Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Valerius sniffled a few more times, taking a hold of the tissues that were placed in his lap and he wiped his nose off and then his eyes and cheeks. He bit his lip, planning to chew it, but he forced himself to stop. He looked over to the side at the man that was there, whimperin a little more. He leant his head against his shoulder, new tears forming in the corners of his eyes. "I ... I just feel so ... so alone. . . I d... don't really have many f-friends... you know? And ... and I t-tried dating... but heh ... he ... liked someone else." He whispered the latter, not really wanting to admit it to himself. It seemed that nothing was really going right for him.​
"You're not alone," he assured, squeezing him tightly. "No matter what you need, I'm here for you." There was something special about Valerius. It went past the ability for them to bond over large losses in their life and the soft patheticness of grieving. The fact that his little familiar liked the horned male proved his instincts right. He wanted to tell the other that he'd find someone, but only corny sayings that no one really believed came to his mind and so Julien stayed quiet for the time being.

"What of me coming to Atlantis? Nikkos assures me I'd have my own quarters, and I'd keep my little home here as well."
He listened silently to the other and he seemed to have been clouded by the man actually being friendly toward him. His golden eyes traveled along the other's form and he soon nodded, wrapping his arms around his shoulders now and his nose buried into the crook of his neck. Silently he took in the other's scent, remaining where he was for a while before he relaxed against him with a weak smile. "I ... like that." He said softly and hugged him a little tighter. "Thank you, Mr. Laroque ... It ... I do not like being alone." He whispered and he nuzzled a little more int othe side of his neck, trying to not hit him with his horns but it definitely was a little hard.​
Julien's fingers carded through the baby soft hair at the base of Valerius's neck. "Julien," he corrected the other softly. "None of my friends call me 'Mr. Laroque'," he teased. He thought a little bit, not really sure of what to say. He was simply glad that his offer of friendship was being taken, and he could only hope that it would not be rejected when he had to say the tough things. "Both my home and my room at Atlantis are always open to you," the dark haired man offered as he leaned his head over to rest his cheek against the top of the other man's head.
"Thank you." He whispered, his eyes closing and he continued to hold onto the other. He stayed where he was for a while before he froze. He was in Julien's lap. Golden eyes shot open and Valerius bolted up before he practically jumped out of the man's arms with a bright red tinted to his cheeks. He stared down at his feet and began to brush the bottom of his jacket off. "I... I am sorry M-- Um ... Julien ... I ... excuse me." He whispered the last part, turning and heading to where he had seen the bathroom. He disappeared behind the door and let out a heavy sigh. Resting against the door, his arms folded over his lower torso, taking in many deep breaths to calm himself. He was a little .. flustered at the moment. Julien was a very, very attactive man and one of the few who has shown him kindness recently, so it was difficult to not just ... melt.​
Very surprised, Julien jumped up as well, not sure what had caused the sudden change. When he realized it, he was a bit amused, really. It was cute, even if it had scared him half to death. When he heard the bathroom door shut, the dark haired man sighed a little. Perhaps a few ground rules wouldn't go amiss with Valerius. But that would be for when the man had calmed down a little. But Julien wasn't about to let the other hide in the bathroom all night. Moving over, he gave a soft knock to the door.

"Come on out, Valerius. I'm not going to bite... That's what I have Teivel for!"
Valerius stayed where he was, even after the other had knocked on the door. He quickly washed up his face with some cold water, dabbing off the water before he slowly opened up the door. His cheeks were still a lovely red and his golden eyes tilted down to his feet. His arms folded over his lower torso and he chewed his bottom lip for a few moments. "I ... am sorry, Julien ... I am just ... deprived ... Yes. Definitely deprived." He stated softly, fidgetting with the bottom of his jacket for a while. "And ... and you are v-very attractive s... so I am sorry. I am weak right now ... I promise that ... I will be okay." He whispered, not wanting to look up at hte man for a fear of being utterly laughed at and reected in so many ways.​
Yes, the man standing in front of him was definitely endearing. Julien couldn't help but smile a little, and take Valerius by the shoulder softly to lead him out into the living room once more. Once there, the Frenchman lifted the other man's face with his index finger tucked under his chin. He smiled at the horned male. "Don't ever apologize for allowing me to be close to you." That said, Julien leaned down and kissed the other. It was soft and reassuring, he didn't want to scare the man after all.
Valerius followed the other out of the room, still toying with the edge of his jacket. He soon was forced up to look at the other. He peered up at the man, blushing all the more when he leant toward him. His eyes went wide for a moment with the contact. He definitely was not opposed. He did not mind the kiss at all. His eyes slipped closed, his hand reached forward and his fingers wrapped around the front of the other's shirt, holding him where he was in a weak grip though. He was too broken right now to deny anything from the other. He would not object to some sort of affection. The affection from Tomias and Nikkos was nice and definitely appreciated, but he needed something ... different.​
Valerius was pulled to his body tightly. The kiss had sparked something in Julien that he hadn't expected. He liked it, though. The dark haired man pressed into the kiss a bit more, drawing the other man's bottom lip in between his and sucking at it softly. Julien moved slowly, giving the other every opportunity to say no, or to pull away. And when he didn't, the Frenchman took another step, swiping the tip of his tongue along Valerius's bottom lip, tasting the sweet flesh.
Valerius let out a soft little moan, adoring the feel of the man's lips to his. His body acted without his mind thinking about anything. his mind was far too cloudy right now to even tell the man his name, yet alone formulate a proper sentence. His arms lifted and wrapped around the other's neck, on his tiptoes and he happily let the other lead him to wherever he wanted. He was utterly and completley submitted to the other. He kissed him back passionately, his lips parting just slightly to allow the other's tongue to enter his mouth. His eyes briefly opened, looking over the attractive man before his eyes slipped closed once more and he rip around his neck tightened just a bit - really beginning t hate his vertical challenges.​
Taking the lead from Valerius, Julien, wrapped his arms tightly around the other man's waist, straightening his back so that the other was lifted off of the ground those few extra inches. His tongue pressed forward, flirting with Valerius's lightly while his lips continued to work over the other set. It wasn't long before Julien's feet began to carry them both towards the bedroom. He was no longer able to think past getting what he wanted, and listening and watching for any hint or sign that he needed to stop. The horned male was laid onto the bed with a great deal of care, Julien's lips never leaving his as he climbed up next to him.
His slender legs wrapped around the other's waist, pulling his form closer and he blushed all the more. He loosened his grip just a bit, feeling his body easily reacting to the actions of the man. Valerius looked up at the man, feeling the bed beanth him while he kissed the man. His eyes fluttered back and his legs slid from the other's waist, resting on the bed and he took in a few deep breaths through his nose, trying to calm himself just a little bit. That definitely was difficult at the moment. His heart was racing rapidly against his chest and he could not even process what was thoroughly happening. He did not object, but he surely did not have the ability to even if he wanted - which he supposed meant that it was a good thing since with his body reacting as it was, it meant he obviously wanted this.​
Slowly, the jacket was removed and his hands sought out the warm flesh of Valerius's belly and sides and back. Julien's lips finally broke away from the other man's, only to latch onto his neck and collarbone, kissing and sucking in the sensitive spots just short of marking him. Eventually, both of their shirts were removed and Val was once again pulled to him, the Frenchman gasping as their flesh met for the first time. Valerius definitely had the potential to become a lovely little sex kitten, and as each moment passed that he was able to feel and taste him, Julien was determined to turn the horned male into his lovely little sex kitten.
Valerius gasped softly when the man's lips connected with his neck. His eyes fluttered closed and he melted beneath the man's touch. His hands slid off his form, wrapping around the covers beneath him, girpping them tightly. He only released the sheets to help remove his shirt and jacket, watching them fly away and his attention was instantly back to the other, moaning at the feel of the other against him. Another little desperate moan passed his lips as they returned back to the man's. His arms slid around his neck, pulling him to him with a little thrust of his hips against the other out of utter instinct.​
He wasn't sure how much later it was, but it was now dark outside. Julien was lying in bed, Valerius using his chest as a pillow. Both were still nude. He had many emotions going on inside of him, but the two most pressing ones were attraction and guilt. There was no question that he was attracted to the man he'd just slept with. Just looking at him brought a smile to Julien's lips and made his heart skip a few beats. But he felt as if he'd taken advantage of the man's emotional weakness. Of course he'd be looking for comfort and physical attention. Hadn't he looked for those same things when he lost his parents? Julien was torn as he pulled the covers up over them a little more and pressed a kiss to the top of Valerius's head.
Valerius stared in front of him at the wall, a bright red tint to his cheeks. His hand rested on the other side of the man's chest, absently drawing circles upon the flesh beneath him. He bit into the side of his lip before he felt hte kiss on the top of his head. He continued to look in front of him for a while before he slowly tilted his head back to look up at the man. He looked at him for a while before his head settled back against his chest and he hugged him tightly. "I am sorry." He whispered softly, his eyes fluttered closed and he blushed a little more, his hand resting on the other side of his form, pulling him a little tighter, truly feeling like he had been the one to take advantage of the attractive man.​
The silence had been nice-he liked being able to reflect in such a way. But the apology confused Julien and he looked down to study the man he was currently holding and still half wrapped around. Moving his arm, he lifted the other man's face up to look at him once again. He studied the gold eyes and the soft features and the obvious grief and guilt that lay there. But still, he had no answer for what he wanted to know. "What are you sorry for, sweetheart?" Julien's finger traced patterns over Val's bicep absently, still studying the man's face.
Valerius lifted his head to look up at him, his eyes blinking a few times and a confused look to his features. His chin moved back to resting upon the man's chest and his eyes slipped closed, head flopping to the side and he held him a little tighter. " Because I took advantage of you ... and your kindness ... and um ... I feel bad." He whispered, his head tilting down to rest his head against his chest, chewing on his bottom lip for a while. Yep. That was defnitely how his mind worked. He never really blamed others. He was naive in some aspects. Right now, he just felt like he was at fault. He was the broken one who had not protested and he stated that he needed some sort of friend and love and affection and well, he had not stopped the other.​
Reaching down, Julien gave a little smack to the other man's behind. "Don't be silly. I would argue that I took advantage of you, but that's just what it would turn into: an argument. So we'll agree that neither of us took advantage of the other and leave it at that." He coaxed the horned man's head back up to peck little kisses over his mouth. "You're a lovely little thing, Valerius. Don't ever think I don't enjoy being with you." He gave a longer kiss, pulling Val tighter into his body before relaxing into the bed again. "Get some sleep. I would wager to guess you haven't slept well in the past few weeks."
Valerius squeaked with the little slap to his rump, going a little wide-eyed before he turned to look at him again. A lovely red still to his cheeks as he listened to the man. He blinked a few times, enjoying the kisses and returning them when he could. He nodded a little to his suggestion of sleeping. He really was tired. That and he was quite comfortable being beside the man. He felt a little bad, though. He met this man a few hours ago and yet he still went to bed with him? That definitely went against all his standards and everything else, but he was just so desperate for physical contact and love; to have that feeling that someone wanted to be with him and to feel someone holding him, ravaging him, giving his body the attention it yearned for for so long now. Surely that made him feel better, yet worse all at the same time.

Either way, his head dropped down to the man's chest once more, his arms tightened a bit around his form. Eyes fluttered closed and his body eventually drifted off into his dreams, cuddling up against the man's form. His right leg hooked their ankles together and his right hand rested on the other's left side, using him as a giant teddy bear really.​
Smiling softly, Julien rested his hand on Valerius's side. He didn't fall asleep, though. The Frenchman wanted to be sure that the other man didn't have any nightmares, and he had too much on his mind anyway. He sat up and thought for hours, watching his bed mate as he did so. This was going to be a challenge. It was difficult enough to help someone heal, especially after something so traumatic, but healing and getting past guilt... Julien had never had to do that before. He didn't know if he was up for that challenge, either. Then again, he had no choice at this point as he'd already promised Valerius he would try to help him. Julien didn't do things half-assed. Even if Val didn't know exactly how he was going to be helped, Julien still would push his limits.

It was nearing four in the morning when Julien finally drifted off, though it was into a very light sleep.
By the time morning came, a soft groan formed at the little horned male's lips. His brows furrowed and he nuzzled into the chest beneath him. His golden eyes soon blinked open, looking down at the man and he blushed all the more. Slowly, the man turned to sit up and away from the other, pulling aside the covers and he slid out of the bed. He pulled the covers back, being sure Julien was covered up before he began to walk out, taking up the man's shirt, since it was the first item he found. As he walked out, he pulled the shirt on over his form, the garment coming to the middle of his thighs and he was happy for the cover. He was not sure what to think at the moment. He knew what he and Julien had done, of course, he still thought that it was some weird fantasy of his torturing him a bit, but he was not upset. He just did not know what he thought of the whole situation.

Sighing heavily, he moved into the living room and sat on the couch, his hands pressing down the end of the shirt, pushing it between his less as he looked in front of him at the ground. He liked Julien. He was a nice guy and comforted him nicely, but that was all it was, wasn't it? He pulled his knees to his chest, holding his legs tightly and he looked at the floor, golden eyes traveling along everything and he chewed his lip a little. Yep. He was just not going to mention ... what happened.​
Julien was pleasantly surprised that Valerius didn't wake in the middle of the night. He himself slept through well into the morning, peeking at the clock as his body roused to see "9:07". Grumbling, the dark haired man rolled out of bed, giving a little "hmph" to find his shirt was no where to be found. He laughed a little, picturing his lovely guest in his shirt and Julien moved to pull on his pants instead, picking up Valerius's pair of boxers to offer to the smaller man.

The garment was draped to the back of the sofa and Julien bent to kiss the other's temple before moving to start breakfast. As he did so, he studied the other, eyebrow raising a little bit. "You're thinking about something."
Valerius perked up with the kiss to his temple, a bright red tinted to his cheeks even more. He looked up at the man, seeing him begin to cook and he heard the question. He blushed a bit more, shrugging his shoulders a little absently. "A ... little." he whispered, shaking his head a little to try and not think about it anymore. Julien seemed to be friendlier than before. He kept his eyes to the other, looking over his form a bit and he hugged his form even tighter. "Um ... J-Julien..." He began in a soft tone, chewing his bottom lip a bit before continuing. "A ... About last night ... um ... Do not feel ... obligated to be with me or ... anything. I am sure that you ... have plenty of other people who want you and I ... I am fine." He informed him, smliing a little weakly, his arms tightening around his legs. He really did not mind if the other did not want him in that sort of way. He figured that it was just a one-time thing.​
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