Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

He smiled lightly as he watched the other, happily doing so. He adored already watching him cook. He looked so professional and everything already smelled delicious. He was soon forced from his little day dream of Calder cooking in only an apron, and his mind went back to the man doing the dishes. Where were they going to go? "Um .. I ... Had not gotten that far in my ... planning." He admitted, laughing nervously as he began to twirl the spoon through his fingers, eventually keeping the spoon spinning between his first and second fingers. "There's a concert that I think would be nice to go to ... It's local bands but they are very good." He offered, lifting his eyes to the blonde once more. "We could grab some sandwiches at the cafe and then head there ... If that's okay for you."​
Calder smiled over his shoulder at the suggestions. "Sounds great." The blond adored music-it was why he'd been so excited to know that Rune was an accomplished musician. But a concert of local bands sounded right up his alley and he was immediately excited to go. "What sort of bands?" Not that it mattered-Calder would listen to anything and find something to appreciate about it! He moved to clean up the counters now, once again standing across from Valerius.

He had to admit that the man was cute. A bit shorter than he normally dated, but that wasn't anything big and it added to the cuteness, really. And now he would know how Rune felt when he was around him. The blond had to chuckle a little at that.
Valerius thought for a while, trying to think about what genre the bands could be classified under. "Mm .. I suppose they're ... rock ... ish? No full on screaming and yelling, but not ballads either... There are a few ballads actually. Sincerely Yours has a really nice acoustic song that they do." He laughed lightly, smiling happily when the man came to look at him, apparently done with cleaning. He laced his fingers together, resting them on top of the counter in front of him and he waved his short little legs in the air. He really was short. He was nicely proportioned though. He had fairly long legs, but not enough for anyone to really notice. "Um ... If you don't ... like that kind of stuff .. We can do something ... else." He offered, realizng that not everyone liked his type of music. It helped that he knew a few of hte members of the band too. They thought he was something else, which was a good thing since it meant he could go backstage and hang out with them, and if Calder liked the band, then that would definitely be points, right?
"I like every type of music," Calder clarified with a smile. The blond finished his cleaning quickly, and pulled the cakes from the oven to cool. One was put on a plate and dusted with powdered sugar and handed to Valerius. "Enjoy." The blond gave the other man a wink as he carried the other cakes off to their respective homes. "See you at six!" he called over his shoulder.

The next day went a little slowly, but that was only because Calder was truly looking forward to the date. He was at the main doors of the school at six on the dot, wearing jeans that hugged his hips and ass and legs nicely and a baby blue polo shirt that showed off his lightly muscled arms. He had his ratty tennis shoes on, but didn't think the other man would be looking at his feet much. Calder leaned against the wall to wait.
Showing up moments after Calder was at the entrance, Valerius beamed at seeing the other. A black jacket formed perfectly to his torso, three belts across the chest of it and the jacket went down like a trench coat to the back of his knees, but the front only went to the bottom of the third belt, a bit of his toned torso shown until the purple studded belt around his hips. His pants a dark purple and formed to his hips with a few rips here and there.He tucked some stray mossy locks and then jogged up to Calder, smiling warmly. "You look great!" He chimed happily, blushing as he could not take his eyes off of the other male. He soon forced himself and was just a little shaky. "Um... Do ... Do you want to drive or want me to?"​
The blond bent to peck a kiss to the other man's cheek in greeting. "Thanks. You do too." He began to lead the way towards the parking lot. "You can drive-you know where we're going." Calder didn't like to be given directions while he was driving. It made him nervous, and usually lost. That would not make a fun first date! "So! What are your powers? Where's home? Have any siblings? Where'd ya get the horns-mom or dad?" The rapid-fire questions weren't meant to intimidate but to break the slight awkwardness that was between them.
Valerius nodded, glad to have taken his keys before he left. One never knew. He led the way to where his car was parked. He listened to the questions rapidly blurted to him, stopping to grasp them all in and he eventually let out a little laugh. Picking up his feet once more, he walked forward again and thought. "Um ... I'm an only child ... so far. Mother is actually due again soon. I got my horns from Father ..." He thought about the other questioneds posed and lifted a long, black pointed nail to his lips, chewing on the edge while he continued forward. "Er .. My powers are around time ... like I can slow time down or pause and ... stuff like that. I haven't tried to go backward or anything. It scares me too much." He thought for a little more before he shurgged. "Home is in Ireland." He added, despite the lack of obvious accent. He really tried to hide it, purely since others would get confused. He did not mind though. Besides, he had been away long enough that he did not even have to think about controlling his words and accent.​
Calder's eyes lit up. "Ireland? Oooh I love Irish accents!" He one day hoped to visit there one day, too, but after Atlantis. He loved this place too much. "I'm an only child, too. Only...I'm destined to stay one forever." The blond let out a little soft sigh to that. He'd always wanted a little brother or sister to spoil. But he supposed it wasn't meant to be.

The topic of manipulating time was a fun one, though. "Oooh that could be...interesting..." Calder grinned at the implications of slowing time down during sex, making it drag out for hours and hours. Yes, he definitely could enjoy such a thing! The drive to the cafe was quick, but Calder enjoyed himself, playing his questions game to learn more.
Valerius drove and answered the questions he had asked and he could not help but to smile. He was on a date with a man that he had had a crush on for a while now. He could not remember just when the crush started but he definitely had it for a while. Eventually, he pulled up to the cafe and hopped out, looking at the other and he smiled excitedly. "They have really good BLTs." He offered and then walked up to the counter and softly tapped his fingers upon the counter, waiting for the little girl behind the counter to come to them. He ordered the BLT for himself and then a Dr. Pepper before he waited for Calder to order, taking their sandwiches, he walked over to a table and set down, his legs crossing.​
Taking the suggestion, Calder ordered a BLT as well, with extra mayo and extra well done bacon. What could he say? For a cook, he could be a picky eater!

Sitting at the table, digging into their sandwiches, Calder was pretty quiet. He was more focused on eating than anything because he knew that food or anything else at a concert would require payment in body parts. He wasn't prepared to make such payments, or to ask his date to. Still, there were a few questions that came out during their meal: "When did you figure out you could manipulate time?" The man's powers were a huge source of intrigue for him.

The blond asked more, though, as they made their way to the concert:

"How old are you?"

"How long have you been at Atlantis?"

"How did you find Atlantis?"

"Are your parents still in Ireland?"

"Do you like it here?"
Valerius tought for a while. When was the first time that he had established his power? He chewed his sandwich for a while more and then shrugged his shoulders. "I believe I was ... fourteen and I got too nervous on a date and just when we were about to kiss, he froze ... and I freaked out." He laughed nervously, blushing at the memories. He then answered the other questions when they were in the car:
"This is my second year."

With the last three, he had to think a little more before he shrugged. "Mother knows Archer and that's how I got here. I really do like it here. It's nice to not have to hide or have anyone freak out because of my horns. And um... Yeah .. my parents are in Ireland. We came to the states for a few years before I was here, then wehn I came here, they went back because my Grandmum got sick..."​
Every bit of information was soaked in. They were the same age, that was a plus. It meant that they'd likely have a lot in common.

"Your mom knows Archer?" He wasn't sure why that surprised him. Archer must have had a life before coming to Atlantis, but in reality the blond couldn't picture Atlantis not existing as it was now: Archer and Nikkos and Rylee in charge with Devlin teaching and Tanner there and Rune's brothers there too. It was what he knew as home, and what he loved. It made him sad to think that it wouldn't always be this way, and that it hadn't always been this way.

There were a lot of people at the concert already, and the blond stuck close to Valerius. It wouldn't do to get lost!
Valerius walked with the man through the crowd. Eventually, he took a hold of his hand, despite the bright red to his cheeks. He did not want to lose his date. He headed to where the bands were already playing and there were hords of people dancing iwth the music. the horned male was sure to keep his grip on the other's hand and led the way to a fairly cleared spot. Away enough from the mosh pit, but close enough to be able to clearly see the bands. The mossy-haired male turned to look at the man beside him, smiling warmly. "You okay?" He asked, voice louder than normal so that he was heard over the music. Already, his head was going in time to the beat of the music and his foot tapped on the ground.​
He smiled a little when his hand was grabbed and he laced their fingers together effortlessly. It was sweet, especially when he caught the deep blush on Val's cheeks. "I'm great!" Calder's entire body began to move with the beat of the music. He wasn't the best dancer out there, but had no trouble keeping to the beat. And he enjoyed dancing. The blond took the other man by his hips and began to dance with him, eyes closing and taking in just the music and the vibrations of it.
Valerius was so happy when the other man seemed to enjoy the concert so far. He had been worried that the man would hate this whole thing completely and utterly. He was relieved. Calder had no idea how many scenarios ran thorugh his mind about how badly this whole date could go. Lucky for him, the blonde seemed to be enjoying himself. What was lucky, yet not so much, had been the man suddenly pulling him against his form by the hips. A soft squeak passed his lips and a bright red tinted to his cheeks as he stared up at the other. He was frozen for the moment. He did not know just what to do. He wanted to move and dance with the other, but right now, he was too wrapped up in his mind about how badly he wanted the other to touch him even more.

Pushing the thoughts aside, feeling far too dirty for even letting the idea pass his mind. He rested his hands on the man's waist, holding him while his hips moved against Calder's, keeping their forms close together and his hips with his. He adored the feel of the man so close and pressed against him. He already thought this day was fabulous, dancing with him only made everything better.​
Calder had a ball. The music was good, the atmosphere was good, and the company was good. What more could you ask for on a date? He was enjoying Val's company and getting to know him. The man was cute and talkative and fun-all definitely qualities that the blond looked for in his dates! He wondered why he hadn't noticed him before. Well, of course he'd noticed him but Calder had never really paid too much attention before he had been approached in the kitchen, and he felt bad for that now.

"So why aren't you dating anyone?" he asked casually as the band set up for their second set.
Valerius slowly stepped away from the other when the music stopped for the moment. He then folded his arms over his lower torso and he shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly. "I um ... did not have anyone ... I suppose. No one asked and no one intrigued me ... until ... you." He whispered the latter, his hands tugging at the side of his jacket and he eventually cleared his throat a little. He did not know why that was relevent. He had had a crush on Calder for a whlie, but that would not have stopped him from accepting a date. At least a date. Thinsg were meant to happen, and they were meant to happen, so if someone asked him out while he wanted another, he would not deny them.​
He found that hard to believe. There were nearly a thousand students at Atlantis, plus faculty. No one at the school had intrigued Valerius? There were definitely much more good looking guys there, and more interesting ones. He was interested to know what it was about him that drew the man's attention in his direction, not that he was really complaining. Curiosity killed the cat, or so they say, anyway.

A soft ballad came on to start the second set and the blond took the first step. Standing behind Val, Calder wrapped his arms around the other man's shoulders and pulled him close to sway to the music. "Well I'm glad, then," he nearly shouted into Val's ear. He was having a great time and it would have been a real shame to miss out on a date like this.
Valerius had had the best night of his life! Or at least, it was very close to. He danced with Calder, despite both not being the best at it, but they kept in sync with each other and their bodies were together which was all that mattered. After the bands were finished, the horned male brought Calder backstage and introduced him to the members of a few bands. Everyone just adored Valerius too. They hugged him, teased him, tortured him ... All really more like big brothers [ and the random sister in there too ]. The members they met were all glad to see the mossy-haired individual with a boy who seemed to truly like him. They talked for a while and had some tea and coffee and caught up a little bit.

Once the grounds were cleared, Valerius and Calder began to make their way back to his car, the bands having to be off for reasons of their own. The little horned boy turned to look at Calder, beaming happily. He took his hand once more, despite the lack of a crowd at the moment. "I ... had a great time!" He said excitedly, bouncing a little before he forced himself to stop. He had ... the best time.​
The experience was great. He'd been to many concerts in his life, but never backstage. The bands that they met were great, and Calder really liked them. Perhaps if they were around Atlantis more they'd have become great friends. But he didn't like to play the 'what if' game and instead enjoyed the night for what it was, sticking close to Val the entire time. He truly enjoyed himself and wasn't afraid to show his softly growing affection for the man next to him, either.

Calder gladly accepted the hand and gave it a soft squeeze as they made their way back to the car, and then to school. "I had a wonderful time. Thank you so much."

The blond lead the other up to his room, not intending to do anything other than say goodnight. "Thank you again." He smiled and leaned forward to peck a kiss to Val's lips, testing the waters for a bit...more of a goodnight kiss.
Valerius beamed. He had a good time too? that definitely made the whole night worth it. He walked with the man to his dorm, standin there a little awkwardly at first. Should he kiss him? On the lips? on the cheek? Just say thank you and go away? OH, there were so many questions that ran through the little horned boy's head as he stood in front of Calder. At least until their lips met. With the connection, the mossy haired fellow seemed to just melt. His eyes fluttered closed and he had to push himself onto his toes in order to kiss him back, but he did. He hapily kissed him back. Keeping with the embrace for a while before he pulled back, his fingers to his lips as he blushed a deep red, staring up at Calder. "U-um ... Good... Good night Calder! I ... I'll see you tomorrow!" He said and the turned, rushing off down the hall to go to his dorm.

Rune had just come aroud the corner, planning to bother Calder about wanting sweets or where he had been the whole night. He was glad to see the blonde ... until he saw the midget with him. He at first, was just going to go over and tease Calder about having a date, but then there was a horrid twinge in his abdomin. He blinked a few times and rubbed at his stomach a little, groaning. Why was he feeling ... that? He shuold not be jealous. He was only jealous over Relic and whoever dared to ram his adorable little rump! Not some little twerp that he could squash kissing Calder then running off. He grumbled and then pushed it aside as just being hungry. Walking toward the blonde once more, he put on his normal face and stood beside him, seeing the little thing tumble into a door. He flinched with a soft "oo..." before he saw the green haired male rush to the stairs. "He's a catch." He said, obviously being sarcastic.​
The blond turned to Rune, a slight blush in his cheeks. Why was he embarrassed? It was a date. And he and Rune weren't a couple, only friends. Calder focused on pushing the pink tinge away before opening his door and stepping in, leaving it open for Rune to follow.

"He's nice," he defended as he began to change. "And kind of cute." The morphe pulled off his shirt and jeans and shoes in lieu of a pair of pajama pants and an old, ratty tee that he wore only when he was getting ready to go to bed for the night. He wasn't ready quite yet, but would be soon and knew he wouldn't feel like changing later.

Calder pointed towards his desk at one of the cakes. "Triple dutch chocolate. You might want to warm it up in the microwave. It'd be delicious with some vanilla ice cream on it or something."
Rune followed the other into the room, bumping the door closed with his hip. He spotted Relic and Tanner already passed out and cuddling in the bed. Apparently, Relic had not wanted to go back to their room yet. That was not too much of a bad thing. Besides, he was pretty much attached to his boyfriend now. Shaking his head, he walked over to the bed where the two love birds laid down. He sat on the edge of the bed, crossing his right leg over his left. "Only 'kinda cute'? Really ... Shouldn't it more so be 'oh he's just dashingly handsome and I cannot take my eyes off him for a moment'?" His voice took on a higher pitch, immitating more of Scarlet O'hara than anyone else.

"That's only in 50's movies, Rune" Relic's mumbled voice piped up from the bed behind the twin, who just ignored him.

The elder of the two looked over at the cake, beaming instantly. "Ooo! It looks delicious!" He squeaked excitedly and hopped up from the mattress, just evading a slap from his brother as he went to the cake. Lifting it up and he held it in his hands happily. Turning back to Calder, he smiled a little more. "So, I take it he was only mediocre?"​
Calder laughed at both Relic and Rune. "If I spoke like that, you'd smack me. Hell, if I spoke like that I'd shoot myself." The blond shuddered a little bit as he gathered his toothbrush and whatever else he'd need to use in the bathroom. He himself had been switching between Rune's room (and bed) and his own. It was usually a last minute decision as to where he slept.

"Mediocre?" The blond laughed again as he pecked both Tanner and Relic on the head before moving out of the room, once again leaving the door open to be followed. Whether or not he was talking to himself at this point was irrelevant. "I had a wonderful night and if he were as much of a whore as I am, I'd have kicked them out of the room. Does that description make you happier?" The blond turned to poke his tongue out at the older twin.
Rune arched a brow, his cake in one hand while he followed theo ther out of the room. He stared at the back of his head and shook his own. "No! It just proves you're a whore!" He said, partially teasing, though mostly it was trying to make the date seem worse than it was. He walked over to the blonde, sighing heavily. He would just let it drop. They were friends. purely friends. Taking the other's wrist, he pulled him to him to plant a gentle peck to his lips before looking to the cake. "Thanks for hte cake. I'll eat it as my breakfast ... and don't think too much about the whore comment. I've picked a cutie up off the streets to play with." He winked and then began to make his way back to his dorm, turning to look at the other. "Oh, and try not to fantasize about me while you shower this time... while it's flattering, it's a little stalkerish." He chuckled and tstuck his tongue out before disappearing into his room before the other man could show any signs of a comeback. Yep. He would just ignore it all.
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