Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Relic perked up. Costumes?! He could wear his costume again? He gasped and nodded, bouncing on the balls of his feet as he did so. "I'll make another one!" He chimed happily, kissing his brother's cheek ebfore he turned. "Nine sharp!" He called after htem before he rushed up to go find Calder and converse with him for a little. See if he even wanted to go, then see if Rune wanted to... Check whether or not Calder wanted a new thing that the man could whip up in a few hours. There were quite a few things. Pretty much anything that he could makeshift, but that was well beside the point.

Running to the dorm of his lover and Calder, he poked his head inside and then grinned. Heading into the room, he bounced up and onto the blonde in bed, bouncing on the morph's form and he tried to wake him up. "Calder! Wake up ...You can sleep in a little bit, I need to bother you." He stated and poked the man beneath him once more, patting his side and trying to get him awake.

Tomias blinked a few times, smiling happily as he bumped the door closed and then walked over to the basket he had. He pulled out some crescent rolls and then held one out to the man behind him. "Want one? Or I could make a bread pudding kind of thing that won't give you a cavity." He suggested and waited to hear the other's response before he thoguht for a while. "So, when was I going to be let known of our plans tonight? Not that I mind .. I just need ab it of time to think about going places... Especially if I'm going back into that dress.'​
Calder groaned. "Too late. Get off me." He swatted at the twin without very much effort or malice. "Go bother Tanner." He swatted again and rolled over onto his side, hoping that would dislodge the bouncing ball of sugar. What was important to Relic usually wasn't life or death when he was in such a mood, so the morphe wasn't worried about ignoring him.

Groaning, Tanner rolled over at the commotion and sighed. "Come talk to me, Relic," he offered, saving Calder and gaining something owed to him.

"I think I'll stick with a bagel." Nikkos toasted a bagel for himself and added butter, after pecking a kiss to Tomias's cheek for the effort. "It was either come up with something on the spot, or wear the outfit all day. I wasn't doing the latter, so I improvised the former." Basically: Had Relic not shown up, they would not have been going out. "Besides," he pouted a little. "I liked you in that dress."
Relic groaned and his brows furrowed together as he stared dwon at the male beneath him. "Eh? You don't want to be involved in the chance of Rune in a dress?" He asked and then sighed heavily. Looking over at Tanner, he pouted even more. Sliding off the other's form, he headed to his lover, kneeling in front of the bed. He rested his crossed arms on the mattress, looking at his boyfriend and pouting. "Will you come with me to the club that Mias and Mr Alexander are going to ... We get to dress up again." He stated while his rump happily wiggled in the air, a soft hum to his lips. Once he got his answer, he would let him sleep without caring.

Tomias thought for a moment before he laughed softly. "He would have let you off anyway ... Me on the other hand... I'll be lucky if he'll let me in pants again." he chuckled softly, watching him eat the bagel and he poked his tongue out. He took the crescent in his hand and walked to the chair, sitting near the brunette and he beamed all the more. "I like the idea though. I get to dance with you again ... and show off my boyfriend." He added the last bit, winking to the administrator and obviously, he was happy. He loved getting to state that hte other was his. He would not push anything other than kissing, not for a while, but he was happy that the other opened up to him.​
"Your question translates to: Do I want to see Rune in a bad mood. My answer is no." Calder pulled the covers over his head once more and attempted to drift back off. Rune had hated his costume from last night. The blond didn't want to think about the fuss that the older twin would put up if he was forced into a dress. Besides that, he rather liked Rune in pants.

Tanner opened one eye-it was all he could manage at the moment. "Tomias and Nikkos are going to a club?" It was all too early in the morning to process such things and so the blond let it go and nodded. "Yes. Yes I'll go with you. Wake me in an hour, cutie." He pecked a kiss in Relic's general direction before burrowing deep into the mattress for the last hour of rest. Tanner wasn't too sure what he'd really just agreed to, but with Relic there, it was sure to be fun.

"Perhaps." Nikkos knew that Relic had no power over him like he did Tomias, but that wasn't the point. He knew that his actions of not returning to the dance had made him seem ungrateful and he didn't want that. The brunette was more than willing to compromise. Nikkos did blush slightly at the title. Even with Youjin, there'd been no titles. It was something fairly new to the administrator and it would take some getting used to. "We have all day then...mostly. What to do?"
Relic smiled warmly at his boyfriend, giggling happily. "Yay." he said before sliding into the bed beside him. He wrapped his arms around the other and instantly buried his face against his chest. HE was fine with just going with Tanner. Besides, this way, it was more of a double date sort of thing. It was obvious that Tomias and Nikkos were some sort of couple, so things should be interesting. He could torture his half brother a little about his new relationship. He never said he was a nice person. Just cheerful.

Tomias looked over at the other, smiling lightly as he did so. He soon reached out, taking the brunette and he pulled him onto his lap where he wrapped his arms around his waist and then rested his chin onto his shoulder. Silently, he thought about just what they could do this day, being sure he kept his mind out of the gutter. "Hm . . . We could take a walk somewhere . . .Or erm ..." He thought for a while, sighing softly and he nuzzled his nose into the crook of the other's neck, purring gently. "Sit around, make out, cook something . . . Yeah. All I got."​
Tanner scooted over to allow room for his boyfriend, and wrapped his arms around Relic's waist immediately. It was always nicer to have Relic in bed with him than to not. The blond dozed on and off for the next hour, perfectly content with lying in bed with the other man for as long as he could. Of course, he didn't know what Relic had planned for tonight as far as costumes went, and Tanner thought it would be so much easier to wear what they'd worn the night before, but... With Relic, one never knew. Tanner was quickly beginning to learn that.

Sliding from his chair over to Tomias's lap was quite simple as far as allowing himself to went. Nikkos made himself comfortable in the other man's lap, slouching down slightly so that he could rest the back of his head against the taller's shoulder. He didn't feel like staying inside for the moment, though. "Lets walk," he suggested. We can always come back early...if you're good." Nikkos gave a teasing smile, and a peck to Tomias's lips before sliding off of his lap and moving to go and get dressed.
Tomias chuckled softly and nodded, watching the man wander off to go get dressed. He stood from the seat, finishing off his coffee and he then rinsed out the cup and placed it in the sink. With that, he headed to the dresser where his clothes were on top, pulling off his pants, he replaced them with the jeans he took and then the simple v-neck tee shirt that he brought with him. He adjusted his hair, not caring enough to brush them, and then he walked over to the door to patiently wait for Nikkos to come so they could go for their walk.​
Nikkos dressed in the bathroom, still not comfortable with being undressed in front of the other. Or, rather, not comfortable with the idea of it. He was quick, though, only throwing on a pair of running pants and his old grey t-shirt that he loved so much before meeting Tomias at the door. The brunette leaned up and stole a kiss from the other man before leading the way out into the grounds.

Atlantis's grounds were vast-they had plenty of places that they could go where they would have their privacy as well. Nikkos lead them to the back acre of land. It was heavily wooded, but had a nice trail that lead in and out of the groves of trees. Once they were far enough out, Nikkos took Tomias's hand, lacing their fingers together loosely. "So never married. Have a daughter who is...how old?" Nikkos felt invigorated with being outside in the brisk air.
Tomias beamed with the kiss to his lips, chuckling as he obediently followed the other male out of his room. He definitely was the other's dog, or the equivelant of a dog. He just followed him and waited for him, pretty much wagged his tail whenever he was near, and he was so very loyal to him. Though, luckily, he was not a dog. If he was, he would not get those lovely kisses, or be able to call him his boyfriend, or anything that he so adored about their situation right now. He was happy. He just wanted to fly around and scream to the high heavens that he was happy -- or something like that.

Walking out of Atlantis and to the grounds, was lovely. Everything around them was beautiful and the man did not even mind not holding the other's hand. He wanted to, of course he did, but he knew that tere was a risk of students looking and that no one wanted anyone to be teased or for rumors to start and blah blah blah. Stupid kids. They were older! Why did they still tell damn rumors? He was just waiting for the one on Monday that would say he was a tranny or something due to the Halloween dance. He sighed heavily at the thought, already regretting that monday morning. Why, oh why, did he let Nikkos talk him into it? Glancing to the male in front of him, he found his answer -- He could never resist the man and his gorgeous ... everything.

With their fingers laced, Tomias grinned happily, leaning over to kiss his lips a moment before the question was posed. Ah. His daughter. He chuckled softly, shaking his head as he continued to go through the woods. "Drusilla is ... One hundred twenty-eight. She looks sixteen, though, so it's very off-putting to know that." He chuckled and turned to look at the man, smiling all the more. "She's half vampire. Her mother is ... well, was insane. Some Vampire hunter killed her off and apparently Dru then killed hte hunter. It's a lovely cycle really." He chuckled again, trying to think about what else he knew of the girl. He eventually shrugged when he could not come up with much else. "She found me a few years ago, just wnating to meet her father, and I have not seen her recently. Pretty thing she is. She dyes her hair a lot actually..."​
The age of Tomias's daughter made Nikkos feel...better. It wasn't something recent (in the eyes of the rest of the world, anyway) and that was partially the jealousy kicking in: He didn't want to know who Tomias had been with in the last...twenty five years.

The brunette thought about his own secrets, wondering what he could tell the other man. There wasn't much, he supposed. But then again, didn't he feel that way because he'd lived it? There were no addictions or abusers or trauma. He hadn't come close to death ever, or had any major surgeries. He hadn't ever been molested or raped in his past, nor had he ever tried drugs or drank heavily. The worst that he'd done was a few random one-night stands. Boring.

"What else?"
Tomias arched a brow, looking over at the man and he stared at him for a while. What else? He stopped walking, peering down at the other before he crooked a dark brow. "What else about what? Dru? I have no idea ... Though I'm fairly sure Drusilla from Buffy was based on her life ... She's a menace. I don't really know much about her. I have not seen her in quite a few months and well ... yea.' He shrugged once more before he went back to walking wherever the path was leading them to. "You know that I'm an open book to you, so I am glad to answer your questions." He informed him and then turned to look down at him once more, smiling pleasantly.​
Laughing, Nikkos shook his head. "I meant in general." The administrator gave a gentle squeeze to the hand that he held in his own and began to walk again. "I know you are. I just don't know what to ask." He shrugged after a few minutes of thinking. Really, his mind came up blank when thinking of questions.

Deciding to switch gears, Nikkos gathered the silliness and giddiness that he'd pushed away for those months and let some of it siphon out. He knocked shoulders gently with Tomias as they walked. "So what's your faaaaaavorite thing about me then?"
He laughed lightly. Personally, he felt there was too much to know about him. He had four and a half [almost] centuries of life to go through. He had an insane mother with bad parenting skills in some aspects, yet she keeps reproducing. Then there were his past lovers who were a doozie in themselves. There was quite a bit of life that Tomias could talk about. The different women he dated. The time he was a male prostitute before that hideous movie 'Duce bigalo" or whatever came out. He hated that movie with a passion, but that was beside the point. Either way, he needed some sort of direction to tell the other about... But, talking about why he liked him worked as well.

Tomias smiled warmly and then wrapped both his arms around the man's shoulders, keeping their hands locked as he hugged him, resting his chin to his shoulder and he continued to walk, thinking for a while before he shrugged. "I have to choose?" He asked before he began to actually think about just what he adored the most about him. "I suppose how fragile you seem to be." He admitted, emerald eyes looking in front of them for a while before he turned to look at the other, smiling lightly. "When I first met you, you looked like you would just crumble if I even thought of touching you ... So I suppose it appealed to the Knight in shining Armor in me." he chuckled softly, kissing his cheek and then he returned to walking.​
Nikkos slowed his walk to allow the other to wrap him up from behind. He hummed with the given answer, leaning back into Tomias's strong torso. He was glad for the answer-it meant that they were on the same page, sort of. Nikkos had been looking for his Knight-he'd needed his Knight. He said so. "It's why I'm glad that you didn't give up." Really, the administrator didn't know what he'd have done if Tomias had just given up. He hadn't been suicidal, and didn't think he could ever be, but he had been so deep into the depression and hurt that Nikkos had been very close to not functioning.

They were unaware of being watched, of being plotted against and cursed at as Nikkos tipped his head back for a kiss before walking some more.
Tomias grinned. He nuzzled against the other for a moment before glancing around. When realizing no one was near them, the male pulled the other a little ways off the path, falling against a tree and he pulled the shorter male against him, connecting their lips passionately. He leant down in order to do so, just wanting the contact of him for the moment. He definitely wanted to show the other how badly he was yearned after, and oh, it was horrible. He was iven permission to 'touch' him when he wanted to, and so he was taking advantage of that. He wanted him more than just kissing, but knew that that would not happen for a while. he was all right with that. Things could be taken slow. He had not done that in a while. So, a slow relationship definitely was something that he could work for.​
Nikkos laughed a little as he was pulled into Tomias's chest. He locked his arms around the other man's shoulders, standing on his tip-toes to do so. Fingers threaded through Tomias's hair and Nikkos pressed himself tightly to the other man's body. He hadn't realized how much he'd missed physical contact like this with someone, and he wanted as much of it as he could get now. It was nice to know that the 'supply' was limitless with Tomias.

The brunette's tongue slipped along the other's bottom lip lightly, tasting...inviting.
Tomias grinned for a moment behind the kiss. He gladly parted his lips to allow the other access, leaning forward to get closer to the other. His hands slid down teh man's sides, moving beneath his rump and after a good squeeze, just feeling the need to do so, he pulled the other up so that he would be easier accessed. He held the other to his form happily, kissing him all the more passionately. Tongue traveled along the other's exploring his mouth before he went back to swirling along the other's tongue.​
Nikkos squeaked a little to the squeeze, and again when he was lifted up. But it didn't discourage him from returning to kissing Tomias. The brunette shifted in the other man's arms a little, just enough to bring his long legs up and wrap them around Tomias's waist. Having legs that were more than half of your body length, and that were strong, definitely held its advantages. Nikkos helped to hold some of his own weight up as they kissed, his tongue tracing patterns over the roof of the other man's mouth, tasting each inch that he could reach.
The rest of hte day went by beautifully. After sucking each other's face for quite some time, the two eventualy went off and wandered around the campus a bit more. Coming back for some lunch, and then they returned to the room to have coffee and then get ready for the club. Tomias complaining all the while about why he had to still wear the dress and that he would take the cat ears and tail over a dress any day, but still he pulled on the boots, panties, and the many layers of clothing. well, four. The off white puffy sleeved shirt. Then the frills. Then the purple dress over that and around his form was a corset. He was actually quite shocked that that little thing could make such a corset that looked so lovely. He would have to compliment him on the corset later.

Relic was a ball of energy. He quickly hopped into his naughty nurse uniform, impatiently waiting for his Doctor to get changed before he blew his brother and Calder kisses and then off to Nikkos' room it was to get the other two. The ravenette had his fingers laced with the other's, giggling happily as he babbled on about how good this was going to be, that their costumes would be the best, and well, seeing Nikkos in some leather, tight pants would definitely be a plus.​
Dressing obediantly, Tanner wasn't far behind Relic. The blond greeted his boyfriend with a kiss and a grope (under the skirt) to his rear end before settling for taking his hand to make their way down to the teacher's quarters. "How did this all come about?" he finally asked, not sure how it was that Relic could wind them up in a 'double date' with his half brother and an administrator who was notoriously known for being cold and aloof and an asshole.

Nikkos fully enjoyed his time with Tomias. Kissing him for so long had helped to ease the last of his reservations about being close to the other man, and the walk had dispelled some energy that had been pent up for quite some time. He as quite looking forward to seeing Tomias in the dress again, and barely paid attention during lunch or coffee. And when the other man began to complain about having to wear the costume, the administrator kissed him quiet and nuzzled against his neck softly. "But I like how it looks on you..." Tomias was in trouble-if Nikkos had already figured out that he had him wrapped around his finger, then it was only a matter of time before he mastered how to play him.

He got dressed and answered the door when there was a knock. He didn't step back to let either student in, but he did wait for Tomias to come to the door too before stepping out. Nikkos didn't worry about driving-either the other couple would follow them or they'd pile into one car. For once, it just didn't matter to him.
"Because I threatened to make them wear their costumes for one full school day." He stated, grinning as he turned to Tanner, chuckling with his utter enjoyment. Eyes sparkling mischievously as he looked at the other. "Although, Friday, Tomias' ass will be in that dress I made for him... At least for our class." He stated, leaning over to kiss his lover's cheek ust in time to reach the administrator's room, seeing the man answer the door. He giggled, beaming happly. "Nine sharp." He said and then followed behind the other two happily.

Tomias grumbled softly, his complaints stopping at the kiss. He sighed heavily and then walked with to the door, narrowing his eyes at Relic before he just took Nikkos' hand and led the way to his lovely lamborghini that awaited his arrival. He did not care if the other two followed her whatever, but his hot car was going to the club and that was it. Mainly because he could speed in it, but that was well beside the point. At the car, the brunette pushed the button to have the doors lift up then turned to Relic, a brow arched in question. "Do you know where we're going?"

The ravenette chuckled softly, looking the man up and down before he nodded wit ha simple, "Yes ma'am." And then winked as he went on his way to his car, figuring he would just follow behind them.​
Tanner shook his head at his boyfriend. Really, there were times when Relic reminded Tanner so much of Rune, and there were others when he had to remind himself that they were twins. This was one of the former. But the blond was distracted when the door opened, and then the walk to the car(s). Tanner wasn't sure of the driving arrangements, but he supposed it didn't matter so long as one of them was sober enough to drive the other three home. He had a feeling that would be him. Still, he said nothing as he and Relic made their way to the twin's car. Only when they were settled inside did he say something. "Let me know now if I'm the designated driver tonight, kay?" He leaned over to steal a kiss before Relic's attention would be on the road.

He slid easily into the car. It wasn't as scary as it had been the first time he'd gotten into it and Nikkos was grateful for that. Despite appearances otherwise, Nikkos could be a speed demon if he wanted to be and he knew that Tomias was always. He finally trusted the other enough to not dig holes into his interior when they reached upwards of forty miles an hour over the speed limit. Once Tomias got into the car and they were on their way, Nikkos relaxed into the seat. "So what's my payment due for making you wear the costume tonight? A dance or a kiss?" he teased.
Relic chuckled as he looked over at the blonde, smiling pleasantly, especially with the kiss to his lips. "Considering that I am the one legal to drink, you bet your ass you're not drinking." He stated, his brows furrowing and he looked and sounded much more like a parent than the other's boyfriend. While he definitely drank while underaged, it did not mean he could not tell his boyfriend not to drink. Besides, the twins did other things than drink! Bit of ecstasy, meth, pot ... Actually, pretty much anything they had at least tried once, and typically only once. They were not heavy into the recreational drugs, but they at least wanted to try them out to see what the big hype was about. Personally, they found better highs in the bedroom than at the end of a C-note.

Tomias thought for a while as he drove out of the parking lot. He looked down at his dress before back to the man and then back to the road. "I'm definitely getting a dance at this club ... and you've already given me permission to touch you, so I'm thinking I get both." He stated, a cheeky grin to his lips as he turned to look at the other. Leaning over, he kissed his lips before he soared down the road effortlessly, swerving through the slower moving cars - rather the ones actually doing the speed limit. He has been driving cars since they were invented, so he definitely knew how to maneuver.

The thing he had not been expecting was that by the time they reached the club, Relic was already parked in the lot and out of the car, leaning against the driver's side. His arms over his revealed and toned torso, watching as the silver lamborghini pulled up beside him, the brunette inside just staring at the younger male. He hopped out of the car and walked over to the man, his expression that of utterly shocked . "How did you get here first?!"

Chuckling, the ravenette shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly, twirling the keys around his fingers. "It's not what's on the outside that counts." He stated with a wink before he stuck his tongue out and walked over to Tanner, taking a hold of the blonde's hand and lacing their fingers. Tomias was not the only one who liked speed in the family. Relic was not a 'speed demon' or anything ,but he had his moments where he liked to go fast. He entered a few races actually, but that is a different story for a different time.​
"Pffft." That was all Tanner had to say on the subject as they pulled out of the lot and headed towards the club. He couldn't help, though, that his hand fell to rest on Relic's knee. Or that it seemed to rise higher up the man's thigh little by little. Or that he was full-on groping his boyfriend by the time they reached the club. Going out always made Tanner playful. The blond leaned over and gave a bite to Relic's neck before getting out of the car before he really started something.

He was surprised that they'd beat the other couple here because he hadn't realized just how fast he'd been going. It didn't really matter, though. Everyone had gotten there and now they could go in and have some fun. Relic and Tanner led the way, Tanner pulling the blond close to him.

"You think so?" Nikkos teased about dancing with the other man. Of course, he would be dancing-Nikkos loved to dance and the dance lessons he took for years (up until he came to Atlantis) were one of those things that Tomias would know sooner or later, and it wasn't a big deal. Either way, it was fun to tease Tomias in this way.

Shaking his head at the competition between the two, Nikkos took a hold of Tomias's hand, not feeling comfortable without a grip on it, and followed the other couple into the club. The party was in full swing by the time they got settled inside and Nikkos ordered a round of drinks for the three of them that could drink, and soda for Tanner. It wasn't long before the brunette had a hold of Tomias's hand and was leading him to the dance floor.
Relic ordered a strawberry daiquiri for himself, giddy about the drink. He had not had one in so long and he missed the lovely strawberries dancing along his tongue. He purred softly and then looked over to Tanner, leaning over to plant a firm kiss to his lips. He giggled and bounced upon the balls of his white platform shoes. He took his lover's wrists, holding his wrists and he smiled all the more. "Let's dance!" He chimed happily, once again walking backward without hitting a single person - even in such a crowded place. Once far enough away, the ravenette gave a single firm tug, the blonde pulled to his forso and he instantly pressed into his little Doctor. Kissing his lips passionately for a few short moments before pulling away once more. He wrapped his arms loosely about his neck, his hips swaying and grinding against the man in front of him.

Tomias smiled. He watched Relic drag away his boyfriend and then turned to the little brunette beside him. He sipped at the rum in coke he had before setting it back onto the table. He wrapped his arm around Nikkos' hips, pulling him against his form and he kissed his cheek softly before moving his lips to his ears. "Dance now, or do you want some more alcohol in you?" He questioned, obviously teasing the latter statement as he let out a chuckle to prove that he was only joking to the little brunette at his side.​
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