Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

"He's head over heals for you," Caden confirmed as he gathered everything he could on the plates, and took as many glasses as he could with his free hand. Without even knowing him, one could tell that he had experience as a waiter. "Nah. I'll come back for the rest." He'd tried to talk his mother into letting him have a tray, but she had flipped, saying there was no where to put it.

He worked well with Relic to get everything on the table and ready for dessert, and he got a bottle of wine for those who were old enough to drink (Tanner and older). It was a tradition to toast the 'new year' with dessert on Christmas eve, as Christmas Day was the Reed family's New Years Day-their year ended on the twenty fourth of December each year, and started on the twenty fifth.

"Red or white?"
Relic beamed with the confirmation from the man. He had not been worried about Tanner's feelings, but it definitely was a nice assurance that someone who knew Tanner better than he did could see he liked him as much as he did. He happily helped set up for dessert, grabbing anything else that was needed and then thinking about the wine choices. He eventually smiled with his ice blue eyes sparkling happily. "Red wine ... It is Christmas Eve." He chuckled softly before he let out a soft little sigh. He had not had wine in a while. Eighteen was illegla to drink and according to Atlantis, that was how old he and his brother were. Though, when they were eighteen, they were still drinking ... One benefit to being the spitting image of one's father.​
Dessert was had and enjoyed thoroughly. Tanner sat close to Relic, feeling the Christmas joy and wanting to be near the one he loved. They toasted, Tanner kissed Relic at the end of it and nuzzled his cheek with a soft 'love you' whispered.

The adults tucked the girls in, all of whom didn't want to go to bed just yet-they were too wound up and they were too sad to know that Relic and Tanner wouldn't be there when they woke up in the morning. But finally, with some coaxing and promises that they would visit soon, the girls were in bed, if not asleep. His parents asked them to come down and sit by the fire with everyone but Tanner declined for himself. They were leaving early in the morning and he needed sleep.

"Stay up if you want," he suggested with a kiss. "Wake me up when you come in." He liked knowing when Relic came to bed so that he could wish him goodnight.
Relic enjoyed the rest of the night. He was a little wound up himself. He was excited for tomorrow. Not nervous or anything. His family was insane. The most that they would do would tell stories about his past lovers or something and well, he did not care about those. Hell, he would tell Tanner them. He was more so excited about spending more time with Tanner uninterrupted. Maybe they could even come back the few days before school started up again? That could be a possibility. He would have to run the idea by his boyfrend of course, but that would come later. For now, he figured he would just sit with the family for a while until he truly felt tired.

The ravenette headed back into the living room, after kissing his love good night once more. He sat down, arms stretching above his head and he sighed contently. His eyes to the flames and he pondered just how wonderful things have been recently.​
Tanner was asleep quickly. He missed having Relic there to cuddle with, but it was nice to know that he was comfortable enough around his family to sit and talk with them without him there.

Wine was shared downstairs and they had a large fire going. Caden was the only one talking, really, as his parents were sitting, talking amongst themselves. "So how'd you meet?" He wanted to ask more but didn't want to overwhelm the man or scare him off. The small blond couldn't help but ask the next question without waiting for an answer to the first.

"What are your intentions with him?" He may be smaller than Tanner, but he was older and very protective of his brother.
Relic did not really mind the questions. He knew that Caden cared for his brother and that was why he was being questioned, and the intentions one only made him giggle. He turned to look at the smaller blonde, his legs pulled to his chest, arms wrapped around his knees and he looked over at him, smiling all the more. "I met Tanner through Calder ... He showed us around the campus and then we hung out in his room and ... suppose we kinda just clicked." He shrugged his shoulders at the thought before the intentions question came to mind. He thought for a while before looking over at Caden, smiling all the more. "I honestly cannot tell you. I love him and as long as he'll have me, I will be there for him. I intend to stay with him for as long as possible, I suppose." He smiled happily, his eyes slipped closed and he rested his chin on top of his legs. He then opened a single eye, looking over the male and he perked up, back straightening as he did so. "Caden ... Do you have a girlfriend?"​
"No." He wasn't short with Relic, just truthful. Honestly, Caden really had no interest in either gender as a lover. His parents kept telling him that he simply hadn't met the right person yet. Caden really didn't care either way. "No, I'm at school ninety percent of the time." Law school took up a lot of time.

He laughed a little at Relic's answer to his intentions towards Tanner. "You won't be getting rid of him. Domestic partnership, marriage, just existing together... He's not going anywhere." Caden could tell that Relic wasn't going very far, either.
Relic perked up even more. He didn't have one?! He beamed happily, even more so with the other comment. He laughed and nodded a little. "Goodie!" He said happily before he clapped his hands together excitedly. "Now! I have the cutest girl I could introduce you to! Don't worry, she's not my ex or anything she's my . . . "He thought for a moment, eyes tilted up and seeming to calculate just how he was related to her. "Niece! Yes. She's my niece. She's spunky quite the firecracker. Pretty too. Well, of course she is, she shares genetics with me ... But only a slim bit." He winked and then thought about just where that little Drusilla was at the moment. Honestly? Probably killing someone ... but he did not need to know that.​
He shook his head slightly. "No, thank you though. I'm too busy with school. It wouldn't be fair." He smiled a little at the offer from Relic, but knew that his answer had been the right one. Caden could barely devote enough time to studying. There just wasn't any room in his life for anyone else.

They chatted a bit more, about nothing in particular really, before the small blond yawned and stretched his arms over his head. "I'm off to bed. It was nice meeting you." Caden gave Relic another peck tot he cheek identical to the one he'd given the man in the hallway when they had first met and shuffled off to bed.
Relic pouted slightly but shrugged his shoulders. "All right. No worries!" He said, easily moving on in their conversation. He did not mind the decline in offer. No need to push someone, especially one as adorable and cute as Caden was. When the younger blonde stood to go to bed, the ravenette decided to do the same. He walked over to Mister and Mrs. Reed, giving htem hugs and kisses to their cheeks before he waved. "Pleasure meeting you. Good night and Merry Christmas." he giggled happily before bouncing his way up the stairs and being sure to go slowly past the little girls' rooms. No need to wake them up extra early.

Once he was safely in Tanner's room, he closed the door behind him and just strpped to nothing - no need to worry about pajamas or anything and well, he did not wear boxers. He slipped into the covers, kissing Tanner and then nuzzling into his neck a little. "Tanner, I'm back." he whispered, wrapping his arms around his love's waist and hugging him tightly. He definitely had a new refined love for him.​
Tanner stirred a little as he heard Relic's whisper. He was a light sleeper until his lover was safely in his arms. The blond groaned sleepily and nodded, wrapping himself around the other man just as tightly. It wasn't long before he fell asleep once again, this time deeply. He trusted that his boyfriend would wake him when it was time to leave. That didn't mean, though, that his sisters wouldn't beat his lover to it. The blond heard the giggles before he felt the jumping on the bed.

((Sorry. AIM cut out on me? o_O))
[ it's okay <3 ]

Relic happily nuzzled into his lover, smiling to himself and he really was content at the moment. Sleeping away until he was pounced on - again. He coughed and bolted upright again, looking at the little girls once more. He yawned softly and fell back to bed, his eyes fluttering closed and he remained silent for a moment until finally opening his eyes again to look at the girls. He smiled lightly and patted the top of Julie's head. "Merry Christmas." He murmured and then pushed his form up, his hands behind him to keep himself up and off the bed. His eyes to the little girls and he eventually captured them both within his arms, kising their temples. "All right. You two go wake up the rest of the house ... We have to get ready, you know." He kissed them once more before swinging them over and placing their little feet onto the ground.​
Groaning, Tanner rolled over once more, pulling Relic with him once his sisters had left the room. He was definitely not ready to get up yet. The blond kissed Relic lazily, swinging his leg over his lover's to try and keep them in bed longer. He knew they had to leave soon, but that wasn't the point. He wanted more lazy time with Relic simply because he was selfish like that. Eventually, the blond did shimmey his way out of bed and into a pair of jeans. When he was a little more awake, Relic was pulled to him and kissed passionately. "Merry Christmas."

Later rather than sooner, they pulled themselves apart to pack up what little they'd unpacked and to make an appearance downstairs. It was still dark out, and Tanner's parents were refusing to get out of bed this early anyway. He laughed at his sister's torturing themselves-they couldn't open presents yet and had to sit and stare at them until Mom and Dad woke up, yet refused to go back to bed.
Relic gave the girls his good-bye wishes and everything of that, telling them that he would be back before they went back to school and then he walked to the car with Tanner. Settling in happily and being sure to keep his lover entertained on their ride there. He talked about how adorable his brother, Caden, had been last night and that he was happy and loved his family. Going on about the little girls and how cute they were - mentioning the possible puchase of a shotgun to the Reed household for when they got to their teens since they would inevitably be beautiful.

Rune on the other hand was all too happy to scoop up Calder and not even waste a minute leaping into the skies. His large, blue tinted white wings spread into the air while he soared happily. He took a few breaks and was sure that Calder was fine throughout. At least until he came near their home. He perked up when he spotted a parking garage, smirking and easily gliding into the cement area. He tapped CAlder on the head before walking to a shiny red corvette from 1968, chuckling happily. He took their bags and placed them inside the car before looking over at his little blonde. "Ready to hotrod Mias' car?" He snickered and bent inside, rummaging a little before the engine soon purred to life. He sighed hapily, looking at his casual ware and he shrugged. Taking out the outfit he would wear, he put it on.

Slipping into a pair of dark green pants, a white button down shirt with green thread and trimming, a large celtic cross embroidered on the back of the shirt. He pulled on a white studded belt and then looked into the reflection. Clapping his hands together, he hopped into the driver's seat, turning to look at Calder and smiling. "Ready?"

In the mean time, Relic easily pointed Tanner in the direction of the mansion, having changed his outfit a while back too. A red skirt, white fur lining the ends with a red corset that had the same fur lining the top of it, white ribbons laced up the back and the end of the corset. He pulled his hair back in white clips, white earrings in his hair and lip and his shoes were nice red go-go boots that went to his knees. At the house, he leant over to kiss Tanner, smiling warmly and he hopped on out. "Leave teh bags for now." He commented, taking his hand and then tugging him toward the entrance.

He opened the door, looking around and soon jumping as a loud "UNCLE RELIC" Was yelled, followed by a cute little nine year old boy with black hair and sparkling amethyst eyes ran and attempted to tackle the man. He laughed, scooping up the boy and kissing his cheek with a happy "Merry christmas" before he took Tanner with his free hand, leading the way into the mansion. He peeked into the kitchen, his mother bustling about and she perked up when she spotted Relic.

"Relic! Sweetie, how are you? Your brother arrived already."

"Rune?!" He said excitedly, the woman shaking her head.

"Nope. TOmias."

"Oh ..." he mumbled, apparently not wanting to have heard that. He shrugged and walked into the kitchen, soon being scooted to the side by a short girl, five foot four, with white hair and purple eyes and quite the stomach. Relic arched a brow before he grinned "Lily! You're pregnant again!" he stated, getting a light laugh and blush from the girl who held a dish in her hands with some vegetables on it.

Lily looked down at her belly then back to Relic, nodding a little. "Yea ... We're hoping for a girl this time." She said with a giggle, looking over to the blonde that came in with her baby brother, smiling to him. "Hello." Her tone was very soft and just oozed with politeness, bowing a little before she turned and walked back to Andrea with a simple "Here are the veggies, Mom."​
The car ride was pleasant. Tanner had no problems listening to Relic talk on and on about different things that really weren't important in the long run. And aside from the short breaks that the blond took in order to ravish his boyfriend, there was no reason to stop between his own house and Relic's.

Walking up to the house was a bit daunting. Both he and Calder knew that the family had money, but it was always different to see it rather than hear it. But he'd "met" Relic's mother before and so he wasn't nervous. Besides, Rune and Calder would be there, as would Nikkos and Tomias-he wouldn't feel left out of anything.

Tanner laughed at Relic's tone when he heard that it was Tomias, not Rune, who was here already. He pecked a kiss to his boyfriend's cheek before offering a big smile and cheery "hello" to Lily, whom he wasn't sure how she was related to Relic. He pushed that thought away, knowing the feeling would be the central theme of the holiday.

Calder held on tightly, his head burying into Rune's neck as they took off. He was most definitely not used to such a thing, and had he been in anyone's arms but Rune's, the blond would have been scared half to death. He trusted his boyfriend, though, and was just careful to not make any huge movements or shifts, not wanting to throw either of them off balance.

He had to admit that he was glad for the car, even if it did require auto theft to acquire it. At least it was Tomias's and he wouldn't press charges... The blond watched his lover change, admiring his body and slight curves. Calder could spend all day watching Rune, really. But he was snapped out of those thoughts with the roaring of the engine. He hopped into the car and nodded that he was ready after kissing the other man's lips. After a moment of thought, the blond stole one last kiss.

"Kay. Now I'm ready."
Relic smiled warmly, watching his mother bustle about and he walked over to place a kiss to her cheek before turning and heading back over to where he left Tanner, the little raven haired boy still attached to his hip. He stopepd in front of the blonde, finally realizing the boy. "Oh! This is Elijah .. He's one of my nephews." He stated, kissing the little boy's cheek - getting a cute little giggle from the boy.

Elijah turned to Tanner, smiling all the more. "Hi! I'm going to be a big brother soon!" He said excitedly before hopping from Relic's arms to go and cuddle up to his mother, Lily. Resting a hand on her stomach and the woman smiling lightly with al ittl e pat to the top of his head.

With that, Relic took Tanner and led him out of the kitchen, knowing his mother would not hesitate to ask for help if shen eeded it. Heading into the living room where there was quite the huge tree surrounded by a sea of presents and where all the 'grown ups' seemed to be. Tomias and Nikkos on the couch, talking about this or that. A red haired, green eyed man on the large chair that was there. A woman flaunting her curves sat, staring at Nikkos from a different couch, her white hair flowing around her form and her indigo eyes remained on the administrator.

Arching a brow, Relic eventually shook his head and tugged Tanner in even more, releasing him to sit where he want. "The redhead's Lewis, Lily's husband. Yin's the one currently glaring at Nikkos out of jealousy among other issues that the bitch has ..." He looked around and shrugged, turning to Nikkos and TOmias, smilng warmly. "Hey kiddies! Totally wrecked Mias' room last night, huh?" He teased, plopping next to the administrator, crossing his right leg over his left then adding a simple "This is Tanner. Don't torture him."

Speeding down the roads, Rune eventually pulled up to the mansion, skidding to a perfect stop in front of the house. He hopped on out, happy as ever and took a hold of Calder's hand. Dragging the other with him, he walked into the house, pushing off his converse and peeking around the corner. "We're hoome." He said happily, looking over his mother in the kitchen and the Lily and her little boy. "Hey Lily.... Wow! Pregnant again?" he teased, just loving to torture her and see her blush. He chuckled lightly before pointing to the blonde at his side. "He's Calder my boyfirend yes yes shocker, I know. Where's Rel-- Ah!" He grinned, turning on his heel and walking over and to the living room, pouncing his brother, wrapping his arms around his shoulders and kissing his cheek softly. "Merry Christmas." He siad softly into his ear, grinning happily.​
Nikkos scooted closer to Tomias. The woman's stares towards him unsettled him greatly. Anyone staring at him made him uncomfortable, actually, and he found himself more and more turning towards his boyfriend for support and strength. Tomias had never seemed to mind and so Nikkos kept on doing it. The brunette let his head rest on the other man's shoulder as they sat chit-chatting with...well he still didn't have the family tree straight, but whoever these people were. The administrator was glad, really, when Relic and Tanner walked in, and even more so when Rune and Calder did.

Watching where Relic moved to sit, Tanner followed. He wasn't nervous or uncomfortable just...new. He felt like he was the new kid in school, really. And he still didn't catch everyone's name or relationship to...anyone else, really, but it didn't seem to matter. Those who he was likely to associate with the most, he already knew. Tanner gave a general hello to the room with one of his bright smiles as he sat next to Relic, pulling his lover towards him. The blond looked up, though, as Rune and Calder entered and smiled even more. Calder was pecked on the lips and wished a merry Christmas, and Tanner leaned up to do the same to Rune. He found himself to be much friendlier towards his lover's twin since he'd gotten his head out of his ass and spoken up to Calder.

For himself, Calder felt that he held it together pretty well. Tanner definitely had the advantage of Relic who at least attempted to introduce everyone and explain where they fit in. He didn't think Rune really cared either way, thought it didn't bother him-they were here only for a little while, definitely not long enough to learn the complicated family history.

The blond said hello to those in the kitchen and followed Rune out when he went to hunt out his brother. Calder smiled, knowing that it was probably at least difficult for them to be away from each other. He kissed both Tanner and Relic, wishing them a merry Christmas, and then wished Nikkos and Tomias one, too before finding a spot on the floor at Tanner's legs and plopping himself down. If he was tired, he didn't want to know how tired Rune was.
Tomias wrapped his arm around his boyfriend's shoulders, pulling him against his chest and just telling him to ignore Yin - she must be menstrual or something. He grinned and kissed Nikkos before looking over at the twins when they came in with their boyfriends. He gave a simple little wave and then set back into the cushions. Things were definitely going to start picking up now. He felt bad for Nikkos. HE was so soft spoken and well, he would do so much better with sitting in a room with Lily than the rest of hte family. Everyone else was nuts.

Relic happily greeted his brother and Calder when they came in, patting his brother's arms before the elder moved to sit beside the glaring Yin without much of a care. Relic wrapped his arms around his corset-clad torso, looking around and he perked up when Lily came in.

The woman smiled warmly at Rune, turning to Calder and giving a simple little wave. "Hello." She said softly and then turned to look at Yin. "Daddy ... Can you go get some firewood, please. Mom wants to be sure we have enough indoors before it begins to snow." She said, smiling lightly to the woman who continued to glare at Nikkos.

After a while, Yin grumbled and stood up with an annoyed "Fine." Leaving the room, Lily let out a soft sigh. Turning to Nikkos, she gave him a gentle smile. "Sorry about her, Nikkos ... She does not really like new people." She giggled and then walked over to where the redhead was, kissing his cheek softly and was going to go help out her mother again but the man pulled her onto his lap with a simple "Off your feet."

Relic looked over at Tanner, leaning to him and nuzzling into his shoulder with a warm smile. He slid his arms over his torso and he hugged him tightly to his form. "If you get too chlosterphobic with my family, let me know and we can take a walk." He whispered into his ear, not wanting to have him feel overwhelmed or anything.​
Calder and Tanner both raised eyebrows at the title that Lily gave the woman, but didn't question. It was all just too complicated for them to piece together, and neither wanted to do it on Christmas anyway. Maybe when they were back at school. Tanner nuzzled along Relic's neck, nodding that he'd let him know if he needed some space.

Nikkos was just glad that the woman had left. He was able to fully relax into Tomias's side now, and enjoy the conversation that was going on around them. He knew that he was going to be nervous-it had been a very long time since he'd been around quite so many people all at once-but the staring and odd looks hadn't made it any better. He wondered how he would feel when the rest of the family got there. He'd likely be spending a lot of time outside.

Calder looked to Rune. He was more than comfortable around large families, but sitting around and talking with them wasn't his most favorite thing to do. "Wanna give me a tour?"
Rune perked up, smiling warmly and he nodded. Hopping up from the couch, he gave a single forefinger before turning to Lly and Lewis. He scooped up his sister effortlessly, sitting her onto the couch with her legs spread out. "Sitting on your husband is not truly being off your feet. It strains the pelvis." He stated, kissing the top of her head before he turned and walked over to Calder. TAking his hands, he pulled him up from the ground and began to make the way out of the room. Pointing to the study that was his Father's, then the room where two teenagers sat, playing Chess together, He waved to them and got a simple, "Merry Christmas, Uncle Rune" from the two before he moved on. If he wanted to know the who's who, he could ask. If not, it was onward with the tour.

The calm of the living room, now that Yin left, was easily interrupted by yells and an annoyed red-haired female glaring at a black-haired woman both with beautiful emerald eyes. "WHY do I have to be here?!" The younger of the two asked, well, shouted really.

The ravenette rolled her eyes. "Because I say so and it's CHRISTMAS! You're suposed to be with family ... Not your latest fuck!" Her arms folded over her lower torso, continuing to glare at the redhead who puffed her cheeks out at the woman.


"That's life!" Rolling her emerald eyes once more, the ravenette turning to look back at the girl. "You're far too old to be throwing a hissy fit. Twenty years ago, I may have accepted it as teenage hormones ... But you're older! Act it."

"Then WHY can't I be with Charlie? I'm old enough to make my own decisions, you old coot!"

The ravenette groaned, rubbing her temples. "I'm your mother. Shut the fuck up and obey me! After dinner you can go see your fuck toy. Go there for New year's Eve too ... I don't care. Just Christmas dinner, your ass is here." She stated, opening her eyes once more to looked back to the redhead who semed to be a little soothed with the words of her mother.

GRumbling a few times, the redhead nodded. "Fine. I'm going to see if Grandma needs any help ... or something." She mumbled before going off to the kitchen to assist Andrea.

Sighing heavily, the ravenette growled. "Should have killed her when I had the chance." She mumbled then spotted Tomias with Nikkos, smirking instantly with a little gasp to her lips afterward. "What's this?! Mias has a boyfriend?" She grinned, walking over to the two and leaning against the back of the couch between the two, turning to look at the younger male and grinning all the more. "SO, how much did he pay you to be with him?" She grinned even more, completely amused.

Tomias pulled the man beside him closer, his hand on Nikkos' hip and his emerald eyes glaring at his sister. "Scarlette ... Go away. You're annoying. Why not try to mend things with Annette? Hmm ... She hates you like any normal person should."

"Hardy har." Scarlette mumbled before looking over at Relic, smiling far nicer than she had to Tomias. "Hey Relic! You look cute today." She stated, leaning over and kissing her youngest brother's cheek.

Relic took a hold of Tanner's hand once the yelling started, ready for that grip to tell him to run away. Peronally, he wanted to run, but that could not happen any time soon. He smiled at Scarlette, waving to her with his free hand. "Thanks." He said happily and then turned to Tanner, looking at him for a while and smiled all the more. "THat's my eldest sister, Scarlette ... She's ... not stable at all." He laughed and then turned back to the girl. "This is Tanner, my boyfriend." He stated, getting a little squeal from the girl. "Nice to meet you" She stated and then went back to torturing Tomias about who was next to him.​
Calder nearly jumped out of his skin at the yelling. He just hadn't been expecting it. With a few deep breaths, he was fine and content to lace his fingers with Rune's to finish the tour of the house. It was nice to have a space to go even with so many people in the house all at once. "So who's your favorite? Besides Relic." He had to knock out the answer he already knew. Beside that, the answer would give Calder a little insight to who he might get along with.

With the woman half pushing her face in between his and Tomias's, Nikkos growled a little deep in his chest as he leaned into his lover closer. Pay? Was she suggesting that he was a whore? That was more than enough to coax Nikkos to find his voice. "Oh...right. Supposed to charge you. Hmm..." The brunette looked up at the woman. "What do you charge your lovers? I'll have to mark it up of course..." He smiled sweetly at the woman.

Tanner wasn't ready to run for the hills quite yet. Family squabbles were rather normal, and he didn't see anything abnormal about this one. Caden had had it once or twice with their own parents, about wanting to stay at school over the holidays to study for exams. Of course, it had turned out just the same as the one in the hallway: Caden came home for Christmas, grumbling the whole way, and wound up really enjoying himself. The blond tightened his grip on Relic just slightly, letting his boyfriend know that he was fully okay.
Rune shrugged his shoulders. "If I have to choose? Lily." He admitted before he led the way through the house, pointing out the many bathrooms and extra rooms along the way before the second floor came. He pointed his parents, Yin's, Tomias' ... any other rooms that were up there before he walked over to his. Stopping in front of it and grinning even more. "My and Relic's room." He stated, opening up the door into a nice emerald green colored room, a metal four poster bed, the head and footboards spiraling with the metal to make up the board. He pulled him inside and then flopped onto the Queen sized bed, sighing contently. "Oooh my bed."

Scarlette looked over at the man who answered, arching a brow before she smirked. "I like you." She stated, patting the top of his head before she flet a slap to her rump, causing her to squeak and turn to glare at a redhead with green eyed man staring at her. She pouted for a moment before straightening up. "You never let me have any fun ... Damn ball and chain." She mumbled, the man just flicking her forehead before he pulled her against his chest.

"Sorry for ... Whatever she's done." The man said, looking to the two before he kissed his wife happily. "I'm Kael, by the way ..." He then looked to Scarlette, smiling lightly. "Amari is getting the presents. He should be in soon." He stated, issing her lips once more before looking over to Lily and Lewis, giving them simple little waves. He then pulled the ravenette out of the room, figuring he would save the others from her.

A few moments after the couple left, a red - haired man with cautious blue eyes stepped into the room, presents in his arms and he sighed once he realized his parents were not there. "Thank god." He mumbled before taking the gifts and setting the hefty load onto the ground with ease. He stretched his arms above his head with a soft little groan, looking over at Relic and smiling warmly. "Hey, Uncle Relic! Where's uncle Rune?" He asked, looking around, normally the two were together ... So he just presumed.

Relic looked over at Amari, smiling warmly. "Rune actually has a boyfriend." He stated, grinning all the more with the shocked look of the redhead. "Mhm .. and so do I." he nudged his head in teh direction of the man beside him. "This is Tanner. My lovely, fabulous boyfriend." He stated, leaning over and kissing his lips and then setling back against the couch.​
Smirking, Calder followed Rune onto the bed, straddling his boyfriend's hips and sitting on top of him. He didn't have a plan from there, but sometimes he missed having the control. Calder really was a true switch when it came to dominance. It had been a long time since he'd taken one position and kept it for more than a few nights in a row. Leaning down, the blond pinned Rune's arms above his head and kissed him. He was using less than a quarter of his strength-his lover could easily overpower him if he became uncomfortable. "Mmm. I like the sight of you under me." He smiled a little and kissed Rune again.

Nikkos shrugged and turned his attention back to Tomias. He really didn't care if the woman liked him or not-he wasn't very fond of her, really. It wasn't what she'd said, but just a vibe that he got. Perhaps he was just too sensitive. But that didn't matter much. Despite outward appearances, the administrator was enjoying himself, though he was glad that they'd made plans to go back to school in the next couple of days. This would quickly become unbearable for Nikkos.

The redhead was cute, Tanner decided. Perhaps a little too shy for his own liking, but then again...everyone was shy if they were compared with Relic. He smiled up at him in greeting, though not really catching the man's name and nor did he ask for it. Trying to remember names would get too confusing. And Tanner didn't think he was expected to remember everyone anyway. "I think Calder stole Rune off to go ravage him."
Rune looked up at Calder as he straddled his hips, blinkg a few times and he stared up at him with a brow arched in question. He stared up at the man and he tapped his fingers against the other's hands that were around his wrists. he continued to look at him while he spoke. He chuckled and leant up to kiss the other passionately before he settled back into the mattress. "Oh? Mm ... Be sure to remember it, it will be the few times you see me like this. "He teased, leaning up and kissing him once more before adding, "Unless you wish to ride me like a pony." He winked and settled back into the bed once more.

Amari arched a brow, looking at the couple before he smiled lightly. "Um ... That's ... lovely." he mumbled before he shook his head a little and sighed heavily. He blushed faintly and then cleared his throat a bit. Turning, he walked over to Lily, kissing her cheek with a soft, "Merry Christmas, Aunt Lily." He straightened and the nsighed softly. "I have more presents to get ... I shall be back." He waved to the others and then made his way out of the room once more to get the second load of gifts.

Relic giggled sofly, watching the boy leave and then shaking his head. He turned back to Tanner, pouting just a bit. "I offered up one of my nieces to Caden ... but it seems he is more into his school than dating." He stated, pouting a little and he rested against his shoulder. His eyes slipped closed and he then turned his eyes to look at Nikkos, smiling warmly to the man. "It's a lot to take in, huh? Scarlette's nuts ... We think she got more of Mum's psycho genes than the rest of us." He stated and let out a soft little laugh again before turning to look at the man beside him, smiling happily.​
Smiling, Calder leaned further down to attack Rune's neck, peppering the sensitive flesh with soft nips of his teeth and long strokes of his tongue. "I'd so love to take you," he whispered, nuzzling along his lover's jaw now before leaning up just enough to see the other man. He understood that it wasn't Rune's cup of tea, and he would fully respect that, but it didn't mean he wouldn't jump at the opportunity should it ever be given to him. Calder submitted again, not wanting Rune uncomfortable or to think he would force him into anything. The blond kissed the other man, releasing his hands and slipping off to his side, though his arms wrapped around Rune and tugged him to lie on top of him.

Tanner thought about Relic's comment about Caden. "He's driven. Everyone told him that his grades weren't good enough for law school...and he had to prove them wrong." Still, even if school wasn't in the picture, the blond didn't know if his brother would have accepted Relic's offer. He knew that Caden wasn't completely okay with his sexuality, but Tanner suspected that there was something more to it than that. "Do you get a vibe from him?" The blond trusted his lover's judgment and wanted to know if he was the only one who was uneasy about Caden's "preference".
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