Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

He listened intently. Julien wanted to comfort but needed Valerius to get it all out before he did. He needed to know if their pasts were similar in circumstance past the loss of their parents. They weren't, as it turned out, but that wasn't why Nikkos had asked him here. Watching as the other ran off to the bathroom, and then returned pale and sick, Julien knew that the 'interview' of sorts was over for the time being. He rose and pulled the horned male to him, hugging him compassionately for a long time. He began to lead him out of the cafe, Nikkos not far behind.

"No more hurting yourself," he offered. "It's tempting, and you want to break the numbness, but it harms more than helps." He offered the underside of his arms, decorated in scars and angry red marks. "Let yourself feel the sorrow. That's what you're using the pain for-to hide from what you're afraid of; what you can't control." He turned to Nikkos, eyes questioning and he smiled when the administrator nodded. "Nikkos will find me a room to board in at the school so that I can be near to help...if you want, of course."
Being pulled into the hug, the mossy haired teen staring at the cup that rested at his lips. Tears passed his eyes and he just wanted to go curl up in a corner and just wait for school to be back. That had been his initial plan. He wanted to stay cooped up in hs room to wait for classes to start for a new distraction. To try and make friends with Calder and them again, try and get past the awkwardness that it was bound to be for a little while. He let the other take him out of the cafe, his forefinger's nail trailed along the top of the cup he held, circling the plastic covering the liiquid from spilling while he listened. His slender shoulders eventually lifted up into a nonchalant little shrug. "It is fine." He whispered softly, glancing over to Nikkos. "Um ... C... May I walk back, Mr. Alexander? I ... I think I need some air." He asked, his eyes still on the verge of tears as he kept his eyes to the man. He knew it was a far walk, but he did not care. He had his cell phone ... somewhere. If he needed a ride, he would call the administrator or Tomias.
Nikkos looked at Julien for his opinion. The black haired male shrugged. He didn't particularly like the idea, but each had to cope in their own way. Perhaps solitude was Valerius's way. Still, he insisted that Teivel follow the man. "Suivez Valerius et alertez-moi si quelque chose va mal... Et soyez bon!"* He turned to Val, strong hand on his shoulder. "Teivel will accompany you, only to be sure you're safe." Julien studied the other man carefully. "I'm offering myself to you. For when you need to talk, and when you're ready to let the break down happen, and when you just need to know someone else exists in the room." Leaning down, he pressed a kiss to the horned man's cheek. He didn't know why he was pulled towards him, but he wanted to help him past the fact that Nikkos had asked him to. "Lean on me, Valerius. Allow me to help you."

*Follow Valerius and alert me if something goes wrong... And be good!
Valerius glanced to the little chocolate colored being then back to the other. He looked at the ravenette and chewed his bottom lip a little. "You ... Can walk with me if you want ... I just ... need to walk." He stated and gave him a warm little smile before he shrugged his shoulders. "Thank you for your kindness, Mr. Laroque." With a weak smile, he began to walk, a simple little wave to the administrator before he walked forward. His arms wrapped aroudn his lower torso and he looked in front of him. He did not mind the company. He just needed the movement. If he went back to his room, he would only wallow and he needed to get out and the fresh air was definitely a good thing.​
Nodding, Nikkos headed back to the school, sure that Valerius was in good hands. He was worried still, and curled back up into Tomias's side for a bit of comfort when he returned to the room. He felt bad for Val. He wanted to help, and yet knew that he really couldn't. Nikkos hated feeling useless. The brunette buried himself deeply into his lover's embrace for a long time, just letting the strength of Tomias sink into him.

Julien fell into step with Valerius easily, keeping the pace fairly slow. It was a long walk, and over-exertion would not do either of them any good. He said nothing, allowing the younger man to set the course of conversation as well as everything else. There was no use pushing-Val would come to him in his own time. Grieving the loss of your parents was difficult, and he hadn't been taught the proper techniques to let the pain out. Julien was sure that the amount of pain Val was suffering through had likely tripled in the past year. Still, so many questions were left unanswered, both for him and for Valerius. Perhaps helping the smaller man gain a little closure would be helpful, too.
Valerius kept to himself. He did not know what to talk about anyway. He lost his parents. It was a year ago and he had learned to cope with it for the most part. It was just completely being alone on Christmas that got to him. Last year, there were things he had to do. Bury his family, and set up the arrangements. Sell the house. Sell pretty much everything that he was not deeply attached to. It was a horrible time for him. He had no family left and really no friends, so he definitely was completely alone. He sighed softly at the thought, looking down at the tea that was still in his slender hands. Slowly, he sipped at the liquid, relaxing a bit with the warmth taking over his body. He glanced briefly to the man that was beside him, blushing a moment later and turning back to the cup. his clawed finger trailed along the plastic once more, finding a bit of comfort in the circular movement he was making.

"Um ... Mr. Laroque ... Are you from France?" He questioned, not really liking the silence. Maybe it would have been better if it was just him and the little familiar. His golden eyes glanced over to the man, recognizing the last name as something more from France than anywhere else. That and he had a slight accent. It was faint, but in the 'th's he could hear it a bit.​
He watched Valerius closely for anymore signs of self-destructive behavior. Julien was glad that he saw none, and relaxed a bit more. He hated his scars, and didn't want the cute little thing next to him to regret what he was doing to himself. The dark haired man couldn't deny, though, that he was glad for the change of subject. Avoiding the issue wouldn't help the other, but it wasn't necessary to let everything out when he wasn't ready.

"My family was," he answered, thinking up his family tree. "My...great grandparents came over from France, but I spent several years there when I was a teenager."

A woman walking her St. Bernard past them raised an eyebrow when her precious thing barked, and Teivel gave a whimper and scampered up to sit on Julien's shoulder. "Wuss." Humans larger than him? Teivel would take on in a heart beat. Animals larger than him? He ran away from before they got too close. This one had taken the Thallus by surprise.
Valerius listened to the other's words, realizing that that must be where it was from. Hence why he could not really tell. He nodded a bit, a weak little smile to his lips as he thought back a bit. "Mum and I went to Paris once ... Pop was busy with work and she was tired of just sitting at home ... So she took me and we stayed for a week or so. Mum spoke French ... I ... can barely say 'hello'." He laughed softly and then glanced to the St. Bernard, smiling before he looked over at the Thallus on Julien's shoulder. He looked at the little chocolate being then back to the dog, laughing a little more. He looked over to the woman, giving her a warm smile, only to watch her walk faster past them. He blushed faintly, looking back to his tea and dragging his nail over the top of it once more, tears starting in the corners of his eyes.​
"I loved Paris. I would try to go once every few weeks." Julien reached up to scratch Teivel behind the ear, comforting his little familiar. Eventually, the Thallus climbed down to follow behind him once more, and Julien was grateful-Teivel's claws were sharp and had been digging into his shoulder. He noticed the sad look, though, and draped his arm over Valerius's shoulders as they walked, offering silent support and silently offering an ear to listen, or a shoulder to cry on.

"What did your father do that kept him so busy at work?"
Valerius blinked a few times as the other's arm wrapped around him. A soft sigh passed by his lips and he rested his head against the other's shoulders. A simple little shrug of his shoulders came to the question and his nail continued along the top of the cup. "He ran his own business. He was a lawyer. A good one too. He only worked for those who badly needed help, and well, his job was not good financially ... but ... he was happy." He sighed softly, biting into his bottom lip again before he chose to drink a little from the cup, sighing again when he pulled it away. "The ... The police thought that their deaths were because of someone my Pop went against in court ... i.. it turned out that it was just ... just someone who thought that my family were 'monsters' .. it ... it was why they were s-so badly mutilated." He whimpered softly, his golden eyes filled with tears once more.​
Julien remained silent as Valerius told another part of his story. And when the horned male began to cry once more, he stopped their walking and pulled him into a full hug, chin resting on one of the horns that came to just beneath it. He wanted to share his beliefs: that everyone was on earth for a reason, and then they're taken, and that perhaps his family's purpose on earth was done. But that wouldn't ease the pain, and it wouldn't bring his family back. It was simply how he'd coped through his own loss.

He watched as Teivel watched, and then (carefully this time) climbed up to perch himself on the crook of his arm to study Valerius. He gave the creature a warning to behave and only sighed slightly when it nodded its head, still watching the smaller man in his arms.

Julien was shocked when his little familiar, so nasty and mean to anyone it met, leaned forward and gave a soft little lick to Valerius's cheek.
Valerius was a little shocked by the sudden embrace, but he did not mind it. He did not hug him back or anything, rather just let the other man's warmth soothe him a little. He sniffled a few times, the tears continuing to streak down his pale cheeks and he remained where he was for a short while. A lovely shade of red tinted to his cheeks and he held onto the cup in his hand all the more, finding comfort from the warmth the cup gave off too. A single golden eye opened when he felt the familiar lick his cheek. He glanced over at the Thallus on the other's shoulder, letting out a gentle and shaky laugh. He slowly pulled away with a soft, "Thank you" to the man. He took another sip of his tea before he threw the empty cup into the nearby garbage. He then wrapped his arms around his lower torso, hugging his form tightly and he looked down at his feet for a while, trying to will them to move again when all his body wanted to do was just curl up and cry.

He fidgetted a bit in his place before looking over to the man with a red still to his cheeks. "Mr. Laroque ... H... How far away is um ... your house?" He questioned, his golden eyes keeping up to the man while he waited for a response. He just ... did not want to go back to Atlantis yet. He knew that he would more htan likely be an imposition to the other and rude to even think of inviting himself over, but he just ... he could not go to Atlantis yet.​
He supposed he wasn't surprised by the question, and was glad that they'd started walking in the direction of his home to begin with. "Much closer than Atlantis," he answered, putting a hand to Valerius's back and guiding him in the direction of his house without question. There were many triggers for emotions, and Julien only assumed that Atlantis would be one of them for Val. After all, the man had been at school when everything had happened. It was likely that Valerius was feeling guilty about that, on top of the grieving for his family. He didn't say that, though. The horned male would say it sooner or later, when he was ready.

"I think you've made a companion in Teivel."
Valerius looked over at the man, relieved he did not have to invite himself over. He was happy with that. He hated to intrude and well, he was just glad that it seemed Julien knew what he meant by his questionn. He smiled weakly then glanced to the Thallus, looking him over and he smiled a little more. "That is good." He said simply and then looked back in front of him. His arms wrapped around his lower torso, nails dragging along the sides of his purple coat in a rythmic motion. His eyes slipped closed for a while of walking before opening again, just in time to jump over a crack in the side walk. He chewed his bottom lip a little and thought for a short while more, looking over at the man again. "How do you know Mr. Alexander?" Yep. There was giong to be some sort of conversation and he hoped it would veer away from his family again. He did not want to cry - especially in front of such an attractive man.
"Nikkos and I went to school together when we were young boys." They had met in the third or fourth grade, and while they hadn't been "best" friends, as neither liked the attachment that went with that word, they remained in constant touch through the years. It was Nikkos who was first to fly to Julien's side and stay with him through his own loss. "Despite outward appearances, Nikkos is a very good man." Most wouldn't give the administrator the time of day, Julien well knew. He was glad that his friend had found something special in Tomias.

They arrived at his home only a few minutes later. A cozy little cottage that only held a living room, kitchen, bathroom and bedroom, but it suited his and Teivel's purposes just fine. He enjoyed his garden in the back yard, and the peace that surrounded his little home.

"Make yourself comfortable. I don't have much in the way of entertainment, but I do have a television and more books than I care to count and a garden outside."
Valerius looked over the house and a warm smile came to his lips. It was cute. He definitely pictured the man living in something like this. He walked inside, pushing off his black boots and he walked over to the couch. Sitting down, his knees pulled to his chest and he curled up happily into the cushions. A small little nod came, a bit delayed, to him mentioning Nikkos. "Yes ... Mr. Alexander has always been nice to me. Him and Mr. Arcule are a cute couple." He stated, giggling softly. He pulled a pillow to his chest, holding it tightly between his arms and he slid down to rest his head on the arm of the couch, staring in front of him at the floor. "I am ... sorry to intrude on your home, Mr. Laroque ... I just ... I cannot go back to Atlantis when it is so ... lifeless." He sighed, his eyes slipping closed and he held onto the pillow tighter. He hoped Nikkos would not tell the twins or Calder about his loss of parents. He did not want anyone to feel bad for him, or for Calder to feel guilty about being with Rune. He just ... He wanted them to be friends, but he knew that was going to take a little while longer for him to not feel so awkward around the couples. Being a fifth wheel, while Relic tries to prevent it, it happens, and it just is not a fun time.​
"Don't be silly. If it were an intrusion I'd have said." Julien moved to the kitchen, bustling about to make tea for himself. He hadn't had anything at the cafe and wanted it now. Beside that, this way he knew that there was pure tea in his cup, not chemical crap that attempts to keep product fresh. Really, it only made the stuff taste worse, and it only held up perhaps a day longer. No, he'd always take fresh, home-grown ingredients over chemically 'enhanced' shit any day.

"Can I get you anything? Something to eat?" Turning around, Julien raised another eyebrow when he saw Teivel curling up behind the bend of Valerius's knees. "You must be something special there."
Valerius glanced to the little Thallus, seeing him curl up at his legs and he gave a weak little smile. His hand nearest the familiar lifted and petted the top of his head with gentle touches before his arm returned to wrap around the pillow. He looked over at Julien and shook his head a little. "No thank you." He said gently, his eyes slipped closed again and he let out a gentle sigh. His hand lifted to stroke the familiar once more. He felt a little better actually, but he just did not want to do anything. He was fine when no one knew and well ... okay... before Christmas. Too many memories came spewing back and he just hated it all. He visited their graves in Ireland, put flowers out, made sure there was not too much snow, and then he was fine. He yawned softly, finding the house cozy enough for him to fall asleep in. He was so ... so very exhausted. A small little snooze should not be bad, right?​
Julien watched as both the horned male and his familiar napped. At least he was sleeping. He knew that there were nights that Valerius wasn't, but today wasn't one of them and so he would deal with that when he came to it. For now, he let the smaller man sleep off the emotional exhaustion he'd endured for the past year. Taking his tea, Julien chose a book from his library of them and sat on the floor, back against the sofa near Valerius's feet. He read for a long time, not once contemplating waking the other up. However, he did phone Nikkos to let the man know that his student was okay and they may or may not make it back to the school tonight.
Valerius remained asleep for a while, happy in his dreams and just quite content. The warmth at his knees and the pillow in his arms helped him quite a bit. At least until his dreams turned for the worst. The visions of his family and his mind playing tricks on what exactly had happened. He tossed for a bit before he let out a cry and fell onto teh ground, landing in the man's lap beneath him. He went wide eyed, panting and his golden eyes were wide as they stared at the man - frozen. He was about to scream and yell about being attacked before he realized who it was. Once he had, the tears came and he buried his head into the man's chest - being sure to not poke him with a horn. His knees pulled up and he curled into his lap, arms wrapped around the Frenchman's form, hugging him tightly to his form. "I ... I hate that I was not there! If ... I f I was ... I could have stopped what happened! I could have! Bu... But I was ... I was here and ... and ... enjoying myself while they were getting slaughtered!" He sobbed even more into the man's shirt, gripping him even more as a few soft whimpers passed his lips.​
Completely surprised by the yelp and suddenly having someone else in his lap, it took Julien a minute to realize what had happened. And by that time, Valerius was clinging to him, sobbing and babbling. The dark haired man closed his arms around the other tightly, rocking him back and forth gently, shushing him. "No. No, honey. If you were there you'd have been hurt too." Fingers came up to card through the soft, green hair, chin once more resting on the horn just below it. He didn't say much more than that, other than soft encouragements for Valerius to let out what he'd been holding back for so long. Julien continued to rock the other and hold him, knowing no words could ever help erase the guilt.
Valerius shook his head with the man telling him he would have just gotten hurt himself. He took in a shaking breath and stood up from the man's lap. His eyes still poured tears, but he just needed to prove that he could have stopped what happened to his family. He moved to where a little nick nack was, turning back to Julien. "No. I could have." He stated, throwing hte breakable object into the air and his right hand lifted, fingers spread apart and the nicknack froze in the middle of the air. "See?" He questioned, a little twitch of his hand, and the object began to move slowly into the mossy haired man's green palm. He took a hold of the object, his hand falling to his side and he turned to look back at Julien, tears passing even more. "I ... If I was there ... I could have saved them."​
Julien watched before standing, arms wrapping around the crying man once more. "I believe that you have the abilities to stop someone. But were you in that house, at that time, I very strongly believe that your brain would have frozen and you wouldn't have known what to do." He paused for a moment, guiding Valerius towards the sofa to sit once more. "Shock and surprise...they do funny things to your body and your mind. You have to trust me when I tell you that you'd have been hurt had you been home that day."
His hand wrapped around the little figure he had deminstrated with, gripping it and then pulling it to his chest when the man held him. His eyes slipped closed and he cried into his chest once more. Following him to the couch, he once more curled up into his lap. His head rested on his shoulder and the little figurine in his lap. His fingers trailed along the curves and crevices of the object. His golden eyes stared at the figure and he let out a pathetic little laugh. "Then I would not be miserable." He whispered, biting his bottom lip a bit and stopped before he broke the skin. He continued to cry and his hand gripped the nicknack tightly. "I ... I have wished I was there so ... s-so many times .." He admitted, his pale cheeks already salty with tears and he just continued to hold onto the figurine and he whimpered a little more. "I know ... I know it is bad ... b-but I just ... I miss them s... so much"​
He held him, sitting back completely in the sofa as Valerius let it all out. "It's not bad to wish that-it's honest. So long as you don't take the step of hurting yourself." With that, Julien used the pad of his thumb to tug the bottom lip from his teeth gently. "Stop." Reaching over, the Frenchman picked up a box of Kleenex and set it in Valerius's lap. While he didn't mind the other using his shirt as a tissue, there would come a time when it was too soggy to collect any more moisture. "You are not responsible for your parents' death, got it?" His voice was stern, but not mean or angry. "And I wouldn't tell you that you weren't if I believed that you were."
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