Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Nodding, Nikkos rolled his hips a little, moaning at the sensation that brought. He was testing Tomias, wanting to see how far he could push him before the other took control of the situation. The administrator's breath was hot and heavy in his lover's ear, moans deep from his chest while his lips played over the man's neck a bit more, wanting a reaction from him.
Tomias panted softly with anticipation. Already his heart raced and he truly was getting impatient to take the other. He wanted to feel him around him, hear those perfect moans, touch him... Everything. He did not last that long really. His hands already pushed up the shirt the other wore, not wanting to take it off just yet. Maybe later on in the night, but for now, the shirt stayed. His right hand slid down his side, moving to his knee, only to slide up and beneath the skirt to fondle the panties a little. It took a few moments of teasing the fabric before his fingers slid beneath the panties to rub against the other's entrance, teasing his lover.​
"Fuck!" The word was gasped out and Nikkos thrust back into the finger that toyed with him, wanting more. He was sensitive, more sensitive than he should have been, really, but the brunette liked it. He nuzzled along his lover's jaw until his lips were just below his ear, and then whispered hotly: "Dominate me, Tomias." Nikkos bottomed ninety percent of the time, but that didn't mean that he didn't have control. Tonight, he wanted to give it up while playing with his boyfriend.
And oh how Tomias dominated Nikkos. He thrashed him about the room, commanding him to do this and that, forcing his body which way he wanted and could get the most pleasure from - being sure to not break him of course - and most of the night, and well into the morning, was spent claiming his lover completely. Not a bit of flesh was left without at least having been kissed, nipped or licked. THere were quite a few 'love bites' on the other, some literal bites, and well, he looked like he could be a lepper by the time they both passed out in the bed. His arms wrapped tightly around the man's form and he nuzzled into his neck with one last, "Love you' before falling into a deep sleep.​
Yawning, Nikkos stretched himself out with a few winces here and there. Tomias had done a number on him the night before, not that the administrator was complaining. He'd loved every second of their lovemaking the night before. The brunette nuzzled into Tomias's chest, sighing happily as he did so. He had never felt as content as he felt now, and Nikkos was fully enjoying basking in it. He was happy in the little routine and life that they were creating for themselves, and as he nuzzled into his boyfriend more fully, the administrator dwelled on that a little, smiling as he did so.
Tomias slowly woke up the next morning and nuzzled into Nikkos even more. His arms kept him tight against his chest and his nose buried into the crook of his neck with a light little purr. "Good morning." He whispered, tilting his head back a bit to look up at the other, smiling even more. His fingers absently trailed down the side of the lovely man beside him, moving from hip to shoulder and back again quite the many times in a soothing action for himself. Yep, he was content.​
Smiling as Tomias woke up, Nikkos looked up at the other and pecked several kisses to his lover's lips, letting his own linger there for several minutes. He enjoyed the feeling of kissing Tomias, especially early in the morning. Eventually, his lips moved down to the other man's chin and then his neck, then chest where Nikkos finally settled in for at least half the day in bed. He liked to feel protected and taken care of. With his arms wrapped around Tomias's body, Nikkos squeezed him in a tight hug. "Morning."
Tomias nodded a little, holding the other against his chest and kissing him back whenever their lips connected. He remained beside him, just relaxing for a while. At least until he heard a knock on the door. He perked up, looking over at the door and sighing softly. Sliding from the bed with a light kiss to the other's lips, he smiled and bounced his way over to the door, taking up his boxers from last night and pulling them onto his hips. He hummed as he answered the door, seeing an annoyed Andrea there. He giggled happily. "Hey Mommy!" He chimed, leaning down to kiss her cheek and hoping to get a bit of a smile from the woman. ... It did not work.

Andrea rolled her eyes before she took a hefty box from beside her and practically threw it into the other's arms, followed by a single set of matching keys placed on top of that. "Don't interrupt my Valentine's Day again! I will maime you, no matter being my eldest." She leant up and kissed his cheek before leaning past him to wave to Nikkos in the bed. "It's lovely seeing you again, Nikkos." She winked then whacked Tomias upside the head. "Dumbass." With that, she turned on her heel and walked off to either go home or bother her youngest boys - she was still debating.

He laughed and bumped the door closed with a hip before walking over to the table to set the box down and soon he went off rummaging. Finding a small box for the keys, some paper to wrap them in, and then off to give the presents to who they belonged to.​
Groaning, Nikkos tried to hold onto Tomias for as long as he could, but he knew that he couldn't forever and so he let his lover slip out of the bed, following him and jumping into the shower while his lover answered the door. Sweat and other fluids felt like they'd crusted over during the night and that just wasn't the most comfortable thing in the world. Besides that, Nikkos was hungry.

He washed up, exiting the bathroom in a robe, just in case whoever was at the door had decided to stay. The administrator was relieved to find only Tomias there. "Secret admirer?" he teased, eying the box.
Tomias laughed and shook his head. "Nope. I asked Mum to pick me up a few things." He stated, walking to Nikkos to place a kiss to his lips, lightly slapping his rear before he walked past him. The boxes were neatly wrapped now, and well, he wanted to get dressed and distribute the gifts. He slid into teh shower easily. Washing up quickly, sudsing away all the fluids and everything of last night. He hopped out after ten minutes, brushed his hair, then hopped into the other room. Humming, he pulled on a new pair of blue jeans and a simple white button down shirt, buttoning most of the buttons before he turned to NIkkos. "Ready?"​
Shaking his head as Tomias popped off, Nikkos made a pot of coffee and toasted a bagel for himself. He'd just sat down to eat when Tomias asked him if he was ready. Looking up, confused, Nikkos spoke. "Ready for what?" Wasn't it obvious that he wasn't anyway? He was only in a robe. The administrator hadn't realized that he was expected to go somewhere and he hadn't planned on it, either. Instead, he tugged Tomias into a chair and set breakfast in front of him before rising to make more for himself. "I'll eat, then dress. Then yes, I will be ready to allow you to drag me off all over God's creation if you wish." Poking his tongue out, Nikkos preceded to do just as he said: eat, then dressed.

It was nearly twenty minutes later when the administrator returned, sitting himself in Tomias's lap, dressed and ready. "Now I'm ready."
Tomias pouted when the man forced him to sit and eat. Sighing heavily, he did though. He sat down nicely, ate hte bagel his love prepared for him and then sipped at the coffee over the twenty minutes that passed. His arms wrapped around his love, leaning up to kiss his neck gently. He smiled warmly, happy. "Yay." he said softly, kissing his lips before he stood up, resting the man onto the ground in front of him before he walked over to where the giant box was. He hefted that into his arms, the smaller box placed into his back pocket and out the door he went.

After a few moments, it was easy to tell where the man was going - to the twins' dorms. He walked out of the elevator, being sure Nikkos was still with him while he headed down to Relic and Tanner's room first. Knocking upon the door, he waited for Relic to answer, beaming when he had. "Hold this." He said, plopping the box into his arms before dragging him out of the room nad heading toward the other room "You can come too, Tanner" He called into the room, not caring that Relic barely had on a pair of pants as he dragged him toward Rune and Calder's room.

He heard Relic grumbling about being used as a packmule and cursing him under his breath, but just ignored it all. He gave a warning knock to the other room - purely for Calder's sake - and he walked into the room a moment later. He patted Calder gently on the head before he took a step back. Pulling the box from his back pocket, the threw it at Rune's head, waking him up with a yelp. "Happy belated V-Day ... Birthday!" He chimed, clapping his hands together and ignoring the glares that the twins gave him.​
Nikkos followed, not really believing the show that Tomias was putting on. Then again, he supposed that he shouldn't have been surprised-this was just like his lover. And poor Tanner and Calder having to deal with him by association rather than choice. The administrator laughed at that to himself. He loved Tomias completely, but he could see how some might want to smack him sometimes. "You had to do this now? You couldn't wait for them to be awake?" He shook his head, smacking his boyfriend's rear end playfully before moving over to talk with Calder, asking the blond how he was feeling.
Tomias pouted, looking over at Nikkos with his brows furrowed and looking ever so pathetic. "What's the fun in that?" He asked before he moved over and sat onto the chair at the desk, resisting hte urge to force the twins to open their gifts.

Rune growled. He glanced over at Relic's huge gift that clattered quite a bit on the ground when he put it down, then shook his a bit - a few tumbles heard inside. "It's a fucking rock, isn't it?" He hissed, glaring at Tomias who just grinned like a buffoon. He rolled his eyes and looked over at CAlder. "Do you see the favortism?" He mumbled before shutting up to open up the gift. If it was a rock, it would be embedded into Tomias' skull. He woke him up and just for some bull shit like this? He growled before ripping off the paper, letting it fall on top of Calder's lap while he opened up the box, arching a brow at the keys inside. He lifted them out, hearing the thoughts of his elder brother and his eyes went wide.

He squealed with his excitement, clamping his fingers around the key before he lept from the bed and tackled Tomias to the floor with a firm, quick kiss to his lips - not caring that he was naked. "Eee!! A corvette?! 1960??" He squealed again, hopped up then ran over to Calder, bouncing up on the balls of his feet. "Let's go apartment shopping today!! We can drive my new car!" He squeaked happily, wiggling the keys in front of the other to prove heh ad a car now.

Relic watched Rune for a while, laughing softly before he began to pluck off the paper. placing the paper on top of Tanner's head, he slowly peeked inside, looking over just what the other had given him. He pulled out a few bolts of fabric - nice fabric mind you. Egyption cotton, silks, cashmier -- oh they would be fun. He placed them onto the paper left on the gruond, not sure what could be on the ground to be honest. He then froze as he stared inside of the box. He squealed as he stood up, pulling out a lovely lolita dress and spinning with that before he laughed softly, seeing a new sewing machine in there as well. Needles, rainbow assortment of threads -- everything. "Thank you!" He chimed happily, holding the dress still as he looked over at Tomias who was just grinning.

"It's my thank you for my presents." He winked before looking over to Rune who was still clutching the keys and caring far too little about being naked in front of so many. "His is because well... I don't want him touching my corvette ever again."​
Calder was talking with Nikkos when Rune jumped out of the bed, scaring him half to death. He looked over with overly wide eyes, not sure what to think. His boyfriend was on top of his old(er) brother, naked, and kissing him while squealing. The blond felt that he should be jealous under any other circumstances, with any other family. The fact that he was rather bemused might have been a concern for most, but he just smiled at Rune who was now dangling keys in front of him before reaching over and tossing a pair of boxers at his head. Calder didn't need to give an answer-he knew that he really had no choice in the matter with this new development, and so now it was just a waiting game to see when the other four would leave so that he could get out of bed.

The blond had always been comfortable in his new skin, but now... Now it was very different if there was anyone but Rune around and they were in the school.

Approving of the dress that was given to Relic, Tanner just sat on the floor, bow on his head, watching the entire goings on of the room. He didn't know what to say or think about the gifts, other than pouting slightly that he'd been told to not make a big deal out of Relic's birthday. He wished now that he hadn't listened to his lover and just made a big deal. But what was past was past. At the mention of apartment hunting, though, Tanner perked up. He hadn't been told anything about apartment hunting and he was worried about Calder now. "Apartment hunting?"
Rune let the boxers drop from his head, not caring to pick them up. He just hummed and walked over to his dresser, pulling on a pair of black jeans and then a red with a black butterfly across the back shoulders. he buttoned a few of them before turning back to Calder, smiling even more. At least until he heard the question from Tanner. He arched a brow. They had not told them? He shrugged absently. "Calder and I may be getting an apartment. You're welcome to join us." He offered and kept his eyes to the questioning blond. Relic already knew. They did not really keep much from each other, so he would have figured Relic would have told him.

Relic stopped and lifted his shoulders into a little shrug as well. "Mm ... See what you two find first." He stated before leaning down to kiss Tanner's lips, knowing already what he was thinking. "I don't need any gifts from you, Tanner." he said gently and then kissed him once more before neatly folding the dress and putting it into the box. He sighed contently, his eyes to the two and he smiled weakly.

Tomias smiledl ightly, taking a hold of Nikkos' hand and tugging him toward the door. "Er ... See you later." Was all he said, not wanting to interrupt any conversation or arguments or anything like that.​
After a little smoothing over, a shower and getting dressed, the blond was ready to go apartment hunting with Rune. He had to admit that he was sort of excited. He wanted to try anything that might help him feel better, and this was the one that he was really counting on to work. It would be the best of both worlds: A place with Rune-a step he really and truly wanted to take-and a place where he felt completely safe. Calder would do whatever he could to make both of those become a reality.

They looked at several nice apartments, talking while driving from one to the other. "I think I want Relic and Tanner close...but not in the same apartment..." He was worried that that would upset Rune. He knew how close the twins were to each other and he didn't want his lover to think that he was trying to seperate them from each other.
Rune tried to not show his dislike of the idea. Really, he did not, but well, maybe there was a building with an apartment for them as well. He soon pulled up to a very nice apartment building, turning to Calder and he smiled warmly. "Whatever you want." He whispered, leaning over and kissing his cheek gently. He stepped out of the corvette, taking a hold of Calder's hand and leading the way toward the building.

Standing outfront was a little blond woman with her hair pulled back into a bun and she instantly smiled upon seeing Rune. "Ah! Mister Lin, I have been waiting for you. Right this way, sir." She easily led the way through the building and to the elevator. Pressing the top most floor which actually needed a key to even turn. And why? Because once the doors opened, a beautiful penthouse could be seen. She stepped to the side to allow the two to enter the area.

Rune smiled as he looked around, listening absently to the woman babbling on about the different things about the apartment. He shrugged and glanced around. On one end was one bedroom, and then the other one was a different one, the master suite actually. He stopped and turned to look at the other. "Lead the way, I'll follow."​
Calder wanted to explain, but didn't have a chance as they were swept up to the top floor. The blond was shocked as he looked at the beautiful space. He couldn't imagine how much this would cost them to lease and while he knew that Rune had money, it wasn't fair to expect the other to pay for everything. When the blonde woman left them alone, Calder looked to his lover. "This... It's too much, Rune. It's like a small house!" In fact, he was pretty sure they could rent an entire small house for less than what the apartment would cost. "It's beautiful, and perfect, and I love it. But it's too much..."
Rune shook his head a little, lacing his fingers and he looked down at the other. "But ... That is why it would be great to have Tanner and Relic with us. They could be over theere." He said, pointing over to the bedroom in the far right corner and then he led the way toward the other side where the master bedroom was. "Then we would be here." He stated, turning to look back at him and he smiled a little more. "It's far enough away to not hear each other and it would be great to have them here, right?" He took in a deep breath, his eyes closing and he stopped ... everything for the moment. He turned to look down at the other and smiled weakly. "But ... We can get one of the smaller ones and just be us." He added, not wanting the other to feel like he would not be happy with whatever they did.​
Leaning up, Calder kissed his lover slowly, letting their lips linger together. "I don't want a smaller space so that they can't be with us. It's not the size... More... The cost." The blond looked around again, sighing as he could truly picture the four of them being very comfortable together here. "I can't afford it... And I know that Tanner can't." It was all a numbers game at this point. How could either blond be truly comfortable if they weren't pulling their weight financially? Sighing, Calder hugged Rune, resting his head to his lover's chest and letting the heart beat soothe him a little.
Rune listened to the other and he pouted. He looked around before he shook hish ead and turned back to the other and he began to sway from side to side with the other. "Money is nothing. Do you know how much we made with our silly songs and albums?" He asked, sighing heavily and he looked down at the other, smiling warmly. "I don't care about money. If you and Tanner feel bad for not 'pulling your weight' then you can get part time jobs ... Not that we would ever want you to. Frankly, just being there for us works." He stated and then leant down to kiss his lover's lips once more. He settled back again and smiled lightly. "Living together will be ... great."​
Laughing a little, Calder looked up to Rune, meeting his eyes. "So you'll be our Sugar Daddies?" he teased a little. Really, the blond wasn't very comfortable with it, but it couldn't hurt to show Relic and Tanner the space and all sit down to talk about it. His head returned to Rune's chest as he continued to hug him tightly. "I love you."

He stayed like that for a few more minutes before stepping away to call Tanner and Relic, telling them to meet them there. When the pair showed up, the blonds headed off, even though Calder was sure Rune was back to reading his thoughts on a whim and knew what was being said. "What do you think?"

"It's expensive." Calder nodded.

The conversation continued, going through what Rune and he had spoken about and they only returned to their lovers when they had come to a decision.
"Exactly!" He teased and let out a soft laugh. Kissing him once more, he continued to roam around the apartment while waiting for the other two to show up. Once they had, he walked over to Relic, standing at his side and informing him about the space that was there. The features, the lovely kitchen, the spare room that he could use for his sewing room - as well as the one in Atlantis, but lord knows how much space he needed - and already, Relic was excited. They both liked nice things. Of course they did, they just did not like otehrs getting them for them. And why? becuase they had more money than God and then some, and well, typically those that they run into do not have parents literally older than dirt.

When the blonds returned, the twins grasped hands, waiting for the answers. "And?!" both asked in unisoon, eyes to their respective lover while they waited with baited breath.​
Neither could do more than laugh at the typical twin thing. Moving forward, both kissed their lover in response. It was just easier than words. They didn't know how they would manage having everything handed to them and being taken care of by Rune and Relic, but both knew that they wanted a space with their boyfriend, and that both twins wanted to be near each other. This was the only space that could make them all happy, and anything smaller would just be too small.

"We'll just...soundproof the bedrooms..."
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