Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Rune chuckled when he watched the other devour the food. He was so cute! he shook his head a little and silently ate his meal, having much more moderation than the man across from him. He smiled though, just uterly happy to be wit him at the moment. He finished up his salad and his half of the sub then stood up. His arms stretched above his head and he groaned, making his way toward the bathroom, kissing his lover along the way. "You can join me if you want." He offered as he headed into the room, not even bothering to close the door. He wiggled his rump out of his pants and then hopped on into the shower, starting it up and letting the warmth wash over him and the many different kinds of bodily fluids that laced his body.​
That was definitely an offer that he couldn't refuse. Calder finished making the bed before discarding his pants next to it and slipping into the shower with Rune. Arms went directly around the other man's neck and lips connected together. Despite his earlier statement that he didn't want to talk about anything serious, Calder's curiosity got the better of him. Standing with their bodies pressed together while he nipped at the other man's neck, he asked, "What do you want to do? Honestly."
Rune thought for a while, his arms wrapped aroudn his form and he held him against his form. He had already washed up his body a bit, so he was fine for now, just basking in the warmth of the water. He shrugged after a moment. "Honestly, I want an apartment. We could even have Relic and Tanner join us. We could get a two bedroom near the school, lease it until the semester ends and well, if you like it, then we can find a different apartment or something." He smiled, leaning down to kiss the other's lips and shrugging just a little. "It would be nice, I think. And I know Relic would love to have Tanner all to himself in an apartment."​
Calder thought about it, but chucked the idea of Relic and Tanner living with them. Too many people having sex would be pretty awkward. But maybe down the hall, or in the same apartment complex and in a different building... So long as they were close. Still, though, the blond didn't know if that was the best idea for him in the moment. The blond leaned up and kissed Rune, nuzzling along his cheek for a moment before settling back down to re-wash himself. "We'll see how it goes when we're back at school?" He'd be able to decide then, he thought. Despite what he told himself, Calder knew they'd wind up with an apartment together-the idea had drawn him in from the moment his boyfriend had suggested it.
Rune smiled warmly, nodding as he nuzzled into his neck a little bit. "Mhm. And ... When in doubt, we can just get an apartment together later on." He whispered, definitely having liked the idea. He needed to escape the mansion anyway. He definitely needed to. He loved his mother and all that, and he was positive that another body or two in teh house would only make her happier, but he would like to get one with just Calder -- and Relic and Tanner. He did not want to be too far from his twin. Already he was having a bit of separation issues. Not too much, the will to have Calder back was too great, but he would not be able to stand Relic being states away. "When we get back, we'll spend a night there ... If you still cannot sleep and whatnot, we'll leave."​
Nodding, Calder pecked a kiss to his lover's cheek. He loved that Rune wanted to take care of him in those little ways. The blond lengthened his legs by a few inches to stand level with his lover and moved to stand behind him. He reached up to was the other man's hair, scrubbing and massaging into the scalp deeply. He wanted his turn to take care of the other man, too.

As they stepped from the shower, both completely washed and clean, the blond dropped the morphes of his legs, returning to his normal height once more and tucked his head underneath Rune's chin for a moment. "I think I'm going to go to sleep," he muttered with a little yawn. They'd missed so much sleep in the past few weeks, that his body was screaming at him to catch up. Hopefully doing so would help him feel completely better. The fact that he wasn't begging Rune to go to bed with him was definitely a large leap in the right direction.

"Would you go out into the water with me tomorrow? Jet skiing or something that's not swimming?"
Rune smiled, happy to let the other wash him up. He looked in front of him and his hands slid behind him to pull the other against his back with a little squeeze to his rump. He then released him, washing off himself a bit more and he followed the other with his eyes as he exited the shower. He hopped out afterward, a towel around his hips and he made his way toward the bed as well. He definitely was quite exhausted too. He wanted to sleep, he used up so much energy before with the man. So, he needed to sleep.

Hopping out of the bathroom, he bounced his way toward the bed. He slid under the covers and groaned lightly. His arms and legs stretched out, groaning with the relief and he then nuzzled into the pillow with a yawn. "Mm ... Sleep sounds lovely." He whispered, closing his eyes and yawning once more.​
Calder happily curled up to Rune and slept through the night. He was grateful for that, and he was sure that his lover was as well.

The week went by too quickly for the blond and before he knew it, they were back at Atlantis. He was nervous to be back, unsure of how his subconcious would react. The blond clung tightly to Rune's hand as they re-entered the building and made their way to their room, greeting Tanner along the way. Calder felt better, but not as good as he thought he might have and was disappointed by that fact. He found himself already planning to move out of the school all together.
Rune was nervous to be back. Nervous for his lover. He did not want him to revert back. He was so lovely in the Caribbean! maybe they should have stayed longer, but he did not want to miss too much school. So, with a kiss to the man's temple, he happily led the way back toward the dorm room and he waved to Tanner along the way. He was just so happy to be back. He wanted to see if Calder would be okay. He had missed Relic way too much. He wanted his brother and to hug him and kiss him a little bit. He was too attached to him. He knew it too. He loved Calder a lot, but there was the bond that they truly never could have.

Stopping at their dorm, he turned to look at the man, smiling warmly. Leaning over, he placed a kiss to his lips iwth a whispered, "Ready?"​
Leaning up, Calder stole a longer kiss, desperately clinging to the strength that Rune exuded. "I think so," he whispered softly after taking a deep breath to steady nerves. The blond reached forward and opened the door to their room, pausing for a minute before stepping inside and taking a look around. He felt weird. It wasn't that he hated being here, or that he was scared like he had been before, but he most certainly wasn't the most comfortable that he could be. The blond told himself that he'd hyped it up-that he'd felt so wonderful in the Islands that he'd convinced himself that he'd feel bad once back at Atlantis. Calder promised himself to give it a full twenty four hours before sitting with Rune to decide their next step.

Dating Rune had given Calder the ability to read the other. He couldn't read or share thoughts, but body language was easy enough. He took the bags. "Go find Relic. I'll be okay. You can even send Tanner to watch me." The blond smiled at the other and moved in to begin unpacking.
Rune twitched just a bit with the other's words. He wanted to - that was why he twitched. He wanted to go run off and find his brother, but he could not do that. He wanted to stay with him and wait until he knew he was fine. So, he shook his head and followed the other inside. "Mm-mm. In a bit, maybe." He said and kissed his lips gently before he moved to sit on the edge of their bed. His arms crossed and rested on his thighs, looking over at the blond and he smiled a little bit more. His ice blue eyes traveled along the other's form, trying to see his body language. If he looked too uncomfortable, he would definitely have to bring him somewhere else. He would give it a day, too. One day and depending on the other's actions and how he looked too uncomfortable, he would suggest going apartment shopping. Heck, they could probaby even get Tanner and Relic to move in teh same building or apartment itself.

The two were not alone for too much before Relic stood in the doorway, beaming as he did so. he bounced upon the balls of his feet, holding a package in his hand. He skipped his way toward Calder, holding out the box to him. "My 'welcome back' gift." He stated, giggling happily. Inside the box was a nice blue button down shirt that had a hood and a black belt on the back so that, if the other wanted it tighter, he could do it. But, it should be pretty form fitting without it.​
He watched Rune watch him. Calder knew what the other was looking for, and he tried to act how he was feeling. He didn't want to hide that he was nervous nor did he want to play it up. It was difficult, though, when you had the piercing blue eyes of someone like Rune DaoLin watching your every move. The blond, therefore, was thankful for the other twin's arrival.

Calder smiled and pecked a quick kiss to Relic's lips in thank you before nudging him over towards Rune. "He's about ready to jump out of his skin if you don't go and say hello." While their bond made Calder a bit jealous (simply because it was something he just couldn't share with Rune), the blond understood it. The gift was set to the side to be opened after everything else was unpacked and put away so that Calder could sit down and truly appreciate the hard work that had gone into what was no doubt a garment.
Relic giggle softly, turning to look at the man who really was almost twitching on the bed. He walked over to his brother, sitting on his lap with his arms wrapped around his shoulders and his legs to the one side. He kissed his lips gently and then rested their foreheads together. He smiled lightly and giggled a little. "I missed you too ..." He whispered before turning to look at Calder, smiling happily with his news. "Calder! You should be happy, or depressed, to know: Valerius, he has a boooy now. Raphael was pretty protective over Val because the boy had done something, but the two made up and tehy are fine now." He stated simply, not too sure i hte other would be happy or not. He just figured that he may like to know that the other was al ittle better than before.

Rune was happy when his brother was on his lap. His arms wrapped around his hips and he pulled him against his form a little more. His eyes slipped closed and he soon had his forehead in the man's neck, not wanting to let his brother go for a while. He would be fine in a little bit, but he really did feel incomplete with out him. Without his brother and without Calder now. He needed them both.​
Calder watched the two, slight jealousy bubbling up. The blond ignored it, though, and moved to continue to put their clothes away from their vacation. He had to admit that he felt slightly better when there was more than one person in the room, but that was an impractical solution. The four of them simply could not live in the same room together.

When everything was finally in its place, Calder sat to open the gift from Relic, "oooh"ing over it and holding it up to his torso while he stood in front of the mirror. The blond pecked a kiss to the twin's cheek. "Perfect, as always." Calder grinned and hung it in the closet, turning and smiling happily when Tanner entered. The blonds hugged, Calder lingering in his friend's arms for a moment longer. He loved Rune, and he loved when Rune held him. Calder just missed Tanner's slighter form sometimes...especially when the twins were wrapped up within each other.

"That's good about Val. He needs someone." Moving over to Rune and Relic, the blond kissed his boyfriend. "I need to walk a bit. I'll be back." With one more kiss Calder slipped from the room, not sure if it was a relief or not.
Relic was excited as he watched Calder open up his gift. He knew it was not much, but he had wanted to try something new. While the shirt may not be the sexiest thing Relic ever made, he figured that Calder did not want sexy right now. He would probably want something comfy and well, that was what he created. That and he has been trying to perfect that art of hood making. He was doing okay, so far. He enjoyed making them. Now all he wanted to do was make a lot of things with hoods. Hoods that were not hideous or anything. The hoods that people put on 'hoodies' were horrendous. They were always too thick and bulky and looked hideous on anyone. The zipper up hoodies were better since they were only one piece of fabric, not doubled up or anything.

"You're welcome." he said cheerfully, glancing to Tanner when he came in. He knew he was not making any of the blonds happy by clinging to his brother, but he had missed him too. He wouldbe fine in a few minutes. Just a little bit more of holding onto his brother before he let go.

Rune was a little worried when he saw Calder leave, he did not want him to. He wanted to just cuddle up with him too or walk with him, but he figured that he needed alone time. He pouted a little, his grip around Relic tightening as he burrowed his face deeper into his neck. His arms kept to him, absently running a hand along the side of his thigh. it was the rythm that soothed him. That and the feeling of whatever pants he had on. They were nice. He was surprised Relic was in pants, but he was content with the silky fabric.​
Calder walked out into the grounds. The frigid Utah air was very different from the warmth in the Caribbean, but it helped him to think still. He wasn't sure what was wrong, or why he'd felt that he was trapped while inside Atlantis. As the blond thought about it, he came to realize that it was because he'd felt utterly trapped that day. Somewhere in the back of Calder's mind, he knew that staying at the school wasn't going to work. He'd once felt like it was his home and now he couldn't stand even the thought of stepping foot inside of it. That thought saddened him greatly.

The blond walked for what seemed like hours. He had no idea how long he'd actually been outside when he turned to return to the building, but it was long enough for the angry winds to turn his cheeks and nose beet red.
When Calder returned to the building, a soft-smiled Rune held out a blanket for him, which he soon wrapped around the other's shoulders. He pulled him up and against his form, kissing his temple gently before his arms slid around his hips. He pulled him against his chest and nuzzled into his chilled neck, smiling lightly. "better?" he whispered, looking up at the man and he waited for the other's answer before he would begin to walk back totheir dorm. If he wanted to stay or go, he was happy either way. Sure, one way meant he was going to force his brother and Tanner to move, but he was sure they would not mind! They could not. They would be living together and he was positive that once they were out of this school, Tanner would want an apartment withh im anyway.​
Calder was grateful for the blanket, and he wrapped his arms around Rune's waist and rested his head on his chest. Did he feel better? "I don't know," he whispered, his eyes slipping closed. "I feel...confused... I think." Really, the blond didn't know what was running through his head, and he didn't like that. Wasn't he supposed to know how he felt? With a sigh, Calder began to walk with Rune back towards their dorm slowly, thinking deeply as he trusted his lover to guide him. "I think maybe I'll go talk with Nikkos later..." The administrator likely wouldn't be able to help him, but maybe give him some perspective (and apartment leads) that Rune and his friends couldn't offer.
Rune nodded a little, kissing his temple gently while he began to walk toward their dorm once more. "All right." He said, kising him once more before he headed into the elevator. Pulling Calder against his form, his arms tightened around his shoulders and he just wanted him to be happy. That was all he wanted right now. He would not be happy until he was. He would move to the Caribbean if it meant getting him happy. He was sure that he could take a semester off from school if he had to. Maybe he would suggest that later? If he still was uncomfortable, they could take the rest of the semester off. Go find an apartment where they would permanantly want to be, or at least live off school time, and then move in and Calder could get a hold of himself. He would even be willing to move near his parents in Ohio. True, that would affect having Tanner and Relic there since he was sure Tanner would want to be near his family, but he ... would be okay with it.​
Calder sighed into the hold. It always comforted him to have Rune's arms around him. But the blond could tell that he was thinking and plotting, just like he was. It unnerved him a little to know that they might not be on the same page, and the blond was anxious to get back to their room so that they could talk and figure things out. It didn't take him long to lead Rune to their bed and climb in to cuddle next to him, head resting against his chest.

"What were you thinking in the elevator?"
"Hm?" He questioned, looking down at the other and he smiled warmly. A little shrug came to his shoulders as he pulled him onto his lap, his back resting against the wall beside the bed. "Just that, if you agree of course, we could take the rest of the semester off. Go, find an apartment somewhere that we want to stay in for a while, and then move in there. We could get away from here until you feel 100% better, or at least 98% so that you would not feel bad about being here. Or if you do not want an apartment, the mansion is plenty big enough." He offered, looking down at him and smiling lightly. He just wanted him happy. That was all. He did not know exactly how to get that yet. He chewed his bottom lip a little and then nuzzled into his neck a bit. "How about you? What have you been thinking?"​
Nodding to the suggestions, Calder sighed with the question. "That I can't stay here," he whispered, not liking the fact that it was a fact. "It's like a bad energy surrounds this place or something." He couldn't explain what he felt, but knowing Rune's past, he figured that his lover probably understood without words. "I can't take the semester off. I think I'd go nuts." The blond was hoping that he would be able to concentrate in his classes enough that he wouldn't be able to focus on what had happened. "We'll get through the week," he said, trying to convince himself more than anything. "Then we can go apartment hunting."
Rune groaned. The week? He did not like that idea. He wanted to escape now. He wanted him to be happy. Staying was okay after a while. He chewed his bottom lip for a while before tilting his eyes up to look at him, twirling his forefinger along the other's thigh. "How about tomorrow we can go looking for an apartment. We'll find one we like, move the necessities in for a while. We can go between the apartment and the dorm until you are comfortable with the dorm, or if you think you are better at the apartment, then we'll move in. You said it yourself that you do not like to be here. We can find something nearby and take babysteps to get back to being used to here. You need a sanctuary. That was what I had when I was recovering, and I don't think Tanner will let you touch Relic ... So how about we get a nice little apartment? Just until you feel better ...." He really did not like the idea of him grinning and bearing it just because. There was no reason to do such a thing.​
He ran the ideas through his head, but was unable to make a decision. "Can we just play it by ear?" he asked, looking up to Rune. Calder didn't know what he wanted and didn't know how to figure out what he wanted. "We can go tomorrow but...everything else... Can we not make a decision on until we have to?" The blond preferred to play things like this by ear, especially because the decisions were being made because of how he felt. Calder didn't know how he was going to feel in a day or two days or a week, so how could he make a decision based upon how he might feel then?
Rune nodded, smiling warmly and he leant down to kiss his lips gently. "Anything you want. Even if you just want a night away, we can rent a hotel room. Okay? Don't worry about money or prices or what have you. I want you better and I will trade the world for it." He kissed him once more before he pulled him down and onto the bed to lay flat with him. "Now, let's rest." he whispered and kissed him gently, nuzzling into his neck a little while he pulled up the sheets to cover their form. His eyes slipped closed and he waited for him to at least relax a little bit. He would not sleep unless it seemed that he was going to.​
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