Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

He sagged into Rune's body, completely sated and exhausted. The water going cold, though, woke the blond right up. He yelped as ice prickled over his overheated body, the blond forgetting for the moment that his mother was cooking downstairs and it was only a matter of time before she turned the water on. "Fuck!" He stood back, waiting for warmth to return before moving to clean up from both of their sessions.

As Calder dried off, he morphed the marks on his neck and chest away once more. When they were gone, he turned to Rune and pointed to the hollow between his shoulder and collar bone. It was the most sensitive spot that would be hidden by his t-shirt. "Please?" He knew he didn't have to say that he wanted to be marked. Even if no one else saw them, Calder liked knowing that they were there.
Stepping out of the chilly shower, after cleaning up again, he wrapped a towel around his waist and then looked over to the blonde. Arching a brow, he grinned. His arms reached forward, encircling the male and pulling him to him a second later. His lips took hold of the flesh he pointed to, sucking and nipping at the male and so very content at the moment. His eyes slipped closed and he continued to show the other his affections until he was satisfied with the lovely mark he left on the other. Kissing the spot then the man's lips, he pulled back, releasing the man finally. He smiled lihtly, taking a hold of his hand and lacing their fingers. Silently, he led the way out of hte bathroom back to the other's room, trying to think about what he wanted to wear.​
The blond sighed contently as Rune marked his skin, his arms wrapped around his lover tightly. Calder truly felt that he was meant to belong to someone, and he was glad that that someone was Rune. He whispered a very soft 'yours' into the man's ear before they exited to his room to dress.

Once in the kitchen, it was a whirlwind of activity, even though there were only two people working. Calder took over the making of salads while his mother worked on the Italian dishes that she did so well. Odd as it was, his mind was completely occupied with his tasks but he was still accutely aware of the mark on his collar. He loved it.

The macaroni salad was ready to be mixed, and he handed the bowl to Rune. "Just mix?" It wasn't cooking and it wasn't sharp-both knew that nothing would be blown up or ruined.
Rune slipped into a pair of blue jeans with a dark purple button down shirt on his torso. He brushed his hair and then gladly followed his boyfriend down the stairs and to the kitchen. Sitting at one of the chairs, he watched the two bustle about, finding it entertaining to see the short little woman beside her son. He chuckled lightly and really, really badly wanted to steal some sort of sweets. He was not sure what, but he had an itching for something. He pouted at the thought before he looked over at the man that placed the bowel in front of him. He took the giant spoon and glanced to teh salad before nodding. "Sure." he responded with, digging the spoon in and beginning to scoop from the bottom and stir the ingredients together. STealing a little taste here and there before he felt the macaroni was mixed enough. He pushed the bowel aside and ten went back to just watching.​
Calder nudged his mother and winked as he pulled a fresh batch of cookies from the oven. He set the warm chocolate chips on a plate and moved around so that he was now behind Rune. The blond took the bowl once it was done, and replaced it with the plate of cookies and a peck to his cheek. "Looking for something?" He smiled and trailed his fingers through the twin's still wet hair before moving back over to continue helping his mother.

They were nearly done when his father finally walked in. Calder smiled and hugged him, still having to lean down to do so, before introducing him to Rune.
Rune perked up when he smelt the cookies. his eyes sparkled and he grinned as he took the plate. Pulling it to him, he happily accepted the kiss, saying a quick "Thank you" before taking a cookie and pulling it apart. He practically purred as he ate the treat, his eye sparkling as he chomped on the warm chips. He chewed his bottom lip, biting it to keep from consuming the whole plate. He finished off the cookie in his hand when the father came home, turning his head to look at him and he smiled warmly. Wiping off his lips from and chocolate, he stood up and walked over to the man. "Pleasure to meet you, sir."​
Calder laughed. "Do you think that I would put an entire batch of cookies in front of you?" Not only did he know that they wouldn't last, but if they did, it would be torture to Rune. The blond wasn't the sadist in the room. "Those are yours." He smiled and went back to cooking while his father took over the conversation.

Calder was the spitting image of his father, except taller and a bit more narrow in the shoulders. His father (James) moved up to Rune and shook his hand with a pleasant smile and small nod. "You don't want to be in here right?" It was his way of telling him to follow. The blond man took a few of the warm cookies and headed towards his den in the rear of the house.
Rune nodded, definitely not wanting to stay in the kitchen. He was too paranoid of blowing up the place. He was fairly sure they did not have anyone like he did at home to clean up the mess. So, he took the cookies on the plate, not wanting to leave them. He wold not leave them actually. He blew his boyfriend a kiss before following the other out of the kitchen, all too glad to not be in the proximity of something that was baking. He walked into the den, sitting on the nearest chair and he rested his plate of cookies in his lap. He took up one and began to eat it silently, at ease not being in the kitchen anymore. Ah, so much better now.​
James chewed on one of his own cookies thoughtfully. He'd never had to have this conversation before, as Rune was the first person Calder had ever brought home. He was aware that the relationship must be serious, but how serious? Well, that didn't matter. Calder and Rune would work it out on their own. His primary concern was for the well being of his son, and specifically his son's heart. "Where is your family from?" Better to start with the basics, he assumed. He could get to the "What are your intentions with my son?" later.
Rune looked over at the man in the chair in front of him. He watched him silently, his arms folded over his lower torso. Oh. Wow. He had expected the twenty questions to start tomorrow with bombardment of the family and everything like that. He looked over the man before he sighed softly. His eyes slipped closed and he chewed on the cookie for a while. "New Hampshire." He stated simplistically, taking another bite of the cookie and he looked over the man once more. It was going to be an interesting stay here, wasn't it?​
Nodding, James began on his second of three cookies. He wanted this conversation to be short and sweet-there was no point in torturing either of them. The man in front of him didn't give off any bad vibes. Odd ones, perhaps, but nothing bad. And he was respectful, too, it seemed. That was always a plus. "And Calder? You care for him?" He would not assume that his son's boyfriend loved him, but he couldn't help but hope.

"He's giving him the third degree, isn't he?" Calder half whined to his mother. She only laughed.

"Your father loves you. He won't embarrass you. Just wait for Grandpa tomorrow." She smacked his rear end to get it in gear and start cleaning up and she did the same.
Rune looked over at the man and let out a soft sigh. His right leg lifted, draping over his left knee, his right elbow moved onto the arm of the chair and his chin moved to his palm. Looking at the man with a bit of an apathetic look, he could understand the care and concern about his son, but personally, he would much more prefer the questions outright asked without the waiting in between. That would definitely be the death of him. He sighed softly, his eyes slipping closed for a moment and he opened them a moment later to look back at the man in order to answer. "Yes. I care for him. More than anyone else iI have ever . . . dated." He would keep his words less vulgar than he normally would. Better not disturb the man and make him hate him at first meeting.​
The statement eased James a little and he nodded, starting in on the last cookie that he had in his hands. Still, he wouldn't be a father if he didn't say the last bit that was on his mind. "Calder's good to those he cares about. Don't let me find out that you're not just as good to him."

Calder had chosen just that moment to enter with a request for drink orders, and he had to smile. The blond crossed the room and wrapped his arms around Rune's shoulders from behind, giving him a squeeze. "He treats me better than 'good'," he assured his father with a peck to his boyfriend's cheek. "Something to drink?"
Rune chuckled softly, shaking his head a little at the man's words. Well, wasn't he just interesting. He then looked over at his boyfriend, smiling as he came in and wrapped his arms around his shoulders. He patted the other's arms and looked at the man in front of him once more. "See? I treat him perfectly well." He stated, grinning and then thinking for a moment. Drink? He rested his chin on the other's arms and he tilted his head frmo side to side. Turning his head to look at the other, he blinked a few times. "Blue Hawaiin? Do you know how to make one of those ... or better yet, have the ingredients? Either that or rum in coke ... Or just coke." He shrugged and leant up to kiss theo ther's lips before taking a bite from his cookie. Looking back to James, he smiled warmly. It was so cuite that he was worried about his child as he was. Personally, his parents did not care.​
Calder laughed. "I have no idea what a Blue Hawaiian is so I don't know if I have the stuff to make it. Tell me what's in it?" What was the worst that could happen? They had to run to the liquor store. He was sure his mother needed a few last minute things for tomorrow and would be glad to know that Rune was of legal age to buy it. She was always ify about him morphing into a little old man to go buy alcohol in a pinch. "I know we have pineapple juice and rum..." Those were the two ingredients that were a "given".

James just shook his head and tossed Calder his wallet. "Just go. Get a list from your mother, too."

The younger blond couldn't help but laugh as he took Rune's hand and lead him towards the kitchen. "Guess I'm taking advantage of your again again." A list was gotten, coats were adorned, and Calder grabbed the keys. "Ready?"
Rune chuckled softly. He was about to go over the ingredients but his age was offered to be used again. He sighed heavily, pushing his form up from the chair and he turned to James, smiling all the more. "lovely chit-chatting with you, sir." He said, waving and then making his way out of the room, taking the list from the man's mother and slipping it into his back pocket. He put his converse on and moved to the other's car, sitting there while he went through his mind about what htey would need for his cocktail. Light rum, cherry, pineapple juice, blue Curacao liquor, cream of coconut and some pineapple slices to make everything taste better. Personally, he liked the pineapples slides up and frozen to act like ice cubes.

When they made it to the store, he hopped out and walked to Calder, lacing their fingers once they were there. He leant over and kissed the man's cheek before looking in front of him again. "I'm beginning to think you're only with me for my booze buying abilities." He teased, knowing that was definitely not the case. He leant over and kissed his lips before holding open the door for him.​
"And your body," Calder added with a little peck to Rune's neck. "Can't forget your body." The blond stepped away and admired said body with a soft groan. Just looking at Rune did wonderful things to him! He stepped back into his boyfriend's side and dropped his head to his shoulder. "We don't have dinner until about four tomorrow afternoon." That didn't mean that there was time for any sort of fun, though. Calder pouted at that thought. His mother would have him bustling around like a mad man to get everything perfect.

The run through the store was quick and painless. Calder knew which wines and liquors his mother wanted, and Rune knew where to find the stuff for his own cocktail. After the girl behind the counter examined Rune's ID and made her flirty eyes with him (which gained her a glare and a growl from Calder), they were headed back towards the house.

Calder was excited to find a late dinner on the table. He'd been so nervous, he hadn't been hungry earlier. Now he was starved.
Rune chuckled, giving a little wiggle of his rump before walking into the store. He parted from the other to go find the stuff for his drink before meeting up at the register. Holding out his I.D to the girl who took far too long to be sure that he was the age that the thing said. Though, with her little attempt at flirting, he lent over and kissed Calder's lips with a simple "Thanks for paying" before he took his I.D and the bags, not even giving the girl the time of day. God he hated women.

Following the other into the house, he placed all the bags on the little free space of the counter that was left. Taking out the things that needed to be chilled and putting them into the refrigerator. He then walked over to where the food was, looking it over and arching a brow. "Smells delicious." He commented, moving to sit beside Calder. His right knee draped over his left and he waited silently for the meal to start. Or possibly more questions. He was not sure which would happen at this point in time.​
He couldn't help but look back at the girl and smile at the absolutely crushed look her face held. Calder wasn't usually one to gloat, but when it came to Rune being his... Well, he couldn't help himself.

After helping Rune put everything in its place, he sat at his usual seat. His hand automatically moved for Rune's after the man sat down, squeezing it softly before letting go so they could eat. His mother hadn't gone all out like she normally would have, but who could blame her? She'd been cooking since six that morning, and would be doing the same thing tomorrow. Sauteed chicken layered with rice, mild salsa and mozzarella cheese. It was her "other" version of chicken parm.

Dinner was informal at the Delano house, as always. Everyone helped themselves and dug in with no ceremony or invitation to do so. Calder stuffed himself (almost) and held back the small smile at his mother dragging his father off to bed early after the blond had offered to clean up. The earlier they went to bed, the more time alone he had with Rune. It worked out nicely for him. He wished his parents goodnight and moved to start cleaning up the table and kitchen.
Rune happily ate the meal, quite entertained by the interesting meal. He stood up when the meal was over, giving the parents a good night wish with an added, "Lovely meal, Mrs. Delano" before he began to take the plates up with Calder, laying them next to the sink and then pushing all the extra food into the garbage and helping out Calder with the dishes. He did not mind helping out. He normally did not really at home, unless Relic made something and that was his terms most of the time. Whenever Rune would whine for something chocolatey, his brother would agree to make it as long as Rune did the dishes.

Once the dishes were done, the ravenette walked over to the blonde, his hands sliding over his hips and pulling him against his torso with a little nip to his neck. He grinned with a little chuckle. "If I can get Relic to make a little maid outfit ... Would you wear it for me?" He teased, nipping his neck once more.​
Whether or not Rune helped clean up wasn't a huge deal. He didn't mind doing it by himself, though it would be done faster if they both pitched in. Calder was quick and efficiant with his cleaning. The meal was a one dish meal-the left overs were wrapped in the baking dish and set on top of the fridge to cool; dishes were put in the dishwasher and everything was wiped down. The blond allowed himself to be pulled to his boyfriend and leaned his head to the side, offering his neck to be bitten.

He chuckled at the request. Calder wasn't sure if Rune was serious or not, but it didn't matter. With something so silly and innocent and (he had to admit) fun, he couldn't tell Rune no. "If you wanted me to." He smiled, mind switching gears back to a question he'd asked before.

"Do you read my mind?"
Rune grinned. he would do it? He would adore the other in a little maid uniform. he would look so cute. He could probably even get it in nicer colors too. Nah. The traditional black would be nice. Maybe black and red though. Or better yet, a devil. Oooh, that would be fun! He could morph the little tail, he bet. He was already lost within the costume ideas that he would pass by Relic to see if he would do it. He loved his brother's talents so much. And on Christmas day, his talents were even better. He made little elf costumes for his nieces and nephews and it was so cute.

Hearing the question posed to him, he arched a brow in question. Did he read his mind? He shrugged his shoulders. "Not since the holiday season started ... but I have in the past." He stated, turning his eyes to the man, holding him to him still. His hands pressed against his abs, absently tracing the muscles beneath the fabric and he continued to watch the man. "Is that a problem?"​
Calder thought about it, leaning into Rune a little more, hands placed over his. Was it a problem? Not in the sense that he had anything to hide... The blond just didn't like not knowing when his thoughts were private, and when they weren't. He said so. "There are times when I like that you can read it." Like during sex. Then he really didn't mind at all. But if they were to fight, or if he was planning a surprise for Rune... Calder didn't want the other man to know his thoughts then. Again, he said so. "Just...not for no reason?" he asked softly, turning his head to nuzzle along Rune's jaw.
Rune listened to the man for a while before he nodded a bit. Kissing his neck gently, he hugged him tightly to his chest. "I'll only read your mind if I feel it is vital. Kay? Like if you're ever pissed at me and I don't know why." He chuckled lightly, kissing his neck once more. His hands slid along the other's hips and into the front pockets of the male. He kissed down his neck, nipping every so often and then tilting his eyes up to look up at the other. "So ... You'll be cooking all of tomorrow ... Should we make up for the time we could spend together now?" he sugested, smirking deviously while his hands slid toward the center of the pockets they were in, fondling the other and so very wishing for him to turn to putty - and be off of the mind-reading topic.​
Calder could live with that compromise, and he nodded his agreement. The topic was out of his head the minute Rune touched him, though, and the blond groaned rather loudly. When it came to Rune, there was no such thing as too much sex. He leaned his head up and nipped as Rune's own neck before stepping away. Turning out all the lights as they went, Calder lead the way to his room once more. And before returning his attention to his boyfriend, the blond bent down and pulled out two foot lockers out from under his bed, opening them to reveal his own, rather impressive, collection of sex toys. They were at Rune's disposal tonight. He wanted to be teased, and feel pain, and be denied pleasure all under the twin's hand.
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