Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Relic continued to play with Rosalie, easing up on the bouncing when Tanner moved behind him. He giggled happily, eventually calming his legs and keeping a hold of the girl's hands. Rosalie beamed, laughing away with being tickled and squirming from the tickling finger. Relic was content. He leant forward and rested his head on her forehead once more, getting both her hands to lift up and wrap around his hair, pulling it and he wrapped his hands around her little form, pulling back and still having the girl tug on his hair. He sighed softly before looking past the girl to Rune, smiling happier. "Do you wish to hold our sister?" he questioned, chuckling lightly with teh look Rune gave.

Rune's uupper lip pulled away and he groaned. "Not particularly." Was all he said before he leant back and against the wall beside his bed, his arms folded over his lower torso and he looked over at the trio, rolling his eyes a bit. He did not really like kids. He did not hate them. He liked Rosalie ... He just could not stand them most of the time. Some were okay. Like Rose. She cried only when necessary. When seh was teething, or hungry, or needed to be changed and the few times when she was over-tired, she would scream and cry and be a little baby. HE was okay with that. The ones that screamed all the time, he could set ablaze and watch burn alive. He shook his head at the thought before sighing heavily. Pushing his form up from the bed, he walked over to the little girl who instantly beamed. Releasing Relic's hair, her arms lifted up for her big brother. He reached down and scooped her up, resting the girl on his hip while her head nuzzled against his chest. "I don't know why you like me..." He murmured, seeing the girl giggled and amused herself with the finger he used to poke her little nose.​
Calder gave Rune a smack to his arm at his answer. Rosalie wouldn't stay this little forever and then he'd be sorry that he didn't bond with her more. There were other people in the world besides Relic and his boyfriend had to understand that. "It's not going to kill you," he urged, smiling when Rune did stand and take the baby from Relic's lap. It was sweet to see that she liked Rune, and cuddled close to him the moment she was in his arms. The blond stood behind Rune, lips pressed to the very top vertebrae at the base of his neck. "She has good taste, that's why," he answered for her. "Or she's inherited Relic's masochistic gene..." He nipped at the flesh beneath his lips before moving back to the bed. Looked like it was going to be a lazy day, as a car seat wasn't left to take the little girl with them anywhere.
Rune chuckled softly, looking at the little raven-haired girl and smiling all the more. 'Mm ... One can only hope she hasn't." He teased, leaning down and kissing the top of her head before he sniffed a few times and arched a brow. He grumbled softly, taking the girl and holding her out, seeing her smiling gleefully. He shook his head, resting her back against his side and an arm wrapped around her little torso. He walked over to the diaper bag, dragging it with him before he plopped himself onto the ground, placing the girl on the ground beside him and he then draped out the little mat to change her on. Put everything out neatly and then looked over the girl before he sighed heavily. "You're a mess, little girl." He said, getting a giggle from the little girl.

He shook his head and placed her little rump on the mat before he pulled off the little dress she had on and then tugged out a new outfit to put her in. "Let's change you completely.. Mom has bad taste anyway." He stated while he leant down and softly nipped her nose, getting another litte giggle from the girl who clapped her hands on his cheeks, pushing his lips together and he stuck his tongue out. Pulling out from her hands, he completely pulled off her dress and then he laid her back to change her diaper, gagging a little as he tossed the dirtied thing into the garbage, wiping up the girl and then replacing a diaper to her rump. He then pulled her up to stand, grinning. "Naked baby." He said, getting a little giggle from the girl. When she stood though, two little white wings could easily be seen upon her bare back, the wings fluttering just slightly with her giggles.​
"Oh I see," Calder said as Rune went about changing the little girl. "You can change her, but one look at me morphed and you're passed out in seconds." He laughed a little as he was only teasing.

The wings didn't surprise either blond-they supposed that nothing would so long as they spent the vast majority of their time around the twins. Neither knew whether they fully enjoyed that knowledge or not, but they were never bored at least!

Calder sat behind Rune, legs to either side of his hips and arms around his waist. The blond had gotten comfortable again with the amount of physical contact they had with each other, at least in private. Calder still respected his boyfriends distaste for PDA. Resting his chin on the twin's shoulder, Calder watched the interactions between the baby and Rune. "You're good with her," he offered. Reaching out, fingertips trailed along the tips of the wings, curiosity getting the best of him.
Rune rolled his eyes. "I don't pass out ... I just vomit." He stated and then shrugged his shoulders. "Besides, I've seen Lily naked and didn't freak out. And she's oooold" he said, chuckling, even more so with the little girl giggling at his voice change when he said 'old'. He grinned and then pulled te girl to him, planting a raspberry on her bare torso before he let her sit on the ground in front of him. He glanced over to the finger along the girl's wing, smiling lightly as he did so. "She's cute, huh?" Rose really was one of the few females who would receive a compliment from the male. Her, his eldest sister, and the middle one. Those were the lucky few. And probably any other girls his mother may pop out in the years to come, but they did not count rihgt now.​
"Rune in 'Daddy Mode'. Never thought I'd live to see that."

Calder wasn't teasing this time and he scooted out of elbow range carefully. He did mutter a 'same thing' to his comment on the reaction to women. He wasn't poking fun at the reaction itself, just that it wasn't for all females, regardless of age or being a sibling. The blond thought it was rather interesting, though he could understand it. It wasn't a family member that had tried to force herself onto Rune.

"How long is she here for?" Not that he wanted the little girl to leave, but if board games or something else to keep them from going out of their minds was needed... The blond moved now to rummage through the bag of toys that was left, looking for something to stimulate Rosalie.
"Until you see the old hag again." He stated and then stood up from the ground, kissing Calder softly and he rested the little half naked girl on his hip, looking over to Relic. "How fast can you make something for her?" He asked, truly curious. The one obvious thing the twins had in common definitely was their fashion and utter need to make sure everyone around them had at least an ounce of good clothes.

Relic perked up, his eyes sparkling and he grinned. "Hour." He stated and then he bounced his way over to the closet, pulling out a trunk and rummaging throgh. Humming a few times while his rump wiggled in the air. He took out some pink, purple, and white fabric and draped them over his shoulder before looking to his brother and sister, smiling all the more. He walked over to his brother, taking the little girl from his arms and resting her onto his hip. He giggled ligtly, kissing her cheek before he turned to Calder and held out the baby to the boy. "You hold her." He stated and then moved over to Tanner, taking his hand and pulling him away. "Let's go back a nice outfit, kay?" He said, kissing him once more. "Or we all could go ..."​
Shaking his head, Calder took the little girl with ease. "You go. The halls are drafty in the winter." The blond turned his attention to the baby in his arms. "Don't want you getting sick, right?" He lifted her above his head, hands supporting her on either of her sides. He gave a (very) short toss (more like a hop!) up and caught her again, watching as she threw herself into a giggle fit. Holding her like that, Calder lengthened his arms and walked around the room, taking Rosalie on her first "flight".

"Christmas is soon," he commented to Rune, not sure where he wanted the conversation to go, but not wanting to sit in silence either. "Does your family have a huge get together?" Calder sat on the bed and then laid back, Rosalie still held up and away from him as he rocked her back and forth a little, gaining yet another smile. "I think you might be getting coal this year," he teased his boyfriend.
Rune watched the two leave, smiling warmly. He then took one of the onesies that were in the bag and stole away the baby. He rested her on his lap and then easily put the purple little item onto her form and he lifted her up, resting her feet on his knees and he grinned. Leaning up, he planted a soft kiss to her cheek before she turned the baby to the man beside him, resting her rump on his thigh. "Yea. The whole family gets together. All the way from Tomias down to, well, Rosalie." He said, chuckling lightly and he kept his arms aroudn the little girl, unless Calder took her from him.

"You could probably come over if you do not mind and your parents don't mind missing you." He offered, shrugging his shoulders nonchalantly. He really would like if Calder came to the Holiday dinner and everything like that. At the very least, he would have to spend New Years with him. Besides, his mother would be all too happy for a legitimate boyfriend of Rune's to actually be at the table.​
Calder let the girl go, knowing that she was in capable hands and that it was rare for Rune to show such affection towards anyone but Relic, and only very recently him. The blond watched, still amazed at how good the other man was with the baby and he glowed a little at the invitation. "If you'll do Christmas Eve with my family?" Christmas Eve was much bigger than Christmas. He knew, somehow, that the family lived in the northeast. His own family lived in Ohio. It was a twelve hour drive to the New Jersey shore line, and so long as they didn't live on the northern most tip of Maine, the two could drive through the night and make it for Christmas morning.

"If you're not comfortable with it, I won't be disappointed." He paused then added: "Well, I will be. But I'll understand."
Rune had just finished the last snap when he heard the invitation from the other. Christmas Eve with him? He thought for a while before he shrugged. "Sure. And it only takes a good hour or two of flying to get from Ohio to New Hampshire ... It's easier when you can go over the waters and whatnot. Though, there would have to be a break in between so that I did not pass out ... So closer to two than it would be to one." He thought for a while, doing the claculations in his head before he nodded and decided it would be. So, Christmas morning, they could get up early and fly there ... As long as they were back for twelve, his mother would be happy.

"Your family is small, right?" he added, not really wanting to deal with two big families, and his definitely was huge. Huge and confusing and he did not even know why everyone still managed to come. Although, Scarlette's daughter should be with her boyfriend's family this year. He believed that that was an announcement last year. He really did not pay attention. Normally, he was prodding around and torturing his nephews and nieces.​
Smiling, Calder sat up and kissed Rune slowly, letting his lips linger against his boyfriend's for several seconds. He'd have stayed there longer if Rosalie hadn't begun to smack both of their cheeks, vying for attention. Laughing a little, Calder listened to the little girl's request and pulled away. "Small? Well...I suppose. The most we've had is fi---" And then everything else sunk in. Fly? The hell? Was he dating Superman now? The blond cocked his head to the side, eyes clearly showing his confusion.

Rune kissed him back, arching a brow with the slaps to his cheeks. He turned to the little girl in his lap, sticking his tongue out at her. He wa then subjected to the girl taking a hold of his cheeks and pulling them apart and just all sorts of torture. He nibbled the girl's fingers before he turned to look at Calder, the fingers now in his mouth and pulling at his cheeks and teeth. He looked at him with a brow arched in question. Why was that a hard concept? He saw Rosalie's wings, didn't he? It was a genetic thing. He sighed heavily, prying the fingers from his mouth and then beginning to bounce the little girl up and down on his knees, keeping her occupied while he spoke.

"Yes. Flying." He began, looking back to Rose and seeing her beaming as she watched her big brother. He shook his head a bit then turned back to Calder. "You saw Rose's wings. They don't go away you know ... well, not permanantly." He shrugged his shoulders and then went back to looking at his sister. "All of mom's kids have wings ... We are half angel, you know ... And so we can fly."​
"I just... I mean I thought..." The blond humphed, and then started over. "I suppose I assumed that it wasn't all of you." He poked his tongue out at Rune. He was curious to know how Rune flying was going to get him to New Hampshire, but didn't ask. His boyfriend would tell him, or show him, or make him ask when they left from his house. Calder was also curious to see what Rune (and Relic) looked like with wings, and the mechanics of how they worked and the like. He supposed he could morphe his own set, but had never tried. Perhaps that would be an experiment to play with before going home for Christmas.

Changing the subject: "What am I walking into on Christmas morning? I'll tell you my horror stories if you tell me yours." Rune probably had many more than he did, but what did he expect? His family had been around much longer.
Rune arched a brow, looking at the man and he shrugged his shoulders. "What's an angel without wings?" He questioned and then turned back to Rosalie and he thought for a moment about all the years of Christmases in the past, sighing heavily. "I suggest staying away from the kitchen. Mother has knives and she has stabbed Tomias before for interrupting her." He warned, looking over at him and then he thought for a little while more. "Avoid Yin." he stated, looking over at the other and he sighed softly. "She's Lily's father and Gabriel's grandfather ... but she's nuts. She will try to rape you or something." He shrugged his shoulders again and then he laid back onto the bed, the girl being moved to his stomach to stand. "It'll be interesting to say the least." He admitted, turning his head to look at the blonde before he added, "Be prepared for being teased and tortured by the way."​
Avoid the kitchen. He could do that. Of course, it was the opposite in his own house. His mother wouldn't miss any opportunity to have Calder's help in the kitchen, and he was never unwilling to offer it.

Avoid this...Yin. Yep, he could do that too, provided Rune pointed out just who she was.

Tortured and teased? That was a normal day in his family. Calder could handle it. At least, he was fairly certain that he could handle it.

And as he thought those things over, Calder thought of what to tell Rune about his family. There were only a few bad eggs, so to speak, so he might as well start with those, right? "Kevin is an asshole. He's my...cousin, I guess but really my dad's cousin. Whatever. Anyway-because he's older than you, he'll think that you have to listen to him when he gives orders. I ignore him. You can tell him to go shove it, for all I care. If you do, everyone else will love you." No one liked Kevin, and the thought he was just an idiot for not getting why.

"You'll learn where I got my questions game...and why I toned it down." Twenty people rapid-firing questions at you could be overwhelming. "And if you have a special request for dinner or dessert, let me know now so I can add it to the menu."
Rune listened to the other and he nodded a few times. Kevin was an asshole. He could definitely put him in place, verbally. No violence on Christmas Eve he supposed. Or at least not the first time meeting someone's family. With the mention of the questions, he could not help but to groan. His eyes closed as he thought about what he wanted to eat. He thought for a while and then turned to look at him. "Apple Crumb pie!" He chimed happily, grinning and then turned to look at Rosalie who flopped onto his chest, nuzzling into the fabric of his tee shirt before she closed her eyes and began to take a nap. He arched a brow, poking her cheek and seeing her out cold. He sighed heavily and turned to look back at Calder, smiling warmly. "And, I think Rosalie here is the youngest ... So there's no need to worry about too many kids."​
"They ask them so fast, they forget what they've asked," he assured them. "Drag your short answers out. If they ask you if you like Atlantis, say yes and explain why and what you like. They'll forget they've asked where you went before Atlantis or whatever." It was how he avoided awkward questions from his family.

"Apple crumb pie. What? No chocolate?" he teased, nodding that the pie would be there waiting for him. "There aren't any young kids anymore. I'm the oldest, but the youngest is about thirteen." His family was smart and all had had babies around the same time.

He sat up, Indian-style, looking at Rune. "What do you want for Christmas?"
Rune chuckled softly, shaking his head as he set back. Draw the answers out ... Fine. He could do that. Possibly. Or just give short answers then walk away talking about having to piss. Although, he supposed he should be trying to make a good impression on his family. He personally did not care, but he figured that Calder would want his family to like him. Rune did not care whether or not his family approved. Then again, his family was strange. He looked over at the man and chuckled softly. "Only because I'm saving room for the chocolate canolis Mom makes." he stated before he stuck his tongue out and went back to looking up at the ceiling. He shrugged his shoulders, eyes slipping closed. "Chocolate." He suggested for his present. "Or you covered in chocolate ... whichever."​
Leaning forward, Calder kissed Rune's temple. "You want chocolate for Christmas, but are saving room for the chocolate your mom is making. How does that work?" he asked, laughing a little. Of course, that wouldn't stop him from drenching himself in sticky sweets to please the other man. The blond scooted around to sit at Rune's head, lifting it and resting it in his lap, fingers carding through his hair absently.

"Why don't you bottom?" he asked, absently, thoughts running away from him. He wasn't asking Rune to do so, or for a whole grand story. An answer of whether it was preference, or if it was like Tanner where something traumatic happened would quell his curiosity fully.
Rune nodded with a simple "Exactly" only to tease him. The little smirk to his lips showing that he was kidding with him. Not about hte chocolate thing, just about the logic behind it. There was no logic. Really, there was not. He just did not really care what he got for gifts or anything. Past twelve, his choice in gifts became more apathetic. He just wanted things that he would not hate and that was it. Like his violin! He asked for that the one year and he was happy for his new one. Although, he would not mind this glass violin that he had seen before, but that was beside the point.

Resting on the oter's lap, he heard the other's question and shrugged his shoulders. "In part because I'm a domineering asshole ... A bit because I don't like pain ... and a little more because the last time I let someone be dominant in a relationship, my heart got broken ... But mostly the asshole and pain thing." He admitted and tilted his head back to look up at the blonde he currently rested upon. It was true. He never could just have one reason for why he was the way he was. There were always multiple things that happened, or that were in his personality that did not let him.​
Calder nodded as Rune spoke. He was glad that it hadn't been something traumatic, though a little sad that Rune had been hurt before. Of course, he could have guessed that part had he thought about it. The blond leaned down, his body automatically morphing so that he could nearly bend in half, and pecked a kiss to his boyfriend's cheek. "Don't ever want to hurt you," he assured softly.

He straightened up and resumed threading his fingers through the other man's hair. "Anything else I need to know?"
Rune smiled lightly, settling against the other once more and he thought for a while on his question. Anything else? He went through the members that would be there then shook his head. "Just don't look anyone in the eye... They can sense fear ... Or read your mind. They tend to not do the latter, but they will tease you." He stated, turning to the side and kissing the man's leg.

The door opened and a gleeful Relic stepped into the room, giggling happily as he walked over to the two, arching a brow before he looked over to Calder, smiling all the more. "You're coming to Christmas?!" He squealed softly, obviously excited about the idea of him being there. He giggled and clapped his hands together. "Oh Goodie!" He bounced on the balls of his feet before turning to Tanner. "Want to come too? Or do you want to go to your family ... I won't be offended with a 'no'." He said, smiling all the more and obviously excited.​
"Do you? Read my mind, I mean."

Calder was a little disappointed that Rune didn't have a chance to answer before Relic and Tanner entered the room again. Still it was cute to see Relic so excited. And he answered Tanner's unspoken question. "I'll be there Christmas. And we'll be with my family Christmas eve."

The other blond nodded. "Of course I'll be there," he answered, pecking a kiss to his lover's lips and nuzzling against his cheek softly.

"So!" Calder broke in. "What do you wan for Christmas, Relic?"
Rune looked up at Calder, listening to his question and he was about to answer before his brother and Tanner entered. He lifted his head and looked over at them, smiling lightly. He then returned his head to Calder's lap, the baby still sleeping on his chest. He sighed softly, his hands on the back of the girl while he listened to what was going on around him.

Relic thought for a while before he shrugged. "Fabric. Lingerie. Skirts. Books... The normal." He walked over to the two, scooping up the little girl from his brother's torso and resting her on his form for a while. He then laid a cozy little blanket out on the floor, lowering the girl onto the blanket and being sure she was fine, a little blanket covering her up, and everything was good. He straightened once more, arms stretching above his head with a little groan. "What do you want? Both of you, actually...." he said and looked from Calder then to Tanner, curious about what they could want.​
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