Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Calder nearly wanted to smack Rune for the comment of picking someone up off the streets. There was a difference between liking sex and taking money for it-it was called having morals. The blond growled instead and turned to go brush his teeth. "Sleep alone tonight, ass" was all that he grumbled towards the twin as he continued towards the bathroom. The blond refused to let his good mood be ruined and he hummed to himself as he used the bathroom and brushed his teeth.

He moved back towards his own room, not stopping in front of Rune's room like he usually did when debating on where to sleep.
The next morning, Tomias happily nuzzled into the neck of his boyfriend. Holding him tight and close to his form. He loved that they pretty much lived together, almost. Not completley. They switched off and on from one room to the other - now that RElic cleaned his - and he quite liked it. Change of atmosphere. A change of who was the host. It was fun. He definitely enjoyed being his boyfriend far more than the other would ever know. Sure, some physical contact past the point of groping would be nice, hell, even a blow would suffice, but Tomias would not risk his relationship at all to do anything of that sort. He knew Nikkos was not a dominant type, so he was not waiting for him to start just more so ... show interest in taking 'the next step'. Damn. Taking one's time sure was a bitch ... and fairly blue too.

Emerald eyes slowly fluttered open, staring down at the brunette in his arms and he smiled happily. Leaning down, he pecked a soft kiss to the man's lips before sliding his arms out from his boyfriend. He slid out from under the covers, hoping to not bother the other man's sleep as he snuck off toward the showers. He needed to get up and ready for the day, despite it being Saturday. Maybe he would do something nice for his little Nikkos.​
Having an excuse for Tomias to dote on him was nice. He'd have eventually gotten around to cleaning his boyfriend's room, but Relic had gotten there first and Nikkos was secretly glad that he didn't have to do it. The thought of what might have been hiding or crawling or growing-or all three!-skieved the administrator beyond belief.

He wanted to hold onto Tomias; to tell him to not leave the bed yet but had only just mustered the strength to do so as the bathroom door closed behind Tomias. The brunette groaned as he spent the rest of the time that the other man was in the shower to gain enough strength to get himself out of bed and make a pot of coffee. He poured two mugs and brought one to the bathroom, knocking once before entering. They'd yet to do anything but kiss, but Nikkos was fairly comfortable with Tomias being nude in front of him. Then again, with a lovely body like that, who wouldn't be?

Nikkos pecked a kiss to his boyfriend's cheek. "Morning."
Tomias showered happily and the water made him so much more able to function for the day. That and the relief his hand gave him. God that man was so tempting! He never knew just what he did to hte poor brunette, but he would not tell him. Not until it was necessary or in a sexual, dirty talking manner. He exited the warmth of the water with a towel around his waist and just began to brush his hair when the door opened. He turned to hte little ray of sunshine nd smiled. Taking the mug, he leant over to kiss his lover's cheek softly, straightening up once more, resting the mug against his toned torso. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to wake you." He stated, truly taking on a look of empathy for the other.​
"Mmhmm. Sure you are." Nikkos was teasing, of course-he knew that Tomias wouldn't wake him on purpose unless they had class or had plans to go somewhere early in the morning. Still, the brunette had gotten so used to sleeping with another person in the bed (and wrapped around him) that it became difficult to not wake up when his boyfriend slipped from the bed. He stepped up to Tomias and nuzzled into his neck, breathing in the scent of him and soap deeply. Nikkos's arms wrapped around the other man's waist as he stood there, eyes closed and just taking the scents in. He loved it.

"Can we just lounge around today?" It always seemed as if they were rushing off to do one thing or another (work, going out, stopping Relic and Rune from killing each other...). It would be nice to spend an entire day just with each other.
Tomias chuckled softly, lifting his mug just in time for the other to wrap his arms aorund him. He smiled lightly, nuzzling his nose into the brown locks of the other, purring softly. "Mm ... Definitely. Everyone seems to be happy up there ... So I vote that we lock ourselves inside." He suggested, chuckling lightly as he kissed him once more and then straightened to sip at the coffee, sighing contently a moment later. His eyes slipped closed, an arm wrapped around his shoulders and he held his boyfriend to his form. Enjoying the warmth of the other after his shower defintely was nice. "Do you want to just lounge about ... Or play chess or ... movies or something?" He murmured, not really caring about what they did right now. Hell, tehy could go back to bed for all he cared. HE just ... needed to get up,​
Nikkos pouted a little. "But I'm not good at chess..." The brunette nipped at his boyfriend's neck before stepping away enough to look up at him. "I don't care." It was honest enough. All Nikkos cared about was not being interrupted. What they did didn't matter at all to him. Leaning up, the administrator kissed Tomias, letting his lips linger on his boyfriends for several full seconds before stepping away completely. "How about breakfast first? Then we can decide." As much as Nikkos would have liked to go back to bed, once he was up and had coffee, there was no going back. Besides, they could strip the comforter off the bed and cuddle on the sofa just as well.
Tomias chuckled softly. Nikkos was too adorable when he whined. He smiled warmly and then happily kissed the other back when their lips were locked. His eyes closed and he remained closer to the other and pouted when he went to leave. Taking a hold of the other's wrist, he pulled him back to his form and connected their lips once more for another passionate embrace. He pulled away after a few moments before he straightened again. Playfully slapping the other's rump, he took off the towel around his hips, tossing it onto the other's head and then he turned to get dressed. The coffee mug was placed to the counter and he began to pull on his boxers and the jeans for today with a dark red tee shirt on his torso. He adjusted the garments, brushed his hair, and took teh cup then headed out of the bathroom.

"What do you want for breakfast?" He asked as he made his way toward the kitchen of his room, trying to think about what he had to make them.​
Nikkos hopped up onto the counter, legs dangling over the edge, and watched Tomias. He liked watching the other man, even when he was only sleeping while he worked with his feet propped up on his desk. He supposed that he'd always thought of him as attractive, but only recently did Nikkos begin to notice just how beautiful he found the other. He found it hard to tear his eyes away from the other's form.

The question sunk in a little late. What did he want for breakfast? "Eggs-sunny side up. Bacon-done extra crisp. Toast-whole wheat only with gobs of butter. Pancakes-dripped in syrup and butter. French toast-same as the pancakes. A T-bone steak-medium rare. Hash browns-with onions and green peppers, salt and paprika and peppers..." Nikkos grinned, finding himself very amusing.
Tomias listened to the other, glancing over to him and he nodded. "Got it. One order of sunny side up eggs, bacon, and whatever-bread-I-have toast coming up." he stated, cracking two eggs expertly into a pan before he took another one and plopped the bacon into that. Then he put some pieces of bread into the toaster and went back to check on his eggs, being sure they were not burning or cooking too fast. He poked at the eggs a little before flipping them over. After a moment, he headed to the toaster, buttering the toast and cutting it to place on the side of the plate. Eggs and bacon were added with a fork and then handed to the man on the counter. "Eggs breakfast for the sir." He said, grinning to himself in his little amusement.​
Nikkos laughed and leaned forward, kissing Tomias. "You're wonderful." He nuzzled along his boyfriend's cheek for a minute before sitting back and taking the plate, holding it between them to share. It didn't take long for them to devour the food, and Nikkos happily hopped off of the counter to wash up the pans and dishes. After all, Tomias had cooked for him. That was done in no time as well, and Nikkos turned to wrap his arms around the other man once more. "You should teach me how to play chess." Then maybe he'd stand a chance against Tomias in the future! It wasn't likely, though.
Tomias watched the other do the dishes, smiling lightly and then drying the dishes off before he placed them back into the cupboards. Turning around, he smiled with the man hugging him around the waist. Looking down at him, he listened and then nodded a few times. "All right." He stated, wrapping an arm around his shoulders and he led the way to the table that held a lovely glass chess set on it. Apparently he had one ... He had no idea about it, but Relic seemed to find it in the cleaning of his room. Sitting Nikkos down, he moved across from him and went into explaining the game and the pieces, making sure that the administrator got what he was supposed to do before beginning to play a game with him. The first one not counting since he said it was a practice one.​
The day was wonderful. They played chess (okay, Tomias played chess. Nikkos attempted.). Watched a couple of movies. Napped on the sofa. Played a few board games. It was exactly what Nikkos had wanted. But it was nearing seven now and they hadn't eaten since breakfast. His stomach grumbled a bit loudly as he scooted closer to Tomias, his head using the other man's chest as a very comfortable pillow. "I'm getting hungry again." The brunette pouted at the prospect of having to move away from his boyfriend again in order to cook something for dinner and it caused him to drape his arm full across Tomias's middle. "I liked today."
The day really had been quite lovely. He was happy right now. Walking over to the kitchen, he began to make some steak for them for dinner. He put them into the sizzling pan. Poking at it a little, he rested his free hand on the arm that was wrapped aroudn him. Looking down at his lover, he smiled all the more. "The day's not over yet, you know." He teased, leaning down to kiss his lips softly, resting their foreheads together and looking into the other's eyes. "But, today was nice." He stated and then returned to the steaks. Flipping them over, he turned and took some potatoes, shoving them under the broiler and then he waited for the meal to be done.

When the steaks were cooked to each other's liking, he placed them onto a plate with a baked potato and then moved to put the plates on the table. A glass of wine for each and he then kissed Nikkos once more before sitting down.​
Nikkos sat, a little sad that this time he truly had to let go of his hold on Tomias but swimming in the kiss he was given. It was so apparent to him that he was getting better with each passing day, and that he was now at the point where he was completely comfortable when he was in Tomias's company. Nikkos trusted the other completely and it was nice to feel that way again. He could even tell himself that he was very quickly beginning to fall in love with Tomias now, and his heart bubbled up with joy when those thoughts pushed through to the surface.

But his stomach got the best of him for the time being and he dug into dinner, groaning at just how good everything had turned out. It didn't take very long for his plate to be cleared. The brunette sat back in the chair, groaning that he was stuffed with his hands resting on his full belly. "That was delicious."
Tomias ate his dinner happily. Standing up afterward to take the plates, and a kiss from Nikkos, then he moved and placed them into the sink for now. He could wash them up later. He headed to the refrigerator, taking out a plate with six chocolate covered strawberries on it and he turned back ot the man, pouting slightly. "Aw! Room for one strawberry at least?" He asked, taking the other's hand and he pulled him up from the seat. He then pulled him into the living room where a nice fire was blazing in the fireplace. He sat down a few feet from the fire, plate beside him so that he could completely pull the man onto his lap. His arms wrapped around iNikkos' form and he leant toward his boyfriend, kissing his lips softly before he pulled back with a smile to his lips.​
Smiling, Nikkos moved with Tomias, happily plopping himself down into his boyfriend's lap. The brunette's arms moved around the other man's neck as he leaned in, alternating between kissing and nipping at his bottom lip. He was being playful, wanting more physical contact now that his belly was full and he was content. Eventually, Nikkos's playful kisses turned into full, more sensual ones as he pressed the length of his body to Tomias. "I think you taste better than the strawberries," he muttered in between the kisses, only half teasing. Strawberries were one of his very favorite foods, but Nikkos fully enjoyed kissing Tomias almost a little too much, if there could be such a thing.
Tomias took in a deep breath with the man on top of him. His eyes fluttered closed and his hands slid up along the brunette's sides, just wanting to get the most amount of contact possible. At the comment made, he let out a short little snort, with a simple "You know it" as his response. With that, he held onto the other, moving and lying Nikkos onto the ground below him and he followed with him. Kissing him passionately and heatedly, his hands trailed down the other's form, only this time, when they slid back up, his hands moved beneath the shirt and brought the item up with him. HIs head lifted from his boyfriend's, pullling off the shirt he wore and then he replaced his lips to his once more. If Nikkos wanted to stop this, he could, Nikkos knew that he could, but until shown otherwise, Tomias wes raring to go, and going for the gold.​
Nikkos moved with Tomias flawlessly. His eyes were wide with a little fear and a bit of excitement as his shirt was removed and he was kissed again. The administrator's heart was beating a little wildly, not sure if he was truly ready to take this step, but not willing to stop it, either. Before that thought had finished running through his head, Nikkos's hands were already removing Tomias's own shirt, and then returning to the warm flesh that was under it to explore. It was only a few minutes later that they'd moved down to the other man's ass, massaging and squeezing it as he pulled their bodies closer together.
Tomias purred softly and he looked down at the man, smiling to himself at the man giving in to his urges. He leant back down and kissed his lips softly before he whispered a soft, "tell me 'no' and I'll stop" before he continued to kiss down the other's torso. His eyes closed and he continued to caress the delicate flesh of the other's chest. He definitely was going to make this the best time that Nikkos has ever had. And why? So that he will want to make up for the months that Tomias kept it in his pants. Oh god he just wanted to rip the other's clothes off and ravage him like no tomorrow, but that was not an option. He did not work this hard to have him more or less rape his boyfriend.

What he had never wanted to happen ever ... had. The door burst open and a pathetic-looking Rune entered. "Mias! Calder's on a date ... AGAIN!" He said, groaning and cursing as he stared down at the two on the ground. His arms folded over his lower torso and he tapped his foot on the ground a little impatiently, well, more annoyed than anything else. "And Relic and Tanner are fucking or cuddling or something that will either way lead to their deaths if I go into the room ... And ... WHY IS CALDER ON A FUCKING DATE?!" He grumbled a few times, though his annoyance was nothing compared to that of his brother's.

Staring at the male from his position on the ground, he hissed under his breath. Pushing up from his boyfriend's form, he turned and walked over to Rune, gripping aroudn the back of his neck, he led the man to the door where he smashed his head against hte frame out of his anger. "I don't care. Man up and tell Calder your feelings, or suffer and move on like the rest of the world. Personally, I was trying to get somewhere with my boyfriend, but, thank you for fucking up the mood... AGAIN!" He rammed te other's head into the wall before shoving him , bleeding, into the hall. "FUCK OFF" was shouted before the door closed and locked anda finger was flipped. He grumbled and cursed before taking in a deep breath to calm himself. Turning back to Nikkos, he walked over and held out a hand to help him up. "The cosmos hate me."​
"Don't stop" was whispered in response as he responded to each little touch. He felt so good, so alive, when Tomias was touching him and Nikkos didn't ever want it to stop again. Of course, things couldn't be easy for him and even taking that next step with Tomias after he'd been so very patient with him couldn't be that easy. Nikkos grumbled his disappointment when the door burst open and, just like in the movies, he heard the needle scratch off of the record that was the mood.

He had no sympathy for Rune as his head was put against the wall forcefully. He had the ability to know what was happening and chose to either not use said ability or ignore what he knew. "Selfish prick" was grumbled as the administrator allowed Tomias to pull him up from the floor. He wrapped himself back around his boyfriend in a hug, face burying into his neck. "But I don't hate you?" He pecked several kisses to Tomias's lips before leading him towards the bathroom. "Come on then. I'll run a cool shower for you."
Tomias sighed softly, looking down at the other and he smiled warmly. "Read my mind." He murmured, leaning down and kissing the top of his head. Sure, the mood was ruined, but he was still happy to just be with Nikkos. He walked into the bathroom, starting up hte shower and everything of that sort. Once it was cool enoguh, yet not to the point his nads would shrink, he pulled Nikkos from his body then actually the clothes he wore, draping his pants that were left over Nikkos' head before hopping into the shower with a sigh. He pulled the curtain closed, resting against the tiled surface behind him and silently fuming to himself. He really wanted to stab Rune right now. He did not care that Calder was on some date. He did not care that Rune was upset. Maybe tomorrow. Tomorrow he would have been sympathetic to the fellow. Tonight? He hoped he got shot - it wouldn't kill him so it's not THAT bad ofa scenario. He was so close! SO, so very close! Nikkos wanted it and just a few more articles of clothing and some lube and BAM! he would have been the happiest man alive. But ... no.​
Once again Sergei was sitting outside by himself. He didn't mind being by himself as he simply accepted the fact that he didn't fit in with most of the boys at Atlantis. Most were outgoing, and fun, and American (or from American speaking countries) who didn't have such a heavy history. He was from Russia and kept to himself and his history weighed down on his shoulders every day. How could he explain that to someone? No, no it was better to just be by himself and avoid any pain or pity that he might bring to someone else. Besides, no friends left ample time to study for his classes, which ensured that he was at the top of them every time. He liked that because that meant that Archer noticed him and praised him, and that would also please his mother.

Thinking of his mother, the Russian man took out a sheet of paper and began to pen a letter to her in his native tongue-she'd never learned English when they came to the US.
Gabriel was glad all the drama was over with the twins and their chaos. Sure, others had had situations like theirs, yet none ever had the intention to kill another person. He was worried for their sakes. They could get expelled or kill themselves! He did not know them THAT well. He had met htem a few times and tehy are so, so very unforgettable, and he easily remembered them whenever they had met. They were nice and all and he wished for them to be safe. Them killing each other, would not work well for anyone. Another thing on his mind had been Sergei. The poor thing. He was always alone, and when he was not, he would be at his room to get some more lessons. He never minded it. He would be a hypocrite if he told him to ease up on the ... education, but he felt that the other shuold feel more about making friends. Yes, friends were not the only thing that mattered, but they definitely helped - especially in a place like this.

As he made his way out of the building, he spotted Sergei, once more, sitting alone. He looked at him and sighed heavily. He pulled his long, silver braided locks over his shoulder and he moved to where the little Russian was, concern to his features. He sat down beside him, placing the backpack with his assignments in them on te seat beside him. "Sergei ... Why are you out here alone?" He questioned, being sure he went slow enoguh for the other to understand. "How come you don't make any friends? I know quite a few nice students who would love to be your friend." He stated, and then laced his fingers together, resting them on top of the table in front of him.​
His stomach pulled as the teacher neared, causing Sergei to look up even before Gabriel spoke. "I like being alo--" He stopped, realizing that his brain hadn't switched over from Russian. "Sorry. I am slow to switch. I do not mind being alone. Quieter." He offered Gabriel a soft smile and put his letter to his mother away to finish later. "They do not seem to have...em...much...alike? with me." He didn't like popular American music and wasn't "up" on many American movies. It was often hard for Sergei to understand either enough to enjoy them. "I am here to learn, yeah? I like learning. I am good at it."
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