Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Tomias laughed softly, shaking his head a bit and then watching as Tanner pulled up. He smiled warmly, waving to them before he laughed again. "Ah ... He really doesn't know our family" he chuckled and slid into the car, turning around and going to the road, really having to resist the urge to run right into Raphael that he saw moping about. He rolled his eyes, opening the door for him to get in, though he did just smash his head into the window when he was settled, cursing him out the whole ride back to school, though it was only a few minutes. He hated when people stole his car! Bad enough is corvette was at his mother's because of Rune, but then the little prick has to go and steal his? Is NO ONE in his family NOT a criminal? Sheesh.

Pulling up to the school, Raphael said a simple "Thank you" to Tomias before he slid out and began to head toward his dorm, feeling even worse now. He just wanted to sleep away everything right now. Or maybe take a nice shower. That seemed to be what started hte whole ordeal, maybe it would make him better? Doubtful.​
Tanner pulled over after a few miles, pulling up to a park. He would take his brother to the airport if that was really what he wanted, but first he wanted to talk. Maybe he could even get the other man to come back to Atlantis. "Come back."

Caden shook his head. "No."

"But I want you to. Please. I'll make sure Raphael stays away from you."

"No." The blond was determined to go home, and was only becoming frustrated that everyone was determined to stop him.

"Please, Caden. I need you there."

"You have Relic and Calder. I don't want to be there. I don't fit in there."

"No one else is there but us. Please. It can be my birthday present if you want it to be but please come back with me." Caden still shook his head and Tanner sighed. "He wins if you don't. Please Caden. Please."

It was nearly three hours later that the brothers turned around and headed back to the school with the understanding that they'd go straight to Nikkos and Tomias to get a new room assignment for Caden the second they got back.
Raphael hhad nicely showered up and everything of that sort. Being sure he was nice and clean, offering to not go to dinner for various reasons and he already began to pack up his things from the room. Everything was in a nice box and at the doorway, ready to be shipped elsewhere. The next stop was to grovel at Tomias and Nikkos' feet and beg them to put him somewhere else just in case Tanner could convince Caden to come back. He knew that theroom may not be the happiest place for the blonde, but it was closer to his brother and well, he did not want to have a risk of him being farther away from his brother. So, after begging for a while to put him as far away from the room as possible, the redhead smiled and pecked the administrator on the cheek before he began to walk out, stopping with a squeak at seeing the two that were there.

His eyes went a bit wide as he stared at the two, letting out a nervous little laugh. His cheek was a lovely black and blue now from when Tanner had punched him, his right temple was bruised and a bit cut from Tomias smashing his head into the window, and his hand was almost twice its normal size - apparently packing with a broken hand made the bones and healing process worse. He gave a little bow to the other. "I am moving my things out of the room ... It's all yours ... um ... Bye." With that, he turned and made his way down the hall, twirling the keys to the new dorm around in his non-injured hand.​
Caden wasn't sure how Tanner had managed to convince him to come back. The older blond shuddered at being in Atlantis and stuck close to his brother, and even closer when Raphael came bounding out of the room they were apparently heading towards. He didn't say anything to the other, not caring whether or not he was moving out of the room or staying-the bottom line was he wanted to be put somewhere where the other didn't know where he was.

He waited for Caden to leave before going inside and having the same conversation, or one very similar, that Raphael had had. He wanted to be far away from Raphael. He didn't want the redhead to know where he was or to be able to gain that information. Caden was afraid that the other wouldn't be able to help himself if he knew. Caden was a fan of impulse control.

Somewhat glad that he'd been granted a new room assignment, Caden and Tanner both went there and began to unpack.

"Are you coming to dinner?"

Caden shook his head. "No. You five have a good dinner. I'd rather stay by myself." Tanner gave his brother a worried look and moved to wrap him in a hug from behind.

"You know, right? I mean really know." Caden nodded a little, sadness in the movement.

"Yeah. Yeah I know. He just...took. I told him no and I made myself clear and he thought it was a game." Caden sighed. "I guess at least one of us got enjoyment out of it."
Raphael headed down the hall and soon let out a yelp when there was a fist in his cheek once more. He squeaked and fell back onto his rump, holding his even bigger bruised cheek as he looked up at Rune. He arched a brow and groaned. Another lecture from an uncle? He sighed heavily and stood up. "I don't want to hear anything from you, Uncle Rune! I'll take anger, not hypocricy." He hissed, glaring at the man and he growled under his breath before rolling his eyes and walking past him. "I'm done, okay? I give up. I'm a scumbag that deserves to be locked away. I'll probably leave the whole school soon enough, so don't you worry." With a non-broken finger flipped into the air, a little flame danced along the tip of his finger, and he made his way to his old dorm, gathering up all the things he could and ignoring the many pains.

Rune arched a brow before he rolled his eyes. Following after his nephew, he flicked the back of his forehead, taking his boxes in his arms with ease. "I hit you for being an asshole. Icarus wasn't a virgin ... He was just upset since he was in a relationship. besides! He used to sell his body." he rolled his eyes and then glanced to the key, seeing the number and he began to make his way out of the dorm and down to where the elevators were. Quite a ways away the man would be. He shook his head a little and turned to look at the boy who followed him.

He sighed heavily and steppd into the elevator beside him, shrugging his shoulders a little more. "It's fine. I've given up anyway. He hates me even more than when I just pissed him off. Rightfully so too." he groaned and cursed a few times before he followed the man to his dorm. He was about to put the key in, but the door opened instead - revealing a mossy haired, horned, little short boy staring up at them with quite the surprised look to his features.

"Rune?" Valerius questioned, looking at the boxes and he took on a sympathetic look. "Did you get into a fight with Calder and Relic again?"

Rune pouted and shook hish ead. "Nope! Raph's moving in with you, apparently." He stated, looking down to the redhead and then sliding past Valerius. "Raphael, that's Valerius, Valerius, this is my nephew." He looked aroudn the room - not surprised at all. Everything was neat and organized and clean. He hcuckled and moved to the free bed, placing everything in front of the bed

Valerius looked over to Raphael, smiling warmly. "Um ... Hello. Mr. Alexander had just called to say I was getting a roommate." He giggled lightly, a faint pink tinted to his cheeks. He chewed his bottom lip a little though. He was planning on visiting Julien, but he would feel far too rude if he just ... left. He wanted to get to know Raphael a little more. He would be his roommate afterall...​
Caden didn't know where Raphael was roomed, and didn't care. He wasn't in the same corridor as him, and as far as he could tell the redhead wasn't one or two over in either direction, either. That was good. It helped him feel more safe. The blond was relieved when Tanner left without much of a fight, though his brother did promise to bring him something to eat later on. Truthfully, Caden was grateful for that and nodded his thanks before closing and locking his door, and collapsing on the bed. He couldn't remember when he'd had such a tiring day.
Rune and Raphael walked inside, Valerius standing near the door and truly torn about what he should do. He knew that he should stay, but his heart truly wanted to go and visit the man he cared about so much. He chewed his bottom lip a little bit, his hands tugging at the bottom of his jacket. He stayed ... until Rune told him that he could go and see the man he was so badly wanting to see. He did not know how Rune knew, but he was comforted by the fact that Rune told him it would be perfectly fine for him to go and see the man - and he even offered to bring him and himself to dinner! He definitely liked that idea. That way, he could actually go see Julien and then he could still get to know Raphael a little. So, the mossy haired man was happily on his way to go see Julien.

The two on the other hand, remained in the room for a while. Rune looking over his nephew and the injured hand. He smirked. "Want me to fix that?" he asked, nudging his head in the firestion of the hand.

Raphael took in a deep breath, looking over at the bruised limb and he nodded. "Yea ... Please."

Rune grinned and nodded. Walking over, he took the male's hand in his then tugged him to the side table that was there, getting a curious look from his nephew. He held the other's hand beneath his, feeling all the broken bones and he could easily tell that they were not set properly either. He looked to the table and then to the redhead. WIthout even a second thought, he slammed the other's hand onto the table, getting a loud cry of pain, almost a shriek really, out of the little half vampire, and a chuckle from Rune. He kept his hand laid out on the table, his larger hand easily over his and eventually, he did heal the other's hand. The swelling and bruising went down and the pain subsided, but Rune just loooved to be able to put bones back in their place prior to healing. Sure, the injury would have healed up perfectly fine otherwise, but it was his form of payment. He got to torture someone and see them writhe in pain, and tehy got their injury healed.

Raphael quickly took his hand back, glaring at the man "YOU FUCKING SUCK!"​
Staying in the room quickly became boring. Caden dressed and with a quick purusal of the internet, the blond took Tanner's car and headed into town. There were a few night clubs, most gay, and he chose one to park the car in and enter. Dark and smoky, Caden liked the thought that no one knew him here and that if he had a bad experience, he could simply leave and would never have to see any of them again. That calmed his nerves as he made it to the bar and ordered a beer before choosing a table near the dance floor to nurse it at.

It wasn't long before he felt a hand to his shoulder. Caden turned around a little warily, but the warm and smiling face that greeted him eased him. "Can I help you?" He had to almost shout to be heard over the music.

"Just wondering why such a beautiful creature would be sitting alone," the brunette answered. Caden blushed.


"It's too bad that you can't see the sight that I'm seeing." The blond blushed further. "What's your name? I'm Michael."


It was closing time before the conversation ended with an exchange of phone numbers and even a gentle peck to the blond's cheek.
Raphael stayed in his room. He organized everything to start off. Put the sheets on his bed with the comforter. Put his clothes in the closet and dresser. His books were laid out on the desk in the room. Everything else was put into place and he collapsed onto the bed. He had definitely fucked everything up, and he knew it was bad of him, but well, everything happened for a reason. He sighed, lifting his hand and looking over the digits. His bruising and swelling were gone, but he was still quite injured on his face. He did not even WANT to ask Rune to help with that. He may end up with a concusion. He sighed softly, turning onto the other side and he watched as Valerius returend to the room. He looked happy. That was good. Apparently dinner was good too! The two actually talked for quite some time about themselves and why they were here etc. It was nice. Valerius was nice.​
A week or so passed. He and Michael were on the phone nearly every day. To Caden, it was nice. It was nice to have some harmless flirting as a friendship budded. Though, perhaps more as he noticed soft butterflies in his stomach when they agreed to meet at this little cafe near the center of Park City.

The blond slipped away, not yet ready to tell anyone about Michael, and made it to the cafe, though five minutes later. He made a bold move for himself and leaned down to peck Michael on the cheek before rushing off to order himself a hot chocolate. Caden returned to the table as quickly as he got his drink and relaxed, smiling at the handsome man in front of him, making small talk. It was definitely a nice atmosphere.
Before Caden and the brunette had gotten to the cafe, Valerius and Raphael were already there, talking it up about their courses and everything of that sort. He brought up a bit that he found it amusing for his older brother, Gabriel, to have to lose a student because he was in love with him. He thought it was cute. The straight little boy going after the littler Russian boy. He yucked it over that for a while. A simple coffee in front of him with a bit of cream and a dash of sugar. When Caden and Michael came in, Raphael perked up. That voice sounded so, so very familiar. When he turned to look around at the man that was only a table over, he saw that familiar blonde that he truly was not over yet. He looked over his date and then sighed heavily. Yep. It was him that he did not like.

He laughed at the thought and adjusted his seat a little so that Caden would not see him. He did not want to seem like he was some stalker. He never did that. He wanted the blonde to enjoy his date. There was no reason to mess up any of it. Why would he? he was already rejected. He knew he was not liked, and well, his actions definitely did not deserve to be liked. He glanced o the man's date, looking him over and then shaking his head to get back to his little conversaiton with Valerius. They had become quite close over the week or so. It was nice.​
Caden was oblivious to anyone else in the cafe. He was truly drawn to the man he was with, and it was nice to finally feel fully comfortable within himself. Michael didn't ask about his past, whether it be relationships or sex or school or anything else. He seemed to be interested in the here and now, and that was perfectly okay with Caden. He didn't want to bring up his past. At least, not yet. Perhaps in the future he would (oh yes, he was already planning a future). The blond whimpered playfully when Michael moved to go to the restroom.

Michael sighed happily, looking in the mirror. The man waiting for him was so pliable and gullible. It would be so easy to bed him and kick him. That was the plan! This Caden fellow was gorgeous and would make an equally gorgeous notch in his belt. Perhaps another week of this 'friends' shit... Yes, he could handle that.
Raphael perked up when he heard hte whimpers, getting a little protective. He glanced over to the man and saw him go off into the bathroom. He debated before he sighed softly. Turning to Valerius, he smiled. "Duty calls. Be right back." He stood up and then patted the top of the adorable little thing's head. Being sure to not make himself noticed by Caden, he swiftly slipped into the bathroom, lookingo ver the brunette and he smiled as he walked by him. "You have good taste in men." He said ever so absently, walking to the sinks to begin to wash up his hands, acting like he had spilt something on him or whatever. He really just wanted to see what the other was up to and his intentions with Caden. Hey, he may have lost out, but he owuld be sure no one else broke him as badly as he had.​
Michael looked up, a little surprised that someone had bothered to talk to him. But the man in front of him seemed harmless enough, and so he smiled his ever so charming smile. "Hmm? Oh yes. Sweet little piece, isn't he? I'm sure he'll be lovely in bed." The brunette had no shame, really. "Even lovelier when he cries over being left." He turned to Raphael, eyes shining as if he'd won the biggest prize at the carnival. "Soft red splotches over such pale cheeks? Yes, definitely a beauty. Of course, I'll only have to imagine it. Break ups are so...messy in person."
Raphael tried to hide the twitch that he definitely got from the other's words. THAT was his plan? He managed to get Caden so infatuated with him, or at least liking him enough to be excited when they were on a date, and he was just going to fuck him and leave him? He smiled warmly and then turned to the other, acting as if he actually gave a shit. "Oh? So that is your plan? The good ol' take what you want and get the hell out?" he smiled, his hands resting at his sides with his fingers curled into fists of utter anger at the man. He could not believe this scumbag! Sure, he ... raped him but at least he had a bit of care behind it and did not plan to leave him! He had hoped it would have turned the other around and liked him, obviously his plan failed, but that was in the past. The present, he needed to protect him. He did not care if the man hated him even more for beating up his date, he could take that, that would be better over a heart break.

He waited for a few moments before he literally tackled the other to the ground. Straddling his hips and his fists collided with the other's cheek, beginning to beat him to a blood pulp. His anger was defintely rising with every hit. "You piece of scum!" another hit. "Don't you dare play with Cay's feelings like that." Another hit and then they just kept coming, wanting to get the other to back off of the little blonde. If he broke it off because some psycho beat him up in the bathroom, tha was better than 'I fucked you, now I'm gone'​
Michael was taken completely by surprise and was unable to gain ground and defend himself. The brunette counted himself lucky that he passed out rather quickly.

It'd been nearly fifteen minutes and Caden was getting worried. He stood and moved to the bathroom, smiling at Val on his way. Of course, his smile dropped as his jaw did, horror filling him. The blond reached forward and yanked Raphael off of Michael, tossing him into a stall. "What the fuck is wrong with you! Fucking psycho!" He knelt down over the other, afraid to touch him for fear of hurting him further. A soft tear slid down Caden's cheek as he pulled his phone out to dial 9-1-1, knowing nothing other than Michael needed a doctor. He didn't care if the police became involved against Raphael.
Raphael growled when he was forced off the other, hitting the stall and not even caring about the pain. He cursed and stod up, brushing off his front and he then looked to the bruised hand once again. Whoops. At least this time he was fairly sure it was not broken, just very bruised. He glanced over to the concerned Caden, rolling his eyes as he did so. He stretched and then clenched his fingers, double checking that they would still work as he looked over to the man once more. He was going to make a comment, he had thought of one to try and make, something that would help him to think he was just being a douche, but nothing came to mind.

Instead, he just walked past him, planning to leave ... until the cop moved in front of him. He blinked a few times and let out a nervous laugh. "Heeeeeey Officer Carter."

The man rolled his eyes once he saw the blonde. "Raphael ... How many times have I arrested you now? Come on..." He sighed heavily, turning the redhead around and clamping the cuffs arouns his wrists and he began to lead him out of the cafe, until he was forced to stop in front of some kid with horns.

"Hey Vaaaal! Um ... I'm being arrested so, I probably won't be home tonight. Don't miss me too much. Say hi to Juuulien for me." He winked, watching the other blush and he just laughed before turning to the man. "All right. We're good." He then easily walked out of the cafe with him, not looking behind him to the bathroom or anything. Though, he heard the EMTs talking about the man he had beaten to a bloody pulp. Whoopsadaisy. He would be fiiine! The wuss just passed out after the first two punches. Pussy.​
Caden was sure that Michael would be okay before leaving the hospital. It'd taken some convincing but the blond had finally secured a seat at the brunette's bedside in the emergency room. He brooded over Raphael and what a dick head he was. Caden wanted to beat him to a pulp, just to let off some steam. Maybe a nice run would work as well. First, though, he wanted to verbally let off steam and he sought out Tanner to do so. His brother always let him rant and rave, and Caden knew today would be no different.

He knocked on the dorm door, waiting for his brother to answer, and when he did Caden let off all his steam, with various not-very-nice words to describe Raphael.
Eventually, Raphael managed to get off. He told his story. Admitted that he attacked some guy and beat the shit out of him. Paid a fine. Did the paperwork. Was threatened yet again that he needed to be sure he did not start messes like this, and then eventually, Rune came to pick him up. He told his uncle the story and well, Rune knew he was not lying. The whole mind reading thing definitely makes it hard to lie to him. They got back to the school and Rune flicked the man in the temple before pushing him toward his dorm. He shook his head a little bit then made his way back to where Calder was. He ranted to his little blondie about Raphael needing to control his anger. How he thought it was quite cute that he wanted to defend Caden, just a little ... too late.

Rune , after being sure Calder was fine, went to warn Tanner about the situation. He told him that the guy his brother was on a date with had had the plans of fucking then ducking. He explained it all and then when he heard the knock on the door, the ravenette snuck his way out with a little pat to the blonde's head before he went to go see Calder again.​
Tanner was shocked at Rune's words. But he trusted the other man. Rune had never given him cause to not, and Tanner was sure that he had no reason to hurt either Caden or himself. So when his brother showed up, Tanner wrung his hands together, not sure of how to tell him what he knew. "Cay..." He was the only one who could get away with calling him that. He sighed and lead Caden to the bed to tell him the entire story. The older blond was upset and disbelieving.

"No. No he's lying."

"Rune wouldn't lie. He has no reason to."

"No reason?! He wants to protect that little prick!"

Tanner laughed. "You don't know Rune. He's rough, and he's loyal but when someone's done something wrong, he lets 'em know it." He sighed. "Rune isn't lying."

Caden was torn and conflicted. If Rune wasn't lying, then Raphael had stood up for him. But that didn't make sense. Raphael was selfish and taking and horrible. Why would he do something like that?

"Raphael likes you, Cay. His actions were bad, but he had every intention of a relationship with you."

"I... I should go thank him." Caden was quiet as he pecked Tanner's cheek and moved down to Val's room, knocking very quietly on the door.
Raphael had been lying on his bed, eyes closed while he silently thought about what he should do this day. He could go bother his uncles, but that was not fun. Oh, maybe offering Relic to make him something would get him something to do! Yep. He was bored. He was actually thinking of going to sleep. It was such a tempting idea. He was worn out from overexerting himself on that douche, but he was sure if he went to sleep now, he would be up at two in the morning and then he would have to bother Valerius to entertain him, and that would not be good. The little mossy haired kid was so cute! Sure, they were the same age, but come ON! He had horns and was a litlte midget! Even compared to his five-eight self.

He was just beginning to doze, though, when there was a knock. He leapt up, tumbling out of the bed and conking his temple right on the corner of his nightstand. He yelped and leapt up, his hand moved to the large gape above his eye and groaned. Well, he would deal with that in a second. With his hand over the wound to try and stop the bleeding, he opened the door and was ... quite shocked at what he found. "Um ... Hey?" He said softly, pressing against his wound to ensure he was not dreaming, because it was quite the possibility. He then looked back to the man, a brow arched in question. "You ... know you're at my dorm right? If you're looking for Val, he's probably with Julien." He really was positive the man was not here because of him.​
He was thinking of just turning and walking away. Of course, the door opened before he could do so and the blond just stood there, not sure of what to say. Of course, he hadn't expected the blood to be gushing from Raphael's head, either. Caden's plan had been to say thank you and leave. Now... Now he would feel bad leaving the other bleeding. Looking up the hall, the blond noticed a water fountain. Reaching forward, Caden ripped a strip off of the redhead's tee and moved down to wet it. Returning, he pulled the other's hand away from the wound and pressed the damp fabric to it with a bit of pressure. At least the germs and sweat that were on Raphael's hands wouldn't get into the open wound.

Leaning forward, Caden pressed a very quick yet light kiss to the other man's cheek. "Thank you."
Raphael arched a brow at the silent male. He stared at him for a while before freezing when his shirt was ripped. "What the hell?" He glanced to the rip then down the hall to the man wetting the fabric. He continued to watch him, and even more so when he returned and replaced his hand with the shirt. He pressed it there before he heard his thanks. He blinked a few times before sighing heavily. "Fucking Uncle Rune..." he shook his head a little and then pulled on a warm smile. "You're welcome. I just figured you had enough angst for one year, you don't need some ass just using you." He winked and then looked back to his room and then to the man once more in front of him. "Er ... You can come in if you'd like? Or leave. Either way I won't mind." He really was happy that the man at least was thanking him. Sure, he was a bit annoyed that his uncle told that he was not just being an asshole, but at least it got Caden speaking to him.​
Caden truly contemplated whether or not he wanted to go into the room. But the fact remained: he didn't trust Raphael. Not yet. The blond shook his head. "I don't trust you." There was no point in beating around the bush, now was there? Still. He had questions, and while Rune might be able to answer them, Caden wanted to hear the answers from Raphael directly. And whether or not the corridor was empty, he felt safer that they were 'out in the open'. "Why?" he asked, voice still soft.
Raphael arched a brow. Why? could he be any more ambiguous? He sighed softly, walking over to the desk and picking up the first-aid kit he had there. Holding up the ripped shirt was definitely getting old. He rummaged for a bit before turning to the full length mirror. "Why I beat him up or why I raped you?" He asked, glancing to the man behind him and he sighed softly. "I beat him up because he was going to use you..' He began, wiping off the blood and everything and he then put a bandage over the wound, doing a fairly good job for just looking in the mirror. He then turned to look at the man in the hall once more, his arms crossed over his lower torso while he walked over to the man. "As for the other why ... I said it back then, but I suppose you were not listening: I like you, Caden. I like you a lot. I had hoped that the physical contact would have worked better than it had ... I didn't really think that you were a virgin or anything. Really, I'm sorry for that. But I just ... don't really know how else to tell the ones I want that well, I want them. It has worked better in the past ... And it does help when the other participant is willing.' he laughed softly and then shook his head a bit. His arms moved behind his head, crossed and resting at the back of his neck. "That's why. I like you. I still do."​
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