Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Rune gladly followed the blonde to his bedroom, looking over everything and closing the door behind him. He walked over to the lockers, looking at hte contents and he smirked. "Lovely." He whispered before picking up the handcuff that were at the top and instantly pouncing the other. Throughout the night, most of the toys were used on the little awaiting blonde and the ravenette completely adored it. Everything was the best. The man's moaning. The whimpering. The utter pleasure that he made him hit more htan once throughout the night. Oh, he definitely liked the toys the other had. While all were not used, it was fairly close to every little one he got being used upon his body.

By the time two came around, the ravenette figured they should probably sleep.The little blonde had to get up early, now didn't he? Mm ...he would love to see the other morph away the new injuries he gave him. Settling into the bed beside Calder, Rune wrapped his arms around the other's bare form, his head nuzzling into his neck. He kissed the nape of his neck, nipped his ear and with a whispered, "Sweet dreams" the man was off to sleep until someone had the unfortunate task of wakin up the grumpy, exhausted male.​
He loved it. He loved being on the other end of Rune's sadism and passion. Calder didn't think he'd ever had sex that had sated him so completely before. He knew that in the morning he'd be sore, and surprised if his parent's hadn't heard at least some of what went on in his bedroom, but it would all be worth it. He was so beyond exhausted when his lover had decided that it was time for bed, that he didn't argue. Calder didn't know if he had another orgasm left in him anyway. The blond turned to face Rune and pressed a soft kiss and nip to the man's bottom lip before sinking down into the mattress and falling asleep.

Morning came much too quickly and the blond groaned with both exhaustion and pain. He was quick to get up and use the bathroom, knowing that if he lingered in bed, he'd fall back asleep. And though he knew better, Calder had no choice but to shake Rune awake, though not completely. "I'm going downstairs. Just be up and down by two." He pecked a kiss to his boyfriend's cheek, morphed away the injuries of last night except for the one mark Rune had left on him after their shower and went down in jeans and a t-shirt to help set up for dinner.
Rune growled when he was disturbed, glaring up at the blonde before just nodding and turning over in the sheets. He curled up for a good three hours before grumbling. He hated eing useless, especilly over someone's house. He was brought up better than that. Sighing heavily, he trudged out of bed and everyone really was lucky that he was up by nine o'clock, versus the two he was told he could sleep in until. He showered, figuring going down a grungy, sex-stenched, male would not be well. Besides, it was Christmas Eve, he was supposed to be neatly showered and looking close to his best. That and he liked using calder's shampoos and soaps, it helped to remind hi mof his boyfriend. Always a plus!

Heading down the stairs, the male was in his normal attire - black pin striped, perfectly made suit, though in the spirit of Christmas, he put a red shirt and a white tie on. He always preferred his suits. Lately, he had not been wearing them since they tended to just be thrown to the side and he did not want them wrinkled. He could not properly ravage his boyfriend if he knew that a suit of his was on the ground getting wrinkled. There was a family in Italy that would slap him if they knew what he did with their suits.

Walking into the kitchen, he stayed near the doorway, not wanting to get in the way of anything. "Anything I can do to help that does not involve cooking?" he questioned, looking over the mother and son that were in there, waiting for someone to answer his offer.​
Food was the first priority. Everything else could be done later but if the food wasn't warm and set up then no one would eat and everyone would be cranky. Calder and his mother (Allison) set to work first thing, Calder setting out the ingredients for Rune's apple pie to be made later. He hadn't forgotten and would be sure that his boyfriend got exactly what he'd asked for. The rest was fairly easy. Stuff in the oven, potatoes boiled, salads tossed, cookie and dessert plates arranged... Calder was in the middle of arranging a plat when he heard Rune's voice and the blond looked up, shocked. Really, he expected Rune to sleep until two thirty.

That didn't mean he wasn't happy to see the other though. He crossed the room and pecked a soft good morning kiss, eyeing the suit. "You didn't have to dress so early if you didn't want to." Calder leaned up to whisper in the other man's ear. "Very sexy."

He'd expected jeans and a shirt for Rune as well until around dinner time. Still, it didn't really matter-whatever his boyfriend was comfortable in. "Help me put the leaves in the table?" Rune could set it then, and set out the candy dishes and whatnot while the food was finished up in the kitchen.
Rune shrugged, kissing him back with a simple "Habit" before he nodded. He waved to the woman before he turned and followed Calder to the table. Pulling it open then adding in the leaves before he pushed it together, with Calder on the other end of course. Taking the other's hand, he tugged him to hsi chest, kissing his lips in a passionate embrace, even if only for a few minutes. He grinned as he pulled back, looking down at the man, smiling even more. "All right. So, set the table and the candies?" he clarified, already going off to find wherever said things were. When in doubt, he would ask someone where the dishes were. If it was good china or something like that. His mother was always a little scared to bring out the 'good china' when his family was involved, but hey, some families ... probably did not have the powers that his did. and worse, the strange mates his mother's children chose.​
As always, Calder moved to Rune willingly. "Better get it out now," he warned with only a slight tease in his voice. "Once everyone gets here, we won't be able to get away." The blond reached up once more to kiss Rune, flicking his tongue over his boyfriend's lips once before stepping back and nodding at his lover's question. "Everything for the table is in the china cabinets. Full table setting to make Mom happy? I'll get you candy bowls and the candy...so long as some of it makes it until my family shows up?" He smirked at the other, teasing.

He ran off to do as he said he was going to, setting four bags of various candies on the coffee table in the living room with six or seven different candy bowls to put them out in.

Returning to the kitchen, Calder worked until nearly three before being shooed out to shower and change. The blond tugged at his lover's hand for him to follow-at least Rune could relax upstairs while he got ready.
Rune kissed the other back happily when he kissed him again. He knew how holiday functions were around his house. They were not as non showing of affections since his parents were ... horny. He definitely got his libido from those two. They were the worst. He loved them though - most of hte time. Taking out the plates, he set them all out nicely. Putting the silverware there next, then the glasses and being sure every placement had a chair. He then went about the candy, stealing quite a few pieces for himself. He really did have a sweettooth. Between him and Relic, his brother had the lesser of one. the younger twin would eat it if the candy was there and if Rune wanted something sweet to be made, but other than that, he did not prefer them.

Being tugged away, the man followed the other up the stairs, debating to watch him in the shower or not. He shook his head before moving to the bedroom. Lying down on his back, hands on his stomach, and attempting to not wrinkle his suit, he would just relax. Possibly take a little nap until Calder came back and dragged him down to meet and greet hte rest of the family. Oh, that was going to be exciting.​
He was kind of glad that Rune decided to not watch him shower. He might have been tempted to drag him into the shower, suit and all. He was still tempted to, but was able to convince himself that it wouldn't be in his best interest. Of course, that didn't mean he wasn't plotting. As the blond dried off, he morphed away the mark that had been left the day before and every other mark, leaving his skin seemingly perfectly unmarked. Towel draped low on his hips, Calder returned to his room to dress.

Black dress pants and a cream cashmere sweater weren't his first choice, but the green sweater that he'd wanted to wear...well, Rune was in red and he refused to look like they'd planned on matching. Kevin would have a field day when he got there if they had and Calder wasn't in the mood to clean up the blood that Rune would cause.

He only set the sweater out, walking around his room for his watch and a gold necklace that his grandfather had given him, as well as his socks and shoes and handkerchief in only his pants and a thin wife beater.

"Almost ready."
Rune remained silent and pretty still, even when the other man returned to the room. He was still tired from all the work he had done the night before. Seriously, torturing his lover took a lot of work out of him. Hence why he did not really move, not until the sweater was tossed onto the bed did he snap awake. Sitting bolt up right with his eyes searching before spotting the man in front of him, a whine passing his lips. "I missed you in a towel." He grumbled and then shrugged, looking at the sweater on his legs and he poked it a bit. "Boring." He mumbled and then stood up from the bed.

He walked over to his luggage and began to file through his clothes before he pulled out a wrapped present which held beautifully scripted writing on the little sticker that said 'to Calder, from Relic -- Christmas Eve present'. "Here. Relic ... likes to make people outfits for Christmas and the Eve." He informed the man, just waiting for tomorrow when he would be bombarded by the yougner twin about a full on outfit. Relic had only made a shirt for the man tonight, but that was just because he was too busy with making htings for Tanner.

Within the package was a box, when opened, a lovely silver with black pinstriped vest lay and under that was a long sleeved black shirt, lined in silver - the collar, the cuffs, the seams, anything that bound or ended the fabric was in a centimeter of silver trim or thread. On the back, the lower left of the bottom of the shirt was a silver silhouette of a star outline.​
"I'll put it back on for you tonight," he answered with a hint of sarcasm. He pouted at the comment to his sweater, though. He liked that sweater. But that wasn't the point anymore. Rune wanted him in something else and when it came to something so little as an outfit, there was no point in arguing. No matter what Rune put him in, the blond knew he'd look good.

Calder took the box and set it on the bed for the moment, moving over to his lover and wrapping his arms around Rune's waist, hands coming to a stop only when they grabbed a handful of his ass. His face buried itself into the other man's neck and Calder kissed and licked over the flesh there. It was affectionate more than sexual and the blond continued his actions for a few minutes.

Eventually, the blond moved back to open the present from Relic and finish dressing.

The shirt and vest weren't what he'd normally wear, but Relic put hard work into them and Rune had asked (well, told) him to wear it. So he would. The blond shed his wife beater and tried everything on, opinion instantly changing. He loved it.

"How do I look?" he asked, spinning around for Rune.
Rune kissed him back happily before watching him undress and put on the shirt and vest his brother nicely made for him. He crossed his arms over his lower torso and set back to be sure that Calder loved it as much as the twins knew he would. He grinned, moving toward him and taking his hands, pulling him to his chest with a firm kiss to his lips. "Mm ... Delicious." He whispered before straightening and then looking to the clock. "It's almost four." he murmured, not really wanting to leave. He much more would prefer to stay in the room and rip the clothes off his body, but he knew that Relic would get upset if the shirt was not worn for others to view . . . That and the whole Christmas Eve thing.​
Calder sighed into the kiss, sad when it ended. He held onto Rune, resting his head on his chest as he clung to his boyfriend. The nerves that had attacked him in the airport were back again. He didn't know why. His parents liked Rune-his mother had told him so. That was all that mattered, really. That and his grandparents. But his mother had assured him that they would like Rune, too. Still, he felt better just standing in Rune's arms rather than going downstairs for the moment.

Of course, that had to end when he heard the doorbell ring and his grandfather's voice. With a sigh, Calder stepped away after another kiss. "That talk my dad had with you? My grandfather will too. Whatever you said...just repeat it. He's the last one you have to impress. The rest... I don't care." One last kiss and Calder lead the way downstairs, and was engulfed in his grandmother's arms the second his foot hit the bottom step.

When he was let go and able to breathe once more, he introduced Rune and could only pray that those who were known to be jackasses were on good behavior tonight for their own sake.
Rune kissed the male and smiled warmly. Okay. The Grandparents to behave around, then the otherrs he could have fun. He could deal with that. He nodded a little and followed the other down the stairs. Letting go of him when he saw whom he presumed to be his grandmother engulf him in a hug. His arms folded over his loewr torso before he held out his hand to his grandfather. "Pleasure to meet you, sir." He said, smiling lightly as he did so. He took his hand back and rested it upon his side, tapping the jacket of his suit and looked around the room then back to the father, alredy bracing himself for the questions.​
The same questions were asked, as far as Calder could tell as he dashed off to get coffee for the older couple who were now sitting in the living room. The blond sighed in relief when his grandfather didn't ask anything too personal. He knew his boyfriend's tendancy to speak without thinking, and he didn't want that to get Rune in trouble tonight. At least not yet.

And with that thought, Kevin entered.

Tall (nearly six feet four inches), slender but muscular build, wearing jeans and a sweater. His light brown hair was balding at the crown of his head, and he wore small, rectangular glasses. Definitely not dressed for Christmas eve, but then again, when did he care? He didn't want to be here anyway. He played nice, though, until he was introduced to this...Rune character. He laughed at the other man outright. "Nice suit, Don."
Rune answered the man, pretty much the same way he had the man's son. He wanted to somewhat impress them, and well, as long as they approved, there was not much of an issue. So, he wanted them to be happy, and it seemed that they did approve. A good thing, definitely. He was worried that he would have said something wrong and made them never see his grandson ever again. he cared too much for Calder to let that happen without completely and utterly protesting with his whole being. Probably doing something rash and that never got him anywhere good.

When the man entered, he turned to look at him, a brow arching in question. His eyes traveling over the other before he smirked. "You must be Kevin." He chuckled, his fingers lacing together and resting onto the armrest of the couch he sat upon. "And I know. It's imported from Italy, so yes, a Don did have something to do with the making of my suit. Nice fellow though. Loves raviolli." He shrugged his shoulders before looking over to Calder, smiling all the more.​
Calder nudged Rune off the arm of the sofa and sat there himself, replacing his boyfriend's hands to his thigh after he'd settled himself. He knew what was coming. And he was sure Rune had an idea if he'd looked through his thoughts. It wasn't that the blond thought Rune would go back on his word, just that he'd have trouble breaking the habit. Calder didn't think anyone had asked the other man to hold back doing such a thing. He watched as Kevin said a cold hello to his parents and helped himself to what was traditionally his father's chair. Calder growled at that but knew there was nothing to be done-anything said would cause a scene.

Of course, the 'fucking queers' remark that was made under Kevin's breath towards himself and Rune wasn't going to not cause a scene.

Calder's blood boiled. He hated confrontation at Christmas but he was so disappointed that the asshole couldn't manage to keep his mouth shut for one night out of the year. And he closed his eyes when both his father and grandfather jumped up to say something.
Rune rested his head on Calder's lap, not really caring about the other. He watched the male move to his boyfriend's father's chair. He stared at him, hearing the comment but not caring about it. He saw his father and grandfatther stand up which gave him a grin. He smirked as he stood up and kised Calder's cheek before he turned on his heel and walked over to where the man was in the chair. Had an issue with his sexuality, now did he? Oh, that was just perfect. Far more than he could ever realize. He grinned and set upon the other's lap, his legs over one side of the chair while his amrs were around the other's neck, forefinger absently drawing circles on his shoulder. "Aww... Don't be that way. You know, you'd be cute if you weren't balding... and had a bit of personality. I do have standards you know." He winked before trailing his foot up and down the other's shin teasingly. Yep. He could do far worse too. Luckily, he was pretty positive that he was stronger than the man he was currently torturing.​
Both men stopped when they saw Rune cross the room, and Calder hid his laughs behind his hand. He should have known that his boyfriend would do something like that. At the very least, it made him feel better to know that someone was going to stand up to his cousin.

His father and grandfather couldn't help laughing either and Calder knew that Rune's actions had just cemented a place in their hearts...very close to his own place. It was nice to know that Rune could now come home with him without having to worry about whether or not he was truly liked, or simply tolerated for his own sake.

Kevin, for his part, went rigid at the actions, not knowing what to say or do for the moment. It was a full minute before he was able to react and he stood up to dislodge the man from his lap. "Fucking sick." He turned to Calder, eyes obviously angry. "The fuck is wrong with you? Desperate because you can't get a woman?" he spat.
Rune continued to torture the man, utterly amused that he had been speechless. Even when the man stood, he still held onto him, hanging from his neck effortlessly. He then hopped off him when he actually spoke. His hand moved ot rest on his hip, glaring down at the man that was apparently disgusted with Calder and his choice in mates. He hissed under his breath. THAT was what he thought. He growled and pressed his fingers into his sides and he continued to glare at the man. "That is what you think?! Do you know how picky I am?!" He took in a deep breath before shrugging his shoulders. "Comment all you will, Kevin, yet ... you're the one alone on Christmas Eve, aren't you?" He chuckled and then walked over to where he put the candies. Taking a few mnms, he ate them happily, walking over to Calder and offering a few to him.​
Calder watched as his father and grandfather continued to be amused, and his grandmother and mother continued to be oblivious. He wasn't sure which was better. The blond stood as Rune came to him, taking one M&M but leaving the rest for his boyfriend. Calder certainly didn't have a large sweet tooth. He knew, though, that it wasn't over. Rune thought it was, but Calder knew the other man better. Kevin wanted the last word. He was too stupid to realize that Rune would have it, and so he would attempt to get it in.

The blond groaned when he saw the other open his mouth again.

"I guess you really are dating a woman," he stated nonchalantly towards Calder. "Miss Faggot here obviously is the one to take it. And how is a whore like you supposed to deny him?"
Rune really did think the man would be done by now. He was definitely not a threat to the man, intellectually or physically, so he figured that that would have been obvious. Aparently, he was wrong. He arched a brow with the man's last comments, and oh, they would be his last, possibly his last words ever. He dropped the candies into Calder's hand, never one to waste chocolate before he made his way across the floor effortlessly to where the man was. His hand wrapped aroudn the front of the man's shirt, gripping the shirt tightly and pulling him to his chest. "If you think I'm such a woman, why don't you fight me? Because I can gurantee you will be on your ass faster than your brain could process ... and just because Calder actually has people wanting to sleep with him, does not make him a whore." He growled under his breath, truly revving to go. "Throw the first punch. I dare you."​
Kevin's eyes went wide as his shirt was taken and the man was in his face. He looked around for support-were they really going to let some stranger treat family this way? He stuttered for a moment, not sure what to do, and could honestly say he was glad when he saw Calder rushing forward.

The candy was put on the table and the blond rushed over to attempt to pry Rune's hands from Kevin's shirt. "Please," he whispered, begging. "Please come upstairs with me." He knew that sooner or later there would be a physical fight if this went on much longer and Calder wanted to avoid that. He turned to his father, who only nodded. James didn't care what was done so long as peace and order were restored by the time the rest of the family arrived.

Calder turned to Kevin. "Just leave. Consider your invitation revoked, forgotten, lost in the mail... Whatever suits you. But get out of my house." The blond was still attempting to pull Rune off of him.
Rune continued to grip the other, not wanting to let go without at least a little bit of damage done. He knew that that would not be the best, and he would not upset his Calder. Letting the shirt go, he gave another growl to the man before following Calder up the stairs. He took in many deep breaths along the way, calming himself as he did so. Once he was far enoguh away from the staircase and anyone peeking up, he wrapped his arms aroudn Calder and nuzzled into his neck with a soft little sigh. "Sorry, Calder." He whispered, knowing he had gone a little too far. He just could not stand it. There were one too many insults that went to him and Calder. He cared for him too much to listen to some cocky prick talk about him as he was. He gripped Calder a little more, nuzzling into his neck.​
He didn't care what happened so long as Rune was upstairs with him. The blond hugged him, nodding to the apology. He knew it would happen. Even before they'd left Atlantis, Calder knew that it would be Kevin that would push Rune's buttons just the right way. It wasn't anything he could have avoided, and the blond was sure that everyone else downstairs understood. At least it had happened before everyone else had gotten there.

Calder held onto Rune, assuring him that he wasn't mad and that no one downstairs (other than Kevin) would be. Finally, he pulled back a little to look at the other. "Thanks for standing up for me though." It wasn't that he thought Rune wouldn't, but it was still something he didn't have to do. He leaned up to peck a kiss. "You can take your frustrations out on me later," he promised with a wink.

"Okay to go back down?"
Rune took in a few deep breaths again before his arms slipped around the man's waist and he kissed him passionately for a while, eyes closed as he did so. He continued to hold him for a while before he straightened and nodded. Taking a hold of the man's hand, he smiled a little more. "I would face a giant for you." He stated, bumping his hip against his playfully before he began to make his way down teh stairs with the other. His eyes closed and he calmed himself even more as he did so. He would be fine. No need to spoil the dinner that Mrs Delano worked so hard to make, and Calder too. He was just a little frustrated with the whole thing. He knew that Kevin was going to be an asshole, but to this extent? He just ... was lucky Calder was able to calm him really.​
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