Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Tomias sighed softly, stepping inside and he closed the door softly behind him. He walked over to the man, kneeling beside the man in the chair and he looked up at him with a pathetic look to his features. "Nikkos ... It's okay." He whispered softly, his eyes showin the concern and care he held for the other. He smiled weakly, not wanting to touch the other for fear of him pulling away even more. No, that was a lie. He wanted to touch him. He wanted to hug him and cling to him and just show him that someone cared for him far more than anyone else ever could have, but there was that personal space that the other loved so much, and that was the prevailing winner right now. "I will protect you ... Always."

Relic sighed softly, his eyes closed and his hand rested over his face as he relaxed a bit more. Rune definitely was a handful. He chuckled at the thought. He sounded like his mother. Lifting his head, he looked over at his twin, smiling warmly. "We can do your favorite song first." He suggested, figuring that a little of violin playing would definitely help to soothe the other's emotions.

Rune arched a brow, a child-like smile coming to his features. "REally?" He asked, perking up instantly. "Yay!" He said and then turned to Calder, kissing his lips softly before he turned and headed to the stage with his brother. Hopping up and onto the stage effortlessly, the elder headed to the microphone, tapping it a few times to get the attention of the crowd below. He looked them over and isntantly cursed Relic for his attire, but he was all right at the moment. "How about some music?" He asked, getting quite the cheers from the audience. Grinning, the elder twin moved to pick up his violin in the corner, beginning to play what sounded like a beautiful melody, and it was. Soothing and more something for a waltz ... until Relic came in with a hard chord on his guitar and the two instantly began to go into the song.​
He was scared. Unlike the fear that he'd held towards Tomias and his intentions, Nikkos was scared for his well being. And he was angry. He was angry that he couldn't defend himself; that he was helpless against Youjin. He was a roller coaster of emotions at the moment and the administrator didn't like it. Tomias's presence helped, though. It helped ground him and keep him from panicking.

Nikkos took a minute to compose himself before standing up. He didn't acknowledge anything Tomias said, but he'd heard it-loud and clear. The brunette took a hold of the other man's hand to help him stand. With a thought, the radio he kept in the office turned onto something slow enough to dance to. He didn't know if he could go back yet, and wanted to keep the unspoken promise to Tomias. Nikkos lifted his arms to hold the other man around his neck as he pressed their bodies together. "Thank you."

Both blonds watched Rune's attitude change with amusement. Neither could have ever pictured "yay" coming out of the man's mouth and they had to giggle at it. The pair moved forward, taking a front row seat to the twins while cheering and hollering and cat calling the loudest of anyone. Calder was amazed-Rune looked right at home on stage and he played magnificently. The blond couldn't tear his eyes away from the older twin, even as he danced with Tanner and a few of their other friends.
Tomias sighed softly. He remained at his side and unmoved at anything. At least until the male's hand was extended to him. He arched a brow, standing up and he heard the music, a warm smiling pulling at his lips. He wrapped his arms loosely around the other's slender form and he leant down to rest his forehead against the other's, smiling contently. "You're welcome.' He whispered softly, pulling the other against him and he rested his chin on top of his head. He rested his hands at the other's lower back, beginning to do a simple square waltz or whatever the name was called. He happily went around in the little circular motion, just content with the rythmic movements, hoping that it would help to calm the other as well.

The twins on stage were definitely having a ball. Eventually, Rune had to put the violin away and stuck to vocals, being the deeper voice of the two. All the while, Relic played the guitar and every so often, the two would grow closer to each other, pretty much teasing the audience with a probable kiss between the two. They so loved to put on shows for everyone that chose to watch them. There were quite hte many songs playd and soon enoguh, the guitar Relic held was swung over to his back and the show ended with the two connecting their lips in quite the heated and lustful kiss. Relic's leg hiked up to rest at Rune's hip with his hand sliding up said leg to push aside the skirt. They stayed like that for a while before the background music stopped when they pried apart from each other to give peace signs to the audience and an in sync "See ya!" before they hopped off the stage - after putting away their isntruments of course.​
Nikkos buried his face into Tomias's neck, breathing in the man's scent deeply for the first time. He had an overwhelming sense of calm wash through him and the administrator stepped closer into the embrace; he held on more tightly. It was exactly what he needed: someone strong to protect and lead him in every day life. Sex in any form was the last thing on Nikkos's mind as he analyzed his growing friendship with Tomias. "Stay with me tonight?" Rationally, Nikkos knew that Youjin was no longer a threat, at least for tonight, but that wasn't the part of him that was asking Tomias to spend the night.

Tanner and Calder both growled at the finale. They both knew-they both knew that dating one twin meant sharing him with the other. Still, neither liked it. Or, rather, neither were used to it. When Relic jumped off the stage, Tanner was quick to gather him in a heated kiss of his own. "Don't like when you do that," he muttered. It didn't mean he wouldn't deal with it, or that he was asking Relic to stop. The blond simply wanted his opinion stated for the record.

Calder, however, hung back a little. It wasn't that he liked the show, but he knew that Rune knew he didn't. And he knew that Rune probably didn't care, either. That was the downside with the twin. He did, however, eventually make his way over to the other man and peck a kiss to his lips. "Amazing."
Tomias smiled warmly and gave the other a simple nod. He kissed his forehead softly once more, his arms wrapping around him tighter and he then looked around the office for a moment. He smiled again, scooping up the male and hugging him to his chest as he did so. "Of course I will ... Just not in your office." He stated, kissing his cheek softly and then he walked iwth the other in his arms to the door where he put him down, knowing how much Nikkos was concerned about keeping up appearances. He opened up the door and walked out, his hand taking a hold of the other's and lacing their fingers. Luckily, there was no one in teh hallway. But, just in case, dropping his hand was easier than dropping a whole person.

Relic squeaked with the sudden kiss, giggling lightly behind it as he looked at the male in front of him. Shaking his head a little, he wrapped his arms around his neck, pulling him closer to his form with a soft kiss once more to his lips. "Mm... But the crowd adores it." He whispered softly, hugging his lover and he pressed his whole torso against the other's, just wanting to be cloesr to him. His ice blue eyes tilted up to look at him, smiling all the more. "Don't worry, I'm all yours." He added, kissing him once more with a little giggle.

Rune glared at Tanner for a while before sighing heavily. Shaking his head, he stopped just in time to get the kiss from Calder. He chuckled softly. "Of course it was." He stated with a little bump of his hip to the other's and looking around. "Where's the booze.." he mumbled, taking Calder's hand with him as he began to walk to where the drinks and everything else were. He knew that if he just abandoned Calder, the blonde would not be happy, and he knew he already was not happy wit hteh whole make out thing, so this was his compromise. THe blonde was not his boyfriend or lover or anything, but he was a friend [with great benefits] and he did not want him angry. So, holding his hand would have to do.​
Nikkos squeaked as he was picked up and he held on for dear life. He'd never had it done before and Tomias had taken him by surprise. On the plus side, the administrator wasn't about to have a heart attack by being held so closely, or tightly, with no escape. He did, however, appreciate being put down to walk the halls and was even a little charmed by having his hand held that way.

He set the pace slowly, both men just strolling through the halls. Nikkos wasn't sure if he wanted to go back yet or not, but maybe walking a little would help him calm down enough so that he could. He'd hate to have made Relic do all this work for five minutes of wearing the costumes. "What happened after I left?" He needed to know.

Tanner poked his tongue out at Relic. He knew the crowd liked to watch the two, but he couldn't help that he didn't like it. "'m just jealous is all." The blond leaned forward to nip at his boyfriend's ear before pulling him out to the dance floor to really have some fun. Tanner fully intended to dance the night away with the other man.

Walking through the crowd, Calder lead Rune straight to the alcoholic drinks. He wasn't going to deny the other his fun for the night. "Whatcha want?" he asked, stepping behind the table to 'play' bartender.
Tomias smiled warmly, glad to take a little stroll with the man. He kept forward and listened to hte other, slowly turning to look down at him. "Oh. Relic calmed Rune down ... and I think Youjin managed to get away with a broken nose and probably broken wrist." He stated so very nonchalantly. And considering it was Rune they were dealing with, that was definitely a good thing. The whole situation could have been so, so much worse.

Relic smiled lightly and then nodded a bit. "And I love it." He teased as he moved to the floor with the other. He wrapped his arms around his neck and he happily began to move. His hips against the other's and he began to ever so softly grind against him in a slow-dance type of way. He leant forward to rest his head against the man's neck, his eyes closed and he nipped gently at the other's neck. "So, did you like our songs?" He questioned, tilting his head back to look up at the man, smiling warmly. He always loved to get feedback.

Rune walked over to the drinks, looking them over before moving his eyes back to the other's. "Rum in coke or mint mojito... Something." he suggested, shrugging his shoulders nonchalantly while he waited for his drink.​
In a way, Nikkos felt sorry for Youjin. But there was a larger part of him that knew that the other man got exactly what he deserved. Something had changed in Youjin, and while the administrator didn't know what it was, it scared him. There was a lot on his mind. Youjin scared him and Nikkos wanted to fire him. But would that look like he was using his power for personal gain? And what about Rune? Really, since both men were adults, he had nothing to do about it unless Youjin pressed charges. He ran the first thought past Tomias, then asked: "What would you do?"

"Mmmm. Loved them." Tanner was a rocker by nature-anything with some drums and a good guitarist had him hooked. The diversity of Rune's violin only did good, and the lyrics and the twins' voices were just a bonus. Even if he didn't know the twins, or wasn't dating Relic, he'd love the music. The blond hissed as Relic began to grind against him, and the twin's hips were pulled closer. "Tease" was muttered playfully into his ear as Tanner began to give what he was getting.

Calder nodded and quickly mixed up a rum and coke, though he was slightly heavy handed with the rum, and handed it to Rune. The blond made his own drink (vodka and cranberry juice) and then slipped around the table once more. "You looked amazing. Sounded even better."
Tomias listened to the other's worries, smiling weakly before he began to think for a short while. He really had to put aside his bias in order to do so. He then looked back to Nikkos. "Professionally? I would just suspend him. Not permanantly fire him, but he definitely had plans to start something ... and the fact that he had basically threatened to harm a student does not make him any better. Sure, Rune started it, but if he had backed down, there would be no broken bones. Besides, He'll be on hospital leave for a while." he chuckled at the thought, soon stopping himself with a clearing of his throat.

Relic chuckled softly. "Mm... You know it." he whispered and then nuzzled his nose against the crook of the other's neck. He rolled his hips happily and he definitely was having fun. He adored his lovely boyfriend. Always so much fun and there for him and ah, he looked so hot in his costume! "I should make you clothes more often." he murmured and bumped his hips into his once more teasingly and hugged him tighter.

Rune took the drink with a simple, "Thanks" before he listened to his compliment. His ice blue eyes sparkled as he looked over at the man, grinning as he did so. "You liked it? Oh, thank you." He said, quite happy to hear that he liked the show. He took a sip of the drink, chuckling lightly ass he looked over at the man. "I still owe you a personal violin concert though." He stated, smiling lightly as he remembered his promise to the other.​
Nikkos considered the words. It was likely that Youjin would be out of work for a week-it would be hard to teach with only one hand. "Maybe I'll leave it at that then." He wanted to believe that the time off from his injuries would bring some sense back to Youjin. The administrator knew that it wasn't true, but he wanted to be optimistic, even if that was difficult to do. "He wasn't ever like that before. I think that's why it scared me so much." The brunette was thinking back, trying to remember any hint of that behavior and past being a nymphomaniac, there was nothing in his past with Youjin to suggest it. With a sigh, Nikkos lulled his head against Tomias's shoulder as they walked.

"Definitely," Tanner agreed. It was funny-in high school, he'd have turned his nose up at homemade clothes. Then again, the things that his grandmother made and the things that Relic made were comparing Saks Fifth Avenue with the Salvation Army-no contest. "I'll be your mannequin any day." The blond's hand moved down to rest on Relic's rear end. He wasn't doing anything inappropriate, but he was making a statement nonetheless.

"And I still owe you dessert." Calder hadn't forgotten the deal, and was looking forward to both ends of it. He downed the last of his drink and tossed the cup into a trash can as he started towards the dance floor-it was something up tempo, and right up his alley. He'd leave it up to Rune to come or not-he felt as if the twin would feel obligated to say yes if asked to dance, and Calder didn't want that.
Tomias looked down at the other. His arm wrapped around his form and he pulled the male up and against his ftorso, hugging him to his form and he sighed softly. He leant down and kissed the top of his head before he tilted the other's head back, smiling warmly as he did so. "People change, you know." He said softly and then kissed his forehead once more. "He is not the man you knew before, obviously." He sighed softly and took a step back from the male, figuring he had been close for long enough. "Anyone who breaks up with you, and in an uncivil way, definitely is not a good person."​
He nodded. "I know that people change. Just. I don't know. We were so close for so long. It's hard to see him like that." Nikkos leaned into the soft affections. He was growing accustomed to being physically close with another person again, and was even coming to like it once more. He felt safe with Tomias and that was the major issue in the first place. He had to change the subject, though, or else he'd go crazy. The brunette knew he was over-analyzing things and needed to stop.

"I like being with you," he offered a little shyly. "I'm glad that you pushed."
Tomias smiled happily, hearing the other say he was happy he had pushed. He tok a hold of the other's hand once more, pulling him to his chest and he began to walk toward his room. If he was staying over night again, he was bringing some of his clothes over. Just some pajama pants and something to wear in the morning. He wrapped his arm around the other's shoulders, figuring that if the man wanted his arm gone, he would let him know. He walked past the man's room and eventually to his.

Opening the door, he stepped into the room that was fairly identical to the other's. A simple couch, small kitchen with only a chair and small table in it. A bed on the far wall and a closet. Difference being, his room was a mess. He never really was told to 'clean his room'. His mother had not been there when he was growing up and well, he did not care. He would clean up eventually. He giggled softly and he turned to look at the other. "Ignore the mess." He stated, heading inside and then over to where his dresser was. He pulled out some boxers, pajama pants, simple jeans and a tee shirt for the next day. Yep. that was all he needed. "wait! We're bringing food to your place. Your refrigerator was disgusting" he stated and walked over to his fridge, clothes draped over his shoulder as he did so. "I may be a pig, but my kitchen is always clean. Mum's number one rule."​
A little confused as to where they were going, and then why they were in Tomias's room, Nikkos couldn't help the slight panic. He trusted Tomias more than he had yesterday, but not quite fully yet. He was still learning and felt silly that he'd panicked over the other man simply wanting something comfortable to sleep in, and to dress in once pajamas were no longer appropriate. After realizing that, Nikkos began to take in his surroundings.

He stepped over clothes and books and...other unidentifiable items. "You complain about my kitchen..." How could he live like this? "Kitchen is one thing-I can eat in the cafeteria, go out, use the school's kitchen... You...you have to live in this!" Nikkos toed at something that he couldn't quite make out, but was fairly sure it was clothing. Well, he hoped that it was. The brunette found more and more as he walked through the room that he'd be fairly scared to ever sleep here.

Finally making it to the kitchen, the brunette took the clothes from Tomias's shoulder so that the other could focus on carrying whatever food he wanted to bring with him. Nikkos also rummaged through cabinets to find plates and glasses-all he had were paper and he wasn't even sure if there were any left in his own pantry. "Ready now?" He couldn't help but be anxious to get to his own, clean living space.
Tomias chuckled softly as he looked over at the man, smiling all the more. "You sound like Mum, when I lived in the mansion." He stated and laughed again. "She complained how dirty my room got. I just ... don't care. I'll take care of other's places, but my own room, I could care less about. My penthouse was nice actually. It's just my bedroom that gets messed and since this is one giant room.." He trailed off, waving his hand in the air and he bumped his hip playfully against the other before turning back to the refrigerator. He took out a little picnic basket and shoved a few things from his refrogerator into it and then straightened. "Yes, yes. .. You can escape now.' He stated , alughing softly as he did so.

With a smile to his lips, he held the basket then took his clothes from the man, kissing his temple and then to the door it was. He headed out of the room, turning to look at the pirate and he smiled warmly once more. "I have things for breakfast and some sort of dessert tonight ... I can make anything from chocolate covered straberries to brownies... What do you want?" He asked, heading down the hall and he kept his eyes to the other.​
Nikkos silently thought that the woman had a right to feel the way she did, but he didn't say so out loud. Instead, he simply shuddered as he took a last look at the room and was grateful to get out of there. He felt dirty from just standing in it, but then again, Nikkos was a complete neat freak. Well, except when it came to his fridge. He barely used it and usually forgot that he had it.

The administrator leaned into the kiss with a small smile. Yes, he was definitely becoming accustomed to the little affectionate things that Tomias did. Enjoying them, even. It was nice to feel normal again.

Nikkos lead the way to his room and opened up his 'home' to the other. It felt...right to do so and Nikkos liked it. The plates and glasses were set on the counter and the basket that Tomias carried was as well. "You can put your clothes on the bed. Or the dresser. Anywhere but the floor." He was only half teasing. "Drink?"
Tomias stuck his tongue out at the other before he turned and headed into the bedroom, laying his items on top of the dresser. He knew he was a horrible slob and that Nikkos definitely was not, but knowing that, hewould not mess up his room. He was brought up to respect other's things and that meant he would not dirty his room with his slob-like ways. He would be a good boy.

Turning back to the kitchen, he perked up as he looked at the other. He walked over to where he was and thought for a moment. "Sure." He said afterward and then took the basket he brought with him, opening the door and beginning to load in the things he brought with him. He then bumped the refrigerator closed with a hip and turned back to the other, smiling happily. "So, Gunna booze me up or just a simple soda?" He questioned, leaning over and kissing his cheek with a little chuckle. "Are you goign to try and take advantage of me when I'm drunk?" He asked, smiling all the more as he looked at the brunette.​
Nikkos looked at him with a little smirk on his lips, playing the game that he'd been so good at. "Don't be silly. I wouldn't have to booze you up, and I can't take advantage of you if you're a willing participant." That said, the administrator handed Tomias a glass of white whine before pouring some for himself. It took the brunette a minute to realize that Tomias was still in his costume and he laughed a little. "You brought clothes for a reason, did you not?" He himself was quite comfortable, but knew that the outfit would have to be given up for something more normal pretty soon.

"Lets change. We can read. Or watch a movie. Something not too mind boggling." Nikkos just needed to relax. The events of the night had taken their toll on him more than he'd realized now that he was able to allow the adrenaline to run out of his blood.
"Damn." Was all the brunette said before he took the glass of wine and sipped from it. He listened to his words and glanced down to the dress upon his form. In all honesty, he had not realized he was still in a dress. He did not mind it in the long run, but he figured he should probably change. He did not want to risk ruining the dress with some wine or anything else they may snack on later tonight. He nodded and then placed the glass back onto the counter, to come back to at a later point. Once his clothes were changed, the glass would definitely be back in his hand.

Til then, he walked over to where he laid out his pajama pants and a new pair of boxers. He placed them onto the bed, not caring to go into the bathroom. No, he cared, he just wanted out of the damned dress already. He untied the corset, laying that down on the bed first before he unzipped the dress and then took off the shirt beneath that. He made sure to neatly put them on the bed and then was all too happy to remove the panties forced on him to wear. "Oh GOD I feel better." He said, wiggling his bare rump a bit and then chuckling as he pulled on his boxers and then the pajama pants a moment later. He figured at hte very least, he gave Nikkos a good show.

Stretching his ams above his head, he groaned and then took the items on the bed, hanging them up and he sighed softly. "I don't know how he wears that..." He murmured and shrugged once more.​
He couldn't say that he didn't watch. He also couldn't deny that he was attracted to Tomias. Nikkos just wasn't ready to give what it was that the other man wanted. Still, he had his own guilty pleasures, and if this arrangement of sharing a room continued, watching the other man dress and undress very well may become one of them.

As for himself, the administrator stripped the upper half of his body, hanging the shirt and accessories in the back part of his closet, far from anything that may dirty it. The boots were placed in the closet, too, but the pants were left on. They were too tight to wear anything underneath them and the brunette just wasn't as comfortable baring all in front of Tomias. He knew that the other would understand and he refused to feel guilty for it.

Nikkos padded through the room, barefoot and shirtless, and to his collection of movies. Most were action and horror flicks-another guilty pleasure. He chose a psychological thriller, though-one that he'd not watched before. The DVD was set in the player (which was left open) while both glasses of wine were set on the coffee table and Tomias was pestered about dessert.

"Make me your favorite. You made mine last time."
Tomias turned to look at Nikkos, smiling. Leather pants were still on ... and he definitely was happy for that. A grin pulled along his lips and he chewed his bottom lip for a while before he forced his eyes away and back to the man's face. He straightened his stance a little and looked at the man, smiling warmly. "You look lovely in leather, by the way." He stated, walking toward him before he heard his request. His favorite? he could do that.

Smilling warmly, he nodded and headed into the kitchen, setting about baking what he wanted. After a good ten minutes, the pie he made was into the oven to cook up. He stretched his arms above his head and walked back over to the man on the couch, sitting beside him with a warm smile to his lips. "About forty five minutes until it's ready." He informed the male, turning to look at him, his emerald eyes sparkling with his glee. "Apple pie is definitely my favorite ... Mum used to make it all the time when we were little and Dad would eat half the thing in one night." he chuckled and shook his head.​
Apple pie? "Mmm." Nikkos had a large sweet tooth, especially for items containing cinnamon and sugar. As he thought about it, the administrator formed an idea and smirked a little. "Wait here." He got up to put a shirt and shoes on, and disappeared out of the room, to the kitchen. He didn't have the ingredients to make this in his room, but knew that the school would. Heavy cream, vanilla and confectioners sugar were basic things that Archer kept stocked. It only took him twenty minutes to return to his own room, a bowl of fluffy, homemade whipped cream in his hands. It was perfectly sweet and just the right texture, and Nikkos couldn't help taking a fingerful for himself. "Yum."

He put it in the fridge-who wants runny whipped cream?-and returned to the sofa, head resting on Tomias's shoulder after the remotes were acquired. The administrator felt as if he was in high school again, on a date with a boy that he was on the verge of "really liking". The idea made him squirm a little, not sure if he was comfortable with some of the memories that popped up, but the little movements successfully scooted Nikkos closer to Tomias, which he was perfectly okay with.

Tomias arched a brow. Where was he off to? And why was he left alone? He sighed heavily, poking his tongue out at the door and by the time he returned, the apple pie was out of the oven and now it just had to cool - and tease them - on the counter. He looked at the brunette, pouting as he did so. "I so liked you topless.' He murmured and then walked over to the couch to sit once more. He nuzzled into the cushions and then waited for the man to join him. He smiled warmly as he did so, stretching out his legs onto the coffee table and he wrapped one arm loosely around Nikkos' waist, just wanting the other a little closer than he was. Once he was comfortable and he could smell the teasing apple pie, he nodded. "Yep. Start it up." He said, leaning over and getting his glass of wine, setting back to silently sip the liquid.​
Nikkos settled, legs pulled up under him and to the side so that his weight was almost entirely on Tomias. His left arm was draped over the other man's middle and the movie was started, lights turned off with a thought. Yes, he could definitely get used to this.

The administrator fast forwarded through the previews, moving straight to the main menu of the movie and starting it up, then settled back down completely once more. His fingers drew patterns over Tomias's side subconciously as the movie started, a sign that Nikkos was truly comfortable enough with the other to not keep himself rigid and on alert. He didn't even move to get his drink, simply thinking it over to him.

As the movie progressed, Nikkos found himself burrowing deeper and deeper into Tomias's side. Perhaps this wasn't the best choice of movies after the events of tonight, because the administrator was becoming slightly spooked.
Tomias glanced to the man beside him as the movie moved onward, seeing that he definitely was getting affected by the contents. He looked back to the television before he clapped his hands together, wine glass on the table a while ago since he finished it off. "Let's have some pie." He said, standing up from the couch and ever so nonchalantly turning off the television as if that was not his ultimate motive. He walked into the kitchen, beginning to cut a piece for him and the other. He placed the pieces onto separate plates and then looked over to Nikkos, smiling warmly. "Wish to do the honors of adding the whipped cream you made?" He asked, hoping to get his mind off the movie.​
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