Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Grinning, Tanner gave a little growl in the back of his throat. "I know of other ways to excite you..." he teased as they walked out of the cafe and towards the store. It was only a few blocks away, and it was in the direction of every other store that Relic had mentioned, so it wouldn't give away the surprise. The blond took his boyfriend's hand, lacing their fingers together securely. "What are you making next?" He was always interested in what he might see Relic in next.

"Good." Calder smiled up at the other even as his lips worked down to Valerius's stomach and sides. He enjoyed the soft, sweet torture of tasting each inch of flesh. The blond's hands worked at the other man's jeans, slipping the button out, and then the zipper down over the significant bulge that had formed there. Out of patience, Calder pressed his entire palm to Val's cloth-covered cock and squeezed, massaging as his lips worked over hip bones.
Relic thought for a while and he shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly, glad for a distraction from his surprise. Otherwise, he would have been horrible to even be near. "I am thinking of a lolita dress ... Or something pink. Possibly both." He shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly while he tried to go through the designs in his head. He had an idea for a loli-dress, and that would do well with a nice pink with white trimmings ... but then there was another idea with the pink and a turquoisey-green combo that would be interesting for him. Maybe he would do both. He would just have to decide which. "Hmm .. Do you want me in a dress or possibly a nice pant suit type thing..." he looked over at the other, smiling warmly while he waited to see what the other's answer would be.

Valerius gasped when the man's hand pressed to his obvious arousal, moaning with the movements of the man. He knew Calder had experience, quite a few people spoke about that and well, it was obvious that he and Tanner had something going between them. He should not be so shocked that the other was far more skilled than he could have even imagined - and trust him, he had imagined it. The blonde was easily driving him crazy. He moaned and rocked his hips against the other out of instinct, purring as he settled back to the floor. His hands fell to his sides, gripping the floor and trying to keep himself a little more composed. Showing just how easily he could climax would not be a good thing for a first experience with Calder. It would just make him look weak, and he did not want that. He wanted Calder to like him and think that he ws more than just some "uke" who came with just a little rubbing.​
Tanner contemplated both outfits in his head. He loved Relic in skirts and dresses, but it was so rare that he got to see his boyfriend in a pair of pants that hugged his rear end just right. Yes, that's what he was craving. "Pants. That show off your bum." The blond gave said bum a light smack beneath the fabric of the white skirt that his boyfriend was wearing. "Close your eyes?" They were only a few doors down from the shop now, and he wanted Relic to truly be surprised.

Grinning more, Calder's teeth came to tug at the waistband of Val's boxer shorts, letting the elastic smack back against the sensitive flesh of his lower belly. He loved how responsive the other man was. He played a little more, before pulling off the rest of Val's clothes, groaning at the sight. Calder spent another few seconds paying attention to the other's thighs and lower belly before taking his date's head into his mouth and suckling it, humming as he did. He worked his way down slowly, fingertips digging into Val's hips as he did.
Relic smiled warmly and nodded. "Goodie. Then after my surprise, we'll go to the fabric store." He stated, letting out a little squeak at the slap, but giggling happily nonetheless. He kissed the man and then sighed softly. "Okay." He closed his eyes, lifting his free hand to cover them just so that other could be sure that he would not peak. He did not want to peak anyway. He wanted to truly and utterly be surprised. Just like Tanner was going to be about the outfit he would make. He would think a bit about wll that he wanted. Possibly rips with ribbons winding along his legs ... Or something. He would come up with somthing soon enough.

Valerius moaned softly under the man, even more so when the band was snapped back. His fingers continud to dig at the floor, trrying to find something to grip to help contain himself even if just a little more. When the man's mouth slid down his member, he gasped to stop himself from full-on calling out. Hiis pointed nails dug into the hardwood floor beneath the rug he was on, searchign for that grip desperately by now. "Mm... C.. Calder..." He moaned out, just begging for more as he pressed up into him, but stopped - too paranoid he would wind up choking the other.​
For a second, Tanner was worried about leading Relic to the store. He then realized that the man could walk backwards without injury or mishap, and so he would very likely be able to walk with his eyes shut. Grinning, the blond lead his boyfriend through the door of the sex shop, motioning to the young girl behind the counter to keep quiet with a grin on his face. He moved behind Relic, bodies aligned, and took his hand, pulling it down to his side to reveal his surprise.

Calder took a second to morphe his throat and mouth, making both long enough to take Val's full eight inches and then some. He buried his lips around the root of the man's cock before pressing his hand beneath the other's ass and lifting it upwards, showing him that it was okay to thrust up. Calder's cheeks hollowed, sucking hard while his lips drew up over the entire length, focusing on the head for a minute before sliding back down again.
Relic really had no troubles walking as the other led him into the store. He stopped when the man had, straightening and then waiting for his hand to be pulled down. His eyes blinked a few times before they looked around and instantly sparkled. A soft squeal came to his lips and he clapped his hand excitedly. Turning to Tanner, he beamed even more. "Ee!! TOYS!" He squeaked, kissing the man and then taking a hold of his hand, beginning to drag him off to a random point to start searching for anything that piqued his interest. "I never ever ever eveer would have thought YOU would take me here! Rune, sure, but not you." he giggled and kissed him once more. "Love you." He whispered and nipped the other's bottom lip playfully before turning back to the items in front of them. "Anything that interests you?" He questioned, fingers still laced while his gleeful eyes looked around at all the unique items.

Valerius went wide-eyed when he felt the other take him in so effortlessly. His back arched up and his hips bucked against him. Moaning contently, his fingers dug into the wood even more, growling lightly. "OOo ... c.. calder..." he murmured, thrusting into him once more with a deeper moan. This definitely was not what he had expected to have felt so good. Sure, he was normally the one on the bottom and had given as much as taken oral, but Calder was so much than he ever could have expected to come from one person's mouth.

Sadly for the poor little mossy-haired boy, the door opened and a frozen Rune now stood in the doorway. A brow arched in question as he stared at the two. His top teeth bit into his bottom lip, taking the fles into his mouth and resisting the urge to rip the little midget in half. His hand wrapped around the doorknob, pressing strong enough to have the metal form to the palm of his hand. "Calder.." He began, teeth gritted. "Haven't you heard of a fucking lock? Or how about just not blowing him?" He was pissed. Pissed beyond what Calder could ever imagine. He wanted to rip apart anything that was close enough to be hurt right now. His jealousy bubbled and reached its maximum capacity. Him being calm ... definitely was something to be concerned about.​
Tanner could only laugh at his boyfriend's reaction. He'd been expecting something similar but it was still adorable beyond words. He let Relic take control of where they went. While the blond had lived with Calder for two years, never had the toys been used between the two of them. Relic was much more experienced. "You tell me what you'd like." His fingers trailed along a few things as they walked, his imagination running wild at the possibilities. He may not be able to hurt his lover, but playing with him was never something he'd deny Relic.

Groaning, Calder tried to take more, only to find there was no more to take. He whimpered in a soft disappointment before a voice above him that was not Val drew his attention. Val's prick fell from his mouth and the blond groaned. "Fuuck. Fuck. Have you ever heard of knocking, Rune?" he asked back after his throat and mouth had returned to normal. With a sigh, Calder stood and helped Valerius up. "I'm going to have to take a rain check, lover." His eyes told the other man that he was truly sorry for getting him so worked up and then having to stop in the middle. "You can stay-but..." He looked at Rune. Yeah. Whatever was going to be said, it was best to not do it here.

The blond pecked a kiss to Val's cheek before moving to Rune. He took ahold of the other man, not giving him a choice of whether or not to come with him, and dragged him to his own room. "What's your problem? It's okay for you to sleep with Relic because we're not dating, but I have to be celibate with anyone besides you?"
Relic giggled happily, looking at the things that the man seemed to take interest in. While they went through the store, he pointed to a few things, telling the man about whether or not the toy was good, or how fun it may have been. He definitely was experienced in this area. He eventually took up an interesting looking harness, examining it over and he chuckled softly. He debated before putting it back - not good for a dorm room. He then walked over to a few more things, still debating just about what he wanted to get.

Rune growled, being pulled away and he looked over at Calder, rubbing at his temples as he listened to the other yell at him. "This is different!" He stated, his arms dropped to fold across his lower torso and he gripped his form tightly. "Before ... Before I did not know, okay?! I just thought of you as a friend that I so happeend to fuck. Now ... NOw that we haven't been doing anything ... it's changed.' He grumbled, closing his eyes and he bit his lip, enough to break the skin with his annoyance. "This ... Calder, I can't be your friend anymore." His eyes opened once again, looking to the man who would more than likely be pissed, but he was sure to stand in the way of the door in case the other tried to leave. "I won't be just your friend ... I want all of you, okay? I want to see if you and I can manage to have even half of what my brother and Tanner have. Not because I'm jealous of them, but because I'm jealous of any guy that even looks at you ... Because I hate to see you happy with someone else, and cry on someone else's shoulder. Because when you're not with me, I am miserable ... Because ... Because I love you, Calder. Not in that friendly whimpy way people have raped the word... IN the true blue meaning that ends up with the possiblity of staying singularly with that one person." With all his heart basically splayed out in front of him, the ravenette braced himself. Frankly, he was readying his heart to be stampeeded on. It happened once, what's to say it will not happen again?​
Tanner followed through the store happily, half feeling like a puppy. It didn't matter, though. He was fully enjoying himself, listening to Relic but most of all watching him. Twinges of jealousy sparked through here and there, knowing that all of his knowledge and experience was with someone else. In those moments, the blond nuzzled into his boyfriend's neck, breathing in his scent as a simple reminder to his brain that Relic was there, and was his.

He picked up a vibrating cock ring, looking at the oddity and flipping on the one that had the battery activated and winced. No, no that wouldn't feel very good, he decided and set the toy back. Best let Relic choose.

Calder was floored. Now? NOW he was deciding to tell him this? Now, when he had the heart of another man in his hands? The blond looked at the other man incredulously. "You... I just... I just want to punch you sometimes!" But he knew, deep down, that there was nothing to think about. Val was nice, and would make a good friend, but there was no chemistry. Rune... This was what he'd wanted from the first night they'd slept together. He was so drawn to the other man, even with his asshole-ish tendencies. Calder took the front of Rune's shirt in his fist and pulled the other man down into a fierce kiss, Calder claiming what was now his.
Relic looked at the ring Tanner had, giggling softly. He had stopped telling him stories, realizing that the nuzzles were always directly after his comments. He leant over and kissed his lover once more, smiling lightly. His eyes slipped closed and he took in a deep breath of the other's scent before he looked back over to the items. He hummed softly and began to make his way down the other aisles, pouting as he did so. "I do not know what I want! I already have the best thing ... so what else do I need?" He asked, pulling the other to him and kissed him passionately, showing that he was 'the best thing' that he referred to.

Rune knew that his timing was bad. He had the worst timing, and knew it. He did not care. He could not hold it back any longer. He tried to ignore and ignore and ignore, but what he walked in on was just too much. He was not able to just let it pass. He did not have that ability in him anymore. And frankly, he felt better letting everything out to the other. He expected the other to punch him. He deserved it. He definitely did. He just did not care right now, and the kiss was a shocker. His eyes were wide and stared at him before he let out a soft little groan. His hands slid over the other's hips, pulling him forward and he kissed him passionately. Eyes fluttered closed and he took in deep breaths, sliding his hands to the back of the other's body and he slowly pulled back. Resting his forehead against Calder's, he sighed softly. "Sorry for my shitty timing..." he murmured, meaning more so that poor kid in the other room.​
Grinning, Tanner wrapped himself around Relic, returning the kiss with passion and depth. "Anything. Something we can use together." Not something to replace him or outshine him, but something to enhance what they already made so good. "Something new." That might be a little challenge, but Tanner didn't mind. Everything was new to him and he was looking forward to trying different things with Relic. Even if it wouldn't be Relic's first time trying these things, it would feel like it to Tanner because it'd been his first time.

Calder's arms lifted around Rune's neck, fingers flowing through his hair immediately. "Shitty is an understatement." He sighed. This talk with Val was not one he wanted to have, but knew that it had to be done...and now. It wouldn't be fair to string him along, or to lie to him. Calder didn't lie. The blond stole another kiss, lips lingering lightly against the other man's for a minute before he stepped away and headed for the door. "You're cute jealous. Maybe I should keep Val around..." He smirked at Rune-both knowing he was not at all serious-and left to have "that" talk.
Relic giggled lightly and nodded. Kissing the man once more, he continued down the halls before he hummed happily. PIcking up the interesting liquid latex- getting black and another one that was pink. Oh the fun he could have with just two different colors of liquid latex. He hummed softly and then took a look at the edible underwear, looking it over before he shook his head. "Even too gross for me." He never really found the idea of eating panties off of another person arousing. The idea of eating food off someone was a totally different thing. Oh, he should do that one of these days. Make a little outfit for it too. He chuckled and took up a warming lube and then another that tingled/numbed. "These could be fun." He murmrued, bonking it gently on top of Tanner's head before he looked at what he had. That should do well.

Rune whimpered when the man pulled away. He lifted a brow in question, growling at the idea. "No." he hissed, his arms crossed over his torso and he watched the man leave. He did feel bad. He did not want to hurt Valerius. He was a cute little thing and seemed nice enough, but he could not stand them together.

Valerius jumped up and instantly began to adjust himself. His face a bright cherry red and he could not believe what happened. Oh ... That was not good. He did not think this was going to end well. Someone was going to lose, and he figured it would be him. Calder and Rune had had their thing before, and he thought they were cute together. They just were not together. Sadly, he was already prepared to be dumped. He would not be happy about it or anything, but Calder was a nice enough guy that he would not mind. He currently was sitting on the bed, his right elbow on his knee and his chin to his palm. His clothes were on his form and he stared in front of him, chewing his bottom lip.​
Chuckling at Relic, Tanner took the two tubes of lube from his hands to ensure that none fell in a fumble of hands. "All ready?" The blond couldn't say that he was disappointed with the choices, though he had been expecting different choices. These, though, were fine and they were sure to not cause any undue pain to his lover. Tanner spent a minute kissing over his boyfriend's neck before leading him to the register and paid for their purchases. The girl stared as she rung them up, and the blond flirted with her a little just to have some fun. Relic knew there was nothing but play behind his actions. "Fabric?" he asked as they reemerged into the cool evening air.

Entering his dorm room had to have been the hardest thing he had to do in the past weeks. And Val's posture and demeanor told Calder that he suspected. The blond knelt in front of the horned male and pecked a soft kiss to his lips. "Please don't hate me?" He wanted Valerius to join their circle of friends. He was sure that Relic wouldn't allow him to feel like the fifth wheel for long, and Calder really liked him. He refused, though, to use the "we can be friends" line. Instead, Calder stood and pulled Val into a tight hug. "Even without Rune, I just didn't have that spark," he offered. "You're gorgeous, a fantasy to fuck, a wonderful dancer... No sparks though..."
Relic giggled lightly, only slightly annoyed with his flirting, but he knew just how much the man loved him. He nuzzled against the other's neck and he let out a soft little hum. Taking the bag, he made his way out of the store with his boyfriend. He nodded happily and bounced upon the balls of his feet. "Mhm!" He said excitedly and kissed him once more. He pulled the other down the street and toward the fabric store. Giggling, he leant over and kissed his lover once more. "Do you want me to make you an outfit too?" He asked, heading into the store and making way to where the pretty fabrics were that he wanted to purchase.

Valerius watched the other come in. He lifted his head, looking up at him and he sighed softly. He looked down at him when he moved there and then let himself be pulled into a hug. He wrapped his arms back around him, gripping the other tightly before he blushed and settled back. Fidgetting with the bottom of his shirt a little, he eventually straightened it all out and looked back to Calder, nodding. "Um ... I don't hate you." He said softly, chewing his bottom lip for a while before he once more looked back to the other. "It hurts but um ... I'll just ... need some time." He whispered, kissing Calder's cheek, he stepped away, a hurt look to his features, despite knowing this was coming. "Just ... I'll come to you. I do like you, Calder and ... thank you for going on so many dates with me. I had fun." He stopped at the door, staring at it before he turned to look at the blonde once more. "Um ... Do ... maybe do you want to get some pizza tomorrow? n-not just us ... I mean ... R-rune can come too. And maybe Ta.. Tanner and Relic ... I wuold like to ... be your friend ... but um, just don't get offended if .. if I leave randomly, kay?"​
"Anything you want, sweetheart." Tanner loved that Relic was so creative and never minded showing off his work. Still playful, Tanner made a swift move to sweep Relic up, bridal style, and began to carry him the rest of the way into the store, and to the fabrics that he'd had his eye on. It was odd to truly think about how in love he was. To watch them from the outside was like a movie (or so he thought)-playful and light with each other always. The blond liked it.

He moved over to a ream of old-lady-ish floral print and wrapped it around his torso, sashaying towards Relic. "What do you think? Does it make me look fat?"

Calder let go, hurting that he'd hurt someone so sweet. He did meet Valerius at the door, though. "I won't push you. But I'm always willing to be your friend. And the others, too." He pecked a kiss to Val's cheek. "Come find me if you're still feeling up to it tomorrow, hmm?" He didn't want to say yes and have Val feel obligated to go if he wasn't ready, and he didn't know how Rune might take it. Not that the twin could stop him from having friends outside of Relic and Tanner, but he still considered his feelings.

He watched Val go, a little sad, and returned to Rune's room after the elevator door had closed. He leaned his head against the other man's shoulder for a moment, seeking a little silent support to ease the horrible feeling he had about leading Val on.
Relic squeaked when the other lifted him up, giggling happily. He nuzzled against his love before he was set back down near his favorite fabrics. He looked over them all and then pulled up a few, trying to think about which ones he would like the best. He perked up and looked over at his boyfriend, his jaw dropped and a soft cry passed his lips. "Nuu" He whimpered and walked over to him, pulling the fabric off him and tossing it away as if the fabric burned his flesh. Shuddering, he walked over to a different rack where a lovely jade green fabric lay, holding that up to his love and relaxing with a heavy sigh. "Ah ... So ... so much better."

Rune looked over at the man when he came inside once more. He wrapped his arms around his shoulders and he hugged him tightly. Kissing his temple, he smiled a little weakly. Walkin over to his bed, he sat down and pulled the other onto his lap. Resting against the wall, he looked over at the lyrics in front of him then he turned his eyes back to the blonde he held. "Mm ... Relic almost had a heart attack because of the walls." He chuckled lightly and then looked down at the other once more, smiling lightly. "Tomorrow, do you wanna paint the walls with me? One less thing for him to freak out about." He nuzzled against the other, smiling lightly.​
Tanner was having a ball. Who knew fabric shopping could be so fun? He allowed Relic to wrap him up in all sorts of colors and patterns, while teasing with a few hideous ones in between. The blond even went so far as to purchase a yard of day-glo orange, and ask that Relic make something for him out of it, though he couldn't stop giggling as he made the request.

He moved with Rune seamlessly, allowing the other to manipulate him and his position with no resistance. It was nice to see the softer side of the other. Still feeling a bit bad, though, Calder only nodded as his head was still buried in Rune's neck. The blond had noticed the change in the room, of course, but hadn't thought anything of it. Rune seemed to be the destructive type.

Calder sat there for a few more minutes, sapping up strength from his new boyfriend. "What color?" he finally asked, head staying right where it was while his arms wrapped around the twin's waist securely. "Gonna need some thick paint to cover it up."
Relic giggled, walking out of the store with the orange fabric in his hand. He looked it over then looked back to him, grinning as he did so. "I think you need some short shorts out of them." He chuckled, obviously teasing him. He leant up and kissed him softly before putting the fabric back into the bag. He giggled happily once more, bouncing and he leant up to kiss him once more. His eyes slipped closed and he swerved through the streets toward the other's car. "Ooh! let's go bother Rune! I bought some fabric for him too ... I think he needs a new suit and his trips to Italy are seriously hindered being here. . . Though, he could take a weekend to do so." He said, batting a hand absently before prying his form away from his love's and then disappearing into the passenger's seat once more.

Rune looked at the walls for a while, wiggling his feet absently and he kept his eyes to the writing. "Mm ... I think purple. A nice dark one ... Maybe a lilac on one wall too." he suggested and then looked down at the man once more. He leant down to kiss the other again, nuzzling against his neck with a little nip to the flesh. He really was not sure how he should act with this whole new situation. He liked being with Calder, a lot, and wasm ore than happy that they were a couple now, it wasj ust new for him.​
The night had proved a wonderful one. Tanner told himself that they would have to get out of bed and go out like this more often. Even if it did mean separating themselves physically long enough to be in the car. Before he pulled out of the parking space, though, the blond leaned over and captured his lover's lips in a proper kiss, teeth tugging ever so gently at the lip ring that was now healed as he pulled away. While he'd been upset that Relic had used it to cause himself pain, Tanner found that he enjoyed playing with it while he kissed the other man.

Bother Rune? What the hell? Calder was in their room with Val so they might as well! It only took twenty minutes to get from the parking space to Rune's dorm, and Tanner went a little wide-eyed at the site. "Uhh...Cal?"

Calder purred softly as his neck was nipped, leaning into the soft affections of the other. Rune was slightly tense, and Calder only could feel it because he'd spent so many nights in Rune's completely relaxed arms. The blond sat up a little and pecked a line of kisses down his jaw. "Relax. I don't want you to act differently, except for the few obvious thin--" He stopped when the door opened and looked up towards Relic and Tanner.

He didn't answer his roommate because either Relic or Rune would.
Rune lifted his head when the two entered, looking at the blonde and he chuckled with the man in his arms. "Don't be jealous." he teased, despite the fact that only a little under an hour ago, he had freaked out on his own jealousy. He really was horrible. He kissed the blonde once more, his arms around his shoulders and pulled him against his chest, tapping his fingers on the arms of the other. He looked over at his brother and his boyfriend, sighing softly. "What? Don't approve, Daddy?" he questioned and for some reason felt a little teasing today. Not that he did not any other day, but he did not mind right now. He just ... was happy actually.

Relic laughed lightly, taking Tanner and draging him into the room. He flopped onto the bed and he looked at the walls that were behind the couple in front of him, whimpering a little more. "Why the walls, Rune, why the walls?" He asked, tugging Tanner to him and he wrapped his arms around his waist, hugging him tightly. "They never did anything to you ... and what if Tanner and I didn't make up and I came back, hm?" Yep, he soudned like their mother right now, but he did not care.​
Had it been necessary, Calder would have elaborated that he was perfectly happy with this new development. He settled himself into Rune's body, only shaking his head when the other couple were teased. Leaning up, the blond nipped at his boyfriend's Adam's apple. "Play nice," he teased back, though he was well aware of what "not nice" would be for the older twin.

Tanner only chuckled at his own boyfriend, arms moving around his shoulders protectively. "Then you would have had something to take your mind off of me." He was only half teasing. The blond bent down to press his lips to the top of Relic's head, hands rubbing circles over his back. "Think of it this way: Now you don't have to look at boring white all the time?" He braced himself to be smacked for that.

"We were going to paint it tomorrow," Calder assured Relic. "I'll make sure it's all covered for you." Not that Rune wouldn't, just that Rune was more likely to leave spots of lyrics just because.
A few weeks went by and, still, Tomias had yet to do anything else with Nikkos. There never seemed the right moment. They were either in classes, or too tired to do much more than just kiss, or someone always found a way to interrupt just at the right time to mess it all up. After a while, Tomias gave up. For the moment, he did not want to try anything. He could deal with that for a little more. Celibacy was not too bad, right? It was only a temporary thing ... just until a break or a vacation of some sort where they could go run off to the mountains and escape everyone that way. He would like that. Run away from the twins and students and teachers - just the two of them. They could huddle close in the mountains. Just stay for a few days. Only enough to get away from the stress. That would not be too bad ... They could even leave on a Friday and Tomias would only miss one class.

The green-eyed male sighed heavily as he made his way down the hall to Nikkos' room. His hands slid behind into his back pockets while he thought of what he would make the other for dinner. There were a few things he could do, but that was going to be put off for a little while. Classes were over for the day, and he could not be happier. he and Nikkos agreed to meet up in his room and they could play Chess or watch a movie, or something of the sort. He was more than happy to just relax in the room with his boyfriend. He did not mind that idea at all. At the door, he gave a little warning knock and then moved into the room, stretching his arms above his head and he groaned softly. "What do you want for dinner?" He called out, not too sure where hte man may be.

In the meantime, the foursome were sitting up in the twins' dorm. Relic was happy now that the walls were purple and the lyrics were hidden. Calder and Rune had done a good job of painting over the lyrics. He happily sat down on the bed, talking about what they should do for the upcoming weekend and everything of that sort. He was happy with how things were going. Rune finally had someone. He had someone whom he could not take his hands off of. Everything did seem quite well. He was sad for Valerius though. He was suck a sweet kid and his little heart was broken. Oh, he was still nice to everyone. He had come over with a pizza a few days after the break up, but he only pretty much stayed for the food then left. He was getting there though. HE would come in and say hello, ask about some classes and then he would always leave. Babysteps it seemed were what he was taking. He wanted to be friends with everyone, but it was definitely hard when he would see Rune and Calder together. He told them that once he got used to it, and more so over the situation completely, he would be able to stay and truly be a firend.

There was a knock on the door and Relic chuckled. Had to be Valerius. Smiling warmly, he stood up from the bed and then walked over to the door, about to tease the little shrimp playfully until he saw white hair. He went wide-eyed as he looked down at his mother who was already babbling about something or another. "Mom?" He asked, looking down at the woman who just continued on.

"Here. Take her." she began, putting the little black haired child she had once held in Relic's arms then draping a diaper bago ver his other shoulder. "And you'll need these ... Oh and here's her toy bag ... And her food for later..." She placed those at his feet and then leant up to kiss his cheek. "Bye! I'll be back later sweetie. Have fun." And with that, she was gone. just... gone.

A very, very confused Relic turned around to the others in the room, blinking a few times. "I ... don't know what just happened." He stated, looking down at the little girl in his arms and he sighed softly. Leaning down, he rested his forehead on the girl's, smiling warmly. "Hello Rosalie ... Yep.. Mom's nuts, huh?" he asked, the little nine month old giggling happily and taking a hold of the raven locks of her brother, pulling them tightly. He sighed and pushed the bags further into the room with a foot.​
Despite what anyone who knew him might think, Nikkos was now beyond frustrated. Sure, he'd been the one who had imposed the celebacy "rule" but it had been weeks since he'd given Tomias the okay to break that rule and something always stopped them. And so the administrator had begun to plot. He plotted a way to keep everyone away from his room, and generally out of his hair, for the weekend. He gave Archer notice that he wouldn't be on campus at all this weekend, and would be incommunicado until nine on Monday morning. He said the same for Tomias and left it at that.

Friday dragged and the brunette was glad to be back in his rooms. He knew Tomias would show up soon and Nikkos hurried to "get ready". Anything that could be used for communication was turned off or unpluged: cellphone, computer, landline... They were all tossed (gently) into the closet, and the minute the door closed behind his boyfriend, that was locked with a thought.

Nikkos moved over to the other man and fished around for his phone, turning that off and tossing it on the counter. His arms moved up and around Tomias's neck. "I swear that if you go near that door to answer it this weekend, you will miss your hands." That promised, Nikkos kissed him almost desperately, pressing his body tightly to his boyfriend's. "You," he finally answered. "Want you."

Both Tanner and Calder looked up, heads cocking to the side at the scene that played out before them. She was...dumping a kid here? An infant at that. Hadn't the woman ever heard of a phone? Calder settled back into Rune's side as Tanner stood to help Relic with the bags that the twins' mother had dumped on the floor. "I think we were just dubbed 'babysitters of the day'," Calder teased, even though there looked to be enough stuff there for a month.

But nothing at this point could ruin his mood. The weeks had been wonderful. Valerius was coming around more and more, and Rune had stopped growling at the man's presence. The pairs had also, unofficially, roomed up: Calder and Rune slept exclusively in the "twins'" dorm, while Relic and Tanner took over the dorm the blonds once shared. It was an arrangement that had just fallen into place and that all four seemed to be comfortable with. "At least we won't be bored now?" he offered.
Tomias arched a brow with the lock clicking behind him. He turned to look down at the man, watching his phone tossed to the side and he was a little shocked. He had not expected Nikkos, of all people, to jump him like he was. He blinked a few times before he grinned. Leaning down, he happily connected their lips. "As you wish" he whispered, his hands sliding over to the other's form and to slide down, grasping his rump and pulling him up and closer to him. Kissing him passionately, he began to make his way to where the man's bed was. The clothes upon Nikkos' form were strewn about behind them in the man's impatience and need for the other. He made it to the bed, falling forward with his lips still locked with his boyfriend's. Pulling off his shirt as well, his lips began to travel along the exposed torso of Nikkos, growling softly with his utter need for the man beneath him.

Relic sighed heavily, sitting on the edge of his bed once more. He rested the girl's little rump on top of his knees, looking down and into the baby's silver eyes. He smiled warmly, leaning forward and giving the girl's cheeks kisses all over, getting her to giggle and squeal with the affections from her elder brother. He laughed lightly, continuing to play with her and it was obvious that Relic liked kids. He definitely liked playing with kids and his little sister was so cute. He smiled and then pulled away from her grip, making a few faces which got giggles from the girl again. Grinning happily, he finally realized that there were the others in the room. He laughed lightly, looking over at Tanner, about to say something but the little rascal managed to hook her little finger around the ring in his lip - causing a squeak from the male. He turned to her, prying her little digit from the ring. "Hey! Don't laugh at that." He protested, pouting and then kissing her forehead again before he began to bounce her up and down on his knees.​
Nikkos's leg came up and wrapped around Tomias's hip as he was laid on the bed and nearly ravished. The skin on skin contact was electric, sending little shockwaves out and over his body. The administrator arched up into his boyfriend's lips, moaning softly. His flesh was so sensitive after not being touched for so long. He wasn't even sure that he'd last through the foreplay.

The brunette's hands traveled over Tomias's shoulders and neck, touching all they could reach and still wanting more. His fingers eventually found one of Tomias's nipples, and Nikkos took advantage. He flicked the sensitive little nub until it was hard, then tugging at and squeezing it until he was satisfied with the reaction that he received.

Tanner watched Relic, eyes soft. The man was so at ease with someone so little and delicate in his arms. Perhaps that fact would have scared someone else off, but he thought it was adorable and it made the blond grow instantly fonder for his lover. He knelt behind the other man on the bed, and leaned over him to coo at Rosalie, the tip of his index finger trailing a line over the soft skin of her cheek and arm, not letting up when she squirmed from being tickled.
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