Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Gabriel already was used to the otherstarting off with Russian. He did not mind. He knew that the other would eventually switch to English when he realized that the teacher did not have an idea of what he was saying. He sighed softly and then shrugged his shoulders. He could introduce him to the twins. He may be scared by them, though. The twins definitely were intimidating and frightening to most. He would probably have to ease him into meeting them if he ever wanted to. Maybe just Relic first, then eventually both of them. Shaking his head from his thoughts, he straightened a little in his posture before he kept his eyes to the other. "You are here to learn, and you are good at learning, but having friends makes learning better. You need to have fun sometimes, you know"​
How would friends make learning better? Sergei saw friends as a distraction. They wanted to go out and...do whatever American young men did instead of stay in and study. How would that help him learn? The Russian man didn't quite understand that. "Better? Learning is...alone." He meant 'solitary' but didn't know the word. "And it is fun. Knowing something you did not know before is fun. It makes me feel good." He nodded his head and stood, stretching his arms above his head. Smiling, Sergei began to gather his stuff. "I will meet who you ask, though." He just...didn't have high hopes of friendships.
Gabriel smiled warmly. He stood up and then began to walk toward the building once more, waiting a moment to be sure that the other would actually follow him, and not think he was leaving him all alone. "If you only study, then your brain will get too tired. You need to take breaks to just have fun once in a while." He informed him, turning to look at the redhead again and he then made his way to the elevator. Resting against the wall and he kept his eyes to the doors, waiting for them to open. When he had, he let the man move out before he followed after him. He then made his way toward the dorm that held Calder and more than likely Relic and Tanner.

He lifted his hand, about to knock on the door before he heard footsteps. Turning his head, he watched as a bloody Rune walked past, grumbling to himself and cursing about this nad that. Luckily for them, he disappeared into his room with a slame. He waited for a moment before turning back to the door and knocking his knuckles against the door.

It took a few moments, but eventually, a skirt-clad [only] Relic answered the door, beaming and looking better as ever as he looked down at the man. Soon enough, Relic grinned even more. "Gaaaabe! Come on in!" He then glanced to Tanner, double checking the sheets were over him properly before he too a step away from the door to give the two space to walk inside comfortably. He looked at the redhead and arched a brow. "Who's your friiiend?" He asked, girnning all the more.

Gabriel walked inside, looking over to Sergei and he smiled warmly. "He is a student of mine ... I figured he would need to meet people ... He has not made friends yet." He stated and then turned to look at Relic once more. "He's Russian and well... English is not his first language. " He informed the male who was far taller than him, well, five inches, but that was beside the point. He took another step inward, looking at Sergei, smiling lightly. "Come on in, Sergei..."​
He followed willingly, a little surprised. He didn't think that Gabriel had meant to introduce him right now! But oh well, right? He'd agreed to meet whomever it was that the other man had wanted to introduce him to and so he couldn't back out on his word. "I do take breaks." He wrote to his mother, ate, slept, read for fun... He even enjoyed shopping every once in a while.

Standing outside of the dorm door, Sergei was quick to step into Gabriel as the bloodied and very angry looking man came storming towards them. He couldn't help the fear that instantly took over, and the intense need to get away. He was glad when the other walked past them with seemingly no interest in him and Sergei quickly straightened up and got a hold of himself, glad that it wasn't that man that Gabriel was introducing him to.

When the door opened, he raised an eyebrow at the skirt-clad man. He said nothing, though. Who was he to judge? Still, the fact that the other was in the bed, obviously naked, made him very uneasy. The fact that he seemed overly eager over him made the redhead rather nervous, too.

Still, Sergei nodded in greeting, face stone and guarded.
Relic smiled lightly and then closed the door behind the two that entered. He stretched his arms above his head, groaning lightly before he looked around. The room was not too messy. The main thing was their scattered clothing from prior events. It had been a while since the two indulged, but they had just been cuddling and kissing for, well, a while now. THe raven haired male folded his arms over his bare torso, looking at the two and chuckled softly. "I thought you didn't go that way, Gabe" he teased, just trying to get a rise out of the man.

And it worked, Gabriel went red and he shook his head. "I don't! He is a student." He watched as Relic began to snicker - obviously amused by the reaction he got. He sighed heavily, his eyes closing before he shook his head. "You're mean, Uncle Relic...." He murmured before turning to look at Sergei and he smiled reassuringly to him. "Sergei. This is Relic... The one in the bed is Tanner. They are nice people and I am sure would not mind if you hung around them."

Relic giggled happily and nodded. "Yep! We always enjoy new friends, or at least I do."​
Sergei nodded his greeting to both men but hung well back. This Relic glowed the same as the bloodied man in the hallway and that simply added to his discomfort. He wasn't used to being so uncomfortable. Out of place, yes. But that was a passing thing and this seemed to go on forever. He tried to stay but in the end, he couldn't. He'd kept his promise to meet whomever Gabriel had had in mind, and that was what had mattered. "No. No I am sorry. I do not think this is...em...okay? Yes." He turned on his heel and quickly left, only ever feeling that relieved to leave someplace once before. He was close to one of his panic attacks and quickly began drawing on aura's a little here and there to calm himself. Once he was sure that he wouldn't pass out, the Russian man headed back towards the elevator, anxious to get off of this floor.
Gabriel blinked a few times, watching the other leave and he grew all the more concerned. He sighed heavily and turned to Relic, smiling weakly. "Sorry, Uncle Relic ... I just wanted to try and get him meeting new people." He said before waving and heading out of the room to follow after the Russian. He made his way to where he was, standing beside him, his arms crossed over his lower torso and he turned to look at him. "I am sorry about that, Sergei ... Relic is a little intimidating ... and weird." He admitted and sighed softly. He had wanted this to turn out better than it had.

Relic pouted and batted a hand absently to the male. "Yea yea." was all he said, watching him leave and he sighed softly. Looking down at his skirt, he tapped a forefinger to his bottom lip before looking over at Tanner, gasping happily. "Oooh! WAIT HERE! I have a corset that I made and it's in my dorm ... um ... I'll be right back!" He said excitedly, hopping out of the room, softly closing the door behind him while he ran off to his bedroom with his brother. He was not gone two minutes before a scream could be heard from the dorm. "WHAT DID YOU DO!?" He shrieked, his eyes wide as he looked aroudn the room. The once pristine walls were now covered in black, red, and purple marker -- lyrics that Rune obviously had written in their separated time. The yougner twin defintely was not happy. Actually, he was pretty much hyperventilating as he looked at the walls - nothing left untouched it seemed.

Rune looked over at him, sitting on the bed and washing off the dried blood and he arched a brow. Looking over at the lyrics, he turned back to the mirror image of himself. "Um ... What do I do when pissed? I write. Deal with it." He stated, rolling his eyes and he went back to rubbing at the blood.​
Stepping onto the elevator, Sergei shook his head. "You do not know. I see...glows. You are green-you soothe and make better (heal). The one...em...in the hall? He is...dirty. Very mad. This...This Relic. He is similar, but...em....oh what is that word? Yell--no. No redder... Well, control. It means control. And perhaps it is that Relic is a nice man, but his glow isn't okay." Sergei didn't know quite how to explain his powers, or why some people who were seemingly harmless scared him out of his wits sometimes.

Finally, the elevator deposited them back on the ground floor. "I am sorry. I know you mean good, but..." He trailed off and shrugged. What could he do? Gabriel didn't truly expect him to spend time with someone that he wasn't comfortable around, did he?
Gabriel listened to the other and he smiled as he listened to the explination of the auras - or the colors - of the twins. "The man in the hall is Relic's twin ... They are a lot alike. Relic does not wish to do anyone harm, but he is very strong and if he needs to, he ... turns more into Rune, the man in the hall. They are strong and Rune is scary ... But you should not be too scared of Relic ... Maybe take some babysteps." He suggested, hoping that he spoke slow enough for the other to actually understand what he meant. He knew that the twins were firghtening. They scared him when they first met. His uncles were not all that stable anyway. And it does not help that they are very, very strong.
Sergei tried to take everything in, though there were a few concepts he missed, such as someone turning into someone else and baby steps. He hummed, though. "I will think of it." He didn't know what there was to think about, but Gabriel seemed truly concerned about him, so he wanted to at least try to make his professor happy. Smiling, Sergei moved off towards the grounds once again, not sure if this whole 'friends' thing would work out for him. He stopped about half way down the hallway and turned. "Your glow. It's nice. It helps me to focus on the work."

It took Tanner a full minute to jump up and dress after Relic screamed. The blond rushed over, not bothering to knock before bursting into the twins' room, stopping short when he saw what it was his boyfriend had screamed about. Still, the question came out anyway. "Are you okay?" It wasn't really clear what had happened to the room-he didn't understand the significance of writing on walls, or why it upset Relic as it had, but the fact that the younger twin was upset was all that mattered. The blond did, however, see the blood on Rune's forehead. "Tell me that wasn't you, Relic?" he groaned. Who knew what Tomias would do if the twins got into another brawl?
Gabriel smiled and walked out with him. He stopped when the other heard his comment. He looked over at him and he smiled a little more. "I am glad." He then looked around before he turned back to him and slid his hands into his back pockets. "I will see you in class, Sergei ... I should head to my room. Please, be sure to relax and come to me if you need anything." He waved before turning and heading toward his room once more.

Relic turned to look at Tanner, his features showing his utter shock and annoyance at what was around him. "DO YOU SEE THIS MESS?!" He hissed, pointing ot hte walls and he took in many deep breaths. His hand pushed through his hair and he rolledh is eyes with the other question that was posed, batting a hand dismissively. "No no ... Mias did that because Rune interrupted him again." He informed him and then grumbled a little more. He looked back up at the walls and whimpered softly. He looked over the words, finally looking past the mess and taking in the words. A brow arched in question and he looked back to his brother on the bed. "Really? Farse? Really thought that me angry at you was a farse? What the hell?"

Rune arched a brow, glancing to the lyrics and he chuckled softly. "Nah. Thought you and Tanner ... were a ... farse on relationships." He sighed heavily and then leant over his bed, taking up a piece of sheet music and walking over to his brother, holding it out to the other. "Besides, it sounds nicer in the song ... and goes with arse." He grinned and cuckled a little more before he turned to Tanner, smiling warmly. "He's fine. He's just a neatfreak."​
Tanner laughed. "Us? What about you?" he asked, taunting. "You love him and yet you watch him be with someone else. Well, no. I suppose that's just stupidity?" The blond turned and pecked a kiss to Relic's lips. "I'm going to shower. We'll go to dinner later, yeah?" He stole another, longer kiss from his boyfriend before moving out of the room to get clean clothes and a towel, and then headed to the showers. It wasn't that the Val person wasn't nice or cute. He just...wasn't right for Calder. He wasn't strong enough. There was something missing that his friend would eventually need. And when he didn't find it, it would destroy not only the relationship but the underlying friendship. Tanner didn't want to see that happen.

His shower was quick, and he returned to his own dorm for the time being. Relic would know where to find him, as would Calder and Rune if they had the urge or the need.
Rune glared over at the man, hissing under his breath as he did so. Growling, he stood up, all too ready to injure the other, thought Relic resting a hand on his shoulder stopped him from killing the little blonde. "SHOVE OFF ASSWHIPE" He grumbled a few times, slowly being forced to calm by his brother and the power he had. While the man's power would not work fully on him, it was used to soothe him. Turning to look at Relic, he stared at his twin for a few moments. "Fucking ..." he stopped, seeing the slightly hurt look in his brother's features, he sighed heavily and flopped back onto the couch, grumbling lightly. "You're happy?" He asked, looking to his brother for a sign of confirmation.

Relic smiled warmly and nodded. "Very happy." He said softly, walking over to his brother and planting a kiss to the top of his head. "Think of a new color for the walls ... Or we can go paint shopping ,... o something." He offered and then shrugged his shoulders once more. With a light kiss to his lips, he turned and began to make his way out of the room, glancing to his brother once more. "And ... try to be happy for Calder. You won't date him or commit to him, and I don't blame him for not waiting." He blew him a kiss and then headed into the other dorm, after picking up a few more outfits. He walked over to Tanner, moving in front of him, straddling his hips and wrapping his arms loosely around his shulders. "Must you poke the bear?"​
Arms wrapping around Relic's waist, Tanner leaned up and kissed him, his lips lingering on his boyfriends for several seconds. "He needed to hear it." The blond nuzzled along the other man's cheek, soaking in his physical presence as if they'd not been glued side by side for nearly a month now. "I love Calder, just as you love Rune. He's going to get hurt." Not because of anything his new fling would say or do, but because of what he couldn't be or give.

He let the subject drop for the time being, leaning against the headboard and pulling Relic along with him. "Wear something pretty tonight? Something that shows off your gorgeous legs." Tanner's hands ran up those legs, fingertips exploring each inch of them. His hands eventually made their way up to cup Relic's rear end, pulling the man tighter to his own body.

"Hmmm. I know where else to take you tonight, too." The blond smirked and gave his boyfriend's ass a playful smack before nudging him off to get dressed.
Relic sighed heavily and nodded. "Which is sad .. Val is a sweetheart." He murmured, happily giving into the other's kisses and gropes, adoring the man even more. He arched a brow with the other's request that he wear something to show off his legs. He chuckled softly. Leaning forward, he kissed the other's lips softly once more. Whimpering softly, he slid off the other and his arms folded over his lower torso. "Fiiine." He murmured and stuck his tongue out at the man and he turned, hopping his way to the showers, taking an outfit with him as he went to take a quite shower.

Coming back to the room, Relic had on quite the different attire than normal. A baby blue corset hugged his torso, white laced up the back with white rose-patterned lace over hte blue fabric. On his hips, a white mini skirt hugged to his hips, white go-go boots on his feet. Baby blue collar around his neck and matching earrings. He struck a pose in the doorway. His right hand on the doorframe, his left on his hip and his left hip poking toward the side. "Short enough for you?" He teased, grinning as he looked over at his boyfriend.​
Growling at the sight in front of him, the blond got up and gave a rough tug around Relic's waist, pulling their bodies flush together. "Gorgeous."

It was difficult to control himself-it was hard to not want to throw Relic down onto the bed and have his wicked way with him over and over again. But his stomach was already grumbling, and he was sure that his boyfriend's wasn't too happy, either. "Dinner or shopping first?"

It didn't matter what the answer was-they still had to go to the car first. Tanner grabbed his keys and lead Relic out, fingers laced tightly together. He smiled at Calder and Val as the two couples passed in the hall.

"Coming in tonight?" Calder asked, a devious twinkle in his eyes.
Relic squeaked when his boyfriend bombarded him, smirking happily as he kissed him. His eyes slipped closed and his hands trailed to his chest, traveling along the front of his torso and eventually, he had to separate from the other. Linking their hands together, he made his way down the hall with the man. Glancing at Calder and Valerius as they walked past, grinning with a little wave of his fingers. He then turned his attention back to the man, purring softly. "Mm ... Dinner ... Shopping .. Then you for dessert." He whispered, nipping the lobe of his ear and poking the button to the elevator. He pulled him inside, tugging his boyfriend against his chest and kissing him happily.

Valerius looked at Relic and Tanner, still not used to a man wearing such short skirts and like it was nothing. He held his date's hand and he walked with him to the other's dorm. He blushed a terrible red when the other asked his question. Chewing on his bottom lip, he eventually nodded a little shakily. "Um ... I would... like that ..." He said softly, tilting his head back to look up at the other, smiling a little more. He did not mind going in his dorm now. Tanner and Relic left and so he would not have to feel bad about possibly being awkward with them there ... And well, they had been on a few dates so ... shouldn't he be able to go into his dorm?​
"Love you."

Tanner told Relic at least once a day, not sure what the future would hold and when the possible last time he'd be able to say it would be. He wanted to make it count. He lead the way to the car after making out the entire elevator ride down to the lower level garage. Once they were strapped in, Tanner took off towards a cafe on the edge of town, near the store he wanted to take Relic to. Why he was craving a sandwich and soup, he didn't know, but he was and this place had the best in town, along with other hot and cold dishes.

Grinning, Calder opened the door and lead Val into the room, which was quite messy at the moment. "Sorry-they usually don't get out of bed long enough to pick up." Not that he planned on paying much attention to the state of the room. Valerius was pulled towards Calder and kissed sensuously. The blond's tongue pushed forward, testing limits.
Relic curled up in the passenger's seat, laying against his lover's arm as he drove. A hand to his thigh and resting there while his lips connected with the side of hte mans' neck, teasing him and really just getting payback for all those times when Tanner would tease him when the drove. Payback combined with utter desier to be closer to him. He would clam down in public, if only a little bit, and that was all he would do for now. Heading out of hte car, he laced his fingers with his boyfriend's once more, making way to the cafe and ordering a barbeque chicken wrap. Happily getting the wrap with a grin and a coke in his hand. Waving to the cashier, he followed his love to the table, ignoring the strange looks he was getting. He really was a full-on cross-dresser. Not many males who wore women's clothing would wear such short skirts that he tended to love.

Valerius blushed when the other's lips were connected with his. His eyes wide for a moment before his arms lifted and wrapped around his neck, pulling him down and he leant up on his toes. Letting the other's tongue pass thruogh his lips, he trailed his tongue over the other's as well, just enjoying the embrace for now. Frankly, he would be happy with only making out for the rest of the night. He knew that there were many who would want more, especially after the five dates they had been on, but that was not Valerius. HE was innocent and while not a virgin, he was not experienced. He only had one other lover, and that was a while ago.​
Tanner didn't really notice the looks. He was far too wrapped up in being with Relic, and enjoying their date. So what if other people didn't like what he was wearing? Wasn't it their fault, then, for staring at him? The blond sat on the same side of the booth as his lover, pressing their bodies together from shoulder to knee. He really didn't care about public displays of affection. Just because there were other people around didn't mean he wasn't going to show the one he loved that he loved them. "So speculate. Where do you think we're going shopping?"

Pulling Valerius closer by the waist, Calder wrapped his arms fully around the smaller man. He was a wonderful kisser, and never failed to turn him on by just using those sinful lips. The blond pulled away just long enough to get an already breathless whisper in. "I'm not going to stop until you tell me to." Val wasn't given a chance to respond before Calder's lips were sucking at the pulse points in his neck, nipping along the artery there.
Relic giggled lightly with the contact of the other. Turning to him, he leant against him, kissing his cheek softly before he turned back to the food he had ordered. He picked up half of the wrap and munched on it siletnly, humming to himself. The food definitely was good. He listened to the question, arching a brow and he turned to look at the man beside him with the question. His eyes sparkled and he straightened and beamed all the more. "Fabric?!" He asked, apparently happy with that type of idea. He definitely would not mind being able to shop for more fabric. He could never have enough, and well, he wanted to make some new pants and skirts and tops for the upcoming winter.

Valerius squeaked softly when the man's lips hit his neck, gasping with the sensation. His eyes fluttered closed and his hands ripped the back of the man's shirt tightly. All that he could muster as a response was the moan that passed his lips, in obvious approval of the other's actions. He definitely liked kissing him, but going a little further would not be too horrendous. Oh no, no it would not. Besides, he was fairly sure he had heard Calder say at one point that he would have taken him to his room after their first date. So, a few dates later and everything was good to be taken to the next level, right? Oh, he no longer really cared. He liked Calder, and he seemed to like him back, and that was all that mattered right now.​
He should have known that the man would have guessed that, and Tanner laughed a little. "That wasn't the plan, but we can add that in." Tanner dug into his own tuna salad sandwich and tomato soup. He was famished as they'd given up eating properly in the past few weeks. Not that he was complaining! "What other ideas?"

Calder hummed a little, loving the noises that the other was making. Really, the man was a lovely little thing, and the blond had no objections to hearing more moans. He slowly began to work his way down Valerius's body, lips trailing over the clothes he wore, hot breath piercing through the fabric. His hands, however, slipped up Val's shirt, Calder groaning at the first intimate flesh to flesh contact.
Relic pouted. That was not where they were initially going? He took another bite of the food, munching on it while he thought about where they could go. He did not have an idea at the moment. while he ate, his mind went through the options of where they might go. Where they were in town having a factor on his decisions mainly. He thouht about the music store, but that was too far away. Clothes were not really an option since Relic tended to make his own nad while he adored to shop, he would never make Tanner suffer through that. Books ... there was no store around here. He pouted and turned to look at his love, his eyes looking so very pathetic. "I don't knoooow! But ... surprise me then! I like surprises." He stated, smiling warmly and leaning over to kiss the other's cheek.

Valerius gasped when the man's mouth traveled. His golden eyes fluttered closed and he continued to grip the other in front of him. His knees were already shaking, just with the man kissing him, the feel of his hands actually upon his skin ... That just sent him over - toppling over actually. His knees buckled beneath and sent the mossy-haired male to the floor. His heart raced and his hands slid from Calder's form to the floor beneath him. Frankly, he was better for the floor. This way, he would not be at risk of falling on it again at a later point where it would be even more of a hassle or awkward. He murmrued a small "Sorry .." to the man and blushed a beautiful cherry-red as he stared up at the ceiling, waiting to hear Calder tell him the mood was ruined or something.​
Laughing, Tanner nodded. It most definitely would be a surprise. He knew that Relic knew the store, and that was part of the reason for surprising him: His boyfriend wouldn't believe him if he just told him where he was taking him. Dinner was over quickly, both men having had shrunk their stomachs by not eating properly lately. "Ready to go?" He was anxious to see Relic's face when he saw where they were going.

Calder chuckled a little bit, but followed Valerius down to the ground, lying his body on top of the other man's and kissing him deeply once more. "Better this way anyway," he replied, unaware that the other had been thinking the same thing. The blond pushed his hands up the other's shirt completely, pulling the fabric off over his head, lips and tongue following down over his torso. "Okay?"
Relic giggled happily, hopping out of the booth with his love, after paying of course. He wrapped his fingers around his hand, practically hanging on the man beside him. He nuzzled against his neck a few times, nipping the flesh gently before he settled back with his chin to his shoulder. "You've gotten me all excited now." He teased, rubbing up against him before he settled to just staying beside him and behaving. His ice blue eyes sparkled with the utter curiosity he had for what was hidden inside his boyfriend's mind.

Valerius groaned lightly, feeling his shirt up and off his form before he settled against the floor once more. He took in a sharp breath. The feel of Calder's lips and tongue upon his torso was beginnign to drive him nuts, even after such a small amount of attention. Already, his pants were a bit too tight for him and he just could not even pull himself to think about telling the other 'no'. He did not want to. He was embarrassed and flustered and going insane, but the other was just too tempting. He moaned with the question, bucking his hips up and against the blonde while he took in deep breaths to try and calm himself. "I'm f..fine.."​
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