Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Immediately, Julien stopped what he was doing to really look at the other. Hadn't they covered this last night? Well, perhaps not well enough then. The Frenchman left the makings of breakfast on the counter and moved to sit next to Valerius, tugging the smaller man into his side. "You listen here," he commanded gently. "You are a lovely, wonderful young man. And any man would be very lucky to gain your affection. And even though I do wish to gain that some day, you are not ready for a relationship." He kissed Val's cheek. "And I will not take what you are not ready to give." Julien nuzzled along the horned man's jaw, pecking soft kisses here and there. "When you are ready, you won't know what hit you." He nipped the other's ear lobe.
Valerius looked over at the man and he chewed his bottom lip a little bit. He fidgetted and twisted the bottom of his shirt for a while, his knees fell to rest against the other's thigh. He rested his head against the man's shoulder and he nodded a little. "Thank you." He whispered softly, a little relieved yet somehow a bit disappointed. He had enjoyed last night a lot and it was a nice feeling to feel loved and a bit needed. He blushed at the thought before he shook his head a little, turning away from the man. He pulled his knees back to his chest, slowly falling to the side and he rested his head against the armrest of the chair, staring back at the ground and tugging at the shirt once more. "would you mind if ... I stayed with you ... here ... for um a little while ... more. I just ... cannot go back to Atlantis yet ..."​
His hand moved to give a soft little caress to the other man's thigh before standing once more. "I want you to do what feels natural to you, Valerius. No more holding back-it's not good for you." Julien had to admit that he paused to admire what the shirt was unable to cover in such a position before draping a blanket over the man's lower half. "You may stay as long as you like, though the offer expires when classes start again. We'll move up to Atlantis then." He moved back to the kitchen to finish breakfast, offering the finished product to Val. "You didn't eat last night-you must be starved." He knew he was!
Valerius relaxed instantly. He could stay here until classes start? Oh, thank goodness! He did not want to go back yet. Well, he would need to get some clothes, though. He could ask Nikkos if he would not mind to get them for him, but he would feel bad if he asked him for that. He may have to go back to Atlantis for a little while then. He pulled the blanket over his laugh, sitting up and then took the plate from the man, smiling lightly. "Thank you." He said softly and rested the plate in his lap, beginning to eat silently and he soon looked over at Julien. "Um ... May I use your phone after? I want to let Mr. Alexander know that I am goin to stay here for a while ... Or ... maybe I will just go back..." He pouted, taking another bite of the eggs he made, trying to think about how he should go about the whole situation.​
Julien ate, silent and thinking. He felt bad that the other man was so confused as to what to do, and what he wanted. And yet, he knew that there wasn't much he could do about it. Valerius had to come into it on his own, even with the soft nudges from him. It was only when he began to clean up that he finally answered the questions posed. "While you are here, treat it as if it was your own-there's no need to ask to use anything." As for going back to Atlantis... Julien sighed and sat next to Val. "There are strings attached to my offer of help. You must attend your classes, and you cannot hold back feelings or thoughts. You've bottled up enough stuff to last you six lifetimes. It's time to let it all go." He paused, thinking. "Truly listen to your heart. If you do that, and are open, I can help you more than you think I can."
Valerius looked over at the man beside him, listening to his conditions and he nodded a little. "Y-yea ... I just ... it is very lonely at Atlantis with no one there. When classes start, I am going back." He stated and then chewed his bottom lip a bit. He stood up from the couch and walked over to the telephone to call Nikkos. That was a good start. He pulled down the bottom of his shirt while he waited for the man on the other end to answer. He silently began to sway on his feet from heel to toe and back again, looking at the wall and waiting to hear the mano n the other end.​
They stayed together comfortably. It had only been a week since meeting, but Julien was rather comfortable with Valerius's presence in his little cottage. They'd made some headway on a label to their relationship. Friends-definitely friends. And sometimes a little more. Well, most of the time a little more. The Frenchman wouldn't deny that he loved to take the little horned male to bed with intentions other than sleeping.

Still, "friends" was the main label and when he was asked out to dinner by someone he'd met in town while grocery shopping, Julien smiled and accepted easily. He was late coming home, it was nearly two in the morning and the dark haired man tried to slip in quietly. Valerius must have been asleep by this time and Teivel hadn't told him otherwise.
Valerius enjoyed the past week with the man. Tomias was kind enough to bring over clothes for him - which wound up being quite a bit of clothes that he was sure he would not even wear half of the clothes by the time school returned, though it would be nice to have some extra clothing here for if Atlantis became too much. He liked being with Julien. He was nice and well, their nightly sessions that Julien seemed to enjoy starting definitely were nice as well. He had not really opened up too much in the meantime, only a few mentions of his parents here and there, but that was it. He just did not really feel like talking about what happened anytime soon. Not really anything to talk about recently. He liked the whole relationship they had. Friends with the bit of fun every so often. It was nice to be loved.

When the man said he had a date, he had not minded it initially. He knew that Julien was a very attractive man. He knew that from the time he saw him, so of course others would want to date him. When he left, Valerius was fine. He waved and gave him a gentle kiss on the cheek before he left and then he went about to pretty much play with the Thallus there. He liked the little familiar. He was cute and a good bit of company when he needed it. He was okay until his mind began to wander. Thinking about what the two would be doing and everything else and he became a little bit jealous. He went to bed anyway though. Staring at the wall and just trying to ignore his jealousy.​

"Il avait agi curieusement."

"Curieusement? Que voulez-vous dire?"

"Il sent différent. Il n'est pas heureux."

"Êtes vous positif?"


Julien was now worried. He set his jacket over the armchair and moved into the bedroom swiftly, careful to not make any loud noises just in case his little familiar was mistaken. Of course, Teivel was never mistaken but that was beside the point. The Frenchman knelt at the bedside, hand moving up to brush against the other man's cheek.

"What's wrong?" he asked softly, truly concerned.

"He has been acting oddly."
"Oddly? What do you mean?"
"He smells different. He is not happy."
"Are you positive?"
Valerius tilted his eyes to the man that entered, smiling warmly as he did so. He shook his head a little, just content to have the man back. "Nothing." He said softly, his eyes slipping closed as he pulled the pillow in front of him a little tighter before he pushed it away and back to the top of the bed for the man to return to the bed. He scooted a little bit away from the side of the bed to give the other more room. "I ... missed you." He stated, figuring that was the true reason. He could not be jealous. They had their agreement and he was content with that as it was. He just was not really used to being alone yet. He had grown accustomed to having Julien there with him. "How was your day?" He asked, his eyes opening once more to look at the other, curiosity within his features.​
"I don't think that nothing is wrong." He had to call Val on such things. Otherwise, he'd become even more content with pushing things away and not dealing with them. "Besides, Teivel already told on you." He smiled a little, and Julien rose to begin to get ready for bed. The Frenchman undressed quickly, tossing everything into the hamper and sliding into bed completely nude, arm wrapping around Val's waist. "Come now. You're up at two in the morning, lying in bed, in the dark, staring at a wall that you can't see anyway. What's going on?"
Valerius easily scooted toward him, his arm draped over the other's side and he rested his head against his chest. His eyes slipped closed and he shook his head a little. His fingers absently trailed along the spine of the man, his head settling against the man's arm and he smiled contently. "Mm-mm . . . I thought I was jealous but ... I think I only missed you." He informed him, letting out a little laugh. "I have become accustomed to using you as my teddy bear." He nodded a little and he kissed the chest in front of him before relaxing once more against the other. He was definitely happy now. That had to be the case. He was up because he had gotten used to having him beside him, so he could not sleep and he just felt lonely again. No jealousy whatsoever. "I am better now."​
He still didn't believe the story, but at least he'd gotten something more out of Valerius than 'nothing is wrong, honest'. Julien ticked off a win in his column as he snuggled down into the mattress as well as the man who was currently clinging to him. He fell asleep quickly tonight, exhausted and content with Val in his arms.

Another couple of days past and his new 'fling' called for a second date. Julien readily accepted, excited. He couldn't help that he was excited, though he did attempt to hide it from Val. He didn't know what had happened the other night, but Julien knew he shouldn't push for a repeat of it. The dark haired man was sure to instruct his familiar to keep a close eye on his friend, and to let him know if something started to not seem right. With a peck to Valerius's lips, Julien left.
Valerius giggled lightly, kissing his lips back and then watching him leave. He wiggled his fingers in a wave and then walked back over to the kitchen. He tapped a few things on the counter and then pouted a bit more. Yep. He had no idea what he was going to do now. He walked over to the telephone, dialing up Nikkos and Tomias and twirling his finger around the chord while he waited for the other to answer. He wanted to do something. Sitting home last time had upset him too much. Being around a person would make things better. Right? He would like to get out a bit too.

Tomias groaned when he heard the phone ringing, kissing along Nikkos' neck a little more before he slid off the man's form. Lifting up the phone with a simple "Hello?" before the two were conversing for a while. He nodded every so often and then eventually hung up with a short, 'Okay. See you in a few." He then turned to Nikkos, walking over to the man and leaning down to kiss his cheek softly. "Want to go steal Val? It seems Julien is on a date and our horned little student does not want to be alone." he stated, annoyed at the interruption, but he knew the kid needed someone there for him, so he would continue later.​
"Il est parti."

"Ce qui? Où est-il allé?"

"Avec deux hommes. Celui au café."

"Avec Nikkos. Il est sûr alors. Je serai maison bientôt."

Julien had to admit that he was a bit nervous that Valerius had left the cottage, but knowing he was with Nikkos and that Tomias fellow, well... He couldn't be too nervous. Nikkos would take care of Val while they were together. He smiled at the man across from him and continued to eat, becoming lost in his own thoughts.

Groaning a little, Nikkos nodded. He was having flashbacks to their attempts to first sleep with each other and always being interrupted. He pulled Tomias down and kissed him soundly, long legs wrapping around his waist. "Promise to pick up where we left off?" He smirked a little and pecked another kiss before slipping out of bed to get dressed.

The three went to dinner and did a little window shopping, staying out well past midnight in an attempt to keep Val from having to be alone. Still, when they dropped the mossy haired man off at the cottage, it was dark. "Sure you're going to be okay?" Nikkos was concerned for the other, even if he knew that he was in good hands with Julien.

"He left."
"What? Where did he go?"
"With two men. The one at the cafe."
"With Nikkos. He is safe then. I will be home soon."
Valerius had had a good time. He was glad for the company and he really was fine. He smiled warmly and nodded to the administrator's concerns. "Yes. Teivel will keep me company now." He stated and then let out a gentle little giggle, getting a large hug from Tomias before he disappeared into the cottage. He shook his head a little at his thoughts, closing the door behind him while he walked over to the couch. He sat down, his right leg crossed over the left and he called the Thallus to him for the company. He stroked the little familiar's head, smiling as he did so. He was better now. Still a little funny feeling, but mostly fine.​
"Mmm. Come on. Let me come in."

Julien shook his head, nuzzling along the man's neck as his own was kissed. "No, I can't."

"Yes you can. Come on."

"No, you don't understand. I--oh." A sensitive spot was hit and Julien leaned into it, offering more of his neck to be attacked. "Mmmm yes, there."

Making out on his door step wasn't new for Julien, but usually he had nothing stopping him from allowing his dates inside. Tonight, he knew Valerius was likely asleep in bed-it was twelve now. The cottage was too small to even contemplate sex on the sofa, or anywhere else with someone inside.

"No, inside..." The man reached for the door knob and attempting to open it.
Valerius perked up when he heard the voices on the other side of the door. His head lifted and looked over at the other. He blinked a few times and he slowly stood up from the couch, debating if he wanted to just go to bed and ignore it, or ignore it. He stopped in front of the door, trying to think of a reason to open the door. He tilted his head as he debated. Eventually, he turned the doorknob and opened the door, jumping a little at seeing the two so close. He had not expected them to be right on the door. He blushed a lovely red and let out a nervous little laugh. "S... Sorry Julien ... Um ... I wanted to take a brief little walk ... I cannot sleep." He stated and then glanced up to the man he was with. "Good evening ... Excuse me. He said softly, sliding past the two and he truly did intend to walk off his lack of sleep.​
Julien took a second to catch his balance when the door was yanked open from behind him. He was shocked, though he probably shouldn't have assumed that Valerius was in bed. The dark haired man was ashamed of himself, really. He felt as if he'd thrown his date in Val's face, even if he had not meant to.

His date, on the other hand, stepped back, looking rather frightened. "You never told me you were some...savior for freaks!" Julien's head whipped around, eyes angry.

"That 'freak', as you so eloquently titled him, is a very good friend of mine. You won't address him as such...ever." That said, Julien stepped past the man to Val. "It's dangerous to walk this late. Come in. Let me make you some chamomile." His hand rest at the small of the horned male's back, wanting to guide him back towards the house.
Valerius froze at the words of Julien's date, his eyes instantly welled with tears. His hand lifted to rest at one of the horns there, feeling the strong appendage and, even worse, feeling the tears pass his eyes. His feet wanted to move - to run, to get away from the offending man, but he could not. He was too scared. Too badly remembering that the horns were pretty much the whole reason his parents were murdered. He was glad for the hand on his back and Julien leading him inside. He nodded a little, arms folding over his lower torso and he hugged himself tightly. He walked into the kitchen and sat down. His arms crossed and rested on the table, burying his head into his arms a second later. He whimpered softly while the tears continued to pass his eyes. "W... Why?" He mumbled, slowly tilting his head to the side and he looked over at the man. "Is ... Is it really bad ... The horns?"​
"Oh, honey."

Julien crossed the room, letting the tea kettle sit on the flame as he tugged Valerius to his feet and wrapped him up in a strong hug. "You're so beautiful-honest you are. People who don't know any better...they're just stupid." What else could he say? It was the truth of it, and no matter how much he wanted to, he couldn't force the other man to believe it.

He stood there, hugging Val, until the kettle whistled. Even then, he was still reluctant to let the other go. Julien sat the other down at the table with a cup in front of him, tea bag already set in it, waiting for the hot water. The dark haired man poured two cups and sat down, nudging milk towards Valerius. He reached across to brush away a few stray tears. "No more tears, sweetheart. He's not worth them."
Valerius happily was pulled up into the other's embrace, his eyes slipping closed as he was held by the other. He was happy for the man being with him. He was really content just knowing that Julien thought he was beautiful. That was all he needed. He slowly moved back to the chair when the tea kettle began to scream. He looked over and then smiled weakly as he headed to the chair, sitting down and he watched the cup in front of him be filled with the warm water. He filled it with a lump of sugar, absently spinning the spoon within the liquid and then looking back over to the man.

He remained silent for a while, stirring the tea a bit while he kept his eyes to the other. He stood up without a word, quite randomly, and walked over to the man, sliding a leg over his legs and settling onto his lap. His hands slid to his hips and rested there as he leant down to kiss the side of his neck. A bright red tinted to his cheek and he blushed so horribly, tilting his head back to look up at the man with a weak look in his eyes. Lifting his head once more, he placed a soft kiss to the man's lips, eyes fluttering closed as he did so. A gentle, "Hold me?" questioned before once more his lips connected with the man's.​
Julien sipped his own tea black, and was quite surprised when he had a lap full of Valerius. The Frenchman set his cup down, hands coming to rest at the other's sides as he tilted his head when lips moved there. He was confused. It had always been him who initiated anything physical. And while he was not complaining, he felt slightly out of his element. Not that that stopped him. Julien returned the soft kiss and tightened his arms around the other man's waist before the request was even past his lips. He liked holding Val. He loved holding him and kissing him.

Standing, Julien lifted Valerius with him, easily supporting the other man's weight. "Lets go to bed, hmm?" He kissed the other once more.
Valerius wrapped his arms around the other's neck when he was lifted. He gripped him, legs tightly around his form and he looked up at him. A small nod to his head before he leant over and placed a kiss to his lips. His chin moved to the other's shoulder, hugging him tightly and he really did not know what had gotten into him. He just wanted to be with him. Whether they had sex or not, he did not need sex, just contact with the other. Knowing that he was there for him and supported him and thought he was beautiful - how could he not want to just be attachced to him?​
Even once they were in the bedroom, Julien didn't set the other down. Instead, he leaned forward and allowed his lips to travel over Valerius's neck and shoulder, nose nuzzling into the warm flesh. The Frenchman continued his attentions, loving the feel of the other man around him, and the taste of his sweet flesh. "Tell me what you want." He wanted to get Val talking; to help teach him to speak his heart. Julien nipped along Val's pulse point lightly, his hold still strong as ever around his waist. The dark haired man didn't care if the answer was to just go to bed, or more. So long as it was spoken.
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