Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

"PRESENTS!?" the two older girls squealed.

"I want presents!"

"What'd you get me?"

"Why can't we open them now?"

"Please can we open them now?"

Tanner only shook his head and set both girls in front of them. "Relax. You'll get them when Mom and Caden get home." He gave a swat to both of their behinds before sending them off to let his father know that they were there and helping Relic place the boxes beneath the tree. "You said the magic word," he laughed.

It didn't take long for his mother and brother to return, and Tanner greeted them both happily. "What's going on? I thought you were headed back to school." Good old, nosy Caden.

"Last minute gifts," he answered.


Audrey rolled her eyes, much like her youngest son had only a few minutes before and herded the girls into the living room. "Only when Relic passes them o--JULIE DON'T YOU TOUCH THAT!"
Relic laughed softly and nodded. "Yes. I buy my love." He teased, kissing him a few moments before his mother and Caden came back. He smiled over at Caden, his ice blue eyes staying to the man as he did so. "Yep! I have gifts for you all ... and we have a few more days until classes start so hush you!" He walked over, giving him a little kiss to the cheek with a "Lovely seeing you again" before he went to the presents, playfully and softly bumping his hip against Julie "Go sit, sweetie. I'll give you your gift." He then lifted up the girl, turning her around and giving her rump a little swat to get going to the couch. He took up the boxes once more, passing them out. One to Caden, another to their mother and father, then passed out toe the girls, after a little bit of teasing them with 'I'm not sure you want my presents' just to get them a little riled.

He ten laughed and walked over to Tanner, slinking his arms around his form and he rested his head agianst his shoulder, nervous. he was not sure if anyone would like his gifts. He was so worried about that.​
Tanner watched each member of his family open their presents as he pulled his boyfriend into his lap fully and wrapped his arms around Relic's middle.

Julie and Olivia squealed over theirs, holding them up and twirling around the room like that, even after tripping over several pieces of furniture and people. Tanner just laughed.

His parents were floored really. They had no idea when buying the little sewing kit for Relic the extent of his talents. His father was much more reserved than his mother and John only nodded a thank you. Tanner whispered to Relic that he could tell that the other man was really pleased and not to let his lack of saying so make him think otherwise. Audrey, however, was quick to bum-rush the twin and hug him tightly. "What lovely and thoughtful gifts!"

Caden was...confused, mostly. The clothes that Relic had made weren't what he'd have picked out for himself and he was wondering why the other man would have chosen to make them for him. Tanner only shook his head. "They'll look wonderful. You can wear them when you come to Atlantis with us."

The older blond looked up, clearly confused. "Why would I come to your school?"

"Because you love me?"

Caden squinted at the other. "What do you want?"

"To spend time with you? Andforyoutobethesixthmaninathreeonthreehockygame."
Relic beamed at hte little girls' reactions. That definitely was flattering. one reason he loved to sew so much. He grinned and before he could even comment on Tanner telling him his father was happy too, he was pounced by his mother. He laughed, hugging her back and then following her to where she was and taking up the dress, turning it inside out in case she had not known. "SO that you can wear it in spring too. I really wanted to make you a nice spring dress ... but considering you're in Maine and it's ... cold ... I went with both." He giggled softly then straightened and turned to Caden, clapping his hands together and nodding after Tanner. "Exactly! Rune and Calder and Raphy challenged uuus! so... You have to help!" He said, pouting a little bit and looking over at the blonde. He soon moved back to Tanner's lap, arms wrapped around his shoulders as he looked at the blonde once more. "It will be fuuuun. The losers take the winners out for booze and food for those who are not of age."​
Tanner laughed. "I think those who are of age should just buy everyone booze and bring it back to the school so that we can all celebrate with whoever wins." He hated not being able to go out and have a drink with his boyfriend. The blond pouted and nuzzled at Relic's neck, nipping sharply here and there. "Please?" He batted his eyelashes at his lover, nipping along the man's Adam's apple next.

He didn't care who was watching them, even as his brother chocked down a few laughs and his sisters were ringing out a few "ooooooooh"'s.

"You love me enough to do that, right?"
Relic giggled lightly, nuzzling into the other's head and he shrugged his shoulders a little absently. Thinking about it, he knew he would, but that was beside the point. He then looked over at Caden, girnning. "I'll but you a driiiiiink." He offered then kissed Tanner with a simple, "Yes, but shh, you're underaged, you naughty boy." He nipped his bottom lip playfully then turned back to Caden. He clapped his hands tgoether, beginning to bounce in his lover's lap, resisting the urge to tackle the man, he figured that would make thins worse. "Please? It will be fun." He said and then clapped his hands a little, waiting for the other to answer impatiently.​
Tanner grinned. "But I love you," he whispered only to Relic, hugging him more tightly before turning to his brother. "Come on, Caden. You don't have school for almost another month and it'll be boring here-the girls start pre-school on Monday." The blond could see that his brother was seriously contemplating what he'd said, and he knew he'd won. Logic always wins with Caden. Smiling, Tanner settled back into the chair, arms wrapped around Relic tightly. "We'll leave soon, then. Catch dinner on the way." Driving back would be a bitch, but they'd have to. Neither anticipated another body coming back with them and therefore no airline reservations were made for his brother.

"Bring lots of clothes-you can go straight to school from Atlantis."
Relic beamed. He saw the look on Caden's face and with Tanner confirming that he was coming back with them - he was excited. He giggled and nuzzled into the blonde beneath him, pulling his knees to his chest as he smiled a little more. "Oooh Goodie! ooh oh! You can even meet my brother!" he thought for a few moments before his features dropped a lbit. "Um ... I don't think right away though ..." he shook his head before he wrapped his arms around Tanner, kissing his neck softly and not really caring about their audience. His eyes slipped closed while he settled against the other, smiling a little absently to himself. "It'll be so much fun." He whispered, truly excited for bringing back Caden with them.

Valerius sighed contently while he and Julien walked back to his cottage. His fingers were laced with his and his head every so often would rest against him. "Thank you ... Tonight was lovely." He stated and then leant up to place a lovely little kiss to his lips before resettling back to his feet. He really was happy. He would talk about his parents more in time. For now, he wanted to get happy again so that he did not have to fake it when he went back to school.​
Nodding that he agreed, Tanner hugged Relic and then nudged him off of his lap. The blond moved to pull his brother up the stairs to pack, whether Caden liked it or not. Tanner may not have the most fashion sense in the world, but he was dating Relic-he could get away with it. His older brother had absolutely no fashion sense. Neither Tanner nor Relic would allow him to go around Atlantis looking like he closed his eyes, spun around, and dressed in the dark. The blond went through his brother's closet, picking out some neutral stuff that would all look good all together and folded it nicely into his suitcase.

"You'll like Atlantis."
Relic giggled softly, sitting on the couch when the other left and he wiggled his fingers happily at the two before he went off to go play with the little girls. Tell them about the clothes he made them and mention to Olivia that he bet she could wear it at school and definitely get that boy's attention. He smiled, kissing the tops of the girls' heads before he began to make his way up the stairs, seeing the two brothers in the elder one's room and he clapped his hands together. bouncing into the room, he stopped dead in his tracks, a soft little cry passing his lips. "THOSE are your clothes?" He squeaked, a hand coming up to his lips as he poked at a few things and then turned to Caden, sighing softly. "You ... Are going to be the first person I make clothes for. Sorry, Tanner ... Times of desperation." He stated and then placed a soft kiss to his lover's lips before shuddering and looking over at Caden. "Have no fears, I'll make stuff that you'll like and will look good." He winked and then looked around. "Are we ready?"​
He laughed. Tanner knew that Relic would be appalled by what he saw in Caden's closet, but he stopped himself and gave his brother a sympathetic look to the one of slight hurt that was on his face. "It's a good thing, Caden. Relic's great at making clothes."

"I know," he offered softly, still a bit stung. Tanner tossed a pillow at him.

"Gain some confidence, man! Jeez!" Maybe time on the ice was exactly what the other needed. Tanner couldn't remember seeing his brother as confident anywhere else as when he was on the ice. The blond tossed the shirt and vest that Relic had made for him, and a pair of dark blue jeans. "Put those on and meet us downstairs." On the way out he pecked his brother's cheek, lacing his fingers together with Relic's to lug him and the suitcase out of the room with him.

They piled into Caden's Nissan Pathfinder, Tanner behind the wheel, and headed out. The trip seemed shorter than either blond expected, but Tanner was glad to be 'home' and he jumped out of the truck to stretch his legs.
Relic pouted at the hurt look in Caden's eyes. "It's nothing personal. You could go naked and look hot ... Just it's better to look good in clothes ... That way you won't get arrested." He winked before giggling and bouncingo ut of the room with the other. he hugged and kissed the Reeds goodbye before hopping on into the car. Once again, chatting off the man's ear, asking Caden questions about favorite colors and patterns and things like that. He was quite happy with the shirt and vest he wore actually. They came out perfect! They were wonderfully fit on the other and he could not wait to make more things for him. He would only really make a few shirts. Pants were nothing to concern oneself about.

Arriving at Atlantis, Relic giggled as he hopped out of the car and walked over to Tanner, kissing his lips softly as he did so. He stretched his arms above his head, groaning as he did so. He was glad to be back. Really, really glad to be back. He then looked around and glanced over to Tanner. "Why don't you give Caden a tour, hmm? I'll put the luggage in our dorm and meet you up there." With that, he kissed his lover once more than went to the back, easily getting all of the bags without much effort put forth. Ah, strength had its perks. That and being able to easily balance the bags and glide through the halls.

Rune on the other hand had had a horrible trip. He and Calder took his father's personal plane, thing being -there were clients on the flight that were getting dropped off here and there and pretty much everyone thought that Rune was Tien, his father. People coming up to him, asking him about matters he really did not care about. Asking how the kids and wife were - despite the blonde beside him, and it only took a few more people before he snapped and made the loud announcement that he was not that 'seven foot freak of nature so shut it or I will throw you off' which got everyone to stop and him to just cuddle up even more beside Calder. Stupid people they were. Sure, him and his father looked pretty close to identical, but they were not. His father's face was shaped differently and he was not as feminine in figure as the boys were, but people who were just clients tended to not know that.

Arriving at Atlantis was beautiful. The ravenette dragged Calder up and into the blonde's dorm, since it was the closest one along the way. He happily tossed him onto the bed before leaping on top of him and already he began to ravage the other's neck. His frustrations from the flight were definitely going to berid of him and onto the man beneath him. He kissed, bit, nipped, scratched and eventually both were in the buff and Rune was too desperate to play with any of their toys. He just wanted the man right now and that was all.

At hearing what was going on in the dorm he and Tanner had claimed as theirs, Relic sighed heavily and walked to the other dorm to place the items down for the moment. He then made his way out of the dorm to go find something to eat for a snack real quick. Or possibly go see his new sewing room. Probably both. Grab an apple then go play and already think about just what he would make that blonde boy.​
Nodding, Tanner returned the kiss and took hold of his brother, dragging him across the campus. There was a lot to show him, really: The track and grounds, the gym, classrooms, cafeteria, Relic's sewing room... They talked along the way, Tanner jabbering on about how Calder was and that he was dating, which was good-Tanner didn't want his friend to feel like a third wheel. The blond took for granted that everyone else knew Relic had a twin and that was who Calder was dating-he didn't mention in. He did mention that Nikkos was doing better and dating Relic's brother, Tomias and that his lover's nephew, Raphael, would be starting at Atlantis when the semester started up again.

The last stop was his dorm room. He stopped and pointed to the door down the hall. "Calder's moved there now," he mentioned as he opened the door and stopped dead in his tracks. Oops?

Caden was fairly bored, really. He'd seen school's before and didn't know what made this one so special. Of course, perhaps he was just bitter that he didn't belong here. Not really, not like Tanner did. But he tried to look interested as he walked with his brother, noting how beautiful the grounds were and how peaceful it all seemed. And when they got to Tanner's dorm he was definitely ready to crash. Of course, he really couldn't when the door was opened to reveal his baby brother's boyfriend...naked and on top of said brother's best friend. "What the fuck!?"

The flight for Calder wasn't too bad. Despite himself, he was amused by everyone thinking that Rune was his father, and even more so by his lover's announcement and threat. He cuddled the other, soothing away the frayed nerves enough so that everyone would survive the flight. The blond grinned when he was pulled into the first dorm and tossed onto the bed, then ravaged. He moved easily with Rune, loving the natural rhythm they both found together. He heard nothing of the door opening, groaning as Rune continued to move within him, and only glanced up at Caden's yelp. "Fuuuuuuuuck."
Rune bit into the side of the man's neck, adoring the feel of his veins moving beneath his teeth. Well, not so much adore as it felt quite interesting. When he bit hard enough, he could easily feel the blood pulsing beneath and wishing to spurt. He was not some warped wanna-be vampire though. He liked to make him bleed, but not in that way. For biting to cause the blood, he liked to use the crook of his neck. He was just about to do that too, nails raking down the front of his chest, hips bucking up and into the other and his teeth all ready at the nape ... until interruptions came. He stopped with one last little thrust up and into the man beneath him before he glanced behind him at the two. "Hey Tanner ... Caden." He said, smirking in his little amusement. Oooh ... He thought he was Relic! This, was going to be beautiful. "How'd you like the tour, big bro?"​
Tanner turned and banged his head against the wall. He knew what his brother was thinking, and knew that Rune knew. Which meant that Rune was going to have a jolly time fucking with Caden's head. With each bang of his head against the wall, "fuck" came out of Tanner's mouth. Really, he never understood how others couldn't tell the twins apart, but he supposed now that he knew it was true. When a good headache had started, Tanner turned back to the mess, waiting for the blow up. He didn't have to wait long.

"The fuck is going on!" Caden looked between his brother and the couple on the bed. "You're just going to stand there?!" he demanded of Tanner. "That's your boyfriend!"

"It's not what you thin--" Calder had tried to explain but got cut off.

"Don't try that shit with me! You're supposed to be his best friend! And dating someone? What the fuck kind of school is this!"

"He is my boyfriend." The blond realized that he'd just made everything worse. Giving up, Calder slid away from Rune and wrapped himself in the covers, pillow over his face as Caden blew up once again, not allowing Tanner to get a word in to explain.
Rune slowly stood up, off of the blonde beneath him and for the decency of the 'straight' one, he pulled on his boxers from before. Arms crossed over his lower torso while his entertainment only was made better by Calder's attempt. Ah, that always made everything worse. He so very loved to see the faces of loved ones when they walked in on their guy cheating. It was so much fun! Sometimes even a threeway started, but that was beside the point and only happened one time. The few other times, Rune just sat by and watched the two freak out on each other. He never knew the person was taken. Not initially of course, but there were times when he just did not care. Either a bit too drunk, too pissed, or too horny to not take the cute men up on their offers.

"Calder is dating someone." He clarified, his lips not helping but to be pulled up into a devious little smirk. "He's dating me!" He nodded a bit and tapped his forefinger against his bottom lip in a 'pondering' motion. "Of course it just started off as us purely fucking ... but then I decided to try him out as a boyfriend." He shrugged then turned his eyes back to the freaking out blond. He knew that Tanner had to know he was doing this for his own sadistic pleasure, and he really, really was. "What's it matter to you, straight boy? Just because I don't want to have sex with Tanner and so I choose Calder.. It's no big deal."​
Tanner threw a wicked glare at Rune. Though, he had to admit that he was the one standing there not saying a word. Really, he should jump in. But... Well his brother would need some aggression for the hockey game anyway, right? The blond bit his lip as he watched the chaos unfold, and then moved to Calder, unwrapping him and nudging his friend to get dressed. That action, though, only angered Caden more.

"What are you doing, Tanner! He's sleeping with your boyfriend!"

"No, I'm sleeping with my boyfriend," Calder ground out, giving Rune a solid elbow to the ribs. He knew it wouldn't do any good. Rune was having too much fun.

Caden, clearly out of his mind with confusion now threw his hands up with a loud scream. "I don't get it!" He was addressing Tanner. "You love him, right? So GET MAD! Get upset! Get...SOMETHING!"
Rune grinned at the glare Tanner gave him, chuckling softly. He watched Tanner go aid Calder in getting dressed, turning to look at Caden with a brow arched in question. "He has a point you know." He stated, smirking all the more. He had easily ignored the elbow to hte ribs, though absently rubbing the throbbing flesh. He bounced on the balls of his feet for a while before he shrugged his shoulders a little.

Relic giggled happily as he bounced his way up the stairs, having two things in his hands, quite excited about his new room. He walked over to his dorm, seeing the door open and growing quite curious. He walked in, hearing the argument and he groaned, mumbling a small "son of a bitch" under his breath in annoyance. He sighed softly, walking into the room, patting Caden's shoulder before he walked over to Rune, full on punching him in the stomach then flicking him in the head. "Stop being an asshole!" He yelled then turned to Caden. "We're twins. Calder's dating Rune, the asshole, and Tanner's dating me. Sorry about that. BUT on the bright side! I made you a new shirt!" He stated excited, holding up a dark green long sleeved shirt with a pocket in the front of it - like a hoodie pocket, but no hood on this one. He beamed before tossing the item to the fuming blonde. He then turned to Tanner, holding out a pair of blue pajama pants that he made, leaning up and kissing his lips. "I had to make my first article of clothing be yours." He whispered before lacing their fingers, and glancing over to Rune who was still holding his gut.​
Looking between the two only caused Caden to fume more. A joke? A joke! That wasn't something to joke about! He gave another scream, threw up his hands and left the room in a huff. He didn't care that he didn't know where he was going, only that he needed to get out before Rune was punched again...several times. Caden had suppressed his sense of humor long ago. When he was a kid, he'd been dubbed the class clown. And when he'd finally decided to become a lawyer, it was that reason that people told him he'd never become one. He rejected that part of himself in order to prove them wrong.

Calder moved over to Rune, hand on his back. "See what you get for fucking with people's heads?" he asked simply while gathering up their clothes and helping his lover stand up so that they could go back to their own room. "I hate you sometimes, do you know that?" The blond shook his head and sighed. "I love you, but sometimes I could slug you."

Breathing a sigh of relief when Relic walked in, Tanner moved and clung to him, head resting on his shoulder. "I hate your brother," he grumbled. The blond wanted to go after his brother but knew that Caden needed a little time to cool off. "I really do."
Rune chuckled. Ah. That had been fun. He slowly turned to look at Calder, still not quite able to catch his breath and ignore the pain. When Relic was angry, he definitely could hurt. He groaned and then forced himself to staighten up, taking his clothes and he shrugged. "Aah .. but it was so much fun!" He stated, letting out a little laugh while he kissed Calder then began to make his way toward the exit. "Besides, the whole being mistaken for someone else was getting old today. I needed some form of entertainment." He winked and then happily followed behind the other, humming to himself. Yep. he was in pain, but he was in a good mood.

Relic smiled warmly, wrapping his arms around Tanner, the clothes he made within the time it took for hte tour of campus and the fight to start now rested on the other's back. He leant forward and kissed his lipssoftly. Shrugging his shoulders, he sighed. "He's an acquired taste." He mumbled, kissing his lips once more, eyes fluttering closed as he did so. He loved his brother, but sometimes, he could get a little carried away. "Next time he does somethin like that, just punch him in the gut. Or nuts ... Not like he needs kids." He laughed lightly and leant forward to kiss him once more, eyes closed and he held him tightly to his form.

In the meantime, a lost little redhead began to wander the campus. His uncles abandoned him and he had no clue where the hell he was going. His right eye twitched a bit, cursing the twins as he walked. He refused to let his mother stay with him, so she was already on her way back to Maine [Yes, his mother does not live in NH]. His arms lifted, wrapping around the back of his head, pushing forward the short locks that were there. Amethyst eyes traveled along everything, finding the arcitecture beside him quite intriguing and the five nine male did not even see the blonde ocming toward him. Nope, instead, he collided right with his chest, causing the unaware male to fall back and onto his ass with an annoyed, "What the fuck, man! Watch where you're giong!" Yep. He was ... going to not last well.​
Calder reached up and gave Rune a good smack to the back of his head. "And don't you dare say that you didn't deserve that either!" Closing the door behind him, the blond pulled his boyfriend to him and kissed him. "Be nice to Caden," he whispered. "He's kind of...uptight." Calder kissed the other man again, pressing himself closer to Rune's body as he did so. Fingers found flesh and they clung there, Calder loving the warmth beneath the pads of his fingers.

Pressing kisses to Relic's neck, Tanner stayed buried there for some time. He kissed his lover, hugging him tightly as he pouted about hating Rune and how he'd deserved the punch to the gut and more. Still, the blond had known that the older twin was going to have his fun at anyone else's expense. He wasn't sure why he was so surprised, really. Tanner slid his hand to the back of Relic's neck and held him there as he kissed him. "Come on. We should go find Caden."

He was mumbling to himself as he walked. "Of course. Everyone has a twin. Yep. I totally should have known that. Fucking asshole R--" He ran into someone else and looked up to the rude comments. "Me? You! The fuck is it with kids in this place! Blind as bats, smart asses... Jesus christ!"
Rune pouted with the slap, his hand lifted to absently rub at the spot while the other kissed him. "Heeey ... It was fun though!" He protested, whimpering a little more. He then shrugged and his arms slid around the other, tossing his pile of clothes aside. He leant down and placed his lips with Calder's, pulling him even more to his form. He easily pushed the other back onto the bed, pouncing him a moment later. He straddled his hips and gave a playful little grind before he once more connected their lips in a passionate, heated embrace. Yep, it did not take much to get Rune back into teh mood.

Relic sighed and shook his head a little bit. He kissed his love and then held up the pants he made. "I made you clothes." he offered, giggling lightly before he nodded to the suggestion. "Yes." Tossing the clothing onto the bed, figuring he would make him wear the pants later, he gladly took the other's hand and began to leisurely walk his way down the halls to try and find where the fuming male had gone to.

"You shouldn't take the lord's name in vain." Raphael [shit load of 'rs's] retorted, ever so snottily as he stood up, beginning to brush off his rump and his arms folded over his lower torso in a bit of a defiant stance. His eyes kept to the other while he looked him up and down before moving back to his face. "And I'm not blind I'm lost ... and admiring the woodwork. It's REALLY nice you know." He stated, sticking his tongue out childishly and he tapped his toes upon the ground before staring up at the other. "So, where's my apology, old timer?"​
"Perhaps in the woodwork," he answered flatly. Caden was in no mood to admire woodwork, or to debate the fact that he didn't believe in the Catholic religion and therefore he could use "the Lord's name" in anyway he chose and so he pushed past the red headed male to continue on his storming through the school. Just like Tanner, he wound up on the track and began running laps, despite being in jeans. He needed to blow off more steam than his hand could manage right now.

Tanner walked with Relic, keeping a slow pace as they moved through the halls. "He's probably in the gym," the blond offered. "Or maybe outside somewhere." Still, they took their time. He was in no rush to explain to his brother why he kept his mouth shut and he knew Caden wasn't ready to talk to anyone, either.
Raphael arched a brow when the other just brushed past him like nothing. At first, he just flipped him off and carried on his merry way. That worked for a few minutes ... until he got lost again. He ran to the nearest exit, coming up near the track and watching the man from before running around. He glanced to the building then back to him before he shrugged and nonchalantly made his way toward the other. He waited for him to start running past him before he joined in. Running at the man's side,. on the inner track of course, he kept up easily, looking to the side at the man that was there. "So, I take it the old man's in a bad mood." He said, smirking in his own little obnoxious way. "There are better ways to blow off steam - more productive too."

Relic nodded a bit, leaning over to kiss the side of his lover's neck before he shrugged. "Then, he'll be fine for a little while longer. No need to rush." He stated, kissing him once more and then settling back onto his feet. He really did not want to go bother him. Sometimes, a person just needed to be alone, right? He glanced around before shrugging and turning to look at the man at his side again. "Want to go into a classroom and make out for a bit?"​
Caden growled when he noticed someone else running with him. Couldn't a person be alone in this place? "Go jump in the lake," he offered as he picked up the pace. He'd be okay, eventually. For now, he simply wanted nothing to do with anyone. And it was annoying that no one would honor that wish. He was tempted to go take a shower, but something told him that he wouldn't gain any privacy there, either. He growled to himself and continued to run, ignoring the other man's presence.
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