Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

"Yes but... But why didn't you stop when I said 'no'?" That was the most important question. He knew all that. Rune had told Tanner, and Tanner had told him. Caden didn't care about those answers, honestly. He wanted to know why his voice hadn't mattered; why he was ignored. That was what had angered him and hurt him more than anything else, surprisingly enough. The other stuff...well that could be overlooked he supposed, so long as the answer to this question made sense and counted.
Raphael looked up at the other and let out a heavy sigh. His eyes closed for a while as he tried to think of how to word this without digging the hole deeper. His right eye opened, glancing up at the other. "Because I'm a selfish prick who hoped that your 'no' would turn into a 'yes' . . . I know. It's a horrid excuse." He shrugged, his arms falling to his sides and then eventually into the back pockets of his jeans. Yea. That was all he had. He could go into an explination, but he did not think it would matter. That was basically the reason he did what he had. There was no other reason. He heard the 'no's from the man. He had been thrown off of him numerous times. He supposed the animalistic side in him got the better of him.​
"But it didn't..." Maybe if he'd said no once and left it at that. But he'd said it at least twice that he could remember, and perhaps more. It didn't make sense to him. He felt like he was overreacting and couldn't help it, even if his heart told him he had every right to ask the questions that he was asking. Caden just didn't understand the concept of taking as opposed to earning, or asking.

The blond didn't give the other time to respond, though. "You are a selfish prick," he agreed perhaps a bit too bluntly. "Asking would have gotten you what you wanted. Thank you again." He walked away, letting the other chew on that for the moment. He was in a blur right now. Too many things had happened in the past week and Caden couldn't manage to wrap his head completely around it.
Raphael blinked a few times. Ask? Sadly ... the concept really never ... clicked with him. He was much more a take it and see what happens. Yea, he really was selfish. He smiled lightly though. At least Caden had come to talk to him. He felt bad about what he did, but he still could not help thinking that everything happens for a reason. He shook his head a little and turned back into the room with a little bump of his hip to the door. He glanced over to the clock, seeing the time and chuckling. It seemed like Valerius was staying the night. He sighed, flopping forward onto the mattress and he sighed, falling asleep after a short while - despite the annoying pain in his forehead.​
Another few days and it seemed like his luck just wasn't changing. Caden had ventured out again, going to a different club this time and actually getting to join in on the dance floor. Of course that meant opening himself up to unwanted offers, but most were easy to push away, and they usually found someone else to grind against fairly quickly. The blond had a good time dancing by himself, letting the frustrations of the weeks since Christmas out to the beat of the music.

One, though, just wouldn't go away. "Will you stop!?" he cried, throwing an elbow back into the man's gut. "My boyfriend'll be here in a second." Caden hated that he had to resort to such a thing and was plotting ways to get out so that the man couldn't see he hadn't come with anyone as he threw another elbow back to get wandering hands away.
Feeling the need to move on, Raphael dolled himself up all puuurdy [as he puts it] to go out to the clubs. Lord knows there are PLENTY of them around here. He pulled on a nice pair of leather pants that hugged to his rump and legs beautifully. A white studded belt looself rested on his hips. Then a white long, pirate-like vest hung off his shoulders, black belts forming the fabric to his torso. He was happy right now. He looked good. He was out of the school. He was going to have a good night if it killed him! Or got him arrested. Really, it was no wonder the police knew him here. He had been here a feeew times before for concerts and the like, and always managed a ruckus.

Walking into the first Club he saw, of course he had to spot a familiar blond. It really seemed like he was stalking him now didn't it? He pouted and was going to leave, until he saw some creeper feeling him up. He glided through the people easily, despite his normal lack of grace. He pulled Caden toward him with a warm smile to his lips and a cheerful "Hey baby!" passing his lips as he leant up to kiss his cheeks, whispering a soft, "You can beat me later for this" before he turned to the man that was obviously planning to not leave him alone. His brow arched in question as he stared at the man. His hand to Caden's and lacing their fingers. "Can I help you?"

The man glared at the redhead who was a few inches shorter than him, but somehow, Raphael managed to look intimidating nontheless. He rolled his eyes to the man and then turned back to Caden. "Was he bothering you?" He asked, just really tryin to play off the boyfriend-vibe type thing. He made sure that his hand kept a hold of his, stroking the back of the flesh with his thumb and he remained close to him, willing to back off once the other man shooed.​
Despite everything in their past, Caden breathed a large sigh of relief when Raphael appeared. It was slightly surprising that the other kissed his cheeks rather than his lips, and that he backed off to holding his hand. For the first time around the other, the blond felt relaxed and safe and he had to admit that it was a very nice feeling. "No," he answered, playing the game that would get the other off his back. "No. Let's just get a drink or something." That said, he lead the other to the bar and ordered two beers, passing one to Raphael as the bartender handed him the bottles.

"Thank you...again."
Raphael waited for the man to leave, waving with his fingers as he did so. He then released Caden's hand, following him to hte bar where he hopped up onto the chair. he shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly, his right leg crossing over his left and he opened up the beer effortlessly. "No problem. I can't leave a damsel in distress." He teased with a wink. Chuckling softly, he sipped at the beer, sighing softly and beginning to play with the chilled bottle in his hands. Rolling it around and then he glanced back to the man once more. His eyes traveled along the oter's form and he smiled a bit more. "You know, next time you go out, I can tag along and just be your body guard. You seem to attract the weirdos ... Myself included." He gave a teasing little wink before he siped the beer once more.​
He had to chuckle at the statement. "Utah is the only place this seems to happen. Makes me wonder why everyone was so eager for me to stay." Caden laughed a little at the thought and sipped the beer in his hands, totally unsure of what to say at this point. He was confused now. The blond had hated Raphael with such a great passion and now... Now the redhead was doing everything he could to help him, and Caden was starting to see a nicer, better side of the man.

Finishing his drink, Caden paid for both and the two he'd had before getting on the dance floor. "I think I'm gonna head back. Thank you. Really."
Raphael smiled warmly, finishing off the beer and he placed the bottle down for the bartender to keep. He then perked up when the man began to walk away. He hopped off the stool, clapping his hands together and smiling a little more. "Mind if I join you? My urge to grind against men has dispersed." He stated with a little laugh, already beginning to walk toward the exit. "If it makes you uncomfortable, I can walk ten paces away." He suggested, holding the door open for the man and waiing for him to exit before following after him. He really did feel bad about his actions. He was trying to make up for being such a heartless bastard, but he was also just wanting to be sure the man would be okay.​
He was still unsure of Raphael, but the blond supposed that the other had behaved himself lately and that walking with him wouldn't be any more dangerous than standing outside his door and talking with him had been. He didn't comment on the redhead not walking with him but behind or in front of him, and instead let the other do what he wished. If he really liked him like he said, then Caden was sure that Raphael wouldn't do anything stupid.

"So how do you wind up being in the right place at the right time to save me?"
Raphael smiled warmly, walking beside him unless told to go away. His thumbs hooked with the belt loops of his pants - considering his belt just rested on his hips, not in the loops - while he walked. He shrugged after a moment of thinking. "Intuition? I am ... not sure. It could just be coincidence or the stars working with me." He laughed softly, knowing far too many people who think his beliefs are nuts. They really were out there. Not that everything is written in stone, but more so that the cosmos have their ways. Cosmos, gods, goddesses, God, whoever is up there has a hand at what happens. While what winds up happening is not forseen or anything, he definitely think there is something behind the curtain as it may be. He shook his head a little and then turned back to the other, a curious look to his features. "I have a question for you: When did you realize you were gay? You had not come out to your brother and he obviously had already told you ... So was it a recent development?​
When did he know? "Always. Just... I was just never comfortable with it, I guess. Tanner... Tanner had a lot to handle from the minute he was old enough to talk to about it so... I just ignored it." Raphael had been honest with him since stopping him on the road, it was only fair that he was honest too. "I'm still not all that comfortable with it," he confided though Caden knew that it probably wasn't any shock.

"I wouldn't have slept with him," he added with a little laugh. "Michael, I mean. Not anytime soon, anyway. He'd have gotten frustrated with me long before he got me into bed."
Raphael nodded a litt.e Well, he definitely was not shocked by that answer. The uncomfortable part. Some guys, and gals, were not and he did not really get why. Why be uncomfortable in your own skin? Scream it outloud! That what he did when he knew. Sure, his family definitely was strange though. His elder brother apparently likes boys too. And then there are the twins. Tomias. Even Grandpa Tien dabbled for a while before finding Grandma! So, what was there to be scared of? He shook his head a little at the thought before he perked up. He turned to look at him, arching a brow and he pouted a little at what he said. "Well, you can never be too sure?" he laughed, smiling lightly while continuing down the road. "Suppose not everyone's a whore like me and would have given him another week ... before doing the deed." He shrugged his shoulders and then thought for a while. Actually, he was not that much of a whore. He had only a few partners and well, they were all guys he knew well. He either dated for a while or knew them for a while and then took the extra step.

Shaking his head, he turned back to hte man and smiled warmly as he did so. "Besides, I was too jealous to let him even think about having sex with you." He winked, obviously teasing, despite the bit of truth.​
Caden chuckled. "Seems like you were too late for that-he was thinking about it long before we stepped into the cafe." The blond shrugged at that thought. It bothered him to know that those had been the man's intentions, but really he supposed that he could have read it in the conversations that they'd had before that fateful day.

"It amazes me that you'd still be jealous after...well just after."
Raphael laughed softly. "And it amazes me that you even look at me, yet alone talk and walk with me ... yet here we are, huh?" He smiled warmly and shook his head a little. "I do have non-asshole side of me, I'm not like Uncle Rune." He shuddered, trying to ignore the few memories in his mind. "He is ... warped." He shivered with a little shake of his head. He then turned to look at the man beside him, smiling a bit more. "Luckily, I don't think anyone's as bad as him ..." He stopped dead in his tracks after a moment, gasping as his amethyst eyes sparkled. "Oh oh! Wanna go get ice cream!? Or some coffee .. There's a cute cafe that I found a while ago since I'm barred from the other one ... I'll buuuuuy."​
Caden nodded. Ice cream sounded like a nice treat. He followed the redhead to the cafe and ordered a simple vanilla cone. He had always had simple tastes. "Calder seems to like Rune. What does that say about him then?" he asked, truly curious for the other man's opinion of his brother's best friend. Really, the blond had no opinion one way or the other. Except for the fucked up greeting when he and Tanner and Relic first arrived at Atlantis, Rune had seemed pretty okay with him, and really good with Calder. "And he seems pretty normal around Calder, too." Caden lead the way back out to the street, walking even more slowly now so they could enjoy their ice cream and chat. It surprised him that he wanted to, even.
Raphael laughed softly, getting a mint chocolate chip cone, paying for them both, then walking down the street with him. "It says that Calder is definitely masochistic." He stated, licking the minty goodness for a while before he sighed heavily. "I walked in on Uncle Rune and Uncle Relic one time ... I ... do not know how Uncle Relic stands so much pain." He sighed softly, shuddering at the memories before he turned back to look at the blonde. "Both are extremely sadistic or masochistic. Apparently Uncle Rune tortured you a bit ... he gets too much pleasure from torturing others. It's bad. But, I know him well enough to know that the only person he truly ever physically hurts, or mentally tortures, is Relic. Deep, deep ... deep down, Uncle Rune's a good guy. He won't let those that he cares for get hurt." He smiled lightly and then let out a soft laugh. Wow. He could sure ramble, huh? He shook his head and went back to the ice cream in front of him, trying to just distract himself once more.​
They talked the entire way back to Atlantis, Caden finding that he was truly enjoying himself. The redhead did have a side that he could find himself liking, if only the other side of him could get past taking what he wanted from whoever had it. That was an annoyance, and a rather big one. But he told himself to continue taking baby steps and maybe a friendship would evolve.

Caden stopped at Raphael's room, still not comfortable with the other knowing where he was staying. "Thanks." The blond leaned in and pecked a quick kiss to the other man's cheek before heading towards his own dorm to figure out what was going on in his head.

It was late and once again Calder bolted up in bed, breathing heavily and staring wide eyed into the pitch black of his room, searching for any signs that someone was there to do him harm.
Raphael was happy. The kis to the cheek just made the night sooo much better forh im. He giggled like al ittle school girl before disappearing into his room. He closed the door with a soft sigh. Shaking his head, he walked over to his bed and flopped forward. His eyes sparkling and he curled up in the sheets, not really being able to sleep, but he could at least rest. He was so happy right now.

Rune opened a single eye when the man bolted up, sighing softly. He pushed his form up, resting on a hand as he looked over at the man beside him. His left hand lifted to gently rest on the other's racing heart. He really badly wished he had a bit of Relic's power right now. He would be able to at least calm the man down a bit more. He leant over and kissed his cheek softly. "Calm down, Calder ... I'm here." He whispered, his hand trailing over the side of the man, hoping to calm him a little more.​
The hand to his chest scared him at first, but with Rune's deep whisper, Calder was able to push that fear away. The blond attempted to search the dark for another minute before settling back down into the bed with his lover, curling into him tightly and pulling Rune's arm around him more securely than it was. "I'm sorry I keep waking you up." This had been the tenth night in a row that a nightmare had woken him and, consequently, Rune. Calder felt horrible about it. "Maybe I should go ask Nikkos for another dorm so you can sleep..." He didn't want to be away from his boyfriend, but Rune deserved to sleep the full night through.
Rune sighed heavily, rolling his eyes a little. "Dumbass." he whispered, his arms reaching forward to wrap around his torso. He rested against the wall, pulling the other up and against his chest. He shook his head, kissing the side of his neck ever so softly before he relaxed once more against him. He shook hish ead, kissing his cheek lightly. "I'm not leaving you just because I cannot sleep." He whispered, eyes closed and he gripped onto the other even more. His hands slid over his torso and he pulled him closer to his form, kissing him again and he then turned to look at the other, smiling lightly. "I'm here for you okay? Nightmares and all."​
Calder shook his head. "I'm not being dumb. I feel bad. I feel bad that you're suffering because I was stupid." Despite the words, the blond leaned into the soft affections and allowed Rune to pull him tighter and closer to him. "I feel guilty," he whispered into his lover's chest so softly he wondered if Rune had heard him. If he hadn't, Calder likely wouldn't repeat it. He felt guilty not only for waking Rune up and crying all the time and being clingy but because it'd all happened in the first place. If he hadn't have gone down stairs and gone exploring then it wouldn't have happened and they could be back in their normal routine right now.
Rune sighed heavily, shaking his head and he planted a light kiss to his lips. "Do not feel guilty, okay? You never could have known what would have happened. You did not say 'take advantage of me'. You did nothing wrong. Calder , I love you. I will be by your side until you're sick of me. That includes through your night tremors. Your tears. Your screams ... Everything. If you have any issues, then you tell me. It's better to just let everything off of your chest before you blow up. It's horrible to keep everything bottled inside and think you're alone. You are the victim, okay? YOU were the one injured. I am the one helping you. You are my boyfriend and I am not going to abandon you for a few hours of sleep. And if you feel so bad, then you just have to get better faster. And not fake better either! I know when you lie."​
"I want to get better faster..." He wanted to be normal again, especially with Rune. The blond kissed the other man almost timidly, not at all like himself. "I love you." He hadn't said that enough lately, and Rune had made an effort to tell him at least once a day that he was loved. Cuddling into his lover's warmth, the blond gave a soft sigh. He was awake now, and he was fairly sure that he wouldn't be going back to sleep anytime soon. He tried to be quiet, wanting Rune to at least get some sleep between the two of them. He rested his cheek against the other man's chest, listening to the strong, steady heartbeat and letting that soothe him.
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