Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Grinning, Tanner slipped behind his lover, legs on either side of Relic's hips, and leaned against his chest. "I dunno. Open it." The blond nuzzled against the twin's neck, nipping at a few places here and there while his arms wrapped around his waist and slid up the corset as much as possible, fingers grazing over the flesh of his belly and sides.

Tanner was aware of his boyfriend's lust for pain. Because of his own past he couldn't bring himself to go to the lengths that Rune did, but perhaps if he eased himself into smaller bits of pain for Relic then he might be able to satisfy that lust as well as his own to make the other feel good.

Inside the bag was a string of metal beads that Calder insisted could be made more fun with a cup of ice water to soak them in. He wasn't too sure about that, but knew that Relic would know what he liked and Tanner trusted that he'd be told.
Relic giggled happily, resting against his boyfriend and he rummaged before he pulled out the beads. His eyes sparkled instantly as an intrigued, "Oooo" passed his lips. Wrapping them around his finger, he smirked all the more. "Lovely." He whispered and then examined the beads in his hands a little more, turning to look at Tanner and he smiled happily. Leaning forward, he planted a kiss to his lover's lips, "Thank you." He siad softly, despite the regret he was currently feeling. How could he have done what he had with his brother? His boyfriend was so wonderful and he new there were reasons that the man did not want to hurt him. He could understand that too, but he just liked the pain too much and it clouded his mind. He should learn to suck it up... not literally, or also literally, or something.​
His lips trailed down to Relic's shoulder and then back up to his mouth, kissing there softly as his hands went to work on the corset. Shopping for such a present had made the blond eager to use it. It wasn't long before the garment was loose enough to work off of the other man's frame, leaving Relic bare from the waist up. But Tanner stopped at that, looking down to see a few marks over Relic's back. "What happened?" He never even considered Relic having sex with anyone else, even Rune, and he was thoroughly confused as the tip of his index finger trailed feather light over one of the marks, eyes studying them.
Relic melted into his boyfriend's touch, adoring the man so, so very much. His eyes fluttered closed and he helped to loosen the corset a little, glad to have his lover with him. He did have quite hte libido and would not mind another round, especially with his lover. He soon froze when the other stopped. His eyes stayed closed and he felt his heart pounding against his chest. He was horrible. Tanner was so wonderful but he was positively horrible for what he had done. He could lie. He easily could. He could just tell him that he had a runin with someone, or something, but that would not work. Lying about what he had done had to be worse than anything else, right?

Chewing his bottom lip, the soft moan that passed his lips when he trailed his finger over one of hte wounds could not have been stopped. he took in a deep breath and then looked over at the man, blushing faintly. "Um ... Rune ..." Was all that he whispered, figuring that the other would possibly get what he meant. Who knew?​
Rune? Tanner studied Relic for a minute until, finally, he got it. The blond's chocolate eyes went wide and his heart dropped from his chest into the pit of his stomach. Hands dropped to his own thighs, balled into fists so tightly that his knuckles were white. His universe as he'd known it for the past couple of months collapsed in on him, and the room spun wildly. He fought the tears that threatened and his whole body shook with the effort.

"Get out." The blond's teeth were clenched together, and he ground against the back ones. His voice was low, dangerous, and was a testament that he meant business. "Now."
Relic squeezed his eyes closed and he took in soft breaths as he heard the other beside him and he just knew it was bound to come. The 'get out' spoken by the man did not shock him at all. He stood up from the bed and headed out of the room, leaving his corset wherever the man took it off. He did not care right now. He could make another one, but he did not want to. He wanted to go back in time and cuddle with Tanner and not think that something was missing because the man would not hurt him as badly as he wanted.

He left the room without a sound, closing the door behind him before he walked into the other room. He did not spare a moment before he literally pounced his brother, sending him to the floor and instantly a fist was landed to his cheek.

A few minutes later, there were quite the few crashes against the walls of the twins' dorm. Eventually, Rune went flying against the door, breaking it open and he landed on the wall across the hall, hissing under his breath. He leapt at his brother and once more they were back with sending punches to the other and pretty much in a full-on battle, or close to. Both males were bloody and bruised, possibly broken bones here and there.

Soon enough, Tomias ran up to the dorms, panting as he watched the two, his eyes wide. He ran to the room and pushed them apart. Rune forced onto the bed and Relic fell onto the floor. "ENOUGH!" He yelled, growling and he then turned to look at Relic. "You. Get some clothes for the next few days. You're staying in my room." He then turned to Rune, seeing the man looking even more pissed than ever. "You. Go get cleaned up or something. I don't care. But you two are not to see each other for at least a day."

Relic huffed a few times, panting heavily on the ground and he glared at Rune before hissing and he then walked over to his dresser and pulled out a few clothes, putting them into his bag and he walked out of the room without looking to anyone.​
The commotion was unexpected and Calder dashed down the hall to see the tail end of the fight. He stopped outside of his and Tanner's door and watched, wide-eyed and confused. He had no idea who to go to first, though Tomias seemed to have a handle on Relic. And where was Tanner? Surely he couldn't miss the noise that was going on? The blond put his roommate out of his head for a second-he'd go check on him next-and rushed down to Rune. He scanned over the other quickly, even though he knew that the man could heal himself. "Are you okay? The hell just happened?" He couldn't help being concerned.

As for Tanner, the moment Relic left he threw everything off of his bed, and curled up on it while the tears flowed down. The fact that his...well his ex now had left without any sort of fight was the seal. Why didn't he fight? Didn't he care? The blond curled further into himself, pulling his knees up so that he was in the fetal position as he let the pain out in the only way that he knew how.
Relic hissed and cursed under his breath and he walked down the hall, cursing under his breath. He grumbled and made his way to Tomias' room, the man's hand on his hsoulder to be sure he would not go back or anything of that sort. The man was pissed. He walked into Tomias' room, staring around and he did not care right now. He dropped his things to the ground before he took another few steps inside, hearing the door close by the man who was currently taking care of him. He did not last much longer before he let out a soft cry and fell to the ground, curling up and he hugged his form tightly. The wounds from earlier not yet healing up and they would not. Not any time soon. Not as quickly as they should. The two established that in their earlier years that if they inflicted pain in a spiteful and hateful manner, then the wounds stayed and healed up like a normal person would.

Tomias turned, having every in tention to lecture the male before he went wide-eyed and froze. Why was he sobb-- ooh. He sighed heavily, walking to the other and he wrapped his arms aroudn the man, pulling him against his chest and he softly whispered into his ear, trying to soothe the man, though he knew it would not work too well.

Rune on the other hand wiped the side of his lips with the back of his hand, cursing his brother in Italian before he saw Calder in front of him. He looked over at the man and his ice blue eyes rolled. "Apparently Tanner broke up with him because we had sex.' He mumbled, not thinking that Calder would get mad or anything. How could he? Why would he? They were friends with benefits, not much else. He was fairly sure that that was the case. If not, then whoops. Whatever. He turned his head to the side, spitting out the blood that had pooled in his mouth onto the bed beside him then turned to look back at Calder with an apathetic look. "This is why relationships are so stupid."​
Calder backed away, head cocked to the side a little. "No... No. This is why cheating on the person you're in a relationship with is stupid! I can't believe you did that!" The blond wasn't sure why he was so upset: Because Rune slept with someone else (even though he had no right to be this upset over it) or that Rune had hurt Tanner so badly. "Don't you ever stop being so fucking selfish?!" The blond stormed out of the twins' room and entered his own, surveying the damage. With a sigh, he crawled onto the bed behind his friend and wrapped himself around the other tightly. His lips pressed to the back of Tanner's neck as he shushed him and rocked him gently, not knowing what else to do.

As he was wrapped around, Tanner shifted and turned, burying his face into Calder's chest and clinging onto him. He was broken hearted, and just plain broken.

They laid like that for a long time, and while Tanner's sobs had subsided and he'd drifted off into a light and tortured sleep hours ago, Calder was still awake, holding his friend and stroking over his back, unsure of how else he could help.
Rune looked over at the man, arching a brow. Why the hell was he pissed? Rolling his eyes, he stood up from the bed once hte other left. Taking the door, he put it back up and then went to take a shower. Exiting freshly cleaned, but the inuries were still there. he headed back to his room and just went to sleep in his bed. He knew that by tomorrow, Relic would be back. His brother could never stay mad at him for long. They were meant to stick together. They were twins, weren't they? He had broken up his relationships before, some on purpose, others by accident, and always Relic came back. He had to. Some blonde was not more important than them.

Eventually, Tomias had to let go of Relic, mainly since the man told him to do so. He made sure Relic was fine before he headed to bed, being sure to listen for any signs of the other getting too depressed. By the time morning came, the whole room had been cleaned up and down and thorough enoguh to eat off the ground. When the man exited the room, Relic was curled up on the couch, his cheeks tear-stained and he was still covered in blod and bruises. He sighed softly and then he leant down to kiss the top of his brother's head. His eyes slipped closed and he turned to make his way to the kitchen, planning to make something for breakfast.​
Tanner slept through the night, and Calder eventually drifted off, too. Each were exhausted from the pain and anger and betrayal that coursed through them, and they both hoped to sleep for a long, long time. It was dark out when Tanner woke up a little disoriented from who was in his bed and what time it was, but the stab in his heart answered the first. The blond curled further into his friend, seeking solace from the tortured pain. He was crying again, but this time they were soft, slow tears that simply leaked from his eyes.

He was worried now. Tomias had run out without a word, and not returned. Nikkos hadn't gone after him, not sure of what was going on and not wanting to intrude or smother. By morning, though, the administrator needed answers as his own abandonment issues began to surface. He dressed and made his way down to Tomias's own room, knocking once before entering. He wasn't sure what he had expected, but it wasn't what he saw. Nikkos rose an eyebrow to the clean room and Relic sleeping on the sofa.
Tomias looked over at the man that entered, smiling warmly and he walked over to where the man was. He wrapped his arms around the other, kissing his lips gently. He then turned to look at Relic who was passed out in just the skirt from yesterday. The skirt covered in dust and cleaning supplies from all that he had done. The brunette looked back to Nikkos, taking his hand and leading him to the kitchen so that they would not disturb the sleeping male. He took the coffee he made, pouring two mugs full and then he set them onto the table, sitting down with a heavy sigh. He glanced to his yougner brother once more than back to Nikkos. "Relic and Rune got into a fight ... More like a battle, but fight nonehteless since apparently they had sex again and Tanner found out ... And I suppose you can guess what happened to cause the fight." He glanced to the ravenette once more, truly feeling bad for the kid. He probably would wake him up soon to make him wash off all the blonde. It concerned him, though. Normally, by now, there would only be the blood ... not the wounds, yet he was still woudned from their fight.​
Nikkos sighed softly as he was greeted, his nerves being soothed without Tomias even realizing he'd done so. He followed the other man into the kitchen and accepted the coffee and the story, feeling sympathy for Relic and Tanner both. He knew Tanner's background, and the twins'...passion for their sado-masochistic sex was widely known. He had quietly wondered when the conversation would come up between them and the reaction of Relic to Tanner's story. Nikkos never expected this.

"Rune and Calder? How are they fairing?" The administrator knew that Rune was in the best shape of them all, but he was worried about all four of his students.
Tomias sighed heavily, shaking his head just a bit. "Rune is perfectly fine, minus the damage done to him by Relic over there. Calder is pissed at Rune, understandably so, and I hope that he's comforting Tanner." He shook his head a little, his eyes closed and he sipped the coffee in frnot of him, just thinking at the moment. He felt so bad. So helpless. He knew that if he had allowed it to happen, the twins would have damaged each other past the point of no return. He could not let that happen. Both would regret it in the long run. He lifted his eyes, glancing over to Relic who still had not moved from his spot. "Relic should be okay in a little bit ... I figure separating the two will be for the best." He said softly, looking over at Nikkos and he smiled warmly. "I'm sorry for bailing on you so suddenly last night. I know I must have given you a heart attack." His eyes truly showed how sorry he was about his actions. He just had not had time to say 'hey, gotta stop death from happening' and then shoot off.​
Leaning over, Nikkos kissed Tomias softly, his fingertips brushing over the other man's jaw just lightly. "You did," he answered as the kiss broke. "But it's okay. You had a good reason." He stole one last kiss before returning to his fully upright position and sipping his own coffee. "He is," he offered to Tomias's concern of Calder comforting Tanner. "Those two have been inseparable since Calder came here. This will be no exception for them." No matter how closed off or cold Nikkos was towards anyone, he still knew all that went on in his school.

"Go on and wake him. I'll run a shower for him and then round up the other two." Nikkos knew that it wouldn't do any of them any good to lie around and dwell. And there was no telling what might happen if Tanner encountered Rune without supervision of someone other than Calder, who would only jump into the fight rather than stop it.

Nikkos took both mugs and placed them in the sink before moving through to the bathroom and starting up some warm water.
Tomias' eyes flutter closed, happily kissing the man back and justn ot really wanting it to end all that soon, yet it did. He sighed heavily, listening to his words and he nodded a bit. "Okay.' He whispered, watching the other man walk away and he whimpered gently. He so very adored his little Nikkos. He was so cute and he actually found someoene who is enthralled with the stories he tells about the past. Standing up from the chair, he walked over to the sleeping Relic. Looking him over a little, his concern grew even more. He looked horrible, really. He reached out a hand, planning to gently shake him awake, but the "I'm awake" that came from the sleeping man [supposedly sleeping] drew back the limb.

Relic's eyes slowly opened, tear-stained as ever. He took the offered hand of his brother and pulled himself up from the couch with a groan. He hurt. And noti n a good way. His whole being just ached. HIs limbs, his heart, his head... He pushed past Tomias, holding onto him until he got his feet back, and he then walked to the bathroom. "Thanks, Mr. Alexander." He murmured softly, walking over to the bath and pushing off the skirt and panties on his form. He stepped under the warm water, pulling closed the curtain a moment later.

Tomias arched a brow, walking to the bathroom and seeing Relic blatantly and nonchalantly strip in front of Nikkos, chuckling softly. Maybe it was genetic. He then took the administrator's hand, pulling him out of the bathroom and closing the door before it clicked, so that he could hear the man in the shower, just in case. He then turned to Nikkos, curiosity to his features. "You're going to go and get Calder and Tanner? Then what?" He asked, truly wondering what the little administrator was plotting.​
He shook his head as the male stripped without regard to his presence, but moved out of the room when Tomias guided him out. And then what? Nikkos didn't know. He hadn't thought past getting the two young me up and showered without killing Rune. He told his boyfriend that. "What can we do? Rune is a lost cause as far as talking sense into him. And so long as that's true, Calder will remain mad at him. The other two... They have to do it in their own time. Relic has to come to terms with what he did-that he hurt Tanner so badly. Tanner has to come to terms with not only did his boyfriend cheat on him-with his twin brother-but that Relic was physically hurt in the process. And it has nothing to do with Relic wanting the pain-it has to do with Tanner's own past and hang ups."

In short? They were on their own to fix the mess the two had created. "I'll be back," he promised with a few soft kisses to seal it. Nikkos dashed off upstairs to get Calder and Tanner up while Tomias was left to care for Relic for the time being.
Tomias nodded to the words his boyfriend spoke, smiling weakly toward the end of his statements. He nodded a little more before kissing him back. "Okay ..." was all he said before he sighed softly. His eyes slipped closed and he straightened up once more. His arms folded over his lower torso and he glanced over to the shower, examining the door in front of him and his eyes slipped closed. Oh, he knew Relic knew just how badly he had hurt his boyfriend. The man was not dumb. Not at all. Top of his class for everything and then some, and he was not blind either. He sighed softly and then walked over to the couch, sitting silently with his arms crossed over his lower torso, staring at the door and waiting for Relic to emerge.

After a few moments, the bathrom door opened and a towel-clad Relic exited the room, his arms hanging at his sides and he looked even worse than when he went into the shower. TOmias perked up, his eyes showing his concern for the other. "Oh ... Relic..." He whispered softly, watching the other walk toward him and then Relic just collapsed next to him, sobbing into Tomias' lap as he curled up into a ball. His hand wrapped around the pants the brunette wore, gripping him tightly and he cried all the more . Tomias sighed heavily, lifting his hand and beginning to silently trail his fingers through the other's wet hair. He just wanted him to be a bit more at ease, but that did not seem like that would happen for a while.​
Nikkos didn't bother knocking on the dorm's door-there was nothing he'd be interrupting. He was both sad and relieved to see the two blonds intertwined with each other. At least they were both receiving some sort of comfort, even if that wouldn't really help to ease the pain that both were feeling.

The administrator moved to the bed and shook both awake. "Come on. Lets get you showered."

Tanner resisted more than Calder, not wanting to do anything other than mourn the loss that he'd had the previous night, but the morphe wasn't the most cooperative either. Still, Nikkos wouldn't be swayed. "Come on. It's for your own good. Get up before I levitate both of you to cold showers." Even though his words were stern, his tone was soft as were his prods to get both men out of the bed.

As they passed the twins' dorm, Tanner whimpered and leaned more into Calder. The other blond simply growled at the door, eyes narrowing at who was behind it. It felt like they were on teams and it was a rivalry between schools, only much worse. Tanner was a shell of himself, his physical being present but his soul and heart and personality all gone for the moment. Everything was numb to him and he felt as if he was walking through some sort of distorted mirror house, everything in front of him swimming and twisting.

Nikkos waited as they showered and dressed. "Go eat. If I hear either of you fighting with Rune, you don't want to know what will happen. I'll check on you later." With that, Nikkos returned to Tomias's room, sighing at the sight that greeted him.
Tomias lifted his head, looking over at the man that entered, smiling warmly as he did so. He nudged his head in the direction he was in, patting the cushions beside him before he turned his attention back to the broken twin in his lap. Sobbing and rambling about how idiotic he had been, and about how he never should have let Rune convince him elsewise. That he should not have taken Tanner for granted and understood more that there were reasons behind his actions and not doing what the little masochist had wanted.

He continued to trail his fingers through Relic's hair, rubbing his hand over the man's back and he tried to get him happy, truly he did. He wanted him to smile. Normally, he was such a trooper. He would get up and fight some more, not wallow in his pity. He hated to see him like this. The man had survived so much more, yet because one guy broke up with him, he was shattered? Tanner definitely meant more than just a boyfriend for the little ravenette in his lap. He turned to look at Nikkos once more, sighing softly. "How's it on the other end?" He murmured, glancing to the male in his lap, looking over the many wounds that adorned his basically nude form in his lap. Many scrapes that he could tell were prior to the fight, then far more gashes and brusies that were from the fight. It seemed that Relic smashed into something...​
Nikkos sat down, his head lulling onto Tomias's shoulder. "Same." He didn't want to give too much detail for fear of upsetting Relic further. He knew how bad the situation was, and had no idea how the pairs would fix and heal the wounds. The administrator could only hope that the relationships were strong enough to withstand.

Calder and Tanner followed instructions, Calder grumbling about not fighting with Rune. Relic had the right idea if you asked him, and the blond would have taken his aggressions out on the other twin in a heart beat if it wouldn't mean risking his position at Atlantis. The two walked through the halls and cafeteria wrapped around each other, Calder half supporting his friend's weight so that he wouldn't fall to the ground.

They chose a table in the back corner, the atmosphere around it clearly telling their classmates to stay away. The news of what had happened would reach everyone soon enough but for now, the two just wanted to lick their wounds in private.

"Hurts." His voice was rather pathetic, really, and barely above a whisper.

"I know, Tanner. I know it does." What else could he say? Calder hugged Tanner closer to him, sighing sadly.
A week passed and rumors flooded the school and everyone's ears. The wounds upon Rune's body only confirming everyone else's beliefs. He went back to wearing his three piece, pin striped suits, having been going more casual lately. That and the suits covered up the majority of the injuries Relic hit him with. A black and blue cheek, a scratch in the center of the bruise, and a few other thins here and there were on his face and neck, but that was it - that others could see. He did not want to have attention drawn to him, but being alone definitely was not fun. He thought Relic would have been back by now. He had not even seen him. When he asked Tomias if he could see his brother, the prick told him 'no'. He oculd not believe that. Though, the silence and lonely times had managed to get him thinking.

He thought about just why Calder seemed so utterly pissed, and eventually, he realized now. While they may not have been an official couple or anything, there definitely was some sort of relationship past friends there and well, he raped that relationship right up. He knew he did wrong and on the Friday evening, the elder twin made his way to the dorm a few doors down. He knocked on the wood, hoping that it was Calder. Tanner would more htan likely kill him at first sight. Hence why he was to the side of the door, where hopefully the man would not be able to see him, so long as Calder answered.​
Tanner and Calder spent their days and their nights together, comforting each other the best ways they could. There was nothing beyond cuddling, but it was what each man needed for the moment. Well, Tanner needed more but no one knew what that more was because when offered to speak to Relic, the blond refused. Calder was at a loss.

Tanner slept a lot, and was in the middle of yet another nap, leg draped over Calder's own and his head resting on his friend's chest. The knock to the door wasn't unusual. The rumor mill had been working up a storm, and they had had more visitors during this week than when they'd thrown a massive party at the end of Calder's first year. Neither male opened the door for anyone for more than was necessary to tell them to go away.

Sighing, the blond shifted himself out from under his friend, wincing at the soft whimper that was given, and moved to open the door.

"Go aw--" When he saw who it was, the blond growled, the corner of his lip coming up in a snarl. "Fuck off."
Rune looked at the blonde, sighing heavily when he heard the comment. He closed his eyes for a moment, taking in a deep breath to gather the strength - he really was not used to apologizing. Normally, he just would not care, but with Calder, he did, and he did not know why. His arms crossed over his torso and he opened his eyes to look back at the little blonde. "Just let me say my peace and then I will leave you both, I promise." He stated, looking concerned at the other and when the door was not slammed in his face, he continued. "I came to apologize. Truly, deeply, bottom of hte heart apology. I had not taken into consideration your feelings at all. I've been thinkng about you a lot htis past week and for some reason, you won't get out of my head. I realize now that I did not take you into consideration at all. I stomped over your feelings and you do have every right to hate me, I'm not trying to convince you otherwise, I just ... I'm sorry, Calder. Truly I am. You are a great friend and whatever we had I know is not possible again, but I don't want you to stay bitter because of me. Trust me, I'm not worth it." He sighed heavily, his hand lifted, rubbing the back of his neck as he kept his eyes to the man, bein sure all toes were out o the way of the door and partially bracing himself to be punched in the jaw.​
Looking behind him to check on Tanner first, Calder stepped outside of the room and shut the door behind him softly. He didn't want to wake his friend.

"You're right. You didn't consider my feelings. But worst of all, you didn't consider Tanner's or Relic's. You took what you wanted because he asked for it instead of convincing him to go talk to his boyfriend. I'm not stupid. I know you've likely searched for Tanner's story.

"I'm glad you've been thinking. And I hope it fucking tortures you to know what you've done to someone you claim to love." Okay, that was a little harsh. But there were no filters on Calder at the moment. He was hurt and angry and couldn't stop his mouth from running.
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