Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

"Mmm. Yes. Yes that would be good." He smiled at being asked to continue the date. Sergei enjoyed being with Gabriel a lot, and it made him happy. They walked for a long while, Sergei truly enjoying himself.

They wound up back at Atlantis rather late, but as they were walking back, his mouth got the better of him. "I... Em... Had a good time. Thank you. Maybe... Maybe we can go again. I like to dance."
Gabriel continued toward the other's dorm, feeling it the right thing to do to walk him to his room. He then heard the mention of another date and he could not help the warm smile that pulled to his lips. He was suggesting getting away from school and school work? That was a good thing. He smiled and nodded. "That would be fun." He said and then stopped when he was in front of the other's dorm, suddenly feeling like this was truly a date.​
Coming up to his dorm room, Sergei smiled. He'd accepted another date? That made the butterflies in his stomach pick up again, but in a good way this time. He fidgited a little, not sure of what to do. But, once again, his impulses took over and the redhead leaned forward, knowing nothing really other than he wanted his first kiss to be with Gabriel.
Gabriel smiled lightly, shaking his head a bit before he noticed the other suddenly closer than he had been. His amethyst eyes blinked a few times and he did not even realize when he began to lean toward the other in return. Eyelids slipped to half mast and kept their gaze upon the other while their lips connected in a gentle embrace. Kissing the other, his eyes completely slipped closed and his hand rested upon the side of the other's neck, holding him where he was for a while. he did not know why his body reacted as it had, but currently, his mind was a complete and utter blur. He did not know what was happening. Sergei was a student, and a male student at that, yet ... Why did this feel so right?

He kissed him for a while before his mind finally wrapped around the situation. He pulled back, a pink tinted to his cheeks and his eyes staring just over the redhead's head. "Thank you for a lovely night, Sergei ... I will see you Monday." With that, he turned on his heel and quickly made his way out of the dorms and toward his own room. His mind racing a mile a minute about just what had happened and how badly he was going to get fired for this.​
Sergei sighed when their lips connected and he took an extra step forward to rest his hand on Gabriel's hip. He felt a rush come through him as it continued, relief flooding through when he realized that he wasn't going to be pushed or turned away. He'd worried about that. And still did when Gabriel rushed off so quickly. The Russian was confused, and furrowed his brow as he slipped into his dorm to get ready for bed, not sure what to expect on Monday.

The redhead entered the classroom early as usual, trying to read Gabriel's aura for some hint of what was to come from his teacher. Would he be angry? Regretful? Disappointed? The uncertainty was killing Sergei.
Monday morning, Gabriel returned to his calm state of mind and decided to not think anything of the incident. It was an impulse thing that was lost in the moment. That was all. He would not treat Sergei any differently and he would not bring up the kiss or anything of that sort. He sat at his desk, going through the potion that they would be doing today and his amethyst eyes kept to the papers until class started. H stood up and began to hand out the potion of the day and instruct the students on what to do. He wa sure to not look in Sergei's direction, not wanting to risk fumbling or anything.​
Sergei was disappointed that Gabriel wasn't paying as much attention to him as he had before their dinner. Had he done something wrong? His teacher's aura was off, too. Dull. It was still green, but not as pretty or bright or vibrant as it used to be. The Russian was worried that he'd done something to make the other man not be himself, and that was the last thing that he wanted.

But he got through classes and the rest of the week until Thursday came, and their regular tutoring session loomed over him. After class, he slipped up to Gabriel's desk. "Em... I am coming this afternoon?"
Gabriel perked up when Sergei was at his desk, listening to his question and a warm smile pulled to his lips. "Of course. It is Thursday afterall." He stated and thensmiled a little bit more. "I will see you at two, Sergei." He said, returning to his seat and he looked over the rest of the potions he had to grade. He sighed lightly, pulling the first one to him and looking over the name upon teh vile, getting a little worried as he did os. The one who did this potion definitely was one of those apatehtic types. Just tossed the ingredients in and never cared. He shook his head a little and then glanced over to Sergei, smiling a bit more. He really hated that it was a little awkward, but he was going to make sure that it would not stay that way.​
He was glad for the answer, but still felt a little uncomfortable. He hated that he did. Sergei had always looked forward to Thursday afternoons and now... Now he didn't know how to feel. Excited? Nervous? Upset? Awkward? Normal? The Russian man sighed and nodded, moping away to his last class of the day. No, he definitely didn't feel normal, or excited. He felt...weird. And he found that even his own aura now was a dull color. Sergei didn't like that.

The redhead trudged through his last class and then prepared himself to go to his tutoring session with Gabriel. With long, deep breaths, he entered the classroom and began to set his equipment up.
Gabriel really could not focus on what he had been doing. He did not know why either! Sure, he had taken everything a step too far. He should not have kissed a student, he knew that. That was not the issue. The issue came with the feelings he felt toward the other. They could not be real, could they? He never really found males attractive before. He did not really date anyone though. He had a few girlfriends in his past, but they always ended up leaving for one reason or another. but, with Sergei, he quite liked it. He knew that had to be wrong. Sergei was his student. It would be taking advantage of him - gender aside. But then, when he did put the gender aside, he found that there was nothing wrong with him and on their little date, he really had a good time after the awkward was gone.

He was just a hot mess really.

Sitting at his desk, he watched Sergei come into the room and begin to set up. He could easily sense the tension in the air and he sighed softly. Saking his head a little, he stood up and walked over to where the man was, taking the other ingredients he would need and he placed them on the table, sitting down on te stool beside Sergei. "The potion you did was fairly good, Sergei. You are getting very good at the potions."​
"It is becoming better for me," he agreed, attempting to say that the class was becoming easier for him. Sergei was stiff and aloof. He was afraid that if he put himself out there anymore, he'd wind up hurt. He'd had enough hurt in his life to last him through this lifetime and six others. He didn't want to add anymore.

"Which are we making today?" He had to admit, though, that his English was getting better when he was around Gabriel.
Gabriel nodded a little. He was glad to hear that. He went through the whole potion with hte redhead, being sure to ease the awkwardness as best as he could at the moment. For him though, being close to him as they were only made everything stronger. He did not know what it was, but he was truly drawn to the other. He found quite frequently that his eyes traveled to the other, taking in his profile from where he was and it just made everything worse. When the potion was done and the questions were answered, Gabriel had moved closer to the other. His left hand moved to rest on the back of the stool the redhead was on, looking over the potions with interest. He checked out it all before turning to look at the male beside him.

Glancing over the other for a while, the male wound up even a little closer. "Sergei ... The other night, when we kissed ... Why did you let me kiss you?" He asked, forcing himself to not be so close to the man and his eyes traveled to his while he awaited an answer.​
Sergei was confused by the closeness. Hadn't Gabriel made it rather clear that he didn't want to be close to him anymore? And yet...he was. The situation made the Russian's head spin. He'd never been in a situation like this and he really didn't like it, either. It made him a little more than uncomfortable, really, because he couldn't allow his body to take over the way it wanted to. But then the question was asked and he had to look up at the other. He smiled a little, thinking carefully about his answer. But he really didn't have to think at all, though-the answer was very simple.

"I like you." He shrugged and turned back to his notes. "You do not push me to be what I am not comfortable. You are nice to me, and you do not mind when I ask a lot of questions. Your glow is pretty-довольно as they say home. You... Em..." He stopped to chuckle for a minute. "You make my stomach...weird. Em... Tickle." The redhead shrugged again, not really understanding the concept of not wearing his heart on his sleeve.
Gabriel listened to the other and he felt his heart just melt. He loved the honesty that hte other had. The fact that he did not even think twice about blatantly telling him how he felt. He chewed his lip a little while before he established that he could not let the feelings go unfelt anymore. He turned to him and his hand moved to rest upon the other's knee that was farthest away from him. He leant toward him and he kept his face away from his about a good inch or so. "I ... like you too." He whispered before he moved forward even more and connected their lips. His hand trailed up a little to rest at his thigh, staying there as he continued to kiss him, knowing that he was probably sending him through the ringer. He did not mean to, he truly did not, he was confused himself. He just did not know exactly what he wanted, and knowing that he felt this way about him definitely made things better.​
"Confused" no longer described how Sergei felt. He didn't like this back and forth game. It didn't feel good. Gabriel was close again, and touching him, and saying things that didn't match his actions in the past few days... And then they were kissing again, and the amount of 'good' that made him feel melted away anything else in that moment. He stood, the Russian's hands once more resting on the other man's hips as they kissed. Gabriel's lips were soft, and moved with his seamlessly. Sergei liked feeling like this and he could feel the change in his aura. It was brightening and returning to its relaxed self. That made him relax further, taking another step into Gabriel's body. He liked the warmth when he was near the other man.
Gabriel moved with the other and eventually had him pressed to the table. His hands slid over his hips to rest on the counter behind him, engulfing him in his arms while he kissed him happily. His eyes closed and he truly felt better. He was more at ease and relaxed with the man in front of him. He eventually pulled back after a while, letting out a soft sigh, and an evne softer "I am so sorry, Sergei." His arms wrapped around his form and he hugged him against his orso, forehead against his and he looked into the other's eyes, smiling lightly. "I was confused earlier this week and ... I am sorry if I hurt you." He kissed him briefly once more before relaxing again.​
He moved gracefully with Gabriel, letting the other take the lead for the moment until he was against the table and completely trapped. It was a good kind of trapped, though. Sergei felt safe like this. Even when he pulled away from the kiss, it was different this time. He didn't run away, or even really pull away. The Russian's arms reached around Gabriel's waist completely as he stepped forward and rested his head against the other man's chest. Yes, he definitely felt safe.

"Not hurt. Just... Em... Not understanding." Sometimes he thought it'd be easier to teach Gabriel Russian rather than him fully learning English. "Your glow is bright again. I like it better like this."
Gabriel smiled lightly and he nodded a little. Maybe he should learn Russian. He was sure that it would work out better for them. Or at least learn a few things in Russian. Maybe he could have Sergei teach him. That was for another day. He kissed him once more and then stepped away from him, taking in a deep breath and he relaxed a little more, looking down at him. "So ... Would you like to go on a date tomorrow?" He questioned, smiling a little softly and he really was happy right now with what happened. He knew it was bad to date a student, but he would not be one for long - right?​
Sergei hummed a little at the kiss, and was content to step away from the other this time, knowing that he wasn't running away from him. Sergei liked security in his life. He liked knowing who was going to be there and who wasn't, and what role they were going to play in the daily scheme of things.

A date? He beamed. "Yes!" He couldn't help being enthusiastic. "There is a good Russian restaurant... Em..." He had no idea how to translate 'on the outskirts of Park City' into English. "It is...close to town, but not in?" The Russian blushed a little. He hated not knowing how to say what he wanted to say. "You can try kasha. And varenyki. Theirs is good to try."
Gabriel laughed softly and nodded. "Outside of town." He said, kissing his cheek softly and he let out a soft little sigh. He took a hold of hte other's hand, lacing their fingers together and he took in a deep breath. Glancing to the potion, he shook his head a bit and shrugged. He would get to that in the morning. It was not going anywhere. He began to walk out of the classroom, being sure the other had all of his things and he made his way toward his dorm once more. "The restaurant sounds nice." He stated with a little nod and a smile, quite .. happy at the moment.​
Sergei was enjoying the simple contact. Everything from dates to holding hands to the small affections of kissing his cheek were new to him, but he found that all of them made him smile and made his stomach flutter in a good way. The slow stroll through the hallways, which were still rather deserted until classes let out in ten minutes, was nice too. Even though no one saw them, it made Sergei feel that Gabriel wasn't ashamed of him. That was important to the redhead.

"Why did you go away that night?"
Gabriel sighed softly with the question, chewing his lip for a moment and he shrugged a little. "I was ... confused." He was not too sure how else to tell him what hte issue had been. That truly was what the problem was. He did not know what to do and so he sort of broke down, or something. He stopped in front of the man's dorm, looking at the door then to the redhead. He leant forward and placed a gentle kiss to his lips before he settled back a little once more. "I shall ... See you tomorrow." he kissed him once more and then began to slowly walk away, a little bit in a tizzy than he had been before. He may have to go see Nikkos and Uncle Tomias to question about what they thought about the situation. Yes... Yes ... That was definitely where he would go now. Talk to Nikkos, he WAS the administrator and has been here for a while.​
Sergei nodded at the answer, accepting it without question. There was no need to question Gabriel. The man had never lied to him or mislead him. The Russian kissed the other, and when he started to walk away Sergei chased after him, catching him by the arm and pulling him back for a longer kiss, a pink tinge in his cheeks. "I like it," he managed as an explanation, stealing yet another peck before returning to his dorm with a soft smile to his lips.
Gabriel blushed when the other suddenly pulled him back. He kissed him back though, happy to do so. A warm smile traced along his lips as he looked over at the man. He laughed softly, seeing his disappear behind the door. He chewed his bottom lip a little, turning on his heel and he began to walk away, heading to Tomias and Nikkos' room. Once there, he knocked on teh door, hoping to not be interrupting them but he never knew anymore. HE knew the libido of his uncle, and well, he was not sure if he would be a pest at the moment. He hoped not. He really needed some advice.​
For once, both men were fully clothed, lounging on the sofa. Nikkos had taken some work back to his dorm in order to spend time with Tomias, who had no last class today. It was a nice ritual to meet every Thursday to just cuddle up together, and sometimes watch a movie. Today, though, Nikkos was simply curled into his lover's side while using his chest as a very comfortable pillow. He was so content that he was nearly purring, and sighed a little when there was a knock at the door.

The administrator was surprised to see Gabriel standing there, and he stepped back to let the other man in. "Is something wrong?"
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