Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Rune sighed heavily, his eyes closed and he shook his head a little. His arms gripped him once more and he rested his forehead against the side of his neck. "Actually ... I ... do know. Possibly closer relation to Tanner than you." He whispered, hating to have to admit thise sort of thing, but he just wanted Calder to know that he was not alone. That he would not not love him, or want to love him, just because some woman took it upon her nasty self to touch him inappropriately. He hated that. He loved Calder so much, and he did not want to see him so upset, so if telling the true story about why he refuses to be on the bottom, and letting him know that he was not the only one, then he would do so.​
It was all too much to process at once. It was too much to deal with. The blond took a few minutes to think; to attempt to process his thoughts and feelings and what had just happened. Calder whimpered a little, leaning into Rune. He was offering the comfort and Calder needed it. He'd deal with the pain that would come later when it came. He leaned over, and nuzzled along his lover's jaw with the softest of touches. "Take me upstairs? Please. Please just claim me...? Please..."
Rune looked down at the other, listening to his little plea and he knew he was no match for the other. He scooped him up again, kissing his lips softly and he stood up from the shower, turning off the water as he left. He could care less about the water that would be in their path. That was well beside the point. THe blood, both his and hers, was washed off of him and while his stomach was sore, he was perfectly fine for the moment. He just wanted his Calder to be happy. He needed him to feel better and know that he was loved.

Taking him up and into their room, he locked the door behind him. Walking to the bed, he laid the wet male down and the moved on top of him a moment later. His lips connected with his, already beginning to pry off the clothes the other wore. He did not mind that his lovely suit was ruined either. That was meaningless when it came to Calder. The garments of both were easily discarded, thrown aside effortlessly, and the man connectedh is lips along the side of his neck, kissing him and giving gentle nips every so often.​
He knew that they must be a sight walking through the halls dripping wet. He didn't care. Calder clung to Rune, head still buried deep into his boyfriend's neck. He was nervous for the first time ever with Rune as he was undressed and pressed against. The blond shook as his neck was kissed and nipped, but it didn't take long before his brain clicked in to tell him that this felt right; that this felt different from what had just happened. Being with Rune somehow helped Calder feel cleansed. He was still scarred from the experience, but the thoughts of his lover leaving him were gone...for the moment, anyway.

He fell asleep, holding onto his boyfriend for dear life.
Rune fell to the side of hte man, having gone slower and less rough than normal so that the man knew he would be safe and that this was his boyfriend who he was with. He nuzzledi nto his neck, watching him sleep and he placed a few more kisses to the other. A soft "Love you" was whispered and he pulled the covers up and over their forms tightly. He took in a few deep breaths, hating that his love was how he was. He missed his happy little Calder. He knew he would come out soon, but he just could not stand to see him this way.

On the way back to their dorms, Relic stopped and smiled weakly to Tanner. Kissing his cheek gently he giggled a little. "Tanner ... Can you go back to the dorm? Raph and I have something we need to do." he stated, leaning up to kiss the blonde's lips softly and he then took his nephew's hand, figuring the boy would just go along with everything until there was a proper place to question. "I'll be up there in a few." He winked to the blonde before taking Raph out for a little stroll, holding onto his hand tightly as he went. When they were out of ear shot of Tanner, he explained most of the situation. Basically saying Rune defended Calder, wound up killing the woman, and that they would need to burn the evidence, or at least the body, so that there was no stench and well ... Everything else.​
Sergei beamed at the A+ on his test. It wasn't his first one by far, but it felt like it was. And it also meant that he got to spend time with Gabriel.

The Russian was a little confused. His childhood and early adulthood was so messed up that he'd never thought about girls or dating or marriage or kids... Hell, he didn't think he'd survive to get to all that stuff. But now, at Atlantis, he was noticing Gabriel more and more. His aura was a pretty color, and he was nice to him, and he helped him learn what he needed to know to keep up his high standards for grades. Sergei got a funny feeling in his stomach anytime he was around the other man.

That was why he was happy for the deal. The deal was: get a good grade, go to dinner. As class let out, the Russian man moved up to the desk. "Dinner, yes?" he asked, sliding the paper over to Gabe.
Gabriel was glad to be back. He had stayed in the Thousand islands for a while with his parents and visited Miss Lily once more before he returned. He was actually the one who brought Raphael's things to him, helping the boy unpack and then he was so happy to get back to teaching. He loved the lessons he taught and what made things better was that Sergei was always the beaming face he loved to see. He really had grown accustomed to their Thursday lessons. It was nice to see someone so thrilled about learning. He just had to make the deal with him. If he got over a 95 on his Midterm exam, then he would take him out to dinner. He wanted to see the boy outside of classes. It would be nice for once.

So, when the boy came up, beaming and showing off his test, the teacher could not help the gentle laugh that passed his lips. He nodded a little and glanced over the test just for aesthetics - he already knew the other's grade. 99% due to a silly little error. He actually had to look over the test with a Russian dictionary next to him, but he got the jist after a while. And considering that the writen was where heh ad messed up, he did not htink much about it. Sometimes, it was annoying to have to think about the writing of what one does, and what an herb or newt was for. The potion though, he got a 100 on.

Nodding to the redhead, Gabriel looked over at him, smiling a little more. "Yes. Shall I meet you in the parking lot around five?"​
Beaming, Sergei nodded. He took his test and practically skipped to his next class. Not that he paid attention in anything after Potions. The redhead couldn't help that he was excited and that he didn't care if his other teachers were yelling at him. They were yelling too fast, anyway. He couldn't understand them so what did it matter?

The Russian rushed up to his room to change before hustling back down to the parking lot to meet with Gabriel for dinner. He was nervous and fidgeted a little as he waited, not sure why his stomach was fluttering so much.
Gabriel finished with the classes and for some reason, he was actually quite excited. He did not know why, but he was. Sergei was just a student though, so that had to be why he was so happy - he just wanted to get him out of the school. Yes, that definitely was it. Yet, he wound up putting on his nice pair of black pants - ones Uncle Relic made him - and so they formed beautifully to his fom, particularly his rump. A long sleeved purple shirt hugged his torso and hung off his shoulders just slightly. Heading to the parking lot, he smiled upon seeing hte familiar red hair. "Hello Sergei. Are you readY?"​
Nodding that he was, Sergei restrained himself from bouncing on the balls of his feet. He didn't want to scare the other away and yet, it was difficult to hide what he was feeling from Gabriel. That in and of itself was odd. Sergei rarely showed any emotion to anyone, other than discomfort or dislike. He did notice, however, that Gabriel's aura was brighter than normal. It was a different color, a little more yellow in it, but nice all the same. Sergei liked green.

"Your glow is...different. I like it." He blushed a little before changing the subject. "Where is dinner?"
Gabriel perked up as he saw the other looking so happy. A soft laugh passed his lips and he nodded a few times to the other. He then began to lead the way toward his car, figuring the other would follow. The comment about his color was a little off, until he remembered that the other saw auras - which was no wonder he did not like the twins. They definitely had their own little vibe nad to see it, had ot be a little scary. He looked over at hte other and smiled warmly. "A little Italian restuarant in town ... Unless you wish for somewhere else? I do not mind changing." He informed him, keeping out the fact he had reservations. Those were easily changed and he did not mind as long as his start pupil was happy.​
"Mmmm no. No. That is good." He followed to the car and slipped in, buckling his seat belt as he leaned back with a happy little sigh. "Thank you. For helping with the...em... Oh. The assignment. Yes." Sergei enjoyed the tutoring sessions, especially as they had started to become more friendly and less strictly work. "It is a good ((fascinating)) subject. I like it when I can understand." The redhead stopped himself from talking about school, though. They always talked about school.

"What is your... Em... Favorite? Yes. Favorite," he asked, referring to the food they were about to eat.
Gabriel smiled lightly ash e began to drive off. he was glad. The other seemed to be content with the class and even if it is only one student, he is happy for someone enjoying the class. He had to think for a while about the next question, silver brows furrowed as he did so and eventually, he figured out what it was. "Oh! My favorite food ... Um, I like the chicken parmesan." He stated, looking over at hte other with a smile. "Have you had Italian food? I know you're Russian, but you have been here a while ..." He smiled a little more and then soon he pulled into the parking lot of the resturant, stopping the car and then heading out to go get their reservations.​
"Very little." While he was with his mother, she cooked traditional Russian dishes. Atlantis was his first experience with food that was not his mother's. "You have tried Russian food?" Just thinking about kasha and Varenyki and Kazakh noodles made his mouth water. Especially the Varenyki. Those were his favorite when they were stuffed with cinnamon apple or cherry.

He walked in, blushing when a few people stared. He couldn't help his bright red hair, or that his aura was a bright orange. Of course, it took him several moments to realize that no one else could see his 'glow'.

They sat and Sergei took the menu, though was a little overwhelmed. He stared at it for another moment and set it down. "You will pick for me?" His blush deepened a bit, a little embarrassed that he couldn't get his head on straight enough to pick out what he wanted to eat for dinner.
Gabriel sighed and hsook his head. "Sadly, no" he admitted before leading the way inside. He did not think much about the looks people gave them. He was used to them. He was attractive, whether or not he believed it, he had silver hair, purple eyes, and well, he tended to stand out with his hair being so long anyway. He sat across from teh other in the booth, a menu in front of him and he already had decided with the question posed to him. He placed hte menu down and looked over at the redhead, smiling a little more. "All right. And if you do not like it, you have to tell me, okay?" He asked and then soon ordered the same thing for them both - a parmesan crusted chicken with the light tomato sauce and spaghetti. Simple, and not just chicken parm. Well, it was something like that, but that was not the point.​
He had no idea what was ordered, but it didn't matter. Sergei trusted Gabriel to order something that he would like. "What is your... Em... favorite? Em... I mean... Food. Type of food." He didn't know what to say or how to act. Initially, Sergei thought that this would feel very similar to how they were together in the classroom. He was a little surprised to find out that it was very, very different. He couldn't get the fluttering in his stomach to stop and he couldn't think of anything to talk about. Usually, the conversation was about the potion they were doing and he didn't want to talk about school while they were eating dinner.
Gabriel smiled to the waiter and then turned his attention back to the redhead in front of him. His fingers laced together and rested upon the table, his back straight and his eyes to the boy. His favorite food? He thought for a while, trying to think of what he would go ga-ga for in the way of food. "I would have to say strawberries." He stated, smiling warmly at the thoughts before he turned his eyes to the other. "They are not too sweet, but they have just enough to keep me wanting more." He laughed softly before he looked over the male once more. "How about you? What is your favorite food?" He really wanted to get to know the other a little more, and it was a little cute to see him so flustered and blushin-- Wait, did he just say cute? He really di dnot know anymore...​
"Varenyki," he answered without a thought. "It is... Em... It is sweet. And stuffed with fruits. Apples, strawberries..." He was practically salivating at just the thought. "I will have Mother bring some when she next comes." Of course, his mother would bring some on her next visit regardless of a request from her son. She knew that it was Sergei's favorite and spoiled him rotten. He supposed she felt guilty about his childhood, but he was never positive about that. "And kasha, too."
Gabriel nodded a little, and made the mental note to see what 'kasha' was. "I am not one for sweets. I like them every once in a while ... but I prefer things that are savory." He stated, figuring that a conversation about their preferences in food may as well come. It was something to talk about that was not school or anything of that sort. Though, he was curious: "How are your other classes doing?" He questioned, knowing how he was in his and well, he just wanted to be sure he was getting those "A's he wanted in everything.​
"You would like kasha," he stated. "It is... Em..." He had to think for a moment, forgetting the word he wanted to use. "Rice." Yes. That was it. He nodded and sipped his water, not one to drink alcohol at all. It had played too big of a role in his childhood and Sergei resented that it had. He thought that his mother was glad for his decision, as well

"They are good. I do not like the fighting one much, though." Defense classes were bad. Aura's changed to show anger and frustration, and that scared Sergei. It was the only class where his grade had fallen below a ninety four percent, and that was because he simply refused to spar. "Mm. I like yours the very most, though."
He nodded a little and hten listened to his words. Defense class? He thought for a bit before hisfeatures turned a bit more curious. "Do you have Mr. Arcule?" He questioned, not too sure if he did or not. If he did, he definitely could understand the non-like of the class. His uncle was interesting. All of them really were, but Tomias was well, old to top off everything else. He shook his head at his thoughts before he perked up. He liked his class the best? He smiled warmly. "Thank you. You are a very good student too."​
"That is how he says his name?" Sergei had been very confused by the pronunciation of most things, and Tomias's last name was almost on the very top of that list. He'd spent most of the semester trying not to refer to him as Mr. Arcule just so he didn't have to pronounce it and wind up getting it wrong. "But yes. Yes, that is who teaches. The glows... They get not good in that class." He shook his head, throwing away the memory of that class all together, and beaming when he was complimented as a student.

"I am your favorite?"
Gabriel let out a soft laugh. Of course the poor kid had to get stuck in Tomias' class. That man was going to get someone killed one of these days. He liked to spar with the twins far too much. Frankly, he thought he was a bit on the masochistic side, but that was beside the point. He shook his head a bit and then looked back to the man. He laughed lightly and then thought for a bit. WAs he his favorite student? He knew he really should not have a favored student, but Sergei definitely was. He was a good and enthusiastic learner and he liked to stay after and learn more - not just do a half-assed potion then leave. He nodded after a few moments. "Yes. You are. But it's a secret, okay?"​
He beamed again, cheeks flushing a little bit. He liked knowing that he was Gabriel's favorite, but also that they shared a secret together. That knowledge caused the butterflies in Sergei's stomach to pick up a little, and the Russian squirmed to try and make them stop. He was glad when the food was brought over-it would give him something else to focus on rather than trying to find something to talk about.

The redhead cut into the chicken and tasted a little bite. Sergei groaned. "Very good."
Gabriel began to cut up his food, looking over to Sergei and he smiled even more when the other said the food was good. He was glad. He was not sure if he had picked something the man would like. Apparently, he had. He took a bite of the food himself, sighing contently. That definitely was good. His eyes slipped closed, enjoying the taste for a while before his eyes lifted to look over at his company. "I'm glad you like it."H e stated and nodded a little more, continuing to eat the meal. Eventually, he wound up chit-chatting about their holiday break and friends and family. There were a few other topics, but all in all, it wound up being a great dinner. For Gabriel at the very least. He was not sure about Sergei, but the Russian seemed to enjoy himself as well, and that made him happy.

Walking out of the resturant, after paying of course, the silverh aired man turned back to his 'date' and then looked downt he street. "Do you want to walk a little before going back? It may help us digest." He let out a soft little laugh, smiling a bit more and waiting for hte other's answer.​
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