Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Tanner beamed up at Relic's answer. He knew it'd been a tough one for him, and the blond loved the other even more for agreeing to help him because he knew it would make him happy. He nuzzled into the other, completely ready to sleep. But the door opening tensed him back up, until he heard Caden's voice.

"Hey kid. Okay?"

The blond beamed and moved to get up, hugging his brother tightly around his middle. He whispered apologies to Caden, so softly so that only he could hear. Tanner looked up, fingertips touching the already blackening eye and the dried blood beneath his nose.

"You have a tough one there, kiddo." That only made Tanner smile more.

"You deserved it."

Relic did not even look over at the door, not caring who it was who entered. He was just more so concerned about the man in his arms, not whoever was intruding. He continued to hold onto the man, at least until ... he was not there. He looked over at the two, his chest hurting instantly. He stood up a little shakily and brushed off the front of his shirt before walking past the two with a simple "Excuse me" and he then began to make his way down the hall, tears passing by his eyes and staining his pale cheeks. His arms wrapped around his form tightly and he bit into his lip even more, trying to soothe himself again.

Rune perked up, seeing the look on Relic's face and he grew instantly concerned. He wanted to run after him, but he would just ... wait to see what Tanner would do. If he did nothing and stayed with his brother, then he would go after him, if he went after Relic .... then things definitely would be better.​
He was so torn.

Caden... He loved Caden. Caden was his brother and had been there through everything. The blond felt like he was the only one who understood absolutely everything about him.

But Relic... He was so in love with Relic and it tore him up inside to see him so upset. Tanner bit his own lip, looking back and forth between the two men but he knew that it was no contest. His heart told him so instantly. He pecked a kiss to his brother's uninjured cheek. "I have to... I love him, Caden. I love him so much."

He could tell that his brother was a little disappointed, but he'd nodded anyway and Tanner made a mad dash for Relic. The blond didn't stop until he was in front of his lover, turning and scooping him up into a tight bear hug and a hard kiss, eyes closed so tightly that it almost hurt.
Relic had figured that the man would not come after him. He had hoped he would, but Caden was the one he had been called for during his time of need. Why would he go after him now? He doubted that he would, so he just figured a nice walk would do him some good. There was no need to look back or anything. He continued forward and only stopped when he was engulfed in a hug and a kiss. His eyes slipped closed, lips happily returning the embrace before his arms wrapped around his lover's neck, happily kissing him back. he could not deny how happy he was to know that the other had come after him. Sure, it was a little unexpected, but he was so, so very happy right now. He kissed him and just wanted to melt into him right now. the tears stopped yet still stained upon his cheeks and he just let out a sigh of relief.

Rune on the other hand, stared at Caden when Tanner left. His ice blue eyes traveling along the injuries made by his brother and he shrugged his shoulders. "You know, you're lucky Relic went easy on you." He stated, shrugging his shoulders and then kissing calder on the side of the neck gently. His eyes slipped closed and he glanced over to the blonde once more. Yep. Reeeeal lucky.​
"I love you" was whispered several times as Tanner hugged Relic tightly. Sometimes, he just needed his brother. Tanner wished for Relic to understand that and to not be hurt and to know that he wasn't choosing Caden over him. He could never choose. "Please don't make me choose..." The blond didn't know what he would do if he was forced to and the thought caused his arms to tighten around his boyfriend even more.

Caden studied Rune, face impassive. He didn't give a shit what is opinion was-he flat out didn't like the man. The blond gave a snarl and made a move to the door with a fairly calm "fuck off" thrown over his shoulder. Caden turned in the opposite direction of the couple and moved through the halls slowly with no real direction. It was difficult to accept that Tanner had chosen to go and comfort Relic-the man who had hurt him-over staying with him and allowing himself to be comforted.
Relic nodded a little to his request. He kissed him softly and smiled a little bit. "I would never." He whispered, not having meant to make him choose. He really did not. He was just being childish and knew that he could not and would not be able to stay there and watch that prick get all the glory after being the one to cause the pain in Tanner. He kissed him once more, glancing behind him at caden who was walking off. He let out a heavy sigh, taking a step away from him with another kiss to his lips. "You should ... go ... Caden seems ... pissed." He statedi n a murmur, smiling weakly and then planting a soft kiss to the other's lips. "I'll be fine."​
Looking past his lover, Tanner studied his brother. "No... No he's okay." There was just something about his demeanor that told the blond that Caden would be okay. He needed to focus on Relic now, and he knew it. The blond pulled his boyfriend closer to him hugging him tightly once more. He spent a minute just enjoying the contact with the other, nuzzling along his jaw.

"Where's Raphael?"
Relic smiled and nuzzled back into the other, his arms wrapped tightly around him and he took in a few deep breaths. Calming with the scent of the other ... until he heard the question. His eyes went wide and he gasped a quick "shit!" before he took Tanner's hand and began to ran down the hall, looking here and there and soon he spotted him outside of the window. Hel ooked him over and sighed heavily. Taking a hold of Tanner, pulling him tightly to his chest, he leapt out of the window - after opening it of course - and effortlessly landed upon the ground in front of the redhead,. he placed Tanner back to the ground and then brushed off the front of his shirt. He looked down at the redhead who glared up at him.

"What the FUCK Uncle Relic ... Seriously!" Raphael brooded a little, arms crossed over his chest and his hand still gripping onto the tooth he had lost earlier.

He laughed nervously, kneeling in fronto f him and he kissed his forehead gently." Sorry." he whispered, looking over the swollen cheek and he shook his head. "You're here for a few hours and alreaady lost a tooth?" he rolled his eyes, biting into his thumb and then opening up the other's mouth to dab the blood on the gums that were bleeding. The flesh instantly healing up and already beginning to grow back another tooth. He then kissed the bruised cheek and smiled weakly. "I'm sorry, Raphy ... There was drama and I am sorry."​
Tanner's eyes went wide when he was tugged after Relic. And they went even more wide when he was pulled into his lover's arms and pulled out the window. The blond nearly had a heart attack. "Warning next time?" he asked, breathless and still trying to wrap his head around what had just happened.

He looked over Raphael, eyebrow raising. "Did you get into a fight with a tree? There's no one here!"
Raphael rolled his eyes in annoyance, running his tongue along the tooth that was now back to where it should be. He pushed himself up from the ground, using Relic's shoulder to help hold himself up. His arms folded over his lower torso and he growled. "NO! Some blonde asshole with a stick up his ass. Fucking old fart." He grumbled a few more times, cursing beneath his breath and really, all he wanted to do right now was to go to sleep. That would be the best thing right now. Go and take a nap. Or sleep until the next day. Whichever really at this point would work. He definitely was not in a good mood.

relic let out a nervous little laugh, looking at the other before he stood up as well. Turning to look at Tanner, he gave a weak smile - knowing that they both knew who the only other blonde here was, and it definitely was not Calder. he cleared his throat a bit, clapping his hands together "Well ... We can go to the dorm now ... You'll be staying with Rune and Calder until Nikkos gets you a room." He stated, kissing his nephew's cheek and lacing their fingers. He took Tanner's hand, beginning to take both toward the door to head into the building.​
Tanner blushed profusely at the knowledge that Raphael's condition was due to his brother. He was glad for Relic and the blond stood behind him, face buried into his neck. "Maybe we should go find Nikkos and Tomias?" he suggested. Who knew where Caden was but it wasn't with those two! "It'll be best to set Raphael up in his own room as soon as possible, right?" Besides, he didn't think Rune and Calder would appreciate a third party in their room. Or, rather, he didn't think the third party would appreciate the sex that the couple wouldn't stop having no matter who was there.
Relic glanced over to Raphael and nodded. No one really wanted to see their uncle having sex, no matter how good looking said uncle may be. He let go of Raphael's hand and wrapped both his arms around his boyfriend's, kissing hisl ips softly before beginning to make his way toward Tomias and Nikkos' room - which was pretty much just being at Nikkos' room but that was beside the point. Once there, he knocked on the door, holding onto Tanner's hand and absently running his thumb along the back of his hand. He looked up to Tomias when he came to the door, smiling warmly. "Raph needs a room."

Tomias stared at them before letting out a heavy sigh. He stepped to the side, grumbling a few times as he did so. Wasn't the whole school supposed to be theirs for a while? He shook his head a bit before looking over to Nikkos in the bed. "We have company.' He called over, tugging up the bottom of his boxers properly now. Yep. He would need to take an other cold shower. He sighed, slamming the door closed behind Raphael and then giving him a little wave. "Hey Raph."

"Hello Uncle tomias." he said, smiling lightly and then looking around the room. "are all dorms like this?"​
Nikkos groaned. Why did students have to return before classes? They never had before and they were ruining his holidays with Tomias now. The brunette grumbled and reached down for a pair of pants to pull on before exiting the bed.

"No. All of the staff rooms are like this." His tone was cross, as were his features as he crossed the room to his work area. The administrator went through his papers, and then switched on his laptop, which held the most up to date room assignments. "Five...forty. They'll show you where it is. Caden might as well room with him while he's here." He didn't wait for anything else before shooing the three of them out his door.
Tomias stared at the three, all too happy to help shove them out of the room. he closed the door, locked it, and then turned back to Nikkos. Grinning, he pounced the other. Pinning him to the table and beginning to kiss along his neck, nipping the flesh and connecting their lips a moment later. His hands slid down the side of the other, moving to the top of his pants and beginning to pull the off of his hips, not caring where they were thrown. He was too impatient at the moment. He wanted to get back to where they had been ... and forget about those pesky children. He did not start working againfor a while now, they needed to go away.

Squeaking, Relic exited the room, sticking his tongue oout at the two before he sighed heavily. Turning back to Tanner, he smiled a little bit. "Well... this is bound to be interesting." He murmured, lacing his fingers with Tanner's and then beginning to lead the way toward the room that the other would be in. "Where are your things?"

Raphael shrugged his shoulders. "Tehy should be here tomorrow."​
Nikkos gasped, surprised by the sudden move. He moved with Tomias, though, trusting the other man completely. His long legs came up to wrap around his lover's waist as he was kissed, ankles locking at the small of Tomias's back and he rocked his hips up into the other man's. "Please..."

The blond groaned at the decision of the administrator but could do nothing about it. He didn't want Caden in their room, and he was sure Rune and Calder didn't either. It seemed that whatever Raphael wanted in the situation was a moot point. He sucked in a deep breath when he saw his brother walking towards them, waiting for the inevitable World War three to start.

"Where am I sleeping tonight, kid?"

"Uhhh... This is Raphael..."

The smaller blond turned to the red head and growled at him. "Go away. This doesn't concern you."

"...your roommate..."

Caden's jaw dropped.
Raphael was going to get huffy about the blonde dearing to come near him again, but then he saw the bruises on the other's face. A brow arched in question. "What the fuck got you? Rabid bear?" He asked, not even caring about the roommate thing at the moment. He would probably mind once they were forced together, but for now, he just really wanted to know what got the other man to look so horrible. He looked over the bruised eye, split lip, possible broken nose ... "Or were you retarded and ran into a tree?"

Relic flicked the redhead beside him. "hush!" he groaned and smiled a little weakly toward Caden. "This is my nephew ... He's a little punk, I know.' he rolled his eyes and then whacked him upside the head again, his arms moving to cross over his lower torso, glaring down at the other. "Be nice to Caden ... You're going to be playing Hockey together soon." He giggled and patted the top of his nephew's head before he literally smacked teh disgusted look off the other's face - not hard, just a little tap, then a flick to the forehead. "Nice."

With a few grumbled from the redhead, Raphael eventually took in adeep breath and turned to the one now known as Caden. Holding out his right hand, he pulled on a forced smile. "It's lovely to meet you, Cay. I'm Raphael,"​
The blond turned beat red with frustration. "Caden," he corrected through clenched teeth. He hated any nicknames that people came up with that were derived from his name. Not that he liked nicknames in general but that was beside the point. He charged his brother, a playful glint in his eyes. Caden bent at the waist and took Tanner over his shoulder despite the size difference and began to spin him around. "You're so going to pay for this!"

Tanner laughed, fists pathetically beating at his brother's back. "Stop! Caden! Oh my god I'm gonna be sick!" He was laughing through all the words, though, and the older blond continued to spin him around.
Relic remained where he was, looking at the two and he smiled lightly.While Caden seemed pissed, it was not too bad. Besides, he was sure that Tanner could get out of the hold if he truly wanted to. Stretching his arms above his head, he let out a soft little groan. "Raph ... Come help me get the things to put into your guys' dorm." He said, dragging the other by his ear and giving a simple little wave to the two blondes. "See you in teh room." he called over, not wanting to interrupt the two. Besides, they needed some sort of bonding moment or something. He did not care what, but he would just make sure that his little nephew was out of the way for teh moment.

Raphael groaned, following after the other and cursing beneath his breath. "Fine" he mumbled, only pleasedi n the fact that apparently Caden did not enjoy to be called 'Cay' and oh! look what his new name was going to be for the other. He chuckled and then did not even mind helping out the ravenette. Taking ah old of one of the boxes that the man pointed out to state that was Caden's, he followed him to the room, looking at the back of his uncle's head while he did so. Once there, he flopped onto the nearest bed, the one near the window, nuzzling into the pillow and smilnig a little more. "Mm ... Lovely"​
Despite the drama of Caden showing up, Calder had managed to enjoy the rest of their break. It'd been a little too long, though, and the blond was looking forward to going back to class. It wasn't that he didn't enjoy spending all day, every day with Rune. It was that they'd run out of things to do. You could only have sex so often before it started to hurt in a not so pleasurable way.

But the start of classes also meant a change in schedule and he and Rune had wound up with only two of their six classes together. That also meant that Calder's free periods were during Rune's classes. The blond grumbled and cursed Archer under his breath for that. Really-couldn't they have at least one free period together? Still, somehow he managed to tear himself away from his boyfriend that morning to attend classes like a good boy.

Free periods, though, sucked. Rune and Relic and Tanner were all in class and that left him to wander around the school, bored out of his skull. He supposed there was a good side-he found his way into some unused corridors. The classrooms here were interesting. Some had padded walls and floors. Probably for sparring... Some had long tables rather than desks. Some had walls that were chalk boards from floor to ceiling. And one was an old home ec room (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" rel="nofollow" href="http://www.glendalehigh.com/images2/100years-HomeEc1949.jpg">http://www.glendalehigh.com/images2/100 ... Ec1949.jpg</a><!-- m -->). The blond beamed and went into that one, flipping the light switch on.

Bernadette Moore strolled through the hallways of Atlantis. She'd been pestered for months to come look at the facilities that Archer wanted her to invest in. Finally, she'd run out of excuses and had no choice. With a sigh, she strolled boredly, not really paying any attention to anything. She didn't care what the school looked like, or what it taught or how badly it needed funding. It was likely that she would not invest in the school, no matter what she found.

As the tall, slender redhead passed through a darkened corridor, a light ahead caught her eye. And when she came to the door, her breath caught. The blond creature inside was gorgeous and she set her sights on him. Bernadette always, always got what she wanted. She smoothed down her navy business suit and stepped inside of the classroom, smiling warmly when Calder spun around, surprised.

"Hello. I'm Bernadette. And you are..."

The blond looked at her, unaccustomed to seeing women anywhere near Atlantis. And it finally registered that she'd asked him something. "Calder. Calder Delano. It's nice to meet you." He took a step back as she took a step forward. There was something...predatory about her that he didn't like. "Can I help you? I mean, no one's ever down here and maybe you're lost?"

"Oh, no. I think I've found exactly what I'm looking for." She stepped forward once more, smiling when Calder's back hit against the wall. Her slender finger reached out to brush down the blond's cheek lightly and she grinned when Calder shivered. "What's wrong?" she purred, pressing her body against Calder's. "Don't you wanna feel good?" She leaned down and pressed her full red lips to Calder's neck as the blond squirmed to get away.

"Stop." He took hold of her hips to push her away, but she took it as encouragement and stepped forward, pressing their hips together. He squirmed, wanting to push the woman away and not knowing how. Anywhere he touched, or thought to touch, was sexual. He didn't want this and he prayed that Rune would think to check up on his thoughts while berating himself for telling his lover to not read them. "Stop it. Now. I don't want to sleep with you!" Calder was getting more forceful in his voice, even if he was failing physically.

His mind screamed for Rune as he struggled against the woman's advances.

How she wound up getting his pants around his ankles he'll never know, but Calder was desperate now as his hands were pulled to her chest and forced to squeeze her breasts. He whimpered, trying desperately to pull away and not understanding how she could be so strong. Calder wanted to morphe away his penis, but couldn't concentrate enough to do so. The blond nearly cried when her hand cupped there, squeezing much too tightly.

And in a flash his boxers were down with his jeans, and her leg was lifted around his waist. He knew what she was trying to do and still he couldn't do anything to stop it. He continued to mentally scream for Rune, praying that his lover would somehow hear him and save him. The voice in his head, though, told him that he was dumb-he was somewhere in the school that Rune nor Relic nor Tanner had ever been to.

Tears slid down his cheek as he felt himself being pressed to Bernadette's wetness.
Rune was glad to be back in classes. Annoyed that he was separated from Calder, but well, absense makes the heart grow fonder, right? He currently was sitting, absently listening to whatever the teacher was saying. He really could not pay attention. At least not properly pay the others mind. He doodled on the pages and easily answered the questions that were quickly asked of him when the teacher thought he would stump him. He was not paying attention, sure, but that did not mean he did not know that stuff that was being taught. He really was too smart for his own good sometimes.

He suddenly froze. Something was not right. Not in the classroom ... but with Calder. He did not know how he knew, he just did. And when he heard the mental screams of the man, he was instantly up and out of the room in a flash - not looking to anyone and ignoring the teacher's cries for him to get back here before he was put in detention. Big whoop. Like that threat would get him to come back. It would not even if Calder was not in trouble.

Running through the halls, he didn ot even notice that he was no anywhere where he had been before. That did not matter. Al that mattered was to get the man he loved safe and sound. He eventually found the room that Calder was trapped in, sparing no moment in rushing in. His anger instantly bubbled at the sight. Swerving easily through the lines of ovens and everything else, his right hand wrapped around the woman's neck, throwing her to hte other side of the room and hearing her collide with the wall and stoves over that end. He was pissed, yes, but he was more concerned about the blonde. Wrapping his arms around his torso, he hugged him tightly, pulling him firmly against his chest with a soft "Are you all right?"​
Nothing registered with the blond until he was against Rune's firm chest and his voice was in his ear. Calder broke down, clinging to the other tightly while he buried his face into his lover's neck, not wanting to see the woman who was now across the room. He shook his head 'no' to the question and clung tighter, not sure if he'd ever be okay again. The clicking of heels against the tiles made Calder shake and whimper and press himself further into Rune. "No no no no no no no..." Sooner rather than later, the blond was fully unaware of what he was saying, or what was going on except that there were another pair of hands on his still bare rear end, and they most certainly weren't Rune's.

Bernadette shook off the toss across the room after a few minutes. Really, the prick that had interrupted them was stupid to think that she wouldn't. And when the redhead saw the sight in front of her, she had to grin. How cute! She walked over and pressed herself against the dark haired one's body, wrapping her arms around to grab a handful of the blond's ass. She purred. "Oooh this is so much better than I'd planned!"
Rune trailed his hands through the other's hair, holding him tightly and he nuzzled into the blonde locks. his eyes closed and he soon froze when the woman was close once more. A single brow lifted in question and he growled under his breath. Why wasn't she out for the count? He slowly released Calder, resisting the urge to just vomit on the woman - his anger was too strong by this point. Without even looking over to his lover, his hand was once more around the woman's neck and he threw her against the wall, just to get her away from the blonde.

It did not take long for the two fighting to make way into the hall - mainly since Rune did not want Calder to see the inevitable. The woman was ripped and bloody and the man's wounds already were healing up. He went into one of the old wood shop rooms, throwing the woman with a kick to the stomach, into one of the machines there. He could only smirk when she picked up a blade and threw it at him. Sure, it was a dead hit in his stomach, but what she did not know what that she not gave him a weapon. Pulling the blade out with little care for the pain and blood, he walked toward her, wrapping his fingers around her red locks and he growled. Without a hint of doubt, nor a snappy remark, the blade sliced through her neck and he let the limp body and head fall to the ground, bloodied blade atop of her.

He waited for the wounds in his stomach to heal before he ran back to be with Calder. Wasting no second, he scooped up the man and dashed through the halls with him. He took the stairs up to their floor and made his way into the bathroom, locking the door behind him out of pure privacy. He kicked off his shoes and then walked into the showers, turning on the warm water. He slid to the ground with the other, wrapping him up tighter in his embrace. his lips pressed to his temple and lips, whispering soft, "I'm here now"s to him and "It's okay" every so often. He just wanted it all to be washed away by the water.​
Calder collapsed onto the floor when Rune left him, but he knew. Somewhere in the back of his head, he knew that because he left and took that woman with him, he was safe...even if he did want the extra security of Rune's arms around him. He waited, though, unable to do much more than stand, pull his clothes right and collapse again.

The blond's arms wrapped tightly around Rune's neck when he was lifted, his face hiding in his lover's neck as he cried, both from embarrassment and anger. He felt violated and dirty and like he'd betrayed his relationship with his boyfriend. How could Rune want to touch him? The other man hated women, and now he was soiled by one. He wanted to feel clean again; to feel right.

It didn't surprise him to wind up in the shower, even with his clothes on. Of course Rune would want to wash away the grime of that woman before touching him too much. He pulled away when they were settled, moving to the back wall of the shower and sitting with his back against it, knees to his chest and his head resting on the tops of his knees. It was inevitable in his mind that Rune would want to leave him. Calder figured that he might as well just distance himself first to minimize the hurt.
Rune watched the other move away from him and his concern grew even more. He kept his eyes to the other for a while before he moved over to him once more. He wrapped an arm around his shoulders and he pulled him back against his chest, kissing the top of his head. "Calder ... I love you.... Please do not turn away." He whispered, looking down at the man and he kissed his cheek once more. His eyes slipped closed, his forehead rested against his temple. His other arm lifted to wrap aroudn the front of his chest, pulling him to him again and refusing to let go. "I know what you're going through is tough ... But ... the situation will only get worse if you close yourself off. I will not and am not going to leave you, so do not leave me either."​
Sobs wracked his body again at the words and the thoughts that they brought forward. "How? How could you love me? I let... She touched..." he shivered at the thoughts, not wanting to relive it. He tried weakly to pull away again, but anyone with half a brain could tell that the action was half-hearted. but he shook his head at the statement that Rune understood. "No. No what you went through... It wasn't the same. You can't know." He didn't want to make light of what had happened to Rune, but it was very different. Had his body reacted differently... Well he didn't want to think about that, either.
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