Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

The night went smoothly after that. Kevin didn't leave, but he didn't open his mouth again either. Calder gloated, throwing his relationship with Rune in the man's face whenever he could. Either no one else noticed, or no one else cared. It didn't matter. Dinner went smoothly and while everyone was still stuffed and not ready for dessert, presents were passed out to be opened. The blond leaned up, whispering to Rune. "You'll get yours later." He gave a nip to the twin's ear before settling back down to open gifts, handing a couple to Rune that his parents had gotten so that his boyfriend wouldn't feel left out. A large box of gourmet chocolates was elegantly wrapped in silver and red stripped paper, and a very pretty, royal purple cashmere scarf was also wrapped in gorgeous green paper with gold ribbon curled perfectly at one corner.
Rune was a little peeved at Kevin still being there, but at least he got him to shut up. That was at least a bonus. He ate happily, giving his compliments to the two chefs before he followed his boyfriend toward the tree. Sitting down, his ankles on either side of his rump, resting against the pinstripe clad rear and he was surprised for presents to be in front of him. He had not expected anythin, other than whatever Calder had planned for him later on. He smiled warmly, opening up the gifts and the man lit up instantly. Oh he loved it! Even the paper - of which he took off and folded nicely into the box the scarf was in. The scarf was immediately wrapped around his neck and the chocolates drooled over. He wasted no time in letting out a soft little squeal before pouncing both Allison and James, hugging them tightly with a cheerful "Thank you!" before he bounced over to sit beside Calder again, utterly happy - and not realizing how out of character he just had been. Yep ... That would be his ... mother's side that came out at the most random times.​
Calder watched thoroughly amused by Rune's behavior. He'd never seen him like this and the man reminded him of Relic. It was cute.

Both Allison and James smiled warmly, returning the hugs given. The man really was good for their son-it was so very easy to see how much they cared for each other. They were both glad that Calder had found someone and had come into his own so well.

The blond moved once presents were opened to get the eggnog and desserts, being sure to put the apple pie near Rune's seat so that he was sure to get some. With everything set, Calder pulled Rune towards the dining room, careful to stop underneath the mistletoe on the way to call everyone to dessert. As they filed past them, the blond nuzzled along Rune's jaw, nudging his eyes up to see the mistletoe.
Rune was in love with the scarf. It was so soft and the perfect color. Ah! He was so happy. He smiled contently to himself and then helped to get the desserts out and onto the table. He never really did like to be useless. Though, when pulled to the doorway, he wound up pressing against the frame to let all the family members pass by without colliding into him. He then turned to look at Calder, smiling when he nuzzled against him, glancing to the mistletoe. He grinned and moved his eyes back to Calder. His right hand lifted, cupping the chin of the man and pulling him toward him to connect their lips. Kissing him passionately for a while before he slowly pulled away, smiling a little more. "Hmm ... I now see the benefit to mistletoe." he mumbled, kissing him once more before he glanced over to the desserts.​
Calder kissed him happily. He'd gone hours without contact like this, and he wasn't used to it. Still, he knew what held Rune's heart at the moment and the blond laughed. "Go eat. The pie's out for you, too." He stole one last kiss from his boyfriend before releasing him to the sweets covered table. He took the scarf, though, not wanting anything to ruin it for the other man-he seemed to like it so much and that would be a shame. Instead, Calder wrapped it around his own neck for now. He was still too full to indulge in dessert and instead would save his appetite for Rune's present later on.

While they ate dessert, Calder slipped in and out of the kitchen and his bedroom to set up for Rune's present. A full bottle of chocolate syrup was set in the room, as well as towels and wash cloths and a bucket of water. It'd be cold by time they were done, but at least they could get the worst off before going to the shower.

They said good night to everyone soon after that and Calder nearly dragged Rune up to the room, lips connecting before they even got through the door.
Rune was all too happy to be let loose on the pie made for him, bounding over and taking a hefty slice for himself. Probably close to one and a half pieces if he had moderation. He really did not though. Nor did it seem he had any end to his stomach. He ate the piece of pie, a few pastries, a bit of MnMs and a bit of fruit and was probably the only one not groaning and moaning on the floor about how full they were. He was not a bottomless pit or anything, it just took a lot to get him to be completely full. He knew his limits, they were just very high limits.

When the man pulled him up the stairs after saying his good-byes and everything of that sort. He happily followed him up to the other's room, looking down at him a second before he pulled him down to kiss him. He grinned, happily kissing him back and he pressed the other against the door while his hand moved to open up the door. Pushing him into it a little more, he opened the door and moved inside, closing it behind them. Calder definitely had the libido to match Rune's, and he was so very happy for that.​
Calder's hands went to work right away, moving under the jacket of Rune's suit and tugging the shirt out from his pants. He wanted to touch skin. When he finally did, the blond groaned, hands holding onto Rune's sides and then sliding up his back to his shoulders, then back down again. He hadn't realized how much he'd missed being able to feel his lover like this. Calder's hands ran up Rune's chest, the pads of his thumbs passing over the other man's nipples once. Pulling away just slightly, he grabbed the bottle of chocolate to press into Rune's hands. The other man knew where the toys were, so Calder didn't bother pulling them out again. Instead, his fingers now went to the buttons on his boyfriend's jacket, then shirt, making quick work of both garments.
Rune let out a groan of his own, his eyes closed and he was all too happy to let his boyfriend pull up his shirt. His hands slid to the vest, undoing the few buttons there and he pulled back, only when there was something into his hands. He arched a brow and looked down at the chocolate syrup. A smirk instantly went to his lips and he began to push the man to the bed. Taking a step back, he placed his forfinger against his chest, with a single movement, he pressed him onto the bed. He pulled off his shirt and jacket, laying them over the dress before he took the syrup and he smirked all the more. Placing that onto the bed for the moment, he moved over his lover, pullling off his clothing and he tossed them to the side, happy to have his lover bare once more. He nipped down the front of his chest and then took the syrup, pouring it over the man's torso and down to his pelvis. He then dropped it to te side, not wasting any time in beginning to lick the choclate from the other.​
Calder moved effortlessly. He wanted this as much as Rune did, and he made every effort to make it effortless for his lover. The blond laid sprawled on his bed, waiting for the torture that the other man would decide to put him through today. He hissed at the cool syrup on his skin, and moaned when Rune's tongue followed to lick it off. Yeah, this had definitely been a good idea. Calder reached over and cupped Rune's prick through his pants, massaging it and pressing the ball of his palm into the base. Still, that wasn't quite good enough and he struggled to unzip and unbutton the pants with one hand.
Rune moaned when the man began to rub at his member through his pants, groaning lightly. When the man began to try and undo his pants, that was when he took a hold of his wrists and pinned them to the bed, biting into his chest firmly. His eyes tilted up to the other and he grinned a little more. "No touching." He teased before he continud to lick along the chocolate he spilled over the other's body.

The night went on as best as he could have ever thought it would. He used the toys, the chocolate syrup, and eventually, he dragged him off to the shower. He wanted to go to sleep clean so that they could wake up and get dressed then leave. So, once he was nicely showeed, he fell asleep in the bed - after changing sheets - and he happily nuzzled into his lover's neck, holding him tightly and cuddling against him before falling asleep happily.​
Tanner wasn't at all nervous. Relic was a natural charmer, and the blond knew that his parents and family would love him. Their flight was infinitely longer than Rune's and Calder's-the most northern tip of Maine was a world away from Ohio, and from New Hampshire he'd venture to guess! But he loved his home. It was always full with his parents, older brother and three younger sisters. His mother's parents lived across the street, and his father's parents lived ten minutes away-they were always visiting.

Tanner's friend had picked them up from the airport, and she was instantly in love with Relic, telling him that if he and Tanner ever split, he knew where to find her. Tanner only shook his head and swatted at her arm. "Mine." She poked her tongue out at him but kept driving, inviting herself in when they got to his house.

The blond instantly had his arms full. Two little girls, six and eight, gave a running leap onto him, while the three year old attached herself to his leg. "Tan! Tan!"
Relic did not mind the flight. He just cuddled up beside his love and kept against him happily, smiling all the more. He fell asleep on him and remained still until the man poked him awake. When they got to the car where his friend was, he was instantly in love with her too! She was so cute and chattery and very good looking too - he told her that. She was cute. He nejoyed telling her about the current skirt he was wearing - a nice dark blue one that went to the middle of his thighs. He had on a light blue tank top and unde that a dark blue, long sleeved shirt, the sleeves of which were bell-like, formed to his hsoulders and going wider until his hands. His accessories were the night light blue - earrings, lip rings, the clip in his hair ... even his nipple and naval ring matched.

Once at the house, Relic could not help the soft little squeal that passed his lips. "It's so cute!" He chimed, bouncing his way toward the house and walking inside. He stopped when Tanner had, seeing the girls tackle their big brother he presumed. He grinned and chuckled softly. "Cute." He whispered under his breath, continuing to watch them, his arms folded over his lower torso, swaying back and forth on the commando boots he wore.​
"Bell! Bell!" Bella was able to speak but only in small words. "Bell" was Tanner's standard response to her "Tan!" calls and it made the little girl giggle wildly while her older sisters vyed for Tanner's attention.

Olivia, the eight year old, started: "So in school! We had this play! And I wanted you to co--"

"He doesn't care about that, stupid! Olivia likes a boy!" Julie cut in, smirking at her sister when tears started to form at being teased.

Tanner was grateful when Caden showed up, taking Julie from his arms. "Use some help?" The blond rolled his eyes a little but thanked his brother profusely before turning his attention to his about-to-be-crying sister.

"So do I," he whispered only to her. It made her smile and the tears slip away and for that, Tanner was grateful. He noticed, though, that Bella had moved on to Relic, holding her arms up over her head.

"Up girl! Up!" Tanner giggled.
Relic smiled warmly. He was so cute! He remained silent where he was, not wanting to disturb the little girls catching up with hteir brother. It had been quite a while since they had seen him, and not every family was as nuts as his and just decides to show up and bother him - or drop off the nine month old. He shook his head at hte thought, looking down at the little girl and he arched a brow. Staring at her, he shrugged and reached down to scoop the girl up, resting her on his hip with his arms under her rump. He looked to the girl and then took a few more steps into the huose, not really wanting to stay in teh doorway. He continued to hold onto the girl before he looked over at the man that rescued Tanner. Older brother, he presumed. He smiled, being sure to just put on his best behavior for the moment.​
Taking it as a cue, Tanner pulled Relic to him. "Lets see. You're holding Bella. That's Caden and Julie. And this is Olivia." The blond hugged his lover tighter to him, serving to show Olivia that liking a boy wasn't a bad thing. "This is my boyfriend, Relic." He watched as his sister's studied the other man. None of them were used to boys wearing skirts, and Tanner could tell that the questions were on the tips of each of their tongues, and that they were fighting to hold them back in the interest of politeness.

Tanner was grateful for Caden, who stepped up and pressed a friendly kiss to Relic's cheek in greeting, and then offered to take Bella. "Mom and Dad are at the store," he offered.

"And you were named Zoo Keeper?" Tanner teased, watching as Bella began to poke at Relic's cheeks and chest and mouth, fingering around the ring in the man's lip.

Relic smiled when he was pulled to his lover, resting his head on his hsoulder for a moment before looking at the girl in his arms. That was Olivia. The one who almost made her cry was Julie. Then the one currently poking him was Belle. Simple enough, and obviously the brother was Caden. He shook his head a bit and then looked to the girl who was tugging at the ring in his lip. Parting his lips, he wrapped them aroudn the girl's fingers and made a few 'nomming' noises of sorts. He chuckled lightly and looked over to the elder brother, smiling lightly. "I'm fine. She's light anyway." He stated with a little shrug. He would always be the first to admit - he loved kids. They were always so cute and always seemed to be drawn to him at times. That and it was always a perk to be able to make kids behave with just a look and a command.

He could see that the little girls had questions just brewing and he sighed softly. Looking from one to the other before he shrugged nonchalantly. "If you have a question, you may ask it. I doubt anything you can say would offend me. So, shoot little ones .... Though no interrupting each other. One at a time you know." He grinned, patting the top of Olivia's head before looking to the girl on his hip and bouncing her up and down just a bit.​
Bella giggled wildly as her finger was "chewed", and promptly stuffed the other hand in Relic's mouth to be "eaten" as well. "You don't know what you've just gotten yourself into," he muttered at his boyfriend, shaking his head as the questions poured out.

"Why do you wear a skirt?"

"Do you two kiss?"

"Do you loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove him?"

"What do you wear under the skirt?"

"Why doesn't Tanner wear a skirt?"

"Do you shave? Mommy shaves when she wears skirts."

Both brothers only shook their heads as the girls asked questions one after the other, not giving Relic any time to respond. Tanner sighed and started moving in towards the kitchen, leading Relic there as he went. The blond set Olivia down to get drinks for both himself and Relic.

"I want something to drink!"

"I'm hungry!"

"'ro's! 'ro's!"

Rolling his eyes, Tanner set out two small cups of water, and got a handful of Cheerio's for Bella before getting juice for himself and Relic. "That'll teach you to tell 'em to ask questions," he teased.
Relic, personally, did not care. He always loved the questions little kids had. Besides, he had had a kid from the street tug on his skirt and ask him why he wore what his mommy did. He 'ate' the little girl's other hand, nuzzling into her chest while he followed the herd to the kitchen, smiling lightly.

"Because I like them and have the legs for it."



"It depends on the skirt and the day...." He thought on that one for a bit, figuring telling the kids that he wore panties may disturb them, luckily, he had a whole line of questions still to answer.

"Because he would not look as good as I do in a skirt."


He walked into the kitchen and smiled warmly. The kids were cute. He chuckled at the thought before looking over at Tanner, smiling all the more. "It's fine. They're cute and well ... I'm used to it." He stated before perking up. "Want me to make something for ..." He glanced to the clock, seeing it was a little after one and he turned back to his boyfriend. "lunch?" He offered and shrugged. He never minded cooking. As long as he hada kitchen and ingredients, he would have fun. Besides, the little kiddies were hungry, were they not? He chuckled and looked to the girl he held, leaning forward and pressing his nose to hers and then looking back to Tanner for an answer.​
The day went by without much incident. The girls had their questions answered and were happy. Caden was out the door the minute he could be, saying he'd been home with the rugrats for hours.

When his parents got home, Tanner read in their eyes that they were glad they missed the initial homecoming. Both were easily stressed by taking care of three little girls, and were appreciative that everything was under control by the time they got home. They both loved Relic.

Everyone went to bed early, leaving the two with, essentially, the run of the house. Though they had to be quiet, the blond lured Relic into his bed, wasting no time in ravishing him completely. He was almost sorry that he had, though, as the moment the clock hit six, he had two jumping monkeys on his bed.


Relic enjoyed meeting the man's parents, happily chit chatting with them about school and eerything of that sort and then kissing the little girls good night before the two were alone. Ah, the silence definitely was lovely. He was happily led to the other's room, giddy to be with him in such an embrace again. He contained his moans from being as loud as he would have wanted, and was sure that if he had not then there would be little girls wondering if there was a monster in Tanner's bedroom. Oh how he did not want to explain that as well.

Sadly, the male was utterly exhausted and happy to be asleep by one, yet five hours of sleeping definitely was not what he wanted. When the girls leapt onto the bed, Relic snapped awake with a gasp. His ice blue eyes shot open and looked to the girls bouncnig on them and he laughed lightly. Glancing down to his nude form he then looked back to the two little girls. "How about you two go and wake Caden up, hmm? I'm sure he wants to know it's Christmas Eve just as much as we do." He offered, hoping they would take the bait just so that he could get out without questions of 'why are you and Tanner naked?'. God he did not want that.​
Tanner groaned, and burrowed himself further under the covers. Why? Why were the people around him morning people? He didn't understand. The blond pulled the pillow over his head and swatted away his sister's, agreeing that Caden was a much better choice to alert to what day it was, as he was absolutely sure that their oldest brother had no idea that it was currently Christmas Eve. Well, he wasn't lying. His brother wasn't aware of what time it was and therefore couldn't know what day it was. He pulled Relic to him when the girls scampered out the door, unbelieving that their brother couldn't know it was Christmas Eve.

"Tell me why I came home again?" he groaned. The blond pressed a series of kisses over his boyfriend's chest before sliding from the bed to get dressed. He knew the distraction of Caden wouldn't last long.
Relic was all too happy to see the girls leave, flopping backward and happily cuddling up to Tanner once more. His eyes slipped closed with the kisses to his chest, smiling lightly as he did so. He sighed heavily a moment later, looking up at the ceiling and grumbling a few times." Because your siblings love you... and your parents.... and you want to show off your hot boyfriend of course." He chuckled, leaning over to steal a kiss before he hopped over and to his clothes. Pulling on a pair of tight red pants, he slipped into a white with red pin stripes halter top vest that hugged his form, yet showed the ring at his naval. He brushed his hair, pulling his bangs to the side with a red clip and he turned to look at Tanner, pouting. "Do i look okay?"​
Moving over to Relic in his jeans and a t-shirt, the blond lifted his boyfriend from the ground and nuzzled into his chest. "You look wonderful, as always," he assured Relic. Of course, it was then that Julie came back in the room and the questions started again.

"What are you doing?" "Why are you holding him like that?" "IS YOUR BELLY PIERCED?! I want one! MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMM!!!"

Tanner's head fell to Relic's shoulder as the little girl ran out of the room and the other man was set back on the floor. He whimpered a little bit, lifting his head and letting it drop back down onto his lover's shoulder a few times. "Muzzles. They make muzzles for humans, right?" He sighed and gave Relic a good morning kiss then lead him from the room for breakfast. "It's only us on Christmas eve. We have free run until about six. Then we'll do dinner and presents."
Relic smiled, happy that he had approval from his lover. His arms wrapped around his torso and he gladly nuzzled into him until he heard the girl run into the room. His eyes closed and he listened to her bout of random questions, watching her leave and he sighed heavily. "You need a lock." He murmured andt hen took Tanner's hand, kissing him back while following the other out of the room. He laced their fingers, taking in a deep breath and relaxing instantly. He did not care what happened, truthfully. He wasj ust happy to be with Tanner. that was the only thing that mattered to him and he could be anywhere and as long as it was with Tanner, he was happy. Kissing his cheek, he walked down the stairs and toward the kitchen, looking around for hte kids.​
Breakfast was a zoo, as always. Each girl wanted something different to eat, Caden was too groggy to care what he ate, and Tanner didn't care either way. He also refused to let Relic play chef for them. "It's your vacation, too," he argued softly, kissing the palm of his boyfriend's hand as they decided what to have for breakfast. Eventually, out of laziness, Bella won with her "ro's" and cereal was put out for all to have.

"But I want pancakes!"

"I want french toast!"

Tanner shook his head. "I don't care!" he whined back at them. "This isn't a restaurant. You get what you're served." Despite another minute of complaining, all three girls ate their breakfast and were then shooed outside to play in the snow. "Sledding, snowball fight or ice skating?" the blond offered Relic as he cleaned up from breakfast.
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