Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Tanner was slightly pouty at not being able to drink, but he got over it the minute that Relic's lips were on his own. The blond kissed the other and allowed himself to be lead through the crowd. He was still amazed at the twin's ability to do so. So much so that Tanner never guided him and instead allowed Relic to do the work as he watched in wonder.

His hands rested to the other man's hips while their bodies pressed and ground and swayed together in perfect rhythm. Tanner was hard in minutes, thoroughly turned on by Relic's movements. His lips moved to his boyfriend's ear. "So fucking you when we get back..." The blond nipped an earlobe, teasing as they danced.

Nikkos purred to Tomias's deep voice in his ear. He never thought that something like that could be quite so sensual. His honey eyes closed and his mouth parted slightly as the vibrations ran through him completely. And the brunette moved to kiss the other man, but was pulled away quite suddenly.

He gave a yelp, not sure what was happening at first. But even in the flashing lights of the club, Nikkos could clearly see Youjin's face as he was dragged onto the dance floor with the other man. "You owe me a dance."

Youjin didn't pay attention to whether or not Nikkos danced with him, but instead pulled his ex lover close and began to grind his hips into Nikkos's own in time with the music.
Relic grinned deviously, feeling the man's arousal pressed against him and he definitely adored that the man wa so easy to turn on. He pulled him closer, continuing to rock and ride his hips into the other's, a soft and teasing moan passedh is lips into his boyfriend's ear. Her purred softly, nipping the lobe of his ear with a heated whisper of, "Why wait?" He pulled back and met his eyes, a mischievous glint to his eyes. He then looked aroudn the club, glancing over to the restrooms and thinking about going there or possibly finding another place. Or ... he could just restrain himself and be a 'good boy' and not have any sexual contact in a club, or something of that sort. It all depended on his boyfriend.

Tomias grinned. He did not have to read the other's mind to know that he seemed to enjoy his voice in his ear. He would have to remember that. At least until he no longer had his boyfriend at his side. He went a little wide-eyed, loking aroudn and then seeing him forced to dance with that damn Youjin again. He growled, his eyes narrowed at the two and he cleared his throat, calming himself and he shook his head. Walking around the table and through the people, he stopped beside the two, obviously pissed. He narrowed his eyes at the man before he rested a hand on both male's chests, pushing them aside before he took Nikkos and wrapped his arm around his shoulders, hugging him against his form. "He's not interested, thank you. He has a new boyfriend." He stated, trying to contain his anger.​
Why wait? "Because I don't want to share you," he half growled into his boyfriend's ear, pulling Relic closer to him. Tanner couldn't help being possessive. He was quickly falling for Relic, and he never shared whom he'd fallen for. Of course there was Rune, but the twins hadn't slept together since he and Relic had made themselves official, so Tanner wasn't worried. He kissed down Relic's neck, starting from just behind his ear, to his shoulder as they danced, the blond plotting what would be done once they got home.

Nikkos fought Youjin to no avail-he'd always been weaker than his ex-and was overjoyed to see Tomias. He clung to the other man in a death grip as he was hugged to his side, knuckles tight in the fabric of the shirt and corset.

"I didn't ask if he was interested in dating me. We're dancing. Get over yourself." Youjin grabbed a hold of Nikkos's arm again, attempting to tug the brunette from the nosy asshole who wouldn't let the other have a good time.

The administrator still held onto Tomias. In his head, he was telling Youjin "no", but he wasn't sure if the word was actually coming out of his mouth or not.
Tomias glared at the man, hissing beneath his breath. He took a step to the side the other attempted to pull Nikkos from beside him. His hand pressed against the brunette's side to keep him behind him. "No. If he wanted to dance with you, I would have no problems." He stated through his teeth, trying to not just punch him full on in the gut. He wanted this asshole out of his life. Out of his. Out of NIkkos' and if he ever could, out of Atlantis. the latter did not seem like it was going to happen any time soon, but he would settle for him out of their hair right now.​
Youjin laughed. "I don't hear him protesting!" Once more, the man stepped forward and around Tomias. His hand reached out, brushing the back of his knuckles over the administrator's cheek ever so lightly while his other hand rested on Nikkos's ass. Oh what a lovely ass he had! He only wanted it once more...for now! "Come on, baby. Just one, little dance?" Youjin leaned in and brushed his lips over Nikkos's.

The administrator for his part whimpered and tried to get away. But it seemed that no matter where he went, Youjin was right there. Nikkos clung to Tomias, wanting to crawl into him if that would stop his ex from touching him and being near him. He drew in deep breaths of Tomias's scent and being (or at least it felt that way) to gain the courage he would need. "N-no." He took a shaky breath. "No. And if you don't leave I'll-"

"You'll what?" Youjin's voice was dripping with faux sweetness. He spun Nikkos around with a quick, hard pull and connected their lips together roughly.

Caught off guard, Nikkos tried to push the other away and when that didn't work, he began to panic.
Tomias was livid. No, he was well past livid. He would not let that obnoxious, self-centered, asshole torture Nikkos. He was HIS boyfriend. He was NOT interested in doing anything with Youjin and he hated that the man had the gall to just ignore everything that was telling him 'no.' He hissed at the kiss, his fingers curled into fists and his eyes narrowed all the more at the elemental. He pulled Nikkos away and said a simple, "You should listen" right before his fist collided with the other's cheek, and his foot rammed into his stomach, not caring where the other went. Sure, it would interrupt ... everyone's dancing, but he did not care. He wanted Nikkos comfortable and happy and that man continued to fuck everything up. He stood in front of Nikkos, his left hand pushing the other behind him and he took a hold of the brunette's hand, letting him know he was there.​
Breaths came in short, quick gasps. He was upset and scared and confused. He didn't understand. He didn't understand why Youjin was acting this way or what he'd done to deserve to be made to feel this badly. Nikkos rested his forehead on Tomias's back, trying desperately to collect himself. His hands rested at his boyfriend's sides, balled tightly into whatever fabric they could get a hold of as he tried to hold onto his grasp of reality. It took several minutes, but he drew strength from deep down. It wasn't all that he wanted, but it was what was needed for the time being.

Nikkos stepped out from behind Tomias, though he stayed close, and attempted to keep himself as cool and as in charge as he possibly could. The brunette schooled his features for the moment, looking down at the groaning, injured man. "Fire you. You'll be expected out of the school by noon tomorrow."

The words lifted a weight from his chest, even as Youjin protested. "Archer won't fire me!" He laughed. "You're not his golden boy!" The elemental pulled himself up, sore and likely very bruised.
Tomias stayed rigid and firmly where he was. He wanted to be sure that there would be no one to bother his boyfriend. He did not want Nikkos to get even more upset. He straightened in his stance, despite being in a dress, he could still attempt to be intimidating. He listened to the words exchanged and a brow arched in question, looking down at the man that he had so nicely beaten. He shook his head and cleared his throat to take the floor, if you will. "Ahem ... I may be new to the school, but I can tell you for a fact that Archer has no say in who gets fired. Nikkos is te Staff Administrator, his job is there to decide who stays and goes." He stated, his arms folding over his corset-clad torso as he did so.

In the mean time, Relic noticed the commotion and he figured that with the punches being thrown, that it was time to possibly stop Tomias from starting anything. Stop grinding his boyfriend and be a decent brother. He kissed Tanner's lips softly before he turned and made way to the trio of trouble. He stood between Youjin and the couple, turning to look at the other and his brow arched in question. "Any problems here?" He asked, his arms over his exposed torso as his eyes stayed to that Youjin fellow. He was partially hoping that his identical look to his brother may frighten the man to leave. He heard hte conversation about the other being fired, and he wanted the man to leave to make everyone else happy.​
Tanner looked over and rolled his eyes at Youjin. The man just never learned. The blond followed Relic. While he was disappointed in the dance ending, he knew that somethings were just more important. Tanner stood with Relic, being sure nothing started flying, other than Tomias's fists. The man looked like he wasn't done with whatever he started. The blond took a hold of Relic's hips and pulled him backwards just a little. "Don't want you in the crossfire, just in case." He knew that his boyfriend could heal himself but Tanner would rather not have Relic need to exercise that power.

"Archer has a say if a staff member is abusing his power!" Youjin looked rather proud of himself for that one, even though his pride was badly wounded for not remembering his ex lover's title at the school. Still, the man stepped forward and took Nikkos's hand once more. "Come on, sweetie. One dance and we can forget all about your little threats." Youjin began to back up, taking Nikkos with him.

Nikkos had forgotten how strong Youjin was and he once again had trouble pulling away from him. The administrator held onto Tomias tightly, wanting this all to end. "Just STOP!" He used a thought to push Youjin backwards, the middle of his back slamming into the edge of the bar. He was angry now more than anything. "Before I release Tomias on you," he began to threaten as Nikkos stalked towards the other man, "Let me remind you: You left. You planned. You didn't want to be with me. You chose." The brunette looked down at the other and resisted the urge to spit on him. "Good luck."

Turning back to Tomias, Nikkos leaned up to nuzzle at his cheek softly. "I don't care what you do. But I'm going outside because if I see it, I would have to take action at the school." With a soft kiss, the administrator left the club. He leaned against the brick wall, gulping in air as the adrenaline rushed out of his body.
Relic nodded a little and rested against the blonde behind him. He did not want to interfere completely. He wanted his brother to be able to be the knight in shining armor. He knew Tomias was capable, but he did not know how strong that Youjin fellow was. He did not want to see Tomias get his ass kicked, so he would stay. FOr the moment, he would just be sure that his brother had control of the situation and that he would not be needed. He remained silent, his eyes following Nikkos as he exited the building, then glancing back to his brother. With a look from the taller male to the one rammed against the bar, the ravenette nodded. "Let's go check on Mr Alexander" He offered, taking his lover's hand and he then led the way through the many people and out to where the brunette was, smiling pleasantly to the male. He walked over to the male, bumping his hip gently against the other's fingers still laced with Tanner, but his eyes and attention on the other. "So, this was fuuun." He laughed lightly, not meaning any harm but it was either that, or bother him about his and Tomias' relationship.

Tomias remained silent, letting Nikkos get anything he needed to off his chest before he looked to the man once the three left the club. He leant down to the man, a devious smirk to his lips as he wrapped his fingers around the front of his shirt. "Do you get it yet?" He asked and then his right hand collided with his cheek once more. Quite a few more blows were thrown at the other and he managed to dodge anything the man may have tried to hit him with. HE was not the defence teacher for nothing, you know. The thing being was that Relic and Rune were both better fighters. Frankly, he thought it was a genetic thing, but that was well beside the point. Eventually, the man was on the ground in a mess of his own blood and a broken bone or two. He just let him go and then called an ambulence to pick up the man. Without anotherl ook to him or the strange looks from the club-goers, he left to go find his boyfriend and the other two.​
Tanner stood, holding Relic across his chest loosely. The blond didn't want to hinder his boyfriend from jumping in if the situation called for it, he just wanted to hold him. He had pity for Youjin as they stepped over him and, quite literally, left him for the wolves, but not too much. He'd been warned by Tomias, by Rune and by Relic. He just...didn't seem to get it. Tanner followed Relic outside, though he stopped at the bar to ask for a cup of ice water on his way out, and offered that to Nikkos once they were standing with him.

The administrator took the cup gratefully and sipped it, looking up to give an evil eye to Relic that really had nothing behind it. He felt bad that he'd released Tomias onto Youjin, that he'd given his blessing and permission to do so as Tomias's boyfriend. But he wanted it done. He couldn't go through life wondering when the next attack would be, and if Tomias would be there the next time to protect him. "We'll wind up skipping out again, but just until he's gone." He didn't want Relic to think that he was finding excuses not to wear the costume.

But he forgot about that when he saw Tomias emerge from the club. Nikkos moved over to the other man immediately, arms wrapping around his middle and his nose being pressed to Tomias's throat while his eyes closed. He just needed comfort; needed to feel the strength of the other around him.
Relic arched a brow at the look he got, eventually just shrugging his shoulders. "I know. It's fine ... Trust me. I don't mind." He stated, giggling softly and he then turned back to Tanner. Nuzzling into his shoulder before he saw Tomias exit the club. With that and the administrator going to him, Relic grinned. Nipping the side of his neck gently, the man laced his fingers with his and began to walk back toward the car. "Mm ... Your room or mine?" He whispered as he stopped at the driver's side. His arms wrapped around his lover's neck, pulling him closer and kissing his lips passionately and lustfully.

Tomias sighed softly and he wrapped his arms around his lover's shoulders. He leant down and kissed his forehead softly. He continued to hold him, ignoring Relic and Tanner already. He then pulled back a bit and kissed Nikkos' lips softly, resting their foreheads together a moment later. "You're fine." He whispered and then looked at the flashing lights of an ambulence before he began to take the other to his car. "He's not ... but I am very proud of you, you know. You stood up for yourself." He stopped at the passenger's side, kissing the man once more before he straightened up. "He'll be fine ... after a while." Kissing him again, he opened up the doors, waiting for the man to get situated before he would go to his side of the car.​
Grinning, Tanner took a firmer hold on Relic. His hands slipped up the back of his boyfriend's skirt to grope at his ass, squeezing and massaging it as they kissed. His tongue explored Relic's mouth, tasting everything. "Don't care," he muttered as he tore himself away from his boyfriend. To get to a room, they had to separate no matter how badly Tanner didn't want to. The moment they both got into the car, the blond was attached to his boyfriend's neck and ear, trying not to distract him too much. Until they got to his and Calder's room, that was. Relic was pushed to the bed, their lips still attached, and kissed senseless, Tanner's hands sliding up the other man's thigh while pushing the material of the skirt up.

Nikkos didn't want to let go of Tomias. He still wanted the support and strength that the other man offered him. And the kisses weren't something he would willingly give up, either. But the lights and sirens told him that he had to. The administrator stole a last kiss from Tomias before slipping into the car.

The ride took longer than it should have, but so long as they were moving away from the club and Youjin, then Nikkos didn't care. He'd take the night to recover and speak with Archer in the morning about looking through filed applicants. For the time being, Nikkos could teach Youjin's classes. Despite the fact that he wanted to keep a low profile, Nikkos couldn't help but stick close to Tomias as they made their way to his own room.
Monday morning, all that could be heard were whispers and squeals and bits of excitement from the males in the halls. All the chattering and gossiping was about one single person â?? the new potions teacher. The whole school body all tried to see the new teacher that nonchalantly walked down the halls, being led by Archer who was showing him around. The silver-haired male had a look of utter serenity to his features. No smile was really cracked. No little laugh here and there. The man definitely was a professional. His indigo eyes looked at the rooms the Dean told him to look to and nothing else. Eventually though, the elder male left the new teacher to do something or another, only leaving when the man told him everything would be fine.

The new teacher definitely was a gorgeous piece of work. His long silver locks cascaded over his toned form to the back of his legs, pulled together by ribbon at the center of his back. His indigo eyes had a soft, yet stern look to them, with just a hint of sorrow behind them. He was gorgeous through and through. It was no wonder that the boys in the school already were swooning over the delicately featured man. He looked like he should be on a shelf somewhere as the worldâ??s most perfect China doll. Yet, he was not. He was in the school and the one who took the place of the recently-fired teacher. He did not know the story behind how he got hired, but he was happy to actually be hired.

Walking through the commotions, the twins were instantly curious about just who this new eye-candy was. They made their way to where the others were stopped, interest piqued as they spotted the silver haired man. The two turned to look at each other before they grinned. â??Gabrielâ? was said together followed by amused little chuckles. The twinsâ?? name was instantly caught by the brown-haired man that was obviously gawking over the young, new teacher.

â??You know him?â? The other asked, waiting to hear the answer impatiently.

The two nodded and looked over at the man. Relic spoke first. â??Yeah. . . Donâ??t get your hopes up, though.â? He said, getting a look from the man and the younger twin sighed softly. â??Heâ??s straight.â?

The brunetteâ??s face scrunched up, not liking the facts apparently. â??Even if thatâ??s true, he could be persuaded otherwise.â? He stated, feeling very confident of his retort, at least until the twins shook their heads and told him it would not work. Then, he got a bit angry at them. â??How do you know?!â? He hissed, glaring at the two.

â??Weâ??ve tried.â? Their voices were perfectly in sync, their eyes moving to the brunette at the same time and they just stared at him before the other turned away with a â??hmmphâ??.

Relic shrugged his shoulders and then drew his attention back to his boyfriend, smiling all the more. He reached over and took his hand, lacing their fingers and then he rested his head against his shoulders, nuzzling his nose into the side of his neck with a few soft purrs. His eyes slipped closed and he sighed contently. â??Anyway...â? he began, lifting his head and watching Gabriel walk away from the horde of students who would be all too happy to bombard him. He smiled warmly, watching the man walk away. He giggled and turned back to Tanner with a smile. â??Gabrielâ??s a sweetheart, but heâ??s also very stern.â?
Perhaps, really, moving to America had been best. The nasty memories of Russia were left behind and new opportunities had arisen. Never did Sergei think that he would be able to complete high school, let alone attend a college of sorts.

Four years had been spent studying for tests and researching his own self. He knew that he shouldn't have survived. It was just common sense. But somehow he had, and two years ago, he finally had figured out (sort of) why. And that had brought on the search for a school that could help him, which lead him to Atlantis. Atlantis was the only school in America, but it was the best in the world. Everyone who wanted to learn to master their power (if they had one) wanted to come to Atlantis. He wasn't sure how he got in-his 'power' wasn't strong nor was it controlable-but he had somehow.

So now here he was, on his first day of classes, roaming the halls like an idiot because he had no idea where he was going. Potions? What the hell was that? Why did he need it? Well, he supposed that was why he was here, wasn't it? He didn't know what would help him take control of his powers?

"Room five oh--Oh! Here."

Sergei threw the door open and moved up towards the professor, but stopped short. There was a strange feeling that came over the red head, like a hook had been thrown around his waist and someone was dragging him towards the man. What the hell was going on? An uncomfortable look came over the young man as his feet moved without his permission, only stopping when he was nearly on top of his teacher. Sergei fought against the force...or whatever it was and stepped back three steps. "Sorry. I am Sergei. The new student?"
Gabriel made his way to his room for teaching and he began to organize things to his liking. He actually wound up changing the layout of the room. His desk, he pulled to the other side of the room and he turned the other desks around to face his desk and adjusted a few more things before he heard the bell ring. He perked up, his long lashes batted aainst his cheeks as he stared at the clock. Wow. Time definitely passed faster than he would have thought. He was not expecting the desks and arrangements to take him so long. Apparently, it did. He was so nervous to teach, though. Sure, he did student-teaching ... at a regular school, but even then, he wa not prepared. Who knew how the students at any school would act?

He smiled briefly to some of the students that stared at him while walking into the room. He eventually just busied himself with the papers on his desk until the bell rang. he was being gawked at too much for him to do anything but. Maybe he should have pulled his hair into a ponytail ... instead of pretty much down. He remained in his little owrld until he felt someone pretty much on top of him. His amethyst eyes blinked a few times and he lifted his head, turning his gaze to the man with a brow lifted in question. New student? He nodded a bit and then marked off his name as being here.

"Welcome. I'm the new potions teacher, so it looks like we'll be new together." He stated, giving him a brief smile before he motioned toward the desks. "Sit where you will." He said and then turned to the board behind him to write in qutie the beautiful handwriitng, his name - Gabriel Marlow. He scripted the name of the potion that they would go over this day and once he figured he was finished, he went back to looking over the class. His arms folded over his toned torso and looked at the class. "Good morning. I'm your new potions teacher. Please, do not ask me what happened to your old teacher. I do not know." He then took up a stack of papers, walking to the farthest row. "Now, here is the potion we are doing today." He stated, passing out a paper to each student and he headed toward the desk once more where a couldrin [effing word] rested with the ingredients around it. "I'll do the potion step by step with you."​
Class went by slowly for Sergei. He didn't understand most of what was being said, though for once it wasn't because of the language barrier. The subject just didn't make sense to him, really. He struggled through the entire two hour period, and his final product was green...instead of orange. He groaned and let his forehead fall to the tabletop in front of him with a bit of a thump as the bell rang to signal the end of class. After a few moments of head-bashing, Sergei stood and moved toward Gabriel.

"Excuse me. Yes. I do not get it. The ingredients they... they work together? But then not. I do not understand. How can it be...How can it be yes and no all together?"
Gabriel was fairly happy with the class. Most had at least orange potions. Some were darker than it should be, or lighter, but for the most part, everything was fine. until he spotted the green. Green? That definitely was not good. At least it was not purple. He established that purple was definitely the worst color this particular potion could have turned. He told the students to write their names on the potions and then he put them aside to grade later on in the evening, when he did not have any classes. He would check to see if the potions worked, if they worked as tey should, and everything of that sort.

He turned his attention to the male that was once more in front of him. He listened, staring at him with a bit of a blank look to his features. Yep, he missed the last part, but go the gist of what he spoke. He glanced to the time. He had an hour free before lunch and even during lunch he would not mind helping out the other. He then turned to look at him again. "I can help you now, if you do not have another class ... Or during lunch."​
"Yes...Yes please."

Sergei had worked hard to complete American high school. He'd gotten straight A's and nearly aced most of the exams that he'd needed to take. Not being able to grasp a concept was...devastating. He needed to get it, to understand it. It was a compulsion, but at least it was a healthy one, right? He stepped up to the front desk and laid out the paper they'd been handed at the beginning of class to go over step by step.

"This here. I...ood...een." Okay, his English wasn't perfect... "Yes. It reacts with the water, yes? But that is not what you want, so you add this...flower to...em... to stop the reacting. But then why add the I...ood...een at all?"

He stopped and thought for a moment before asking one other question: "And why is mine...Why is mine green?"
Gabriel took a hold of the vile that held his potion, looking it over before he set it to the side. He pulled his chair to him and sat down, listening to the other, what he could realize and it took him a few moments of going over his words and the blanks in his sentences in order for him to realize what he had wanted to know. He did have a good point. "The Iodine needs to go in because the reaction needs to happen. If the reaction does not happen then the sage will not properly work. The reason for the thistle is because the reaction only needs to be in the potion for a short while, just to change the make up of the potion for the next steps." He then took the potion that the other made, swirling it a little and he did not even have to look at the list of ingredients or anything of that sort. "Your potion is green because you put the octopus tentacle in before you put the vampire blood." He turned his eyes once more ot the redhead. "The order ingredients go in matter." He stated. There were a gew other things taht caused the potion to change, but the major thing was the order. The amount had been a factor as well, but few could get them right the first time. Even a dash too much sage could change the color.​
Sergei listened as best he could. The man went a little faster than he could keep up with though, and he had to have Gabriel repeat a few things before they made sense. At least, the words made sense. The theory behind them still was a little sketchy. "So...it cannot be what...what it was to start, otherwise it does not work?" That...sort of made sense? Well, he supposed if he thought about it as cold water could not be converted into steam it helped a little.

The fact that he'd added something in before he was supposed to just drew an "oh" from the man as he studied the paper in front of him hard. "Will you do it with me?" He wanted to try to make the potion again, but with Gabriel's help; his guidance. "Later is what I mean." There wasn't time from now until the end of lunch. "I would like not to get a bad grade."
Gabriel did not mind that he had to repeat a few times. He knew there was a huge language barrier and he knew that there would be some definite repeats. He ust went over in a slower, simpler manner until the other told him he could actually go on. He crossed his arms on top of the desk, looking over at him and he listened silently. He nodded to his words. "Whenever you have free time, let me know so that we can make a time to meet." He stated and he then shook his head a little at his latter statement. "As long as you show effort and prove to me you want to learn, you will never get a bad grade." He informed him and then he looked over to the clock. Wow. It was almost lunch time already. Huh... He had not realized the time that passed, yet again. It seems his time here would be one of a fast pace​
"Mmm yes. Perhaps on Thursday. I have the afternoon free and that would be best I suppose..." Sergei nodded a little as he thought while marking (in Russian) on his paper to meet Gabriel for a tutoring session on Thursday. He had no idea that the last part had been in his native tongue, and that the other man couldn't understand one word of it. "Is two o'cl---" He stopped, realizing now what he was doing. "Sorry. Habit, hmm? Two o'clock? That is good? Or I can come later if you need." He knew that the other was helping him out and that it was a favor. Sergei would fit his schedule to match Gabriel's, no matter what.
Thursday? That sounded like a good day for him. He pretty much had the same schedule the whole week, so yes, that would definitely work. He turned his amethyst eyes back to the student, about to tell him the day worked when the bouts of Russian came yet again. He waited for the redhead to realize before he sighed softly. "It is fine. Thursday at two works well. We can meet here." He stated and then stood up from the table, his long locks falling and bumping against his rump. "I will see you Thursday, Sergei." With that, he waited for the other to leave the room before he sighed heavily. This ... was going to be so very tiring.​
Sergei noticed the sigh and felt bad. He really was trying not to go off in Russian. But when you speak it for almost eighteen years of your life...it's hard to just stop doing it. "Just stop me, hmm? I am trying." He took the paper and gathered his other belongings. "Thursday. I will be here. Thank you." He spoke slowly now, concentrating that every word was in English. He needed Gabriel's help-it wouldn't do him any good to annoy him. The redhead slipped out of the room and headed towards the cafeteria to get his food, and then made his way outside. After Russia? Utah winters were spring time! And it wasn't even winter yet-it was barely autumn!

He picked a bench a few hundred yards out from the school and sat down to eat.
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