Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Before Gabriel knew it, Thursday had come. He had been bombarded by the twins at lunch on Monday and they pretty much interrogated him about what he has been up to, why he was a teacher, how he got here and ... quite a few other things that the male could not escape from. So, he answered them fully and then went about the rest of the day. Relic popped by and gave him some desserts he made with his friend, Calder, and he was glad. The little pastries were delicious! Gabriel was not one to like a lot of sweets, but the little pastries were perfect for his sweettooth. So, he thanked him the next day and ate his meals with Relic and his boyfriend and whenever Rune would come by with his grumpy face and grumbling about this and that.

After the classes and lunch, Gabriel made his way back to his classroom. Sitting down at his desk with the papers he had to grade. He had already gone over the potions from the other day and the ones from today as well. He was quite content with how the class did. Even Sergei was a little better. He still needed some help, but that was perfectly fine with him. Some people just were not good for potions. Like Rune. He was fairly sure if he was in the Potions course that the whole school would blow up. He was too impatient to properly measure and everything of that sort.​
The week was decent. His classmates were aloof, but he wasn't here to make friends-he was here to learn. It was weird, though. Anytime Gabriel was near, that tugging sensation appeared in Sergei's belly. Like his body wanted to be near the man. Of course, that was crazy-he wasn't gay-but still, it was there and the Russian man spent many hours analyzing it.

But Thursday came and he was rather excited. It meant that he could learn what he'd done wrong, and hopefully not make those mistakes again. He wanted to learn; wanted to be the best. It was his goal in life.

At two o'clock on the dot, Sergei entered the potions room and set his stuff in his desk. Remembering his last private meeting with the professor, the redhead slowed his speaking down. "We will be doing the...em...the... the one from Monday, yes?" The word 'potion' had slipped his mind, and he struggled for something equivalent to it.
Gabriel had just gotten all the ingredients together and onto his desk when the man walked into his room. His indigo eyes traveled up to the other, looking him over and he nodded. "Yes. We will do the same potion from Monday. And, if there is time, I will review the next one just so you can get a head start." He then made sure to go through each step, making positive the other got just what they were doing. He went over why the certain ingredients needed to be in the potion. Or why the right amount of an ingredient was key to the success. Too little or too much of something would make the potion weaker than it should be. Not even stronger. Because it was off - balanced, the potion didn ot work as well as it should.

By the time the potion was finished, the redhead was practically on top of the teacher by now. The white-haired man turned and looked at the other, smiling a little awkwardly. Clearing his throat, he stepped away and then took the potion they finished, filling it into a vile and he looked it over. "Perfect." He stated and he then looked over at his student once more. "Your grade for this assignment will more than likely be an A ... if not A+.' He then jotted the man's name down on the vile and put it to the side, planning to truly grade him later. But, by the color and by watching him, the potion should be fine.​
Because he had someone there explaining each step, Sergei began to get it. He couldn't just do something and accept the consequences. He needed to know why that step had to be done in the first place. And Gabriel was doing a wonderful job of helping him with such things. He spoke slowly enough so that he understood, and Sergei tried his best to keep his questions in English.

He hadn't realized that he was moving closer and closer to the other man. The redhead was engrossed in what they were doing and had no idea that his body was taking over his mind. When Gabriel stepped away to put the vial down, Sergei took another step closer without realizing it. Though he beamed at the information that he'd be getting an A on the assignment.

Another step towards Gabriel.

"Thank you for...em...for helping. Yes. Helping."
Gabriel placed the vile beside the other lined ones from his class and he then turned his eyes back to the redhead. He listened to his words and he nodded. "You're welcome. I do not mind helping a student who tries." He informed him and gave a small smile to him. He was not one to completely and utterly grin to someone. He was a very moderate man, theo nly way he could explain it, or rather, how others explained his behavior. He was not some stuck up guy, but he was not someone who was carefree. He cared greatly about his work. He took great pride in what he did and would not let anything mess up his chances at a good careeer.

Glancing the to the clock, the man then looked at the Russian who was once more closer to him. "If you do not get the potion on Monday, we can meet again next Thursday at two, if you wish."​
He was jotting some notes down into the notebook he kept for this class. "Hmm? Oh yes. Yes I will let you...hear...know. I will let you know." He was still speaking slowly, trying hard to make sure his sentences made sense, as well as were being spoken in the correct language.

Another step closer. Sergei didn't even realize that their shoulders were now brushing together.

"It was the...what's that name? Say..something. Sorry. But yes-that is the...the item that makes it all work, yes?" He picked up a bit of sage to indicate that it was what he was talking about. It was the last question that he felt he needed an answer to before packing up his stuff and heading off to the library to study.
The end of Thursday came and Tomias happily skipped his way down the hall to Nikkos' office. He did not bother knocking or anything of the sort. He opened the door, spotting his boyfriend at hte desk and he grinned. Without a care for the papers on teh desk, he ran and literally leapt onto the other. His arms wrapped around his neck and he landed in his lap effortlessly. He settled onto his lap and planted a firm, passionate kiss to his lips. Purring softly, he pulled back, forehead to his and he sighed contently. "Mm ... Been meaning to do that the whole day." He whispered, pulling back and looking down at the brunette, emerald eyes sparkling.
It was to the point that Nikkos expected Tomias to not knock. They had made themselves very comfortable with each other in the past week and even though it was fueled by the incident with Youjin at the club on Saturday night, that didn't make Nikkos any less grateful that he was able to push past it. Oh, Archer had questioned him. But the administrator didn't know anything. He'd told the truth: he and Relic and Tanner were outside, and Tomias joined them a few minutes later. There was no one to co berate Youjin's story. The matter had been dropped.

So he was ready for the other man to leap into his lap, and had pushed anything of importance out of the way. Nikkos's arms wrapped around his boyfriend's waist, holding him securely as they kissed. "Yes, but you really must find better times to give into such urges." The brunette smiled and leaned up to steal another kiss. "I'll never get any work done at this rate." He was only half joking and he nuzzled into Tomias's neck a little.

"Let me work? And I'll take you out to dinner tonight."
Tomias chuckled, kissing the man back happily and pasisonately when it was due, but then he pouted with his words. Let him work? Both him now and not get dinner, or leave him be and get a date with him ... He sighed heavily, whimpering lightly as he leant forward to nuzzle his nose against the side of his neck. "You never pay me any attention." He sniffled a few more times before whimpering again. "I bet if I hiked my skirt up you finally would." He teased and then kissed him softly, sliding off his lap to go plop into the chair across from his desk. His feet lifted, setting onto the edge of the desk and he slouched into the chair. Eyes closed and his hands rested atop his chest. "I'll nap then."​
Nikkos could only shake his head. "I never pay you any attention and yet here I am, offering to take you out to dinner tonight. Maybe I should just retract that offer." The administrator poked his tongue out at his boyfriend, rolling his eyes at the position he took up. The brunette was tempted to shoo him back to either of their rooms, but the brunette found that he quite enjoyed the silent company and so he set to work instead of saying anything.

It was only forty-five minutes before he was done. Nikkos came around his desk and stepped over Tomias's hips, one leg on each side, and sat on his lap. He studied the other, not sure if he was sleeping or not but he decided to find out. The brunette's fingers went to work on the other man's sides, digging in and tickling him mercilessly.
Tomias had chose to sleep instead of staring at the other while he worked. He had nothing else to do, and who couldn't use a good nap here and there? He liked naps. They revived him when he needed it and was always happy to get a snooze here and there. He was old after all. So, he had nestled into the chair, his head resting against the top of it and his arms folded over his lower torso, feet still on top of the desk. He was not fully asleep yet. Nope. Fading in and out, perking up if he heard a paper move too loudly, and he would look up to see Nikkos still working away, then return to his eyes closed. Just a slight doze was basically what he was taking right now.

By the time Nikkos was straddling his hips, he had slipped back to the land of the living, so to speak. With the man's hands at his sides though, he went wide-eyed and through his laughs and squrims, he eventually managed to wrap his fingers around the other's wrists, pulling his hands from his sides and he pouted. "A kiss would do, you know." He then tugged the other to him, connecting their lips in a soft, brief, pasisonate kiss. Pulling back, he looked up at him, grinning happily. "So, where are you taking me to dinner? Somewhere where you can show off the hot stud on your arm, I assume."​
Smirking, Nikkos leaned down and kissed the other man, then nuzzled along his jaw a little bit. "But that was more fun," he muttered softly as his arms came up to wrap around Tomias's neck. "Mmm. Yes." The administrator had no idea where he would take his boyfriend for dinner, but it would definitely be somewhere where he could show Tomias off. It would also be their first night out that, hopefully, wasn't interrupted. Nikkos was sick and tired of Youjin dropping in and ruining what fun he was allowed to have in between paperwork and his administrative duties at the school.

"What are you in the mood for?" A suggestion of cuisine would help Nikkos narrow down a few restaurants that they could go to.
Tomias purred softly, leaning forward and gently nipping his ear to murmur a suggestive, "You" into his ear with the question posed to him. He definitely was feeling far more sexual than he had been when they started going out officially the few weeks ago, or however long it was. He would not push Nikkos though. He knew he could not do that. He cared for him far too much and did not want to mess anything up. Besides, they had yet to have an official, nice date out and well, hopefully that would be what they could do today.

With a deep breath and calming his hormones, the brunette pulled away, looking up at the other and he thought for a bit. "Italian can do, I suppose." He informed him, leaning up and kissing his lips gently before he stood, still holding onto the man. He grinned and then leant down , placing him onto the ground and then kising him once more. "You lead the way. I can even let you drive today."​
Nikkos whimpered a little at the answer and nuzzled in more deeply. It wasn't that he didn't want to take that step with Tomias, it was that he wasn't sure if he was ready to. Perhaps tonight would tell him one way or the other. He reached up once he was set back on the ground to kiss the other man with a lingering, soft kiss. "I promise I'm not going to hold out on you forever." The brunette pecked one last kiss to his boyfriend's cheek before slipping from his arms and started towards the door.

As they were walking down the hallway, the comment of letting him drive finally caught up to him. "Your car?" He was expecting to be laughed at, and wouldn't touch the steering wheel of Tomias's car with a ten foot pole even with permission. Still, he had to tease.
Tomias laughed softly, shaking his head and ruffling his boyfriend's hair. "You make such cute jokes." he laughed again and then continued toward the parking lot. He never let anyone even touch the driver's seat. The only reason he would would be if the person begged, or if he trusted said person ... Most of the time, it had to be both though. He loved his little lamborghini. And that was not even his prized possession. Oh no, that was the beautiful midnight blue '68 corvette that was in his garage back home. THAT ... no one dared to even think of touching. He definitely had a lovely car collection. He had all the classics since he was aroudn when they came out and he adored them all. The sports cars he had any that he liked. The old Fords were entertaining and whatnot, but not much his style.​
Laughing, Nikkos led the other man to his own car, a red Lexus IS F. Tomias wasn't the only one with an appreciation for cars, even if his was a little more enthusiastic than Nikkos's. "Seat belts" was ordered once both men were in the car and the engine was started-the brunette had had one too many close calls and refused to even pull out of a parking space if everyone didn't have a seat belt on. It was one of his 'control freak' things.

Once he heard the click of the belt, the administrator sped off towards Park City. He loved this ride-he'd put a lot of time and effort and money into his car, and he loved to use the extra power he'd added. The car wasn't his baby, as Tomias's cars were his, but it was definitely a prized possession.

It was nearly forty minutes until they pulled into a small Italian restaurant on the far outskirts of the city. It was one that Nikkos had found when seeking solace after Gemini had left, and they knew him well here. That was a perk of coming to a family run place. "Amazing manicotti here. I came here after Gemini left, just to get far away, you know?"
Tomias grinned upon seeing the car, sliding in and turning to look at his boyfriend with a little smirk. "So, when am I going to get to play with this one?" He asked, chuckling softly before he buckled up, not wasting any time in doing so. He always wore a seatbelt. The twins may not since they were pretty much indestructable, and tended to not think all that much, but that was beside the point. He settled into the seat and talked the other's ear off. He told the man about his classes that day, how people were progressing, the fact that the twins had tortured him all through his clas -- again. THen that he was still not sure if Relic was going to make him wear the dress tomorrow. Eventually, the conversation ended with, "Would you want me in it again?" He asked, pouting.

Hopping out of the car, he walked around to the other side and took a hold of the man's hand, lacing their fingers happily with a kiss to his cheek. "It's nice here." He added about the restaurant. He was glad that Nikkos had his own little haven, everyone needed theirs ... Tomias' just happened to be at 150 mph.​
"When you learn to share yours," Nikkos retorted to the question of Tomias playing with his car. No one other than himself had ever driven the car, and Nikkos was particular about who might be able to and who might not. With Tomias's own cars, there was no need for him to drive the Lexus...

He was grateful when the subject was changed to Tomias in a dress and the administrator smiled, nuzzling along the other man's jaw a little bit. "Only if you want to wear it." Sure, he liked seeing his boyfriend in the outfit-he wouldn't have designed it if he didn't-but Nikkos didn't want Tomias to be uncomfortable, and perhaps it would be best to not undermine him in front of the students... But when the students were all adults themselves, well then there wasn't too much he could do. Tomias was a big boy, he could say no.

The hostess sat them at his usual table near the back, smiling at him. "Nice to see you again, Mr. Alexander. Who's your friend?"

He smiled back, taking the menu from her and greeted her. "Samantha, meet my boyfriend Tomias Arcule." The blonde looked a little shocked at the title of Tomias, but recovered nicely.

"Nice to meet you." She smiled warmly at him. "Andy will be over shortly."
Tomias thought for a while, walking to the table with him and vaguely listening to the other. "Mm .. Maybe just for his class." He offered. He really wanted to make his little brother happy. If that meant he would have to dress up for his class, he oculd suffer... Besides, he looked lovely in the dress, and it made Nikkos happy as well. HE smiled cheerfully and he headed to the table. Sitting across from teh man, he took the menu and then looked over at the woman that sat them down. He looked up at her and then gave a simple wave with a soft, "Pleasure" before going back to looking at the menu. He then turned his eyes back to Nikkos, smiling warmly. "You know, I think I will wear the outfit for just their class ... I'm sure that the new teacher still needs to be checked up on, right? You need to be sure that I'm not fighting in class again, right? I heard rumors about there being more fights." He chuckled happily and then laced his fingers together, resting his hands onto the table, looking at his boyfriend and just beaming.​
Nikkos chuckled. "Hmmm I suppose you will have to have a 'surprise' evaluation then."

Andy, a tall young and slightly muscular young man with olive skin, dark hair and light eyes, brought Nikkos his favorite wine. "Why Mr. Alexander! You have a date." The man pouted slightly. "I thought I was the only man in your life."

The administrator laughed a little and introduced Tomias to the waiter. "I think you have some competition, Andy. I don't know that Tomias will let go very easily..." The waiter studied Tomias and shrugged.

"I could take 'im." Laughing, he winked at Tomias as he took their orders.

After the waiter left, Nikkos sat back to relax a little, the first time he had all day. "Going to stay tonight?" He wasn't sure why he was asking-Tomias had stayed in his room every night since Halloween. Nikkos wondered why the other man even had his own room anymore except to make a mess.
Tomias grinned. Surprise inspection sounded fabulous. More time studying his boyfriend while he studied him. He was about to comment before the waiter came. He turned to look at the man, examining him and he grinned happily. "Hm . . . It looks like I do have some competition." He chuckled softly and then turned to look at the man in front of him once more, absently giving the other his order, far too enthralled with the man in front of him. He knew that his little administrator liked him over the waiter he apparently had known for a while. He smiled and bounced a bit in his seat, obviously excited. It took a moment or two, but he eventually calmed himself and looked back to the man, sighing contently. "It's cute here."​
Dinner was lovely, and Nikkos enjoyed himself thoroughly. It was nice to have an uninterrupted evening with Tomias finally. Really, Nikkos was slightly paranoid that Youjin would show up, but by the time they were half way through their meal and his ex hadn't shown, Nikkos figured that he wouldn't and allowed himself to fully enjoy the meal and the company.

Hours later the couple emerged from the restaurant, strolling up the street to where Nikkos had parked his car. The brunette had his arm linked through Tomias's as they walked, his head leaning on the other man's shoulder. "It was nice to not be interrupted," he commented softly as they came up to the car.

"Ready?" Nikkos didn't want their date to end, but had to get back. Friday or not, they both had work in the morning. And beside that, they could still cuddle up to a movie, or to talk, before bed.
A week passed by and another Friday came to be. Tanner and Calder were off doing something that the twins wound up not paying enough attention to. Relic adored Tanner dearly, but at the time, he had been making a new corset. A lovely one too! Beautiful shade of ocean blue with black outlining it and lacing up the back, few black swirls over the front, and Relic was happy with how it was being made. He kissed his lover good bye and then when the corset was finished, the man draped it over his shoulder, humming as he began to make his way up to his and Runeâ??s dorm. He giggled as he skipped into the room, placing the new item into his drawers before he finally realized just what Rune was doing. A brow lifted in question as he watched the other apparently organizing all his toys.

Curiously, Relic walked over to his brother, bending over just a little to look at what he was doing. â??Whatâ??s up?â? He asked and then he squeaked with a handcuff suddenly on his wrist. A brow lifted in question and he stared at the silver item before looking back to his brother, smiling lightly. â??Cleaning, I take it?â?

Rune chuckled softly and then looked up at his brother, grinning as he did so. He took the cuff that he had around his brotherâ??s wrist, swinging the limb back and forth absently. â??I bought new toys.â? He stated and then looked up at his brother, arching a brow as he did so. Soon enough, his features turned into one of concern, pulling the male closer by the cuff around his wrist. â??Whatâ??s wrong? And donâ??t say nothing ... You know I can find out.â? He stated, his eyes piercing through his brotherâ??s, showing his great concern.

Laughing at first, eventually the twin whimpered and fell to his knees beside his brother, his thigh scraping the edge of the trunk and he groaned lightly. His head fell against Runeâ??s shoulder and he took in deep breaths to calm the many feelings within him that the pain brought to him. He shuddered and his hands balled into fists tightly. â??I love him ... I do ... but ... I miss the pain.â? He whispered into his brotherâ??s neck and he held his fists tightly enough to draw blood from his palms.

Listening intently to his brother, the male kept his eyes to the other, hating to see his brother as he was. He knew all that the male told him, he just wanted the words to be spoken. His free hand, the one not holding the cuff, raked up the exposed skin of his thigh, nails digging into the flesh and he instantly saw the reaction of his brother. Smirking, he dug his nails directly into his thigh and leant over to sink his teeth into the side of his neck, breaking the flesh easily, and getting quite the moan from his brother.

Not wasting any time, and easily getting his brother to submit to him, the elder twin had him tossed onto the bed and ravaged him, literally. Nails, teeth, whips, chains, hot wax, and that was just the foreplay. By the time the elder penetrated the younger identical being, Relic was bloody, panting, and obviously aroused. The man wasted no time in sliding into him, pounding into him heatedly and biting, gnashing, raking his nails down his torso and legs, doing anything he could to give the other the pain he so wished and yearned for, happy to give into the masochist.​
Their outing was productive. Tanner needed school supplies and Calder just needed to get out. They enjoyed each other's company once again. There was nothing different between them since they'd stopped sleeping with each other and Tanner felt the same as he always did towards the other blond. It was nice to know that their friendship ran deeper than a few fuck sessions.

After school supplies, the two roommates went on a search for something to give Relic. Tanner was the type to show up with "just cuz" gifts all the time and he was on a mission to find Relic the perfect one. He thought about something sentimental, but decided against it: when would he use it? The blond wanted something that his lover could use and think about him when he did so. With his last stop, the male picked up a set of measuring cups that were odd amounts: 7/8 of a cup, 3/8 of a cup etc. He bought it, as well as something a little more personal in the next store, had both gift wrapped, and they were on their way.

Tanner was anxious to give his boyfriend his gifts but made his way to his own dorm first to put away his other purchases. He was surprised to find Relic sitting on his bed, but happy. The blond pecked a kiss to the other man's cheek. "Gotcha something." The bag with both presents was dropped onto the bed next to Relic.
Relic definitely looked better than he had for a while. While he was utterly happy with Tanner, he just needed the pain sometimes. There was something about the tingling that coursed through him that made sex any everything like it better. Pain relieved him. He was happily sitting in a skirt that went at an angle from his left knee to his right angle with the blue corset he made before upon his torso. He beamed when the door opened, perking up instantly. He was so, so very happy to have his boyfriend back with him. "Welcome back!" He said excitedly, giggling as he did so.

Leaning up, he kissed the man back, eyes closing with the connection of their lipsb efore he relaxed into the mattress once more. He then squeaked excitedly with the bags that were designated at his. Smiling happily, he pulled the first bag into his lap, pulling out the package and opening it up to look at the measuring cups, arching a brow as he did so. He laughed with teh measurments and pulling his love to him, kissing him happily. "Oo! What's this one!" He asked excitedly, tugging the interesting bag to him and glancing into it before he looked back to his boyfriend.​
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