Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Gabriel smiled lightly when Nikkos opened up the door and stepped aside for him to enter. He gave a weak little smile as he headed inside, waving to Tomias before he turned to look at Nikkos. "Um ... I ... have a question." He stated, his arms crossed while his right hand began to rub against his arm, blushing as he thought about how to word his problems. "What if ... um ... I ... like a student." He began, standing and he continued to rub against his arm, trying to not mess up or anything.​
The question didn't come as a shock-most professors at Atlantis had it sooner or later. Still, Nikkos was bored of it and so he drew it out a little, enjoying the resurfacing of his slightly sadistic side. "Well, that depends," he answered as he closed the door and moved over to the kitchen to start a pot of coffee. "We all like most of our students. But if you're asking me then I have to assume that it's not what you mean, yes?" The administrator took mugs down, and got the cream and sugar from the fridge and cupboards respectively as he waited for an answer.
Gabriel blinked a few times, turning to look at NIkkos and he chewed on his bottom lip a little bit. He followed the other into the kitchen, not even seeing the amused look on Tomias' face - otherwise he coudl have realized that Nikkos was playing. "I ... I know ... I like all of my students but um ... One in particular, Sergei ... um ... I ... may have ... kissed him and asked him ... out tomorrow ..." He fidgetted with the botto mof his shirt now, his heart racing and pounding in his ears. He was going to be fired, wasn't he? He could not leave Sergei again and while Sergei was twenty-one, he still was sure that it was bad to date a student.​
Nikkos nodded, not saying anything while keeping his face impassive for several minutes. When the coffee finished brewing, he poured three cups and passed one to Gabriel while the other was carefully floated over to Tomias, his lover's already fixed to his liking. The administrator was debating on how long he should drag the torture out. But he looked at Gabriel's worried face and couldn't do it any longer. The brunette shook his head. "It's fine, Gabriel. Well, it's not advised really as it can create messes, and we'll have to move Sergei from your class. But our students are over eighteen. There are no consent issues, and so long as you have no direct control over his grades, the school and its governing board look the other way."
Gabriel had not realized, but it seemed he had been holding his breath, as proof by the heavy sigh he exhaled. His eyes slipped closed and he was so much more at ease right now. He nodded a few times before he looked over at the other once more. "Um ... Am I still allowed to help him, though? With studying only, of course." He was definitely better now. He felt relieved to know that he would not have to find a new job or anything, it just meant losing him as a student. He could deal with that, he did not mind that. And as long as he could still help him a little, he would be fine.​
Nikkos had to think about that, and he thought out loud as a warning to Gabriel. "If his fellow students become jealous and they make accusations of cheating..." The administrator really didn't want to think about the investigation that would be held against Gabriel. "I'm not telling you to lie, or to tell Sergei to lie. I'm telling you to tread carefully." Nikkos returned to his spot at Tomias's side, sipping his own coffee as he thought.
Gabriel nodded a little, lifting his thumb and beginnig to chew on teh nail as he thought for a while. He was right. He did not want to put Sergei through any more hardships, himself either, so maybe he would have to take a lassie fare kind of stand with the schooling of the other. Help him study and be sure he gets his potions right, but that should not be too bad. He nodded again and he then turned his eyes back to the two, smiling warmly. "Thank you Nikkos, Sorry to interrupt you two." He gave a bow of his head and then began to walk toward his room once more, mind racing. His fingers tapped upon his bottom lip while he continued to think about just what he should truly do.​
The week had been... Well, it hadn't been horrible he supposed. His roommate was not his choice one, but Caden simply ignored the man and hoped that Tanner had placed them on opposite teams for the impromtu hockey game they'd dreamed up. The blond wanted a good excuse to bash the other into something.

He sat on the sidelines, putting on his personal skates before stepping onto the ice. He felt free there, and Caden glided around waiting for everyone else to get their slow poke selves moving. "Teams?" he asked, when Tanner and Calder had finally joined him.

Tanner perked up. "Ummmm... You and Raphael and...Calder."
Raphael was not very happy with the man that was his roommate, but he was plotting on how just to torture him a little bit more. He would have to tease him just a little bit more. Though, the upcoming hockey game definitely was fun. He happily bounced his way toward the ice and pulled on his skates, not thinking much about anything other than having fun. He looked over at Tanner, arching a brow. Well, he supposed having the twins go against each other would be bad, but having them together was worse! He sighed softly before he shurgged. "Works for me!" He chimed, hopping up and easily gliding onto the ice.​
Caden growled at the knowledge that he and Raphael would be playing on the same team. He took off with one of the sticks that Calder was holding, heading for center ice to check off.

Calder didn't mind in the least, not really sure how to play the game at all and hoping it wouldn't matter since they were skating on a lake, and not in a rink, and just for fun. He spent a few minutes getting used to being on ice before heading to mirror where Rune had positioned himself. Maybe today would do him good. The events from the home ec room were still fresh in his mind, and he needed something to take them away. Getting out some aggressions would be good.

With the puck in play, Caden easily took control of it, heading down ice towards the other team's goal.
Raphael smiled as he readied himself behind Caden, his eyes to the man and he really was entertained at the moment. It was lovely to know that Caden could not check him or shove him into anything. He was jut content at the moment. Gliding along the ice with grace, surprisingly. He skated toward the puck, being sure that their team had it.

Rune, was still concerned about his little Calder. He had not gotten back to normal, but he was better. The screaming terrors at night at least had stopped. He figured the game wuold be nice and being on Caden's team would be better. It was not like anyone on this team planned to shove him way or anything. he smiled at Calder aking a position near him, blowing him a small kiss before the game started.

Relic on the other hand, did not really care too much about the whole game. Sure, he was competitive, but for now? He was happy. He glided along the ice, kissing Tanner's cheek as he went to go toward the blonde with the puck, planning to get it away from the man.​
Caden dug his shoulder into Raphael's, not wanting the man near him. He just didn't feel right when the redhead was around him, and the blond wasn't one to not take matters like that into his own hands.

The game went...well. Tanner spent most of the time goofing off with Relic, and Calder just skated back and forth, letting the wind and freedom rush through him. He definitely needed this. Caden collapsed onto a bench after almost ninety minutes of playing, his face cherry red from the cold winds. "Happy now?" he asked Tanner, poking his tongue out at his younger brother. Tanner smiled brightly and nodded, announcing his last minute, silly idea.

"Dinner party tonight! Calder and Relic will cook...if they're up to it. Everyone bring their date and dress up." Hyperactivity didn't bode well for those around the blond. Caden glared at his brother with the words 'date' and 'dress up'.
Raphael lared at the man when he abused him, resisting hte urge to just ram into him and shove him into a snowbank. Instead, he played ... basically against Rune. Which, while it was two on one, was still quite the challenge. He was swift and fast and far more agile and athletic than he ever would have given his uncle credit for. He continued to play and evenutally, it ended with Rune ramming the puck into a tree since he hit it so hard. Raphael laughed and then began to just skate along the ice, taking a hold of Calder's hands and spinning the blonde on the ice.

Relic perked up. Dinner AND dress up? He squealed, rushing off of the ice and then pouncing Caden - yes, Caden. He sat on his lap, straddling his hips as he beamed down at the man. "YES! You! You're coming with me!" he stated, still sitting in his lap while he took off his skates and tossed them into the snow. With that and his shoes properly on, he began to drag Caden off and away, rambling about the best fabrics for him and how cute he would look in some nice jewel tones.

Rune ... stopped. He stared at his brother before shaking his head. "Good luck, Caden!" He called after them, knowing that if the blonde put up a fight, Relic would just force him anyway. Drag him, drug him, use his powers - anything really. He shook his head before skating over to Calder and pushing Raphael away with a forefinger. "May I cut in?" He teased, sticking his tongue oiut at hte huffing teen before he turend to Calder with a warm smile." How are you feeling?​
The blond whimpered as he was dragged off to Relic's private sewing room. He hated feeling like someone's Barbie doll, but he supposed that he had no choice at this moment. He was, however, very tempted to hang back for a second and deck Rune square in the jaw. Nonetheless, he was pulled away.

Calder allowed Raphael to spin him around, though it wasn't the most comfortable situation in the entire world. He couldn't deny that he was glad when Rune stepped in and simply took his hands. The blond slid forward, arms raising up to link around his lover's neck as he buried his face in his chest. He was grateful for the other man's support, especially because he fully expected Rune to up and leave out of frustration and lack of sleep one day soon. He counted his blessings every day that he woke up and his boyfriend was still wrapped protectively around him.

"I'm tired. And cried out. And I think I want to nap before having to cook." He looked up, pecking a kiss to the other. "Come lay with me?"
Relic giggled happily as he patted a stool in the room before walking over to the table. "I have been working on this for you, and I was just waiting for hte perfect time! It's a niiice outfit too." He giggled happily once more, sewing away for a good half hour - putting on the final adjustments to the outfit. When he was done, it was quite the nice attire. A pair of sleek black pants that were bound to fit Caden just right. A purple vest, black button down shirt, then a lilac tie that he only expected to be worn loosely. He pushed the items into Caden's hands and then pushed him toward the screen in teh room. "It's nothing too exotic ... Simple and casual and well ... I won't make you wear the tie tonight, I just like the look with the outfit." He giggled once more, waiting for the appearance of the other.

Rune nodded, kissing his lover once more before he led the way off the ice. Once their skates were off, he waved to his nephew and Tanner then headed off to their dorm. Halfway there, he scooped the other up and into his arms, hugging him tightly with a few kisses to his neck while he walked. He moved up to their dorm, bumping the door closed and hten laying his princess on the bed. Taking off his outside clothing and he did the same with his, moving onto the bed beside him. He wrapped his arms around the other's torso, pulling him against his chest wit ha kiss to his lips.​
The fact that the outfit was mostly black soothed Caden's worries a bit. He didn't like to stand out with bright colors in everything that he wore, and he was grateful that Relic paid attention to how things would fit on his body. That was a plus. The blond moved toward the screen with the clothes in hand. It was odd changing behind just a screen, but he supposed he had no choice and did so quickly. The pants were a little too long, and he felt that the shirt could be let out a little, but he was sure that the other man would tell him that 'it fit perfectly'. Grumbling at that, he stepped out from behind the screen and turned in a circle for Relic's approval.

Calder allowed Rune to undress them both and curled up to the other man tightly when he got into bed. He still questioned how Rune could stay with him; how he could sleep with him after what had happened... Mostly he questioned how he could love him. The blond knew that he was being needy and clingy, and was terrified that that would eventually push Rune away from him. "I want to feel better," he whispered, pulling the covers up over them.
Relic waited patiently for the man to exit, watching him turn and he nodded, patting the stool in front of the three mirrors and he moved over to kneel in front of him. He took the pins and began to pin up the ends of the pants, his eyes focused on the fabric and he looked around at it all. He circled him, walking around him and he patted the sides of him a little bit, tugging the bottom of the vest and shirt a bit. He rested his forefinger against his bottom lip and nodded. The top was perfect. Pants were difficult. They were perfect around the rump, but too long... Which was a ten minute job. He clapped his hands together and undid the front of the other's pants and he yanked them down without a care for whether or not he actually had boxers on. He pulled his feet out of the pants and hummed while he walked over to the sewing machine again, beginning to sew up the hem and he was not even phased by the good looking boxer-clad man.

Rune sighed heavily, nuzzling his nose against the other's and he pulled him a little tighter to his form. "It gets better, I promise you. I will not leave you, okay? Do not even think that ... Ever. I love you, Calder." He whispered and leant down to kiss his lips then the side of his neck, nipping the flesh lightly. "You are mine ... Some horrible woman will not change that. If you remember that, and know you are not alone, it gets better."​
Caden was a little daunted by being stripped in such a manner. He never had been before, and the blond didn't think that it would be his brother's boyfriend who did it. He stood there awkwardly, not sure of what to do. Get dressed? Stand there? Was he going to need to try the pants on again? In the end, he sat on the stool, tugging his boxers to close and cover everything that they should as he waited. He still was miffed at the other man for the damage he'd done the other day, though Caden was slowly getting over that.

A single tear ran down Calder's cheek with the declaration and he cuddled closer to Rune. "I like when you tell me that." He knew it was difficult for his lover to put his feelings into words, but the blond needed to hear it to reaffirm it in his mind. "Does the dirty feeling ever go away?" he whispered, shifting his weight a little. He wasn't used to feeling so defiled after sex... Or almost sex.
Relic was already well over the other day. That was just a fluke of sorts, and he did not care right now. Tanner explained it all and while he was still not happy about the whole situation, he did not mind. He was not made to chose between his brother and Tanner, he was not going to make his lover choose. He easily sewed up the pants and then hummed as he bounced back to the man, holding out the pants with a warm smile. "These should be better now. You can move nicely in the shirt, right? I know it's tighter than you prefer ... but you just look so cute!" He said, smiling warmly while he waited for his pants to be taken.

Rune sighed softly. If hearing that he loved him and would not be leaving him would help, he would repeat it as often as he needed. With the question, he sighed heavily. His eyes slipped closed and he leant down to rest his head against the crook of his neck, nuzzling into the flesh gently. "It ... does ... For me, not completely ... Mostly, but there are times where there are horrible flashbacks but well ... I had Relic to comfort me and you have me ..." He smiled lightly and kissed his forehead gently. "It does go away. I promise." He whispered gently and nipped the side of his neck gently, kissing him once more on the neck.​
"Yeah, I guess." Relic had already hit the nail on the head about the fit of the shirt and so Caden didn't elaborate on it. There wasn't anything else to say. He took the pants and slipped back into them, happy with the length now. "Perfect. Thank you." With a last glance in the mirror, the blond slid back behind the screen to change back into his regular clothes. "What time is dinner?"

The blond sighed softly at the answer, playing the Woe Is Me game in his head. He nuzzled into Rune's chest, wrapping his arm around the other man's waist a little more while Calder pressed a leg in between Rune's to entwine them completely. "I like being yours." While that had always been true, Calder felt it more strongly now. His heart swelled when Rune claimed him, whether it was physically or verbally, and it tended to soothe the frayed nerves from over thinking the situation. "Want to be forever..." He slipped into sleep with the words, completely relaxed within his boyfriend's arms.
Relic laughed softly and he watched the other behind the screen - well, his silhouette - He smiled warmly and nodded a bit. "Um ... Six." He shrugged a little, arms stretching above his head with a soft little groan. "Rune and Calder are just now sleeping ... So it should be a while." He stated and shrugged nonchalantly. He looked to the sewing machine and hummed softly and happily. Turning back to the man, he smiled lightly. "So, how is Raphael?"​
Growling at the mention of his roommate, Caden gave a polite 'thank you' and left the room. He didn't want to talk about the other man when it wasn't absolutely necessary. He returned to his dorm room to gather what he'd need for a shower before heading there, sighing when the hot spray hit his chest and head.

Calder woke up breathless and in a cold sweat, bolting upright in bed. His chocolate eyes were wide, and his fists had the sheets below him in a death grip. He couldn't remember the dream specifically. Only that she was in it. He knew in his heart that Rune had taken care of her, but his head liked to play tricks on him. It took a few minutes for the blond to calm his breathing and when he did, he sank back down into Rune's arms, shaking from both fear and being cold.
Raphael hummed happily, picking up some clothes to change into and he bounced his way toward the bathrooms. He soon stopped when he heard a familiar voice. He smirked and had to debate. Should he pester his roommate ... Or just let him be? He debated for a while before grinning. Stripping from his clothes from the ice rink - having gotten back a few moments ago - he laid out the clothes he wanted to change into afterward. He pushed off his shoes and he then slid into the shower behind the man. He slid his hands over his torso and he hugged him against his chest, despite their height differences. "I like you wet." He whispered, nipping his neck softly and giving a little bump into his rear playfully. He then reached past him and took the soap, beginning to wash up his body happily without caring.

Rune woke up instantly when the man did. His arms wrapped tighter and he pulled him to his form, kissing his lips softly. His hand rubbed along the other's arm, pulling him tighter and the sheets up and to his neck, kissing his lips softly again. "It's okay." He whispered, kissing him again and he nuzzled into his neck. Gripping him tighter and kissing along his flesh to try and soothe him. "Relax ... I am here for you." He whispereed, kissing him and nipping and he wrapped a leg around his legs, pulling him tighter and completely against his form. "Just ... relax."​
Caden yelped out when he felt someone behind him, jumping forward as quickly as possible. "The fuck is wrong with you!" Putting both hands flat to Raphael's chest, the blond gave a solid shove. He didn't care what the other's sexual orientation was... Actually, Caden didn't care about the other man period. He just wanted him to leave him alone for the duration of his stay at the school. Why was that so difficult? He growled, quickly soaping up and rinsing off, not wanting to be in the same room as the other for longer than was necessary.

He felt and heard his lover, but the shaking wouldn't stop and flashes of the day sped through his head. Calder shook his head and pulled away from Rune, getting up and pulling on clothes-he didn't care if they were his own or his lover's. "I just need time. I'll be back before dinner. I promise." The blond leaned over and pecked a quick kiss to the other. "I'm sorry."

Calder left the room and headed outside once more. The cold air helped him focus somehow.
Raphael arched a brow as he turned to stare at the other. His eyes traveled along the naked form of the man, not really being pushed aside all that much. He was stronger than he may seem. He continued to watched the other for a while before he could not stand it anymore. He has had an attraction toward the other, but he had not really thought much about it. He found him attractive since he was, but just the attitude of the other utterly intrigued him! He was so far in the closet though! He really should force him out, and well, what better way than in the shower, right? He could definitely overpower him with ease. Humans were always so easy to do so. He was half vampire after all. Some little non-powered man was not going to overpower him.

With that thought in mind, he barely waited for the soap to wash off the other before he took a step toward him. His hand rested upon the center of his chest and he forced him into the tiled wall behind him. "You're so cruel." He said softly, walking over to him and planting his lips fiercly to his and the hand on his chest easily shoved him onto the ground, the redhead straddling his hips a second later. He looked down at the man, a decious smirk to his lips as he stared down at him with hungry purple eyes. "You are delicious though." He whispered, leaning down and beginning to kiss along the side of his neck, his canines already protruding longer than they had been, raking along the side of his neck and her purred n a more animalistic way than anything.​
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