Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Calder had as much luck with Tanner as he had with Relic. It was frustrating how stubborn they both could be. The blond wanted to shake his roommate and tell him to snap out of it, but knew it would do no good. In the end, he slipped back out of the room with the same threat he'd made to Relic.

Once in the kitchen, he wished he had time (or the foresight) to make homemade bread. But the rolls that were stocked in the kitchen would have to do. He threw together a quick creamy tomato soup, and lined the rolls up to be toasted in the oven when it got close to done. Once that was set to a simmer, Calder focused on dinner for himself and Rune: a london broil done on the indoor grill, with grilled vegetables and baked potatoes. It was something quick and simple, but one of his own favorites.
Rune waited until seven o'clock to happily make his way to the kitchen once more. He skipped into the room and then kissed Calder's cheek gently. He then set himself onto the tall chairs near the island in the middle of the kitchen. Humming softly to himself, he took in a deep breath, sighing happily. "Oo! It smells delicious." He said, purring once more. He rested his elbows on top of the counter, his chin to the palms of his hands. "So, what has the chef made for dinner tonight?" He questioned. While he may not be happy about what happened, he definitely was that Calder was talking to him, even more so that he offered to make him dinner. He beamed and waited for the other to sit the food down.

The two were alone for close to five minutes before a dreary looking Relic scuffed into the kitchen, looking only a hint better than he had before. He actually had jeans on, his hair was brushed and he had showered, even done his toenails. A baggy tee shirt was still on his torso and he headed into the large kitchen, stopping once he saw his brother. He stared at him, seeing the elder twin freezing as well, obviously not sure what else to do. Relic stayed silent for a moment before the two exchanged silent words and eventually, Relic collapsed against his side, warpping his arms aroudn his brother's form as he sobbed about how sorry he was, how stupid he had been, how he hurt Tanner so much.

Rune blinked a few times, slowly wrapping his arms around the other's form and he hugged him tightly to his chest. His fingers traveled through his damp hair and he nuzzled against his form, whispering to try and soothe the other. "It's okay ... Everything will be fine..."​
Calder leaned up into the kiss as he busied around the kitchen a bit more to set places and get everything ready. He looked up at the shuffling, though, and was (happily!) surprised to see Relic. He watched the two together for a moment before setting a bowl out for Relic's soup. The meat and potatoes would bee too much for his stomach. The blond sliced the meat, and prepared all three dishes at the stove before moving to sit down. "Don't think that he'll be able to protect you," he half teased to Relic, pressing him to eat.

He had just raised his fork to take his first bite when Tanner entered the room, and froze, eyes wide.
Relic whimpered softly, sitting at the edge of the table between Calder and Rune, pulling the bowel toward him. He lifted his spoon, absently twirling it through the soup and he chewed his ring all the more, tears still passing his eyes silently. He was done sobbing for the moment, but he knew he could easily be set off again. He was not sure if he wanted to eat anything yet. He continued to twirl the spoon through the thick soup. It did look quite good, but he did not think he could handle food right now. He chewed the ring a little more, hearing more footsteps and he perked up. His eyes lifted, going wide when he saw just who walkd in. His whole being froze and he was fairly sure he was not breathing right now.

Rune turned to look at the new entrance of the man, staring at him with his own ice blue eyes a little wide. He cleared his throat a little bit and then looked down at his food before he turned to look back at the man who just entered. "Want to ... join us?"​
Calder's eyes passed between Relic and Tanner, not sure of what to expect from his friend.

Tanner had done a lot of thinking. While Calder had thought that he was being stubborn in the room and not listening at all, he had been soaking everything in. He got it-he got that Relic had no idea why he was the way he was, or that it wasn't a choice so much as a paralyzing fear of hurting the other. He knew that he had to explain these things; that they both had to come to some sort of compromise and understanding of what was okay and what just couldn't be done. He knew that Relic had gone to Rune for what he couldn't get from him, not out of lust or a desire to hurt him.

The blond ignored Rune-while his anger at Relic had subsided, the anger at his boyfriend's twin was still raging on and he would deal with that later. He moved behind Relic, glad that they were stools and not seats, and pulled the other man off, taking care to support his disappearing weight. His motions were smooth as the twin was spun around to face him and then pulled forward, their lips being pressed together desperately. Tears slid down Tanner's cheeks as he held on so tightly to Relic, kissing him as if his life depended on it.
Relic's breath caught in his throat. He was positive he had not breathed ever since the man entered the room. He could not. he was too worried that he would upset the other if he even let out the breath. He pulled the ring into his mouth once more, biting it firmly and his eyes were wide when he saw him coming closer. Taking in a deep breath, he suddenly felt like he would get the hiccups. He bit his lip stronger and then he felt like he would pass out anytime soon. The man's arms around him caused his breath to sharply pull into his lungs, his mind finally getting the oxygen it needed, but that did not mean that his mind worked any better than it was right now.

With him turned and their lips met, he so badly felt like he would melt. A needy little moan passed his lips and his arms wrapped tightly around the other's waist, pulling him to his form while his lips happily caressed the other's. His eyes fluttered closed and he took in deep breaths to function a little better than he had been. He slowly pulled his lips away from the other's, despite not truly wanting to, but he knew he had to eventually, and he wanted to first to be able to say what he had to: "I'm so sorry ... So ... So very sorry Tanner ... I ... I was weak and pahtetic and I hurt you more than I could ever realize and ... I just ... I ..." He stopped, his head falling against the other's chest and he gripped him tighter, not wanting to release him just yet.​
The irrational part of him said that Relic was pulling away to go away. And Tanner sighed in relief more than once when the other man simply wrapped himself around him. The blond's arms held Relic tightly, face burying into his boyfriend's neck as he whispered his own apologies for keeping such information from him, and from expecting so much from him without telling him his expectations. He was blissfully unaware of their audience as he held Relic and let the outpouring of their emotions take over him. He knew there were a lot of issues to work through, still, but that would be a cake walk now that the apologies were over with and the lines of communication were open once more.

Calder, silently watching the 'show', moved to get another bowl and fill it with soup. Whether the couple sat with him and Rune or moved to the dorm, the blond was determined to get food in both of their stomachs.
Rune looked at the two, staring and he eventually slid from the chair. Silently, he took up his plate, stole a roll from Relic and then began to slowly walk out of the kitchen. He did not want to stick around when Tanner realized he was there. He did not want to upset him purely because he was there. He was the one who started the whole thing.

Sadly for Rune, after Relic was done cuddling with his ... boyfriend? He noticed his brother trying to sneak out. He released Tanner's torso, but kept his hand as he walked to Rune, gripping his hand and he pulled him back toward them and he looked over at Tanner. "Can ... Can you forgive Rune too? I love you both so much and ... It ... it takes two to tango ... So .. it's not all his fault ..." He whispered and lowly let go of his brother's hand to once more wrap his arms around Tanner again. He nuzzled into his neck, gripping him and he did not want to leave him, just in case this was all a dream.​
Tanner growled deep in his chest. He'd known somewhere that the request was coming. But he held onto Relic, not yet ready to let go. "Time," he whispered. "Just...need time." He wanted to explain why he felt it was more Rune's fault that Relic's, but couldn't find the words right then. Perhaps when they were talking later it would come out. The blond did pull away just enough to look at the other man, his hands coming up to cup the sides of Relic's neck and he spoke loudly enough for Rune to hear, though his voice was still low. "I will never ask you to choose between me and him." He would eventually get over the anger, but right now, the wounds were still much too fresh to do so.

The blond moved away from Relic only to get two trays. Both bowls were set onto one with the bread and spoons and napkins, which was set on top of the empty one. He knew they had to eat, but did not want to be where anyone could walk in and gawk at them.
Relic looked at the man, listening silently and he soon relaxed even more. He would not make him choose. He would not make him choose! The man did not know how happy that simple fact made him. He foced himself to let Tanner leave his side, watching the food get placed onto trays and he chewed his bottom lip a little more, pulling the ring into his mouth once more. He then took one of the trays and pecked a kiss to Rune's cheek before turning to Calder and telling him a simple, "Thank you" and his eyes showed that he meant for more than the food. Leading teh way through the halls, the man was sure to avoid anyone that was heading toward them until they were in the other's dorm. He stepped inside and softly set at teh very edge of the man's bed, the tray on his lap and his hands tightly wrapped aroudn the edges of the tray.

Rune stood where he was and watched the two leave. He slowly walked back to the coutner, sighing heavily. His eyes closed and he took a big bite of the food. He looked over at the blonde and smiled a bit more. "Um ... Phew." Was all he could think of to say, eyes closed and he droped his head just a bit.​
He could see the relief in Relic's face and wondered how long he'd been worried about it. The blond filed that question away for later, silent as they made their way towards the dorms. Tanner was glad that Relic chose his and Calder's-he didn't know if he could face the twins' room just yet. He kicked off his shoes, and when he saw how on edge the other was, took the tray and set it to the side. Tanner dropped to his knees so that they were eye-level once again and kissed Relic's lips, tongue passing over the ring in exploration, and question, as he held on tightly to the other man.

Calder breathed out a sigh of relief. Not only did they seem okay, but they were both eating. That made the blond not worry quite so much. And Rune's comment drew him back to the present. Calder sat down in his original seat and picked at his food as he thought. "You're really lucky they're okay." The twin didn't want to know what Tanner would have done to him if this couldn't have been fixed. "After dinner we should go let your brother and Nikkos know what's going on-they'll be worried about Relic."
Relic blinked a few times when the tray was taken from his lap. He looked back to the man, leaning forward when their lips connected. His hands rested on his shoulders and he kissed him back. His lips gladly caressed along his and he felt so much better just by being with him. His hands slid to the back of his neck and his tongue traced over his and he kissed him gladly. After a while, he slowly pulled back with a few soft pants. His eyes stayed closed, chewing the side of his lip once more. Definitely a nervous habit, made worse by the ring that was there. His eyes slowly opened and looked into Tanner's, pleading almost as they locked gazes. "Tanner ... I am sorry that it took such a horrid thing to make me fully realize ... but I ... I love you ... more than anyone before... and ... I just ... I don't want to lose you ever again." He kissed his lips softly and then set back a little, keeping an inch or so from their faces.

Rune nodded. "I know. I'm just ... happy for Relic." He said and then froze once he realized just what he said. He was happy? He blinked a few times, staring at the ma and he let out a little laugh of shock. "Wow ... I .. never thought I'd say that!" He admitted before clearing his throat. "Yea ... We'll tell them afterward."​
Tanner beamed. He had wanted to hear those words; been longing to hear them. The blond leaned forward and kissed his boyfriend once again, sucking the lip ring a little bit. The kiss was quick but passionate, and as it ended, Tanner stayed close and nuzzled along Relic's cheek, his eyes closed. "Love you" was whispered against the twin's lips before they were kissed again, teeth tugging at the ring this time. "What'd you do to yourself?"

The confession surprised Calder a little, too, but it made him happy to hear it. "So does this mean you're not going to be an asshole anymore?" He was joking...sort of. It would be nice to know that there was no threat of Rune snapping at him (or anyone else) for the smallest things, but Calder didn't expect it. He started cleaning up from dinner.
Relic's eyes stayed closed, feeling the man playing with his new lip ring. He remained where he was for a while before he slowly pulled back, finally opening his eyes. His tongue trailed along the object in his lip before he looked over at Tanner, blushing a faint little pink. "It ... made me feel better." He murmured, his fingers now absently toying with the ring within his naval, tracing its outline through his shirt. "Besides ... I wanted a new piercing...' He added, partially making an excuse. He had wanted one, but one in his ear would have done. The lipring he got because it would hurt more than anything in his ear. He was one of those people that felt he needed the pain in order to feel again, and it did work. He just overused it and bit the sensitive flesh whenever he felt too sad.

Rune arched a brow and narrowed his eyes at the other. "No. It means I'll be more of an asshole now." He said dully before shaking his head and batting a hand absently in the air. "When it comes to Relic and Tanner and you, I will be sure to think more before I do something ... I don't want to hurt any of you guys again." He watched him clean up and took his emptied plate, walking to the sink and placing it in the soapy water before he wrapped his arms around Calder's torso, his eyes closed as he rested his head against his, kissing the side of his neck softly before he nipped the lobe of his ear. "Especially you ... I was worried that ... you would hate me forever.' He whispered and hugged him tighter.​
Using his thumb, the blond tugged the flesh from between Relic's teeth and used the pad to soothe over it. "Let it heal." The last thing either of them needed was for an infection to start, even if Relic could heal anything that ailed him. It still worried Tanner. He studied his boyfriend for a few minutes before slipping way to sit with his back against the bed, a tray of food in his lap. "Lets eat, hmm?" he asked, lifting his head back to look straight up at Relic.

Despite not wanting to, Calder gave in and leaned back against Rune. He couldn't deny that he had missed the physical contact between the two of them. "I should," he whispered, heart beating just a little faster. "Part of me wants to." The blond knew that there was no guarantee of their friendship surviving another incident like this. He wanted it to survive this one. He soaked in the moment for a while longer before softly stepping from the embrace to clean up-they had to go see Tomias, still.

Clean up was a breeze and it was only ten minutes later that the blond was leading the way from the kitchen to Tomias's room.
Relic pulled his teeth off of the lip and the ring there. He then let his lips relax, just enjoying the other's touch and he turned to look at him with the tray of food on his lap. He looked over the soup a little and he stared at him for a while before he sighed heavily. He should probably eat. Scooting back a bit, he rested his back against the wall and then looked over at the soup for a few moments. Eventually, he reached over and took a bowel, holding that in one hand and having it rest against his chest and then he took the spoon. Twirling hte cooled soup around, he eventually took a spoonful and then he relaxed a little more. He still was not really hungry ... but that was more than likely because he was overly hungry. Or something. After a few more spoonfuls of the soup, he was done. Taking the bowel, he leant over and rested the thing onto the ground before he looked back to the man beside him. Curling up into a bal, he leant against the side of Tanner and kept his eyes closed, just reeling in the comfort the other brought him.

Rune had leant forward, planning to tease the other a little more but then the man evaded his grasp and he was left to just watch the man clean up, helping here and there of course. He sighed heavily and then straightened up a little more. Nodding to the blonde, he walked with him through the halls. Heading down to Tomias' room and the man did not even bother with knocking. Why would he care? He just wanted to get the whole announcement of glee out of the way and leave. Opening up the door, he stepped through and then arched a brow at seeing his brother straddling Nikkos and kissing along the administrator's neck and all around feeling him up. "Ahem ..."

Tomias pulled his lips from Nikkos' neck, his hands sliding out from benath his shirt to rest on top of the other's thighs. He slowly turned to look at Rune, arching a brow at the two that were there. "What?"​
Tanner didn't eat much, either, but was happy to wrap himself around Relic and cuddle. He'd missed being able to hold his boyfriend like this, almost above being able to kiss him. But as much as he wanted to bask in the moment, the blond knew that there were other things that needed to be talked about before he pushed them away again. "I want you to be happy," he started, pressing his lips to the top of Relic's head. "But there are somethings that I can't do..." The blond went through his story, stopping several times to gain composure and halt flashbacks.

It was a long time later that Tanner was finishing up. "Pain...I can do pain. I can hurt someone without thinking twice if they threaten me. I can do sex-hot and passionate and heavy. I just...can't put them together."

Nikkos was too engrossed in Tomias's movements and weight and lips to notice anything amiss. His hands were at his boyfriend's ass, holding him close to him, thrusting up into the man's hips lightly. He only stopped when Tomias did, and the administrator dropped his head to the other man's shoulder, groaning. He was frustrated because he wanted to take things further, but also grateful for the interruption because he wasn't sure if he was ready to take that step yet.

Calder raised an eyebrow to the scene they walked in on. It was good to see that Nikkos was coming out of his shell, he supposed? The blond let Rune explain why they were there and then backed out of the room, not wanting to witness anything like that again. Sure, both men were attractive enough, but Calder was in no way attracted to either.
Relic listened intently to the man's story, looking up at him and trying to soothe him when the tale got too much for him. Being there constantly when the other needed him and then he wound up just holding onto his hand as he finished up everything. He chewed his lip once more before he took in a deep breath, his eyes closing as he did so. He leant toward his boyfriend, quite glad to call him that still, and planted a soft kiss to his lips. He remained an inch from the other while he tried to form the words that wished to come out properly, without a risk of upsetting the other. He did not think he would but he was not sure. "I get it." He began, slowly sitting back and looking up at the blonde with a sorrowful look to his eyes. "I do. I will not ask you to do anything you cannot do ... I know... I know this now ... I just. . . I was weak." He sighed and then flopped forward, onto the man's lap, his head on his thigh and his eyes slipped closed once more. "For you ... I would give up my whole being for ... and if keeping you means I have to become accustomed to only having the passion without the pain, then it looks like I will have to adjust ... Or get more piercings." He added the last part with a little half-smirk.

Tomias stared at the two before shooing them away from his room. He then turned back to Nikkos, looking him over and he smiled lightly. Leaning forward, he planted a gentle kiss to his lips before he slid from his lap. He was partially greatful for the interruption. He knew that Nikkos wanted to take things slow, and now that the two had burst in, he could remember that once again. He adjusted himself a bit, trying to not have it too known how badly aroused the other had gotten him. He turend and walked toward the kitchen area and put a kettle on the stove, planning to have some tea. "So ... How do you like my newly cleaned place?" He asked, finally feeling the need for attention since things seemed to have settled down once more.

Rune exited the room with a little shudder. His hand lifted, resting at the back of his neck and he began to walk forward, not too sure just where he would walk, but he figured Calder could lead them, or leave him, he was not sure which would happen. Turning to the blonde, he looked him over for a while before he returned his gaze to the area in front of him. "Where to?" He asked, not really liking hte silence at the moment.​
"Just...nothing below the waist without consulting me?" It was a request but Tanner hoped that Relic would agree.

A few weeks past and things were fairly back to normal. Relic and Tanner were pretty much inseperable. Therefore, Calder and Rune were spending a lot of time together, and even sharing a bed once more (though no sex had occurred since before the fight). It was nice to feel in harmony again with your friends (and, in Tanner's case, your boyfriend). The blond had had another conversation with Relic about beginning to explore the lighter sides of Tanner's inner sadist, though he made no promises of where it may lead, and had agonized over whether or not he'd be able to do it to Calder.

Now here it was, Friday again. Calder for once was on his own, sitting in the kitchen to work on a new recipe. He wasn't sure how it was going to turn out, but that was the fun of experimenting. The triple dutch chocolate cake would be one of his finest creations once he was done.
Relic was giddy the last few weeks. He promised that there would never, ever, ever be anything below the waist since the very idea skeeved him out, and well, the ring in his lip healed beautifull and he changed it up with rings that matched his outfits and he was truly happy once more. He refused to leave Tanner's side unless forced to and well, the beads the man bought were used and were very well enjoyed by the little masochist. He did not mind that Tanner still did not like to hurt him. He understood now and told him that he did not need it, though he would admit that when the blonde raked his nails along his flesh or attempted to be a bit more sadistic that he enjoyed their sex even more, but he would not tell him that. He was just happy again and no long malnourished, so he was giddy.

Standing near the doorway of the kitchen, a horned male stood, watching the morph go about cooking and the green-haired male's heart instantly fluttered whenever he would see him gracefully add the ingredients, or when he would test the batter and the litle male definitely was head over heels for the other, not that Calder had any idea, but that was soon to chance. Valerius took in a deep breath of courage, his slender fingers pulling at his mossy locks before he headed into the kitchen with a soft, "Um ... Calder..." passing his lips. He walked toward the other and he fidgetted with the end of the jacket he wore. Golden eyes staring over at the blonde and finding him completely attractive, breathtaking up close really. He felt like he would just turn to a puddle of goo soon enough, but he held strong "H...Hi ... Um ... I don't think you know who I am ... I mean... We .. We have had a few classes together but I don't really make myself known and I'm so small and quiet and I know that you could probably have any guy you dream of and that you seemed to have something with Rune, and I won't be offended or anything if you completely deny me ... So ... So don't feel bad if you don't accept but I just ... you're always so good looking and dapper and I .. I want to just see if I have a chance and so ..." He slowly lifted his golden eyes to the taller male, blushing even more. "Um ... Will... Will you ... go out with me? Tonight... Or or tomorrow! Um... Or whenever you're ... free..."​
Calder spun around when he heard someone enter and he smiled a little. He'd noticed the man around the school but never had a cause to speak to him. The blond blushed as the words were spoken, listening to him fumble through his invitation for a date. He had to think for only a minute-he and Rune weren't dating. Rune hadn't asked him, nor had he asked Rune. There was no expectation of monogamy-wasn't that what the twin consoled himself with when he slept with Relic? What's good for the goose is good for the gander, then!

Laughing a little he nodded. "Sure. Tomorrow sounds lovely." He told Valerius that he'd meet him at the front doors at six the next night before returning his attention to his creation. The man was more than welcome to sit and watch, and Calder said so, but he didn't mind either way. Creating a recipe was a labor intensive process and he didn't know if he would be able to double task enough to interact.
Valerius truly had figured the man would deny him. He had visions of the blonde laughing at him and telling him to just go away. To his utter shock and relief, he had not. The horned man gasped, his eyes wide and he grinned excitedly. Tomorrow at six?! That sounded lovely., He beamed and listened ot the other before he nodded with the invitation to sit and watch. How could he deny the opportunity to keep Calder in his sights? Heading over to the counter, he set upon a stool, wiggling his rump just a bit and then he turned his golden eyes to the man once more. Curiosity piqued within his golden pools as he watched him a bit more. "Um ... What are you making?" He questioned, his heart going a mile a minute. HE was so excited now. He would definitely have to look for more clothes and think about where they could go ... or something. Oh, he did not know anymore! He had not planned past this point. He really was a bit pessimistic at times.​
Glad for the company, Calder moved through the kitchen and cabinets with ease. A pinch of this, a dash of that, taste and repeat. Never would he bake something without loving the batter first. The blond didn't look up to the question right away, but eventually he did with a smile. "Triple dutch chocolate cake. I think just lightly dusted with powdered sugar." Icing or glaze would be...too much, he thought. He took a teaspoon from the drawer and dipped it in the batter, offering it to Valerius. "What do you think? Not enough vanilla...or... something." He was off to the cupboard once more to search for what his cake was missing.
THe mossy-haired male perked up. Triple dutch chocolate cake? "That sounds yummy!" He said and then let out a little laugh before he took the spoon. Blinking a few times, he took it and then ate the batter, practically melting into the flavor. He grinned happily and hten looked over to the male still searching through the cabinets, arching a brow. "I think it's perfect.' He stated, not too sure if his taste buds were off or anything, but he liked how it tasted.​
Calder chuckled his thanks but moved over to add another splash of vanilla just to be on the safe side. He added it to the ingredients list, too, before mixing and tasting again. "Mmm. Much better!" With that declared the blond poured the batter into the pans and set them in the oven, timing them for at least thirty minutes. That would be plenty of time to clean up! "So where are we going tomorrow?" he asked, looking over his shoulder as he washed the bowl and beaters. He was curious about the man. Perhaps where they were going would tell him a little about what he liked.
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