Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

"Mmm. Depends. Are you the angel?" Smirking Nikkos leaned up for another kiss, fully enjoying himself enough to ignore those around them once more. Until, that is, Tomias was body checked into him. The administrator groaned-the doorway into his back wasn't the best of feelings. Though, he did get a glimpse of his lover's daughter. The brunette raised an eyebrow. "Charming." To Nikkos, it was obvious that the girl had gotten her temperament from her mother. At least he assumed so, anyway. It didn't really matter. The girl was off in the house somewhere now and Nikkos was inclined to forget her presence just like he was forgetting anyone else existed in the house, period.

Calder looked to Rune, nuzzling along his jaw. "You said something about a lock?" he asked playfully. It was unsaid that he and Relic had switched rooms, and that Tanner was in love with Relic and therefore could deal with his early morning announcements. Calder, though, preferred to sleep until well after the sun came up. The blond felt that there was absolutely no reason to be up and out of bed if the sun wasn't up.
Tomias grinned at the comment, nipping his lover's bottom lip and chuckling a little. "Mm ... I am ... But I would not be pissy if we abandoned everyone." He whispered, kissing him once more, at least until there was a foot in his side. He squeaked, looking over at hte pink haired girl as she cursed and walked past them to wherever she was going - he presumed the bathroom to shower. Hoped too. He then looked back down at Nikkos, smiling all the more. "Yeah. It's what happens when you're raised by a mannerless vampire." He stated with a wink, stepping away from him and he took a hold of Nikkos' hands, pulling him with him while he began to head to where dinner was being set up. "We could leave after dinner, if you'd like, but I figured we would be too tired..."

Rune chuckled softly with a little nod. "Yep. We will be locking our doors." He stated, kissing the side of his boyfriend's neck and then nuzzling into the flesh a moment later. He adored his brother, truly, just not at six in the morning. Luckily, he never was as excited about other holidays as he was about Halloween. He always slept in on Christmas morning until his normal eight or nine o'clock. Even when they were little. It was just something quirky he supposed. At least their parents were a little happier since by that time, the magic had worn off with their elder brothers and they tended to sleep in a bit more.

Soon enough, there was a little knock on the doorway, followed by a man standing seven feet two inches making his way into the room. A groggy look to his features, and a suit to his form. His ice blue eyes traveled along the couples, raven brow lifting in question and it was definitely easy to see where the twins got their looks from - if the man cut his long braid, or if they grew their hair out, they could probably look like triplets. "Your mother says dinner's ready.' He said, yawning as he scratched the back of his head, looking around before turning back to the boys that were not his kids. "Huh ... I thought Andrea had lied about the boyfriends." e admitted and shrugged before turning and leaving the room.

Relic watched his father enter, smiling warmly at the man and he gave a simple little wave. Giggling softly, he pulled the other man up from the couch. "Come on! Dinner's ready."​
Grinning, Nikkos followed him into the other room, a bit disappointed that they had to separate their bodies. But his stomach had started to protest at not being fed, and so Nikkos took his seat next to Tomias, not sure if he was scared or didn't care about who sat on his other side. The administrator was actually quite relieved when it was Calder who took the open seat. He felt safe now, even though he knew he had no reason to not feel safe in the first place. It was still a silly, annoying thing that he had yet to overcome.

Calder saw the slight worry on Nikkos's features, even if the man wasn't aware of them himself. The blond sat next to the administrator, nudging their shoulders together to let him know that he was sitting there and he could relax. He pulled Rune to sit down next to him, not really caring if it was his "usual" place or not. Did it really matter where you sat, so long as you got to eat? No. No it didn't.

Tanner, on the other hand, followed Relic's lead. He didn't care where he sat so long as he was sitting next to his lover. He wondered how long it would take for the mass of people to settle down at the table?
Rune whined when he was forced to sit in a different spot, grumbling to himself but he eventually stopped and went back to impatiently waiting for everyone else to file in. Eventually, they all did. Sitting wherever they wanted and Scarlette's daughter still fumed about being here, even more so when she saw that her other uncles were not here. THat was when she truly started to whine about the younger kids being able to avoid this hell hole - at least until Andrea whacked her upside the head with a simple 'shut up. You're here.' which got her to stay quiet at least for a little while.

Relic moved to sit across from his brother, Raphael ended up sitting next to Tanner and asking a few questions about Atlantis to both him and the other two who sat across from him. It seemed the little delinquent was excited about going. That little pink haired ever-so-lovely woman sat beside her Father, washed up and wearing a nice pair of pants and a frilly little shirt. IT seemed that once she cooled down, she was better at conversing. Taling to Nikkos and the others around her. Dinner went fairly uneventful. No one tortured Rune too much about actually having a boyfriend. There were a few jests here and there but a glare from Rune and the threat to drown the person who teased him easily stopped those.

Dinner finished fairly easily and Tomias stretched his arms above his head with a soft little groan. Gabriel had left hours ago to go with his parents and while he was not there, there definitely were enough people to make up for his place... and that was even missing a few people. Standing up from the table, he took a hold of Nikkos' hand and began to pull him away from the table, saying something about cleaning up which got a snort from his mother. Shaking his head, he continued away from the table, kissing the man's cheek softly and smiling all te more. "Want to leave in a few or wait until tomorrow? It's your call."​
Calder paid no attention to Rune's whining. Sometimes, you just had to be selfless and help other people even if they didn't ask for it. The blond had a firm belief in that, even if his boyfriend griped and moaned about going along for the ride.

Both blonds enjoyed dinner, and Calder found extra entertainment in the soft teasing his boyfriend got for dating someone, and the threats that were made towards those who were doing the teasing. He knew he'd be 'punished' for being so amused, but it wasn't anything that he wouldn't fully enjoy, and the blond was looking forward to that "session" as well. He smirked as he thought about it.

With dinner done, Nikkos groaned quietly. He'd stuffed himself completely and didn't think he could move. Of course, Tomias had other ideas and tugged him along to another room. It was nice to be in a room alone-the administrator had missed this luxury, even though they'd only been with his lover's family for a few hours now.

He thought about the question, really weighing his options. In the end though, Nikkos felt that he was being selfish enough by asking Tomias to spend the majority of their break in an abandoned school. Shaking his head, the brunette leaned up to kiss the other man. "We can leave in the morning." Whether Tomias loved or hated his family, Nikkos couldn't justify not "allowing" his boyfriend to spend some time with them. "Besides, you haven't given me my present yet," he teased with another peck to the lips.
Tomias smiled warmly and nodded a bit. "Of course." He whispered and then shrugged his shoulders. "Huh ... Looks like you'll have to wait for your gift then." He teased, giving a playful buck of his hips into his boyfriend before he saw Drusilla getting out from the table. She came over, kissed Tomias' cheek and then did the same for Nikkos. "See ya." And with that, she was out the door for whatever reason. He tended to not question just why the girl did what she did. He was too scared to know what the answer would be.

The table was soon cleared with the help of Andrea and pretty much all of Lily's children - even little Elijah helped out by taking the dirty silverware into the kitchen to wait to be washed. The white haired woman soon came back with a happy little smile to her lips. She sat down beside Calder and across from Tanner, resting a laptop on the table and she then turned to look at the blondes, smiling all the more. "So ... You kiddies know about my boys' musical career, right?" She asked, glancing to her sons who rolled their eyes. Of course she knew they knew. Were else would Rune have gotten his mind reading power? Continuing with her eyes back to the blondes, she lifted the top of the laptop, grinning all the more. "Want to see one of their music videos?" She asked, grinning all the more.

"WHAT?!" Both boys shouted before standing up from their seats and glaring at the woman. "No no no!" Relic began, already beginning to make his way around the other side of hte long table. "Mom! That's... That's cruel and unusual punishment! SHow baby pictures BABY PICTURES! not ... the videos. .. PLeeease! I'll even let you show the one of the little ducky on my ass ... Just ... Not the videos..." He whimpered softly, looking ever so pathetic as he stopped a foot or so away from his mother.

Rune nodded and was all too ready to get the laptop his mother held. "Yes ... Exactly ... Do the baby pictures ... They're... They're worse than the videos?" He offered, knowing he was utterly lying. He whimpered softly. "Not the music videos..' he mumbled, chewing his bottom lip and knowing all too well his mother's choice.

"Hmm ..." The woman began, looking from Calder to Tanner then back again. "All right. Boyfriends' choice. Which do you boys want? Videos or pictures?"​
Laughing, Nikkos reached down and squeezed his lover's rear end playfully. "Hmm...Then I suppose I'll have to hold yours for ransom." He leaned up and licked a line up Tomias's neck before Drusilla came to say goodbye. Nikkos smiled and waved, and then moved back into the dining room to help clear the table. It was the first time since they'd arrived that the administrator had felt comfortable enough to willingly leave Tomias's side. Perhaps his family wasn't as bad as Tomias made them out to be?

He was, however, highly amused by the twins.

Calder and Tanner looked between each other and their boyfriends, eyebrows raised in question. Calder hid the giggles behind his hand. He couldn't help being curious as to why both men didn't want the video shown. And when he was given his choice, the blond didn't really have to think. He was already going to endure pain tonight, what was a little more? The blond leaned over and whispered his choice to Andrea, even though he was fully aware that both of the twins would know what he said.

Tanner, on the other hand, was more sympathetic to Relic. If he was offering to show baby pictures, then the video must be horrendous. He chose the opposite of Calder. "I'll be 'nice'-pictures."
Andrea giggled happily with Calder's response, turning to look at Tanner and she smiled all the more. "Awe! You're a sweetheart." She said before giggling even more. "Come sit. You can watch the show too ... and Calder gets the baby pictures too ... I just would like my boys to think I actually care." SHe said, giggling even more and she waited for Tanner to move beside her before she filed thorugh a few things on the computer. Humming softly to herself and eventually she clicked on an icon that said 'my boys music'. She went through ande held up a hand to Rune "I'm doing the lesser of your evil videos. Yes yes. I'm not THAT mean of a Mother."

"YES YOU ARE!" Both yelled in sync, grumbling before they both flopped onto the chairs beside their boyfriends. Relic rested his chin on Tanner's shoulder, smiling lightly. "Thanks for trying to be nice." he murmured, leaning up to plant a kiss to his cheek before he set back onto his shoulder. His arms wrapped around his waist and he nuzzled into his neck. "And keep in mind ... This was ten years ago." He added before his mother would click the videos open. He whimpered lightly, his eyes closing and he waited to see the video up on the screen.

Eventually, the player started up, the screen blank for a while before it revealed one of the boys in a tee shirt, jeans, studded belt - think punk type rocker gear. He walked into an empty room, looking around before leaving the screen for a few moments. After a few seconds of just blank, both twins were in the screen - wearing pretty much teh same outfit, or at least the style, which made them look like the identical beings they were. Both boys held chainsaws which were then revved to life and went to town on the walls aroudn them. The walls dropped and revealed a stage, just as the music began to start. The chainsaws were tossed to the side and the boys hopped up onto the stage, beginning to sing. Throughout hte video, the twins danced and sang and grinded against each other ... And anyhting else that seems embarrassing that my mind will not process. At the end, it showed the twins on a couch in a destroyed room just looking around at the damage. . . Most of hte damage seeming from a party/the concert that they held.​
Smiling, Tanner pecked a kiss to Relic's lips before turning to watch the video. He'd expected something...worse. More boy-bandish or eighties punk or something. When it was over, the blond turned to pull his lover into his lap, hugging him tightly. "It wasn't that bad," he promised. Corny, maybe, but definitely not what the twins had made it out to be when arguing with their mother to not show it. "And even if it was, I don't love you any less because of it." He smiled and nuzzled into Relic's cheek.

Calder was disappointed, really. Not because he wanted to see Rune embarrassed, but that his lover seemed to embarrass easily. Sure, he wouldn't go around putting that video on the internet willingly if their positions were switched but it wasn't horrible. The blond leaned over and nipped at his boyfriend's bottom lip. "Honest. It wasn't bad." Besides, the jeans that they'd been wearing in it made their gorgeous asses look even hotter, not that either Calder nor Tanner thought that to be possible.
Relic sighed heavily, being pulled onto the other's lap and he glanced over to the laptop before he rolled his eyes. "That's the only normal one we have. Our manager and the choreogropher [blaah] were ... evil and definitely stuck in the eighties or something. We have one where we're prancing around the mall and singing and another where we're looking through a glass type thing ... Actually, that one was kinda cool and fun to shoot." He admitted, thinking about them and he sighed softly before nuzzling into the other's neck softy. "It's not too bad ... Just embarrassing to watch ourselves." He mumbled before he stood up and took a hold of Tanner's hands. "Let's go see baby pictures! Those are better." He stated with a little wink, holding him and beginning to drag him off toward the living room to find their baby albums. their mother had been very amused by having twins ...

Rune was relieved that THAT was the video she chose to show. His eyes slipped closed and he shook his head a bit." That one was not bad, no." He stated before shrugging and kissing Calder. "Come on, I'll show you the pictures too ... I wanna see if you can tell who's who." He teased and kissed him once more before pulling him off to where his brother wandered. He took one of hte other photo albums and plopped onto the couch, tugging Calder to sit beside him. He opened up to the first page where the two boys were, looking up at their mother [ who was taking the picture ] with lost looks, covered in chocolate practically from head to toe. He chuckled and then grinned all the more. They were five in the picture and dressed pretty identical, so he would love to see if Calder got which was which.​
Tanner had to admit that he wouldn't turn down an offer to see more videos. Not to embarrass Relic, but simply to have more knowledge of his past, even though he could ask and get the information easily. The blond grinned when he was pulled into the other room. He liked looking at other people's baby pictures, even if he had his own under lock and key and live security guards. He sat next to his lover, leaning to look over his shoulder at the book that was presented. "So you had ducks on your ass?" he asked, smiling. Definitely wanted to see those pictures!

Shrugging, Calder moved with Rune, his legs draping over his boyfriend's as he sat and looked through the album. They were cute pictures, most with Rune and Relic in matching outfits. There were a few where they were toddlers, sitting naked in the kitchen sink for a bath. One had a toddler bent over one of the twins as an infant, kissing him. And yet another had Relic lying face down on the ground, thumb in his mouth, using a black, dust-mop dog as a pillow. That one was rather cute.

Taking the book when asked to identify who was who, Calder studied the book. Pointing to the twin on the left: "You. Relic's on the right."
Relic laughed softly, cuddling up beside Tanner and he nodded. He flipped through the pages a bit, figuring he could just back track to get the others. He eventually pointed to a picture of him stark naked in a tub, on his belly, the wings on his back easily seen with a rubber ducky on his rump. He then grinned and said a simple "A better one?" and turned the page to a picture with him in the grass with ducks and their little babies all around him, a duckling perched on his head and quite the curious look to the boy's features as he stared up at the duck. "I have no clue why they decided to attack me either." He admitted before going through a few more pictures. Some with him and Rune and getting into trouble. The best one was of the kitchen on fire and five year old Rune covered in black ash from whatever it was that he had done in there. Relic giggled at that picture, turning to a picture of him and Rune sleeping in their bed together, intertwined and hugging each other while they looked like the little angels they were.

Rune looked at the one he pointed to and pouted. "Fine. Get it right" he murmured and then chuckled softly. He rested his head against his shoulder, continuing to go through the pictures. Stopping at one with him and Relic surrounded by cute little kittens, Rune holding one and just mesmerized by the little ball of fur that was biger than his hands. There was another photo album of them in later years, but they were definitely choosing to not look at those - especially since one can easily see when tehy both began to change. Relic in dresses and feminine things while Rune's features turned more annoyed and less smiles with pictures. Though, there was one or two with him laughing because of something or another and both boy definitely looked better with smiles.​
Tanner gave a soft "awwww!" at both pictures of Relic. He'd have to pull Andrea aside and ask for copies of both-they'd look adorable in frames sitting on the dresser in their room. The blond snickered at the burnt kitchen, thinking 'typical' as he saw it. "Is that where he got his dislike of cooking?" he asked, even though it was obvious that the twins were too young to know how to cook. The blond continued to flip through the book, laughing or "awww"ing at the appropriate times.

With Rune's head on his shoulder, Calder's fingers carded through his hair as they continued to page through the book that they had open. "His cheeks are a little fuller than yours. It makes it an easy tell," Calder explained when Rune pouted about his being able to tell him and Relic apart. "Your face is a little longer, too." At the mention of Rune's dislike for cooking, Calder leaned over to see the picture and laughed a little. "I have a similar picture only... Well it's flour and whatever else I'd gotten into and the kitchen is still in tact." He didn't think he'd ever had a major mishap in the kitchen, other than horrible tasting food.

With the book finished, Calder bent his head and kissed his lover as he slid fully into his lap. "Speaking of kitchens. There's some homemade chocolates in my bags for you." Calder braced himself to be thrown off of Rune's lap in his lover's haste to get to the sweets.
Relic giggled softly and sighed. "Yea ... That's the first time he blew the kitchen up." He stated and turned to another few pages until the book was finally finished. He placed it onto the coffee table in front of them. He then curled up against Tanner once more, sighing contently. He nuzzled into his neck before perking up. "Want my Christmas present? Mom will probably do the kids' in the other room. Besides ... I wanna turn in early." he said, nuzzling into him and smiling even more.

As expected, Rune did practically throw the man off of his lap. He lifted him off and tossed him onto the couch before literally running out of the room to go find where he had tossed the man's bag. he took up the cookies, holding them in his hand, already opening the package of chocolate chip cookies, chomping on one while he moved and plopped beside the three of them. He rested the cookies in his lap, still eating them before he perked up "Oh yea" he mumbled between his bites of the cookie, trying to think of where he had put his present for Calder.​
"Always like presents," he laughed lightly as he still held onto his lover. Of course, that would make it fairly difficult for Relic to get up and get the gift, but that didn't matter much. It would still be there in five minutes and at the moment, he was just too comfortable to let go of the other man. "What are you going to do with yours?" Personally, Tanner thought that Relic would do well with his own little business, but that was just his opinion and it wasn't why he'd given the gift he had. He'd be happy if Relic only used it to make clothes for himself if that was what made the other man happy.

Calder grunted as he was tossed off of Rune's lap, laughing as he tore through the house to find the sweets. He had to admit that he found his lover adorable. When Rune returned, the blond moved back over to him, kissing along his neck and jaw, distracting him while his hand moved in to steal two pieces of the candy. Of course he had more stashed away, but that was for emergencies when they needed something and he didn't feel like baking anything. Rune wouldn't know about that stash until it was necessary.

Grinning, prize in hand, the blond sat back and ate half of one piece, passing the rest to Tanner and the whole one to Relic. He wasn't a sweets type of person, especially if he had made them. "Too much vanilla."
Relic laughed softly and nuzzled against hte other with a simple little nod. He smiled even more and then glanced over to the Calder, watching him until his brother returned with the chocolate. He happily took the piece of chocolate with a warm "Thanks!" And then began to bite int othe choclate, bouncing a little as he did so. "It's good." He stated and then went back to settling against his lover for a while. He would get his gift soon enough. For now, he was just very content. He did not really want to leave, not yet anyway. He wrapped his arms around Tanner once his chocolate was finished and smiled contently with a little sigh.

Rune pouted and really resisted the urge to nip at his boyfriend. He then shrugged and settled into the couch before he nodded. "Okay ... Presents." He stated, taking the chocolates and placed them ont Calder's lap, lenaing down to kiss his lips." The chocolates are perfect." He whispered and he then stood up and bounced out of the room. Returning a few moments later with two packages. He held one thick and long box out to Tanner before giving the other rectangular one to Calder, kissing him once more. In the box were measuring cups and some dish towels, cookie sheets, other sorts of pants, and a cook book - but hte book was blank so that the other could write his recipes in there.

As for hte gift for Tanner, Relic made him a nice blue outfit. Some black pants that had a blue heart on the hip, only an inch big, and then there was a royal blue sweater that had a hood, much like the one he had worn the other day. There were a few other outfits in there but, that was his main.​
Tanner tore into his present. He knew what to expect from Relic but it didn't make him any less excited to see what his boyfriend had come up with for him. And the fact that it was blue...well that just won the blond over even more. He loved blue. And the outfit itself looked as if it would fit him perfectly. Of course, there was no doubt that it would but he got excited when it looked like it would. He kissed Relic long and hard, thanking him for the hard work that went into the clothes. "I'll wear it tomorrow for you."

Not sure what to expect from Rune, Calder opened his gift carefully. He was delighted with what he found, and couldn't wait to use it all. The blond leaned up and kissed the other man, whispering a thank you before kissing him again. "It's a selfish gift, though," he teased. "You just want me to make more sweet things for you."

Nikkos stood out of the way, watching both couples. Not spying or being nosey-he had no idea what they were saying or anything of the sort, but just watching. He leaned into Tomias, head on the man's chest as he looked at his watch and thought. "You'll have your present tomorrow. It's not ready yet." In reality, it hadn't been delivered yet. It should be waiting for them in the driveway to drive back to Atlantis by morning.
Relic giggled softly, kissing the other back happily and he nodded, nuzzling into the other's neck with a little lauh. "mhm! I'll make you more with my new private room too... Your sisters I want to make something for as well! I can already picture them in cute little dresses. Besides, maybe a nice dress will win over Olivia's boy." He teased, giggling even more before he looked around and glanced to the time. WIthout a word, he took a hold of Tanner's hand, lacing hteir fingers together and he pulled him up and off the couch, beginning to lead him out of the room before he stopped and stared at the wall. Turning back to the other two, he held out his hand to Rune who stared at it for a while before they had a round of RoShamBo [or whatever]. Relic winning with rock over scissors. He stuck his tongue out before bouncing over to Tanner and giggling as he began to drag him up the stairs once more.

Rune whined softly, his arms tightening around CAlder who he now pulled onto his lap. "Yes. Make me sweets." He stated, knowing full well that his gift was a bit selfish, but he did not care. He knew that his lover would enjoy the gift, and that was what mattered. He kissed him once more before sighing heavily. "We're in a guest room by the way ... Unless you want to interrupt Tanner and Relic while they're having sex and share a bed with them ... We could probably manage it though." He added, thinking about how interesting that definitely would be.

Tomias waved to Relic and Tanner as they passed, leaning down to nip at Nikkos' neck and thinking for a while. "Mm ... Then I'll need your body to subdue me in the meantime ... After your gift." He stated, lacing their fingers as well and he made his way out of the hall and up the stiars toward his designated room. Heading inside, he released his love's hand and walked over to a box on the ground. Moving back to Nikkos, he held it out for him to take. Inside were quite a few, thick, hard covered original copies of some old books. Some from only a century ago, others from way before then, and their context varied too. Mystery, historical ... Some historical being more comedies by now. But, all in all, it would wind up being something that he was positive Nikkos would love. "My own personal copies for your personal keeps." He stated, leaning forward and kissing the man's lips.​
Watching, Tanner assumed what they were doing had to do with sleeping arrangements and stayed out of it. It was the twins' house and they chose how they chose. He supposed, though, that this was the first time they really had to choose between who had their room, and who didn't. Shrugging, the blond followed Relic upstairs, loving the bed the minute he saw it. He refused to think that there was one bed for the two brothers and he pushed the tinges of jealousy down when they threatened.

Closing the door over, Tanner stood behind Relic, pressing kisses to his shoulders and the back of his neck as the blond began to slowly untie the corset, not wasting a minute.

Thinking about the possibility, Calder had to admit that it had its merits. But it had one big flaw: The blond didn't want to share his lover with anyone, even his two best friends. He shook his head. "Don't want to share you. Besides, Tanner couldn't handle anyone being hurt. Mostly I just don't want to share you." Calder scooted closer to his boyfriend, arms wrapping around his neck while his lips connected with Rune's. "Take me to bed?"

The box was heavy and Nikkos was at a loss as to what it might be. When he opened the gift, though, he was flabbergasted. They were worth a fortune, and the sentimental value of them was priceless. The administrator set the box carefully on the dresser before throwing himself (literally) into Tomias's arms, kissing him soundly. Only when he was breathless did he pull away, though only enough so they both had room to breathe a little. "You're so wonderful to me," he whispered, nuzzling Tomias's cheek gently. "It's no wonder I've fallen in love with you."
Relic giggled with the kisses to his neck. He so very adored attention to his neck. Not as much as his hips or anything, but he wa content nonetheless. At least until he felt the other begin to undo his corset. With the feeling, he turned in his embrace, wrapping his arms around his lover's neck and pulling him toward his chest. He lifted up and planted his lips to his. Kissing him passionately, he began to walk backward toward the iron bed. He held him tightly while he fell back onto the mattress, giggling lightly in his amusement. Oh how he loved his Tanner. He really was perfect for him. He was getting used to only a slight bit of pain and while he still adored the pain his brother could inflict upon him, he adored Tanner more than the blonde may or may not realize.

Rune grinned, nipping his bottom lip and he chuckled softly. "never said we'd join them with the sex. Just interrupt and then sleep." He added before he nodded. Puling him into his arms, he began to make his way up the stairs, leaving his box there for the moment. They would get it before leaving, of course. Heck, Calder could even use them in the morning if he wanted to. He was sure his mother would let him use her kitchen. He pressed his lips to Calder's before pressing him against a wall, holding him there for a while so that he could kiss him passionately for a few moments. He then continued up the stairs, finding a random unused room and happily going into the lavish room. He fell onto the mattress with the man, straddling his hips on the mattress.

Tomias grinned when he saw the look on Nikkos' face. Oh! That was well worth everything. He squeaked, just barely not falling onto the ground and catching the other. Hek issed him passionately when his lips were connected with his. His eyes fluttered closed and he laughed softly when he finally pulled back. His eyes lifted up to look at the other, grinning even more. He loved him?! He kissed his lips once more, hugging him tightly. "And it's because I love you that I do anything to make you smile." He stated, kissing him once more before he moved over to the box. He sat down amd crossed his legs, holding hte other in his lap as he filed through before pulling out a historical mystery that was based on true events of the time. The book looked to be well over three centuries and the brunette was all too happy to slowly open the old cover and point to the signature of the author that was there.​
Disappointed that the corset ribbon was pulled away, Tanner whimpered a little. He moved to the bed, holding Relic tight to him as they kissed and fell onto the soft mattress. The blond locked one long leg over his lover's hip before his hands went back to the ribbon. He was persistent when he wanted something, and tonight he wanted to undress his boyfriend from head to toe. His hands worked slowly while Tanner's lips moved over Relic's lips and jaw and neck and shoulder, not missing an inch.

Squeaking, Calder held on for dear life when he was lifted. He trusted Rune, but was not used to being lifted up. There weren't many people who were taller than him and strong enough to lift him so effortlessly. He liked it. The blond's hands fell to his lover's hips as he was straddled, his own thrusting up sharply. Gradually, Calder's hands trailed up Rune's shirt, tracing over the warm flesh of his stomach and sides until they were on his back and pulling the male down to him. He kissed the other, arms wrapping fully around him. "Merry Christmas."

Moving to sit in Tomias's lap, Nikkos watched him. He loved the present, but at the moment, the administrator was more interested in his boyfriend. Until, that is, he saw the book that was shown to him. He gave a soft "oh!" as his finger trailed over the signature lightly, careful not to damage it. Nikkos was interested to read it, and would have to find a newer copy somewhere so that he didn't damage this one. "We'll go find a copy to read together?" he asked, settling back into Tomias's chest and relaxing completely. He liked the idea of Tomias reading to him.
Relic giggled lightly, kissing him back happily and he let the other at least untie the corset. He would not mind that. It was when the man began to take the item off that he got a litte worried. Corsets were not easy to remove and so, he would need to help the other. When the strings were loosened, he slid his hand off his lover's shoulders to the corset. He pulled it off his torso and his head, tossing it onto the floor before his arms wrapped around Tanner. He tugged him cloesr to his chest, connecting their lips and kissing him passionately while scooting up onto the bed a little more.

Tomias arched a brow. He was not going to read it? He pouted softly and looked to the man with his pathetic little look. "Nooo! You have to read these! What's the point in me giving them to you if you don't read them? They're in great shape . . . So don't feel bad about reading them." He stated, opening the book to the middle and showing that the pages were not too worn. AGed, but not bad and well, considering that any books the man had were definitely taken great care of.​
Glad to finally have the corset off, Tanner kissed Relic, arms wrapping around him tightly for a moment. "Turn over," he whispered, nuzzling along his boyfriend's cheek softly. "Let me give you a massage." He felt like he didn't take care of Relic in the way that he wanted to sometimes. The sex and cuddling and closeness were great and he wouldn't trade them for anything. He just wanted to add another dynamic to that intimacy that they'd begun to build together.

Looking up, Nikkos nipped at the slightly protruding bottom lip of his boyfriend. It was cute to see Tomias pout like that. The brunette sucked on the lip a little, teasing. "I'm afraid that I'll like them. And want to read them over and over. And then they will be worn out and fall apart." The books were a wonderful gift, and he would cherish and treasure them had some complete stranger given them to him. But because it had been Tomias, they were on a completely different level. Still, after a moment of thought he figured that if he liked the books that much, then he could go get a "reading" copy. Settling in, the brunette lifted the book that Tomias had pulled out. "Read to me?"
Relic went a little wide-eyed with his command, staring up at him and he shook his head. He wrapped his arms tighter around the other's neck and hugged him. "Mm. . . No ..." He whispered, leaning up and kissing his lips softly, smiling gently as he looked up at the other, his eyes sparkling a little. "I just want you." He added, not wanting him to think anything negative or anything of that sort. He just ... would not turn over. Tanner had his reasons for not being on the bottom, and he had his for not moving to his stomach for anyone other than Rune really - not that he would EVER tell him that. It was not even a sexual thing, purely a brotherly.

Tomias kissed him softly before he nodded. He scooped up his love in his arms, standing and resting the man onto the bed before he took up the book he had just had. He wiggled out of his clothes, staying in his boxers and slipping beneath the covers. May as well get comfortable, right. He waited for Nikkos to get comfy as well, pulling him to his form with an arm wrapped around his waist. THe book rested in his lap, first page opened and a hand rested on the thick cover. With a kiss to his love, he turned back to the book and began to read the passages happily to the man.​
Nuzzling along Relic's jaw, Tanner was sort of shocked that the other man refused. It wasn't often that Relic used the word 'no', especially towards something so innocent. The blond studied his lover, trying to read him and wishing he had Rune's ability to read minds. Then again, perhaps it was best that he didn't have the ability. He didn't know if he'd be able to use it anyway-Tanner was sure that he'd feel guilty for taking something that perhaps wasn't for him to know. He pulled Relic closer to him with a hand to the small of his back, being sure to keep both of them on their sides. "Will you tell me why?" Tanner was curious now, in an innocent, want-to-know-everything-about-Relic type of way.
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