Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Valerius took in a deep breath when the bed was beneath him. Golden pools fluttered to the male on top of him, groaning lightly with the kisses. He took in a deep breath when his question hit his ears. He gasped a soft, "you" and already, he began to pull at the bottom of the man's shirt, wanting to get it off. He was the one w ho ruined his date, wasn't he? So, he would have been doing this anyway, and the mossy haired male could not be happier with the knowledge that the other was with him and not htat other man. He was so happy. he adored Julien far too much.​
He kissed Val hard, pressing their bodies tightly together. The one word had managed to turn him on more than anything else that had ever been done to him, and he pressed his hips forward, rubbing himself along the other man's thigh. "See what you do to me?" he gasped softly as he lifted his torso to allow the shirt to be removed. Valerius's clothes were quickly stripped off and Julien spent a great deal of time admiring the sight of the man nude, in his bed. "Tell me," he whispered softly. "Direct me-anything you want." He wanted specific instructions, and Julien knew he was pushing many limits.
Valerius blushed with the man pressing into him, his eyes tilted up to look at him and he gladly assisted in removing his clothes from the other. He just wanted him so badly. He kept his eyes up to the other when he asked him to tell him what he wanted. His cheeks got a deeper shade and he shook his head. His arms lifted to wrap aroudn the other's shoulders and he pulled him tightly to his form, gentle breaths hitting the other's ear. "I ... I want you to love me ... Th .. that is all I need, Julien." He whispered into his ear, eyes closed and he knew that he would never be able to direct the other in the way he wanted to happen. He wanted to make him happy, he really did, but he ... that was something he was not able to do. Not yet anyway.​
He understood. Still, he wanted Val to push just a little bit more. Julien nipped over the man's shoulder and chest, hands and arms wrapped around him completely. It was a lovely moment and the dark haired man didn't want to ruin it. Still, he had to push. It wasn't in him to give up when the person he was with protested so softly. He would, though, compromise. "One. Tell me one thing and I'll drop it tonight." He kissed Val, pressing his tongue forward to taste. Julien rolled onto his side, pulling Valerius with him, his leg hooking over the horned man's hip.
Valerius blushed, looking up at the man and his eyes slipped closed. He squeaked when he was pulled to the side and he looked at the man beside him, chewing his bottom lip a little. He thought for a while, trying to think of something that was not too embarrassing. He leant forward and planted a soft kiss to the man's lips. "I ... want you to kiss me. I like it when I feel your lips against my skin." He whispered, feeling so, so horribly silly, yet he felt a bit relieved. He really did love it when he would kiss his neck, or his chest, or even just the little kisses to his cheeks were nice.​
He'd been hoping for something a little more, but Julien would take what he could get with this game. His lips connected with Val's neck, kissing over the heated flesh there while his hands and fingers traveled over the other man's body. Julien, though, lead by example...sort of. He spoke in between kisses and sucks and licks and nips, voice low and lust filled.

"I like the way you taste." He licked up Valerius's neck.

"I like the little noises you make when my fingers brush over sensitive spots." His index finger fluttered over the man's cleft.

"I love how you look beneath me." Julien slid back on top of his lover, lips still connected to his neck.

"I love how you feel around me." The dark haired man nudged the leaking head of his cock against Val's entrance just lightly.
Valerius whimpered with every word, every caress, every kiss that the man did to him. He completely adored it, but he knew he would never be able to be that honest with the man. He could not. He was wonderful, Julien was, but the little horned male did not have the confidence to tell him just what he wanted or what he liked. He just wanted what was always done to him to be done. That was all. He liked knowing that hte man knew just how to drive him wild. He gasped when the tip of his member pressed against him, getting a light little moan to pass the boy's lips. His hands rested on Julien's shoulders, holding him while he slid his body a little lower, helping the other to move into him. "I ... I like it when you are in me ..." He whispered, figuring he may as well at least tell him that he liked it when they were together.​
He moaned at both the words and the act. He held still, breath hot and heavy over Valerius's chest and neck as Julien pressed the rest of the way in. The Frenchman kissed the other deeply, flexing his hips forward without drawing out first. "So good, Val..." Julien slowly began to build a rhythm with his hips, keeping the pace slow for the time being. He knelt up, hooking the other man's legs over his elbows and lifting them, watching himself slip in and out of his lover's body. It was a full minute before his eyes lifted to meet Valerius's. "Touch yourself."
Valerius moaned when he began to move into him, definitely enjoying the other on top of him. His eyes fluttered closed and he soon gasped at his legs moving up onto his elbows. He went a little wide-eyed, looking down at the man and moaning out with the feeling of him going deeper within him. He panted softly beneath him, not too sure he had heard what he had at first. After a few moments of looking at the man, his pale cheeks burned a lovely crimson, a shaky nod to his head to show he had actually heard him. Lifting a slightly trembling hand, the embarrassed little horned male slid his fingers over his toned chest, wrapping around his member as another moan passed his lips. his fingers wrapped around the muscle, beginning to rock his hand back and forth, blushing and feeling so horribly dirty for this at the moment. He felt far too much like he was masturbating in front of an audience, despite the position of said audience. It was different, but not by much.​
Julien watched, fully enjoying the entire show. He knew he was being selfish, and he took a few minutes longer than he probably should have to stop Valerius and ease the wonderful blush in his cheeks. The Frenchman halted his hips in order to take the other man's hand and press a kiss to the palm before leaning back down again, lying over him. "Always tell me if you're too uncomfortable." He pecked a kiss to Val's lips as his hips began to move again. He held the other close, the rhythm and speed of his thrusts becoming erratic as he drew closer to orgasm. Julien's own hand slipped between them, taking hold of the hard prick he found there and stroking it in time with his hips.
He moaned softly into the air, his hand rocking at the same pace but it definitely felt a little better. He remained where he was and was all too happy when the man pulled away his hand. His eyes opened and hooded golden pools stared up at the other, hearing his words and he let out another little moan. "When ... When I am with you ... I never am ... uncomfortable." He whispered before leaning up to connect their lips while he moved within him. Deep moans passed his lips and it was eay to tell that his peak was not far off at all. His hands slid to the other's shoulders, pressing against the flesh and trying to not injure him with his nails, but he would not help it. That had been where his hands wandered and normally, he would grip the sheets, and end up tearing them, but feeling his nails press and dig into the other's flesh did not hit him - his orgasm far too controlling for him to think. He gasped and bucked into the other, moans passing his lips and his juices flowed out onto their bodies and the other's hand, a blush still to his cheeks while his nails kept at the other's flesh with the sensations coursing to the tips of his fingers.​
Julien let out a soft yelp as sharp nails dug into his shoulders. It only heightened the tightening of Val around him and the warm spilling of his essence between them. The Frenchman's own orgasm was ripped from him, and he pressed his hips forward to fill his lover completely. He spent a few minutes recovering, breathing heavily as strength slowly returned to his body. Julien looked up and pecked a few kisses to Val's lips before slipping softly from his body. "I also love the taste of your come," he whispered crudely as he moved down to lick through the mess that was on the horned male's stomach, groaning softly at the sweet and salty taste.
The yelp did not register for a while. Not until he was filled by the other, letting out a deep moan with teh sensations. He slowly settled back onto the bed and his hands slid away, his nails tinted in red and he went wide - eyed, about to apologize and tell the other how sorry he was, but the licking of the other easily subdued that sensation. He moaned and his hips pressed up and against him before he shook his head with a gasp. Wiggling out from under the man, he moved to sit, groaning with the pain from the events seconds before. He took a hold of hte other and pulled him to him to see the damage and he squeaked "I am so sorry!" He yelled, jumping out of the bed and then rushing over into the bathroom to wash a cloth up. His hands shaking all the while. He could not believe he hurt him. He had tried so hard to not do such a thin. Being sure his horns were angled away from him when cuddling, gripping the sheets or mattress, not going for the rolls at the same time ... Many precautions to insure he did not scratch him or injure him with his animal-like features. Maybe he was more animal than human...​
He didn't really notice the stinging of his back and Julien was quick to catch Valerius before he got too far from the bed. He held the other man close to him, nuzzling into his hair and the base of his horns softly. "I'd have told you if you had hurt me," he promised. "It's nothing a warm shower won't fix. And you could use one too by the looks of it." His fingers reached forward and trailed through what was left of Val's orgasm. "Just relax for me, okay?" He felt like Valerius was on edge all the time, and all Julien wanted was for him to be comfortable.

Julien led the way to the shower and quickly washed them both before lifting Val's nude form and placing him back in the bed and curling up next to him. "I'm proud of you going past your comfort zones," he whispered with a kiss to the forehead.
Valerius shook his head, going to protest that he had hurt him. He had! His nails were red and he had yelped and he was positive that if he would let him check his back that the wounds would be bad. He hurt him. He hurt the one he cared for and yet he did not seem to mind. He washed up, not even thinking about anything for a while, just washing off all the sweat and fluids from before, groaning at his little rear end hurting. He chewed his lip when he was pulled up into the others arm and placed on the bed beside him. He soon turned on his side, burying his face into the other's chest as the tears passed his eyes, silently crying into his chest. "I ... I really am a monster ... I ... I do not know why you do not s-see it ... I ... I only hurt those that I love ... I hurt you ... and you ... you d-do not even care ... B.. But I do! I do not want to hurt you ... but ... I c... cannot help my abnormalities." He really was not a confident boy at all. His father was a strong, confident man, as well as his mother, they both were and yet Valerius always felt that peopel stared and he only hurt those he cared for. Like Julien. He felt the other was only trying to make him feel better.​
Shocked at the tears, Julien tightened his hold on the other while Valerius let everything out. "No, sweetheart," he answered when the other was finally done. "You're not a monster. If you were, you wouldn't care so very much." The Frenchman's hands slid over Val's back soothingly. He pressed a kiss to Val's head, resting his cheek there. "I love that you're not 'normal'. It makes you unique and gorgeous and interesting and special." Julien nuzzled into the damp mossy hair. "You're so special to me, Valerius."
He sniffled a few times, easing up with the other's actions. His arms gripped Julien tighter, not wanting to let him go any time soon. "Julien . . . W... Will you promise to be there for me? L-like you are now ... Wh... when I get down and ... when I am sad ... Will you comfort me?" He needed to know if he really would. He had a feeling, but he just needed to know for sure that the man beside him would not leaave him. That he would be there whenever he needed even just a reassurance that he was not some freak of nature who deserved to be slaughtered like some beast.​
He didn't miss a beat when answering. "Always."

Julien held Valerius tightly to him until they both drifted off to sleep. He didn't sleep well, worried about the other man, but he was content to know that Val was safe in his arms and beginning to open up about some things that the dark haired man didn't think he would have only two weeks ago. It was progress, and that was always a good thing.

The rising sun woke him, and Julien slipped from the bed to sit in the garden. It had been a while since he'd done so and the quiet calmness of his yard was much needed. His thoughts regarding Valerius and the odd twists that his life had taken in the past weeks weighed heavily on him. He wasn't used to not having his routine.
The next morning, Valerius went to nuzzle into Julien, only finding that he was not there. He gasped, eyes going wide and he looked around the room. "Julien?" he asked, his voice a little shaken at not having him there. He leapt out of bed, taking the man's shirt and pulling it on. He had to be making breakfast, right? He walked out of the room and peeked into the kitchen. "Julien?" Not there. Now, he was getting all the more worried. He walked into all the rooms of the house, few as tehy were, repeating the process and the lack of the ravenette only got him worse. His heart raced, his eyes began to well with tears, and he was obviously beginning to freak out. he did not like not waking up to the man beside him.

Quickly and without caring for shoes, the male headed outside, golden eyes looking around and around like a child who really lost its mother. He called out again, "Julien!?" his voice even more shaky and worried than before. He made it aroudn and eventually spotted him in the garden. He ran to him, pouncing into his lap and gripping him tightly, silent tears passing his eyes as he held onto the other." DO... Do not leave me ... please ... I ... I was worried." he whispered, the tears cracking his voice every so often. Yep. He was definitely more broken than anyone else really could realize. Past relationships, his family's deaths, his whole past made it so hard for him to function when he truly cared for someone.​
He didn't hear the calls for him in the house, too lost in his own world. But when his name rang out, panic stricken, from the front yard, Julien perked up, eyes wide as he went to get up to see what was wrong. Before he could, he had a lap full of Valerius again, terrified and crying, clinging to him. Julien hugged him, rocking him back and forth softly as he shushed the other male. The incident put things in his head that they would have to talk about and he made a mental list to start that conversation once Val was calm again.

"I'm not going anywhere honey. I promise." He hugged the man tighter, wanting to offer as much support as he could.
Valerius took in a sharp breath of air, trying to calm himself. He had cried far too much in the short time of being with Julien. He threw his whole life upsidedown and inside out... making him talk and share his feelings, it was hard to not be an open book with him around. He nodded a little. "I ... I know you ... will not go anywhere ... b-but ... I ... I was worried someoen took you." he admitted, blushing at how silly the idea sounded now. He gripped the other and did not really want to release him. His eyes slipped closed and he took in a few breaths, calming himself with the other's scent.​
He gave a little sigh and continued to rock the other softly. "If anything were to ever happen to me, Teivel would come find you." His familiar liked Val, and had told him so on several occasions. The Thallus had been instructed to go to Valerius if something bad were to happen. Julien sat with Val for several more minutes before setting the horned male on his feet. "No more tears, hmm?" He reached up to wipe them away. "You're much too gorgeous to cry." Julien smiled at the other and nudged him towards the house. "Go on and get dressed. We'll go out today I think."
Valerius took in a deep breath when he was put to his feet, straightening out the shirt he was in. The back of his hand lifted, wiping away any excess tears the other did not get. He nodded a little and then took a hold of the man's hand, lacing their fingers as he did so. Julien was a great friend. He was truly, deeply happy that Mr. Alexander introduced him to the man. He was kind and knew just what to say to ease his mind. Knowing that he would not go anywhere, and if anything bad happened to him Teivel would tell him, he was much more at ease with himself now. He would have to learn on not freaking out so badly now.

The little mossy haired boy got dressed - simple black pants with a dark red shirt that had three small black belts on the sides of te shirt, helping it to form to his figure. He brushed his hair and then took in a deep breath, looking over to Julien and smiling a little more. "Um ... I am ready."

Relic and Tanner had stayed at the mansion for a while after Christmas. just a few days - enough time for Relic to make something for each of his lover's family members. Of course teasing him about making his mother a slinky little nightie ... For his father, he made a very nice black suit jacket that can go casual to more formal. His mother was made a cute purple dress that hugged the chest and flowed away from the rest of the body with black embroidered rose vines along hte bottom of the dress and then a single rose over the inch-thick strap and the corner of the top of hte dress. A pair of black leggings to go underneath and then a black short jacket to go over her arms. The best part had to be the fact that it was reversable, a lilac underneath with white embroidery and perfect for the spring - without the black accessories.

As for hte siblings? Caden was made a nice dark red vest and to go underneath that, a hooded purple shirt - either easily could be worn alone. The vest even had a little pocket on the left side to put a pen or anything the little scholar wanted. The girls, oh, he had fun with those. Olivia was made an adorable little 'lolita-like dress. It was pink with white trimmings and a bit of frills. Not too much to make the dress obnoxious and not want to be worn, but just enough to give it that cute factor - two little barets were made to match as well. Julie was made a nice pair of green, purple, and black plaid pants and a green long-sleeved shirt with a ribbon under the bust, tied into a lovely bow at the back. As for the little Bella, she was made a cute sky blue dress with white ruffle little panties. The dress was lined in white and was long sleeved and the ends had bits of lace, ends of the sleeves, the dress, and even the top of the dress had white lace.

Happily, the two arrived at the other's house. Relic smiled, turning to Tanner and kissing his lips softly. He held the boxes in one hand and then slid out of the car in a pair of pink, black, and plaid pants that hugged him beautifully - of ocurse. Then a simple pink long sleeved button down shirt and a white tie. He waited for Tanner before following him to theh ouse, being sure to have a good grip on the boxes.​
They spent a nice afternoon in town together, Teivel following close behind. Julien had to remind himself several times to not talk about Valerius's parents or the circumstances of their deaths. He wanted the other man to have a nice, light day to enjoy himself. Whether or not Val was aware of the few stares that they got, Julien was and he became very protective of the sweet man at his side. The Frenchman wrapped his arm around Val's shoulder, glaring defiantly at anyone who dared to look at them with anything but a smile and a nice 'hello'.

Tanner had to admit that he was a little nervous about going back home. Not because his family didn't love Relic-they all did-but because of what they were truly returning home for. He'd never been able to lie to Caden, and he was about to attempt to about his motives in wanting him to come to Atlantis. If his older brother suspected anything off, he wouldn't come and then Raphael would be coming to Atlantis for nothing.

Julie and Olivia came barreling down the hallway, one latching onto Relic and the other to himself. Bella toddled after them. "Tan! Girl!"

The blond rolled his eyes. "Relic," he corrected his baby sister as he swooped her up. "Relic. Not 'girl'. Relic."

"Ick!" Tanner laughed. That'd have to do he supposed.

"Where are Mom and Dad?" he asked Julie who had been the one to launch herself at him. "Or Caden?"

"I don't know where Caden and Mommy went. Daddy's upstairs."
Relic laughed as Olivia pounced him, holding the boxes on one hand and patting the top of the little girl's head. "Hey." He said, leaning down to kiss the top of her head and then he looked over to Julie and then Bella. He smiled warmly, leaning toward the little infant in his lover's arms and kissing her nose softly. "'Girl' is fine." He stated and then listened to where the other's were. He began to walk in a bit, the leg the girl attached herself to staying straight as he waddled into the room a little awkwardly. "Hm ... Then I suppose the presents shall wait until Mommy and CAden come home." He stated with a little shrug of his shoulders. It was no skin off his nose, but he was fairly sure the little girls would tackle him for what he had. He loved kids and their infatuation with presents.​
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