Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

"Only if you'll come with me, pops." he retorted and snickered a little. Running behind him for a bit eventually got old. He sighed heavily and plopped himself in the middle of the track, sitting on his rear end and he waited for the man to come around again. When he had, he easily reached forward and took a hold of his ankles, pulling him to the ground and keeping a grip on his heels. He knew he pissed him off, but what did he care? "Oi . . . What's on your mind? I realize I'm a pain in the ass, but you're going to run and break something." He stated, continuing to keep a hold on the other in case he planned to run away.​

Caden toppled over onto the grass, and laid there, breathing heavily for a few minutes before rolling over. He gave a minute's thought before pulling back and popping the man in the mouth out of frustration, yanking his leg away from the other's grip. "If beating the bloody shit out of people was legal, then yes. There are better ways to let out frustration. But it's not." He stormed off, not caring what damage he'd done to the man's jaw or ego.
"Fuck!" he yelled, gripping his jaw and he glared at the man as he stormed off. "ASSHOLE!" Yep, he definitely was in the mood for pissing off people apparently. He grumbled a little and stood up, about to walk off before he felt something in his mouth. he arched a brow, spitting out something and going wide-eyed -- A TOOTH! he yelped, seeing the crimson surroudning the tooth now. He instantly was running toward the school - now completely in search of his uncles. They could help him! they had those weird mojo healing powers ... They could fix his pearly whites, right? His smile would not be nice if he was missing a tooth! It was how he got all his guys. That and how utterly adorable and playful and ... other things he was.​
Glad to finally be rid of the idiot who insisted on shadowing him for the past half hour, Caden made his way back up to the showers (or, the general direction of them at least) to cool off. He needed time to cool off, or else the first twin he came to was going to get popped the same way as the redhead had. Not that Caden minded, but he was sure both blonds would. He grumbled at that as he showered, stepping out after fully dressing. Tanner was the first person he ran into, and anger took hold of him once again. His brother could have stopped everything and instead had just stood there. The blond pressed the other to the wall, angry and snarly at him. "Don't be a fucking asshole. I'm here as a favor to you."

Tanner was taken by surprise. The back of his head hit the wall and his eyes went wide with the violence towards him. He couldn't help the flashbacks that were going through his head, and was shaking terribly by the time Caden let him go and stormed off again. He slid down the wall, hugging his knees to his chest as dry heaves worked through his body and tears fought to come out. His body was too stressed to do anything. Minutes passed. Or was it hours? Eventually, the blond half crawled and half walked to his dorm, glad that he wasn't very far from it. The door was locked, Tanner completely forgetting about Relic in the moment as he curled onto the bed, still shaken and afraid.
Relic was a few steps away from his love, having been distracted by something but he easily shook his head from his thoughts and turned, just in time to see an angry Caden pin Tanner to the wall. He froze, staring at the two and he watched as Tanner instantly shook and he could see the fear and the flashbacks in the other's eyes. He knew what that was like. He glared at the blonde and growled under his breath. Glaring at the man as he walked off - he was torn. Tanner or go attack that asshole. He ran to Rune and CAlder's room, knocking loudly before opening it up and looking at the blonde, not caring what he was like right now. "Calder ... Please ... my room, Tanner ... He's breaking down." He glanced behind him and growled before turning back to the man, anger in his eyes. "Tell him ... I'll be there soon. Door's locked, have rune pick it." With that, he turned on his heel and easily following after the other.

It did not take him long before he caught up to the shorter male. He reached forward, pulling his shoulder and shoving him against the nearest wall. "What the hell is wrong with you!? Do not blame Tanner for your bad mood! Rune was the asshole who teased you a little bit. What kind of big brother are you that you're baby brother is now freaking out in our room?! YOU KNOW WHAT HAPPENED! you KNOW what happened to him! Do you THINK being shoved against a wall suddenly will not freak him out?! What the fuck?" He growled, his fingers curled into a fist an he definitely was tempted to punch him in the face. So far, he had not completely earned the hit, but he was getting cloes to it.​
Calder groaned at the second interruption, but couldn't stay mad. He had barely heard the words before he was up and dressed, tossing a pair of jeans at his lover. "Please?" He loved Rune with everything he had, but Tanner was his best friend and something major had just happened. He didn't care if Rune unlocked the door and then ran off to help Relic, or if he did it and just returned to their room to be annoyed that someone had poked in during sex again. He just needed to get into the room.

He heard the footsteps and had anticipated physical contact, but Caden didn't anticipate how strong the other man would be. Still, he allowed himself to be spun around with little resistance. He looked up at Relic defiantly. "I do know. And Tanner could have opened his mouth this afternoon." The blond pulled himself out of the other's grip with a bit of trouble. "He'll be fine."
Rune perked up, looking over at the man that interrupted them. He saw the concern in his brother's face and he nodded. instantly getting off of ... what would have been Calder, he walked to his pants, pulling htem on and then taking out one of the hairpins of Relics still in his room. He easily walked out of the room, bending in front of the door and wiggling the bobby-pin into the lock, turning it with a satisfying 'click' before he pushed open the door, letting Calder go comfort his friend. He would follow in afterward, moving to sit out of the way. He knew Relic could fend for himself and that he would not do anything to regret. So, for now, he would stay here and be sure these two were fine.

Relic twitched when he heard the other just brush it off as nothing. "He did! You would not believe him!" He then let out a growl, his hands gripping tighter. He took the few steps to cross where the man was, his hand wrapped around the front of his neck and shoved him into the wall once more, nails digging into his flesh while his eyes glared up at the man. "Do you know what it's like to be raped? Hmm? Do you? Knowing that you cannot get away, that no matter what you do, you cannot help what is happening. I know what it's like to have a single person forcibly take what they want ... but to have multiple at one time? I cannot even phathom that idea. Being reminded of what happened? You think he will be okay again? Just brush it off and get back up? I highly doubt that. How about I rape you and you see if you can just 'be fine' Hmm? How's that sound?"​
Calder rushed in after a quick peck of thanks to Rune's cheek. He was careful to move around to Tanner's front before climbing onto the bed and wrapping an arm around the man's middle. "Come on, Tanner. It's Calder. Can you talk to me honey?" The other blond just shook, staring at the space in front of him, eyes completely empty and vacant. "Tanner I need you to come back to me." The words flowed from Calder's mouth continuously, voice soft and low. Every now and then he'd see a flicker of life in his friend's eyes, but it was only a flash second before it was gone again.

Growling, Caden was now getting mad. He pushed the other man away forcibly, ripping his shirt in the process. "Don't presume that I don't know what my brother went through," he growled. "You think you know him? Really? You don't know shit. I was nice in my parent's house. Don't make me regret it." He moved away once more, fuming still.
Relic did not even care about the rip in his shirt at the moment. He just knew that he wanted to punch him square in teh jaw. How could he be so insensitive? This was his BROTHER that was freaking out. Even Rune, Rune, stopped everything if he saw that he was hurt, or those he cared for were unnecessarily hurt. He could not stand it anymore. Effortlessly, his left leg swung forward, kicking hte other's feet out from beneath him and he tackled the other, pinning him to the ground with quite the bit of strength beneath his actions - far more than when he had first gotten his attention. "If you really knew what he went through, then why are you being such a fucking douchebag! I know I don't know enough about him, but I don't care. I love him and right now, he's in our room shaking and freaking out. Unless you're going to tell me that you have ever been raped, then you do not know what he went through!"​
A battle of wills. Was this what he'd come here for? Caden dislodged Relic from him and stood up. "You listen to me. Don't you presume to tell me that I don't know. I was the one he came to that night. I was the one who cleaned him up. I was the one he slept with for months and months because of the night terrors. I was the one he talked to when he couldn't talk to our parents. I was the one who took care of him. I was the one who was at the police department with him. I was the one in court with him. And I was the one who held him while he sobbed when those bastards got off.

"Tanner is stronger than you think. He'll be fine. He's always fine."

Without a second glance, Caden turned once more to leave. "Go take care of him if you're so worried."
Relic stood up, his anger only growing all the more. If that was the case, then he should not be doing this! He should have seen the utter terror in his brothers' eyes and apologized or done something more than just walk away with a pissy look. Relic did not know what it was like to be raped. He had never been. Rune, on the other hand, had. And considering their strong connection, all that his brother felt, he felt too. He knew the fear that could easily run through someone strong enough to have beaten those that attacked him, but was too paralized with fright to do such a thing. Just hearing about what happened, seeing the night terrors, yes, those were horrible ... But feeling all of those, sharing those same nightmares .. That is something completely different, and that is why Relic was so livid with this man at the moment.

"If you know all of those things, then you should be more sympathetic!" He growled. Words were definitely getting nowhere. The man was being an asshole. He was almost more of one than Rune - almost. At least Rune had sympathy when he was pissed. Without another moment, the back of his left foot connected with the man's side, sending him flying to the ground where he was instnatly on top of him, his right hand balled into a fist and he connected it with the side of his face, continuing to pound the man into the ground. His legs were tight aroudn the hips he was currently straddling, using most of his strength to keep him where he was on the ground, or if he could manage to get up and away from him then he definitely would still be attached to his hips.​
Caden was caught off guard and took a few good shots. They definitely hurt. But he refused to show that. The blond struggled to gain his sense of up and down, and then moved his hands quickly to grab a hold of Relic's wrists, holding them tightly to the other man's sides. "LISTEN TO ME!" The blond's voice roared loudly, deep from his heaving chest. Caden could already feel his eye swelling and taste the flow of blood in his mouth. "Do you not understand me? He. Is. Fine. Go lay with him for a couple hours, let him hear your voice, and don't come up behind him. I get it-you think I'm an asshole. Fine! But if you don't listen to me you're just drawing out his pain."

He wiggled out from under Relic with a bit of a struggle. "It happens. Jump out from behind a tree and scare him, and he'll go into his 'safe place'. It has nothing to do with me cornering him." He pushed Relic away with a strong shove, bringing his sleeve up to wipe at his bloodied nose.
Relic stopped when the man took a hold of his wrists, really tempted to hit him even more. He growled and stood up, not even looking at the man again. He walked back to his and Tanner's dorm, seeing Calder comforting him. He walked over to Tanner, wrapping his arms around his love's torso. He hugged him tightly and nuzzled into his chest, attempting to ease both of them. He calmed down a little bit with the scent of the other. Tilting his head back, he looked up at his love, sitting up a little and trailing his fingers through his hair before his hand rested against his chin. "Tanner ... Sweetie ... You're okay." he whispered, leaning forward and planting a gentle kiss to his lips and he wrapped his arms back around his shoulders and he refused to let go of his boyfriend.​
Calder moved when Relic entered the room, though it was reluctantly. He felt bad for is friend, and moved over to Rune's lap, cuddling into his boyfriend for support. He did watch, though, out of the corner of his eye. Tanner was still unresponsive to Relic, lying curled into himself and staring into space. At least he wasn't shaking anymore. Not visibly, anyway.

The blond refused to move from the room despite the depressing sight that the couple on the bed made. It was hours later when Calder heard a very faint whimper and a shift of movement out of the corner of his eye.

He didn't know how long it'd been, but he was cold and tired and felt someone in front of him. Tanner instinctively curled into the warmth of the other person.
Relic curled up beside Tanner, his arms wrapped around his shoulders, pulling him onto his lap. His fingers continued to absently trail through the other's hair in an attempt to soothe him a little more. He was still pissed at how stupid Caden had been. He really was. He freaked out on Tanner for no good reason, then did not even care that his little brother was freaking out and convulsing. He hated that so, so very much. He just wanted Tanner to be happy again. And frankly, he hoped that he had a huge black eye. He did not care right now. All he cared about was his boyfriend getting better and at least he had stopped shivering. That was always a benefit.

Eventually, he wound up just curled up beside him, arms around the other and his eyes closed. He perked up when he felt the other moving beside him. He looked down at the blonde, leaning over and placing a gentle kiss to his kiss and he then resettled his head against his, rubbing his hand over his back. Whispering soft, "It's okay"s into hi ear.​
Tanner heard Relic's voice and was a little confused. It was usually Caden next to him. Caden seemed to be the one who could induce these episodes but he was always the one to help bring him out of them, too. Tanner whimpered a little at the memory of earlier, fuzzy as it was. The blond laid there for a while longer, trying to get his bearings straight and remember what had happened. Pieces started to fit themselves together, and the blond slowly became more and more aware of his surroundings.

"Caden," he whispered. "Need Caden."
Relic looked down at the other and he listened to his whispered words, instantly getting quite the bit annoyed. His right eye twitched and he bit his bottom lip to keep from screaming. He sighed softly, moving back to running his fingers through the other's hair, looking down at the man. "He's not here ... You have me ... Caden's busy." He whispered, silent tears formed at the corners of his eyes. Great. Not only was his ego bruised by the fact that Tanner wanted Caden, but what made things worse was that that stupid asshole would not even come back to comfort his brother.​
Nothing registered other than Caden wasn't there, and Relic wasn't going to get him. His brain was fuzzy, and he didn't understand why Relic would deny him his brother. Tanner took another few minutes to think-and he really had to think-about what was going on, and why his lover was acting the way he was. It was slow to click. The blond shook his head and nuzzled into the other man's chest. "Love you," he whispered, still not able to bring himself to speak at the right volume. He still wanted to speak to his brother, but he supposed it could wait. It just never had to before.
Relic nodded a few times to his words, holding him tighter and he rested his head against his once more. 'I know ... I love you too." he whispered back, eyes fluttering closed to try and hold back the tears that definitely wanted to come. His hands rubbed the other's shoulders and he tried to do everything he could to get him to be happy, but it was obvious that he wanted his brother. While it hurt him in far too many ways to know that, he was just so very unsure of himself right now, and even angrier at that stupid Caden.​
"S'okay," he offered softly. It was still another few minutes before Tanner had the strength to lift his arm and drape it over Relic's middle. "Don't be sad." The blond curled into his boyfriend further, needing the warmth and love and support that was being given freely. He lifted his head slightly, wanting to kiss Relic's lips but only managing to reach his jaw before it became just too much exertion.

"What happened?" He remembered everything up until Caden had pushed him into the wall, and from when he woke up. He wanted to know the in between.
Relic smiled lightly, forcing away the tears as he felt the kiss to his jaw. He tilted his head down to look at Tanner, resting their foreheads together and he thought for a few moments before his shoulders lifted into a shrug. "Caden was angry and blaming you for his bad mood, hit you against the wall. Then you basicallly crawled back to our room ... and then Calder and Rune came into comfort you. Then I came back and well, now you are awake." He said, kissing his lips softly and definitely leaving out the part about him beating up Caden. Mainly since he would definitely not mind doing it again.​
Tanner's brow furrowed in thought. "No... No Caden was mad that I let Rune play his joke." It wasn't the same thing, really. Yes, the joke had made Caden upset, but because he was protective of Tanner and thought that he was being hurt. His brother was mad that his "friend" would joke about him being hurt. He looked up at the other, glad that they were pretty much eye to eye. "He thought you were hurting me; that you were hurting me and didn't care that you were. And then was upset that we were okay... With the joke." The blond shook his head. "He doesn't get why you and Calder would be okay with hurting me... He thinks you are okay with hurting me."
Relic bit his tongue, literally. He did not want to make Tanner dislike Caden or anything. He would just keep his aggrivation to himself. He nodded a little and kissed his lips once more. "Okay." Was all he said, arms wrapped around the other and he continued to stroke the side of his arm. He kissed him again and let out a soft sigh. "We're not okay with hurting you." He whispered, chewing his bottom lip a little, tugging on the ring that was there. He pulled it into his mouth, biting into the flesh and just trying to ditract himself from getting annoyed again.​
The blond nuzzled up, manuevering his lips in between Relic's own. "Don't. Don't hurt yourself." He suckled at the spot where the ring was and the soft red irritation where his lover had been biting. Tanner buried himself into Relic's neck and breathed in deeply, letting his lover's scent wash through him. It was similar to aroma therapy for him, silly as it sounded.

"I know you're not okay with hurting me. Caden... He just doesn't get it. He never had groups of friends like us." He sighed softly and then looked back up to the other. "You'll help me teach him?" His eyes were large and innocent and pleading. Tanner knew what he was asking-despite being so tired, he could tell that his lover was having second thoughts about Caden, and that there was something he wasn't being told.
Relic let his lip be pulled out, looking down at the other and kissing him gently. He closed his eyes, sighing softly. He knew he should not bite himself so much, since Tanner hated to see him like that, but sometimes it could not be helped. Like right now. Right now, he just wanted to smash his head into a wall - even more so with the man asking if he would help him help Caden understand their strange friendship and whatnot. He had to stop himself from biting his lip again and settled with a shaky little nod. "Of course." He whispered, holding him tighter and he placed a soft kiss to his lips once more. "Why don't you rest? I'm sure you'll feel better when you wake up."​
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