Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Relic happily ate the cereal given to him, amusing Belle while she ate, pretending to steal her Cheerio's and everything of that sort. He eventually did eat his cereal completely, looking over to the kids who were already on their way out of the house to go play. He stood up with his dishes and placed them into the sink while thinking about just what he wanted to do. Snowball fight would mean getting inevitably wet. Same with sledding and personally, he did not really want to change his clothes. So, by process of elimination: "Ice skating!" He stated, leaning up and kising his lover's lips before he bounced his way toward the door to pull on his white peacoat with his red scarf, turning to look at TAnner with a s mile. "Is it a lake or a rink?"​

They had a lake just up the road that was always easily frozen over by the first week of December. It was Tanner's favorite place in the whole world. The blond grabbed two pairs of skates and his own jacket before taking Relic's hand to head out. It took a few minutes for Tanner to get the hang of it again, but it came back rather naturally. He loved it. The blond did spins and short, hopping jumps, but mostly just glided around, loving the freeing feeling of it all.

Finally confident in his abilities again, Tanner came over to Relic and took his hands, leading him out on the ice. "Stand straight up... Good... Now push out to the side with your right leg a little bit..."
Relic happily followed his love to the lake, pulling on the skates and he walked to the edge of it. Poking the tip of the skate onto the ice before he looked over to Tanner. Following his movements a bit, he pushed himself off onto the ice and was doing well for a few moments before he ended up squeaking, losing his footing, and falling back onto his rump. He yelped as he hit the ice, pouting and grumbling about his butt hurting. When Tanner came over, he reached up and to his hand, only partially using his hel to get up. He kissed his lips softly and whispered a soft, "I expect you to kiss my bruises better."

Kissing him once more, he pushed away and began to skate around the lake, doing quite hte lovely job after he got the hang of it. It took only two more falls to his butt before he got the complete control. When he had, he seemed to almost master it really. He did a few twirls and circles around his love before he would go around the rim of the lake. Looking graceful as ever as he did so too. His genetics definitely had their perks. Eventually though, he circled around Tanner and stopped behind him, wrapping his arms around his waist and kissing his neck softly. "Love you" he whispered, nuzzling against him. "Keep me warm?"​
He watched Relic get the hang of it and moved to skate with him. Tanner had never taken formal lessons but he'd been skating since he was a kid. They skated into the mid morning before the blond claimed that he was wiped out. Maybe the kids were too and that would allow them to nap. Not that Tanner and Relic would nap... Tanner wasn't used to not having sex multiple times a day. He was getting frustrated. The blond sat to take his skates off, before rushing over to tackle Relic into the snow and kissing him, hand sneaking up the twin's shirt and his knee pressing into his crotch. He'd make up for getting his boyfriend wet later.
Relic had just taken off the skates, replaced them with his proper snow shoes and was about to actually get up when Tanned tackled him into the nearby snowbank. He yelped and soon wound up moaning with the man's hand went up his shirt. His arms wrapped around his neck and he pulled him up and toward him, kissing his lips passionately while his hands began to trail along the male's sides, returning the favor as his hands snuck beneath his shirt. His hips rocked against the knee that was between his legs, chewing his bottom lip with a pleasant little moan once more. "You're such a naughty little thing." He teased before once more connecting their lips. HIs hands already began to undo the front of his pants, finding the idea of 'playing' in the snow positively wonderful.​
"Is that a complaint, Mr. DaoLin?" he teased, lips moving to Relic's neck to lick and nip along the flesh there. Tanner moved so that he could maneuver his coat off, placing it under Relic as the other man's pants were tossed away. Cold was fun. Too cold could mean pain. The blond returned to his boyfriend's lips, hand moving down to stroke him in a gentle rhythm.

With a little smirk, Tanner moved his lips over to the snow next to Relic, taking a little in his mouth before he moved his now cold lips around his lover's prick, watching for a reaction through his eyelashes.
Relic grinned. "Always." He said before his lips were connected once more with his. His eyes fluttered closed and he pressed his hips against the other's. Not really protestng the whole situation at all. He definitely was there to let Tanner do whath e willed to his body. He knew that the other would not hurt him at all, which was a bummer at some points, but he would take it as a blessing or something. He let his eyes close for one second, and the next thing he knew, quite the interesting sensation passed through him. His eyes went wide and a gasp pulled into his lungs. Staring down at Tanner, he moaned out into the sky, pressing his hips up and against the other's mouth with another deep moan. "Oh god.." He whispered, hands finding their way to the other's hair and toying with the blonde locks.​
Tanner hummed, and then repeated the entire process a few times, drawing Relic to a full erection before stopping the cycle. One day, he told himself, he'd have to tie Relic down and suck him to completion. But that was for another time and place. The blond moved, pressing himself into his lover, gasping as he did so. Tanner moved slowly. While Relic was used to dry penetration, the blond wasn't and he always moved slowly so as to minimize pain and discomfort. Still, he wasn't able to hold back for long and it was only minutes before his hips were pounding into his lover.
Relic moaned, bucking into his lover before he felt him move into him, getting another moan form the pleased little masochist. He growled softly, pulling his lover's lips to his and kissing him passionately. Already, his hips began to grind and rock with the other's, not caring about the dry penetration at all. He was just happy to have his love in him, and with him, and all sorts of happy feelings.​
It didn't take long for either to climax and Tanner half collapsed onto Relic, kissing over his flushed neck and cheeks as they caught their breath. The blond spent a full minute almost lying in the snow before he was able to pull himself up, and then his boyfriend, to get dressed. "How about a hot bath?" he offered with a soft nip to Relic's ear lobe after their pants were back on and straightened. "And then a nap before dinner?" He swept Relic up and began to carry him towards the house, ignoring his sister's questions except to tell them that it was their nap time and they'd be denied presents if they woke them up. With that Tanner swept Relic upstairs and ran a warm bath for them.
Relic could not deny that he liked his idea! He definitely did. He smiled and nuzzled against him as he was pulled up into his arms. His legs wiggled every so often and he kept his head against the other's shoulders, smiling warmly. He looked at the little girls, laughing with Tanner's threat. hugging him even more, he soon hopped down with the water being run and he removed his clothing easily. Tossing them into a hamper that was nearby, he waited for the water to be ready before he moved over and settled into the warm water, sloshing around the water in front of him for the other to join him. "Come ooon! you'll get frostbite." He teased, grinning even more.​
Laughing, Tanner slid in behind Relic, sighing as his arms wrapped around his lover and hugged him close. The blond sank down so that the water went past his shoulders for a minute, warming every part of his body, as well as Relic's. He was tired in so many different ways that it was difficult to not fall asleep in the tub itself.

And it was for that reason that the bath was cut short, only to pull Relic into his bed and again wrap around him, lips pressed to the back of his neck as they cuddled. "You don't have to stay after I fall asleep if you don't want," he mumbled with a yawn afterward. "But I need to nap." He nipped a little at the top vertebra and whispered a "love you" before drifting off into a deep sleep.
Relic happily cuddled up with Tanner in bed, sleeping as well, but only for an hour before he hopped out of the bed. He only needed a little power nap. That was what he got, and now he was fine. He changed into a pair of blue jeans and then a cahsmier black sweater that had a hood that he pulled over his head for a few moments while walking about the room. With a kiss to Tanner's lips, and pulling the hood off his head, he walked down teh stairs to go play with the little girls - also to be sure that Tanner had gotten enoguh sleep. He did not mind hanging out with his family. They were nice and the little igrls were cute. They now actually seemed more ept to believe e was male with pants on.

He sat in the living room, playing cards, or well... anything the little girls wanted him to do really. He did not mind. It was Christmas Eve, his lover was asleep, and the little girls were too cute to tell 'no'.​
Tanner slept well, groaning and stretching out after several hours. He pouted when he realized that Relic was no longer there, but understood. The blond got up and dressed in a pair of nice, dark jeans and a button down shirt, going downstairs barefoot. He shimmied his way into the game that they were playing only to lie down next to his boyfriend, head in his lap. He was still groggy from his nap. Relic really did make a lovely pillow and Tanner nuzzled into the thigh below him, mumbling non-sensical words as he did so.

The blond moved Relic's piece for him wherever the other man told him to, Tanner slowly waking up as he "played". It wasn't long before they were all called for a dinner of prime rib, grilled to absolute perfection, garlic mashed potatoes, green beans that had been sauteed in butter and garlic and then put under the broiler to toast Parmesan cheese. It was one of Tanner's absolute favorite meals and he dug in, groaning at the perfection of the meat.
Relic looked down at the man at his side, smiling warmly and stroking his blonde locks. He leant down to kiss his temple before turning back to the game. Rolling the dice and poking Tanner whenever he would have to move his piece on the monopoly board. He then perked up when he smelled dinner cooking. Oh, it smelt so lovely! He could not wait to eat. He was happy to sit beside Tanner and eat the meal, though he stated once everyone was done that he was going to capture the kitchen as his own to make the Reed family a dessert as a thank you - no if's and's or but's about it.

So, once dinner was completely done, he took the plates into the kitchen and then glanced over to Olivia as she came asking to help him out. He laughed and pulled up a chair for her. He was going to make a chocolate pie - far too whipped by his brother to not htink of chocolate dishes first. He figured that his little helped could cut up the chocolate. It was not too hard, nice and room temperature, so she could probably cut it. He showed her how to cut without hurting herself, palm on top of the middle of the knife, fingers in front and be sure they were out of the way. He gave a simple, "Go slow so you do not hurt yourself" as a bit of a warning before he went to making the pie crust.

Somewhere in the midst of the girl cutting, she had put the knife down near his arm and went to pick it up, but wound up scraping his arm with the knife, causing him to bleed. Relic barely noticed until the girl squeaked and dropped the knife. The man's instincts working ahead of him to catch the knife before it went and hurt her too. The knife was stopped a few inches from the girl's foot, though it was stopped by going through his hand. He groaned, straightening up and looking at his hand with a sigh. He looked over to Olivia and smiled warmly "It's okay sweetie..." He said softly, patting the top of her head before he walked over to the sink to ... deal with the knife and the blood on his arm.​
Tanner heard the yelp and was up and running without a second thought, Bella being handed off to Caden quickly. He saw Olivia on the chair, shaking and crying, and Relic at the sink. "Damn, damn, damn!" The blond moved over and helped his sister off the chair shushing her and telling her to watch Relic very carefully-she would see that he was alright. That said, Tanner moved behind his boyfriend, hands on his hips and chin on his shoulder. "Okay?" he asked softly, nuzzling behind his ear. "Careful-Livi's right here. Just let her watch you heal. At least part way." The cut was deep it looked like, and Tanner didn't know if his lover could fully heal the wound on the spot.
Relic was at hte sink, staring at the knife for a while and he slowly pulled it out of his hand, biting his bottom lip to stop from making any sounds. He did not really like the feeling of metal sliding from his flesh. He put the bloody knife in the sink and then moved his hand under the running cool water. He looked over to the little girl and smiled warmly. Moving away, he walked over to the girl, kneeling in front of her and holding up his hand that had already begun to heal. The flesh forming back together in front of her eyes and he patted the top of her head with his non-injured hand. "Don't worry about it, Olivia... I'm perfectly fine. See?" He said, showing off his hand, back to front and then moving to his arm where there was just the dried up blood. "Are you okay too?" He asked, showing his concern for the girl.​
Tanner smiled, watching Relic with Olivia. The little girl sniffled but nodded. "I don't think I want to help anymore tonight," she stated in her pathetic little voice. The blond only laughed and nodded, shooing her out of the kitchen as he took Relic's hand and kissed both the palm of it and the back. "Do we need to take sharp things away from you too?" he asked playfully, pulling is boyfriend to him to kiss him. Maybe being bad with sharp objects was genetic or something? He nuzzled along Relic's cheek before moving to the counter to finish helping with the chocolate.

"Presents while these bake?"
Relic smiled warmly and then shook his head a bit. He then stood up, melting up the chocolate and mixing it in with the other ingredients before he poured it in and nodded. He took the pie and placed it into the refrigerator - a nice chocolate mousse that did not need to be cooked, just chilled. He kissed Tanner and then dragged him off toward the other room where the tree was. He smiled, walking over to Olivia and hugging her, sitting on the ground and pulling her onto his lap, arms wrapped around her little waist. He wanted her to be sure that she did nothing wrong and that he still liked her. He looked aroudn and smiled all the more. "So! I think it's present time, right?"​
Tanner nodded amidst the squeals and bouncing of his three sisters. Yes, even Bella understood "presents". The blond stood to 'play Santa', passing out presents to everyone, including Relic. His boyfriend had one from him, and one from his family which he was sure his mother had rushed out to buy when she heard he would be joining them for Christmas eve.

Tanner's present to Relic was a flat folder, wrapped in purple and silver stripped paper, with a metallic purple ribbon wrapped around it. Inside was a letter, explaining the picture of a professional sewing room, complete with sewing machine, reams of fabric, hundreds of rolls of thread and every other accessory the man could imagine. The blond had talked Archer into a private sewing room for Relic, and Tanner had filled it to the brim with everything the man would need to complete his projects.

The Reed's present to his lover was a lovely sewing kit that he could keep in his room for the small mends that everyone needed to make at some point or another.
Relic was surprised by the gifts and felt a bit bad that he did not have one to give today. He could, but he wanted to wait until tomorrow to give it to him. He pouted a little, though took the gift happily. He opened up the first one from Tanner, arching a brow at how thin it was before just shrugging and beginning to open it. He easily read it over and a soft little squeal passed his lips. Reaching over, he grabbed a hold of his lover and pulled him over, pressing quite the passionate kiss to his lips - no matter the audience. "Thank you!" He said excitedly, giggling and kissing him shortly once more before opening the one from his parents, he smiled happily. It was cute! And useful too ... especially with how impatient they tended to get with the clothing being taken off. He pushed the thoughts aside and turned to the man's parents, smiling warmly. "Thank you! Do you want a kiss too?" He asked, grinning happily as he looked over the two.​
Grinning, Tanner moved over to Relic and kissed him happily. Julie and Olivia giggled while Bella looked on, oblivious to what was going on. Caden just shook his head. He loved his brother but had never been able to fully come to terms with his sexuality. He tried to be as supportive as he could, though.

When Relic asked his parents if they wanted a kiss, too, the blond stole another one from his lover. "I'll take theirs, too," he answered with a grin.

The rest of the family opened their presents, the girls tearing the paper off as if what was wrapped in it would disintegrate if they weren't fast enough. By the time they were done, Tanner was up to his knees in wrapping paper, and had a bow stuck to his head, courtesy of Julie. Relic had a matching one.
Relic laughed lightly, watching the girls go to town on the paper. He beamed and kept his eyes to them before he blinked a few times when Julie put something on his head. His eyes lifted to look at the shiny bow before chuckling lightly. "It's lovely." He said, grinning and then turning to look at Tanner, smiling in his amusement. "Aww. Yours is cute too!" He laughed and then stood up from the ground, beginning to smoosh all the papers together to help clean up the area a little bit. The little girls were so cute. He was almost sad to leave them tomorrow. He really did love kids far too much. Later on in their relationship, he would have to bring up the prospect of adopting ... If things kept up the way they were.​
Tanner kicked Relic out of the living room and off of clean-up duty with a soft swat to his behind which was conveniently up in the air. "You get the pies out, hmm?" Caden jumped up and offered to set the table, always looking for a legitimate excuse to get out of cleaning up. Besides, the girls made the mess so therefore the girls should have to clean up!

He moved into the kitchen and began to get dishes and napkins, silverware and glasses out as well as the whipped cream and ice cream. "You really did a number on my brother," he commented when Relic entered the room. "I don't think I've seen him this happy with someone since his teddy bear when he was a little boy."
Relic squeaked and straightened up, turning to look at Tanner and poking his tongue out. He followed behind Caden to the kitchen, heading over to the refrigerator to scoop up his pie. He listened to his comment and he let out a soft little laugh. Taking out the pie, he placed it onto the counter before shrugging his shoulders. "I'm glad I stand at Teddy Bear standards." He chuckled and then turned to look over at Caden, smiling a little more. "I really do love him." He sighed softly, feeling like a little girl in love again. He shook his head before taking the pie into his hands and looking over at Caden. "Got everything? Need any help?"​
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