Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

He was grateful. He felt a little foolish for making the choice that he did, but Nikkos was still grateful for Tomias's actions to undo what he'd started. Dessert was a nice distraction and the administrator took full advantage of it. The whipped cream was pulled from the fridge and gobbed onto his own pie, sweet tooth kicking in. Nikkos left Tomias's for the other man to dress himself. "Maybe we should stick to television tonight." It was good to know that he wasn't being judged or about to be laughed at and the brunette dug into his dessert, groaning in appreciation. "Delicious."
Tomias chuckled softly, giving a good dalope of the cream on top of his pie, returning hte bowel to the refrigerator before he walked to the couch with the man. He thought for a moment before shaking his head. "How about sitting and talking?" HE suggested, sitting beside him and he took a bite into the pie, giving a gentle little moan in his own contentment. He definitely adored apple pie. He cleared his throat a little, swallowing the food in his mouth then turned to the man, smiling a bit more. "I can tell you about World War one and two if you like." He offered, not really wanting to watch telelvision. Who knew what would be on there? Besides, he much preferred talking over television. Maybe it was the old man in him, but he always enjoyed talking to his lovers.​
Sitting and talking sounded good. Nikkos nodded and settled into the sofa with his pie, eating the filling out of it first. And his eyes lit up at the prospect of more stories. He loved Tomias's stories. Nodding, the administrator pulled himself to sit Indian style so that he could eat and look at Tomias at the same time. "You were a kamikaze pilot, weren't you?" he teased, digging into the whipped cream now, and moaning a little as he did so. "Or did you hide in the attic with Anne Frank?" It was almost a game to guess what sort of role Tomias held in each historical aspect of the world.
"I wish!" he said to the first, laughing as he did so. "But ... they wouldn't let me near the planes... SO, I was on the groud digging trenches.' He stated with a little chuckle before the mention of Anne Frank hit his ears. He sighed softly. "Nah. But I knew her. Met her once or twice ... Sweet little thing! Cute as a button.' He chuckled lightly and then began to go into stories about World War I and how freaked out everyone was with the new styles of fighting. Digging the trenches and watching three of your buds get taken out in one shot was definitely horrible to register. Though, the little truce on Christmas was a bonus. He ewnt into quite a bit of detail about that, since it was the best of the war. Sitting in the area between the two dugouts and bonding over booze and why they were fighting the war. It was fun! He fought for France, of course, but the Germans were pretty nice. "Even some nazis were, you know. I met one who actually had to put a friend of his to death ... and well, after that, he wound up trying to free all the Jews he could. Personally, I'm lucky that I was not scooped up in the gay category ... but, I think I had a girlfriend back then..."​
Nikkos listened, enthralled. He loved it and wished that he had these sorts of bedtime stories when he was little. He found himself curious about Tomias now, though. "Did you ever marry?" Genuine curiosity fueled the question as Nikkos picked at the crust of his pie now, trying not to let the flakes make too much of a mess. Like Tomias liked knowing about him, Nikkos was curious to know who he was sharing his bed and days with.
Tomias perked up with the question posed, chuckling softly as he did so. He shook his head and gave a little shrug of his shoulders. "No. I suppose I'm always the eternal bachelor. I came close once though. She was positively gorgeous too ... but apparently it was not meant to be." He sighed, a hint of sorrow coming to his emerald eyes and he sunk into the couch once more. He closed his eyes, letting his arms loosely stay over his torso while his legs crossed. He definitely had a few bad memories in his past. Not everything was happy, of course not. He never let the bad things get to him, though. His father's death, the loss of his mother, the loss of lovers ... it affected him, sure, but he could never let those things change who he was deep down.​
Nodding, Nikkos listened more intently than before. This was the important stuff that he needed to know. And when Tomias's eyes closed, the administrator waited for a minute before leaning forward and pressing a soft kiss to the man's cheek. He set his plate down and got comfortable again, studying the man in front of him. "Tell me more. About you in general, not so much the history of it."
Tomias opened a single eye when he kissed his cheek, looking at the male, he smiled all the more. Opening both eyes, he adjusted himself a bit more to look better at teh man beside him, hearing his question and he chuckled softly. "What do you want to know? There's a lot about me." He stated with a little wink. He tapped his fingers on his torso, silently thinking about what the man may actually want to know and he shrugged after a moment. "Apparently I have a daughter." He said, probably far too nonchalantly for hte topic. He just figured that would be something the other would want to definitely know about. "I did not know I had her until a few years back ... She's half vampire too. Pretty thing, really pretty actually." He chuckled lightly, his head shaking a bit as he thought about the girl.​
He raised an eyebrow. Really, he wasn't surprised by the comment. How could he be? Four centuries (almost) of sleeping with men and women alike? Nikkos was surprised that there was only one. Or, really, one that he was being told about. The administrator just nodded, taking in the information and storing it away.

What else did he want to know? He took a minute to compile some questions before speaking. "Will you kiss me?"

Sure, it wasn't exactly what Tomias had been expecting to hear, and Nikkos was fairly sure he knew the answer already, and there were other questions he could have asked... But none of those things were the point. What was the point was that the brunette had an overwhelming urge for Tomias to kiss him, and knew that he wouldn't get what he wanted without asking point blank.
Tomias had been going through his memories, trying to think of anything else that may have been important to let the other know. There were quite a few things that had happened to him, but none that were really relevant to the situation at hand. He then stopped all his thoughts when he heard the other's question. Kiss him? The brunette turned, looking at the other and he arched a brow. He really was not kidding, huh? Well then, that certainly made his night better.

Reaching forward, he wrapped his forefinger around the other's chin, pulling him closer and he whispered a gentle, "Absolutely" before connecting their lips in a soft embrace. He had been tempted to tease him and just give him a kiss to the cheek, but with an opportunity such as this, why would he play the fool? Kill the mood just to get a giggle? Yea, that would not happen anytime soon. He had been waiting so long to be able to kiss him and Halloween was apparently the day to wait until.​
Nikkos leaned forward as the finger was tucked under his chin and waited with baited breath. Tomias's lips on his own in this way made the administrator's heart skip a beat. Sure, the other man had kissed him before, but not like this. This was what Nikkos had wanted and was glad that the other hadn't teased or turned him down. Even though his head knew that Tomias wouldn't, Nikkos's heart was still wounded.

Eyes fluttered closed and the administrator's hand moved up, fingertips brushing against the other man's cheek. His movements were shaky, but not anywhere near 'unsure'. Nikkos returned the kiss with everything that he was able to give in that moment, eventually beginning to lean up closer to Tomias, an attempt to make the position less awkward and silently asking for more contact.
To ease the awkward positioning, and soothe the need for more contact, Tomias wrapped his arms around the brunette's form, pulling him onto his lap where he kept his arms loosely around his hips - being sure the other knew he could get away at any point in time. The male truly was worried about scaring the other off once more. He did not want to be back at square one with negative points against him. He wanted Nikkos to enjoy his time with him to its fullest and know that he could trust Tomias to not hurt him or do something e did not want.

With the man closer, Tomias' lips began to have more passion behind their movements, showing the feelings that the man had for him. He really was head over heels for Nikkos - he would follow him to the ends of the earth probably. He was his faithful little pup! He did wear a dress just because he told him to. He tended to not really question whatever Nikkos told him to do, which could be both good and bad. He just cared for him so much. All this taking his time and being sure to not step on a landmine made the elder male hold Nikkos in a special light.​
His arms wrapped around Tomias's neck as Nikkos moved into his lap. With each passing minute, the administrator began to feel old parts of him opening up again. The capacity to fully care; to fully trust and love and show vulnerabilities were all there, lying deep beneath the surface and tucked away for safe keeping and now they were beginning to ignite once more. That wasn't to say he loved Tomias, but the ability to fall for him was there where it hadn't been before.

Nikkos threaded his hands through Tomias's hair, wanting to know parts of the other that couldn't be told. It was long minutes before Nikkos broke the kiss softly, chest rising and falling with each rapid breath. He needed to clear the cobwebs that had formed in his head and he took a minute with his forehead resting against Tomias's to do so.

"You don't have to be afraid to touch me anymore," he clarified softly. "I like being near you." Something had clicked with Nikkos, finally, that Tomias would back off if asked to. The brunette kissed the other man again as he slid further into his lap.
Tomias took in large breaths as their lips parted once more, his eyes closed while he listened ot the other's breathing, finding it all quite soothing. He remained where he was, smiling lightly to his words. His emerald eyes opened to look at him and he smiled all the more. "You have ... no idea how happy that makes me." He whispered before their lips connected once more. His arms held onto him tighter, happy to be told he could be at ease with him. He still would not push anything but he was glad that he did not have to walk on pins and needles any more. He wanted so badly to be with the man and it seemed like that was what was going to happen. Right? At the thought, he pulled his head back, looking down at him with his brows furrowed in curisoity. "This mean you're mine and all mine and I can title you my boyfriend?"​
Nikkos smiled, the words helping him to realize that Tomias's happiness was important to him. Of course, before that moment, he wouldn't want the other to be sad or hurt but the intensity had clicked up a few notches now. Things were happening so quickly and Tomias's words only added to the speed. It made Nikkos back off just slightly to study the other man's face. Boyfriend? The brunette had to rationalize-he already trusted that Tomias wouldn't hurt him; that he'd back off when asked; that his feelings and words were genuine. The question-the request-didn't change any of that.

After another minute of searching, the brunette nodded slowly. "Yes."
Tomias grinned with the other saying they were. He beamed happily and kissed his lips once more. He stood up from the couch, holding him and then resting him onto the bed. He stretched his arms above his head, groaning as he did so. "Mm ... Enough for today, yes?" He suggested, figuring he would give him a bit more space once more. He was excited about Nikkos saying they were boyfriends now. He was definitely going to have to be sure he calmed himself a bit. He grinned happily and he leant over and kissed his lips once more. "Best Halloween ever." He whispered and then slid into the bed. He wiggled his legs a bit and then curled into the sheets.​
Holding on tightly, Nikkos buried his face into Tomias's neck as he was carried to the bed. The sensations were old-he'd had them before-but felt so new. Nikkos liked it.

He crawled under the covers, this time waiting for Tomias to join him and curling up into his side the minute he was comfortable. The brunette couldn't explain why he was suddenly so comfortable there, but he was and he was not one to deny himself things that made him comfortable. Raising his head up, Nikkos pressed a couple of kisses to Tomias's lips before turning everything off, and locking the door. The excitement of the day had taken its toll on Nikkos, and he was asleep quickly.
Tomias slept beautifully that night. Knowing that Nikkos had felt hte same way that he does, or at least had the great chance at getting there, it made him giddy inside. He took a while to actually go to sleep, but he soon got to. A few nuzzles to the brunette's neck and he then settled back to resting against him and purred softly as he slept. At least until there was a loud pounding on the door at nine in the morning.

Outside of the door, a very pissed-off Relic stood at the door. His lips pulled together, brows furrowed, and he stared at the door. He definitely was not a happy camper right now. His arms crossed over his corset-clad torso, a simple black skirt rested on his hips and he continued to look at the door, impatiently waiting for someone to answer it. When no one came, he knocked on the wood harder, not caring that Nikkos was in the room as well. He was on his 'shit list' too. He did not make those outfits for htem to be worn for two minutes then hung up to collect dust. He was not going to let that happen. Not without protesting and probably slapping some half brother of his.​
Nikkos slept through the night, and he slept soundly. He could have slept for another hour or so, but the pounding on the door jarred him awake and the administrator was not happy. Grumbling, he slid down to the foot of the bed and shuffled over to answer it. Perhaps tell whoever was on the other side to piss off. Either way, it would not be a "good morning" greeting.

The brunette flung the door open, best death glare in place. "Whatever it is, Mister DaoLin, it can wait until Monday when office hours are in session." Nikkos made to close the door-the bed was still calling his name. Or perhaps that was the coffee pot.
Relic looked down at the man, arching a brow to his threat. He chuckled and then folded his arms over his lower torso, looking down at the glaring man and he shook his head a little. "You're cute when you glare." He stated, patting the top of his head, despite knowing he hated contact. "It's nine o'clock. Your lazy asses should be up already." He informed the man and then glanced into the grumbling Tomias. "Dearest brotheeer." He called out to the man, his foot tapped impatiently upon the ground while he waited for the other to get to where he was as well.

Tomias growled, flipping off the ravenette before he knew that there would be repercussions if he did not at least see what he wanted. The brown-haired man stood up from the bed, an annoyed look to his features. He grumbled and stood behind Nikkos, looking groggily at the other. "What, Relic, What is SO important for you to interrupt on a Saturday morning..."

He grinned and then looked down at the other male that was now there. "Goodie!" He chimed happily and giggled a moment later. "I'm disturbing your sleep, because making your costumes disturbed my sleep, and therefore, I require payback." He informed the two, his eyes traveling from one brunette to the other before he shrugged his hsoulder nonchalantly. "Both of you owe me, so in order to make me happy, since you skipped out on showing off your costumes at the dance, Monday, I want you both to wear your costumes for the whole day. NO hiding up in your office, or running away, or any other thing you may think would get you away. I put hard work into those, especialyl yours Mias, and I want them shown off."​
Nikkos laughed. He thought for a minute as he moved over to make a pot of coffee and rummage through whatever Tomias had brought for breakfast. "You will not be getting such a thing from me. However, if you would like to return here tonight, I'm sure I can figure something out to appease you and show my gratitude." Nikkos was sure there was a Halloween party somewhere that wouldn't require him to know anyone there well enough to socialize. "Tomias, too."
Relic shook his head to the bargain the other tried to make. He rested on the doorframe, watching the man go about the kitchen "Nope. I will not accept anything under wearing the costumes for a whole day. You can do it Friday if you would feel better about it all. . . But I made them. I want to see them worn ... and it would appease the sadist in me to have Tomias in a dress for a whole day." He grinned at the thought, chuckling softly and he then turned to look back at Nikkos, smiling all the more.
"Yes well. Never in my life have I worn a costume for an entire day. I do not intend to start now. You're welcome to come out tonight with us. But I'm sure considering the circumstances you can understand my leaving last night." He knew that Relic had been watching, and Nikkos wasn't backing down. It wasn't that he was ungrateful. It was that he'd been scared and unsure and all around not himself. He couldn't have been expected to return to the dance and he refused to allow himself to be punished for such a thing. He was done being manipulated.

The administrator returned to the door with two mugs of coffee, handing one to Tomias. "Please don't think me ungrateful. I'm not. However, I will not compromise my comfort to show gratitude. We'll be leaving at nine."
Tomias glared at the other, his eyes narrowing before he turned to look at Nikkos, perking up with a smile. He took the coffee and then blinked a few times. Interest plagued his features as he looked at the smaller male. "Where are we going? And ... When have you decided that .. we're going?" He asked, utterly lost at the other telling them that they would be going out this night. He had not realized that. He did not mind the idea at all, but he just had not realized that they were going somewhere. He was happy though. It meant he could show off his boyfriend.

Relic thought for a whlie before he nodded. "All right. You're excused from my punishment." He then looked up at Tomias, flicking him in the forehead as he did so. "You ... on the other hand... are not. Mainly since I can manipulate without caring. Friday, your ass is in that dress." He stated, turning back to the smaller man and he smiled warmly. "I would love to come with you guys tonight. Where are you going anyway? I can bring Tanner and drag Rune ... Maybe not him depending on where you're going."​
He laughed and patted Tomias's arm at the questions, clearly stating that he'd tell him later. "The name is The Star Bar. If you plan on wearing costumes, I don't suggest your brother as he didn't look thrilled last night." Nikkos wasn't sure if he should be grateful for Rune's foul mood, or sympathize with him. Nikkos nodded to Relic and returned to the kitchen to read the paper and continue rummaging for breakfast. "Be here by nine."

With a look up, Nikkos cocked his head to the side slightly. "What did you bring for breakfast? I see desserts in here." Danish, sweet rolls, chocolate covered...pastry. Nothing conducive of breakfast. He had a sweet tooth, but not this early in the morning. Of course, it was better than what had been in his fridge on Tomias's previous sleep over so Nikkos couldn't complain too much.
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