Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

He was completely surprised by the ambush and had no choice but to go with it until he hit the floor. Caden pushed at Raphael's shoulders with a strong "NO". This was no longer a power struggle or frustration or anger. The situation the other had put him in was simply not okay. And the blond let that be known. "No games. I want you off of me." He didn't wait for the other and instead wiggled his body out from underneath the other man's before standing up and moving for his towel.

Caden didn't like the fact that he was so turned on, or that he truly wanted something more, or that the touches sent shocks through him. Those things unnerved him, and scared him.
Raphael chuckled softly. Cute. He always loved a challenge. Did he not remember they were roommates? He glanced over to him, now far too many forms of lust were rushing through him, the prominant being lust. Right now, he wanted him. He wanted him badly too. "No games ... I want you." He stated while he walked up behind him. His hand wrapped around his arm and he pulled him back and onto the ground, not caring if he bruised the precious little blonde boy. He pounced him once more, pinning his wrists above his head and he smirked, a pointed fang poking out of his upper lip as he looked over the other. "You are so lovely." He whispered, leaning down and planting a passionate kiss to his lips before trailing and niping along his neck, loving the feel of the blood rushing beneath the other's flesh.

His left hand trailed down his arms and the side of his torso before wrapping aroudn the member of the other. He smirked, rocking his hand back and forth and let out a soft little devious chuckle. "Already so happy to see me?" He teased, leaning down and connecting their lips once more.​
Caden struggled against Raphael, completely scared. He was scared because he wanted what was happening. The blond hated that, and hated that when the other man's hand wrapped around his hard prick a moan escaped his lips and his hips gave a small thrust up into the grip. His reaction scared him and he once more pulled away. "No. No I'm not okay with this." Worming his way out from beneath Raphael, Caden stood again. He stood over the sink, taking in deep breaths to calm himself.
Raphael growled as he was on the floor of the shower once more. He looked behind him at the man on the sink and he chuckled. Sliding out of the shower, he made his way back to where he was once more. He looked him over and smirked a little more. His fingers wrapped around his blonde locks, pinning him to the first stall that was beside them and he firmly planted his lips with his. Kissing him for quite a while, he soon hopped up, wrapping his legs around his waist and his arms tightly around his shoulders. He did not want to let go. Apparently, pinning him did not work, so clinging to him had to have some sort of better benefits, right?

Not that he would wait long before getting what he wanted. His arms tightened around his neck to keep him where he was. Lips firmly against his and ever so slowly, he slid the other's member into his rear, moaning all the more. His eyes slipped closed and he began to rock his hips, tightening his limbs around him to be sure that the man would not leave him anytime soon. He did not want to give hte other the chance of leaving.​
The blond was near tears of frustration by this point. He didn't get it. Not now, at least. Prior to the shower, he'd understood that it was a game. But the minute he'd said 'no', it stopped. Caden didn't want to have the other near him, on him, clinging to him... Frankly, Caden wanted to go home. He refused to do anything but stand there, finally coming to the conclusion that letting it happen would get it over with faster. He turned his head away from the other, hands hanging limply at his sides, cheeks aflame while planning his escape while everyone else was at dinner.
Raphael groaned softly, chewing into his bottom lip for a while before he noticed the other so very ... boring. He stopped and looked down at the man before a brow lifted in question. Hopping off of him in a far too nonchalant way for this current circumstance, he walked to the things that were theirs and plopped them on one shoulder before taking up the man and putting him on the other. Walking out of the bathroom and down the hall to their dorm, he threw him onto his bed, locking the door behind him and tossing their things onto the ground. A moment later, he pounced onto the other's hips once more. Taking his hands, he pinned them to the bed and refused to let him leave him once more. "Listen. I like you. You intrigue me and the fact that you are definitely in the closet gets me quite turned on. Just accept it: You're a homo. You'll feel much better after you do. I guarantee it." He stated, leaning down and kissing the side of his neck. Sucking upon the flesh, his hips rocked and pressed into his, growling under his breath and biting him a bit more. "You were obviously turned on by me ... Still are ... ive in and I can insure a wonderful time for you."​
He just went with it. What else could he do? Caden hated the situation that he was in, and he hated not having control over it and the only way he could deal was to block out all that was happening. He laid limp, giving no resistance when he was tossed on the bed and pinned and the blond's eyes stayed focused somewhere over Raphael's shoulder. He didn't react or respond in anyway, even verbally. The man who was currently on top of him had already taken what he wanted, so what was the point? He was obviously going to do whatever he wanted, no matter what. Caden didn't want to waste the energy.
Raphael arched a brow and looked down at the other. His eyes traveled along his form and he let out a groan. He lifted his right hand and slapped the man's cheek, grumbling as he stood off him. "Dumbass" was mumbled as he slipped off and walked over to his clothes. Pulling on his pants, he cursed and hissed under his breath about how annoying and infuriating the man was. How dare he just lay there! What kind of pathetic dipshit was he? He pulled his shirt on afterward, turning to lok at the other on the couch. "You know ... You should just come on out of the closet. I am positive you will be happier. Less frustrated too. When you come to terms with being a fag, keep me in mind." With that, he walked out of the room, slamming the door behind him to go to the bathroom and finish his frustrated business.​
The insult fired him up and the blond had Raphael pinned to a wall, knee tightly in the man's crotch and his forearm lodged against his throat, threatening. "I'm not a dumbass. You think I don't know? You ever think that it's you that I don't fucking want?" Caden growled and tossed the other aside before grabbing the jeans that were left on the floor and leaving the room before even putting them on. The blond was now set on going home the second he could slip away from Tanner and Relic's scrutiny.
Raphael looked up at the man who had pinned him to the wall. A brow lifted in question and he actually felt quite ... hurt by the whole situation. He liked the stupid blonde and yet he was insulted by him and told that he was not wanted. He fell onto the ground, watching the other walk off and he chuckled as he did so. Well then, this was going to be a lovely challenge. He should have pounced him earlier. Snuck into his bed at night or something. He was a bit upset by the whole 'don't want you' deal, but well, this way, it made everything all the more exciting.

Sighing heavily, he stood up from the ground, brushing off his rump and he began to make his way out of the room. A small little pout to his features as he walked over to Tanner and Relic's dorm. He knocked on it before poking his head inside, glad to see that the two were just cuddling or talking. He sighed softly as he walked over and flopped in front of his uncle, resting his head on Relic's lap with a whimper. His arms wrapped around his legs and he huged him happily, nuzzling into the man's lap. "Uncle Relic ... Will you make sure Caden doesn't go home?"​
Caden didn't waste any time getting packed and down to his car. He knew he didn't fit in, and he really didn't want to, either. He wanted to be home, with his family and waiting for school to start again. The blond was too confused to stay, and he had no control. He didn't like either.

But of course it couldn't be that easy as Tanner was sitting on the hood of the truck. Caden growled. "Go back upstairs, kid."

"No. Why are you leaving?"

"Because I want to go home before school starts."

"But why? I mean, I know Raphael isn't your ideal roommate or whatever but...it's nothing to leave over. We're having dinner tonight. Relic worked so hard on your outfit."

"And I'm grateful. But I'm going home."

"No. I don't want you to."

The older blond sighed as he tossed his bags into the back seat. "Please, Tanner. I don't ever ask you to do anything for me. I'm asking you to get off the truck and let me go home."

Tanner bit his bottom lip, knowing he was defeated. Nodding, the blond slipped off the car and hugged his older brother tightly. "I'm sorry. But I love you." He let go and watched the other drive away, knowing Relic and Raphael would be upset with him because he did.
Raphael remained in the room, pouting and curling up beside his uncle. His eyes slipped closed and he whined about a few things and how mean the man had been to him. Sure, the whole fact he had tried to rape him was a little disconcerting, but who cared? He liked the stupid blond and he just ran off. Stupid boy. He really was annoyed with him. He would not think too much on the whole situation of course, and he had faith that Tanner would get him bad, but it did not change the fact that he liked that stupid blond and he did not know why. There was just something about him that drew him in. He sighed heavily, grumbling a few times and he wrapped his arms tightly around the feminine male's form, nuzzling into his neck a bit and not really paying much attention to the blond that now entered.​
Slowly walking away from the parking lot, Tanner pulled out his phone and punched in Caden's number. He wanted to know why he was leaving, at least. The blond sat on a bench, listening to his brother pull over on the road and break down.

"I know I am... I know people think I don't know and that I'm stupid for not knowing..." Tanner listened to the other man trying to recapture his composure. "It doesn't matter if I am or not-he took what he wanted."

Eyes went wide at the confession and the blond asked his brother to elaborate. He was livid, and Raphael's only saving grace was that it took nearly two hours for Caden to calm down enough to begin to drive again. "Call me if you need to," Tanner reinforced. "Love you."

When he hung the phone up, the blond was off to his dorm, not sure what he'd do to Raphael. Anger boiled up in him when he saw the other pouting. "You're such an asshole! You have no right to be pouting after you what you did!"
Raphael slowly turned to the man at the door, looking at the man and he blinked a few times when he started to yell at him. He straightened up from whining to Relic and then arched a brow. "He told you?" he sighed heavily and rested his arms on his legs, leaning forward and he looked up at the man that was there. "I have ... a bit of an anger problem. I don't know if you've realized that ... It's not like I completely raped him ... Okay ... kinda...." he groaned and his head dropped, his eyes closed while he thought for a while. Eventually, he stood up and brushed off his rear, shaking his head a bit. he looked over at Tanner, smiling weakly. "I do feel bad for freaking him out ... and being a bit too forward .... I'm not used to not getting what I want!" He whined and let out a soft little groan, pushing his hand through his crimson locks. "I'll just ... go. Don't worry about dinner or anthing."​
Tanner reached back and socked Raphael in the jaw. "Did you even talk to him to figure it out? Do you know what you did?" The blond's voice was low, but he was more dangerous when calm in situations like this one. "Do you care that you took his virginity without question; without thought?" He resisted the urge to spit on Raphael, and instead pushed past him and out the door. He didn't want to know what he'd do if he stayed. With a last mumbled 'douchebag', Tanner took off through the school and onto the grounds to find Calder, or solitude. It didn't matter which at this point.

He plopped himself under a tree, glad for the cold air to cool him off.
Raphael groaned, holding his cheek as he listened to the other. His eyes went a little wide as he did so. Virginity?! He ... did not know that! He parted his lips to try and think of something but it did not work at all. His jaw moved, but nothing works. He was soon shoved out of the room and he stared at the wall for a while. He ... had not even thought that that was an option. Caden was so gorgeous and he was older than him and so he just figured that he had lost it when he was like fourteen or something. He just did not think it would be that much of a deal if he had violated him a little, if he had not been a virgin. He was the worst, truly.

He thought for a while before he quickly made his way toward the parking lot. He looked around before spotting the lamborghini and he grinned. Hopping into the car, he easily started it up before he was racing down the road. Swerving through cars and going a good 120 mph down the road. Driving on the wrong side and just .. he had to find him. He had to. He eventually did on one of the backroads and he easily raced in front of him, swerving the car to a stop with his car horizontally in front of his. He hopped out of the car and waited for the other to come to a stop as well.​

Relic sighed softly. Sliding out of the room and he made his way to where the other was after a few minutes. He walked over to him, kneeling behind him and he wrapped his arms around his neck, hugging his lover tightly as he placed a soft kiss to his cheeks. "He meant no harm." He whispered and then placed a finger gently to his love's lips so he would not start yelling at him. "What he did was wrong, I will never support him for that, but he had not intended to even try and rape him. He ... runs on impulse. He does not think things through. He never has. It's why he barely is not in jail right now. The only reason he is not is because of his mother and my mother." He kissed Tanner's cheek and then rested his chin on top of his shoulder, eyes slipping closed as he did so.
He supposed if he thought about it, the other showing up wasn't a surprise. It was just very unpleasant. The blond, though, thought quickly and made use of his four-wheel drive. Caden went around the sports car, careful not to nick either car, and then sped off once more, completely ignoring the fact that he knew the redhead sitting in the middle of the street. He wished he really didn't know him. People getting what they want-working hard for it and earning it-was good. People like that earned Caden's respect. People taking what they wanted with no regard to anyone else were lower than scum on the blond's totem pole of life.

Tanner looked up and leaned back into Relic, opening his mouth to respond before a finger was pressed there. Only when his lover was done did he respond. "That doesn't make it okay. It doesn't make it so I can help Caden feel better." He sighed and closed his eyes, wrapping his own arms around Relic's as he sought comfort from the other man.

It was nearly two hours later when Calder finally returned to the room. He slipped back into bed without undressing and without a word, still numb from the dream and the deep thinking session he'd just had.
Raphael growled. how dare he avoid him like that! he pouted a little and followed after him, his annoyance getting the better of him and he gave a soft "Fuck it" and waited until the wheels on the other's car were nicely melts and pretty much square by now. He walked up to the car nonchalantly and he had originally been a bit more sympathetic. He twitched a little, stopping a foot or so away and he took in quite a few deep breaths to calm himself before he freaked out again. His eyes slippe closed and his fingers pushed through his hair once more. He would not freak out. He would be civil and not just freak out.

He opened the other's door, his hands clapping together loudly and he bent down, at a ninty degree angle of his form as he bowed. "Caden ... I am so sorry!" He whispered softly and then his eyes lifted, looking over his hands to gaze at the other. "I had no idea ... I was selfish and it did not even hit me that you would never have had ... anyone. I am sorry! You don't have to forgive me, you don't but ... just please come back ... Please! You can have the room to yourself until you go. I will room with a friend... Or Uncle Rune ..." He sighed heavily, falling to his knees and he just collapsed, his rump on the ground and his amethyst eyes looking up at the other so pathetically. "Hate me, beat me, ignore me ... Whatever you have to do ... But Tanner wants you back. He loves you so much and I am sorry that I was so insensitive to you. I did not think anything about what you would want and just ... please come back..."​
Caden growled, giving a not-so-gentle kick to the other's shoulder to move him away. The blond gathered his two bags and tossed them into the silver car, fully intending on taking that since his own was rendered useless. "You're selfish. You take what you want-even now. And that makes you scum." He chose his words carefully before slipping in and speeding off once more as his phone was pulled out to call Tanner, letting him know that he had...someone's car and he'd return it when he could. He wanted to ask the other to keep Raphael away from him, but knew it'd do no good. Caden didn't even think Relic could help with that.
Raphael arched a brow at the other leaving. Didn't he just say that? And why was he stealing Uncle Tomias' car? He groaned, his eyes closing as he looked back to where the school was, not really even able to see the building. He cursed a few times under his breath, beginning to walk back toward the school, chewing on the corner of his nail. He really did fuck this whole thing up. He hated himself right now. He groaned a bit, burning a few plants on his way toward the school, getting all the more annoyed while he walked. He knew that the man hated him. Hell, he hated himself, but he would not even come back? He groaned and punched the nearest tree, the wood sizzling and an indent of his hand was in teh bark, his hand bleeding and pounding but he ignored it right now. The walk back to school would take a while. The pain would be something to distract himself with.​
It took a mile or so to get the hang of the car. He hated sports cars. But he was too angry to ask Raphael to fix whatever he'd done to his car. And besides that, the keys were tucked in his pocket and the delusional part of Caden's brain told him that that fact would force the redhead to have to walk to six miles back to Atlantis. It served him right if you asked the blond. He drove in silence, not trusting himself to fiddle with the radio or anything else while in this very nice, very expensive, very stolen car.
It did not take long for the stolen car to be noted. he knew that it was missing and all he had to do now was follow it. And oh how Tomias did. No one stole his lamborghini without consequence! He flew over the road, trying to see just where it had gone, eventualy, he spotted it and his annoyance grew all the more. The person was not even going fast in the thing? He growled a few times and then slowly he lowered himself to a few feet in front of the car and person driving it. An annoyed look to his features, his arms crossed over his chest and his right eye twitched ever so slightly. Why was someone stealing his car? Actually, that was Tanner's brother wasn't it? oh great. What did Raph do now? He grumbled, waiting for the man to stop the car so that he could bitch him out really.​
Caden wasn't quite sure where the man had come from, but he looked rather upset. The blond pulled the car to a stop, gearing it into neutral before stepping out into the street. It was instinct that told him who it was, though Caden had no name for the angry, brunette man. "Sorry?" The blond gathered his things out of the front seat and took to his phone again, asking his brother to pick him up and just bring him to the airport. Driving obviously wasn't working. Maybe catching a flight would. He told Tanner where he was, and nodded with the knowledge that it was Tomias in front of him, Raphael's uncle.

"My truck's that way," he pointed. "Tanner can take it back to school."
Tomias glared at the blonde as he stepped out of the car, his foot impatiently tapping upon the ground while he waited for his baby to be back to him. He walked toward the car and the blonde that was there, easing up after a while. His eyes slipped closed and his hand lifted to rub at his temples. He looked back to the blonde for a while before he looked to his car, and soon back to the other. "I know you don't know my family well ... but we're not really the best on expressing our feelings normally. It does not excuse any of what the dumbass did to you, I know, but Raphael really does like you." He smiled weakly, resting against his car with his arms crossed over his lower torso. "And don't steal my car ... And if you ever want to again, at least speed in the damned thing! It's a lamborghini for Christ's sake! It's MEANT to go fast ... Not putter doesn the street." he shook his head a little, glancing to the direction of teh school, trying to see if Tanner was on his way. He was not just going to leave the kid. He could not do that.​
Caden listened as he tossed his bags on the side of the road and sat down on the one that didn't hold his shoes or laptop. "Don't care," he muttered, albeit a bit childishly. "You don't go and rape someone you like." The blond couldn't help but chuckle a little, though, at the comment of going fast. "I'm not a fast kind of guy," he explained. "The speed limit is nice...unless you're attempting to lose some delinquent who doesn't know the meaning of simple, one syllable words. I did go fast then," he offered. "And I didn't want to take your car. He fucked with mine."

He smiled as Tanner pulled up. "Sorry again."

Tanner offered a sympathetic smile to his brother as he jumped in the car, leaning over with a brotherly kiss before throwing the car into gear and heading off.
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