Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

"I happen to like birthdays-especially other people's. Celebrating a day late or early won't hurt anyone."

Nikkos followed Relic through the row of fabric and nodded at the blue that was chosen. With a nice white shirt, and a pair of boots, the outfit would look perfect. "Whatever you think," he added. The administrator had no preference for this outfit, simply because it would not be on him for very long and he doubted that Tomias would notice any intricate details.

With a few final notes, Nikkos pecked a kiss to Relic's cheek. "Let me know your price." He certainly didn't expect all of the work to be done for nothing! "And when you need me for measurements." With that he left, off to find Tomias somewhere.
Relic nodded, not really liking the idea of celebrating his birthday. He really did not. He just wanted to sit and curl up with Tanner and a book, or some fabric, not put on a show. He sighed heavily, walking out of hte rows of fabric and he spotted Raphael sitting in a chair with a bored look to his features. He looked him over a little before he rolled his eyes. "Go get in a fight or something, would you?"

The man stuck his tongue out at the other, standing up and then brushing his rump off. "I want to go see Caden! But ... I don't knowi f I should.."​
Caden meandered through the halls, not really having any idea of where he was going, or where he wanted to go. He was bored. And when he was bored, he sought physical activity. The blond smiled as he finally made up his mind and headed for the indoor track-it was snowing and too cold to run outside today. He took off at a steady jog, sighing as adrenaline ran through his body with the start of exercise.

Breathing in deeply, Calder smiled with the sunshine warming his face. He had to admit that out of all the places he thought that they might go, the Islands wasn't one that had come up. He was glad that Rune had thought of it, though. It was far away, and he could forget about everything that had happened in the past few weeks at Atlantis. The blond unpacked completely and then moved up to his lover, lifting his arms to wrap around his neck, kissing Rune's lips softly. "Thank you."
Raphael left the room, chewing on his thumb absently as he did so. He definitely felt revived at hte moment. He was in dire need of blood, and well, his uncle's certainly was perfect for what he needed. He shook his head a bit at his thoughts while he walked through the halls. Eventually, he came to the indoor track, peeking his head inside and he spotted Caden. A brow lifted in question as he walked over to the benches there and sat down simply. His right elbow on his knees while his chin moved to rest in his palm, looking over the man while he waited for him to finish up. Maybe they could go grab some coffee or treats, or something.

Rune smiled warmly, his arms snaking around the other's form and he shrugged a bit. "You were too pale, I had to bring you where you could get some sun, my little albino." He teased, leaning down and kising his lips happily. His eyes slipped closed and he spun him around, walking into the little hut that he rented for them until they would be ready to leave, of course.​
Caden spotted Raphael and had a small sense of deja-vu. He only shook his head and continued to run, not ready to stop just yet. It was nearly twenty minutes before he was ready, and the blond slowed to a halt in front of his audience, breathing heavily. "Having fun?" he asked, wiping the sweat from his forehead away with his arm. It didn't take long for him to catch his breath-Caden prided himself on being in top shape.

Laughing, Calder swatted at Rune's arm for the tease. "It's too cold in Utah to go outside." Not that the blond had wanted to go outside to begin with. He was still too skittish around campus, and had only ventured out on the day of the hockey game. Here, though... He felt like he could become his old self again. Calder changed into a pair of swimming trunks and grabbed a beach towel. "Come lay out with me for a little bit?"
Raphael had actually enjoyed watching him run around. He definitely was not an active kind of guy. Sure, he could do well in fights and run when he needed to, and hockey was good, but running? That was not his forte. He perked up when the man was in front of him, smiling warmly a he did so. "Actually, I was. It's quite fun to watch you run ... Your ass looks gorgeous." He teased with a wink, looking up at him from the spot where he was, smiling a little more. "Want to go get coffee with me?" He asked, waiting for the other's answer before he would really do anything else.

Rune laughed softly, kissing him gently again before he shrugged, letting him go off to change. "All right." He said, not even changing from his pants and shirt as he walked over to the man and took a hold of his hand, lacing their fingers. He really was not a beach person, but that would not stop him from having fun outdoors with the man. He could walk around naked but, there was something about bathing suits and the beach and those type of things that never really made him happy. That was probably hte sun's fault though. He was not a big fan.​
Coffee sounded good. Caden was beginning to get more and more comfortable with Raphael and his presence, and the blond found himself looking forward to being in the other man's company. "Yeah. I have to shower first...alone." He couldn't help but throw the last word out there with a poke of his tongue towards Raphael as he headed off to shower and change from his sweaty clothes. Once he was ready, the blond headed back to the gym, not sure where Raphael would be waiting.

Calder shook his head at Rune's attire. He didn't like the beach or the sun and yet they were in the Caribbean. The blond knew that this vacation was for his mental health, but it still surprised him that Rune would come to a place that he really had absolutely no interest in whatsoever just for him. Calder leaned up and kissed his lover's cheek. "At least take your shirt off so you won't stand out too much," he giggled.
Raphael pouted, turning his head to look after the other as he walked away. "What if I keep my clothes on?" He called after, though only teasing. He was just happy that the man did not seem to hate him anymore. He hopped up from the bench when the blond was out of the showers, smiling even more. He bounced his way over to the other, taking in a deep breath and purring softly. "You smell puuuuurdy." He teased, bumping his hip against his before he shrugged and began to walk forward, having to resist the urge to just ooze onto him and cling all the way there. He looked ahead of him and tried to think. "Whose car? We could steal one of Uncle Tomias' again." He offered, grinning as he turned to look at the other, knowing he probably would not be up for that, but he could not deny the deviant within.

Rune groaned. He really wanted him to strip? He sighed softly, pecking a kiss to his lips before pulling off his tee shirt and shuddering just a bit. For some reason, he just did not like to be naked in the open. IT was a weird quirk of his he supposed. Wander around the school naked, suuuure ... But ask him to get into a pair of swimtrunks and he won't. He had a thing about his legs. Some reason, he did not like them being seen. Or maybe it was just his dislike for shorts. Who knew? He laced his hand with his lover's and then continued toward the beach that was there, quite happy that his love seemed to be a little better. That was the whole point in being here, was it not? To get Calder better and happier.​
"Grand theft auto? No thanks," he answered quite seriously. "Tanner got my truck after someone fixed it-we can take that." He couldn't help the inner lawyer that came out. Caden lead the way to his Pathfinder and climbed into the driver's seat, sighing. He loved his truck, even if it was killing the planet. "Where to?" he asked as he pulled out and headed into town. The blond didn't care where they went so he allowed Raphael to direct him.

Calder chuckled at Rune's resistance to strip his shirt off, and he purred at the sight when the garment was finally removed. The blond linked their fingers together, and rested his cheek against the other man's shoulder for a minute as they walked. "It's funny. With all of your kinks, I'd for sure have thought that exhibitionsim was one of them." Calder gave him a cheeky grin before setting out the large towel-for-two. He pecked a kiss to his boyfriend's lips before getting comfortable on his stomach to sun himself a little.
Raphael shrugged his shoulders before he thought for a while. IT was getting closer to dinner time. And sure, he just 'ate' but he wanted meat. So, directing the way to one of the little restuarants in teh area, he hopped out once parked. WAndering over to the man, he smiled a bit more. "I'll even buy." He stated with a happy wink, continuing forward to the building. He held open the door, letting him go inside before following after. They were seated right away - considering it was just barely five o'clock and not many people wanted dinner this early - and he sat down in the booth across from whichever one the blond did not choose.

A few moments after they sat down, quite the delicious man came up to the table. Long legs clad in black pants with a little apron wrapped around his waist. A button down white shirt loose upon his torso and hie crimson and raven locks were pulled back and into a ponytail that actually went to the center of his back. "Good evening. My name is Bartholomew, and I will be your server for tonight. What can I start you off with to drink?" He asked, his hands linked behind his strong form while his crimson eyes traveled along the two in front of him,w aiting for an answer.

Rune sighed softly, shaking his head. "It's just ... not that appealing. Having sex in public and just being half naked while on a beach are two different things for me." He shrugged and then walked over to teh towel, sitting down happily and his legs stretched out in front of him. His hands moved behind him, holding up his form as he kept his eyes to the water, watching the few people play and splash along the waves and whatnot. It was not too bad.​
Looking up, Caden found the man in front of him rather intriguing. He was gorgeous, definitely what Tanner would have labeled 'fuckable' before he met and started dating Relic. The blond licked his lips, trying to clear the cobwebs from his head. He ordered a glass of water, feeling bad that he'd had such a reaction when he was here with Raphael. He was beginning to like the redhead, but they weren't dating. That made his reaction perfectly okay. At least, that's what Caden told himself, anyway. "How's Val?" he asked, changing the subject in his head just as much as he was verbally.

Calder laughed a little and nodded that he understood. Personally, sex in public always turned him on. But if it didn't do it for Rune then he'd be getting none of that anytime soon. He could live without it, he decided. Silly as it was, Calder laid with his arms half way up so that his fingertips were just brushing along the side of his lover's hand. They were out of Atlantis, and he felt much safer, but the simple and barely there contact helped the blond feel that much safer.

He turned over after ten minutes, leaning up to kiss Rune before settling back down to even out his front to his back.
Raphael perked up with the waiter, looking over at him and blinking a few times. Now he deeefinitely was a gorgeous one, huh? He looked him over, not even caring how obvious it was. He shrugged and said a simple, "Shirley Temple" before he went back to his 'date'. Not literal date oh no! he had to take things slow. He was not going to mess things up a second time around. No rape this time. He chuckled at the thought before shaking his head to pay more attention to the man. Val? He groaned, a pout to his lips. "They made up ..." He stated, seeming bummed for hte man. "I kinda liked him being all depressed ... It was almost like I had a puppy." he teased and then let out a sot little chuckle.

The man nodded, taking their drink orders and turning on his heel to go retrieve them. He was called to tables along the way, resisting the urge to screech at the one table that said 'miss?" to get his attention. Yea. he had long hair, but that did NOT make him a woman! He grumbled an d cursed before he put on a cheerful, remotely at least, look and headed back to the table, placing the water in front of te blond then the shirley temple in front of the other. He then looked from one man to the other. "Are oyu two ready to order or should I come back in a few?"

Rune looked over to the man, smilnig warmly as he did so. He soon leant over, pressing his lips to the side of his neck. Kissing along the flesh and nipping it every so often. His hand slid down the other's arm, linking their fingers while his lips kept to the other's form and he chuckled a little more. his eyes lifted to look up at the man, smirking. "I never said I was opposed to public sex ... Just public nudity without it." He whispered, keeping out the part where typically public sex meant clothing stayed on. That was not a big issue though. Or maybe it was just him that was never full on naked when having sex with someone out in a ublic place.​
Caden rolled his eyes at the statement about Val. "He's a human. Not a pet." Somehow, though, the statement really didn't surprise the blond all that much. Raphael seemed to have the need to take care of those who were unable to take care of themselves. It was cute when he thought about it, and Caden had to admit that that exact quality had gotten him out of a few tight spots himself. Still. Equating your roommate to a puppy was a little over the line, even for him.

He smiled up at the waiter as the drinks were set in front of them. "I...think I'm good." The blond looked up and across at the redhead to see if he was ready to order dinner, too. Caden's gaze didn't last long on Raphael-it drifted back over to Bartholomew, undressing him with his eyes.

Calder smiled and leaned his head up to kiss his lover's lips, drawing the kiss out. "Save it," he muttered, nuzzling along the other man's neck and cheek. He nipped at Rune's ear sharply, sucking on it afterward as his boyfriend was pulled down on top of him and into a loose hug. "Have toys upstairs." The blond gave his own smirk. "Want pain..." It was the first time since "the incident" that his body was craving pain from Rune and Calder viewed it as a big step towards feeling better.
Raphael pouted. He wasn't really human though. he sighed heavily and turned his attention to the waiter when he came by. He shrugged a bit, giving him his order then going back to looking at Caden - though what he saw slightly irked him. Gawking at their waiter was not a bad thing, but it defnitely made him jealous. He would not deny that, but he still felt a little irked by it. He knew he should not feel any bit of jealousy to a man that Caden may like. He had ruined his chances andh e knew that too. That did not mean he could not be annoyed and peeved by the fact that the hot waiter was getting more attention than he was.

Bartholomew nodded to the two, taking down their orders and then saying a simple "Your dinners will be right up" before turning on his heel and walking away with far too much grace for such a tall and muscled being.​
Caden couldn't help himself. The other was just so...sexy. But he noticed Raphael's annoyance and he tried really hard to stop gawking quite so much. He wasn't trying to make the other jealous, but he also had no attachment to the man across from him, either. That wasn't his fault.

The blond went through his routine. He opened the napkin that held his silverware, and placed it on his lap. Caden went to put the knife and fork down and, somehow, wound up slicing open his palm. "FUCK!" The blond hissed, and he picked up his napkin and held it to the wound, moving to get up to head to the bathroom to wash it off, and maybe find the manager for a first aid kit.
Before the man could even get up from the booth, Raphael's fingers wrapped around his wrist and he pulled thel imb toward him. His eyes flashing a dangerous crimson before he pulled aside the cloth and instantly had his lips and tongue to the wound. His tongue traveled along the gash, taking in the crimson liquid and his eyes fluttered closed. Oh, he definitely tasted better than he could have imagined. He did not even realize what his instincts caused him to do. He normally would have calmed himself, but the smell of the blood just overwhelmed him and he could not stop his tongue from connecting with the wound.

After a few short moments, he slowly pulled back, realizing what he had done. His eyes were hooded as they looked over at the other. A gentle, "Sorry" passed his lips yet his fingers remained around his wrist. His grip was loose, easy for the man to pull away if the need be, but for now, he kept his hand there. His eyes back to their normal amethyst and even his fangs had returned back to their normal lengths.​
Caden's eyes went wide as he was grabbed, his first instinct to pull away kicking in. But he stopped the moment Raphael's tongue connected to the wound and licked. Sparks shot up his spine-the nerves there were already exploding with sensory, and the strong and slick muscle added a whole other dimension to the tingling. The blond watched the other intensely, unsure of how to react to the change in him. Raphael was predatory in his actions, and the red eyes frightened him just as much as they intrigued him.

The soft apology drew him back to reality, albeit a bit slowly. "It's...okay." The blond gave a very small push forward with his hand, offering the wound back to Raphael, despite the odd looks the other patrons were giving them.
Raphael looked over at the other, realizing how strange he had been. He really needed to learn to control his blood lust more often. He tended to fail at that though, obviously. There were too many instances where he just gave in. he shook his head frmo the thoughts and was so, so very shocked by the limb extended to him once more. He looked at the blood that still flowed - not even realizing the looks from others - and he examined the wound just a little more. Without must resistance, he took a delicate hold of the other's hand, pulling it toward him to trail his tongue gently along the wound and eventually, his tongue returned to his mouth when he could feel the blood starting to pool and clot. He let go of the other's hand after a soft kiss to the wound. Returning to sitting properly in the booth, he let out a nervous little laugh. "um ... Thank you. Apparently earlier was not enough."​
Caden nodded, confused not only by what had just happened but mostly his own reaction to it.

He tried to shake himself out of it and by the time their dinner had arrived, the blond was back to his usual self, save a rather sore hand. By the time they were done eating, curiosity had gotten the best of Caden and he leaned forward, elbows on the table in a very unmannered way, chin resting in one hand. "Bitten?" Perhaps to anyone else this would be a very odd conversation. But Caden had grown up with Tanner-nothing could be weird in his eyes.

Raphael was glad that hte mood had relaxed once more. He just wanted to have a nice dinner with his date and be happy about it. He was too! he ate and the other did and at least his meal was very good. He then quirked a brow to the question. Bitten? Was he bitten? He tilted his head to teh side and shook his head a little. "No. Dad's a vampire." He said, shrugging his shoulders nonchalantly and he then sipped at the red drink he had. He blinked a few times before sighing heavily. He remembered that bit? He did not want him to think of it the wrong way. What he had done earlier definitely was not sexual by any means, but it could be seen that way to some. "Um ... Yea. Since I know Uncle Relic doesn't mind pain ... I tend to ask him for ... er ... blood. So I had taken some? Um ... Are you mad?" He asked, not really sure how he could offer up evidence that the statement was not as bad as it was. It really was not!​
He was a bit confused by what had happened between Raphael and Relic. He'd taken some? Did he mean he sliced Relic's flesh and drank the blood that gushed out, like he had with his own hand? He'd bitten him? And why would he be mad? Should he be mad? "I... Um... I don't think so?" It was obvious that he was confused, as the blond's eyebrows furrowed deeply while trying to figure it all out. He took another minute before simply giving up. He'd ask Tanner when they got back to school he supposed.

For now, he changed the subject. "Why didn't you come to Atlantis before now?"
Raphael smiled lightly. he was glad that he was not mad. He realy, really was. He liked them being able to be friends. He was pretty positive his chances with the other were slim to none, but hey, he could still dream. He laughed softly at the other's question, shrugging his shoulders a little. "Um ... I had not really heard of it? Uncle Rune and Uncle Relic came to start over, or something, and then at Christmas, they asked for me to come back ... so I did. Them telling me about it intrigued me a lot." He admitted and smiled a little more. His amethyst eyes sparkled just a little and he was having a good time right now. Caden was such lovely company.

Bartholomew came back, placing the check in the center of the table - after checking that no one wanted dessert of course. He then took out a ripped piece of paper and placed it in front of Caden with a little wink. 'My number. Give me a call if you want to go out sometime." He then blew him a kiss before turning on his heel and heading back toward the kitchen. Whether or not the man took him up on the invite was up to, well, the cute little blond. Sure, he had no idea what his name was or anything of that manner, but he definitely would not mind getting to know him.​
Blushing faintly, Caden pocketed the number. Sure, he felt a little guilty that Raphael was sitting right there but... Well, once again the blond told himself that they weren't a couple and he didn't need the other's permission to go out on a date with (a really cute) guy. Caden reached across again and took a hold of the check to pay. Raphael had paid the last few times they'd gone out and so the blond felt it was his turn to do so. Cash was slipped into the little black folder, along with a generous tip and his own name and number.

"Ready to head back?"
The little half vampire glared at the man's back - while it was a lovely back, he still was upset with it. He could not believe the gall that guy had? What if they WERE a couple, hm? That would be millions of times ruder than it was to give to his friend that he was on a date with. He grumbled a few times before turning his attenion back to the man in front of him. He noticed the phone number given and could not help the twinges of jealousy that plagued him. He really should have approached Caden differently. He sighed heavily, nodding to the question, and then out of the booth he went.

Waitign for Caden, he began to make his way out of the restaurant, turning to look at the blonde with a brow arched in question. "So, are you thinking of going on a date with the waiter?" he asked, truly just wanting to know what hte other was going to do. He had to be thinking something - he had given him his number in exchange. And he had been gawking at him for quite a while during the meal, so what was he going to do?​
Caden shrugged. "Maybe. Why? Jealous?" he teased, knocking their shoulders together a little before climbing into the car. The blond wasn't really up for going anywhere else. His hand was throbbing and he wanted to get back to school-Maybe Relic could heal the wound completely for him? Of course, that didn't mean he was completely rude. Caden asked if Raphael had anywhere else he wanted to go, not pulling out of the restaurant's parking lot before getting an answer.
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