Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Rune was all too happy to fulfill the other's request. He definitely enjoyed marking those that he loved. It was a possessive thing, he supposed. Part of the dominant side of his personality. He just had to be sure everyone knew what was his. Calder was his. By the time the man was fully and completely satisfied, by the time both of them were, the blonde was marked almost from head to toe. There were enough hickies on the man's neck to make it look like he was strangled really. Bite marks every so often along his neck or collarbone. His chest was marked up by his fingernails and a few hickies and bite marks there as well. All in all, Rune was happy as a clam. He was relaxed, his boyfriend hopefully was relaxed as well, and everything seemed ot be going a little better.

Kissing Calder passionately once more, he pulled up his pants, handing the man's to him to do the same. Once the garment was taken from his hand, he stretched his arms above his head with a little groan of relief. "Mm ... You're always so lovely." he whisperd, leaning over and kissing his lips once more before he waited for his pant to be on. With them pulled up, he took his hand and headed out of the stall, glancing to the watch on his wrist and smiling. "oo... Few more minutes until our flight." He stated, kissing him once more and ten walking past the urinals, getting an odd look from the man that was there, waving as he made his way out.​
By the end of it, Calder didn't give two shits about who heard what. He wasn't loud, but he most certainly wasn't quiet, either. Especially with Rune's lips and nails adding to the sensation of being fucked. He loved it. The marks, too. He could morphe away the worst on his neck, though he wouldn't get rid of them all, and the rest didn't matter-no one saw him undressed anyway. He dressed, leaning against the wall and Rune for support, and then leaned up to hug his boyfriend. "You're wonderful." He meant it more than a sexual way. He had had past boyfriends who would have let him suffer. With one last kiss, the blond followed the other man out of the bathroom, shrugging at the man who starred at them.

They were one of the first to be seated. Calder's parents weren't filthy rich, but they were well off enough to take care of their son and fly him first class on the odd occasion he didn't drive home. The blond made himself comfortable for the long flight, curling up to use Rune's lap as his pillow.

The flight was uneventful other than a stewardess asking if he was alright with an odd look in her eye. He'd laughed and waved her off before sleeping for the rest of the flight. As they got down to baggage, Calder was a little nervous again and squeezed Rune's hand. "Tell me to stop being stupid?"
Rune followed the other to the luggage, easily scooping up their two bags and he looked over at the other. He rested hte bags in front of him, hearing him and he shook his head a little. Flicking the forehead of the other, he kissed his lips softly. "Chill. If they don't like me, they don't like me. Trust me, they won't scare me away." He leant over and kissed him once more, nipping his bottom lip softly. "If you don't, then I will have to fuck you again ... And I won't be discreet about it. Possibly will do it in your kitchen." He chuckled softly, kissing him once more and then straightening up again. "Okay, which way?"​
He couldn't help the small smile at the words and Calder leaned up to hug Rune tightly. "Thank you." What Rune had said was what he'd needed to hear, and somehow the other man knew it. At that point, he didn't even care if it was known because the twin had read his mind or not.

Calder kissed Rune once and then took one of the bags to lead the way out towards the pick-up area. A car had been sent for them-a stylish Lincoln townecar. The driver must have been given his photo or something as the man knew exactly who he was. He took both bags and put them in the trunk while he and Rune climbed into the back seat.

"Its about thirty minutes," he said as he concentrated to hide the worst of the bruises on his neck, and he leaned his head to Rune's shoulder.

It wasn't long before the house came into view: a large Dutch colonial on a nice sized piece of land. As they got out and gathered their bags, Calder took a deep breath. "Ready?" At least it was just his mom and dad tonight.
Rune settled into the car, his arms wrapped around Calder and he pouted. "Awe... That was my favorite bruise.' He murmured, nipping his neck with a little chuckle. He kissed him before the headed out of the car, taking up his bag and then Calder's hand. Lacing their fingers, he looked over the house and smiled lightly. "Cute." was all he could think of to say before he began to walk toward the house, shrugging his shoulders. "Yeah, sure. I'm ready to meet your parents." He turned to look at his lover, leaning over to kiss his lips softly before he waited for the other to lead the way. He really, really was happy that he did not have any siblings.​
Smiling a little, nervous smile, Calder moved forward. He threw open the door and called out that he was home, listening for signs of his mother or father. The blond took Rune's bag and set it on the small landing of the staircase, closed the front door and began to walk further into the house. It wasn't a surprise to find his mother in the kitchen, humming away in her own little world as she prepared anything she could for the next night. Shaking his head, he moved around the counter and wrapped her up from behind in a big bear hug, lifting her petite four feet and eleven inches off the ground to hug her.

The woman, who had blond hair slightly darker than her son's and the same exact eyes, squeaked loudly as her feet left the ground, batting at her son to put her down. Calder laughed and did so, greeting her properly before leading her over to where Rune stood. "Mom, this is Rune, my boyfriend."
Rune watched the two, moving over to the kitchen and he rested against the doorframe. His arms crossed over his lower torso, hugging his tee shirt clad form. His hips held a simple pair of black pants which formed nicely to his rump, studded belt around his hips and he watched the two interact. He smiled lightly. They were cute. It was good to see the two so close. At least, closer than him and his mother. He loved the woman... most of the time .. but never really was completely close to her. He was just a lot like her in some aspects. He shook his head at the thought before pushing up from the frame and smiled lightly. "Hello."​
"Tall. Tall tall tall. You should all just--" The woman stopped herself, knowing Calder would do just what she said and then some. She was joking, of course, and looked up (literally) to Rune with a bright smile. "Lovely to meet you, dear."

Laughing, Calder swept her up again, holding her at Rune's eye level. "Is this better, Mom?" She laughed and batted at his hands.

"If you don't let me down, I can't finish my cooking and then Rune here won't be getting that apple crumb pie you asked me to buy the ingredients for." She squeaked once more as she was raised even higher into the air.

"I don't know...I mean, he's already gotten chocolate chip cookies and I don't think the rest of the family really wants to eat..."
Rune looked down at the woman, smiling lightly. She was adorable! Definitely was. He chuckled softly, watching Caler with teh woman and he shook his head a bit. Tapping the top of his boy friend's head and sighing softly. "Be nice to your mother. She gave birth to you." He stated, tapping his bottom lip for a while before shrugging. "At least, that's what my Mom tells me to do." He stated, stretching his arms above his head with a soft little groan. He sighed softly, looking back to the little blonde woman. "It is a pleasure to meet you." He said and then perked up. "Apple crumb? Yay!" he happily bounced his way over to the ingredients and he poked around, searching for some sort of chocolate.​
Laughing, Calder finally gave in and let his mother down to finish cooking whatever she was cooking. He couldn't help laughing harder at Rune. "There's no chocolate in the house because Grandma is allergic." He poked his tongue out at his boyfriend and took a hold of his hand. "We're going to clean up. Then I'll be back to help you?"

The blonde woman nodded. "What about you, Rune? I could use an extra pair of hands." She was never shy about asking for help, especially during the holidays. The more hands and bodies in the kitchen, the easier and faster the food came together.

Calder just snorted at the question.
Rune whimpered softly. No chocolate? That was not fun. He pouted and looked over at the blondes, looking ever so pathetic as he did so. He wrapped his arms around his lower torso, looking over at Calder and taking a hold of his hand when he heard his mother. He snorted softly, arching a brow as he looked at the woman. "Not if you want to keep your house intact." He said before he followed the blonde out of the kitchen. "Your mom is pocket-sized.' He chuckled softly and found it utterly adorable that the man came from someone so little.​
"I'll explain when I get back. Don't take offense," he assured her, leading Rune up the stairs with their bags.

"I get my height from my grandfather. My dad's small too." His father only stood at five feet and five inches, while his grandfather was just about Rune's height. They supposed height skipped a generation in the family.

His room was the very last door in the rear of the house. Blue walls with white trim, the majority was pretty plain. But in the center stood his absolute pride and love: his bed. A king-sized, four poster bed with pillow top, covered in tons of pillows, both decorative and not. The blond gave a running jump onto it and sighed as he sank in. "Mmmm...love my bed."

Calder took a minute and then looked up at the other man. "Bathroom is right across the hall. Parent's room is downstairs and on the other side of the house." They'd actually built their room over the garage shortly after they'd moved in. Calder liked that he and Rune would have free run of the house once his parents went to bed.
Rune followed the way up the stairs and looking over at the room. He tilted his head from side to side for a bit before shrugging. "Pretty nice." He admitted, walking over to where the man was and he walked over to the man. Leaning down, he kissed his neck softly. "Wanna shower with me?" He purred, nipping his neck playfully. His eyes sparkled, utterly amused at the moment. He just adored the other so much, and even more so when he was nude. Who did not love a hot blonde all over him? Especially in the hot, steamy shower. Oh, he definitely adored him even more in th shower.​
Smiling, Calder knelt up on his bed, arms around Rune's neck. The blond nuzzled along the artery there, tongue flicking out to lick at the sweet flesh here and there. The morphes dropped, showing the many marks along his skin. He hated hiding them, and only did so because his family truly wouldn't understand. He didn't want them to have anything to hold against Rune before speaking with him.

"I love you," he muttered, still nuzzling along his boyfriend's neck. It had occurred to him that Rune had said that to him that day that he'd walked in on him and Val, and that he had never said it back, even though he had felt it long before. Calder's lips traveled up to Rune's, kissing his boyfriend gently as he climbed from the bed and headed towards the shower. He didn't need to see where he was going-he'd lived in this house, in his room, for his entire life.
Rune chuckled softly. "Of course you do." He said and all too gladly followed the other to the bathroom. Closing the door behind him once inside and pressing the man up and against the nearest wall. His lips collided with his in a passionate embrace, his hands trailed over the other's hips, slipping under his shirt and trailing a fingertip along the marks he had left prior to their flight. A devious little smirk to his lips as he traced his marks. "You're far too fun to scar." he whispered, nipping the other's bottom lip before he gave a little thrust of his hips. Turning, he walked over to the tub, examining it before gettin how to turn the shower on and whatnot. He waited for the warm water and once it was there, stripped of his clothing, tossing his shirt at the other and wiggling his rump from his pants.​
Once in the bathroom, Calder gladly gave up the little control that he'd had and groaned as his back hit the wall and Rune's lips collided with his. The blond shivered as the fingertips slipped over the marks, and his hips instinctively thrust forward. "Mmm... Love wearing your marks." He stole one last kiss before whining when Rune pulled away.

Quick to follow suit, his clothes were nearly ripped off as he admired Rune's wiggling behind. He loved it.

As soon as the steam started rising through the room, Calder climbed into the tub and tugged his lover in after him, lips connecting the moment the curtain was pulled.
Rune smiled, happily following the other into the shower. His hands slid over the man's chest, then down again to wrap around his rump. Pulling the male to him, he kissed him passionately and heatedly. His eyes fluttered closed and he pressed his form against his, loving the feeling of his wet body with his. He nipped the blonde's bottom lip, grinning happily as he did so. "You're a naughty little boy, aren't you?" he teased, his lips leaving the other's to begin nipping and kissing along his neck, not even caring that he was already marked up more than normal.​
The words paired with the physical sensations coaxed a whimper from Calder as he leaned into Rune, letting the other man hold half his weight. The blond's arms wrapped around his boyfriend, holding on tightly while pressing their bodies together, letting the water act as a suction cup between them. Calder was sure that if Rune ever got into a mean enough mood, he could eventually draw a good, hard orgasm out of him just by marking him like this.

"For you," he answered. Anything Rune wanted him to be in that moment, he was. He groaned and whimpered, completely under Rune's control and loving every second of it.
Rune smirked, biting the side of his neck once more before he pulled away just a bit. His hands slid down te rump of the other, squeezing him playfully before he kissed him. He stayed where he was for a while, just happy to be kissing him. It took a moment or two, but he did eventually part from the man to go to where the shampoo and soap were. Washing up his hair before he began to wash the fluids from their earlier encounter off his form. He would not mind taking the man again, but he could wait. Maybe tomorrow morning before all the guests arrived for Christmas Eve, he would use the shower to get dirty. For now, he was fine with just teasin him a bit. Besides, this way, it made the little blonde whimper and he so very loved to hear him sound so pathetic.​
And whimper he did. Calder down right pouted when Rune pulled away from him to actually shower. That wasn't what he'd had in mind at all. Well, he was a big boy and wasn't afraid of taking what he wanted. The blond waited for the soap to be washed away before moving. In one swift motion, Calder was kneeling in front of his boyfriend, mouth around Rune's prick. He looked up through his thick lashes and heavy lidded eyes, trying his hardest to look perfectly innocent. He knew he was failing but made up for it. His throat and mouth lengthened and he took Rune completely in, groaning deeply as he did.
Rune definitely had not expected his little surprise attack. He figured that Calder would just brood for a while and eventually shower up as well. Apparently he was wrong. His ice blue eyes widened before looking down at the 'innocent' little blonde. He arched a brow before a moan passed his lips. His eyes fluttered closed, his hand getting lost within the damp locks of the other. His back rested against the tiled wall, softly panting. He had to hand it to Calder, he was absolutely, undeniably, skilled with his mouth. Personally, Rune was debating if he wanted to be a total asshole or eventually give into the other and ravage him like no tomorrow - again. He could either do that, or let himself be satisfied but ... he never liked ot be a selfish lover. The ones who only cared about their pleasure. Sure, he was selfish in his sadistic ways, but he always made up for it by makin sure his partner was pleased.​
Calder's hands reached up, tracing over Rune's sides and stomach and hips. The blond took pleasure in anything sexual, even if he wasn't the one on the receiving end. He got the idea and acted, his throat morphing to constrict around Rune tightly. He'd told the twin when they first met that his morphing abilities could be used for his pleasure, and he fully intended to show that.

Keeping his head still, Calder took a hold of Rune's hips and guided them to thrust in and out of his mouth. His tongue worked over the entire length as he sucked and willed his boyfriend to thrust of his own volition.
Rune moaned happily with the other's actions. His hips not needing much more motivation to begin thrusting into the other's mouth. His hand gripped the other's hair tighter, holding him where he was while the pleasure coursed through his body. Of course, his fondness of the man's mouth only lasted so long before the hand gripping his hair was the one to pull the blonde up from his knees. Instantly connecting their lips, Rune spared no moment in pushing his erection into the other's entrance, not caring to 'warm him up' this time. He did not care right now. He wanted to hear his little blonde bombshell moaning out in euphoric pleasure. He so adored hearing him moaning his name and oh, he just could not wait any longer. He already began thrusting into him, a few soft moaned passing his lips and his nails digging into the hips of the other.​
Calder moved up without a thought, his throat returning to normal while he morphed himself a little looser than normal. He knew his lover was about to be rough with him, and didn't want to have to limp around the kitchen because of it. Those thoughts (and any others) flew from his head the minute he was penetrated. Calder cried out, head falling onto Rune's shoulder. The nails in his hips only heightened the pleasure as his head fell back now, and Rune's name fell from his lips time and time again, his own hand reaching down to stroke his hard and leaking prick.

It didn't take long for his orgasm to rip through him. Calder cried out Rune's name as he did, his head thrown back and his neck exposed completely to his boyfriend's will.
Rune gladly ravaged the body of his lover. Pounding into him and not holding back his movements at all. His hands continued to rake along the other's form, marking along his sides and thighs, anywhere his hands chose to wander. He was all too pleased when the other moaned out his name. Causing the other to buck into his at a faster rate. Feeling him climax, he instantly brought his teeth to the exposed flesh in front of him, biting around his Adam's apple and only a few more movements later and the man moaned into the blonde's flesh. His peak hit and his hot seed spewed into the other, moaning lightly as he slowly calmed down. His hands pried their nails from Calder's sides, rested around his hips to pull the other off his member. He kissed the man softly, grinning as he did so. "I so love it when you call me name.' he teased, nipping his bottom lip before kissing him passionately once more.​
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