Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Relic stared at the other when the question came. Of course he would be curious. He loved him for the purpose that he cared for him. He just did not really know whether or not he wanted to answer him. He probblay should. But, if he did, then his whole purpose for hiding his back would be a moot point. Well, not really. He did not like anyone looking at the middle of his back. He chewed his lip for a while before sighing heavily. Releasing the other, he turned onto his stomach, his arms crossed under his form. In the center left of his back was a starburst shaped scar that was raised just a bit off the flesh. He blushed and rested his forehead on his arms, figuring the other would easily see just why he did not like to show his back.​
Releasing his hold when Relic did, Tanner was a little surprised again. He had expected a verbal answer, if any, though he was happy for the visual one. He wanted Relic to trust him. Reaching out, the blond's fingertips traced over the scar with a light touch, exploring and curious. He didn't want Relic to be uncomfortable, though and so the blond moved away long before he truly wanted to and pulled his lover back into his side, kissing over his cheek and jaw. "You're beautiful, Relic. Scars, marks... They won't make me think differently. But you don't have to show me your back if you don't want to." He kissed his lover, tightening his hold on him. "Tell me how you got it?"
Relic relaxed when he said he did not really have to show him his back. He did not like the scar. It was hideous and a horrid reminder of a weak moment. He bit his lip when he questioned how he got it. Sighing heavily, he nuzzled into the man's chest for a while, arms wrapped around his waist and he gripped him tighter. His eyes kept closed for a while before he eventually pulled his head back to look up at him. "Um ... Quite a few years back it was bad ... Bad Bad time in my life for numerous reasons and Rune having a hand in my break up with a girl ... it all just bottled up and I wound up jumping into ... stakes." He chewed his bottom lip once more, eyes closing and he buried his head into the other's chest.​
He listened, his hold around Relic never waivering, even as the 'story' came to a close. Tanner pressed his lips to the top of Relic's head, holding him tightly to him. He didn't know what to say, because anything he said couldn't change the past, or remove the scar. "You can always come to me," he reinforced softly. He knew that it didn't change anything, but at least Relic knew that he didn't have to bottle things up anymore. "Maybe we'll try some cocoa butter? It can soften how much it's raised." He wanted Relic to feel more comfortable with his body, even if he didn't love all of it.

Tanner tucked his index finger under Relic's chin and raised his lips until they met his own. "Love you."
Relic loved Tanner. So much. He smiled lightly, kissing him back and deciding to just let the night end with that. He did not want to tell him that he had tried pretty much everything to get rid of it. It was strange enough that he even managed a scar, but much like how he and Rune managed to injure themselves, a pure hatred of himself and utter will to hurt himself had made the scar stay. He just nodded with a happy "I love you" before he curled up and against the other. His arms wrapped around his form and he curled up and into his form. His eyes closed and he slid under the sheets and slept happily with the man at his side.

In the morning, Tomias woke up fairly early. He leant up and kissed Nikkos' lips and looked up at the ceiling before he let out a soft little yawn. He slid out of the bed, stretching his arms above his head and he moved to the dresser to change into jeans and a tee shirt before he pounced the man on the bed. STraddling his hips, he began to kiss along his neck, just wanting to wake him up nicely. "Wakey waaakey." He whispered softly, nippping his flesh once more. He really wanted to head back to the school. The alone time would be great.​
Tanner had a difficult time falling asleep. The images of Relic in pain, both emotional and physical, haunted him. He spent most of the night watching his lover sleep so peacefully, stroking his fingers through Relic's hair and along his arm and back. Thoughts raced through his head, none of them bad, but none of them good, either. He felt for his boyfriend, and he wanted for those sad days to be over for him. Finally, in the very wee hours of the morning, Tanner finally nodded off into a light sleep, conscious of Relic's weight in his arms until the very last second.

Groaning, Nikkos's arms automatically went around Tomias's waist, pulling the man down fully on top of him. "And why are you so extra cheery this morning?" he asked after taking his good morning kiss from the other man. In reality, Nikkos shared in Tomias's enthusiasm. He wanted to go back to Atlantis. It was no longer because he didn't like being around so many people, or that he was uncomfortable with so many people that he didn't know, but that he wanted some time with his boyfriend; wanted some time to talk over how they would handle their relationship while school was in session, and some time to really bond with each other. Not that they hadn't already bonded, but there could never be too much of times like those for the administrator.

"I know. It's only because you want your present, right?" he teased.
Tomias laughed happily and leant over to kiss his lips happily. He smiled and nodded. "Of course!" He stated teasingly back before he hopped off his form. He took a hold of the other's hands and tugged him up from the bed. "Get dreeeessed! I wanna go to Atlantis." He said, whining a little and he contniued to tug at the man. He chewed on his bottom lip, looking down at hte other while he waited for the other to hopefully follow him to the dresser so that he could get dressed. He would definitely have to pack up all of their things to take back with them. He really wanted to get back, and even more so to escape with Nikkos before the rest of hte house woke up.​
Laughing, Nikkos got out of bed after a long stretch. He dressed while Tomias packed up their stuff. The brunette peeked outside on his way to the bathroom to wash up, just making sure his present was sitting in the driveway. Smiling when he saw that it was, Nikkos hurried to finish getting dressed. He was the type of person who gained the most pleasure out of seeing those he loved happy. He couldn't wait to see Tomias's face.

They were ready to go within the hour. Nikkos led the way outside, standing to the side of the door (outside) to see if he'd made a good choice: a 1965 black Ford Mustang sat in the driveway, in perfect, almost-brand-new condition.
Tomias held quite the many boxes and a suitcase, following the man outside and then stopped instantly. His eyes went wide as he stared at the car that was there. A gasp pulled into his lungs and he managed to neatly place the boxes down before he ran and collided with the car on purpose. His arms on the side of the door and his cheek to the roof. "Oooh! You will look lovely with my collection." He stated, his fingers trailed along the hood and he laid out over the metal once more before he turned to Nikkos. Squealing happily, he ran to him and hugged him to his chest, planting a passionate and brief kiss to his lips "I LOVE IT! Thank you!" He said, kissing him all the more. "Oooh! LETS GET GOING!" He said excitedly, scooping him up and hten moving to hte passenger's side, placing him in before putting all the boxes and things they had in the back. He slid in, sitting down and whimpering softly. His hands trailed over the steering wheel for a few moments before he started the car, engine purring to life and the man practically melted "Beautiful."​
Laughing at the childishness that Tomias displayed, Nikkos watched intently. It was clear that his lover liked his present, and that made the administrator extremely happy. He leaned up and kissed over Tomias's neck as he was hugged, and clung tightly to the other man as he was kissed, and then lifted to be placed in the car. He was becoming spoiled, and Nikkos absolutely loved it.

He took the other man's hand as they pulled out of the driveway, lacing their fingers together as he relaxed into the seat for the long drive back. "Gonna let me drive this one?" he teased, not mentioning the Christmas gift he'd bought himself and was waiting at the school for him.
Tomias happily laced his fingers with the other's, only removing his hand every so often to switch gears, but once he was in the highest, he was perfectly fine with keeping his hand in Nikkos'. He soared past the other cars effortlessly, luckily there were not too many people on the road the day after Christmas and at such an early time. He laughed with his question, turning to look at him, chcukling softly. "I love you, and I love my gift ... But you'll have to knock me unconscious to be able to drive this baby." He leant over and kissed the other's lips softly before he went back to paying attention to the road.

Due to his amazing driving skills, and mainly the fact that he just wanted to get there, the two arrived at Atlantis fairly quickly - quicker than it normally may have been anyway. It was mid-afternoon, heading more toward the evening when the man happily stepped out of the vehicle and took up the boxes he had had before. He stretched his legs, took in a deep breath, and relaxed. "Aah ... Home again." He grinned, walking over to the other side and waiting for Nikkos to exit before he began to make his way toward the school. There was not much use for locking the car or anything right now. School was not in session so he could park wherever he wanted right now.​
Pulling up to the school, Nikkos was still plotting his revenge for Tomias not allowing him to drive the car. Of course, when he saw his gift to himself, the brunette grinned to himself. Yes, that would be perfect. Nikkos got out of the car, pecking a kiss to Tomias's cheek. "Go ahead. I'm going to look at my present." He winked at his lover and the moved down to the other end of the small parking lot.

Gleaming red, just like his Lexus, stood a gorgeous, brand new Aston Martin. Sleek and shiny and perfect, Nikkos was instantly in love with it. He opened the door and searched under the seat for the keys, giving a soft "ah ha!" when they were found. Starting her up, the brunette sighed happily with the soft purring of the engine, and the smell of the brand new, black leather interior... Yes, this car came very close to his Lexus in the love department, and he only loved the Lexus more because he'd had it longer.
"Huh?" Was all that Tomias could say as he watched the other go off. He put the boxes down on a dry surface [ aka the stairs of the building ] and was off to easily spot what the man had been ealking about. His eyes went wide, following him to the car and he looked it over before walking to the driver's seat. He opened the door and slid onto the other's lap, his arms wrapped around his lover's neck and he nuzzled into the nape of his neck. "Nikkos ... Have I told you that I love you?" He questioned, glancing around the car and he hugged his boyfriend all the more. His eyes slipped closed while he continued to grip him, nipping at his bottom lip softly while continuing to look at the man.​
Nikkos laughed. "You have. How did it go again? 'I love you, and I love my gift ... But you'll have to knock me unconscious to be able to drive this baby.'? Yeah I think that was it." He kissed Tomias, hugging him close as he reached around to turn the engine off. He'd take it out later, after they settled back into their room and recovered from the previous day and the long drive. Maybe he'd even let Tomias come for the ride. The brunette chuckled at that thought, nuzzling along the other man's neck and shoulder. This was, perhaps, one of the best purchases he'd ever made.
"Damn." Sighing softly, he placed a kiss to the man's lips before sliding off of his lap. He took a hold of his hand, helping him out of the car before turning on his heel and walking toward his boxes again. He scooped them up and rested the loads against his torso. Walking up to the door, he opened the door, waiting for Nikkos to go inside before he followed suit. A warm smile to his lips while he walked behind the man. "So . . . Are we going to put your gifts on your shelves?" He teased, just adoring the fact that his boyfriend loved the gifts. Though, last night they barely made it through half of the book before finding more interesting things to do and then falling asleep.

Turning around so he was walking backward, Tomias looked at Nikkos, glad that the halls were abandoned for once. "Or would you prefer just staying in bed?" He grinned, a devious little perverted glint in his eyes. He parted his lips to say something else, but a yelp passed instead as something pointy wound up hitting him in the middle of his back. He jumped away, expecting to have run into a statue or something ... not a horned student. He arched a brow, looking over at the mossy-haired fellow and he hugged the boxes closer to his form. "Valerius? Shouldn't you be with your parents?" He asked, truly looking concerned for the male.

The horned male lifted his head, a soft "Sorry" passing his lips to the fact that he had not been watching where he was going and therefore ended up bumping a horn into the other. He listened and then shook his head. "Mm-mm. I already visited them." He informed the two, smiling weakly and his arms wrapped around his form, rubbing at his upper arm absently.​
He took a few of the boxes that Tomias was carrying, wanting the other to be balanced and not trip. Of course, he'd never seen the man trip or be clumsy in the time that he'd known him, but that wasn't the point. Accidents happen whether or not you expect them. Pondering the question, Nikkos continued to walk, loving the soft quiet of the hallways during this time of year. It was what made Christmas time his favorite time of year.

When Tomias yelped, Nikkos was quick to look up and rush the few extra steps to his side. Only when he saw Valerius did Nikkos calm down, knowing that his lover wasn't hurt. There went being alone for the two weeks. "You don't stay with them?" Nikkos questioned, concerned. Almost everyone spent more than just Christmas day with their family. Why was this student any different? "Are you alright?"
Valerius lifted his eyes to look over at Nikkos, blinking his thick lashes a few times as he did so. "I spent some time with them." He stated and then wrapped his arms tighter around his form as he thought about his time, smiling weakly as he did so. He then shook his head, looking up at the administrator and giving a simple nod. "I am fine. Thank you ... I am going to go to my dorm. Um ... Sorry Mr. Arcule." He said, giving a small bow and then straightening once more. His arms crossed tightly around his slender frame while he continued forward, not looking back at the two.

Tomias gave a simple "No problem" while he watched him leave, blinking a few times in confusion before his eyes went a little wide. He placed the boxes on the ground before jogging after the other, turning him around and pulling him to his chest with a hug, the boy already beginning to cry. He sighed softly, stroking his mossy locks and he moved to kneel in front of Valerius, looking up at him with concern lacing his features. "Val ... It's okay. Really..." He whispered, his thumb trailing over his cheek to wipe away the tears that were passing his eyes. "First Christmases alone are hard." He added, smiling lightly and he stood up, wrapping his arm around the boy's shoulders, turning and making way back to Nikkos "Have some cocoa with us." He added, looking down at the male once more and he walked over to his boyfrined. Giving him a kiss on the cheek and with a very soft whisper of , "his parents died last year" before he bent down to take up the boxes, resting them in his free arm. "Besides, we can recruit you to help put things away.​
If he wasn't confused before, he most certainly was now. It was good that Tomias seemed to understand as he chased after the boy and spoke with him before returning to is side. The administrator's eyes went wide temporarily before nodding and taking the boxes away from Tomias, letting the ones that he couldn't manage to carry float behind them. Nikkos's hand dropped to rest at the small of Valerius's back, guiding him towards the room, and then to the sofa to make himself comfortable. For the moment, the boxes and their luggage was set to the side and hot chocolate was made for all three of them.

A mug, over-flowing with whipped cream, was passed to the young man as Nikkos sat in the arm chair that was settled next to the sofa. "Why didn't you let anyone know you would be here? We wouldn't have left you alone in the school."
Valerius walked to the room with the two, sitting down and not realizing just how alone he had felt until they showed up. He had spent time alone before, but it was not until the realization that he really had no one to call that he felt worse. And then bumping into them had made things worse for his little broken heart. His knees pulled to his chest, remaining where he was and then takin the cocoa with a soft "Thank you" to the administrator. He rested the mug on his knees, staring at the whipped cream and eventually trailing a pointed nail through the cream and licking it from his finger. He looked over to Nikkos with the question, shrugging his shoulders slightly. "I only got in yesterday ... and I did not really want to impose on anyone's Christmas and have them stay here with me ... So I figured I would just stay by myself. It .. It really is nothing that big, Mr. Alexander." He stated, leaning forward to wrap his lips around the cream again, pulling back with some on his nose which his tongue easily slid over a few moments later.

Tomias set himself on the arm of the chair Nikkos was in, looking at Valerius and truly his heart felt like it was going to break. The poor kid. So used to being alone. That was too sad even for him to manage. He did not say anything though. Just remained where he was and would let Nikkos talk to him for a bit. He was more sympathetic toward others and Tomias really just wanted to go and hug the kid until he turned blue.​
"You're not an imposition," he assured. The wheels in Nikkos's head were turning. He couldn't leave the man alone, and yet, he didn't seem to be very close with anyone. The administrator knew of the trouble between him and Calder, and knew that if he were able to get past that, he would have a good group of friends waiting with open arms for him. But he seemed to need help with that. "We'll go out tomorrow," he stated, an idea forming. "I have a very good friend. He doesn't attend Atlantis, but is magical in his own right. He'll be able to relate and help you." Because God knew that Nikkos had no idea what Valerius was going through. And he wasn't taking 'no' for an answer.

Perhaps that wretched Thallus of his (what was that creature's name?) would be able to bond with Valerius as well. It seemed to like animals more than humans, and Val being part one...

"Ten. Maybe we'll make Tomias jealous and take my new toy out."
Valerius listened to the other, looking over at him and he blinked a few times. He was going to try and help? He smiled warmly, his golden eyes still a bit sad, but not as much as they had been beforehand. "Thank you, Mister Alexander." He said, smiling a little more and he pulled the mug closer to his mouth. His tongue trailed over the whipped cream, showing how lizard-like the tongue really was. Not pointed or split or anything, just a bit long and thinner than most. He really was a little happier than when he was wondering the grounds. He still felt like he was imposing, but the two did not seem to mind all too much. he blushed faintly, golden eyes slipping to the mug in his hands while a finger began to trail around the rim of the mug. He really was pathetic feeling at the moment. Guilty for numerous reasons too. He shook hish ead from the thoughts and sipped at the cocoa, sighing softly.​
Nikkos woke Valerius up early. He'd called Julien the previous night before he and Tomias had retired after being sure their student was comfortable and safe and sleeping. Early in the morning was the only time that the man could meet with them, at least today, and the administrator wanted to get Val help as quickly as possible.

They sat in a little cafe on the outskirts of town, Nikkos smiling when a very bright blue eyed man came through the door, followed inevitably by his familiar, Teivel. The man was dressed in a pair of black jeans and a white t-shirt, while his familiar followed close behind him. The little chocolate brown creature hissed and spat at those who looked at it for too long, snapping at those who got too close. "Do not touch that...thing. You'll miss your fingers." With that warned, Nikkos stood up to greet his friend who stood only two inches shorter than he did. "Thank you for coming. Really." He turned to Val. "This is Valerius. Val, this is Julien Laroque."

Julien looked over the horned male in front of him. He didn't give an indication as to whether or not he liked the man in front of him, and he spoke in French to Teivel, though it was completely done telepathically. "Que pensez-vous, Teivel? Est-il acceptable?"* The Thallus nudged forward and sniffed at Valerius's ankle. He didn't growl, which was a good sign, but of course no one but Julien could hear the answer.

"Je ne sais pas. Il sent étrange."**

Nodding, Julien sat down across from Valerius. "What's your story, kid?"

*What do you think, Teivel? Is he acceptable?
**I do not know. He smells weird.
Valerius was a little hard to get up since he really had not ended up falling asleep until three in the morning. Fits of tears came to him at random times and he just could not muster them to calm and so he was exhausted and the getting up early did not help. He was adorable to wake up though. Groggy and rubbing at his golden eyes, a few tears at the corners of his eyes purely from the attempt at waking up. He nodded though to the administrator's words and he trudged toward the bathroom. Getting ready and changed - a simple pair of purple pants on his hips with a black sleeveless top with belts over hte front on his torso and then a purple jacket, lined in black fur, over that. He slipped his shoes on then followed the man out of the room.

He curled up in his seat on teh way there, horns resting against the window until bumps hit and he was getting paranoid of breaking the glass so he turned back to just staring out the windshield. He did not know what to expect, but he trusted Nikkos. He was a good guy and had better intentions, so he knew that he should and would be fine.

Sitting at the cafe, a glass of herbal tea in front of him while a claw absently swirled wihtin the crimson liquid. At least until he saw Nikkos stand up. The mossy haired teen perked up and followed the brunette to the blue eyed man. He watched them for a while, arching a brow as he did so. He eventually had his eyes flicker to the familiar that had sniffed him. He stared at it for a moment or two before his attention was brought to the man with hte question posed. "Um ... My parents are dead?" He said, not too sure what the man needed to know. There was quite a bit to his story, but he really did not want to offer up any information someone did not need to know.​
Julien just rolled his eyes. "I'm well aware of that. I want to know when, and how." It was a tough question and he knew it. He'd had to answer it hundreds of times since he'd lost his parents, and he suspected that Valerius hadn't really had to answer it at all. But it was part of healing. Saying what happened and acknowledging it and accepting that it happened...it was needed.

The black haired man ordered a black coffee as he waited for the answer, or for the tears to start, or both. He didn't know which it would be, but anticipated both. Large wounds like this were hard to heal. And he could almost see the open, gaping wounds across this man's chest.

"Ne faites pas cela, Teivel."*

The familiar growled once more at the leg it was getting ready to attack, bum up in the air and wiggling like a cat's would, before returning to its master's side, whining that his fun was ruined.

*Do not do that, Teivel.
Valerius blushed with the other telling him that he needed to tell the details about what had happened. His eyes instantly tilted to his hands, his right hand's fingers curled aroudn the end of his shirt, tugging at the garment in frustration as he was forced to think about what happened. Tears already formed in the corners of his eyes and a sharp tooth bit into the bottom of his lip, claws absently began to scrap along the top of his wrist, just as a bit of a coping mechanism to keep everything together. To be sure that he could still feel, despite the topic of conversation. "My parents ... My whole family ... Everyone was murdered." He said, his voice soft and his eyes not once leaving the crimson liquid that was slowly flowing from his arm. He rested his fingers over the wound, knowing he should not be doing that, but he just had not found anything else to ease the bubbling feelings within him. Rage. Guilt. Horror. Sorrow ... And that was just the tip of the iceburgh.

He tugged the bottom of his sleeve over his hand, resting it there and he continued. "Las.. Last year it happened ...W... When I was here ... um. . . At Atlantis that is ... I ... I do not know why ... b-but someone just ... they came in and ... and l-like they were just nothing ... T-tore th... through them ... No one ... No one even knew until I ... I came home f-for break... I found them ... I-it was .. s-so horrible...." He parted his lips to speak again but wound up leaping up, a hand over his lips as he ran out of the room and into the bathroom, pouring whatever contents may have been in his stomach into the toilet bowel.

It was a few more minutes before the mossy-haired teen came back to the table, shaking and paler than when he went into the bathroom. A soft, "Sorry" passed his lips and a trembling hand brought the cup of tea to his lips, sipping the liquid to hopefully soothe his stomach.​
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