up his soaked pants and began to make his way out of the pool area.​
Leaning in, Calder pressed a kiss to Rune's chest, letting his lips rest there afterward. "Away," he decided simply. "Away from Atlantis...From Utah..." Beyond those specifications, Calder didn't really care where they went. He did think about it as they walked back to their dorm, wrapping his towel around his waist while leaning into his lover's side.

The blond stripped and dried off completely before crawling into bed, not bothering to put anything else on. He wouldn't be wearing it for long before he had to get up and shower, anyway. As Rune crawled in behind him, Calder wrapped himself in his boyfriend's arms and sighed contently. He drifted off into his light sleep, perfectly happy for the moment.
Rune smiled warmly as he slipped in behind the other. His arms wrapped around his hips and he pulled him against his chest and kissed the base of his neck. He shrugged his soulders nonchalantly. "I will think of something. It will be a surprise." He whispered, kissing him once more and then cuddling up beside him. "Just sleep for now." He was sure to keep his arms around the other while they slept, wanting him to be positive that he would not be leavin any time soon. He kissed him once more before relaxing into the pillows.​
The weeks had been good for Julien. Val was becoming more of a constant house guest, and he'd even gotten him to talk a little more about his parents and losing them. He had sympathy for the horned male, and tried to keep the atmosphere of the house upbeat for days after their intense conversations. But it'd been almost a week since their last and the dark-haired man felt it was time to push the envelope again.

Sitting on the sofa, arm around Valerius's shoulders, Julien started to prod a little. "Tell me more about them."
Valerius smiled lightly. He was happy right now. Curled up on the couch with Julien definitely was a good way to ease his nerves. He just nuzzled into his neck a little, his eyes slipped closed and he did not really think much about the situation, until he heard the question. Of course he had to poke him a bit more about his parents. He liked that he wanted him to talk about it and everything, but sometimes, he did like to sit and relax even more. He shrugged his shoulders a little bit, looking off at the ground in front of him. "Well ... My pop, James Keary married my mum, Odette Flannigan when she was right out of high school. He was a good eight years older than her, but they were definitely meant to be." He laughed softly, absently beginning to draw circles upon the other's knee. "Mum's parents disowned her for marrying him though. While they were both ... whatever race we are ... they did not like that such an older man was going after their precious baby girl.' He smiled lightly, turning to look up at im and smiling a little more.​
The names...sounded very familiar. And as Valerius spoke, Julien searched his brain for why. It took a few minutes before his bright blue eyes went wide, and the man stiffened considerably. This...couldn't be. There had to be a mistake, right? The Fate's wouldn't be so cruel as to bring the son of those people into his life like this, would they? But Julien had to be honest with himself. The woman's name was too unique to be anyone else, and now he had to struggle with how to tell the other man just what he knew.

"Ce qui est erroné?"

"Je les sais."

"Sachez qui?"

"Ses parents."


"Je... Je les ai tués."

"What's wrong?"
"I know them."
"Know who?"
"His parents."
"I... I killed them."
Valerius felt the other stiffen and he perked up a little. His brow lifted in question and concern laced his features. What was wrong? Something definitely was wrong. He lifted his form up a little, turning to look at him with his golden eyes completely and utterly filled with worry for the other. "Julien ... What is wrong?" He asked, his eyes clearly showing the worry that he had. He did not know what suddenly disturbed him, but he wanted to know. He wanted to know what just was ruining the man's mood.​
What was wrong? What wasn't wrong? He had a man here whom he cared about so deeply, and yet he'd done this awful thing to him that he didn't even know about. Julien's mind raced with thoughts, not sure how to actually put them into words. But lying to Val would only make things so much worse.

"Your... Your parents." He kept his voice soft, and his eyes averted. How could he look at Val in the eye? "I... Um.. The people who killed them... I know them. And... Their deaths were likely the direct result of things I said..."

Julien braced himself for the reaction.
Valerius froze when he heard the man's words. His eyes went wide and he turned quite green. His mind raced a mile a minute. HE not just knew about his parents' deaths but ... Was the one to provoke the person who murdered them to do it? He shakily stood off of the couch and he took quite a few steps away from the other. "W.... What?" He asked, his voice cracking and the tears were obvious in the corners of his golden eyes. He stared at the man, utterly shocked. This was some kind of cruel joke, wasn't it? A way to get him to 'push the envelope' even more. Wasn't it? It had to be! Yet, the look in the other's eyes told him otherwise. He took another few steps back and shook his head a few times in disbelief. "How ... How could you do that?! What ... What did you do? Suggest killing my parents just because they were different? Or was it since they were good to the community that you decided to reiterate that they needed to be killed?"​
"No!" Julien stood, but didn't know what to do. He wanted to pull Valerius to him, but didn't. He didn't think the other man would want to be touched by him at the moment. "No. I didn't suggest killing them, or hurting them. I..." He stopped to put everything into its proper place in the timeline of things. "I went to Ireland after France, and I got involved with some bad people. They...they were hateful, and scared of that which was different. So I hid myself-what I can do, and Teivel. And I said mean things about those I knew who were different to save my own skin. I didn't know, Valerius. I didn't know that by making a cruel joke behind their backs would bring them-or you-the devastation that it did.

"After I found out what they'd done, I left. At the time I told myself that it was to save my own hide again, and that was partially true. But it was also because I couldn't hide myself anymore and I couldn't make what they'd done okay in my book."
Valerius glared at the man, surprisingly, he was quite capable of a frightening gaze when he wanted to. "You hid?! You mean, you actually have the privelage to hide what you are? While for the past nineteen years of my life, I have had to endure objects thrown at me, mothers hiding their children, everyone around me running away purely because I look like I will rip someone to shreds. Yet you chose to completely and utterly abandon your kind! Not only abandon, but you insulted them. I would not doubt if you were part of the groups that vandalized our home one more than one occassion! You may not have been the one to kill them with your own hands, but you are not innocent." With that, he turned on his heel with a short "Good bye" before he was out the door and just to be sure the other would not catch up to him or try to stop him, he sped up his own personal time, so that by the time he even looked out the door, the mossy-haired man was back at Atlantis. Tears poured from his eyes and already it was hard to breathe with how badly he was beginning to hyperventilate.​

Julien didn't know how the other had disappeared so quickly, but he gave a call to Nikkos. He didn't explain in detail but told him to check on Val and he'd be up shortly. The dark haired man didn't bother doing anything to close up his home other than slamming the door as he sprinted up towards the school. He wasn't going to go down without a fight, that was for sure.

He came to a skidding halt at Valerius's door and knocked softly.

"Val. Please. Please open up."
Raphael was actually in the room when the mossy-haired teen came back sobbing and he could only do so much to comfort him. Rubbing his back, listening to him ramble about how much of a jerk Julien was, and he definitely would not let the other be alone. He heard the knock on the door and he glared, kissing the temple of the horned male, he stood up and walked to the door. Opening it, he pressed his hand to the frame and glared at the man that was there, his right hand balled into a fist to stop from strangling the man in front of him. "Valerius is busy right now. May I help you?" He hissed, his fingers on the frame already burning into the wood with the anger he felt toward this man. No one should EVER make Valerius cry as badly as he was now.​
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