Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Rune looked up at the male, truly thinking about the other actually 'topping' him. He did care for Calder enough to trust him completely in that manner. And, unlike himself, he actually cared if his lover was in pain. Calder really did love him. He thought about it for a while before he was pulled onto the other. He straddled his hips, resting his rump on the other's thighs as his ice blue eyes traveled along the other's form, still pondering. Eventually, he leant down and planted a soft kiss to his lips. "Sometime soon ... Maybe I'll let you see that view again." He whispered, hoping the other would get what he meant. Not just litterally sitting on him or riding him or anything. He could let hte other be his 'seme' if you will. Kissing him once more, he straightened up again, sighing softly.

"SO, what do you think of the room? Isn't it so lovely?! I lost my virginity in this room.' He sighed, swooning at the memories.

Relic nodded a little. That was very noble of him. He always loved to hear about those that actually had to try to get the grades they did. Him and Rune? Hah! Nope. They were suspended from school so many times yet came back and easily picked up everything. Despite all the days they were foced out, they still managed straight 'A's. He listened to Tanner's next question and let out a soft little laugh. A warm smile traced to his lips and he turned to look at the other. "You mean a vibe that he's so far in the closet, Mr. Tumnis should be saying hello anytime soon?" He smiled and shrugged his shoulders slightly. "Yea. I think your big brother is a bit on the down low ... So low even he does not realize it yet. But, hey, there are people like that, ya know?"​
Calder couldn't help loving both positions. Rune had looked absolutely delicious below him, seemingly with no power whatsoever, and yet the blond was completely turned on to have his lover's weight completely on top of him, Rune having all the power to do whatever he wished, whenever he wished. He smiled at the half promise, leaning up to kiss the other man softly. He wouldn't push. When Rune was ready, he would say so. And until then, Calder was perfectly happy and content with how things had been going.

The blond did, however, growl at the thought of Rune having been with anyone else. Calder wasn't stupid-he knew quite well that his boyfriend had had other lovers. He still didn't like that fact to be brought to his conscious attention.

Listening to Relic, Tanner's heart only grew more fond of him. It was rare to find someone who was on the same page as you were, and the blond loved his boyfriend all the more for that. He kissed Relic, pulling him closer as he did so. "I love you." He sat nuzzling in the other man's hair, eyes closed and just enjoying their time together. It didn't matter that others were around, only that Relic was pulled into his side and cuddling with him. "Any nephews to introduce him to?" Tanner laughed a little as he asked-he knew the answer. There wasn't any possible way that the answer could be "no" with the size of Relic's family.
Rune chuckled when the other growled, leaning forward to kiss his lips. "Awe. Don't get too jealous. It was only Relic." He shrugged before kissing him once more. He may or may not have brought it up in order to just torture his lover. But, that was well beside the point. He laughed lightly, kissing him and he then glanced over to the clock, calculating a bit before he sighed heavily. Definitely not enough time to have much fun, or at least not to the extent he wanted to. Though, there was enough time for a nap. Oooh ... That sounded lovely. He whimpered to the idea, wiggling his rump a bit before he flopped to the side. Pulling his lover to his chest, arms wrapped around his waist, he kissed the side of his neck. "Take a nap with me." he murmured, eyes slipping closed and he fell asleep a few moments later.

Relic laughed lightly and happily cuddled up with his boyfriend. He pulled his knees to his chest and thought for a while. Nephews? Oh, he had nephews. "Well ... There's Amari who you just saw. Then there is Raphael who is Lily and Lewis' kid .. Oh! I have two older brothers too .. But they're ... pretty straight." He stated, turning to look at him and smiling all hte more. He leant up to kiss his lips softly before settling back against his side. He thought for a few moments before a lightbulb actually went on in his head. Turning to look at the pregnant woman who was currently giggling at whatever comment her husband made, he smield warmly. "Hey, Lil ... What would you say to us taking Raphy back to school? He's the proper aaage and I'm sure he would loooove it." He said, his voice in a sing-song manner. He was inpart trying to hook up Caden with him [somehow it would work out] but another was that he just wanted his little nephew to get out and about in the world.

Lily turned to the couple, a faint pink tinting her cheeks and she then glanced back to the redhead beside her, pondering. She let out a light laugh and returned her gaze to her brother. "I see no problems. Just ask Raphael if he wants to join you boys." She nodded a little and then sighed softly.​
Calder growled once more. He knew it was Relic, but that didn't make it any better. He still wanted to believe that Rune hadn't had sex with anyone but him. Calder didn't care how crazy that made him sound, either. The blond was glad for the distraction of a nap and happily curled into his lover's side, head resting on his chest with his arm flung over the other man's waist. He waited until Rune was passed out before closing his own eyes with a happy sigh.

"Well straight men aren't going to help my brother realize he's gay," Tanner teased lightly with a little laugh. The blond's fingers found their way to bare skin at Relic's sides and they petted there absently as his lover made plans to introduce Atlantis to yet another of his relatives. "If we're not careful, your entire family might as well just move into the school." He didn't want to try and calculate who at the school was related to the twins. There were too many of them to even think of, let alone more than there should be.
Relic giggled softly, nuzzling into his lover's neck and he shrugged his shoulders. "We're a magical family ... What can I tell you?" He stated before turning to look at Tomias who was amusing himself with Nikkos' hair. He arched a brow at the man before shaking his head to look back at Tanner. "We can always kick Mias' ass out." He suggested, getting a protest from the man on the other side of the couch.

"HEY!" Tomias yelled, looking over at the two and he arched a brow. "Who is it whose boyfriend's the administrator? Oh! That would be me." He stuck his tongue out, his arms wrapping around Nikkos all the more and he kissed his boyfriend's lips softly. He sighed lightly, resting his head against the other's shoulder and he nuzzled against him with a few soft whimpers. "You wouldn't kick me out ... Would you?" He looked ever so pathetic as he asked his question, emerald eyes peering up into the other's and he continued to trail his hand from Nikkos' shoulder down to his elbow, enjoying their embrace despite the threat from his brother.

Slowly walking into the room, Gabriel peaked in, seeing the four on the couch and he smiled lightly. "Hey." He said, turning to look at the single woman in the room and he perked up. "Miss Lily! You're pregnant again." He said, laughing lightly while walking over to the woman.

Lily laughed and nodded, a faint pink tinted to her cheeks. "Yes ... And how many times do I have to tell you to call me Lily? If I don't get a 'mom' in front of my name, then I don't want anything." She said playfully before she took a hold of the male's hands and helped herself be pulled up so that she could hug him happily, kissing his cheek gently. It was obvious to see, with the two side-by-side as they were, that Gabriel definitely was her child. She smiled warmly, happy to see him on Christmas. "How have you been? Are you staying for dinner this time?"

Gabriel sighed softly and shook his head, helping the woman back to sitting on the couch. "Not this time. Mom and Dad are going to their home in the Thousand Islands ... and they want me to be there. Apparently the whole family will be coming." He smiled warmly and then looked over to the boys, smiling a little more. "Hello Uncle Relic ..." He walked over and gave the ravenette a kiss on the cheek with a simple hug before he straightened, pulling his long locks over his shoulder, toying with the little braid they were in.​
"I can see that." He nuzzled along the back of Relic's ear, laughing a little at the bickering. You would think that they would know how to act as adults, especially Tomias. But that was a conversation for another day. For now, the blond watched the goings on of the room while cuddling close to Relic. Who said real life wasn't as good as television? "You should write your family's story and sell it as a soap opera." No one would ever believe it was based on actual events.

Nikkos laughed a little, curling into Tomias's side a little more as he was kissed and stroked and simply had attention doted upon him. Sure, Tomias had an ulterior motive at that moment, but the administrator knew that he would receive such attention even if he didn't. That was part of what he'd needed from the man he was now dating, and Nikkos loved that he never had to say so.

He nuzzled back into his lover's neck, kissing over his shoulder. "Not even if Archer told me to," he assured the man.
Relic looked over at Gabriel, smiling warmly. "Hey Gabriel." He said, waving nonchalantly before he turned to kiss Tanner. He laughed at the comment, glancing over to the white haired male who once more was talking with the pregnant woman. He sighed heavily, turning to look at Tanner with a smile. "You have no idea." He teased, leaning over and kissing his lips softly. He then wrapped his arms around the blonde's waist, hugging him while looking back over to Gabriel and Lily. "Hey ... Gabriel, how do you like the school anyhow? I don't have any classes with you ... OH OH! YOU MAY HAVE RAPH!"

Gabriel went wide-eyed when he was suddenly yelled at ... literally. He laughed lightly before the woman beside him cleared up the confusion of Relic's obvious train of thought. He nodded a few times and smiled. "Raphael may be coming to the school too? Oh! Lovely. I would love to teach him." He laughed softly and then thought for a few moments. "I like teaching at Atlantis. I still feel so bad about Sergei though ... He's always consumed in his work." His features got just a little sorrowful at the thought of the little Russian redhead, chewing his bottom lip for a few moments. Eventually, he shook his head and smiled. "I love it all though." He added, looking over to Nikkos and Tomias, laughing softly. "You two do make a good couple ... I was not sure if the rumors around school were true." He admitted and blushed a faint pink, glancing to the Grandfather clock in the corner before he relaxed a little more. He still had a while until he wouldn eed to leave.

Tomias smiled, leaning down and kissing his lips softly before his arm around his shoulders slid to his waist. Already the male was plotting on just when and how he would pounce the other later on tonight. He definitely was going to. That was inevitable. He nipped his love's ear before perking up when Gabriel directed his attention to them. He blinked a few times, pouting just a bit. "There are rumors?" He whined, whimpering softly. "Damn. I thought we avoided those..."​
Nikkos chuckled. "There is no avoiding the rumor mill of Atlantis." He knew it even at the very beginning of their 'relationship' when he'd wanted nothing to do with Tomias. And it had been a large part of his decision making when thinking about fully accepting a relationship with the man that he'd come to love and crave and depend on. That didn't mean that he was ready to address them. Nikkos didn't want his relationship in the spotlight. It had been with both Gemini and Youjin, and that had made the breakups worse. If anything were to happen between himself and Tomias, Nikkos wanted the luxury of being able to deal with it in private.

Looking over, Nikkos wished Gabriel a merry Christmas. He had to admit an affinity for the man-he'd made a smooth transition into Youjin's place in Atlantis, which had allowed Nikkos to not have to worry about it at all. He was able to heal and start something with Tomias because of it.
Relic squeaked happily, hopping up from the couch and taking a hold of Tanner's hands. He pulled him up, grinning all the while. "Come on! Let's go introduce you to my little Raphy ... He's sooooo cute!" He said, giggling softly and then beginning to drag the male out of the room - whether he wanted to or not. He just wanted to get out of the room that was cluttering up easily. Luckily, the rooms were large enoguh to hold everyone, but it was still a little chlosterphobic. He walked a door or two away and smiled lightly, turning to look at Tanner, lacing their fingers together. "Gabriel is Lily's kid." He stated, glancing back to the room and sighing heavily. It really was quite sad what happened to his sister. He shook his head a bit, nuzzling into Tanner, figuring if he wanted to know more, he could ask.

Tomias smiled warmly, kissing Nikkos and grinning even more. "Then, does that mean I can flaunt my utter love and devotion to you?" He asked, truly meaning if he would be able to. He had not really been obvious with their relationship, but he so very wanted to be. Not sex on the desks or anything - though the thought crossed his mind - just more so holding hands in the hall and being able to kiss and not hide that he was completely and utterly head over heels for this man.​
Tanner got up an moved with Relic easily. He didn't mind being dragged off in whatever direction his lover wished to take him. "I think I'm just going to not pay attention to who's who anymore," he laughed, only half joking. It was difficult enough to remember names, let alone relationships. Tanner moved his lips down, nipping a little sharply at Relic's neck and shoulder. "So... Raphael is coming to Atlantis. How will that introduce him to Caden?" Relic's family may be magical, but Tanner as an anomaly in his. None of his siblings or parents, or any close relatives, had any sort of power.

Biting his bottom lip, Nikkos worried over the question a little. He wasn't ashamed of his relationship with Tomias, or of Tomias himself. But he wasn't the flaunting type of person, and his past haunted him. The brunette didn't know if he was ready to take that step again. At least not within Atlantis-the community was so small there. It was difficult to have privacy even when everything was going well. He leaned forward and pressed a kiss to his lover's cheek, nuzzling over the flesh lightly. "We'll talk." He wouldn't say no-he at least owed it to Tomias to listen to his points before being selfish.
Relic giggled softly, tapping his lover's nose playfully before he continued down the hall. "Because I am ingenious. Duh." He teased before laughing and continuing with his little plan. "I figure that you and I would be the ones to take him to Atlantis with us ... and considering that I just so happened to promise your little sisters that I would come back ... We can take a little detour to your house on the way back and introduce them. Theeen we can like leave something at your house or ... something and make Caden bring it to Atlantis. I'm not really sure how we can get them to interact all too much .. But I will think of a way." He stated, laughing lightly and kissing his lover once more. He was fairly sure his plan would work at least a little decently. If he did not want to drag Raphael to his house and whatnot, then he would just have to think of a new plan to bring Caden to Atlantis.

Tomias nodded, kissing his lips softly and then nuzzling against him softly. "Of course." He whispered and hugged him tighter. He would not be unreasonable. It was not like he owuld do more than holding hands or kissing his cheek [if others were around] and he wanted Nikkos happy in their relationship. He did not want him to think he was forced to do anything he did not want to. "So, tomorrow we shall head back to Atlantis?"​
Nodding at the thoughts, Tanner began to plot, as well. After all, who knew his brother better than he did? "Caden likes...school. Anything pertaining to school, or the study of law..." He was thinking out loud. Sure, his brother had interests outside of school, but he rarely pursued them anymore. Tanner had to really push his brain to think of what they were. "Hockey. He liked hockey before he went to school." Maybe that would be an opening. Hockey had a lot of contact...

Looking around at the rapidly filling room, Nikkos nodded eagerly. Yes, returning to Atlantis the next day would make him very happy, though only if Tomias was with him...which the administrator knew he would be. He supposed that looking around hadn't been the best option because now he was fully aware of just how many people there were. Nikkos stood and pulled Tomias up along with him. "Come walk?" He had no idea where he was going, but his lover knew that and the brunette trusted him to take the lead and show him where he might like to go. "Outside for a little while?" Fresh air would do him some good before dinner.
Relic thought for a while, tugging the other with him before he dragged him into the room where there was the red headed boy with purple eyes playing chess with a white haired girl who had green eyes, both staring intently at the board in front of them. Relic walked in a bit more, being pounced by little Elijah again. He smiled warmly, kissing the boy's nose before he looked over to Raphael and curiosity took a hold of his features. "Raphy ... Do you play hockey?" He asked, knowing the kid's history and personally ,he was fairly sure he would not be opposed to the sport.

The redhead held up a single finger, smirking as he moved a pawn and chuckled. "Check. Mate." He smirked even more, his sister's mouth dropping and she cursed him a few times. The male then turned his amethyst eyes to the two and nodded. "Yea. Not professionally or anything ... Just with friends." He stated before spotting the blonde, arching a brow. "Uncle Relic has a boyfriend? And Uncle Rune's not maiming him ...." He mumbled, standing up and then tugging at the end of the black sweater he wore. He walked over to the two, arms stretching above his head and showing his toned torso for a few moments before his hands resettled to the back of his red locks, his crimson locks coming to the collarbone. "You're plotting, aren't you?"​
Tanner laughed. "Rune is off maiming his own boyfriend, thanks." He tugged Relic closer to him, arm resting around his waist quite comfortably. He wouldn't confirm or deny whether or not they were plotting anything. Relic could tell him yes or no. His problem was getting his brother to agree to a very blind date of sorts. At least on traditional blind dates, you knew the gender of the person you were meeting. And Caden would assume that this person would be female, and would ask for a name... The blond's brain went into overdrive to figure out how to keep such information from his older brother. He didn't realize that his fingers had begun to stroke a patch of bare skin on Relic's side, or that he was nuzzling into the man's neck. It was how and where he was most comfortable, and Tanner needed to be comfortable to think.
Relic giggled happily, smiling all the more. "Of course! When am I not?" He asked, smiling as he walked past him, ruffling his crimson locks before he made way to the couch in the room, taking Tanner with him. He did not really think much about the nuzzling or anything, actually, he quite enjoyed it. Though, he liked any sort of contact with his lover. He kissed Tanner softly before he looked back over to Raphael, sitting down and leaning forward, his elbows on his knees and fingers laced together.

Raphael stared at them before sighing heavily and following to sit at the coffee table in fornt of his uncle and apparent uncle's boyfriend. "All right ... What?"

He laughed softly and then striaghtend his back just a bit. "Would you want to come back with us to Atlantis? It'll be fuuuun ... Gabriel will probably be a teacher of yours too!" He grinned and thought for a bit more before he looked back to the man then to the blonde at his side. "Hey, think Caden would come if we said that we just had a hockey game going on?" He asked, trying to think of something. He was not sure if he wanted to tell Raph or just let him hopefully bond with Caden on his own.​
Moving with Relic once again, Tanner sat behind his lover, one leg on either side of him, as he continued to nuzzle and think. He didn't really think that bringing Raphael home would do anything. It wouldn't give either of them enough time to bond or really get to know each other. But then, there would be no reason for Caden to come to Atlantis, either. Of course, Relic thought of everything.

"Hmmm. Probably. But we'd need to get two almost-full teams together. He'd have my head if I lied to him..." Not that Tanner could lie to his brother. Caden always knew when he was lying. He leaned forward to nip at Relic's ear. "We'll work on it when we get back. He has break until March."
Relic pouted at his words. "Not even if we say we just needed another player for our amusement?" He questioned, sighing softly and then grumbling a few times. He sighed softly and turned back to look at hte confused redhead in front of him. he smiled warmly and shrugged his shoulders. "Don't worry about it, kay? So! DO you want to come back to Atlantis with us?" He asked, his hand rested on Tanner's hand, absently trailing his fingertips along the back of his hand, being quite content with the simple little contact that it was.

Raphael sighed heavily, grumbling a few times. Uncle Relic could be SUCH a pest. He shook his head at the thought and he shrugged his shoulders a moment later. "Sure."

The ravenette held up a hand before he could continue. "You have to promise to behave more than you normally do, okay? No stealing. No breaking into places. Don't cheat. And try not to hurt anyone or pull too many pranks." He said, the mother in him truly coming out. He just did not want him to get expelled or anything from the school. He liked it there and well, he wanted Raphael to have a good time too.

Groaning at the rules, He rolled his amethyst eyes. "Yea yea. Best behavior blah blah blah. SO! What do I need to do to get in?" He asked, looking at the male while he waited.

Shrugging, he nudged his head in the direction of the door. "Go bother Tomias' boyfriend ... See if he can help. They're with the tree."

"All right." with that, the man up and left, leaving the two alone in the room since his other siblings were already off doing whatever.​
Tanner snickered. "Get Rune to agree, and we'll tell Caden we need one more for a three on three match." He pecked a kiss to Relic's cheek before his lips moved down to suckle where his neck met his shoulder, oblivious to the girl in the room...if she was still there. He was too busy to look.

Completely content beneath the mistletoe, Nikkos wrapped his arms around Tomias, kissing him passionately. PDA didn't apply here, apparently, and even the administrator didn't understand why. Nor did he care. The brunette wanted to be close to his lover, no matter who was around to watch. He did pull away after a few minutes, breathless and blushing. Leaning up, Nikkos pecked a last kiss to Tomias's lips. He was satisfied for now, curling into his boyfriend's frame and resting his head on Tomias's shoulder as he watched everyone else.
Relic giggled softly with a nod. "Easily." he whispered before practically melding into his lover. His legs slid over his lap, his arms hooked around his neck and he kissed his neck softly. His eyes fluttered closed and he cuddled up to him, eyes closed and hapily letting him do what he willed. "I think they would make a cute couple." He said absently, not really caring but just enjoying hte other more than anything else. His eyes slipped closed and he nipped the side of his neck softly.

Tomias grinned, kissing him back passionately and not caring if anyone passed by. Nikkos had wanted to get out and so he just wound up wandering. At least until he was pulled back into the mistle toe. He chuckled and his arms scooped around his lover. His eyes slipped closed and he kissed him happily back. His hands playfully gripped his rump, just teasing his love and not caring just where they were or anyone who would want to pass by them. That was not important. He was just happy to be with his love at the moment.

Raphael soon wound up wandering the house, trying to find that damn pest. His mother stated that they went off to get some air and well, he was bored and needed something to do. He eventually spotted them kissing. He perked up, waiting for the two to stop before he cleared his throat, getting his uncle's attention. He walked up with a little wave. "Hey, Uncle Tomias ... Uncle Relic told me to talk to ... Nikkos?" He said, not to sure if his uncle played a trick on him or not.​
Nikkos couldn't help the soft groan at being interrupted. Of course, he didn't mean anything by it, only that he'd been enjoying his time with Tomias. Still, he nodded to the boy who was in front of them, not caring to move from Tomias's embrace. "I'm Nikkos." Although that would be clearly obvious if he'd come searching for Tomias in order to find him. And while he had an idea of what the redhead wanted, as he'd heard Relic ask if someone could come to Atlantis with them, he wouldn't assume anything. "What can I do for you?"

Stirring away, Calder groaned tiredly and stretched. He pecked a kiss to Rune's cheek, whispering that he was going to attempt to find Tanner and Relic and perhaps Nikkos. Whether or not his boyfriend heard him was another story, but the blond was sure that he would be found when Rune woke up. With another pecked kiss, Calder set out to attempt to find his way around the massive mansion.
Raphael smiled warmly. "Um ... Uncle Relic said something about me attending Atlantis and I have not a single clue how to apply or is it like Hogwarts or something.." He murmured the last part, waving a hand absently in the air before his arms folded over his lower torso. Waiting silently to hear just what the man had to say about the subect. He really wanted to know just what he had to do. Atlantis seemed like a good school and well, he needed a place to actually be able to use his powers and probably have teachers who could kick his ass for torturing them with said powers.

Rune grumbled lightly, not realizing the other left until he was colder and there was not a man beside him. He pouted, sliding out of the bed and yawned while walking out of the room. He easily found where his lover decided to wander. Sneaking up behind him, he slid his arms around his hips, pulling him against his chest with a kiss to his neck. "You couldh ave woken me up." he mumbled, turning him around to lead the way back to where his brother and Tanner were. His arms still around him and a few more kisses were placed to his neck and chin.​
Nodding, Nikkos was listening up until the 'Hogwarts' comment. He scoffed but said nothing. After all, Atlantis had those who used wands as a conduit for their powers, and spoken spells as well. Still curling against Tomias, Nikkos had to think about the admissions process, something that he usually knew like the back of his hand. "Need to know your powers. Tomias and I are heading back in the morning. I'll have an application sent to you. I'd ask how old you are but with this family... I think I'm scared to ask," he teased lightly. If Relic asked him to come to Atlantis, then it was likely that he was old enough. "We'll do the formal interview when classes start again." And he'd talk to Rylee when he got back from his own vacation. Rylee Seoras was the admissions administrator and he owed him a favor.

Calder grinned, leaning back into his boyfriend's frame. "Wake you up? I'm sorry, I quite like my head attached to my body, thanks." The blond took a hold of Rune's hands and pulled them more tightly around his frame as they walked. He was a little shocked-there were quite a few more people here now than there were when they'd gone upstairs. But then again, that had been almost ninety minutes ago, so Calder figured he really shouldn't have been surprised.
Raphael smiled. He would be able to get in? That was good! He nodded a few times to his words before laughing softly. "I'm only nineteen. And no, it's not a fake ID either." He stated before the mention of his powers came. He shrugged simply, holding out his palm and a flame engulfed in the center. "I can control fire." He stated, closing his palm and then he brushed the ashes he created in his palm away before he clapped his hands together. "All right! Awesome. You can probably send the paperwork here ... Mom likes to stay around until New Years." He rolled his eyes before shrugging. "Thank you." He stated, about to just leave but figured he would think differently. "Er ... Anything else?"

Rune easily led the way into the room, kissing him onc emore with a chuckle. "Smart man." he teased and leant forward into the room to spot Relic and Tanner on the couch. He grinned happily. "Awe. Look at hte love birds." He said, chuckling softly as he began to lead the way into the room. A playful bump of his hips into the other's rump before he walked further inside and pulled Calder onto his lap as he sat onto the chair. He kept him against his form and looked over to his brother, smiling all the more.

Relic stopped practically having sex with Tanner - he was only a few article of clothings tossed away from being naked - and looked over at his brother when he came in. Pouting, he slid off from straddling Tanner's hips and curled up at his side, knees to his chest yet resting against the blonde's leggs. He held onto his arm, sitcking his tongue out at the two. "Yea. We are." he stated, grinning and kissing Tanner once more.

After a moment or two, their lovely white haired mother stepped in, a hand on her hip and she looked from Rune to Relic then back again. "Rune. Go wake up your Father ... Dinner is almost ready." She stated, her arms moving to cross over her chest as she waited for the man to do as told.

He protested instantly with a loud "What?!" He straightened up and scooted toward the end of the chair, still holding Calder. "Hell. No! Last time I tried to wake up that ogre, he tried to fuck me. No. You do it. You're the one he sleeps with ... He won't get pissed at you." He stated, holding Calder all the more and he sunk back into the chair, grumbling and cursing under his breath about the 'old hag' and her 'fucking mate' and quite hte other many things.

Andrea whined, pouting as she did so. "But I don't like seeing him all groggy and sleepy." She stated with another little whine, whimpering softly and she stomped her feet a few times before she turned to Relic who instantly seemed interested in the ceiling and the silhouettes. She grumbled. "FINE! I'll go wake up Tien..." She groaned and turned on her heel, making her way out of the room to go wake up her husband, not really likeing the idea. He was where Rune got his hatred toward wakin up, and well, Rune was easier and more pleasant to wake up.​
Did he need anything else? Nikkos smiled and nodded. "Go away." He winked playfully at the other, cuddling into Tomias all the more. Raphael seemed okay, and Nikkos would make sure that he got into the school, but he wanted some more "alone" time with Tomias, even if they weren't alone at all. He couldn't wait to return to the school so that they could truly be alone for several weeks. Nikkos planned on making full use of that time alone. The administrator kissed along his boyfriend's jaw, nipping at the flesh just under it a little bit here and there. "Mmm. Are you sure we have to stay for dinner?" He was kidding, mostly. If Tomias were to say that they could go back to Atlantis right then and there, Nikkos would go more than willingly. But he didn't expect that answer and so he geared himself up for another few hours with the insanely large family.

Tanner groaned when the two men entered. Of course, having sex with the door open in a 'public' room wasn't the smartest of ideas, but he wasn't thinking much with Relic in his lap. And when his lover moved to sit next to him, the blond allowed it for only a second before pulling the younger twin back into his lap, Relic's back to his own chest. He raised an eyebrow when the twins' mother came into the room, and more so at the conversation that was held.

Calder, too, was wide eyed as he held on to Rune when he moved forward in the chair. He trusted his lover to not drop him, but he couldn't help the gasp and tightened grip around his neck. Or the sigh of relief when the man was back in the chair as he was supposed to be. "So... You got your hatred of not sleeping from your father. And where did Relic learn to wake everyone up at four thirty three weeks before Halloween to announce that it was three weeks before Halloween?"
Tomias grinned. His little lover was such a pervert at times. He glanced over to Raphael who more than happily let the two be with a little wave. He smiled and leant down to kiss him once more. "Mm ... You don't want the pissy angel to come after you, do you?" He questioned, leaning down and kissing his lips passionately. his eyes fluttered closed and he pulled him up to him a little before replacing him fully to the ground and pinning him against the other side of the doorway they were still under. Hey, this way, they had an excuse for kissing. There were only a few mistle toes around the mansion, and this was one of the few.

Relic smiled when he was pulled back to his love's lap, nuzzling into his neck with a gentle little purr. He already ignored his mother's interruption. He did not think that she would come back. She married the man so she could deal with his hideous habits. He giggled at the question posed. "Mommy. You're lucky you missed her this morning. She loooves her Christmas. Christmas and Valentine's day. Daddy goes to sleep early on the eve of our birthday." He stated with a wink, laughing a little more. Yep. They were Valentine babies.

Rune groaned. "Relic's worse than mother... Frickin' spaz." he mumbled before nuzzling into the other's neck with another groan. He really loved his brother, but he just could not deal with him in the mornings.

In the meantime, a door could be heard slamming, followed by quite the many curses and metal clanging against floors. Soon enough, a woman with bright pink hair, pulled back into a ponytail, headed toward where hte two were making out in the doorway. "What the fuck? Out of the way, Dad." She stated, her foot pressing into his side and pushing Tomias away from the door, cursing under her breath. There was the obvious questionable crimson stains on her skin and her clothes, annoyance to her features. "Fucking hell ... They had me working on Christmas. CHRISTMAS! Who needs someone killed right today?! Seriously. Asswhipes." She grumbled a few times, cursing under her berath while beginning to walk past the two, Tomias just at a loss to say anything to hte girl.​
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