Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Rune listened to the other and he nodded a bit. He was right. He had not even thought of what it would do to his brother, nor Tanner. He really was a selfish bastard. He let out a snort at the thought, shaking his head and he looked to Calder once more, easily seeing how hurt he was. "I could have. I'm just a jealous asshole who refuses to let things change, though. Suppose part of me wanted them broken up. Normally, Relic comes back to me ... but Tanner apparently meant more than just a fling to him. I regret it, really I do." he chewed his bottom lip and then glanced at the few people that were walking by, growling at them to get them moving faster.

Turning back to Calder, he sighed. "I don't expect forgiveness from you ... Trust me, I don't deserve it. I just ... I want to try and help to make things better. The three of you do not deserve the hell I put you through, you don't. And yes, I found out Tanner's history easily and I should have told Relic there were reasons behind it that he could not fully grasp, but obviously I didn't. I already said I was jealous ... and selfish... and pretty much any self-centered word you can think of." He groaned lightly, closing his eyes for a moment before he looked back to Calder. "Is there anything I can do? Other than leave you alone, I figured that one out already"​
"Don't you dare tell Relic. When Tanner's ready, he will." That was first and foremost on Calder's list-it wasn't Rune's story to tell. But the blond had to think about the other question of what Rune could do. Really, there was only one thing and it wouldn't be easy to do.

"Fix it. Fix what you broke and act on your words-words don't mean anything." Despite his anger at the other man, if it meant helping Tanner and Relic, Calder was willing to work with him as best he could. He said so. "You have your work cut out for you."

Calder was at a loss now. He wanted to punch Rune, to release the pent up aggressions that he had towards the other man. But he also couldn't bring himself to hurt someone unnecessarily. If he did, didn't that just make him as bad as Rune?
Rune arched a brow. "I wouldn't tell him Tanner's Tale." He informed the other before he llistened to his bit of instruction. He arched a brow, looking over the man and he sighed heavily. Fix it? He did not think he could. Relic did not even want to look at him anymore, yet alone talk to him. He chewed his lip, trying to think about just how to go about helping the two get back together. They had to! There was no way this was totally Relic's fault. He should have said no to his brother's advances, but Rune knew how weak the man was and he played on that. It took two to tango, but it took one dominant male to overthrow the shaking standards of a submissive one.

He then looked back to Calder, his hand still at the back of his neck. "I am sorry for being a jerk to you for this whole time. You'll find someone way better than me to hang around, I know it." He took in a deep breath before he gave a warm smile to the man. "Thanks for a nice few months, though. I had not had that much fun with someone in a while. And I will. I will fix this somehow ... I just have to think on how to do so." With that and another little smile to him, the elder of the twins turned and began to make his way back toward his dorm, already thinking about just what he could do to make this better. There had to be something.​
Calder was glad that it was Rune who had to fix things. He had no idea how he would have done it if it were him. He actually had sympathy for the other man, despite the anger that was still full up inside him. The blond watched the other man walk away while he digested the words. Calder knew that it took a lot for the other to apologize-he didn't even have to know Rune that well to know that-and there wasn't any hint of malice or deception or bull shit. With a sigh, the blond jogged to catch up to the other, taking a hold of his wrist and spinning him around.

He leaned up and pressed a kiss to Rune's cheek. "I'm pissed at you. But all friends fight. Fix it. I'll help you." Calder returned to his own dorm then, allowing Tanner to re-wrap himself around him, wondering what the other blond would do if he knew what'd just happened.
The elder twin turned to look at the man that called to him He arched a brow, turning to look at him and then blinking a few times with the kiss to his cheek. He grinned after a moment and then nodded a little bit. "Thanks." He could not think of much else to say before he turned and walked into his dorm. Sighing heavily, he flopped onto his bed and stayed quiet before he ended up falling asleep, not caring about the suit he wore right now.

By the time Sunday came, Rune had squat. He had no idea what he could do to even begin to patch up what he created. All the scenarios he thought of ended up horribly. He did not want to make things worse. Relic still refused to talk to him. He asked Tomias numerous times to talk to his brother, but the man would never let him. That little prick just kept denying him and he could not do anything else. He decided that possibly brain storming with Calder would be better than anything else. Calder knew Tanner, he knew Relic, together, they could find out just what would work for their loved ones.

So, deciding to meet at the kitchen - mainly since Rune wanted something to eat - also since that way, Tanner did not have to know what was hapening and that they were meeting. He set on a counter, his arms folded over his tee shirt clad torso, a pair of black jeans to his legs, silver chain resting on his hip with a black studded belt around his hips. He silently waited for Calder to come into the kitchen s they could talk. He had thought of quite a few things, but none would work.​
Calder had visited Relic, though he refused to tell Rune that. If the man wanted to know, he could find out even though the blond was careful not to 'broadcast' such things while he was around Rune. Today was no exception-he went straight from visiting Relic and Tomias and Nikkos to the kitchen to meet with Rune.

The minute he entered the kitchen, the blond started pulling items from the cupboards and cabinets to bake...something. The main ingredients of everything were the same. Only when the brown sugar and the chocolate chips were pulled out did he know what he'd make. He started by separating everything into separate bowls to the side of Rune while the oven heated.

Rune sighed softly and reached over, taking a chocolate chip from the bowel and he ate it. Once more he went through his mind and then groaned. "No. I can't think of anything." He stated and grumbled once more. He took another bit of the chocolate chips and ate the chocolate happy. He tapped his fingers onto the counter beside him and he thought for a while before he looked over at Calder, chewing his bottom lip just slightly. "How is Tanner doing?" He wanted to check how the others were doing. He really did feel bad about the whole situation. Everything was his fault, he just did not know how to fix it. He could not think about how that would work. Everything ended horribly when he thought about it.​
Calder ignored the chocolate chips popping into Rune's mouth as he mixed the sugars and butter and eggs and vanilla together. He was disappointed that the other man hadn't figured out something to help Tanner and Relic, but he wasn't surprised. There was nothing that he could think of, either. And he'd had a lot of time to think over the past week. What did surprise him was the inquiry to Tanner's well being. The blond raised an eyebrow.

"Same, I suppose. Talking more, sleeping less. Still not eating." He sighed. He was worried about his friend, but had no way of helping him.

"We could always lock them in a room together," he joked. Really, that would end badly, too, because it would just hurt the both of them further. Sighing, the blond started adding the dry ingredients.
Rune sighed heavily. His eyes slipped closed and he pushed his hand through his hair, grumbling lightly to himself. He thought for a while and then grumbled lightly. "I think ... We may have to do nothing." He suggested, turning to look back at Calder, his heart sinking a bit to the pit of his stomach. He chewed his bottom lip and whimpered softly. He took another few chips and ate them and he turned to look at the man, a pathetic look to his eyes. "I fucked up." He groaned and then turned to look at what he was making. "Chocolate chip cookies?" He asked, having been chomping on the chipps and just now, he thought of it. He shook his head and then turned to stare at the other side of the kitchen. "I think Tomias has been force feeding Relic ... Why can't they just ... get back together? Relic screwed up because I'm an ass ... But ... Tanner was so good for him." He whimpered softly and continued to stare at the cupboards. "With every other relationship ... He ended up coming back to me. He would get over everything easily and then come back and it would be like nothing happened. With Tanner... He's still broken." He closed his eyes, regretting his actions even more now.​
Why couldn't they get back together? It was simple for Calder to realize but he said it anyway. "Tanner just...doesn't get it. Not yet. He doesn't get that Relic slept with you because it was something he just can't give. And he's hurt that Relic didn't understand that it's not something he won't give, but that he can't.

"Relic doesn't want to hurt Tanner more, so he's keeping his distance. He's respecting Tanner's wishes for him to go away."

The blond nodded that, yes, he was making chocolate chip cookies as the dough was dropped onto the cookie sheets and placed in the oven, timer set. "You did fuck up. And don't take this the wrong way but I hope you've learned your lesson."
Rune listened silently and nodded every so often. He took a chunk of cookie dough and popped it into his mouth while he watched the man once more. He did not mind that he was being blunt. Frankly, he was happy that Calder was even talking to him. His eyes closed and he hated hearing the truth when it came tohis brother and Tanner. He wanted the two happy again. He just ... He knew it would happen. They had to be back together. They belonged together. Right? This would just bring them closer together. Chewing on his bottom lip, he turned to look back at Calder, sighing softly. "I think ... no... I hope that this will just bring them closer, you know? Maybe Tanner will tell Relic why he can't hurt him, not that he chose not to. Relic just ... finds relief in pleasure. He always had, and it was bad too. To the point where razors did not work." He sighed heavily, remembering the incidents with his brother many years ago. He hated the man so depressed. At least he stopped hurting him self as horribly as he used to.

Turning back to the man, he nodded. "I definitely have... And I have come to terms with Relic dating Tanner ... It'll be better if they were together of course, but I know now ... not to be selfish all the time." He then examined the man a bit more. "Nor to take advantage of what I have..." Yep. He definitely felt bad about getting Calder so angry at him. He did not think the man would want to ever be with him in usch a way, how could he? He hurt him and his best friend ... At least Calder did not seem to hate him any more.​
"I think he feels that he shouldn't have to tell him that. Not the story, but that he'd give him the world if he could. You and Relic... You can know anything about anyone you choose. Tanner sort of expected Relic to know that he couldn't rather than wouldn't. That's why he's hurt so bad.

"And if you eat any more of that dough you're going to be sorry because there won't be any to make actual cookies with." Calder smacked Rune's hand away from the bowl, moving it out of reach.

He sighed as he considered the options. Not that there were many to consider. Rune was right-time was their friend and it was their only friend right now. Neither of them would heal any faster than they were ready to. "I'll try to talk to Tanner a little. It's difficult when he's like this."

It wasn't long until the cookies were done-two ovens and four cookie sheets. Calder packaged groups of five on plates: One for Relic (just in case), one for Tomias and Nikkos, one for himself and Tanner, and one for Rune. The rest were put into a container to be kept in his room for snacking on.

"I'm making dinner tonight," he mentioned as a way of an invitation.
Rune let out a heavy sigh, shaking his head a little as he did so. He then turned back to Calder, a simple look to his features. "Relic can't read minds, you know." He stated, his elbow on his knee and his chin soon to his palm, squeaking as he was batted away from the dough, sticking his tongue out at him while he watchd the cookies go into the oven. "I can read minds, but he can read my mind... No.. We share thoughts is what it is. We can block the other from reading certain things, but for the most part, we don't. He has his own little voo doo trick which comes in handy sometimes ... But, he does not know what happened in Tanner's past. He knows something happened, and he figured that that was why he would not do what he had, not that it stunted him from not even being able to fathom hurting Relic."

Sighing heavily, he slid from the counter and brushed down his pants, looking around and then back to Calder. He watched him take out the cookies and smiled lightly. "Yeah ... Relic still refuses to even see me ... But that's okay." He folded his arms over his lower torso, looking up at the man with the dinner invitation, noding a little. "Same time, Same bat place?" He said, meaning the kitchen that tehy were in now. He walked over to the other, taking the cookies with a small kiss to the blonde's cheek. "Thank you." He whispered into his ear and hten turned to make his way back toward his room.​
"Seven," he called out after the twin. Soft butterflies fluttered in his stomach at the kiss and the whisper. He wasn't sure why and he was frustrated over it. Calder felt that Rune still deserved to have him mad. He wanted to still be mad. But the anger was melting quickly. And he felt guilty that it was. The blond felt that he should be mad for Relic and Tanner, even though it seemed that Relic was plenty mad for himself.

Sighing, the blond made his way down to Tomias's room with the cookies. He knocked on the door lightly and waited, shifting from foot to foot here and there. Maybe talking to Relic might be a bit easier first. He wouldn't tell Tanner's story...not the whole thing, anyway. But he could tell him enough so that he'd understand a little better.
Tomias came to the door a few moments after the knock. Opening the door and he smiled down at Calder. Nudging his head in teh direction of his room, he waited for the blonde to enter before he closed the door behind him with a gentle click.

Sitting on the couch as he seemed to normally be, Relic looked as horrible as ever, yet there was somehow a bit of a sexy aura to the other. The raven haired male was curled up on the couch, his head against the side of the couch, ice blue eyes blankly staring at the other end. A pair of pajama pants loosely hung about his even narrower hips, since the lack of nutrition will do that to a person, and a tee shirt engulfed his torso. HIs hair was messed up, not really one to brush it recently, so it was askew over his head. One interesting thing that definitely was new, even since last time Calder visited, was the black ring that was on the left side of his lip, the man's teeth currently playing with it, biting on the sensitive flesh to ease himself a little when he got too engulfed in his thoughts.

Tomias sighed softly, his arms over his lower torso and he glanced back to his little brother, then looked back to Calder, smiling lightly. "He actually ate a strawberry today since I forced him to ... So that's a bit of an improvement, right?"​
Smiling Calder moved over to kneel in front of Relic, studying him as Tomias spoke. "Food is food," he answered, handing over the two plates of cookies. Leaning up, the blond pressed a kiss to his friend's cheek. He'd been to see Relic several times since everything had happened, but the man hadn't spoken to him at all. Still, Calder had talked to the other, telling him stories of classes and silly things that students did for a laugh. Today's visit was for a different purpose though.

He looked up at Relic, eyes sad yet determined. "Can we talk about Tanner today?" He wasn't sure what sort of reaction he'd have, so Calder braced himself for the worst.
Tomias spotted the cookies and gave a soft little squeal "Ee! Thank you!" He said excitedly, taking the plates and then happily bounding into the kitchen to put them into a container ... Possibly to share with Nikkos. He was still debating on that aspect right now. He would, but not willingly... and probably not without bribing his boyfriend.

Relic's eyes closed when Calder kissed his cheek, staying as such as he listened to the man beside him. He had appreciated that he came to visit him. He may not show it right now, but knowing that Calder still liked him, despite what he had done to Tanner, it made him feel just a little better. What he had not wanted to hear, was just what Calder had said. Talk about Tanner? And what? Tell him how much the man hated him now? Or about how badly broken Relic probably wound up making him. The ravenette stiffened instantly, his jaw clenched, his muscles tightened and he glared at the cushions beneath his feet. The tears eventually fell from his eyes which turned into hurt once more after his bout of self-hatred was over. He turned to look at Calder, staring at him for a short while. "Why?" He croaked, his voice scratchy from all the tears and lack of use. "So you can tell me how much he hates me? How badly I fucked up?"​
Calder shushed him. "No."

The blond sat his rear end on the floor, knees pulled to his chest and his arms wrapped around his legs. He looked at the other, and moved a hand up to brush away a tear gently. He was debating the best way to start the conversation, but knew that there was no 'good' way. Still, it had to be done.

"Why do you think Tanner wouldn't hurt you, honey?"
Relic remained where he was, turning to look at the man that wiped the tear from his cheek. His eyes slipped closed and he took in a deep breath. Why did he think that Tanner would not hurt him? Why would anyone really want to hurt the one they dated? He did not think it was something strange for the man to not want to hurt him. It was more on the normal side than anything else, he had just given into his weakness. He closed his eyes for a few moments, getting a grip on himself before he pulled in another long breath. "Because he's too kind-hearted to want to see me hurt ..." he murmured and then slowly opened his eyes, the tears continuing to pass by his eyes as he did so. "It ... It doesn't m-matter anymore ... He... How ... How could he want me back?"​
He let Relic's thoughts run. He was afraid that that was the answer he was going to get, but still had expected it. Calder sighed a little as the question was asked because he didn't have an honest answer for the man. What he did have, though, was a little better of an explanation as to Tanner's motives, even if it wasn't the full story.

"That's a part of it. But it's mostly his past. Take what you just said and multiply it by thousands-hundreds of thousands. He doesn't want to hurt you at all, but he's not capable of hurting you sexually. You see?" Calder continued without waiting for an answer. "Give him time, Relic. He assumes that because Rune could know what happened, that you could too. His expectations were too high to save himself the pain of talking about his past.

"That's not to say that your actions were right, but he's not completely innocent." The blond leaned up and pecked a friendly kiss to the twin's lips. "If I bring you some dinner, will you eat something for me?"
Relic listened silently, his eyes slipping closed after a moment or two. He figured there was more of a reason. He slowly opened his eyes again, looking at the man and he did not really know what he thought at the moment. He wanted to know what had happened to make Tanner how he was. He was curious for one thing, and he just wanted to know everything about the man he completely and utterly loved. He did not want to truly admit to how strong his feelings were, especially now. He could not even really admit to himself how deeply he felt to the blonde, but he would not dwell on that right now. What was done was done, he could not change that. Just ... hopefully he could patch things up. Though, why would he even want him back?

With the mention of food, the man once more turned his side to the other, pulling his knees to his chest. His arms wrapped tightly around his legs, keeping them to his chest and he buried his face into his lap. His teeth still played with the ring within his lip, biting the sensitive flesh, glad for the bit of pain that eased him just a little more. He would not eat. He did not want to. He just wanted to stay where he was without moving.​
Calder sighed. He had expected the response. Relic had been refusing to eat since that day, and his body showed his refusals. "You have to eat, honey. Please? Just some soup?" He'd shove an entire roast beef dinner down the twin's throat if he could, but knew that not only would that push Relic away further but it would make him sick after so many days without substantial food. He didn't want to pull the "do it for Tanner" card, but would if he was forced to. At least his roommate would eat once every few days. Calder was really getting worried about Relic.

"I'll make whatever kind you like," he tempted, hoping it might help.
Relic grumbled when the man spoke about the fact that he needed food. He knew that he needed to eat. He did not care, He turned his ice blue eyes to the other, looking him over for a moment before he turned and buried his head back into the couch cushion. He pulled his legs tighter and he tried to get the couch to consume him, but it was not working at all. He did not want to be where he was right now. He slowly turned back to the other, his eyes showing his utter concern and the fact that tears were once more on the brink of pouring. "H . . . How is Tanner?" He asked, his voice soft and one could tell he was haphazardly questioning about the man. He did not know if Calder hated him too.​
Sighing again, Calder dropped the subject of dinner...for now. Instead he watched the other man intently, and then looked away when he asked about Tanner. He couldn't lie and yet he'd feel bad if he told the truth. "The same I suppose. Talking a little more, eating here and there. Not enough to appease me, though. Same as you. Miserable." The blond morphed out his arm long enough to grab the box of kleenex across the room, and handed it to the twin once the morphe dropped.

"You need to take care of yourself, Relic. He'd feel worse if he knew how badly you were doing at that." Reaching up, the blond tugged at the lip right just slightly. "He's going to worry about this, too." Standing, Calder bent to press a kiss to the other man's forehead. "I'll be back with dinner. And if I have to feed it to you through a funnel, I will." That promised, the blond returned to his own dorm, cookies in hand, to try his hand at Tanner.
Relic listened to the other, his heart dropped to his stomach. He was still bad? He took the box, tugging out a tissue and then pressing it to his nose, chewing his lip once more. He slowly rested his hand in his lap, just as the man poked at teh ring through his lip. He sucked in his bottom lip, trying to hide it a little from the man. He stared at him and then looked down at his bare toes. Wiggling them just slightly and he rubbed at the baggy pants on his form. Maybe he should just paint his toes. That would be a little better, or something. He did not want to though. He would do that ... later. Why bother now? Tanner was how he was because of him. He was horrible. He slid down and rested his forehead against his knees, holding tighter to his legs. Listening to the door close, he crumbled even more.​
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