Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Tanner shrugged. "Whatever you feel like making me. I'll even go fabric shopping with you again so that you can drape me in rolls and rolls of fabric." The blond smiled a little and moved to what was Relic's bed when he'd slept in the room. He leaned against the headboard, legs crossed at the ankles. He had no idea what to get any of the other three that were in the room but figured that something would stand out to him when he went shopping.

Calder, on the other hand, had no answer. He never needed anything, and whatever he wanted he tended to work for to get himself. "Something he'll like to," he finally answered, motioning towards Rune. Not that the twins didn't have a lovely collection of things both he and Rune would like, but new and different was always, always fun.

He glanced around the room, not really looking at anything in particular but not having much to add to the conversation at this point. When he realized the date, the blond perked up. "Oh! Cookie orders!" He spend days and days in the kitchen before Christmas baking every sort of cookie known to man. He took special requests from his close friends and family.
"Chocolate chip" The twins said in sync, Relic already moved to lay on the bed beside Tanner. He nuzzled into his boyfriend's lap before looking up at him, smiling warmly. "Maybe I'll put you in a dress." He teased, chuckling lightly before he leant up and kissed his lips, scooching to sit beside him against the headboard, glancing over to Rosalie to be sure that she was not suffocating or anything of that sort. WIth the confirmation that she was fine, he nuzzled back against the other, sighing contently as he did so. "DO you think Mias is bringing Mr Alexander back with him?" he asked, looking over at Rune who seemed to be pondering the question as well.

Rune shrugged before he pushed up from sitting on Calder. "More than likely."​
He shook his head and looked at Tanner for his answer.

The blond thought for a moment, pulling Relic closer to him as he did so. "Those jelly ones you make." Calder pulled a little face at that-they were a pain in his ass to make, but they were the best ones he ever made. And he'd never deny any of the three men in the room baked goods that they wanted. He made the mental notes.

"Come to the store with me tomorrow?" he asked Rune. He would need help getting everything he'd need, and it would give them some time away from the school. It could be fun, even.
Slowly, Tomias woke up from having passed out beside Nikkos in the bed after quite the many rounds of making up for lost time. Oh, the little half angel definitely was happy. He was glad to have Nikkos with him. His arms were wrapped around his bare torso and he nuzzled his nose against the side of his neck. Slowly, his eyes opened and he looked at the other, causing him to smile even more. He nipped his neck softly gently before he slid away from the other. Yawning softly, he pulled on a pair of boxers and groggily made way to the kitchen. Rummaging about, he began to make up some french toast for when the other would wake up.​
Nikkos woke up groggy and slowly. It took him a few minutes to realize that Tomias was no longer in bed, though he could hear the other man bustling around in the kitchen. The administrator smiled to himself and stretched his limbs out to take over the entire bed for a second. He was exhausted physically, and fully sated. The night of near continuous love making and animalistic sex was exactly what he'd needed to fully get past his own past. And he was glad that it had been Tomias.

Finally, the brunette rolled out of bed and pulled on a pair of pants. They were much too long on him, but he didn't care. He shuffled into the kitchen, wrapping his arms around Tomias's waist from behind, lips pressed to his shoulder. "Morning."
Tomias looked behind him and he pouted. "Noo! You're supposed to stay in bed! That way I can give you breakfast in bed." He turned around, scooping the other up and onto his shoulder and then walking over to their bed once more. He placed him down and then kissed his lips with a simple "Stay" command. Pulling up the covers to the other's lap, he turned and left for the kitchen once more. He was gone for only a few more minutes before returning with a tray filled with french toast, orange juice, a cup of coffee, some syrup and bacon on the side. He walked over to Nikkos, placing the tray in his lap and kissing his lips softly. "See? Breakfast in bed for my lover." He murmured and then sat at the other's feet with his legs crossed and his eyes to the brunette in front of him. A warm smile practically glued to his lips while his eyes stayed with the man all the while.​
He was still too asleep to fight Tomias picking him up and plopping him back down onto the bed. Really, he could have laid back down and fallen asleep if the other man were to climb in next to him. But the presentation of breakfast brought a smile to his lips nonetheless and Nikkos went straight for the coffee. As he sipped it, he slid down the bed carefully to kneel next to Tomias. He gave the other man a proper good morning kiss, lingering close to him for a few extra seconds.

"Thank you." For breakfast, yes, but mostly for being so very patient with him. Nikkos knew how frustrating it had been for Tomias and that he didn't have to stay for as long as he did, but he was grateful that he had.
Tomias smiled warmly, kissing his lover back happily. He chuckled lightly with his thanks, kissing him again. "Mm ... Anything for you." He whispered softly before slapping the other's rump, but not enough to hurt him too much ... just probably remind him of what they did. His arm wrapped aroudn the male's waist, pulling him down to sit him in his lap. He then pulled the tray of food toward them, keeping his arms around his waist while he looked at the food. "Eat. Eat!" he kissed him once more, stealing a piece of bacon and then munching on it while he waited for the man to eat the rest of what he had made.​
Smiling, Nikkos settled himself into Tomias's lap happily. His long legs wrapped around the man and he basked in the soft affections. He knew that he was completely head over heals for Tomias, but for the moment kept that to himself. He'd find a way to tell him, in his own time and way.

Until then, the brunette picked up a piece of French toast to nibble at, tearing small pieces off and popping them into his mouth, thinking. "Gonna miss you at Christmastime." Nikkos himself didn't really go home for Christmas, choosing instead to stay at Atlantis and enjoy the quiet. He only assumed that Tomias would go home for a large family reunion.
Tomias looked up at the other, arching a brow. Christmas? Oh, yea, that was coming around soon, wasn't it? He kissed the tip of the other's spine and he thought for a few moments. His chin rested upon the other's shoulder, his hands upon his stomach and he looked over at him with interest. "Want to come home with me for Christmas?" He offered, not really minding whichever route the man took. If he did not want to go, then Tomias would just stay here for hte holidays. It would be horrible if he was left all alone on Christmas - especially since he now had a boyfriend. So, he was going to be with him one way or another. If he did not want to endure his insane family, he would stay here with him. If he did not mind, then he would bring him.​
Nikkos leaned back, the back of his head resting on Tomias's shoulder, face turned into his neck. He wasn't sure how, exactly, they were able to comfortably eat breakfast as they were but what did it matter? The brunette thought about the offer for a moment. Both options were tempting. If he stayed here, and could talk Tomias into staying too, they'd have the run of the school-no one ever stayed over holidays. If he went home with Tomias, it'd be the first time in several years that he was with a family (even if it wasn't his family) for Christmas.

"We'll come back on the twenty sixth?" he asked, wanting the best of both worlds. "The school will be deserted through the second week of January..."
Tomias listened to the bargain, smiling as he did so. "Works for me.' He stated, leaning over and kissing his lips softly once more. "This way, everyone wins." He added, kissing him once more and then pulling away a bit to eat the piece of bacon in his hand, eventually wiping off the bit of grease on the napkin on the tray. He nuzzled his nose against the top of his head, smiling lightly. He already knew what he would get the other for Christmas. He was so happy too. Nikkos really was fairly easy to subdue and make happy it seemed, so his idea for a present should be good. Hopefully it was.​
Smiling, Nikkos nuzzled into the warm skin of Tomias's neck for another moment before he had to sit up to properly eat. He was still pulling apart pieces of French toast, and stealing bits of bacon off of Tomias's slice that he was holding. He was fully content as he sat eating, thinking about what he would buy his boyfriend for Christmas. He was clueless, really, and might even have to resort to asking Rune and Relic (well, more Relic than Rune) what their brother might like.

"We'll go out today? The bookstore maybe?" He was running out of books to add to his "Next List".
Tomias nodded to the suggestion, kissing the side of his neck before he pouted just a bit. "And here I was planning to stay in bed with you all day." He teased before he hugged him tightly. "Bookstore sounds lovely." he murmured and then kissed him once more. Feeling full enough, he lifted the man off his lap, kissing him again while he went to the dresser to find something to wear today. His butt wiggling just slightly in the air. He slowly straightened from the dresser and turned to Nikkos, grinning. "Want to take a shwoer with me?" he questioned, his eyes sparkling with the suggestion he made. He loved to take showers with those that he loved. He had wanted to offer the idea a long time ago when they first were officially a couple, but figured it would be taking things too far. Now that things were intimate, a shower should be okay.​
Nikkos hummed contently. "We can stay in bed after we come home." It was a little weird to refer to his room as their home, but it felt as if it was. They rarely spent a night apart, and it wasn't often that Tomias had to go back to his own room for anything.

Still, the administrator pouted a bit as he was lifted from his boyfriend's lap, only to be surprised by the offer of a shower. Though perhaps he shouldn't have been? That wasn't the point. Nikkos rose from the bed and crossed over to his lover, arms wrapping around his middle. "I don't think you could stop me if you wanted to," he answered, leaning up for yet another kiss.

He liked this honeymoon period of the relationship, and planned on taking full advantage of it while it lasted.
Tomias grinned. Leaning down, he nipped the side of his neck playfully before leading the way into the bathroom. Clothes could be found after a nice shower. Besides, he still was not sure what he wanted to wear. So, dragging his lover into the bathroom, he kept an arm around his hips while he reached over and started up the warm water, waiting for the perfect temperature before he smiled. Releasing hte man with a kiss to his lips, he pushed off the boxers on his hips and then did the same for the pants he was fairly sure were his, off of Nikkos' hips. Taking a hold of the brunette's hands, he pulled him into the shower, kissing his lips once they were under the warmth of the water.​
Nikkos followed with no resistance, allowing the pants that he now knew to be Tomias's to be pushed to the ground before he was tugged under the spray of the warm water. The slickness that the moisture provided was something new to Nikkos-he had to admit that he'd never done this before. He definitely liked it, though. Leaning up, the brunette kissed Tomias, arms wrapping around his neck. It was good to feel normal again.

He moved his lips down to lick up some of the water off of Tomias's neck before stepping away to collect his thoughts, brain a little addled still, and the shampoo. "If you talk to Calder before he does his shopping, you can put in your cookie request," he added, just now thinking of what he wanted. He and the blond had a...special relationship. Nikkos had been hard on the young man in his initial interview, but they'd formed a nice confidence in each other because of it. Nikkos was always on his list to ask about cookies each year.
Tomias kissed the other back happily, his eyes fluttered closed while he kissed him. Pulling back, he listened to his words, his arms folding across his lower torso and he watched the man before he nodded. "Okay.' He said, leaning forward and kissing the other's lips once more. His hands slid over his bare hips, taking a hold of his rump and pulling the brunette closer to him as he did so. His eyes closed and he continued to embrace the other for a while. He would not mind a little shower-fun, but doubted the other's little rump would be up for it. So, instead he chose to just kiss him for a while and eventually... he owuld get cleaned up.​
Christmas came quickly. All six men left on the same day at different times, and Calder was a little glad for the company in the car (they took his own SUV to fit everyone and their luggage). He was nervous about Rune coming home with him. His boyfriend would be the first boyfriend he'd ever brought home. It said a lot. The butterflies started in his stomach double time once the other two couples went off in their own directions to catch their flights: Tanner and Relic to Tennessee, and Tomias and Nikkos to New Hampshire.

Calder couldn't help taking a hold of Rune's hand as they waited to check in, and fidgeting the entire time. One would think that he'd be more nervous to meet Rune's family than the other way around.

It took almost an hour to go through security, and once they had, the blond pulled the other into an out of the way corner then leaned up for a lingering, calming kiss. "You wanna buy me a shot, right?" he asked innocently.
Rune really was not all that nervous. Then again, it took quite a lot to get him nervous. Not much scared him. His boyfriend's parents? Nothing, especialy when compared to his. Twenty questions did not bother him either. Eventually, he figured he would just disgust them and shock them enoguh that they would be scared of what would come out of his mouth. There was quite the many things that Calder had yet to question about his past, and if any of his family members chose to question him about it, he would tell them. More than likely without a censor too.

Walking past security, he went briefly wide-eyed as he was pulled aisde and kissed by the other. He happily returned the affections, his hands sliding down the other's back to rest on his rear, squeezing playfully before he heard the request. A brow arched in question and he chuckled softly. "Abusing my age, are we?" He teased and then shrugged his shoulders. "Sure." He added, taking his hand and then heading to where the bar area was. He tapped his fingers upon the counter, waiting for the bartender to turn to them. He pulled on a warm smile. "Two vodka shots." He ordered, pulling out his actual I.D from his back pocket and holding it out to the man who took quite the few minutes to analyze it, apparently thinking that the i.d was fake.

Taking the two shots with a little "Thanks" and paying, he handed one to his boyfriend, downing his easily and then once Calder was done, he took his hand and headed out of the bar. He looked around, glancing to the clock before he loooked to the estimated time of arrival, calculating before he grinned. He pulled Calder against him and then dragged him off toward the bathrooms. Heading to the last stall, he tugged the other inside, pinning him to hte door while his other hand locked it. Kissing along his neck, he pressed up against him. "I know the perfect way to make you relax." He purred, nipping his skin once more while his hands already began to remove the other's clothing.​
Calder didn't think that Rune would actually do it, but he was grateful nonetheless and sighed as the alcohol worked his magic. It, obviously, wasn't enough to do more than numb his frayed nerves a bit, but he was happy for that and leaned against Rune as they walked through the terminal. He was off guard, and almost fell as he was pulled into a bathroom. Confused, the blond opened his mouth to question what the hell was happening, when Rune's mouth and words answered him first.

His moan caught in his throat, and instead he hissed a "yesss" into his boyfriend's ear, leaning into the kisses. His own hands set to work on the other man's pants, making quick work of the button and zipper before Calder's hands went up Rune's shirt, fingertips pressing into the flesh and muscles there. He fought to keep quiet, biting his lip and tongue as Rune worked over his flesh.
Rune growled softly, leaning up to nip the other's ear, whispering a teasing, "Better keep a bit quiet" just to torture him even more. He really was sadistic. He easily pushed the other's pants from his form, sparing no time with wrapping his fingers around his member, rocking his hand back and forth to help stimulate the other. He was going to enjoy this, far more than the other would realize. His lips kissed his passionately for a few moments before trailing to the side of his neck, kissing and sucking at the flesh. Slipping his hands beneath the other's rump, he lifted him and pressed him against the wall beside them, pushing him into the tiles. His hand trailed down his chest, raking along the flesh before his first two fingers slid into the other, figuring that he better prep the other just a little bit. Or make him beg, he was debating which he would do for the moment.​
Calder couldn't help the whimper. It was soft, but still vibrated off the tile walls and floor loudly. It was all too much for him to react to: his pants being pulled off, Rune's fist around his already half-hard cock, being lifted up, his lover's fingers in him... Calder wrapped his legs around Rune's waist to hold some of his own weight as he pressed into the fingers. His mouth was open and he was panting hard, wanting to do nothing more than to scream out his pleasure. And Calder was too far gone to care that he was ending the fun much too soon.

"Please" was whispered close to Rune's ear. "Fuck me. Please."
Awe. He was so cute when nervous. Rune listened to his pleas and grinned all the more. Nipping his neck softly, he pulled his fingers from his form and all too happily slid his aroused flesh into the other, pressing into him with a deep moan to his lips. Personally, he never cared who knew what he was doing. He had literally had sex one time with Relic screaming and moaning at the top of his lungs and he walked out of the fitting room like it was nothing. There were quite the many blushing customers, but hey, he did not care. Nor did he right now. He kissed his neck a few more times before parting his lips, sinking his feeth firmly into the other's neck, using enoguh force to break the flesh. His now free hand trailed beneath the other's shirt, raking his nails along the flesh and planning to mark him up beautifully for Christmas Eve. he really was a horrible boyfriend sometimes.​
Calder groaned as well, face buried into his boyfriend's neck as he was penetrated. He took a minute to adjust and then leaned back to look down (for once) at the other man. The blond knew that Rune was getting pleasure out of marking him before going to his family, and Calder didn't care at that moment. He was impaled on his lover's cock, fully drunk on adrenaline. He was loving it.

He leaned down to kiss Rune before pressing his hips downward, taking that last millimeter inside of him. With a deep breath, the blond began to slide over Rune, gasping as he did so and leaning forward once more. "Mark me," he breathed, hips moving a little faster. "Claim me... Please Rune."
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